path: root/src/nuc_eos
diff options
authorrhaas <rhaas@8e189c6b-2ab8-4400-aa02-70a9cfce18b9>2012-06-22 17:18:12 +0000
committerrhaas <rhaas@8e189c6b-2ab8-4400-aa02-70a9cfce18b9>2012-06-22 17:18:12 +0000
commit323497aef47512b4fdf138ac6d0e36b1bef7adfb (patch)
tree5a97128fc0ebd803b9e10ea2e17c303166dcaed4 /src/nuc_eos
parentb7f6e4f941dabfa1f05b79e8ed04eef8a12638e6 (diff)
EOS_Omni: add table reader test
This adds a test (plus sample hdf5 table) using a small routine EOS_OMNI_dumptable to output the read in data as ASCII into a user selected file. Code and table kindly provided by Evan O'Connor. Small changes afterwards by Roland Haas. git-svn-id: http://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/cactus/EinsteinEOS/EOS_Omni/trunk@63 8e189c6b-2ab8-4400-aa02-70a9cfce18b9
Diffstat (limited to 'src/nuc_eos')
2 files changed, 103 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/nuc_eos/dumpASCIItable.F90 b/src/nuc_eos/dumpASCIItable.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee89acf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nuc_eos/dumpASCIItable.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#include "cctk_Functions.h"
+subroutine EOS_OMNI_dumptable(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+ use eosmodule
+ implicit none
+ integer :: irho,itemp,iye,n
+ integer :: strlength1,strlength2
+ integer, parameter :: maxstrlength=200
+ character(len=200) :: fname, dirname, fullpath
+ if (CCTK_MyProc(cctkGH) .ne. 0) then
+ return
+ end if
+ call CCTK_FortranString(strlength1,out_dir,dirname)
+ if (strlength1 .gt. maxstrlength) then
+ call CCTK_WARN(0,"The output directory string is too long")
+ end if
+ call CCTK_FortranString(strlength2,dump_nuceos_table_name,fname)
+ if (strlength2 .gt. maxstrlength) then
+ call CCTK_WARN(0,"The output filename string is too long")
+ end if
+ if (strlength1+strlength2+1 .gt. maxstrlength) then
+ call CCTK_WARN(0,"The full output path string is too long")
+ end if
+ fullpath = trim(dirname)//'/'//trim(fname)
+ call CCTK_Info(CCTK_THORNSTRING,"*******************************");
+ call CCTK_Info(CCTK_THORNSTRING,"Dumping nuc_eos table file in ASCII:");
+ call CCTK_Info(CCTK_THORNSTRING,trim(fullpath));
+ call CCTK_Info(CCTK_THORNSTRING,"*******************************");
+ open(unit=473,file=trim(fullpath),status='unknown',form='formatted',position='rewind')
+ write(473,"('# ',a20,/,i4)") "nrho:",nrho
+ write(473,"('# ',a20,/,i4)") "ntemp:",ntemp
+ write(473,"('# ',a20,/,i4)") "nye:",nye
+ write(473,"('# ',a20,/,1P1E18.9)") "energy shift:",energy_shift
+ write(473,"('# ',a20,/,1P2E18.9)") "rho min and max:",eos_rhomin,eos_rhomax
+ write(473,"('# ',a20,/,1P2E18.9)") "ye min and max:",eos_yemin,eos_yemax
+ write(473,"('# ',a20,/,1P2E18.9)") "temp min and max:",eos_tempmin,eos_tempmax
+ write(473,"('# ',a20,/)") "log rho points:"
+ do irho=1,nrho
+ write(473,"(E18.9)") logrho(irho)
+ enddo
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") "log temp points:"
+ do itemp=1,ntemp
+ write(473,"(E18.9)") logtemp(itemp)
+ enddo
+ write(473,"('#',a20)") "ye points:"
+ do iye=1,nye
+ write(473,"(E18.9)") ye(iye)
+ enddo
+ write(473,"('# ',a20,/,i4)") "nvars:",nvars
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") "table mappings:"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") " 1 -> logpress"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") " 2 -> logenergy"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") " 3 -> entropy"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") " 4 -> munu"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") " 5 -> cs2"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") " 6 -> dedT"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") " 7 -> dpdrhoe"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") " 8 -> dpderho"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") " 9 -> muhat"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") "10 -> mu_e"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") "11 -> mu_p"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") "12 -> mu_n"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") "13 -> xa"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") "14 -> xh"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") "15 -> xn"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") "16 -> xp"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") "17 -> abar"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") "18 -> zbar"
+ write(473,"('# ',a20)") "19 -> gamma"
+ do irho=1,nrho
+ do itemp=1,ntemp
+ do iye=1,nye
+ do n=1,nvars
+ write(473,"(i4,i4,i4,i4,E18.9)") irho,itemp,iye,n,alltables(irho,itemp,iye,n)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+end subroutine EOS_OMNI_dumptable
diff --git a/src/nuc_eos/make.code.defn b/src/nuc_eos/make.code.defn
index 734ab63..ebc57ad 100644
--- a/src/nuc_eos/make.code.defn
+++ b/src/nuc_eos/make.code.defn
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
SRCS = eosmodule.F90 nuc_eos.F90 bisection.F90 \
findtemp.F90 findrho.F90 linterp_many.F90 readtable.c \
- linterp.F
+ linterp.F dumpASCIItable.F90