path: root/src
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7 files changed, 643 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/brilldata.F b/src/brilldata.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7f8348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/brilldata.F
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_arguments.h"
+ subroutine brilldata(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+c Author: Carsten Gundlach.
+c Driver routine for calculating Brill wave initial data.
+ implicit none
+c Declare arrays for the linear elliptic solver call:
+ integer Mlin_index,Nsrc_index,field_index,ierr
+ integer metpsi_index(7)
+ CCTK_REAL AbsTol(3), RelTol(3)
+c Set up background metric and coefficients for linear solve.
+ if (axisym.eq.1) then
+ call setupbrilldata2D(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ else
+ call setupbrilldata3D(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ end if
+c Call the Linear Elliptic solver interface
+c to find conformal factor.
+ call CCTK_VarIndex (metpsi_index(1), "einstein::gxx")
+ call CCTK_VarIndex (metpsi_index(2), "einstein::gxy")
+ call CCTK_VarIndex (metpsi_index(3), "einstein::gxz")
+ call CCTK_VarIndex (metpsi_index(4), "einstein::gyy")
+ call CCTK_VarIndex (metpsi_index(5), "einstein::gyz")
+ call CCTK_VarIndex (metpsi_index(6), "einstein::gzz")
+ call CCTK_VarIndex (metpsi_index(7), "einstein::psi")
+ call CCTK_VarIndex (field_index, "IDBrillData::brillpsi")
+ call CCTK_VarIndex (Mlin_index, "IDBrillData::Mlinear")
+ call CCTK_VarIndex (Nsrc_index, "IDBrillData::Nsource")
+ AbsTol(1)= 0.0001
+ AbsTol(2)= -1
+ AbsTol(3)= -1
+ RelTol(1)= -1
+ RelTol(2)= -1
+ RelTol(3)= -1
+ call Ell_LinConfMetricSolver(ierr,cctkGH,metpsi_index,
+ .field_index,Mlin_index,Nsrc_index,AbsTol,RelTol,"sor")
+c Synchronize conformal factor.
+ call CCTK_SyncGroup(cctkGH,"einstein::confac")
+c Reconstruct physical metric.
+ call finishbrilldata(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ return
+ end
diff --git a/src/brillq.F b/src/brillq.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb28639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/brillq.F
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_arguments.h"
+ function brillq(rho,z,phi)
+C Authors: Carsten Gundlach, Miguel Alcubierre.
+C Calculates the function q that appear in the conformal
+C metric for Brill waves:
+C ds^2 = psi^4 ( e^(2q) (drho^2 + dz^2) + rho^2 dphi^2 )
+C There are three different choices for the form of q depending
+C on the value of the parameter "brill_q":
+C brill_q = 0:
+C 2
+C 2+b - (rho-rho0) 2 2
+C q = a rho e (z/sz) / r
+C brill_q = 1: (includes Eppleys form as special case)
+C b 2 2 2 c/2
+C q = a (rho/srho) / { 1 + [ ( r - r0 ) / sr ] }
+C brill_q = 2: (includes Holz et al form as special case)
+C 2 2 2 c/2
+C b - [ ( r - r0 ) / sr ]
+C q = a (rho/srho) e
+C If we want 3D initial data, the function q is multiplied by an
+C additional factor:
+C m 2 m
+C q -> q [ 1 + d rho cos (n (phi)+phi0 ) / ( 1 + e rho ) ]
+ implicit none
+ logical firstcall
+ integer CCTK_Equals
+ integer qtype
+ real*8 brillq,rho,z,phi
+ real*8 a,b,c,r0,sr,rho0,srho,brill_sz
+ real*8 d,e,m,n,phi0
+ data firstcall /.true./
+ save firstcall,qtype,a,b,c,r0,sr,rho0,srho,brill_sz
+ save d,e,m,n,phi0
+C Get parameters at first call.
+ if (firstcall) then
+ qtype = brill_q
+ a = brill_a
+ b = brill_b
+ c = brill_c
+ r0 = brill_r0
+ sr = brill_sr
+ rho0 = brill_rho0
+ srho = brill_srho
+ brill_sz = brill_sz
+ if (axisym.eq.0) then
+ d = brill_d
+ e = brill_e
+ m = brill_m
+ n = brill_n
+ phi0 = brill_phi0
+ end if
+ firstcall = .false.
+ end if
+ if (rho.lt.0) write(*,*) "Warning: negative rho in brillq:", rho
+C Calculate q(rho,z) from a choice of forms. Type 0, 1 and 2 are those
+C of Bruegmann.
+C brill_q = 0.
+ if (qtype .eq. 0) then
+ brillq = a * rho**(2.d0+b)
+ $ / dexp((rho - rho0)**2) / (rho**2 + z**2)
+ if (brill_sz .ne. 0.d0) then
+ brillq = brillq / exp((z/brill_sz)**2)
+ end if
+ else if (qtype .eq. 1) then
+C brill_q = 1. This includes Eppleys choice of q.
+C But note that q(Eppley) = 2q(Cactus).
+ brillq = a * (rho/srho)**b
+ $ / ( 1.d0 + ((rho**2 + z**2 - r0**2) / sr**2)**(c/2) )
+ else if (qtype .eq. 2) then
+C brill_q = 2. This includes my (Carstens) notion of what a
+C smooth "pure quadrupole" q should be.
+ brillq = a * (rho/srho)**b
+ $ / dexp( ((rho**2 + z**2 - r0**2) / sr**2)**(c/2) )
+ else
+C Unknown type for q function.
+ write(*,*) "Unknown type of Brill function q."
+ end if
+C If desired, multiply with phi dependent factor.
+ if (axisym.eq.0) then
+ brillq = brillq*(1.0D0 + d*rho**m*cos(n*(phi-phi0))**2
+ . /(1.0D0 + e*rho**m))
+ end if
+ return
+ end
diff --git a/src/finishbrilldata.F b/src/finishbrilldata.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..605abb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/finishbrilldata.F
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_arguments.h"
+#include "../../../CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/Einstein.h"
+ subroutine finishbrilldata(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+C Author: Carsten Gundlach.
+C Set up 3-metric, extrinsic curvature and BM variables
+C once the conformal factor has been found.
+ implicit none
+ integer i,j,k
+ integer nx,ny,nz
+ integer CCTK_Equals
+ CCTK_REAL x1,y1,z1,rho1,rho2
+ CCTK_REAL brillq,psi4,e2q,rhofudge
+ CCTK_REAL phi,phif
+ CCTK_REAL zero
+ external brillq
+C Numbers.
+ zero = 0.0D0
+C Set up grid size.
+ nx = cctk_lsh(1)
+ ny = cctk_lsh(2)
+ nz = cctk_lsh(3)
+C Parameters.
+ rhofudge = brill_rhofudge
+C Replace flat metric left over from elliptic solve by
+C Brill metric calculated from q and Psi.
+ do k=1,nz
+ do j=1,ny
+ do i=1,nx
+ x1 = x(i,j,k)
+ y1 = y(i,j,k)
+ z1 = z(i,j,k)
+ rho2 = x1**2 + y1**2
+ rho1 = dsqrt(rho2)
+ phi = phif(x1,y1)
+ psi4 = brillpsi(i,j,k)**4
+ e2q = dexp(2.d0*brillq(rho1,z1,phi))
+C Fudge division by rho^2 on axis. (Physically, y^/rho^2,
+C x^2/rho^2 and xy/rho^2 are of course regular.)
+C Transform Brills form of the physical metric to Cartesian
+C coordinates via
+C e^2q (drho^2 + dz^2) + rho^2 dphi^2 =
+C e^2q (dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2) + (1-e^2q) (xdy-ydx)^2/rho^2
+C The individual coefficients can be read off as
+ if (rho1 .gt. rhofudge) then
+ gzz(i,j,k) = psi4*e2q
+ gxx(i,j,k) = psi4*(e2q + (1.d0 - e2q)*y1**2/rho2)
+ gyy(i,j,k) = psi4*(e2q + (1.d0 - e2q)*x1**2/rho2)
+ gxy(i,j,k) = - psi4*(1.d0 - e2q)*x1*y1/rho2
+ else
+C This fudge assumes that q = O(rho^2) near the axis. Which
+C it should be, or the data will be singular.
+ gzz(i,j,k) = psi4
+ gxx(i,j,k) = psi4
+ gyy(i,j,k) = psi4
+ gxy(i,j,k) = zero
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+C In any case,
+ gxz = zero
+ gyz = zero
+C Vanishing extrinsic curvature completes the Cauchy data.
+ kxx = zero
+ kyy = zero
+ kzz = zero
+ kxy = zero
+ kxz = zero
+ kyz = zero
+ return
+ end
diff --git a/src/make.code.defn b/src/make.code.defn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad8953d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/make.code.defn
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# -*-Makefile-*-
+# Sub-makefile for thorn IDBrillData
+SRCS = brilldata.F setupbrilldata2D.F setupbrilldata3D.F \
+ brillq.F phif.F finishbrilldata.F
diff --git a/src/phif.F b/src/phif.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c24f2ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/phif.F
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#include "cctk.h"
+ CCTK_REAL function phif(x,y)
+c Author: Miguel Alcubierre, October 1998.
+c Function to find angle phi from coordinates {x,y}.
+ implicit none
+ real*8 zero,half,one,two,pi
+c Define numbers.
+ zero = 0.0D0
+ half = 0.5D0
+ one = 1.0D0
+ two = 2.0D0
+ pi = acos(-one)
+c Find angle between 0 and pi/2 such that tan(phi) = |y/x|.
+ if (dabs(x).gt.dabs(y)) then
+ phif = atan(dabs(y/x))
+ else if (dabs(x).lt.dabs(y)) then
+ phif = half*pi - atan(dabs(x/y))
+ else
+ phif = 0.25D0*pi
+ end if
+c Use signs of {x,y} to move to correct quadrant.
+ if ((x.eq.zero).and.(y.eq.zero)) then
+ phif = zero
+ else if ((x.le.zero).and.(y.ge.zero)) then
+ phif = pi - phif
+ else if ((x.le.zero).and.(y.le.zero)) then
+ phif = pi + phif
+ else if ((x.ge.zero).and.(y.le.zero)) then
+ phif = two*pi - phif
+ end if
+ return
+ end
diff --git a/src/setupbrilldata2D.F b/src/setupbrilldata2D.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c4b351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/setupbrilldata2D.F
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_arguments.h"
+#include "../../../CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/Einstein.h"
+ subroutine setupbrilldata2D(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+C Author: Carsten Gundlach.
+C Set up axisymmetric Brill data for elliptic solve. The elliptic
+C equation we need to solve is:
+C __ 2 2
+C \/ psi = psi ( d q + d q ) / 4
+C f z rho
+C where:
+C __
+C \/ = Flat space Laplacian.
+C f
+ implicit none
+ integer i,j,k
+ integer nx,ny,nz
+ CCTK_REAL x1,y1,z1,rho1
+ CCTK_REAL brillq,eps
+ CCTK_REAL zero,one
+ external brillq
+C Numbers.
+ zero = 0.0D0
+ one = 1.0D0
+C Set up grid size.
+ nx = cctk_lsh(1)
+ ny = cctk_lsh(2)
+ nz = cctk_lsh(3)
+C Parameters.
+ eps = brill_eps
+C Initialize psi.
+ brillpsi = one
+C Set up flat metric for the elliptic solve.
+C [Delta(g) + Mlinear] psi = Nsource.
+ psi = one
+ gxx = one
+ gyy = one
+ gzz = one
+ gxy = zero
+ gxz = zero
+ gyz = zero
+C Set up coefficient Mlinear = - (1/4) (q,zz + q,rhorho).
+ do k=1,nz
+ do j=1,ny
+ do i=1,nx
+ x1 = x(i,j,k)
+ y1 = y(i,j,k)
+ z1 = z(i,j,k)
+ rho1 = dsqrt(x1**2 + y1**2)
+C Centered derivatives. Note that here we may be calling brillq
+C with a small negative rho, but that should be ok as long as
+C brillq is even in rho - physically it must be, or the data
+C will not be regular on the axis.
+ Mlinear(i,j,k) = - 0.25d0
+ $ *(brillq(rho1,z1+eps,zero)
+ $ + brillq(rho1,z1-eps,zero)
+ $ + brillq(rho1+eps,z1,zero)
+ $ + brillq(rho1-eps,z1,zero)
+ $ - 4.d0*brillq(rho1,z1,zero))/eps**2
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+C Set coefficient Nsource = 0.
+ Nsource = zero
+ return
+ end
diff --git a/src/setupbrilldata3D.F b/src/setupbrilldata3D.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..719528b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/setupbrilldata3D.F
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_arguments.h"
+#include "../../../CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/Einstein.h"
+ subroutine setupbrilldata3D(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+c Author: Miguel Alcubierre, October 1998.
+c Set up 3D Brill data for elliptic solve. The elliptic
+c equation we need to solve is:
+c __
+c \/ psi = psi R / 8
+c c c
+c where:
+c __
+c \/ = Laplacian operator for conformal metric.
+c c
+c R = Ricci scalar for conformal metric.
+c c
+c The Ricci scalar for the conformal metric turns out to be:
+c / -2q 2 2 -2 2 2 \
+c R = 2 | e ( d q + d q ) + rho ( 3 (d q) + 2 d q ) |
+c c \ z rho phi phi /
+ implicit none
+ integer CCTK_Equals
+ integer i,j,k
+ integer nx,ny,nz
+ CCTK_REAL x1,y1,z1,rho1,rho2
+ CCTK_REAL phi,phif,e2q
+ CCTK_REAL brillq,rhofudge,eps
+ CCTK_REAL zero,one,two,three
+c Set up grid size.
+ nx = cctk_lsh(1)
+ ny = cctk_lsh(2)
+ nz = cctk_lsh(3)
+c Define numbers
+ zero = 0.0D0
+ one = 1.0D0
+ two = 2.0D0
+ three = 3.0D0
+c Parameters.
+ rhofudge = brill_rhofudge
+ eps = brill_eps
+c Initialize psi.
+ brillpsi = one
+c Set up conformal metric.
+ psi = one
+ do k=1,nz
+ do j=1,ny
+ do i=1,nx
+ x1 = x(i,j,k)
+ y1 = y(i,j,k)
+ z1 = z(i,j,k)
+ rho2 = x1**2 + y1**2
+ rho1 = dsqrt(rho2)
+ phi = phif(x1,y1)
+ e2q = dexp(two*brillq(rho1,z1,phi))
+ if (rho1.gt.rhofudge) then
+ gxx(i,j,k) = e2q + (one - e2q)*y1**2/rho2
+ gyy(i,j,k) = e2q + (one - e2q)*x1**2/rho2
+ gzz(i,j,k) = e2q
+ gxy(i,j,k) = - (one - e2q)*x1*y1/rho2
+ else
+ gxx(i,j,k) = one
+ gyy(i,j,k) = one
+ gzz(i,j,k) = one
+ gxy(i,j,k) = zero
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ gxz = zero
+ gyz = zero
+c Set up coefficient Mlinear = - (1/8) Rc.
+ do k=1,nz
+ do j=1,ny
+ do i=1,nx
+ x1 = x(i,j,k)
+ y1 = y(i,j,k)
+ z1 = z(i,j,k)
+ rho2 = x1**2 + y1**2
+ rho1 = dsqrt(rho2)
+ phi = phif(x1,y1)
+ e2q = dexp(two*brillq(rho1,z1,phi))
+c Find M using centered differences over a small
+c interval.
+ if (rho1.gt.rhofudge) then
+ Mlinear(i,j,k) = - 0.25D0/e2q
+ . *(brillq(rho1,z1+eps,phi)
+ . + brillq(rho1,z1-eps,phi)
+ . + brillq(rho1+eps,z1,phi)
+ . + brillq(rho1-eps,z1,phi)
+ . - 4.0D0*brillq(rho1,z1,phi))
+ . / eps**2
+ else
+ Mlinear(i,j,k) = - 0.25D0/e2q
+ . *(brillq(rho1,z1+eps,phi)
+ . + brillq(rho1,z1-eps,phi)
+ . + two*brillq(eps,z1,phi)
+ . - two*brillq(rho1,z1,phi))
+ . / eps**2
+ end if
+c Here I assume that for very small rho, the
+c phi derivatives are essentially zero. This
+c must always be true otherwise the function
+c is not regular on the axis.
+ if (rho1.gt.rhofudge) then
+ Mlinear(i,j,k) = Mlinear(i,j,k) - 0.25D0/rho2
+ . *(three*0.25D0*(brillq(rho1,z1,phi+eps)
+ . - brillq(rho1,z1,phi-eps))**2
+ . + two*(brillq(rho1,z1,phi+eps)
+ . - two*brillq(rho1,z1,phi)
+ . + brillq(rho1,z1,phi-eps)))/eps**2
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+c Set coefficient Nsource = 0.
+ Nsource = zero
+ return
+ end