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1 files changed, 76 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/vim/plugin/notmuch.vim b/vim/plugin/notmuch.vim
index 968b9aa..0151160 100644
--- a/vim/plugin/notmuch.vim
+++ b/vim/plugin/notmuch.vim
@@ -19,44 +19,65 @@
" Authors: Bart Trojanowski <bart@jukie.net>
-" --- defaults
-if !exists('g:notmuch_cmd')
- let g:notmuch_cmd = 'notmuch'
-if !exists('g:notmuch_search_reverse')
- let g:notmuch_search_reverse = 1
+" --- configuration defaults {{{1
+let s:notmuch_defaults = {
+ \ 'g:notmuch_cmd': 'notmuch' ,
+ \ 'g:notmuch_search_reverse': 1 ,
+ \ 'g:notmuch_show_fold_signatures': 1 ,
+ \ 'g:notmuch_show_fold_citations': 1 ,
+ \
+ \ 'g:notmuch_show_message_begin_regexp': '^ message{' ,
+ \ 'g:notmuch_show_message_end_regexp': '^ message}' ,
+ \ 'g:notmuch_show_header_begin_regexp': '^ header{' ,
+ \ 'g:notmuch_show_header_end_regexp': '^ header}' ,
+ \ 'g:notmuch_show_body_begin_regexp': '^ body{' ,
+ \ 'g:notmuch_show_body_end_regexp': '^ body}' ,
+ \ 'g:notmuch_show_attachment_begin_regexp': '^ attachment{' ,
+ \ 'g:notmuch_show_attachment_end_regexp': '^ attachment}' ,
+ \ 'g:notmuch_show_part_begin_regexp': '^ part{' ,
+ \ 'g:notmuch_show_part_end_regexp': '^ part}' ,
+ \ 'g:notmuch_show_marker_regexp': '^ \\(message\\|header\\|body\\|attachment\\|part\\)[{}].*$',
+ \
+ \ 'g:notmuch_show_message_parse_regexp': '\(id:[^ ]*\) depth:\([0-9]*\) filename:\(.*\)$',
+ \ 'g:notmuch_show_tags_regexp': '(\([^)]*\))$' ,
+ \
+ \ 'g:notmuch_show_signature_regexp': '^\(-- \?\|_\+\)$' ,
+ \ 'g:notmuch_show_signature_lines_max': 12 ,
+ \
+ \ 'g:notmuch_show_citation_regexp': '^\s*>' ,
+ \ }
+" for some reason NM_set_defaults() didn't work for arrays...
+if !exists('g:notmuch_show_headers')
+ let g:notmuch_show_headers = [ 'Subject', 'From' ]
-" --- used to match output of notmuch
-let s:notmuch_show_message_begin_regexp = '^ message{'
-let s:notmuch_show_message_end_regexp = '^ message}'
-let s:notmuch_show_header_begin_regexp = '^ header{'
-let s:notmuch_show_header_end_regexp = '^ header}'
-let s:notmuch_show_body_begin_regexp = '^ body{'
-let s:notmuch_show_body_end_regexp = '^ body}'
-let s:notmuch_show_attachment_begin_regexp = '^ attachment{'
-let s:notmuch_show_attachment_end_regexp = '^ attachment}'
-let s:notmuch_show_part_begin_regexp = '^ part{'
-let s:notmuch_show_part_end_regexp = '^ part}'
-let s:notmuch_show_marker_regexp = '^ \\(message\\|header\\|body\\|attachment\\|part\\)[{}].*$'
-let s:notmuch_show_message_parse_regexp = '\(id:[^ ]*\) depth:\([0-9]*\) filename:\(.*\)$'
-let s:notmuch_show_tags_regexp = '(\([^)]*\))$'
-let s:notmuch_show_signature_regexp = '^\(-- \?\|_\+\)$'
-let s:notmuch_show_signature_lines_max = 12
-let s:notmuch_show_citation_regexp = '^\s*>'
-let s:notmuch_show_headers = [ 'Subject', 'From' ]
+" --- process and set the defaults {{{1
-let g:notmuch_show_fold_signatures = 1
-let g:notmuch_show_fold_citations = 1
+function! NM_set_defaults(force)
+ for [key, dflt] in items(s:notmuch_defaults)
+ let cmd = ''
+ if !a:force && exists(key) && type(dflt) == type(eval(key))
+ continue
+ elseif type(dflt) == type(0)
+ let cmd = printf('let %s = %d', key, dflt)
+ elseif type(dflt) == type('')
+ let cmd = printf('let %s = ''%s''', key, dflt)
+ "elseif type(dflt) == type([])
+ " let cmd = printf('let %s = %s', key, string(dflt))
+ else
+ echoe printf('E: Unknown type in NM_set_defaults(%d) using [%s,%s]',
+ \ a:force, key, string(dflt))
+ continue
+ endif
+ echoe cmd
+ exec cmd
+ endfor
+call NM_set_defaults(0)
-" --- implement search screen
+" --- implement search screen {{{1
function! s:NM_cmd_search(words)
let cmd = ['search']
@@ -91,7 +112,7 @@ function! s:NM_search_display()
-" --- implement show screen
+" --- implement show screen {{{1
function! s:NM_cmd_show(words)
let prev_bufnr = bufnr('%')
@@ -182,7 +203,7 @@ function! s:NM_cmd_show_parse(inlines)
if strlen(in_part)
let part_end = 0
- if match(line, s:notmuch_show_part_end_regexp) != -1
+ if match(line, g:notmuch_show_part_end_regexp) != -1
let part_end = len(info['disp'])
call add(info['disp'], line)
@@ -190,15 +211,15 @@ function! s:NM_cmd_show_parse(inlines)
if in_part == 'text/plain'
if !part_end && mode_type == ''
- if match(line, s:notmuch_show_signature_regexp) != -1
+ if match(line, g:notmuch_show_signature_regexp) != -1
let mode_type = 'sig'
let mode_start = len(info['disp'])
- elseif match(line, s:notmuch_show_citation_regexp) != -1
+ elseif match(line, g:notmuch_show_citation_regexp) != -1
let mode_type = 'cit'
let mode_start = len(info['disp'])
elseif mode_type == 'cit'
- if part_end || match(line, s:notmuch_show_citation_regexp) == -1
+ if part_end || match(line, g:notmuch_show_citation_regexp) == -1
let outlnum = len(info['disp'])
let foldinfo = [ mode_type, mode_start, outlnum,
\ printf('[ %d-line citation. Press "c" to show. ]', outlnum - mode_start) ]
@@ -206,7 +227,7 @@ function! s:NM_cmd_show_parse(inlines)
elseif mode_type == 'sig'
let outlnum = len(info['disp'])
- if (outlnum - mode_start) > s:notmuch_show_signature_lines_max
+ if (outlnum - mode_start) > g:notmuch_show_signature_lines_max
echoe 'line ' . outlnum . ' stopped matching'
let mode_type = ''
elseif part_end
@@ -235,14 +256,14 @@ function! s:NM_cmd_show_parse(inlines)
if !has_key(msg,'body_start')
let msg['body_start'] = len(info['disp']) + 1
- if match(line, s:notmuch_show_body_end_regexp) != -1
+ if match(line, g:notmuch_show_body_end_regexp) != -1
let body_end = len(info['disp'])
let foldinfo = [ 'body', body_start, body_end,
\ printf('[ BODY %d - %d lines ]', len(info['msgs']), body_end - body_start) ]
let in_body = 0
- elseif match(line, s:notmuch_show_part_begin_regexp) != -1
+ elseif match(line, g:notmuch_show_part_begin_regexp) != -1
let m = matchlist(line, 'ID: \(\d\+\), Content-type: \(\S\+\)')
let in_part = 'unknown'
if len(m)
@@ -261,7 +282,7 @@ function! s:NM_cmd_show_parse(inlines)
let msg['hdr_start'] = len(info['disp']) + 1
- if match(line, s:notmuch_show_header_end_regexp) != -1
+ if match(line, g:notmuch_show_header_end_regexp) != -1
let msg['header'] = hdr
let in_header = 0
let hdr = {}
@@ -269,7 +290,7 @@ function! s:NM_cmd_show_parse(inlines)
let m = matchlist(line, '^\(\w\+\):\s*\(.*\)$')
if len(m)
let hdr[m[1]] = m[2]
- if match(s:notmuch_show_headers, m[1]) != -1
+ if match(g:notmuch_show_headers, m[1]) != -1
call add(info['disp'], line)
@@ -277,7 +298,7 @@ function! s:NM_cmd_show_parse(inlines)
elseif in_message
- if match(line, s:notmuch_show_message_end_regexp) != -1
+ if match(line, g:notmuch_show_message_end_regexp) != -1
let msg['end'] = len(info['disp'])
call add(info['disp'], '')
@@ -291,21 +312,21 @@ function! s:NM_cmd_show_parse(inlines)
let in_body = 0
let in_part = ''
- elseif match(line, s:notmuch_show_header_begin_regexp) != -1
+ elseif match(line, g:notmuch_show_header_begin_regexp) != -1
let in_header = 1
- elseif match(line, s:notmuch_show_body_begin_regexp) != -1
+ elseif match(line, g:notmuch_show_body_begin_regexp) != -1
let body_start = len(info['disp']) + 1
let in_body = 1
- if match(line, s:notmuch_show_message_begin_regexp) != -1
+ if match(line, g:notmuch_show_message_begin_regexp) != -1
let msg['start'] = len(info['disp']) + 1
- let m = matchlist(line, s:notmuch_show_message_parse_regexp)
+ let m = matchlist(line, g:notmuch_show_message_parse_regexp)
if len(m)
let msg['id'] = m[1]
let msg['depth'] = m[2]
@@ -359,7 +380,7 @@ function! NM_cmd_show_foldtext()
-" --- helper functions
+" --- helper functions {{{1
function! s:NM_newBuffer(ft, content)
@@ -385,7 +406,7 @@ function! s:NM_run(args)
-" --- command handler
+" --- command handler {{{1
function! NotMuch(args)
if !strlen(a:args)
@@ -403,11 +424,13 @@ function! CompleteNotMuch(arg_lead, cmd_line, cursor_pos)
-" --- glue
+" --- glue {{{1
command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,CompleteNotMuch NotMuch call NotMuch(<q-args>)
cabbrev notmuch <c-r>=(getcmdtype()==':' && getcmdpos()==1 ? 'NotMuch' : 'notmuch')<CR>
-" --- hacks, only for development :)
+" --- hacks, only for development :) {{{1
nnoremap ,nmr :source ~/.vim/plugin/notmuch.vim<CR>:call NotMuch('')<CR>
+" vim: set ft=vim ts=8 sw=8 et foldmethod=marker :