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+Cactus Code Thorn AHFinder
+Authors : Miguel Alcubierre
+Managed by : Miguel Alcubierre <miguel@aei-potsdam.mpg.de>
+Version : 1.0
+1. Purpose of the thorn
+This thorn looks for apparent horizons (AH) in 3D. An AH is defined
+as a surface where the expansion of outgoing null geodesics is zero.
+This thorn looks for apparent horizons (AH) in 3D using two
+different algorithms. In the default mode, it uses a minimization
+algorithm. It can also use a flow algorithm if one sets the
+parameter "mahf_flow" equal to "yes":
+mahf_flow = "yes"
+The minimization algorithm is VERY slow if one has a lot of terms
+in the spherical harmonics expansion (see below), but it is quite
+fast for a small number of terms.
+The thorn is activated by adding the following lines to the
+parameter file:
+ah_persists = "yes"
+minimumAHF_active = "yes"
+Also, one needs to tell the routine how often we want to
+look for AH by using the parameter `mahf_findevery' (its
+default value is 1).
+The routine defines the grid function `mahfgrid' as:
+mahfgrid = r - f(theta,phi)
+So that the surface being considered corresponds to the zero level of
+`mahfgrid'. The function f(theta,phi) is expanded in spherical
+harmonics Y(l,m). Notice, however, that I DO NOT use the standard
+normalization factor:
+sqrt( (2l + 1) (l - m)! / 4 pi (l + m)! )
+I use instead:
+sqrt( 2l + 1 ) m = 0
+sqrt( 2 (2l + 1) (l - m)! / (l + m)! ) m != 0
+Notice first that I leave out the 4*pi. This is because I want Y(0,0)
+to be the real radius of a sphere. Also, for M non-zero I have an
+extra sqrt(2). I need this because I use a real basis with sines and
+cosines instead of complex exponentials.
+The minimization algorithm has three main modes of operation:
+* Default mode: In the default mode, the routine tries to
+find a minimum of the integral of the square of the expansion.
+At an AH, this integral should be zero, and for any other
+surface it will be positive. One must remember that the
+routine can easily end up in a local minimum that is not
+a horizon. To try to prevent this, the routine first
+looks through a subset of the parameter space to try
+to find a good guess for the global minimum. This, of
+course can fail.
+* Area minimization mode: This mode is activated by
+setting the parameter:
+mahf_minarea = "yes"
+In this mode, the routine looks for a local minimum of the surface
+area. For time-symmetric data (and only then), such a minimum will
+correspond to an AH.
+* Trapped surface finding mode: This mode is activated by
+setting the parameter:
+mahf_trapped_surface = "yes"
+In this mode, the routine looks for a local minimum of the integral of
+the square of the quantity (expansion + trapped_surface_delta). If
+trapped_surface_delta is positive, then the routine will try to find a
+surface whose expansion is -(trapped_surface_delta) everywhere on the
+surface. One can monitor the number of interpolated points that have
+a negative expansion by setting veryverbose = "yes", which indicates
+whether or not a trapped surface has truly been found.
+The routine controls its own output. It produces output of 2 grid
+functions (mahfgrid, mahf_exp) on its own (so please don't add them to
+the Cactus output). The reason for this is that the finder might be
+called at times that have nothing to do with when Cactus wants to do
+The grid function `mahfgrid' was described above. The grid function
+`mahf_exp' is the expansion of outgoing photons on the level sets of
+The finder also produces a series of data files:
+1) "mahf_coeff.alm"
+This file contains the coefficients of the spherical
+harmonics expansion of the surface found. Notice
+that the finder almost always finds a surface, but this
+might not be a horizon, so be careful.
+The format in which these coefficients are saved is the following:
+* Lines beginning with # are comments. These include the time
+ at which the finder was called, and a line stating if the
+ surface found is a horizon or not.
+* Empty lines indicate different calls to the finder (used when
+ the finder is called many times during an evolution).
+* The coefficients are saved using a loop of the form:
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=-l,l
+ write(*,*) a(l,m),l,m
+ end do
+ end do
+ Notice that because our functions are real, I use an expansion
+ in sines and cosines and I really only consider positive values
+ of m. On output my convention is that coefficients with positive
+ m represent the terms:
+ P_(l,m) cos(m theta)
+ and coefficients with negative m represent the terms:
+ P_(l,m) sin(m theta)
+2) "mahf.gauss"
+ This file contains a map of the gaussian curvature on the surface.
+ The format of this file might still change in the near future.
+ I need to talk to Werner about this.
+* Lines beginning with # are comments.
+* The data is written is a loop:
+ do i=0,ntheta-1
+ do j=0,nphi-1
+ write gaussian(i,j)
+ end do
+ end do
+ theta and phi are subdivided uniformly
+ (according to grid type) in the intervals:
+ octant: theta=[0,pi/2] phi=[0,pi/2]
+ quadrant: theta=[0,pi] phi=[0,pi/2]
+ full: theta=[0,pi] phi=[0,2 pi]
+3) "mahf_area.tl"
+ Area of the surface for each time the finder was called.
+ Again, remember that the surface might not be a horizon.
+4) "mahf_mass.tl"
+ Mass of the surface for each time the finder was called.
+ This is defined as:
+ M = sqrt(A/(16 pi))
+ Again, remember that the surface might not be a horizon.
+5) "mahf_circ_eq.tl"
+ Equatorial circumference of the surface.
+ Again, remember that the surface might not be a horizon.
+6) "mahf_meri_p1.tl"
+ Length of meridian of surface for phi=0.
+ Again, remember that the surface might not be a horizon.
+7) "mahf_meri_p2.tl"
+ Length of meridian of surface surface for phi=pi/2.
+ Again, remember that the surface might not be a horizon.
+8) "mahf_logfile"
+ Log file for the last time the horizon was called. The
+ reason why only the last call is here is that this file
+ is very long.
+Other parameters for the thorn are (see also file MinimumAHF_param.h):
+mahf_logfile = [yes,no] Write a log file. If yes, the
+ thorn produces the file "mahf_logfile".
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_verbose = [yes,no] Write messages to screen.
+ (default = "yes")
+mahf_veryverbose = [yes,no] Write lots of messages to the screen,
+ essentially the whole log file.
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_guessverbose = [yes,no] Write a little info for each trial point
+ calculated in the guess process.
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_2Doutput = [yes,no] 2D output of grid functions?
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_3Doutput = [yes,no] 3D output of grid functions?
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_mask = [yes,no] Use mask for definite horizons?
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_weakmask = [yes,no] Use mask for possible horizons?
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_phi = [yes,no] Expand in phi. It is useful to switch
+ this off if one knows in advance that
+ the horizon is really axisymmetric.
+ (default = "yes")
+mahf_offset = [yes,no] Is the center offset from origin?
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_wander = [yes,no] Do we allow the center to wander?
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_refx = [yes,no] Do we have reflection symmetry x -> -x?
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_refy = [yes,no] Do we have reflection symmetry y -> -y?
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_refz = [yes,no] Do we have reflection symmetry z -> -z?
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_octant = [yes,no,high] Does the surface have octant symmetry?
+ The "high" option forces also reflection
+ symmetry across the x-y diagonal.
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_areamap = [yes,no] Construct an area map?.
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_sloppyguess = [yes,no] This considers only spheres for the
+ initial guess. It is much faster.
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_guessold = [yes,no] Use horizon found in previous call as
+ initial guess? Only relevant for
+ evolutions.
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_inner = [yes,no] Tries to look for inner horizon instead.
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_guess_absmin = [yes,no] Use the absolute minimum of the surface
+ integral of the square of the expansion
+ as the place to start the minimization
+ process. This is useful if you have
+ a very dynamical spacetime, with possibly
+ many local minima and you don't have any
+ idea where (or even if) you have an AH.
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_manual_guess = [yes,no] Use a manually specified guess, via. the
+ parameters mahf_l0_guess, mahf_l2_guess,
+ etc. (works only in octant mode right now)
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_findafter After how many timesteps start looking
+ for horizons (default 0).
+mahf_findevery How often to look for horizons (iterations).
+ (default 1)
+mahf_maxiter Maximum number of iterations of
+ Powell's minimization algorithm.
+ (default 10)
+mahf_flowiter Maximum number of iterations for flow
+ (default 200)
+mahf_lmax (<20) Number of terms in theta expansion
+ (default 2)
+mahf_ntheta Number of subdivisions in theta for
+ surface integrals (default 200).
+mahf_nphi Number of subdivisions in phi for
+ surface integrals (default 200).
+mahf_nn0 Number of subdivisions of c0(0) for
+ initial guess (default 10)
+mahf_nn2 Number of subdivisions of c0(2) for
+ initial guess (default 10)
+mahf_findaftertime After what time start looking for horizons.
+ A non-zero value of this parameter overrides
+ the paramter `mahf_findafter' above.
+ (default 0.0)
+mahf_r0 Radius of initial sphere (0 forces largest
+ possible sphere)
+ (default 0.0)
+mahf_xc x coordinate of center of expansion
+ (default 0.0)
+mahf_yc y coordinate of center of expansion
+ (default 0.0)
+mahf_zc z coordinate of center of expansion
+ (default 0.0)
+mahf_tol Fractional tolerance for minimization
+ algorithm. If we decrease by less than
+ this in one iteration we are done.
+ (default = 0.1)
+trapped_surface_delta In 'mahf_trapped_surface' mode, this
+ determines the expansion of the surface
+ that one is looking for. Notice that a
+ positive value of 'mahf_trapped_surface'
+ will cause the finder to look for a
+ surface with expansion equal to MINUS
+ this value everywhere.
+ (default = 0.0)
+mahf_flowa Alpha parameter for flow (default 0.01).
+mahf_flowb Beta parameter for flow (default 0.01).
+mahf_flowh Weight of H flow (default 0.0).
+mahf_flowc Weight of C flow (default 1.0).
+mahf_flown Weight of N flow (default 0.0).
+mahf_flowtol Tolerance for flow (default 0.0001).
+mahf_maskshrink Shrink factor for mask (default -2.0).
+IMPORTANT: Notice that the symmetry parameters refer to the surface
+itself, and not to the grid.
+2. Dependencies of the thorn
+This thorn additionally requires thorns: GenericAHF, util.
+For testing purposes, one also needs: analyticBH, exact.
+3. Thorn distribution
+This thorn is available to everyone.
+4. Additional information