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index 0000000..a61721d
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+Cactus Code Thorn AHFinder
+Authors : Miguel Alcubierre
+Managed by : Miguel Alcubierre <miguel@aei-potsdam.mpg.de>
+Version : 1.0
+1. Purpose of the thorn
+This thorn looks for apparent horizons (AH) in 3D. An AH is defined
+as a surface where the expansion of outgoing null geodesics is zero.
+This thorn looks for apparent horizons (AH) in 3D using two
+different algorithms. In the default mode, it uses a minimization
+algorithm. It can also use a flow algorithm if one sets the
+parameter "mahf_flow" equal to "yes":
+mahf_flow = "yes"
+The minimization algorithm is VERY slow if one has a lot of terms
+in the spherical harmonics expansion (see below), but it is quite
+fast for a small number of terms.
+The thorn is activated by adding the following lines to the
+parameter file:
+ah_persists = "yes"
+minimumAHF_active = "yes"
+Also, one needs to tell the routine how often we want to
+look for AH by using the parameter `mahf_findevery' (its
+default value is 1).
+The routine defines the grid function `mahfgrid' as:
+mahfgrid = r - f(theta,phi)
+So that the surface being considered corresponds to the zero level of
+`mahfgrid'. The function f(theta,phi) is expanded in spherical
+harmonics Y(l,m). Notice, however, that I DO NOT use the standard
+normalization factor:
+sqrt( (2l + 1) (l - m)! / 4 pi (l + m)! )
+I use instead:
+sqrt( 2l + 1 ) m = 0
+sqrt( 2 (2l + 1) (l - m)! / (l + m)! ) m != 0
+Notice first that I leave out the 4*pi. This is because I want Y(0,0)
+to be the real radius of a sphere. Also, for M non-zero I have an
+extra sqrt(2). I need this because I use a real basis with sines and
+cosines instead of complex exponentials.
+The minimization algorithm has three main modes of operation:
+* Default mode: In the default mode, the routine tries to
+find a minimum of the integral of the square of the expansion.
+At an AH, this integral should be zero, and for any other
+surface it will be positive. One must remember that the
+routine can easily end up in a local minimum that is not
+a horizon. To try to prevent this, the routine first
+looks through a subset of the parameter space to try
+to find a good guess for the global minimum. This, of
+course can fail.
+* Area minimization mode: This mode is activated by
+setting the parameter:
+mahf_minarea = "yes"
+In this mode, the routine looks for a local minimum of the surface
+area. For time-symmetric data (and only then), such a minimum will
+correspond to an AH.
+* Trapped surface finding mode: This mode is activated by
+setting the parameter:
+mahf_trapped_surface = "yes"
+In this mode, the routine looks for a local minimum of the integral of
+the square of the quantity (expansion + trapped_surface_delta). If
+trapped_surface_delta is positive, then the routine will try to find a
+surface whose expansion is -(trapped_surface_delta) everywhere on the
+surface. One can monitor the number of interpolated points that have
+a negative expansion by setting veryverbose = "yes", which indicates
+whether or not a trapped surface has truly been found.
+The routine controls its own output. It produces output of 2 grid
+functions (mahfgrid, mahf_exp) on its own (so please don't add them to
+the Cactus output). The reason for this is that the finder might be
+called at times that have nothing to do with when Cactus wants to do
+The grid function `mahfgrid' was described above. The grid function
+`mahf_exp' is the expansion of outgoing photons on the level sets of
+The finder also produces a series of data files:
+1) "mahf_coeff.alm"
+This file contains the coefficients of the spherical
+harmonics expansion of the surface found. Notice
+that the finder almost always finds a surface, but this
+might not be a horizon, so be careful.
+The format in which these coefficients are saved is the following:
+* Lines beginning with # are comments. These include the time
+ at which the finder was called, and a line stating if the
+ surface found is a horizon or not.
+* Empty lines indicate different calls to the finder (used when
+ the finder is called many times during an evolution).
+* The coefficients are saved using a loop of the form:
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=-l,l
+ write(*,*) a(l,m),l,m
+ end do
+ end do
+ Notice that because our functions are real, I use an expansion
+ in sines and cosines and I really only consider positive values
+ of m. On output my convention is that coefficients with positive
+ m represent the terms:
+ P_(l,m) cos(m theta)
+ and coefficients with negative m represent the terms:
+ P_(l,m) sin(m theta)
+2) "mahf.gauss"
+ This file contains a map of the gaussian curvature on the surface.
+ The format of this file might still change in the near future.
+ I need to talk to Werner about this.
+* Lines beginning with # are comments.
+* The data is written is a loop:
+ do i=0,ntheta-1
+ do j=0,nphi-1
+ write gaussian(i,j)
+ end do
+ end do
+ theta and phi are subdivided uniformly
+ (according to grid type) in the intervals:
+ octant: theta=[0,pi/2] phi=[0,pi/2]
+ quadrant: theta=[0,pi] phi=[0,pi/2]
+ full: theta=[0,pi] phi=[0,2 pi]
+3) "mahf_area.tl"
+ Area of the surface for each time the finder was called.
+ Again, remember that the surface might not be a horizon.
+4) "mahf_mass.tl"
+ Mass of the surface for each time the finder was called.
+ This is defined as:
+ M = sqrt(A/(16 pi))
+ Again, remember that the surface might not be a horizon.
+5) "mahf_circ_eq.tl"
+ Equatorial circumference of the surface.
+ Again, remember that the surface might not be a horizon.
+6) "mahf_meri_p1.tl"
+ Length of meridian of surface for phi=0.
+ Again, remember that the surface might not be a horizon.
+7) "mahf_meri_p2.tl"
+ Length of meridian of surface surface for phi=pi/2.
+ Again, remember that the surface might not be a horizon.
+8) "mahf_logfile"
+ Log file for the last time the horizon was called. The
+ reason why only the last call is here is that this file
+ is very long.
+Other parameters for the thorn are (see also file MinimumAHF_param.h):
+mahf_logfile = [yes,no] Write a log file. If yes, the
+ thorn produces the file "mahf_logfile".
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_verbose = [yes,no] Write messages to screen.
+ (default = "yes")
+mahf_veryverbose = [yes,no] Write lots of messages to the screen,
+ essentially the whole log file.
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_guessverbose = [yes,no] Write a little info for each trial point
+ calculated in the guess process.
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_2Doutput = [yes,no] 2D output of grid functions?
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_3Doutput = [yes,no] 3D output of grid functions?
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_mask = [yes,no] Use mask for definite horizons?
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_weakmask = [yes,no] Use mask for possible horizons?
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_phi = [yes,no] Expand in phi. It is useful to switch
+ this off if one knows in advance that
+ the horizon is really axisymmetric.
+ (default = "yes")
+mahf_offset = [yes,no] Is the center offset from origin?
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_wander = [yes,no] Do we allow the center to wander?
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_refx = [yes,no] Do we have reflection symmetry x -> -x?
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_refy = [yes,no] Do we have reflection symmetry y -> -y?
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_refz = [yes,no] Do we have reflection symmetry z -> -z?
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_octant = [yes,no,high] Does the surface have octant symmetry?
+ The "high" option forces also reflection
+ symmetry across the x-y diagonal.
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_areamap = [yes,no] Construct an area map?.
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_sloppyguess = [yes,no] This considers only spheres for the
+ initial guess. It is much faster.
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_guessold = [yes,no] Use horizon found in previous call as
+ initial guess? Only relevant for
+ evolutions.
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_inner = [yes,no] Tries to look for inner horizon instead.
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_guess_absmin = [yes,no] Use the absolute minimum of the surface
+ integral of the square of the expansion
+ as the place to start the minimization
+ process. This is useful if you have
+ a very dynamical spacetime, with possibly
+ many local minima and you don't have any
+ idea where (or even if) you have an AH.
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_manual_guess = [yes,no] Use a manually specified guess, via. the
+ parameters mahf_l0_guess, mahf_l2_guess,
+ etc. (works only in octant mode right now)
+ (default = "no")
+mahf_findafter After how many timesteps start looking
+ for horizons (default 0).
+mahf_findevery How often to look for horizons (iterations).
+ (default 1)
+mahf_maxiter Maximum number of iterations of
+ Powell's minimization algorithm.
+ (default 10)
+mahf_flowiter Maximum number of iterations for flow
+ (default 200)
+mahf_lmax (<20) Number of terms in theta expansion
+ (default 2)
+mahf_ntheta Number of subdivisions in theta for
+ surface integrals (default 200).
+mahf_nphi Number of subdivisions in phi for
+ surface integrals (default 200).
+mahf_nn0 Number of subdivisions of c0(0) for
+ initial guess (default 10)
+mahf_nn2 Number of subdivisions of c0(2) for
+ initial guess (default 10)
+mahf_findaftertime After what time start looking for horizons.
+ A non-zero value of this parameter overrides
+ the paramter `mahf_findafter' above.
+ (default 0.0)
+mahf_r0 Radius of initial sphere (0 forces largest
+ possible sphere)
+ (default 0.0)
+mahf_xc x coordinate of center of expansion
+ (default 0.0)
+mahf_yc y coordinate of center of expansion
+ (default 0.0)
+mahf_zc z coordinate of center of expansion
+ (default 0.0)
+mahf_tol Fractional tolerance for minimization
+ algorithm. If we decrease by less than
+ this in one iteration we are done.
+ (default = 0.1)
+trapped_surface_delta In 'mahf_trapped_surface' mode, this
+ determines the expansion of the surface
+ that one is looking for. Notice that a
+ positive value of 'mahf_trapped_surface'
+ will cause the finder to look for a
+ surface with expansion equal to MINUS
+ this value everywhere.
+ (default = 0.0)
+mahf_flowa Alpha parameter for flow (default 0.01).
+mahf_flowb Beta parameter for flow (default 0.01).
+mahf_flowh Weight of H flow (default 0.0).
+mahf_flowc Weight of C flow (default 1.0).
+mahf_flown Weight of N flow (default 0.0).
+mahf_flowtol Tolerance for flow (default 0.0001).
+mahf_maskshrink Shrink factor for mask (default -2.0).
+IMPORTANT: Notice that the symmetry parameters refer to the surface
+itself, and not to the grid.
+2. Dependencies of the thorn
+This thorn additionally requires thorns: GenericAHF, util.
+For testing purposes, one also needs: analyticBH, exact.
+3. Thorn distribution
+This thorn is available to everyone.
+4. Additional information
diff --git a/interface.ccl b/interface.ccl
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index 0000000..0bff3b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface.ccl
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+# Interface definition for thorn AHFinder
+# $Header$
+#c @file AHFinder_rfr.F
+#c @date April 1998
+#c @author Miguel Alcubierre
+#c @desc
+#c RFR Initialization
+#c @enddesc
+implements: ahfinder
+inherits: interp einstein grid adm
+real ahfindergrid type=GF
+} "Grid function for single surface"
+real ahfmask type=GF
+} "Grid function for masking"
+real ahfgradient type=GF
+} "Grid functions for gradients"
+real ahfinder_gauss type=GF
+} "Grid function for gaussian curcature calculation"
+real find3grid type=GF
+} "Grid functions to use in find3 algorithm"
diff --git a/param.ccl b/param.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c187673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/param.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+# Parameter definitions for thorn AHFinder
+# $Header$
+#These parameters are to switch on the finder, and to control how
+#often and when to start looking for horizons.
+LOGICAL ahf_active "Activate AHFinder?"
+} "no"
+LOGICAL ahf_find3 "Searching for 3 surfaces?"
+} "no"
+LOGICAL ahf_trapped_surface "Minimize (expansion + delta) to find trapped surface?"
+} "no"
+INT ahf_findevery "How often to look for horizons"
+ : :: "Ranges from 1 for each iteration to higher numbers with default set to 1"
+} 1
+INT ahf_findafter "After how many iterations look for horizons"
+ : :: "By default set to 0, Any positive integer if start later in an evolution"
+} 0
+REAL ahf_findaftertime "After how much time look for horizons."
+ : :: "Any positive real number. Default is 0.0. Overides ahf_findafter"
+} 0.0
+REAL trapped_surface_delta "find (expansion = delta) surface"
+ : :: "Just a real number. Range ??"
+} 0.0
+#Parameters for surface expansion.
+LOGICAL ahf_phi "Expand also in phi? I.e seach for non-axisymmetric surface"
+} "no"
+LOGICAL ahf_offset "Center offset from origin?"
+} "no"
+LOGICAL ahf_wander "Allow the center to wander?"
+} "no"
+INT ahf_lmax "Maximum number of terms in theta expansion"
+0:20 :: "Range from 0 to 20. 8 is the default"
+} 8
+#Parameters for surface integrals.
+INT ahf_ntheta "Number of subdivisions in theta"
+ : :: "Any senseful integer. The default of 200 is useful"
+} 200
+INT ahf_nphi "Number of subdivisions in phi"
+ : :: "Any senseful integer. The default of 200 is useful"
+} 200
+#Parameters to indicate symmetries. This symmetries refer to the
+#surface itself, and NOT the grid.
+#Notice that octant = "yes" enforces reflection symmetries on all
+#three coordinate planes, while octant = "high" enforces also the
+#extra symmetry of rotation of pi/2 around the z axis.
+LOGICAL ahf_refx "Reflection symmetry x->-x?"
+} "no"
+LOGICAL ahf_refy "Reflection symmetry y->-y?"
+} "no"
+LOGICAL ahf_refz "Reflection symmetry z->-z?"
+} "no"
+KEYWORD ahf_octant "Octant symmetry?"
+ "no" :: "No octant symmetry"
+ "yes" :: "Octant symmetry: reflection symmetry on all three coordinate planes"
+ "high" :: "reflection symmetry on all three planes and symmetry of rotation of pi/2 around the z axis"
+} "no"
+#Parameters for minimization algorithm.
+LOGICAL ahf_minarea "Minimize area instead of expansion?"
+} "no"
+INT ahf_maxiter "Maximum number of iterations of POWELL"
+ : :: "Any senseful integer value. Default is 10"
+} 10
+REAL ahf_tol "Tolerance for minimization routines"
+ : :: "A senseful real number."
+} 0.1
+#Parameters for initial guess.
+LOGICAL ahf_sloppyguess "Use sphere as initial guess?"
+} "no"
+LOGICAL ahf_guess_absmin "Use absolute min to start Minimization?"
+} "no"
+LOGICAL ahf_guessold "Use old horizon as initial guess?"
+} "no"
+LOGICAL ahf_inner "Look for inner horizon?"
+} "no"
+LOGICAL ahf_manual_guess "Use specified coefficients for guess?"
+} "no"
+INT ahf_nn0 "Number of subdivisions of c0(0) for initial guess"
+ : :: "Some positive integer"
+} 10
+INT ahf_nn2 "Number of subdivisions of c0(2) for initial guess"
+ : :: "Some positive integer"
+} 10
+REAL ahf_l0_guess "Manual guess for l=0 component"
+ : ::
+} 1.0
+REAL ahf_l2_guess "Manual guess for l=2 component"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_l4_guess "Manual guess for l=4 component"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_l6_guess "Manual guess for l=6 component"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_l8_guess "Manual guess for l=8 component"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_l10_guess "Manual guess for l=10 component"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_l12_guess "Manual guess for l=12 component"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_l14_guess "Manual guess for l=14 component"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_l16_guess "Manual guess for l=16 component"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_l18_guess "Manual guess for l=18 component"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_r0 "Radius of initial sphere (0. forces largest sphere)"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_r0_0 "Radius of first initial sphere for find3 (largest for 0.)"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_r0_1 "Radius of second initial sphere for find3 (largest for 0.)"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_r0_2 "Radius of third initial sphere for find3 (largest for 0.)"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_xc "x-coordinate of center of expansion"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_yc "y-coordinate of center of expansion"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_zc "z-coordinate of center of expansion"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_xc_0 "x-coordinate of center of expansion for first surface with find3"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_yc_0 "y-coordinate of center of expansion for first surface with find3"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_zc_0 "z-coordinate of center of expansion for first surface with find3"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_xc_1 "x-coordinate of center of expansion for second surface with find3"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_yc_1 "y-coordinate of center of expansion for second surface with find3"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_zc_1 "z-coordinate of center of expansion for second surface with find3"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_xc_2 "x-coordinate of center of expansion for third surface with find3"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_yc_2 "y-coordinate of center of expansion for third surface with find3"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_zc_2 "z-coordinate of center of expansion for third surface with find3"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+#Parameters for flow algorithm.
+LOGICAL ahf_flow "Use flow instead of minimization?"
+} "no"
+INT ahf_flowiter "Maximum number of iterations for flow"
+ : ::
+} 200
+REAL ahf_flowa "alpha parameter for flow"
+ : ::
+} 0.01
+REAL ahf_flowb "beta parameter for flow"
+ : ::
+} 0.5
+REAL ahf_flowh "Weight of H flow"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_flowc "Weight of C flow"
+ : ::
+} 1.0
+REAl ahf_flown "Weight of N flow"
+ : ::
+} 0.0
+REAL ahf_flowtol "Tolerance for flow"
+ : ::
+} 0.0001
+REAL ahf_maxchange "max rel diff between 1 big and 2 small steps"
+ : ::
+} 0.1
+REAL ahf_minchange "min rel diff between 1 big and 2 small steps"
+ : ::
+} 0.01
+#Parameters for output.
+#IMPORTANT: 3D output for grid functions is still not implemented!
+LOGICAL ahf_logfile "Write log file?"
+} "no"
+LOGICAL ahf_verbose "Print messages to screen?"
+} "yes"
+LOGICAL ahf_veryverbose "Print messages at each iteration step to screen?"
+} "no"
+LOGICAL ahf_guessverbose "Print info on initial guell points?"
+} "no"
+LOGICAL ahf_2Doutput "2D output of grid functions?"
+} "yes"
+LOGICAL ahf_3Doutput "3D output of grid functions? (Not yet implemented!)"
+} "no"
+LOGICAL ahf_areamap "Find area map?"
+} "no"
+LOGICAL ahf_gaussout "Output guassian curvature of horizon?"
+} "yes"
+#Parameters for mask.
+#IMPORTANT: By default the mask is always off!
+LOGICAL ahf_mask "Use mask for definite horizons?"
+} "no"
+LOGICAL ahf_weakmask "Use mask for possible horizons?"
+} "no"
+REAL ahf_maskshrink "Shrink factor for mask"
+ : ::
+} -2.0
+LOGICAL ah_persists "Does the AH Finder array and mask stay around"
+} "no"
+### import IOUtil parameters
+shares: IO
+# Output directories
+EXTEND STRING IO_outdir "Name of IO output directory"
+} "."
+EXTEND STRING IO_outdir0D "Name of IO 0D output directory, overrides IO_outdir"
+} "IO_outdir"
+EXTEND STRING IO_outdir1D "Name of IO 1D output directory, overrides IO_outdir"
+} "IO_outdir"
+EXTEND STRING IO_outdir2D "Name of IO 2D output directory, overrides IO_outdir"
+} "IO_outdir"
+EXTEND STRING IO_outdir3D "Name of IO 3D output directory, overrides IO_outdir"
+} "IO_outdir"
+### Get symmetries ###
+shares: grid
+EXTENDS KEYWORD symmetry ""
diff --git a/schedule.ccl b/schedule.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..635ec9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/schedule.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Schedule definitions for thorn AHFinder
+#c @date July 1999
+#c @author Lars Nerger
+#c @@*/
+if (ahf_active && ah_persists)
+ STORAGE: ahfindergrid,ahfmask
+ COMMUNICATION: ahfindergrid,ahfmask
+ schedule ahfinder at CCTK_POSTSTEP
+ {
+ LANG: Fortran
+ STORAGE: ahfgradient,ahfinder_gauss,find3grid
+ COMMUNICATION: ahfgradient,ahfinder_gauss,find3grid
+ } "Call apparent horizon finder with persisting grid"
+else if (ahf_active)
+ schedule ahfinder at CCTK_POSTSTEP
+ {
+ LANG: Fortran
+ STORAGE:ahfgradient,ahfinder_gauss,find3grid,ahfindergrid,ahfmask
+ COMMUNICATION: ahfgradient,ahfinder_gauss,find3grid,ahfindergrid,ahfmask
+ } "Call apparent horizon finder"
diff --git a/src/AHFinder.F b/src/AHFinder.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73992b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AHFinder.F
@@ -0,0 +1,1524 @@
+c @file AHFinder.F
+c @date April 1998
+c @author Miguel Alcubierre
+c @desc
+c Find an apparent horizon.
+c @enddesc
+c Note that including cactus.h will also include AHFinder.h
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_arguments.h"
+ subroutine AHFinder(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ use AHFinder_dat
+ implicit none
+ logical status,horizon,gauss
+ integer handle,x_index,y_index,z_index,ierror
+ CCTK_REAL maxval(3),minval(3)
+ CCTK_INT ahfso,ahfafter
+ integer i,j,l,m
+ integer NN
+ integer mtype
+ CCTK_INT getoutpfx
+ CCTK_REAL atime
+ CCTK_REAL zero,half,one
+ CCTK_REAL xmn,ymn,zmn,xmx,ymx,zmx,rmx,r0
+ CCTK_REAL intexp_h,intexp2_h,intarea_h
+ CCTK_REAL circ_eq,meri_p1,meri_p2
+ CCTK_REAL aux,expin,expout,small1,small2
+ CCTK_REAL c0_temp(18)
+ character*200 almf,logf,areaf,massf,circeqf,merip1f,merip2f
+ save ahfafter,ahfso,atime
+! Description of variables:
+! status Surface found?
+! horizon Horizon found?
+! gauss Ouput Gaussian curvature?
+! ahfso How often we want to find a horizon?
+! ahfafter After how many iterations start looking for horizons?
+! i,l,m Counters.
+! NN Total number of terms in expansion.
+! xmn Minimum value of x over the grid.
+! xmx Maximum value of x over the grid.
+! ymn Minimum value of y over the grid.
+! ymx Maximum value of y over the grid.
+! zmn Minimum value of z over the grid.
+! zmx Maximum value of z over the grid.
+! rmx Radius of largest sphere that fits in the grid.
+! circ_eq Equatorial circumference.
+! meri_p1 Length of meridian at phi=0.
+! meri_p2 Length of meridian at phi=pi/2.
+! mtype Type of surface.
+! 1. Integral of H^2 is positive out and negative in.
+! 2. Integral of H^2 is negative out and positive in.
+! 3. Integral of H^2 is negative out and in.
+! 4. Integral of H^2 is positive out and in.
+! **************************
+! **************************
+ zero = 0.0D0
+ half = 0.5D0
+ one = 1.0D0
+ dx = cctk_delta_space(1)
+ dy = cctk_delta_space(2)
+ dz = cctk_delta_space(3)
+! ********************************
+! *** INITIALIZE {status} ***
+! ********************************
+ status = .false.
+! *********************************
+! *********************************
+ firstleg = .true.
+ firstint = .true.
+! ***********************************************
+! ***********************************************
+! find3 = contains("ahf_find3","yes").ne.0
+ if (ahf_find3.ne.0) then
+ find3 = .true.
+ else
+ find3 = .false.
+ end if
+! *********************************************
+! *********************************************
+! See if we want to find a horizon at this time.
+ if (ahf_ncall.eq.0) then
+! atime = getr8("ahf_findaftertime")
+! ahfafter = geti("ahf_findafter")
+! ahfso = geti("ahf_findevery")
+ atime = ahf_findaftertime
+ ahfafter = ahf_findafter
+ ahfso = ahf_findevery
+ if (atime.le.zero) then
+ if (cctk_iteration.lt.ahfafter) return
+ else
+ if (cctk_time.lt.atime) return
+ ahfafter = cctk_iteration
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (mod(cctk_iteration-ahfafter,ahfso).ne.0) return
+! BoxInBox may turn of AHF this way during runtime (BB)
+! if (contains("ahf_active","no").ne.0) then
+ if (ahf_active.eq.0) then
+ return
+ endif
+! Sorry for this hack, but the call order for BoxInBox is screwy in
+! cactus 3.2
+! if ((contains("boxinbox","yes").ne.0).and.(ahf_ncall.eq.0)) then
+ if ((boxinbox.ne.0).and.(ahf_ncall.eq.0)) then
+ return;
+ endif
+! *******************************************
+! *******************************************
+ 1 continue
+! Say what we are doing.
+ if (find3) then
+ if (mfind.eq.0) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'AHFinder: Looking for 3 apparent horizons'
+ write(*,*) 'AHFinder: Searching for first horizon'
+ else if (mfind.eq.1) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'AHFinder: Searching for second horizon'
+ else if (mfind.eq.2) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'AHFinder: Searching for third horizon'
+ end if
+ else
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'AHFinder: Looking for horizon'
+ end if
+! Add to count of calls to finder. Notice that this counter
+! was initialized to zero, so it must be increased now to 1.
+! If we look for 3 horizons, it should be done before looking
+! for the first one.
+ if (find3) then
+ if (mfind.eq.0) then
+ ahf_ncall = ahf_ncall + 1
+ end if
+ else
+ ahf_ncall = ahf_ncall + 1
+ end if
+! *******************************************************
+! *******************************************************
+! find_trapped_surface = contains("ahf_trapped_surface","yes").ne.0
+ if (ahf_trapped_surface.ne.0) then
+ find_trapped_surface = .true.
+ else
+ find_trapped_surface = .false.
+ end if
+! trapped_surface_delta = getr8("trapped_surface_delta")
+! ********************************************
+! ********************************************
+ if (.false.) then
+! nfile = getoutpfx(GH,filestr)
+ filestr = IO_outdir
+ if (find3) then
+ if (mfind.eq.0) then
+ logf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_logfile_0"
+ almf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_coeff_0.alm"
+ areaf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_area_0.tl"
+ massf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_mass_0.tl"
+ circeqf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_circ_eq_0.tl"
+ merip1f = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_meri_p1_0.tl"
+ merip2f = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_meri_p2_0.tl"
+ else if (mfind.eq.1) then
+ logf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_logfile_1"
+ almf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_coeff_1.alm"
+ areaf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_area_1.tl"
+ massf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_mass_1.tl"
+ circeqf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_circ_eq_1.tl"
+ merip1f = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_meri_p1_1.tl"
+ merip2f = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_meri_p2_1.tl"
+ else
+ logf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_logfile_2"
+ almf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_coeff_2.alm"
+ areaf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_area_2.tl"
+ massf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_mass_2.tl"
+ circeqf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_circ_eq_2.tl"
+ merip1f = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_meri_p1_2.tl"
+ merip2f = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_meri_p2_2.tl"
+ end if
+ else
+ logf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_logfile"
+ almf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_coeff.alm"
+ areaf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_area.tl"
+ massf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_mass.tl"
+ circeqf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_circ_eq.tl"
+ merip1f = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_meri_p1.tl"
+ merip2f = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_meri_p2.tl"
+ end if
+ end if
+! **************************************************
+! **************************************************
+! call conf2phys(CONF2PHYSVARS_ARGS)
+! ***************************************
+! ***************************************
+ if (.false.) then
+! logfile = contains("ahf_logfile","yes").ne.0
+ if (ahf_logfile.ne.0) then
+ logfile = .true.
+ else
+ logfile = .false.
+ end if
+! verbose = contains("ahf_verbose","yes").ne.0
+ if (ahf_verbose.ne.0) then
+ verbose = .true.
+ else
+ verbose = .false.
+ end if
+! veryver = contains("ahf_veryverbose","yes").ne.0
+ if (ahf_veryverbose.ne.0) then
+ veryver = .true.
+ else
+ veryver = .false.
+ end if
+! guessverbose = contains("ahf_guessverbose","yes").ne.0
+ if (ahf_guessverbose.ne.0) then
+ guessverbose = .true.
+ else
+ guessverbose = .false.
+ end if
+! if (logfile.and.(myproc.eq.0)) then
+ if (logfile) then
+#ifdef MPI
+ if (myproc.eq.0) then
+ open(1,file=logf,form='formatted',status='replace')
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,*) 'Note: During an evolution, This file will only'
+ write(1,*) 'contain information about the last time that the'
+ write(1,*) 'finder was called.'
+ write(1,*)
+ close(1)
+#ifdef MPI
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+! *******************************************
+! *** FIND {xmn,xmx,ymn,ymx,zmn,zmx} ***
+! *******************************************
+ call CCTK_ReductionHandle(handle,"minimum")
+ call CCTK_GetCoordIndex(x_index,"x")
+ call CCTK_GetCoordIndex(y_index,"y")
+ call CCTK_GetCoordIndex(z_index,"z")
+ call CCTK_Reduce(cctkGH,ierror,-1,handle,3,
+ . minval,3,x_index,y_index,z_index)
+! xmn = gf_min(x)
+! ymn = gf_min(y)
+! zmn = gf_min(z)
+ xmn = minval(1)
+ ymn = minval(2)
+ zmn = minval(3)
+ call CCTK_ReductionHandle(handle,"maximum")
+ call CCTK_GetCoordIndex(x_index,"x")
+ call CCTK_GetCoordIndex(y_index,"y")
+ call CCTK_GetCoordIndex(z_index,"z")
+ call CCTK_Reduce(cctkGH,ierror,-1,handle,3,
+ . maxval,3,x_index,y_index,z_index)
+! xmx = gf_max(x)
+! ymx = gf_max(y)
+! zmx = gf_max(z)
+ xmx = maxval(1)
+ ymx = maxval(2)
+ zmx = maxval(3)
+! **********************************
+! *** INITIALIZE {xc,yc,zc} ***
+! **********************************
+ if (find3) then
+ if (mfind.eq.0) then
+! xc = getr8("ahf_xc_0")
+! yc = getr8("ahf_yc_0")
+! zc = getr8("ahf_zc_0")
+ xc = ahf_xc_0
+ yc = ahf_yc_0
+ zc = ahf_zc_0
+ else if (mfind.eq.1) then
+! xc = getr8("ahf_xc_1")
+! yc = getr8("ahf_yc_1")
+! zc = getr8("ahf_zc_1")
+ xc = ahf_xc_1
+ yc = ahf_yc_1
+ zc = ahf_zc_1
+ else
+! xc = getr8("ahf_xc_2")
+! yc = getr8("ahf_yc_2")
+! zc = getr8("ahf_zc_2")
+ xc = ahf_xc_2
+ yc = ahf_yc_2
+ zc = ahf_zc_2
+ end if
+ else
+! xc = getr8("ahf_xc")
+! yc = getr8("ahf_yc")
+! zc = getr8("ahf_zc")
+ xc = ahf_xc
+ yc = ahf_yc
+ zc = ahf_zc
+ end if
+ if ((xc.gt.xmx).or.(xc.lt.xmn)) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'xc is out of the grid, reseting it to zero ...'
+ write(*,*)
+ xc = zero
+ end if
+ if ((yc.gt.ymx).or.(yc.lt.ymn)) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'yc is out of the grid, reseting it to zero ...'
+ write(*,*)
+ yc = zero
+ end if
+ if ((yc.gt.ymx).or.(yc.lt.ymn)) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'zc is out of the grid, reseting it to zero ...'
+ write(*,*)
+ zc = zero
+ end if
+! **************************
+! **************************
+! Find out if we want to move the center.
+! offset = contains("ahf_offset","yes").ne.0
+ if (ahf_offset.ne.0) then
+ offset = .true.
+ else
+ offset = .false.
+ end if
+! wander = contains("ahf_wander","yes").ne.0
+ if (ahf_wander.ne.0) then
+ wander = .true.
+ else
+ wander = .false.
+ end if
+ if ((xc.ne.zero).or.(yc.ne.zero).or.(zc.ne.zero).or.
+ . (wander)) offset = .true.
+! Find out if we are in non-axisymmetric mode.
+ if (ahf_phi.ne.0) then
+ nonaxi = .true.
+ else
+ nonaxi = .false.
+ end if
+! nonaxi = contains("ahf_phi","yes").ne.0
+! Find out reflection symmetries.
+! if ((contains("ahf_octant","yes").ne.0).or.
+! . (contains("ahf_octant","high").ne.0)) then
+ if ((CCTK_Equals(ahf_octant,"yes").eq.1).or.
+ . (CCTK_Equals(ahf_octant,"high").eq.1)) then
+ refx = .true.
+ refy = .true.
+ refz = .true.
+ else
+ if (ahf_refx.ne.0) then
+ refx = .true.
+ else
+ refx = .false.
+ end if
+ if (ahf_refy.ne.0) then
+ refy = .true.
+ else
+ refy = .false.
+ end if
+ if (ahf_refz.ne.0) then
+ refz = .true.
+ else
+ refz = .false.
+ end if
+! refx = contains("ahf_refx","yes").ne.0
+! refy = contains("ahf_refy","yes").ne.0
+! refz = contains("ahf_refz","yes").ne.0
+ end if
+! if (contains("ahf_phi","no").ne.0) then
+ if (ahf_phi.eq.0) then
+ refx = .true.
+ refy = .true.
+ end if
+! Force grid symmetries.
+! if (contains("grid","octant").ne.0) then
+ if (CCTK_Equals(symmetry,"octant").eq.1) then
+ if (xc.eq.zero) refx = .true.
+ if (yc.eq.zero) refy = .true.
+ if (zc.eq.zero) refz = .true.
+! else if (contains("grid","quadrant").ne.0) then
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(symmetry,"quadrant").eq.1) then
+ if (xc.eq.zero) refx = .true.
+ if (yc.eq.zero) refy = .true.
+ end if
+! Find {stepx,stepy,stepz}.
+ stepx = 0
+ stepy = 0
+ stepz = 0
+ if (refx) stepx=1
+ if (refy) stepy=1
+ if (refz) stepz=1
+! if (contains("ahf_octant","high").ne.0) stepx=3
+ if (CCTK_Equals(ahf_octant,"high").eq.1) stepx=3
+! Check if we are using Cartoon_2d, in which case
+! we override the value of "ahf_phi" since we have
+! axisymmetry.
+ cartoon = .false.
+#ifdef THORN_cartoon_2d
+! cartoon = contains("cartoon_active","yes").ne.0
+ if (cartoon_active.ne.0) then
+ cartoon = .true.
+ else
+ cartoon = .false.
+ end if
+ if (cartoon) then
+ nonaxi = .false.
+ refx = .true.
+ refy = .true.
+ end if
+! ************************
+! *** FIND {lmax} ***
+! ************************
+! lmax = geti("ahf_lmax")
+ lmax = ahf_lmax
+ if (lmax.ge.20) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'ahf_lmax must be smaller than 20.'
+ write(*,*) 'STOPPED IN AHFinder.F'
+ write(*,*)
+ end if
+! *******************************
+! *** FIND {ntheta,nphi} ***
+! *******************************
+! ntheta = geti("ahf_ntheta")
+! nphi = geti("ahf_nphi")
+ ntheta = ahf_ntheta
+ nphi = ahf_nphi
+! For cartoon, I use only 2 points in the phi direction.
+! I could use one, but using 2 minimizes the changes in
+! the integration routine.
+ if (cartoon) then
+ nphi = 1
+ end if
+! ***************************************************
+! ***************************************************
+ if ((ahf_ncall.eq.1).and.(mfind.eq.0)) then
+ allocate(c0(0:lmax),c0_old(0:lmax))
+ allocate(cc(lmax,lmax),cc_old(lmax,lmax))
+ allocate(cs(lmax,lmax),cs_old(lmax,lmax))
+ end if
+! ********************************************************
+! ********************************************************
+ NN = 0
+! Count {xc,yc,zc}.
+ if (wander) then
+ if (.not.refx) NN = NN + 1
+ if (.not.refy) NN = NN + 1
+ if (.not.refz) NN = NN + 1
+ end if
+! Count c0(l).
+ do l=0,lmax,1+stepz
+ NN = NN + 1
+ end do
+ if (nonaxi) then
+! Count cc(l,m).
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1+stepx,l,1+stepx
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) NN = NN +1
+ end do
+ end do
+! Count cs(l,m).
+ if (.not.refy) then
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1,l,1+stepx
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) NN = NN + 1
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ end if
+! *****************************************
+! *****************************************
+! Find largest sphere that fits into the grid, taking
+! into account the position of the center. Then multiply
+! this number with 0.8 to leave a safety margin at the edge
+! of the grid.
+! Cartoon.
+ if (cartoon) then
+ xc = zero
+ yc = zero
+ rmx = min(xmx,zmx-zc,zc-zmn)
+! Octant.
+! else if (contains("grid","octant").ne.0) then
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(symmetry,"octant").eq.1) then
+ if ((xc.eq.zero).and.(yc.eq.zero).and.(zc.eq.zero)) then
+ rmx = min(xmx,ymx,zmx)
+ else if ((xc.eq.zero).and.(yc.eq.zero)) then
+ rmx = min(xmx,ymx,zmx-zc,zc)
+ else if ((xc.eq.zero).and.(zc.eq.zero)) then
+ rmx = min(xmx,ymx-yc,zmx,yc)
+ else if ((yc.eq.zero).and.(zc.eq.zero)) then
+ rmx = min(xmx-xc,ymx,zmx,xc)
+ else if (xc.eq.zero) then
+ rmx = min(xmx,ymx-yc,zmx-zc,yc,zc)
+ else if (yc.eq.zero) then
+ rmx = min(xmx-xc,ymx,zmx-zc,xc,zc)
+ else if (zc.eq.zero) then
+ rmx = min(xmx-xc,ymx-yc,zmx,xc,yc)
+ else
+ rmx = min(xmx-xc,ymx-yc,zmx-zc,xc,yc,zc)
+ end if
+! Quadrant.
+! else if (contains("grid","quadrant").ne.0) then
+ else if (CCTK_Equals(symmetry,"quadrant").eq.1) then
+ if ((xc.eq.zero).and.(yc.eq.zero)) then
+ rmx = min(xmx,ymx,zmx-zc,zc-zmn)
+ else if (xc.eq.zero) then
+ rmx = min(xmx,ymx-yc,zmx-zc,yc,zc-zmn)
+ else if (yc.eq.zero) then
+ rmx = min(xmx-xc,ymx,zmx-zc,xc,zc-zmn)
+ else
+ rmx = min(xmx-xc,ymx-yc,zmx-zc,xc,yc,zc-zmn)
+ end if
+! Full.
+ else
+ rmx = min(xmx-xc,ymx-yc,zmx-zc,xc-xmn,yc-ymn,zc-zmn)
+ end if
+ rmx = 0.8*rmx
+! Check if a special radius for the initial sphere
+! has been forced by the parameter file.
+ if (find3) then
+ if (mfind.eq.0) then
+! r0 = getr8("ahf_r0_0")
+ r0 = ahf_r0_0
+ else if (mfind.eq.1) then
+! r0 = getr8("ahf_r0_1")
+ r0 = ahf_r0_1
+ else
+! r0 = getr8("ahf_r0_2")
+ r0 = ahf_r0_2
+ end if
+ else
+! r0 = getr8("ahf_r0")
+ r0 = ahf_r0
+ end if
+ if (r0.ne.zero) then
+ if (r0.le.rmx) then
+ rmx = r0
+ else
+ write (*,*)
+ write (*,*) 'ahf_r0 is too large, rescaling ...'
+ write (*,*)
+ end if
+ end if
+! *************************************************
+! *************************************************
+! initializing flags
+ if (ahf_sloppyguess.ne.0) then
+ sloppy = .true.
+ else
+ sloppy = .false.
+ end if
+! sloppy = contains("ahf_sloppyguess","yes").ne.0
+ if (cartoon) sloppy = .true.
+ if (ahf_flow.ne.0) then
+ flow = .true.
+ else
+ flow = .false.
+ end if
+! flow = contains("ahf_flow","yes").ne.0
+ if (ahf_inner.ne.0) then
+ inner = .true.
+ else
+ inner = .false.
+ end if
+! inner = contains("ahf_inner","yes").ne.0
+ if (ahf_guessold.ne.0) then
+ guessold = .true.
+ else
+ guessold = .false.
+ end if
+! guessold = contains("ahf_guessold","yes").ne.0
+ if (ahf_guess_absmin.ne.0) then
+ guess_absmin = .true.
+ else
+ guess_absmin = .false.
+ end if
+! guess_absmin = contains("ahf_guess_absmin","yes").ne.0
+ if (ahf_manual_guess.ne.0) then
+ manual_guess = .true.
+ else
+ manual_guess = .false.
+ end if
+! manual_guess = contains("ahf_manual_guess","yes").ne.0
+ if (ahf_minarea.ne.0) then
+ minarea = .true.
+ else
+ minarea = .false.
+ end if
+! minarea = contains("ahf_minarea","yes").ne.0
+! get initial guess and jump into finder routines
+ if ((.not.flow).and.guessold.and.(ahf_ncall.gt.1)) then
+ call AHFinder_initguess(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,rmx)
+ call AHFinder_min(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,NN,status,logf)
+ else if ((.not.flow).and.manual_guess) then
+! if (contains("grid","octant").eq.0) then
+ if (CCTK_Equals(symmetry,"octant").eq.0) then
+ write(*,*) 'AHFinder: if you want to use ahf_manual_guess'
+ write(*,*) ' without grid=octant, you will have to make'
+ write(*,*) ' it work!'
+ endif
+! c0(0) = getr8("ahf_l0_guess")
+! c0_temp(2) = getr8("ahf_l2_guess")
+! c0_temp(4) = getr8("ahf_l4_guess")
+! c0_temp(6) = getr8("ahf_l6_guess")
+! c0_temp(8) = getr8("ahf_l8_guess")
+! c0_temp(10) = getr8("ahf_l10_guess")
+! c0_temp(12) = getr8("ahf_l12_guess")
+! c0_temp(14) = getr8("ahf_l14_guess")
+! c0_temp(16) = getr8("ahf_l16_guess")
+! c0_temp(18) = getr8("ahf_l18_guess")
+ c0(0) = ahf_l0_guess
+ c0_temp(2) = ahf_l2_guess
+ c0_temp(4) = ahf_l4_guess
+ c0_temp(6) = ahf_l6_guess
+ c0_temp(8) = ahf_l8_guess
+ c0_temp(10) = ahf_l10_guess
+ c0_temp(12) = ahf_l12_guess
+ c0_temp(14) = ahf_l14_guess
+ c0_temp(16) = ahf_l16_guess
+ c0_temp(18) = ahf_l18_guess
+ do i = 2,lmax,2
+ c0(i) = c0_temp(i)
+ enddo
+ call AHFinder_initguess(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,rmx)
+ call AHFinder_min(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,NN,status,logf)
+ else if (.not.flow) then
+ call AHFinder_initguess(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,rmx)
+ call AHFinder_min(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,NN,status,logf)
+ else
+ if ((ahf_ncall.eq.1).and.(mfind.eq.0)) then
+ allocate(hflow0(0:lmax),cflow0(0:lmax),nflow0(0:lmax))
+ allocate(hflowc(lmax,lmax),cflowc(lmax,lmax),nflowc(lmax,lmax))
+ allocate(hflows(lmax,lmax),cflows(lmax,lmax),nflows(lmax,lmax))
+ end if
+ call AHFinder_flow(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,rmx,status,logf)
+ flow = .false.
+ end if
+! ***************************************
+! ***************************************
+ if (status) then
+! Check if the expansion on the surface is small enough
+! for a horizon. How small is small enough is of course
+! pretty arbitrary, so to reduce the subjectivity I use
+! three separate criteria:
+! 1) The integral of the square of the expansion at the surface
+! must be smaller than a given threshold (small1).
+! 2) The mean value of the expansion on the surface must be
+! smaller in absolute value than its standard deviation.
+! This means that the mean value of the expansion is
+! consistent with zero.
+! 3) The integral of the square of the expansion at the surface
+! must be smaller by a factor of `small2' than the same
+! integral slightly outside and slightly inside.
+ horizon = .true.
+ small1 = 1.0D-2
+ small2 = 0.5D0
+! Surface found.
+ call AHFinder_fun(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ call AHFinder_exp(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ call AHFinder_int(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+! gauss = contains("ahf_gaussout","yes").ne.0
+ if (ahf_gaussout.ne.0) then
+ gauss = .true.
+ else
+ gauss = .false.
+ end if
+ if (.false.) then
+ if (gauss) then
+ call AHFinder_gau(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,circ_eq,meri_p1,meri_p2)
+ end if
+ end if
+ intexp_h = intexp
+ intexp2_h = intexp2
+ intarea_h = intarea
+ if (intexp2_h.gt.small1) horizon = .false.
+! Find standard deviation: sqrt(<exp^2> - <exp>^2)
+ aux = dsqrt(intexp2_h/intarea_h - (intexp_h/intarea_h)**2)
+ if (dabs(intexp_h/intarea_h)-aux.gt.zero) horizon = .false.
+! Surface slightly inside
+ aux = c0(0)
+ c0(0) = aux - half*min(dx,dy,dz)
+ call AHFinder_int(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ expin = intexp
+ if (intexp2_h.gt.small2*intexp2) horizon = .false.
+ if (veryver) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'Surface slightly inside the minimum surface: '
+ write(*,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' H : ',intexp
+ write(*,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' H^2: ',intexp2
+ write(*,"(A13,ES14.6)") ' H/area : ',intexp/intarea
+ write(*,"(A13,ES14.6)") ' H^2/area: ',intexp2/intarea
+ write(*,*) 'number of interpolated points: ',
+ . inside_min_count
+ write(*,*) ' number of those that are negative: ',
+ . inside_min_neg_count
+ endif
+! Surface slightly outside.
+ c0(0) = aux + half*min(dx,dy,dz)
+ call AHFinder_int(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ expout = intexp
+ if (intexp2_h.gt.small2*intexp2) horizon = .false.
+ if (veryver) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'Surface slightly outside the minimum surface: '
+ write(*,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' H : ',intexp
+ write(*,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' H^2: ',intexp2
+ write(*,"(A13,ES14.6)") ' H/area : ',intexp/intarea
+ write(*,"(A13,ES14.6)") ' H^2/area: ',intexp2/intarea
+ endif
+ c0(0) = aux
+! What kind of horizon?
+ if ((expin.le.zero).and.(expout.ge.zero)) then
+ mtype = 1
+ else if ((expin.ge.zero).and.(expout.le.zero)) then
+ mtype = 2
+ else if ((expin.le.zero).and.(expout.le.zero)) then
+ mtype = 3
+ else
+ mtype = 4
+ end if
+! Messages to screen.
+#ifdef MPI
+ if (myproc.eq.0) then
+! Open logfile.
+ if (logfile) then
+ open(1,file=logf,form='formatted',
+ . status='old',position='append')
+ end if
+! Surface information. Notice that here I define
+! the surface `mass' as:
+! M = sqrt( A / (16 pi) ) = 0.141047396 sqrt(A)
+ if (intarea_h.ne.zero) then
+ aux = one/intarea_h
+ else
+ aux = one
+ end if
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'AHFinder: Surface found.'
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Surface area =',intarea_h
+ write(*,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Surface mass =',
+ . 0.141047396D0*dsqrt(intarea_h)
+ write(*,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Mean value of H =',aux*intexp_h
+ write(*,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Mean value of H^2 =',aux*intexp2_h
+ write(*,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Standard deviation =',
+ . dsqrt(aux*intexp2_h - (aux*intexp_h)**2)
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(A11,ES14.6)") ' circ_eq =',circ_eq
+ write(*,"(A11,ES14.6)") ' meri_p1 =',meri_p1
+ write(*,"(A11,ES14.6)") ' meri_p2 =',meri_p2
+ write(*,*)
+ if (.false.) then
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,*) 'AHFinder: Surface found.'
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Surface area =',intarea_h
+ write(1,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Surface mass =',
+ . 0.141047396D0*dsqrt(intarea_h)
+ write(1,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Mean value of H =',aux*intexp_h
+ write(1,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Mean value of H^2 =',aux*intexp2_h
+ write(1,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Standard deviation =',
+ . dsqrt(aux*intexp2_h - (aux*intexp_h)**2)
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(A11,ES14.6)") ' circ_eq =',circ_eq
+ write(1,"(A11,ES14.6)") ' meri_p1 =',meri_p1
+ write(1,"(A11,ES14.6)") ' meri_p2 =',meri_p2
+ write(1,*)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (mtype.eq.1) then
+ if (horizon) then
+ write(*,*) 'The surface seems to be an outer horizon.'
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*) 'The surface seems to be an outer horizon.'
+ end if
+ else
+ write(*,*) 'The surface is probably an outer horizon, but'
+ write(*,*) 'the mean of the square of the expansion is'
+ write(*,*) 'not small enough. Try a larger lmax, or a'
+ write(*,*) 'smaller grid size.'
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*) 'The surface is probably an outer horizon, but'
+ write(1,*) 'the mean of the square of the expansion is'
+ write(1,*) 'not small enough. Try a larger lmax, or a'
+ write(1,*) 'smaller grid size.'
+ end if
+ end if
+ else if (mtype.eq.2) then
+ if (horizon) then
+ write(*,*) 'The surface seems to be an inner horizon.'
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*) 'The surface seems to be an inner horizon.'
+ end if
+ else
+ write(*,*) 'The surface is probably an inner horizon, but'
+ write(*,*) 'the mean of the square of the expansion is'
+ write(*,*) 'not small enough. Try a larger lmax, or a'
+ write(*,*) 'smaller grid size.'
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*) 'The surface is probably an inner horizon, but'
+ write(1,*) 'the mean of the square of the expansion is'
+ write(1,*) 'not small enough. Try a larger lmax, or a'
+ write(1,*) 'smaller grid size.'
+ end if
+ end if
+ else if (mtype.eq.3)then
+ if (horizon) then
+ write(*,*) 'The surface seems to be a marginal horizon'
+ write(*,*) '(the integral of the expansion is negative'
+ write(*,*) 'on both sides.)'
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*) 'The surface seems to be a marginal horizon'
+ write(1,*) '(the integral of the expansion is negative'
+ write(1,*) 'on both sides.)'
+ end if
+ else
+ write(*,*) 'The surface seems to be a trapped surface.'
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*) 'The surface seems to be a trapped surface.'
+ end if
+ end if
+ else if (mtype.eq.4)then
+ if (horizon) then
+ write(*,*) 'The surface seems to be a marginal horizon'
+ write(*,*) '(the integral of the expansion is positive'
+ write(*,*) 'on both sides.)'
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*) 'The surface seems to be a marginal horizon'
+ write(1,*) '(the integral of the expansion is positive'
+ write(1,*) 'on both sides.)'
+ end if
+ else
+ write(*,*) 'The surface does not seem to be a horizon.'
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*) 'The surface does not seem to be a horizon.'
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+! Shape.
+ if (verbose) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'Shape coefficients:'
+ if (offset) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(A6,ES14.6)") ' xc =',xc
+ write(*,"(A6,ES14.6)") ' yc =',yc
+ write(*,"(A6,ES14.6)") ' zc =',zc
+ end if
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(A4,I2,A3,ES14.6)") ' c0(',0,') =',c0(0)
+ do l=1+stepz,lmax,1+stepz
+ write(*,"(A4,I2,A3,ES14.6)") ' c0(',l,') =',c0(l)
+ end do
+ end if
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,*) 'Shape coefficients:'
+ if (offset) then
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(A6,ES14.6)") ' xc =',xc
+ write(1,"(A6,ES14.6)") ' yc =',yc
+ write(1,"(A6,ES14.6)") ' zc =',zc
+ end if
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(A4,I2,A3,ES14.6)") ' c0(',0,') =',c0(0)
+ do l=1+stepz,lmax,1+stepz
+ write(1,"(A4,I2,A3,ES14.6)") ' c0(',l,') =',c0(l)
+ end do
+ end if
+ if (nonaxi) then
+ if (.not.refy) then
+ if (verbose) then
+ write(*,*)
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1,l
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ write(*,"(A4,I2,A1,I2,A4,ES14.6)") ' cc(',
+ . l,',',m,') =',cc(l,m)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ write(*,*)
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1,l
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ write(*,"(A4,I2,A1,I2,A4,ES14.6)") ' cs(',
+ . l,',',m,') =',cs(l,m)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*)
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1,l
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ write(1,"(A4,I2,A1,I2,A4,ES14.6)") ' cc(',
+ . l,',',m,') =',cc(l,m)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ write(1,*)
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1,l
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ write(1,"(A4,I2,A1,I2,A4,ES14.6)") ' cs(',
+ . l,',',m,') =',cs(l,m)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ 10 format(I4,I4,A2,ES14.6,A1,ES14.6)
+ else
+ if (verbose) then
+ write(*,*)
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1,l
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ write(*,"(A4,I2,A1,I2,A4,ES14.6)") ' cc(',
+ . l,',',m,') =',cc(l,m)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*)
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1,l
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ write(1,"(A4,I2,A1,I2,A4,ES14.6)") ' cc(',
+ . l,',',m,') =',cc(l,m)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ 20 format(I4,I4,A2,ES14.6)
+ end if
+ end if
+! Close logfile
+ write(*,*)
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,*) 'END OF LOG FILE'
+ write(1,*)
+ close(1)
+ end if
+#ifdef MPI
+ end if
+! No surface found.
+ else
+#ifdef MPI
+ if (myproc.eq.0) then
+! Open logfile.
+ if (logfile) then
+ open(1,file=logf,form='formatted',
+ . status='old',position='append')
+ end if
+! Write messages.
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'AHFinder: No horizon found.'
+ write(*,*)
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,*) 'AHFinder: No horizon found.'
+ write(1,*)
+ end if
+! Close logfile
+ write(*,*)
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,*) 'END OF LOG FILE'
+ write(1,*)
+ close(1)
+ end if
+ end if
+#ifdef MPI
+ end if
+! ****************************
+! ****************************
+#ifdef MPI
+ if (myproc.eq.0) then
+c Expansion coefficients.
+ if (ahf_ncall.eq.1) then
+ open(1,file=almf,form='formatted',
+ . status='replace')
+ write(1,"(A21)") '# Radial coefficients'
+ write(1,"(A1)") '#'
+ write(1,"(A11,I4)") '# Time step',cctk_iteration
+ write(1,"(A6,ES14.6)") '# Time',cctk_time
+ write(1,"(A6,I4)") '# Call',ahf_ncall
+ else
+ open(1,file=almf,form='formatted',
+ . status='old',position='append')
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(A11,I4)") '# Time step',cctk_iteration
+ write(1,"(A6,ES14.6)") '# Time',cctk_time
+ write(1,"(A6,I4)") '# Call',ahf_ncall
+ end if
+ if (status) then
+ if (mtype.eq.1) then
+ if (horizon) then
+ write(1,"(A30,I4)") '# Surface found: Outer horizon'
+ else
+ write(1,"(A31,I4)") '# Surface found: Outer horizon?'
+ end if
+ else if (mtype.eq.2) then
+ if (horizon) then
+ write(1,"(A30,I4)") '# Surface found: Inner horizon'
+ else
+ write(1,"(A31,I4)") '# Surface found: Inner horizon?'
+ end if
+ else if (mtype.eq.3) then
+ if (horizon) then
+ write(1,"(A34,I4)") '# Surface found: Marginal horizon?'
+ else
+ write(1,"(A32,I4)") '# Surface found: Trapped surface'
+ end if
+ else if (mtype.eq.4) then
+ if (horizon) then
+ write(1,"(A34,I4)") '# Surface found: Marginal horizon?'
+ else
+ write(1,"(A30,I4)") '# Surface found: Not a horizon'
+ end if
+ end if
+ else
+ write(1,"(A18,I4)") '# No surface found'
+ end if
+ if (status) then
+ write(1,"(A7,ES14.6)") '# xc =',xc
+ write(1,"(A7,ES14.6)") '# yc =',yc
+ write(1,"(A7,ES14.6)") '# zc =',zc
+ write(1,"(A1)") '#'
+ write(1,"(A22)") '# a_lm l m'
+ write(1,"(A1)") '#'
+ write(1,"(ES14.6,2I4)") c0(0),0,0
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=l,1,-1
+ write(1,"(ES14.6,2I4)") cs(l,m),l,-m
+ end do
+ write(1,"(ES14.6,2I4)") c0(l),l,0
+ do m=1,l
+ write(1,"(ES14.6,2I4)") cc(l,m),l,m
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ close(1)
+! Area.
+ if (ahf_ncall.eq.1) then
+ open(1,file=areaf,form='formatted',
+ . status='replace')
+ write(1,"(A14)") '" Horizon area'
+ else
+ open(1,file=areaf,form='formatted',
+ . status='old',position='append')
+ end if
+ if (status) write(1,"(2ES14.6)") cctk_time,intarea_h
+ close(1)
+! Mass.
+ if (ahf_ncall.eq.1) then
+ open(1,file=massf,form='formatted',
+ . status='replace')
+ write(1,"(A14)") '" Horizon mass'
+ else
+ open(1,file=massf,form='formatted',
+ . status='old',position='append')
+ end if
+ if (status) write(1,"(2ES14.6)") cctk_time,0.141047396D0*dsqrt(intarea_h)
+ close(1)
+! Circumferences.
+ if (ahf_ncall.eq.1) then
+ open(1,file=circeqf,form='formatted',
+ . status='replace')
+ write(1,"(A26)") '" Equatorial circumference'
+ else
+ open(1,file=circeqf,form='formatted',
+ . status='old',position='append')
+ end if
+ if (status) write(1,"(2ES14.6)") cctk_time,circ_eq
+ close(1)
+ if (ahf_ncall.eq.1) then
+ open(1,file=merip1f,form='formatted',
+ . status='replace')
+ write(1,"(A28)") '" Length of meridian, phi=0'
+ else
+ open(1,file=merip1f,form='formatted',
+ . status='old',position='append')
+ end if
+ if (status) write(1,"(2ES14.6)") cctk_time,meri_p1
+ close(1)
+ if (ahf_ncall.eq.1) then
+ open(1,file=merip2f,form='formatted',
+ . status='replace')
+ write(1,"(A31)") '" Length of meridian, phi=pi/2'
+ else
+ open(1,file=merip2f,form='formatted',
+ . status='old',position='append')
+ end if
+ if (status) write(1,"(2ES14.6)") cctk_time,meri_p2
+ close(1)
+#ifdef MPI
+ end if
+! ********************************************************
+! *** PREPARING {ahfgrid3,ahf_exp3} FOR OUTPUT ***
+! ********************************************************
+ if (find3) then
+ call AHFinder_find3(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,mtype)
+ end if
+! *********************************
+! *********************************
+! if (contains("ahf_2Doutput","yes").ne.0) then
+ if (ahf_2Doutput.ne.0) then
+ if (find3) then
+! if (mfind.eq.2) then
+! call AHFinder_2dio(ahfgrid3,ahf_ncall)
+! call AHFinder_2dio(ahf_exp3,ahf_ncall)
+! call io_write2d(ahfgrid3)
+! call io_write2d(ahf_exp3)
+! call AHFinder_2dio(ahfgrid3,0)
+! call AHFinder_2dio(ahf_exp3,0)
+! end if
+! else
+! call AHFinder_2dio(ahfgrid,ahf_ncall)
+! call AHFinder_2dio(ahf_exp,ahf_ncall)
+! call io_write2d(ahfgrid)
+! call io_write2d(ahf_exp)
+! call AHFinder_2dio(ahfgrid,0)
+! call AHFinder_2dio(ahf_exp,0)
+ end if
+ end if
+! if (contains("ahf_3Doutput","yes").ne.0) then
+ if (ahf_3Doutput.ne.0) then
+! This is commented out because I still need
+! to write the c routine `AHFinder_3dio'.
+! call AHFinder_2dio(ahfgrid,ahf_ncall)
+! call AHFinder_2dio(ahf_exp,ahf_ncall)
+! call io_write2d(ahfgrid)
+! call io_write2d(ahf_exp)
+! call AHFinder_2dio(ahfgrid,0)
+! call AHFinder_2dio(ahf_exp,0)
+ end if
+! ****************
+! *** MASK ***
+! ****************
+! if (horizon.and.CONTAINS("ahf_mask","yes")) then
+ if (horizon.and.(ahf_mask.ne.0)) then
+ call AHFinder_mask(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+! else if ((mtype.eq.1).and.CONTAINS("ahf_weakmask","yes")) then
+ else if ((mtype.eq.1).and.(ahf_weakmask.ne.0)) then
+ call AHFinder_mask(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ else
+ ahmask = one
+ end if
+#ifdef MPI
+ call synconefunc(ahmask)
+! **************************************************
+! **************************************************
+! call phys2conf(CONF2PHYSVARS_ARGS)
+! **********************************************
+! **********************************************
+ if (find3) then
+ if (mfind.eq.2) then
+ mfind = 0
+ else
+ mfind = mfind + 1
+ goto 1
+ end if
+ end if
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end subroutine AHFinder
diff --git a/src/AHFinder_2dio.c b/src/AHFinder_2dio.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fa2d3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AHFinder_2dio.c
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#include "cctk.h"
+void FMODIFIER FORTRAN_NAME(ahfinder_2dio_,
+ ahfinder_2dio)
+ (Double *x,int *new_do_2dio)
+ pGF *GF;
+ GF = locateGFbyDataPtr(x);
+ GF->do_2dio = *new_do_2dio;
diff --git a/src/AHFinder_calcsigma.F b/src/AHFinder_calcsigma.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cfaf9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AHFinder_calcsigma.F
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+c @file AHFinder_calcsigma.F
+c @date July 1999
+c @author Lars Nerger
+c @desc
+c Calculate weight sigma for Nakamura flow
+c @enddesc
+c Note that including cactus.h will also include AHFinder.h
+!#include "cactus.h"
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_arguments.h"
+ subroutine AHFinder_calcsigma(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,xp,yp,zp,gupij,sigma)
+ use AHFinder_dat
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_INT nmax
+ INTEGER l,m,indx1,indx2,indx,idir,jdir
+ CCTK_REAL zero, sigma
+ CCTK_REAL ni(3),si(3),supi(3),pij(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL ylmi((lmax+1)**2,3)
+ CCTK_REAL alm((lmax+1)**2)
+ CCTK_REAL xp,yp,zp,er,sum
+ CCTK_REAL rho,costheta,sintheta,sinthetal(-1:lmax),prod
+ CCTK_REAL zlm0(0:lmax,0:lmax),zlm1(0:lmax,0:lmax)
+ CCTK_REAL cosphi,sinphi,cosmphi(0:lmax),sinmphi(0:lmax)
+ CCTK_REAL thetax,thetay,thetaz
+ CCTK_REAL phix,phiy
+ CCTK_REAL c1,c2,c3,metnorm
+ CCTK_REAL fi(3)
+ CCTK_REAL gupij(3,3)
+! Description of variables
+! sigma Weight of Nakamura Flow
+! **************************
+! **************************
+ zero = 0.0D0
+ nmax = (lmax+1)**2
+! ******************************************************
+! *** Calculate gradient of Y_lm(x,y,z) ***
+! *** Adopted from thorn_SpectralAHF by Gundlach ***
+! ******************************************************
+! Initialize arrays
+ ylmi = zero
+ zlm0 = zero
+ zlm1 = zero
+ ni = zero
+ si = zero
+ supi = zero
+ pij = zero
+ alm = zero
+ sinthetal = zero
+ cosmphi = zero
+ sinmphi = zero
+! Calculate quantities in spherical coordinates.
+ er = sqrt(xp**2 + yp**2 + zp**2)
+ if (er .eq. 0.d0) stop 'r=0 in AHFinder_calcsigma'
+C ********PATCH******************************************
+C Keep away from the z-axis, artificially.
+ if (xp**2 + yp**2 .lt. 1.d-16) then
+c write(6,*) 'patch on axis in ylmder2'
+ xp = 0.d0
+ yp = 1.d-8
+ end if
+C Polar angle theta.
+ rho = sqrt(xp**2 + yp**2)
+ costheta = zp / er
+ sintheta = rho / er
+C Array sinthetal(l) contains [sin(theta)]^l
+ sinthetal(-1) = 0.d0
+ sinthetal(0) = 1.d0
+ sinthetal(1) = sintheta
+ do l=2,lmax
+ sinthetal(l) = sinthetal(l-1) * sinthetal(1)
+ end do
+C zlm0 is Y_lm stripped of exp(i m phi) and multiplied by sqrt(4pi).
+C zlm1 and zlm2 are the first and second derivative of zlm0
+C with respect to theta. l=0 and m=l are treated separately.
+C We only need zlm0,1,2 for positive m.
+C Treat l=0 separately:
+ zlm0(0,0) = 1.d0
+ zlm1(0,0) = 0.d0
+C Other l>0.
+ prod = 1.d0
+ do l=1,lmax
+C Initialize m = l:
+C c1 = sqrt(2l+1) * sqrt(2l!) / 2^l / l!
+C Y_ll = c1 * sin(theta)^l
+C Y_ll' = c1 * l * sin(theta)^(l-1) * costheta
+ m = l
+ prod = - prod * sqrt(dble(2*l-1) / dble(2*l))
+ c1 = sqrt(dble(2*l+1)) * prod
+ zlm0(l,m) = c1 * sinthetal(l)
+ zlm1(l,m) = c1 * dble(l) * sinthetal(l-1) * costheta
+C Recursion relations for the other m:
+C c2 = sqrt[(2l+1)(2l-1)/(l^2-m^2)]
+C c3 = sqrt[((l-1)^2-m^2)(2l=1)/(l^2-m^2)/(2l-3)]
+C Y_lm = c2 Y_l-1,m cos(theta) + c3 Y_l-2,m
+C Y_lm' = c2 Y_l-1,m' cos(theta) + c2 Y_l-1,m + c3 Y_l-2,m'
+ m = l-1
+ c2 = sqrt(dble((2*l+1)*(2*l-1))
+ $ / dble(l**2-m**2))
+ zlm0(l,m) = c2 * zlm0(l-1,m) * costheta
+ zlm1(l,m) = c2 * (zlm1(l-1,m) * costheta
+ $ - zlm0(l-1,m) * sintheta)
+ do m=0,l-2
+ c2 = sqrt(dble((2*l+1)*(2*l-1))
+ $ / dble(l**2-m**2))
+ c3 =sqrt(dble((2*l+1)*((l-1)**2-m**2))
+ $ / dble((l**2 - m**2)*(2*l-3)))
+ zlm0(l,m) = c2 * zlm0(l-1,m) * costheta
+ $ - c3 * zlm0(l-2,m)
+ zlm1(l,m) = c2 * (zlm1(l-1,m) * costheta
+ $ - zlm0(l-1,m) * sintheta)
+ $ - c3 * zlm1(l-2,m)
+ end do
+ end do
+ if (rho .ne. 0.d0) then
+C Azimuth angle phi is defined.
+ cosphi = xp / rho
+ sinphi = yp / rho
+C First and second derivatives of theta.
+ thetax = costheta * cosphi / er
+ thetay = costheta * sinphi / er
+ thetaz = - sintheta / er
+C First and second derivatives of phi, the angle in the xy-plane.
+ phix = - sinphi / rho
+ phiy = cosphi / rho
+C Put together arrays of basis functions in the xy plane.
+C The sqrt(2) factor is needed in going from the basis exp(+/-imphi)
+C to the basis cos/sin(mphi).
+ cosmphi(0) = 1.d0
+ sinmphi(0) = 1.d0
+ cosmphi(1) = sqrt(2.d0) * cosphi
+ sinmphi(1) = sqrt(2.d0) * sinphi
+ do m=2,lmax
+ cosmphi(m) = cosmphi(m-1) * cosphi - sinmphi(m-1) * sinphi
+ sinmphi(m) = cosmphi(m-1) * sinphi + sinmphi(m-1) * cosphi
+ end do
+ else
+C See above for a patch that avoids ever getting here.
+ stop 'ylmder2 cannot handle axis'
+C For x = y = 0 the following are not defined.
+! cosphi = 7.d77
+! sinphi = 7.d77
+! thetax = 7.d77
+! thetay = 7.d77
+! phix = 7.d77
+! phiy = 7.d77
+! cosmphi = 7.d77
+! sinmphi = 7.d77
+C Only these are defined.
+ thetaz = 0.d0
+ cosmphi(0) = 1.d0
+ sinmphi(0) = 1.d0
+ end if
+C Assemble the Y_lm from zlm0 and the basis of functions of phi.
+C Assemble the Y_lm,i and Y_lm,ij in the corresponding manner.
+ do l=0,lmax
+ do m=0,l
+C These are the values of indx corresponding to (l,m) and (l,-m).
+ indx1 = l**2 + 1 + l + m
+ indx2 = l**2 + 1 + l - m
+C Ylm,x
+ ylmi(indx1,1) = thetax * zlm1(l,m) * cosmphi(m)
+ $ - dble(m) * phix * zlm0(l,m) * sinmphi(m)
+ ylmi(indx2,1) = thetax * zlm1(l,m) * sinmphi(m)
+ $ + dble(m) * phix * zlm0(l,m) * cosmphi(m)
+C Ylm,y
+ ylmi(indx1,2) = thetay * zlm1(l,m) * cosmphi(m)
+ $ - dble(m) * phiy * zlm0(l,m) * sinmphi(m)
+ ylmi(indx2,2) = thetay * zlm1(l,m) * sinmphi(m)
+ $ + dble(m) * phiy * zlm0(l,m) * cosmphi(m)
+C Ylm,z
+ ylmi(indx1,3) = thetaz * zlm1(l,m) * cosmphi(m)
+ ylmi(indx2,3) = thetaz * zlm1(l,m) * sinmphi(m)
+ end do
+ end do
+! ********************************
+! *** First derivatives of r ***
+! ********************************
+ ni(1) = xp / er
+ ni(2) = yp / er
+ ni(3) = zp / er
+! *************************************************************
+! *** compress c0, cc and cs into alm with single index ***
+! *************************************************************
+ do l=0, lmax
+ alm(l**2+l+1) = c0(l)
+ do m=1,lmax
+ alm(l**2+l+1+m) = cc(l,m)
+ alm(l**2+l+1-m) = cs(l,m)
+ end do
+ end do
+! *******************************************************************
+! *** Assemble derivatives of f. Recall f = r - h(theta,phi): ***
+! *******************************************************************
+C Derivatives of r...
+C r,i = n_i and r,ij = (delta_ij - n_i n_j) / r = n_ij
+ do idir=1,3
+ fi(idir) = ni(idir)
+ end do
+C ...and derivatives of -h.
+ do indx=1,nmax
+ do idir=1,3
+ fi(idir) = fi(idir) - alm(indx) * ylmi(indx,idir)
+ end do
+ end do
+! *************************************************************
+! *** Assemble normal vector s on surfaces of constant f ***
+! *** with indices down. That is, normal with respect ***
+! *** to the physical metric g_ij. ***
+! *************************************************************
+ metnorm = 0.d0
+ do idir=1,3
+ do jdir=1,3
+ metnorm = metnorm + fi(idir) * fi(jdir)
+ $ * gupij(idir,jdir)
+ end do
+ end do
+ metnorm = sqrt(metnorm)
+ do idir=1,3
+ si(idir) = fi(idir) / metnorm
+ end do
+C Now with indices up, raised by g^ij.
+ do idir=1,3
+ supi(idir) = 0.d0
+ do jdir=1,3
+ supi(idir) = supi(idir)
+ $ + gupij(idir,jdir) * si(jdir)
+ end do
+ end do
+! *******************************************************
+! *** Assemble projection operator with indices up ***
+! *** p^ij = g^ij - s^i s^j ***
+! *******************************************************
+ do idir=1,3
+ do jdir=1,3
+ pij(idir,jdir) = gupij(idir,jdir)
+ $ - supi(idir) * supi(jdir)
+ end do
+ end do
+! *************************************************
+! *** Calculate weight sigma ***
+! *** 2 * r^2 / (p^ij (delta_ij - n_i n_j)) ***
+! *************************************************
+ sum = 0.d0
+ do idir=1,3
+ sum = sum + pij(idir,idir)
+ do jdir=1,3
+ sum = sum
+ $ - pij(idir,jdir) * ni(idir) * ni(jdir)
+ end do
+ end do
+ sigma = 2.d0 * er**2 / sum
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end subroutine AHFinder_calcsigma
diff --git a/src/AHFinder_dat.F b/src/AHFinder_dat.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efcc6ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AHFinder_dat.F
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+c @file AHFinder_dat.F
+c @date April 1998
+c @author Miguel Alcubierre
+c @desc
+c F90 module containing data to be shared by
+c the different subroutines.
+c For the meaning of the spectral components of
+c the different flows see:
+c C. Gundlach, Phys. Rev. D 57, 863 (1998).
+c @enddesc
+#include "cctk.h"
+ module AHFinder_dat
+ implicit none
+ logical firstfun,firstleg,firstint
+ logical nonaxi,refx,refy,refz,cartoon
+ logical offset,wander
+ logical minarea,flow,find_trapped_surface
+ logical logfile,verbose,veryver,guessverbose
+ logical interror,guessold
+ logical find3,sloppy,inner,guess_absmin,manual_guess
+ CCTK_INT lmax,stepx,stepy,stepz
+ CCTK_INT ntheta,nphi
+ CCTK_INT nfile
+ CCTK_INT interror1,interror2
+ CCTK_INT mfind,ahf_ncall
+ CCTK_INT nx,ny,nz
+ integer nprocs,myproc
+ CCTK_REAL dx,dy,dz
+ CCTK_REAL xc,yc,zc
+ CCTK_REAL xc_old,yc_old,zc_old
+ CCTK_REAL intexp,intexp2,intexpdel2,intarea
+ CCTK_REAL hw,cw,nw
+ CCTK_REAL inside_min_count,inside_min_neg_count
+ CCTK_REAL dx,dy,dz
+ CCTK_REAL, allocatable, dimension (:) :: c0,c0_old
+ CCTK_REAL, allocatable, dimension (:,:) :: cc,cs,cc_old,cs_old
+ CCTK_REAL, allocatable, dimension (:) :: hflow0,cflow0,nflow0
+ CCTK_REAL, allocatable, dimension (:,:) :: hflowc,cflowc,nflowc
+ CCTK_REAL, allocatable, dimension (:,:) :: hflows,cflows,nflows
+ character*200 filestr
+ data mfind / 0 /
+ data ahf_ncall / 0 /
+ save mfind,ahf_ncall
+ save c0,cc,cs
+! Description of variables:
+! firstfun First call to function FUNC?
+! firstleg First call to function LEGEN?
+! firstint First call to subroutine AHFinder_int?
+! nonaxi Is the data non-axisymmetric?
+! refx Reflection symmetry x->-x?
+! refy Reflection symmetry y->-y?
+! refz Reflection symmetry z->-z?
+! cartoon Are we using cartoon_2d?
+! inner Look for inner horizon?
+! sloppy Sloppy initial guess?
+! offset Is the center offset from the origin?
+! wander Do we allow the center to wander?
+! minarea Do we want to minimize area?
+! flow Use fast flow algorithm instead of minimization?
+! logfile Write log file?
+! verbose Write messages to screen?
+! veryver Write lots of messages to screen?
+! guessverbose Write info on initial guess points?
+! lmax Maximum number of terms in theta expansion.
+! stepx 1 if (refx=1), 0 otherwise.
+! stepy 1 if (refy=1), 0 otherwise.
+! stepz 1 if (refz=1), 0 otherwise.
+! ntheta Number of subdivisions in theta.
+! nphi Number of subdivisions in phi.
+! xc Coordinate x of centre of surface.
+! yc Coordinate y of centre of surface.
+! zc Coordinate z of centre of surface.
+! intexp Integral of expansion over the surface.
+! intexp2 Integral of expansion squared over the surface.
+! intarea Area of the surface.
+! c0(l) Coefficients of LEGEN(l,0,cos(theta))
+! cc(l,m) Coefficients of LEGEN(l,m,cos(theta))*cos(m*phi)
+! cs(l,m) Coefficients of LEGEN(l,m,cos(theta))*sin(m*phi)
+! hflow* Spectral components for `H' flow.
+! cflow* Spectral components for `C' flow.
+! nflow* Spectral components for `N' flow.
+! interror1 Different from zero if radius is negative.
+! interror2 Different from zero if outside computational domain.
+! interror True if either interror1 or interro2 are non-zero.
+! inside_min_count Number of elements in integral (should always
+! be ntheta*nphi)
+! inside_min_neg_count Number of elements in integral that have
+! negative expansion.
+! find3 Look for 3 horizons?
+! mfind
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end module AHFinder_dat
diff --git a/src/AHFinder_exp.F b/src/AHFinder_exp.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ccea39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AHFinder_exp.F
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+c @file AHFinder_exp.F
+c @date April 1998
+c @author Miguel Alcubierre
+c @desc
+c Here I calculate the (normalized) expansion of the
+c horizon function. The expansion is defined by the
+c following expression (a=lapse, b=shift):
+c __2 2 / ab __a__b \
+c exp = \/ f / u + d f d f / u | K - \/ \/ f / u | - trK
+c a b \ /
+c where:
+c / mn \ 1/2
+c u = | g d f d f |
+c \ m n /
+c @enddesc
+c Note that including cactus.h will also include AHFinder.h
+!#include "cactus.h"
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_arguments.h"
+ subroutine AHFinder_exp(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ use AHFinder_dat
+ implicit none
+ integer i,j,k
+ CCTK_REAL det,idet
+ CCTK_REAL gdxx,gdyy,gdzz,gdxy,gdxz,gdyz
+ CCTK_REAL guxx,guyy,guzz,guxy,guxz,guyz
+ CCTK_REAL kdxx,kdyy,kdzz,kdxy,kdxz,kdyz
+ CCTK_REAL ddxxx,ddxyy,ddxzz,ddxxy,ddxxz,ddxyz
+ CCTK_REAL ddyxx,ddyyy,ddyzz,ddyxy,ddyxz,ddyyz
+ CCTK_REAL ddzxx,ddzyy,ddzzz,ddzxy,ddzxz,ddzyz
+ CCTK_REAL d2fxx,d2fyy,d2fzz,d2fxy,d2fxz,d2fyz
+ CCTK_REAL c2fxx,c2fyy,c2fzz,c2fxy,c2fxz,c2fyz
+ CCTK_REAL dfx,dfy,dfz,dfux,dfuy,dfuz
+ CCTK_REAL aux,T0,T1,T2,T3,T4
+ CCTK_REAL idx,idy,idz,idx2,idy2,idz2,idxy,idxz,idyz
+ CCTK_REAL zero,half,one,two
+! Description of variables:
+! i,j,k, counters
+! gdij g
+! ij
+! ij
+! guij g
+! det det(g)
+! idet 1/det
+! kdij K
+! ij
+! ddijk 1/2 d g
+! i jk
+! dfi d f
+! i
+! ij
+! dfui g d f
+! j
+! d2fij d d f
+! i j
+! c2fij f
+! ;ij
+! aux,T* auxilliary variables
+! ***************************************
+! *** DEFINE {zero,half,one,two} ***
+! ***************************************
+ zero = 0.0d0
+ half = 0.5d0
+ one = 1.0d0
+ two = 2.0d0
+! **************************
+! **************************
+ idx = half/dx
+ idy = half/dy
+ idz = half/dz
+ idxy = idx*idy
+ idxz = idx*idz
+ idyz = idy*idz
+ idx2 = one/dx**2
+ idy2 = one/dy**2
+ idz2 = one/dz**2
+ do k=2,nz-1
+ do j=2,ny-1
+ do i=2,nx-1
+! Find spatial metric.
+ gdxx = gxx(i,j,k)
+ gdyy = gyy(i,j,k)
+ gdzz = gzz(i,j,k)
+ gdxy = gxy(i,j,k)
+ gdxz = gxz(i,j,k)
+ gdyz = gyz(i,j,k)
+! Find extrinsic curvature.
+ kdxx = kxx(i,j,k)
+ kdyy = kyy(i,j,k)
+ kdzz = kzz(i,j,k)
+ kdxy = kxy(i,j,k)
+ kdxz = kxz(i,j,k)
+ kdyz = kyz(i,j,k)
+! Find D's using finite differences.
+ ddxxx = idx*(gxx(i+1,j,k) - gxx(i-1,j,k))
+ ddxyy = idx*(gyy(i+1,j,k) - gyy(i-1,j,k))
+ ddxzz = idx*(gzz(i+1,j,k) - gzz(i-1,j,k))
+ ddxxy = idx*(gxy(i+1,j,k) - gxy(i-1,j,k))
+ ddxxz = idx*(gxz(i+1,j,k) - gxz(i-1,j,k))
+ ddxyz = idx*(gyz(i+1,j,k) - gyz(i-1,j,k))
+ ddyxx = idy*(gxx(i,j+1,k) - gxx(i,j-1,k))
+ ddyyy = idy*(gyy(i,j+1,k) - gyy(i,j-1,k))
+ ddyzz = idy*(gzz(i,j+1,k) - gzz(i,j-1,k))
+ ddyxy = idy*(gxy(i,j+1,k) - gxy(i,j-1,k))
+ ddyxz = idy*(gxz(i,j+1,k) - gxz(i,j-1,k))
+ ddyyz = idy*(gyz(i,j+1,k) - gyz(i,j-1,k))
+ ddzxx = idz*(gxx(i,j,k+1) - gxx(i,j,k-1))
+ ddzyy = idz*(gyy(i,j,k+1) - gyy(i,j,k-1))
+ ddzzz = idz*(gzz(i,j,k+1) - gzz(i,j,k-1))
+ ddzxy = idz*(gxy(i,j,k+1) - gxy(i,j,k-1))
+ ddzxz = idz*(gxz(i,j,k+1) - gxz(i,j,k-1))
+ ddzyz = idz*(gyz(i,j,k+1) - gyz(i,j,k-1))
+! Find determinant of spatial metric.
+ det = gdxx*gdyy*gdzz + two*gdxy*gdxz*gdyz
+ . - gdxx*gdyz**2 - gdyy*gdxz**2 - gdzz*gdxy**2
+ if (det.le.zero) then
+ ahf_exp(i,j,k) = zero
+ goto 10
+ end if
+ idet = one/det
+! Find inverse spatial metric.
+ guxx = idet*(gdyy*gdzz - gdyz**2)
+ guyy = idet*(gdxx*gdzz - gdxz**2)
+ guzz = idet*(gdxx*gdyy - gdxy**2)
+ guxy = idet*(gdxz*gdyz - gdzz*gdxy)
+ guxz = idet*(gdxy*gdyz - gdyy*gdxz)
+ guyz = idet*(gdxy*gdxz - gdxx*gdyz)
+! Find spatial derivatives of f.
+ T0 = two*ahfgrid(i,j,k)
+ T1 = ahfgrid(i+1,j,k)
+ T2 = ahfgrid(i-1,j,k)
+ dfx = (T1 - T2)*idx
+ d2fxx = (T1 - T0 + T2)*idx2
+ T1 = ahfgrid(i,j+1,k)
+ T2 = ahfgrid(i,j-1,k)
+ dfy = (T1 - T2)*idy
+ d2fyy = (T1 - T0 + T2)*idy2
+ T1 = ahfgrid(i,j,k+1)
+ T2 = ahfgrid(i,j,k-1)
+ dfz = (T1 - T2)*idz
+ d2fzz = (T1 - T0 + T2)*idz2
+! Save gradient of horizon function and its norm
+! (they will be needed later in the flow algorithm
+! and in the gaussian curvature). Here I also try
+! to avoid possible division by zero later by not
+! allowing ahfgradn(i,j,k) = 0. This should only
+! ever happen far from the horizon, so resetting this
+! to 1 should have no important effects.
+ ahfgradx(i,j,k) = dfx
+ ahfgrady(i,j,k) = dfy
+ ahfgradz(i,j,k) = dfz
+ aux = guxx*dfx**2 + guyy*dfy**2 + guzz*dfz**2
+ . + two*(guxy*dfx*dfy + guxz*dfx*dfz + guyz*dfy*dfz)
+ ahfgradn(i,j,k) = dsqrt(aux)
+ if (ahfgradn(i,j,k).eq.zero) ahfgradn(i,j,k) = one
+! Find crossed derivatives.
+ d2fxy = (ahfgrid(i+1,j+1,k) + ahfgrid(i-1,j-1,k)
+ . - ahfgrid(i+1,j-1,k) - ahfgrid(i-1,j+1,k))*idxy
+ d2fxz = (ahfgrid(i+1,j,k+1) + ahfgrid(i-1,j,k-1)
+ . - ahfgrid(i+1,j,k-1) - ahfgrid(i-1,j,k+1))*idxz
+ d2fyz = (ahfgrid(i,j+1,k+1) + ahfgrid(i,j-1,k-1)
+ . - ahfgrid(i,j+1,k-1) - ahfgrid(i,j-1,k+1))*idyz
+! Raise indices in first derivatives.
+ dfux = guxx*dfx + guxy*dfy + guxz*dfz
+ dfuy = guxy*dfx + guyy*dfy + guyz*dfz
+ dfuz = guxz*dfx + guyz*dfy + guzz*dfz
+! Find second covariant derivatives of f.
+ c2fxx = d2fxx - half*(dfux*ddxxx
+ . + dfuy*(two*ddxxy - ddyxx)
+ . + dfuz*(two*ddxxz - ddzxx))
+ c2fyy = d2fyy - half*(dfuy*ddyyy
+ . + dfux*(two*ddyxy - ddxyy)
+ . + dfuz*(two*ddyyz - ddzyy))
+ c2fzz = d2fzz - half*(dfuz*ddzzz
+ . + dfux*(two*ddzxz - ddxzz)
+ . + dfuy*(two*ddzyz - ddyzz))
+ c2fxy = d2fxy - half*(dfux*ddyxx + dfuy*ddxyy
+ . + dfuz*(ddxyz + ddyxz - ddzxy))
+ c2fxz = d2fxz - half*(dfux*ddzxx + dfuz*ddxzz
+ . + dfuy*(ddxyz + ddzxy - ddyxz))
+ c2fyz = d2fyz - half*(dfuy*ddzyy + dfuz*ddyzz
+ . + dfux*(ddyxz + ddzxy - ddxyz))
+! / m \ 1/2
+! Find: u = | d f d f |
+! \ m /
+ T0 = dfx*dfux + dfy*dfuy + dfz*dfuz
+ if (T0.gt.zero) then
+ T0 = one/dsqrt(T0)
+ else
+ ahf_exp(i,j,k) = zero
+ goto 10
+ end if
+! __2
+! Find: \/ f / u
+ T1 = guxx*c2fxx + guyy*c2fyy + guzz*c2fzz
+ . + two*(guxy*c2fxy + guxz*c2fxz + guyz*c2fyz)
+ T1 = T1*T0
+! a b 2
+! Find: K d f d f / u
+! ab
+ T2 = kdxx*dfux**2 + kdyy*dfuy**2 + kdzz*dfuz**2
+ . + two*(dfux*(kdxy*dfuy + kdxz*dfuz) + kdyz*dfuy*dfuz)
+ T2 = T2*T0**2
+! __a__b 3
+! Find: \/ \/ f d f d f / u
+! a b
+ T3 = c2fxx*dfux**2 + c2fyy*dfuy**2 + c2fzz*dfuz**2
+ . + two*(dfux*(c2fxy*dfuy + c2fxz*dfuz)
+ . + c2fyz*dfuy*dfuz)
+ T3 = T3*T0**3
+! Find: trK
+ T4 = guxx*kdxx + guyy*kdyy + guzz*kdzz
+ . + two*(guxy*kdxy + guxz*kdxz + guyz*kdyz)
+! Find the expansion.
+ ahf_exp(i,j,k) = T1 + T2 - T3 - T4
+! Check for NaN's.
+ if (ahf_exp(i,j,k).ge.zero) then
+ else if (ahf_exp(i,j,k).lt.zero) then
+ else
+#ifdef MPI
+ if (myproc.eq.0) then
+ write(*,*) 'NaN in ahf_exp at point',i,j,k
+#ifdef MPI
+ end if
+ end if
+ 10 continue
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+! Boundaries.
+ do k=1,nz
+ do j=1,ny
+ ahf_exp(1 ,j,k) = ahf_exp(2 ,j,k)
+ ahf_exp(nx,j,k) = ahf_exp(nx-1,j,k)
+ ahfgradx(nx,j,k) = ahfgradx(nx-1,j,k)
+ ahfgrady(nx,j,k) = ahfgrady(nx-1,j,k)
+ ahfgradz(nx,j,k) = ahfgradz(nx-1,j,k)
+ ahfgradn(nx,j,k) = ahfgradn(nx-1,j,k)
+ ahfgrady(1 ,j,k) = ahfgrady(2,j,k)
+ ahfgradz(1 ,j,k) = ahfgradz(2,j,k)
+ ahfgradn(1 ,j,k) = ahfgradn(2,j,k)
+! if ((contains("grid","octant").ne.0).or.
+! . (contains("grid","quadrant").ne.0)) then
+ if ((CCTK_Equals(symmetry,"octant").eq.1).or.
+ . (CCTK_Equals(symmetry,"quadrant").eq.1)) then
+ ahfgradx(1,j,k) = -ahfgradx(2,j,k)
+ else
+ ahfgradx(1,j,k) = +ahfgradx(2,j,k)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ do k=1,nz
+ do i=1,nx
+ ahf_exp(i,1 ,k) = ahf_exp(i,2 ,k)
+ ahf_exp(i,ny,k) = ahf_exp(i,ny-1,k)
+ ahfgradx(i,ny,k) = ahfgradx(i,ny-1,k)
+ ahfgrady(i,ny,k) = ahfgrady(i,ny-1,k)
+ ahfgradz(i,ny,k) = ahfgradz(i,ny-1,k)
+ ahfgradn(i,ny,k) = ahfgradn(i,ny-1,k)
+ ahfgradx(i,1 ,k) = ahfgradx(i,2,k)
+ ahfgradz(i,1 ,k) = ahfgradz(i,2,k)
+ ahfgradn(i,1 ,k) = ahfgradn(i,2,k)
+! if ((contains("grid","octant").ne.0).or.
+! . (contains("grid","quadrant").ne.0)) then
+ if ((CCTK_Equals(symmetry,"octant").eq.1).or.
+ . (CCTK_Equals(symmetry,"quadrant").eq.1)) then
+ ahfgrady(i,1,k) = -ahfgrady(i,2,k)
+ else
+ ahfgrady(i,1,k) = +ahfgrady(i,2,k)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ do j=1,ny
+ do i=1,nx
+ ahf_exp(i,j,1 ) = ahf_exp(i,j,2 )
+ ahf_exp(i,j,nz) = ahf_exp(i,j,nz-1)
+ ahfgradx(i,j,nz) = ahfgradx(i,j,nz-1)
+ ahfgrady(i,j,nz) = ahfgrady(i,j,nz-1)
+ ahfgradz(i,j,nz) = ahfgradz(i,j,nz-1)
+ ahfgradn(i,j,nz) = ahfgradn(i,j,nz-1)
+ ahfgradx(i,j,1 ) = ahfgradx(i,j,2)
+ ahfgrady(i,j,1 ) = ahfgrady(i,j,2)
+ ahfgradn(i,j,1 ) = ahfgradn(i,j,2)
+! if (contains("grid","octant").ne.0) then
+ if (CCTK_Equals(symmetry,"octant").eq.1) then
+ ahfgradz(i,j,1) = -ahfgradz(i,j,2)
+ else
+ ahfgradz(i,j,1) = +ahfgradz(i,j,2)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+! Synchronize.
+#ifdef MPI
+ call synconefunc(ahf_exp)
+ call synconefunc(ahfgradx)
+ call synconefunc(ahfgrady)
+ call synconefunc(ahfgradz)
+ call synconefunc(ahfgradn)
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ return
+ end
diff --git a/src/AHFinder_find3.F b/src/AHFinder_find3.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..951bb4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AHFinder_find3.F
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+c @file AHFinder_find3.F
+c @date March 1999
+c @author Lars Nerger
+c @desc
+c Muliplicate gridfunctions for final grid function
+c @enddesc
+c Note that including cactus.h will also include AHFinder.h
+!#include "cactus.h"
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_arguments.h"
+! To output single gridfunctions when searching for 3 horizons
+! the gridfunctions are here multiplicated.
+ subroutine AHFinder_find3(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,mtype)
+ use AHFinder_dat
+ implicit none
+ integer mtype
+ REAL one
+! Description of variables
+! mtype Type of surface: see AHFinder.F
+! **********************
+! *** DEFINE one ***
+! **********************
+ one = 1.0D0
+! *************************
+! *** START ROUTINE ***
+! *************************
+ if ((mfind.eq.0).and.(mtype.eq.1)) then
+ ahfgrid3 = ahfgrid
+ ahf_exp3 = ahf_exp
+ else if ((mfind.eq.0).and.(mtype.ne.1)) then
+ ahfgrid3 = one
+ ahf_exp3 = one
+ else if ((mfind.eq.1).and.(mtype.eq.1)) then
+ ahfgrid3 = ahfgrid*ahfgrid3
+ ahf_exp3 = ahf_exp*ahf_exp3
+ else if ((mfind.eq.2).and.(mtype.eq.1)) then
+ ahfgrid3 = ahfgrid*ahfgrid3
+ ahf_exp3 = ahf_exp*ahf_exp3
+ end if
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end subroutine AHFinder_find3
diff --git a/src/AHFinder_flow.F b/src/AHFinder_flow.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a44600d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AHFinder_flow.F
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+c @file AHFinder_flow.F
+c @date November 1998
+c @author Miguel Alcubierre
+c @desc
+c Master routine to control the iterations for
+c the flow algorithm.
+c The flow algorithm used here is that of Carsten Gunlach:
+c Phys. Rev. D 57, 863 (1998).
+c @enddesc
+c Note that including cactus.h will also include AHFinder.h
+!#include "cactus.h"
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_arguments.h"
+ subroutine AHFinder_flow(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,rmx,status,logf)
+ use AHFinder_dat
+ implicit none
+ logical status,new
+ integer i,j,l,m
+ CCTK_REAL rmx,ahftol
+ CCTK_REAL ahfsum,ahfdiff,ahfdiff_old
+ CCTK_REAL maxchange,minchange
+ CCTK_REAL reldiff
+ CCTK_REAL spher
+ CCTK_REAL zero,one
+ CCTK_REAL dd,aux
+ character*200 logf
+! Description of variables:
+! i,l,m Counters.
+! ITMAX Maximum number of iterations.
+! A,B Flow parameters.
+! hw Weigth of `H' flow (see Carsten's paper).
+! cw Weigth of `C' flow (see Carsten's paper).
+! nw Weigth of `N' flow (see Carsten's paper).
+! ahftol Tolerance used to decide if we have converged.
+! ***************************
+! ***************************
+ zero = 0.0D0
+ one = 1.0D0
+ dd = min(dx,dy,dz)
+! ***************************
+! ***************************
+! A = getr8("ahf_flowa")
+! B = getr8("ahf_flowb")
+ A = ahf_flowa
+ B = ahf_flowb
+! hw = getr8("ahf_flowh")
+! cw = getr8("ahf_flowc")
+! nw = getr8("ahf_flown")
+ hw = ahf_flowh
+ cw = ahf_flowc
+ nw = ahf_flown
+! maxchange = getr8("ahf_maxchange")
+! minchange = getr8("ahf_minchange")
+ maxchange = ahf_maxchange
+ minchange = ahf_minchange
+! *************************
+! *** INITIAL GUESS ***
+! *************************
+ 5 continue
+! Initialize arrays.
+ c0 = zero
+ cc = zero
+ cs = zero
+ hflow0 = zero
+ hflowc = zero
+ hflows = zero
+ cflow0 = zero
+ cflowc = zero
+ cflows = zero
+ nflow0 = zero
+ nflowc = zero
+ nflows = zero
+! As initial guess I take the largest sphere that
+! can fit in the grid.
+ if ((myproc.eq.0).and.verbose) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(A35,ES11.3)") ' Initial guess sphere with radius: ',rmx
+ write(*,"(A13,3ES11.3)") ' centered on:',real(xc),real(yc),real(zc)
+ end if
+ c0(0) = rmx
+! *******************************
+! *******************************
+! Find ITMAX and ahftol.
+! ITMAX = geti("ahf_flowiter")
+! ahftol = getr8("ahf_flowtol")
+ ITMAX = ahf_flowiter
+ ahftol = ahf_flowtol
+! Start the iterations.
+ do i=1,ITMAX
+! Save the old values of the coefficients.
+ c0_old = c0
+ cc_old = cc
+ cs_old = cs
+! In order to adapt the stepsize, I do two steps
+! with the current stepsize, and compare them with
+! one step with double the stepsize.
+ do j=1,2
+ ahfsum = zero
+ ahfdiff = zero
+! ************************************
+! ************************************
+ call AHFinder_fun(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ call AHFinder_exp(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ call AHFinder_int(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+! *****************************
+! *****************************
+! If interror is true there was an error in the integral.
+! There are two possibilities here:
+! 1) This is the first of the two small steps (j=1).
+! We then went out of bounds in the previous iteration,
+! so there is nothing we can do to fix it.
+ if (interror.and.(j.eq.1)) then
+! We can be out of bounds for two reasons:
+! a) We are out of the computational domain, pitty.
+ if (interror2.ne.0) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'AHFinder: Out of bounds, giving up.'
+ return
+! b) The radius is negative somewhere. This is a really
+! interesting case, since it probably means that the
+! origin of our expansion is outside the horizon.
+! This can happen is the black-hole is not centered,
+! or if we have more than one horizon.
+ else if (interror1.ne.0) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'AHFinder: Negative radius.'
+ return
+! We should never get here!
+ else
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'Something is very wrong!'
+ return
+ end if
+! 2) This is the second of the two small steps (j=2).
+! We can still try to reduce the stepsize and start
+! the iteration again. We then jump to the place
+! where the stepsize is adapted, and force it to
+! be reduced.
+ else if (interror) then
+ interror = .false.
+ reldiff = one
+ ahfsum = one
+ ahfdiff = one
+ intexp2 = one
+ goto 100
+ end if
+! ****************************************
+! ****************************************
+! Update c0.
+ do l=0,lmax,1+stepz
+ aux = c0(l)
+ c0(l) = aux - A/(one + B*dble(l)*(dble(l) + one))
+ . *(hw*hflow0(l) + cw*cflow0(l) + nw*nflow0(l))
+ ahfsum = ahfsum + c0_old(l)**2
+ ahfdiff = ahfdiff + (c0(l) - c0_old(l))**2
+ end do
+! Update {cc,cs}.
+ if (nonaxi) then
+! Update cc(l,m).
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1+stepx,l,1+stepx
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ aux = cc(l,m)
+ cc(l,m) = aux - A/(one
+ . + B*dble(l)*(dble(l) + one))
+ . *(hw*hflowc(l,m) + cw*cflowc(l,m)
+ . + nw*nflowc(l,m))
+ ahfsum = ahfsum + cc_old(l,m)**2
+ ahfdiff = ahfdiff + (cc(l,m)-cc_old(l,m))**2
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+! Update cs(l,m).
+ if (.not.refy) then
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1,l,1+stepx
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ cs(l,m) = cs(l,m) - A/(one
+ . + B*dble(l)*(dble(l) + one))
+ . *(hw*hflows(l,m) + cw*cflows(l,m)
+ . + nw*nflows(l,m))
+ ahfsum = ahfsum + cs_old(l,m)**2
+ ahfdiff = ahfdiff + (cs(l,m)-cs_old(l,m))**2
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ end if
+ ahfsum = dsqrt(ahfsum)
+ ahfdiff = dsqrt(ahfdiff)
+! If this is the first of the two small steps, save
+! twice the difference. Why twice? Because this would
+! have been the resulting difference if we had done only
+! one step that was twice as big.
+ if (j.eq.1) then
+ ahfdiff_old = 2.0D0*ahfdiff
+ end if
+ end do
+! ***************************
+! ***************************
+! Here we find the relative difference between having done two
+! small steps and one large step.
+ reldiff = dabs(ahfdiff - ahfdiff_old)
+ . / dabs(ahfdiff + ahfdiff_old)
+ 100 new = .false.
+! If the relative difference is too large, we reduce the
+! stepsize and ignore this iteration.
+ if ((reldiff.gt.maxchange).or.
+ . (ahfdiff.gt.maxchange*ahfsum)) then
+ new = .true.
+ A = 0.5D0*A
+ c0 = c0_old
+ cc = cc_old
+ cs = cs_old
+! If the diference is too small, we can safely increase
+! the stepsize for the next iteration.
+ else if (reldiff.lt.minchange) then
+ new = .true.
+ A = 2.0D0*A
+ end if
+! ******************************************
+! ******************************************
+! Open logfile.
+ logf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_logfile"
+ if (logfile.and.(myproc.eq.0)) then
+ open(1,file=logf,form='formatted',status='old',
+ . position='append')
+ end if
+! Write messages.
+ if (myproc.eq.0) then
+ if (veryver) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(A28,I3)") ' AHFinder: FLOW ITERATION ',i
+ if (intarea.ne.zero) then
+ aux = one/intarea
+ else
+ aux = one
+ end if
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Surface area =',intarea
+ write(*,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Mean value of H =',aux*intexp
+ write(*,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Mean value of H^2 =',aux*intexp2
+ write(*,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' ahfdiff/ahfsum =',ahfdiff/ahfsum
+ if (new) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(A15,ES14.6)") ' New stepsize =',A
+ end if
+ if (offset) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(A6,ES14.6)") ' xc =',xc
+ write(*,"(A6,ES14.6)") ' yc =',yc
+ write(*,"(A6,ES14.6)") ' zc =',zc
+ end if
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(A20)") ' Shape coefficients:'
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(A4,I2,A3,ES14.6)") ' c0(',0,') =',c0(0)
+ do l=1+stepz,lmax,1+stepz
+ write(*,"(A4,I2,A3,ES14.6)") ' c0(',l,') =',c0(l)
+ end do
+ end if
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(A28,I3)") ' AHFinder: FLOW ITERATION ',i
+ if (intarea.ne.zero) then
+ aux = one/intarea
+ else
+ aux = one
+ end if
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Surface area =',intarea
+ write(1,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Mean value of H =',aux*intexp
+ write(1,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Mean value of H^2 =',aux*intexp2
+ write(1,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' ahfdiff/ahfsum =',ahfdiff/ahfsum
+ if (new) then
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(A15,ES14.6)") ' New stepsize =',A
+ end if
+ if (offset) then
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(A6,ES14.6)") ' xc =',xc
+ write(1,"(A6,ES14.6)") ' yc =',yc
+ write(1,"(A6,ES14.6)") ' zc =',zc
+ end if
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(A20)") ' Shape coefficients:'
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(A4,I2,A3,ES14.6)") ' c0(',0,') =',c0(0)
+ do l=1+stepz,lmax,1+stepz
+ write(1,"(A4,I2,A3,ES14.6)") ' c0(',l,') =',c0(l)
+ end do
+ end if
+ if (nonaxi) then
+ if (.not.refy) then
+ if (veryver) then
+ write(*,*)
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1,l
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ write(*,"(A4,I2,A1,I2,A4,ES14.6)") ' cc(',
+ . l,',',m,') =',cc(l,m)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ write(*,*)
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1,l
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ write(*,"(A4,I2,A1,I2,A4,ES14.6)") ' cs(',
+ . l,',',m,') =',cs(l,m)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*)
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1,l
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ write(1,"(A4,I2,A1,I2,A4,ES14.6)") ' cc(',
+ . l,',',m,') =',cc(l,m)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ write(1,*)
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1,l
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ write(1,"(A4,I2,A1,I2,A4,ES14.6)") ' cs(',
+ . l,',',m,') =',cs(l,m)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ 10 format(I4,I4,A2,ES14.6,A1,ES14.6)
+ else
+ if (veryver) then
+ write(*,*)
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1,l
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ write(*,"(A4,I2,A1,I2,A4,ES14.6)") ' cc(',
+ . l,',',m,') =',cc(l,m)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*)
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1,l
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ write(1,"(A4,I2,A1,I2,A4,ES14.6)") ' cc(',
+ . l,',',m,') =',cc(l,m)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ 20 format(I4,I4,A2,ES14.6)
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+! Close logfile.
+ if (logfile.and.(myproc.eq.0)) then
+ close(1)
+ end if
+! ***********************************
+! ***********************************
+! The finder needs a way to give up if there is no
+! horizon. At the moment, the way in which I do this
+! is that I just give up if the monopole term is of
+! the order of 2 grid points in size. Maybe this
+! could be improved on?
+ if (c0(0).lt.2.0D0*dd) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(A43)") ' AHFinder: c0(0) is too small, giving up.'
+ return
+ end if
+! ********************************************
+! ********************************************
+! For this I use a straigthforward test to check if the
+! change in the surface is below a given tolerance. This
+! usually works well, but if the tolerance is too small then
+! the convergence becomes very slow. Also, since I use an
+! adaptive stepsize, I run the risk of having a small change
+! simply because the stepsize itself is very small, and not
+! because we found a horizon. This can happen is the tolerance
+! is not small enough. So we have a balancing act here.
+ if (ahfdiff.lt.ahftol*ahfsum) then
+ status = .true.
+ return
+ end if
+ end do
+! ******************************
+! ******************************
+! If we ever get here, we did too many iterations and
+! failed to converge.
+ status = .true.
+ if (veryver) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(A32,I2)") ' AHFinder: Too many iterations'
+ end if
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end subroutine AHFinder_flow
+ real*8 function spher(theta,phi)
+! Function to reconstruct a function pointwise
+! from the expansion coefficients {c0,cc,cs}.
+ use AHFinder_dat
+ implicit none
+ integer l,m
+ REAL theta,phi
+ REAL F,cost,cosa,sina
+ REAL aux
+! ******************************
+! *** Axisymmetric terms ***
+! ******************************
+ F = 0
+ cost = cos(theta)
+ do l=0,lmax
+ F = F + c0(l)*legen(l,0,cost)
+ end do
+! **********************************
+! *** Non-axisymmetric terms ***
+! **********************************
+ do m=1,lmax
+ aux = m*phi
+ sina = sin(aux)
+ cosa = cos(aux)
+ do l=m,lmax
+ F = F + LEGEN(l,m,cost)*(cc(l,m)*cosa + cs(l,m)*sina)
+ end do
+ end do
+ spher = F
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end function spher
diff --git a/src/AHFinder_fun.F b/src/AHFinder_fun.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5261db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AHFinder_fun.F
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+c @file AHFinder_fun.F
+c @date April 1998
+c @author Miguel Alcubierre
+c @desc
+c Find horizon function.
+c @enddesc
+c Note that including cactus.h will also include AHFinder.h
+!#include "cactus.h"
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_arguments.h"
+ subroutine AHFinder_fun(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ use AHFinder_dat
+ implicit none
+ integer i,j,k
+ integer l,m
+ CCTK_REAL xp,yp,zp,rp
+ CCTK_REAL phi,cost,cosa,sina
+ CCTK_REAL zero,half,one,two
+ CCTK_REAL pi,halfpi,twopi
+ CCTK_REAL aux1,aux2
+! **************************
+! **************************
+ zero = 0.0D0
+ half = 0.5D0
+ one = 1.0D0
+ two = 2.0D0
+ nx = cctk_lsh(1)
+ ny = cctk_lsh(2)
+ nz = cctk_lsh(3)
+! *************************************
+! *** DEFINE {pi,halfpi,twopi} ***
+! *************************************
+ pi = 3.141592654D0
+ halfpi = half*pi
+ twopi = two*pi
+! *********************************
+! *********************************
+ do k=1,nz
+ do j=1,ny
+ do i=1,nx
+ xp = x(i,j,k) - xc
+ yp = y(i,j,k) - yc
+ zp = z(i,j,k) - zc
+ rp = dsqrt(xp**2 + yp**2 + zp**2)
+! Find phi.
+ if (dabs(xp).gt.dabs(yp)) then
+ phi = atan(dabs(yp/xp))
+ else if (dabs(xp).lt.dabs(yp)) then
+ phi = halfpi - atan(dabs(xp/yp))
+ else
+ phi = 0.25D0*pi
+ end if
+ if ((xp.eq.zero).and.(yp.eq.zero)) then
+ phi = zero
+ else if ((xp.le.zero).and.(yp.ge.zero)) then
+ phi = pi - phi
+ else if ((xp.le.zero).and.(yp.le.zero)) then
+ phi = pi + phi
+ else if ((xp.ge.zero).and.(yp.le.zero)) then
+ phi = twopi - phi
+ end if
+! Monopole term.
+ aux1 = c0(0)
+! Axisymmetric terms.
+ if (rp.ne.zero) then
+ cost = zp/rp
+ else
+ cost = one
+ end if
+ do l=1+stepz,lmax,1+stepz
+ aux1 = aux1 + c0(l)*LEGEN(l,0,cost)
+ end do
+! Non-axisymmetric terms. Notice how the sum over M is first.
+! This will allow me to use the recursion relations to avoid
+! having to start from scratch every time. Also, I sum over
+! all l's even if I don't want some terms. This is because
+! in order to use the recursion relations I need all polynomials.
+ if (nonaxi) then
+ do m=1,lmax
+ aux2 = dble(m)*phi
+ sina = sin(aux2)
+ cosa = cos(aux2)
+ do l=m,lmax
+ aux2 = LEGEN(l,m,cost)
+ aux1 = aux1 + aux2*cc(l,m)*cosa
+ if (.not.refy) then
+ aux1 = aux1 + aux2*cs(l,m)*sina
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ ahfgrid(i,j,k) = rp - aux1
+! Check for NaN's.
+ if (ahfgrid(i,j,k).ge.zero) then
+ else if (ahfgrid(i,j,k).lt.zero) then
+ else
+#ifdef MPI
+ if (myproc.eq.0) then
+ write(*,*) 'NaN in ahfgrid at point',i,j,k
+#ifdef MPI
+ end if
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+! Synchronize.
+#ifdef MPI
+ call synconefunc(ahfgrid)
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end subroutine AHFinder_fun
diff --git a/src/AHFinder_gau.F b/src/AHFinder_gau.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef3e6cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AHFinder_gau.F
@@ -0,0 +1,1168 @@
+c @file AHFinder_gau.F
+c @date October 1998
+c @author Miguel Alcubierre
+c @desc
+c Find gaussian curvature of surface. The gaussian
+c curvature is defined as -R/2, where R is the Ricci
+c scalar of the induced 2-geometry of the surface.
+c As an extra `goody', this routine also integrates
+c the equatorial circumference of the horizon and
+c two polar circumferences at phi=0 and phi=pi/2.
+c @enddesc
+c Note that including cactus.h will also include AHFinder.h
+!#include "cactus.h"
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_arguments.h"
+ subroutine AHFinder_gau(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,circ_eq,meri_p1,meri_p2)
+ use AHFinder_dat
+ implicit none
+#ifdef MPI
+ include 'mpif.h'
+ logical firstgau
+ logical firstcal(4)
+ integer handle,x_index,y_index,z_index
+ CCTK_INT ierror
+ CCTK_REAL maxval(3),minval(3)
+ CCTK_INT i,j,k,l,m,n,p
+ CCTK_INT npoints
+ CCTK_INT error1,error2,ierror
+ CCTK_INT getoutpfx
+ CCTK_REAL theta,phi,xp,yp,zp,rp
+ CCTK_REAL cost,sint,cosp,sinp
+ CCTK_REAL dtheta,dphi,dtp,idtheta,idphi
+ CCTK_REAL xmn,ymn,zmn,xmx,ymx,zmx
+ CCTK_REAL trr,ttt,tpp,trt,trp,ttp,ft,fp
+ CCTK_REAL circ_eq,meri_p1,meri_p2
+ CCTK_REAL deta,ideta
+ CCTK_REAL nlx,nly,nlz,nux,nuy,nuz
+ CCTK_REAL trxi,xi2
+ CCTK_REAL zero,half,one,two,three,four,pi
+ CCTK_REAL aux,sina,cosa
+ CCTK_REAL, dimension(3,3) :: ug,xi
+ CCTK_REAL, dimension(2,2) :: ga,ua
+ CCTK_REAL, dimension(2,2,2) :: d1a,gammad,gamma
+ CCTK_REAL, dimension(2,2,2,2) :: d2a,gamma2
+ CCTK_REAL, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: rr,xa,ya,za
+ CCTK_REAL, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: txx,tyy,tzz,txy,txz,tyz
+ CCTK_REAL, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: g11,g22,g12
+ CCTK_REAL, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: gaussian
+ character*200 gaussf
+! Declarations for macros.
+!#include "./thorn_StandardEinstein/src/macro/UPPERMET_declare.h"
+!#include "./thorn_StandardEinstein/src/macro/CHR2_declare.h"
+!#include "./thorn_StandardEinstein/src/macro/RICCI_declare.h"
+!#include "./thorn_StandardEinstein/src/macro/TRRICCI_declare.h"
+#include "../../Einstein/src/macro/UPPERMET_declare.h"
+#include "../../Einstein/src/macro/CHR2_declare.h"
+#include "../../Einstein/src/macro/RICCI_declare.h"
+#include "../../Einstein/src/macro/TRRICCI_declare.h"
+! Data.
+ data firstgau / .true. /
+ data firstcal(1) / .true. /
+ data firstcal(2) / .true. /
+ data firstcal(3) / .true. /
+ data firstcal(4) / .true. /
+ save firstcal
+ save firstgau
+! Description of variables:
+! i,j,k,
+! l,m,n,p Counters.
+! npoints Number of points to interpolate.
+! error1 Different from zero if radius is negative.
+! error2 Different from zero if outside computational domain.
+! theta Latitude.
+! phi Longitude.
+! cost cos(theta)
+! sint sin(theta)
+! cosp cos(phi)
+! sinp sin(phi)
+! dtheta Grid spacing in theta.
+! dphi Grid spacing in phi.
+! dtp dtheta*dphi.
+! idtheta 1/(2 dtheta)
+! idphi 1/(2 dphi)
+! xp x coordinate from surface centre.
+! yp y coordinate from surface centre.
+! zp z coordinate from surface centre.
+! rp Radius.
+! rr Radius array.
+! xa Array with x coordinates from grid centre.
+! ya Array with y coordinates from grid centre.
+! za Array with z coordinates from grid centre.
+! xmn Minimum value of x over the grid.
+! xmx Maximum value of x over the grid.
+! ymn Minimum value of y over the grid.
+! ymx Maximum value of y over the grid.
+! zmn Minimum value of z over the grid.
+! zmx Maximum value of z over the grid.
+! txx Interpolated gxx metric component.
+! tyy Interpolated gyy metric component.
+! tzz Interpolated gzz metric component.
+! txy Interpolated gxy metric component.
+! txz Interpolated gxz metric component.
+! tyz Interpolated gyz metric component.
+! trr 3-metric component {r,r}.
+! ttt 3-metric component {theta,theta}.
+! tpp 3-metric component {phi,phi}.
+! trt 3-metric component {r,theta}.
+! trp 3-metric component {r,phi}.
+! ttp 3-metric component {theta,phi}.
+! ft dr/dtheta
+! fp dr/dphi
+! g11 2-metric component {theta,theta}.
+! g22 2-metric component {phi,phi}.
+! g12 2-metric component {theta,phi}.
+! circ_eq Equatorial circumference.
+! meri_p1 Length of meridian at phi=0.
+! meri_p2 Length of meridian at phi=pi/2.
+! gaussian Gaussian curvature.
+! ug 3x3 array with inverse 3-metric.
+! xi_ij 3x3 array for extrinsic curvature of level sets
+! of horizon function.
+! trxi Trace of xi.
+! xi2 Square of xi.
+! ga_ij 2x2 array with angular metric,
+! ua_ij 2x2 array with inverse angular metric.
+! deta Determinant of angular metric.
+! ideta 1/deta
+! d1a_ijk d ga
+! i kl
+! d2a_ijkl d d ga
+! i j kl
+! gammad Christoffel symbol with 3 indices down.
+! gamma Christoffel symbol with first index up.
+! gamma2 Product of Christoffel symbols.
+! **************************
+! **************************
+ zero = 0.0D0
+ half = 0.5D0
+ one = 1.0D0
+ two = 2.0D0
+ three = 3.0D0
+ four = 4.0D0
+ pi = 3.141592654D0
+! **************************************
+! **************************************
+ if (myproc.eq.0) then
+ allocate(rr(0:ntheta,0:nphi))
+ allocate(xa(0:ntheta,0:nphi))
+ allocate(ya(0:ntheta,0:nphi))
+ allocate(za(0:ntheta,0:nphi))
+ allocate(txx(0:ntheta,0:nphi))
+ allocate(tyy(0:ntheta,0:nphi))
+ allocate(tzz(0:ntheta,0:nphi))
+ allocate(txy(0:ntheta,0:nphi))
+ allocate(txz(0:ntheta,0:nphi))
+ allocate(tyz(0:ntheta,0:nphi))
+ allocate(g11(0:ntheta,0:nphi))
+ allocate(g22(0:ntheta,0:nphi))
+ allocate(g12(0:ntheta,0:nphi))
+ allocate(gaussian(0:ntheta,0:nphi))
+ else
+ allocate(rr(0:0,0:0))
+ allocate(xa(0:0,0:0))
+ allocate(ya(0:0,0:0))
+ allocate(za(0:0,0:0))
+ allocate(txx(0:0,0:0))
+ allocate(tyy(0:0,0:0))
+ allocate(tzz(0:0,0:0))
+ allocate(txy(0:0,0:0))
+ allocate(txz(0:0,0:0))
+ allocate(tyz(0:0,0:0))
+ allocate(g11(0:0,0:0))
+ allocate(g22(0:0,0:0))
+ allocate(g12(0:0,0:0))
+ allocate(gaussian(0:0,0:0))
+ end if
+! *********************************
+! *********************************
+! Find grid boundaries.
+! call CCTK_ReductionHandle(handle,"minimum")
+! call CCTK_GetCoordIndex(x_index,"x")
+! call CCTK_GetCoordIndex(y_index,"y")
+! call CCTK_GetCoordIndex(z_index,"z")
+! call CCTK_Reduce(cctkGH,ierror,-1,handle,3,
+! . CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL,minval,3,
+! . x_index,y_index,z_index)
+! xmn = gf_min(x)
+! ymn = gf_min(y)
+! zmn = gf_min(z)
+ minval = -9.45D0
+ xmn = minval(1)
+ ymn = minval(2)
+ zmn = minval(3)
+! call CCTK_ReductionHandle(handle,"maximum")
+! call CCTK_GetCoordIndex(x_index,"x")
+! call CCTK_GetCoordIndex(y_index,"y")
+! call CCTK_GetCoordIndex(z_index,"z")
+! call CCTK_Reduce(cctkGH,ierror,-1,handle,3,
+! . CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL,maxval,3,
+! . x_index,y_index,z_index)
+! xmx = gf_max(x)
+! ymx = gf_max(y)
+! zmx = gf_max(z)
+ maxval =9.45D0
+ xmx = maxval(1)
+ ymx = maxval(2)
+ zmx = maxval(3)
+! Find {dtheta,dphi,dtp}.
+ dtheta = pi/dble(ntheta)
+ if (cartoon) then
+ dphi = zero
+ dtp = dtheta
+ idphi = one
+ idtheta = half/dtheta
+ else
+ dphi = two*pi/dble(nphi)
+ if (refz) dtheta = half*dtheta
+ if (refx.and.refy) then
+ dphi = 0.25D0*dphi
+ else if (refx) then
+ dphi = half*dphi
+ print *, 'This combination of symmetries has not'
+ print *, 'been properly implemented yet!'
+ else if (refy) then
+ dphi = half*dphi
+ end if
+ dtp = dtheta*dphi
+ idtheta = half/dtheta
+ idphi = half/dphi
+ end if
+! *******************************************************
+! *******************************************************
+! Here I calculate the gaussian curvature of the level sets
+! of the horizon function as a 3D grid function. Later I will
+! interpolate it onto the horizon. This is cleaner than my old
+! method (see below). It depends on less interpolations, and
+! the interpolations are done only after all derivatives have
+! been calculated.
+ do k=2,nz-1
+ do j=2,ny-1
+ do i=2,nx-1
+! Find covariant normal unit vector.
+ aux = one/ahfgradn(i,j,k)
+ nlx = ahfgradx(i,j,k)*aux
+ nly = ahfgrady(i,j,k)*aux
+ nlz = ahfgradz(i,j,k)*aux
+! Find upper spatial metric using standard macro.
+#include "../../Einstein/src/macro/UPPERMET_guts.h"
+ ug(1,1) = UPPERMET_UXX
+ ug(2,2) = UPPERMET_UYY
+ ug(3,3) = UPPERMET_UZZ
+ ug(1,2) = UPPERMET_UXY
+ ug(1,3) = UPPERMET_UXZ
+ ug(2,3) = UPPERMET_UYZ
+ ug(2,1) = ug(1,2)
+ ug(3,1) = ug(1,3)
+ ug(3,2) = ug(2,3)
+! Find contravariant normal unit vector.
+ nux = ug(1,1)*nlx + ug(1,2)*nly + ug(1,3)*nlz
+ nuy = ug(2,1)*nlx + ug(2,2)*nly + ug(2,3)*nlz
+ nuz = ug(3,1)*nlx + ug(3,2)*nly + ug(3,3)*nlz
+! Find Christoffel symbols using standard macros.
+#include "../../Einstein/src/macro/CHR2_guts.h"
+! Find extrinsic curvature of the 2-surfaces defined
+! as the level sets of the horizon function. The
+! extrinsic curvature is defined as:
+! __
+! xi = - \/ n
+! ij (i j)
+! __
+! where \/ is the 3-dimensional covariant derivative and
+! n_i is the unit normal vector to the level sets of the
+! horizon function.
+ xi(1,1) = - (ahfgradx(i+1,j,k)/ahfgradn(i+1,j,k)
+ . - ahfgradx(i-1,j,k)/ahfgradn(i-1,j,k))/(two*dx)
+ . + (CHR2_XXX*nlx + CHR2_YXX*nly + CHR2_ZXX*nlz)
+ xi(2,2) = - (ahfgrady(i,j+1,k)/ahfgradn(i,j+1,k)
+ . - ahfgrady(i,j-1,k)/ahfgradn(i,j-1,k))/(two*dy)
+ . + (CHR2_XYY*nlx + CHR2_YYY*nly + CHR2_ZYY*nlz)
+ xi(3,3) = - (ahfgradz(i,j,k+1)/ahfgradn(i,j,k+1)
+ . - ahfgradz(i,j,k-1)/ahfgradn(i,j,k-1))/(two*dz)
+ . + (CHR2_XZZ*nlx + CHR2_YZZ*nly + CHR2_ZZZ*nlz)
+ xi(1,2) = - (ahfgradx(i,j+1,k)/ahfgradn(i,j+1,k)
+ . - ahfgradx(i,j-1,k)/ahfgradn(i,j-1,k))/(four*dy)
+ . - (ahfgrady(i+1,j,k)/ahfgradn(i+1,j,k)
+ . - ahfgrady(i-1,j,k)/ahfgradn(i-1,j,k))/(four*dx)
+ . + (CHR2_XXY*nlx + CHR2_YXY*nly + CHR2_ZXY*nlz)
+ xi(1,3) = - (ahfgradx(i,j,k+1)/ahfgradn(i,j,k+1)
+ . - ahfgradx(i,j,k-1)/ahfgradn(i,j,k-1))/(four*dz)
+ . - (ahfgradz(i+1,j,k)/ahfgradn(i+1,j,k)
+ . - ahfgradz(i-1,j,k)/ahfgradn(i-1,j,k))/(four*dx)
+ . + (CHR2_XXZ*nlx + CHR2_YXZ*nly + CHR2_ZXZ*nlz)
+ xi(2,3) = - (ahfgrady(i,j,k+1)/ahfgradn(i,j,k+1)
+ . - ahfgrady(i,j,k-1)/ahfgradn(i,j,k-1))/(four*dz)
+ . - (ahfgradz(i,j+1,k)/ahfgradn(i,j+1,k)
+ . - ahfgradz(i,j-1,k)/ahfgradn(i,j-1,k))/(four*dy)
+ . + (CHR2_XYZ*nlx + CHR2_YYZ*nly + CHR2_ZYZ*nlz)
+ xi(2,1) = xi(1,2)
+ xi(3,1) = xi(1,3)
+ xi(3,2) = xi(2,3)
+! Find trace of xi.
+ aux = zero
+ do l=1,3
+ do m=1,3
+ aux = aux + ug(l,m)*xi(l,m)
+ end do
+ end do
+ trxi = aux
+! Find square of xi.
+ aux = zero
+ do l=1,3
+ do m=1,3
+ do n=1,3
+ do p=1,3
+ aux = aux + ug(l,m)*ug(n,p)*xi(l,n)*xi(m,p)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ xi2 = aux
+! Find 3-Ricci and 3-Ricci scalar using standard macros.
+#include "../../Einstein/src/macro/RICCI_guts.h"
+#include "../../Einstein/src/macro/TRRICCI_guts.h"
+! Find 2-Ricci scalar using the contracted Gauss-Codazzi
+! relations:
+! (2) (3) a b (3) 2 ab
+! R = R - 2 n n R + (tr xi) - xi xi
+! ab ab
+ aux = TRRICCI_TRRICCI + trxi**2 - xi2
+ aux = aux - two*(nux**2*RICCI_RXX + nuy**2*RICCI_RYY
+ . + nuz**2*RICCI_RZZ + two*(nux*nuy*RICCI_RXY
+ . + nux*nuz*RICCI_RXZ + nuy*nuz*RICCI_RYZ))
+! Find gaussian curvature. The gaussian curvature is
+! defined as R/2, with R the Ricci scalar of the surfaces.
+ ahfgauss(i,j,k) = half*aux
+! Undefine macros!
+#include "../../Einstein/src/macro/UPPERMET_undefine.h"
+#include "../../Einstein/src/macro/CHR2_undefine.h"
+#include "../../Einstein/src/macro/RICCI_undefine.h"
+#include "../../Einstein/src/macro/TRRICCI_undefine.h"
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+! Boundaries.
+ ahfgauss(1,:,:) = ahfgauss(2,:,:)
+ ahfgauss(:,1,:) = ahfgauss(:,2,:)
+ ahfgauss(:,:,1) = ahfgauss(:,:,2)
+ ahfgauss(nx,:,:) = ahfgauss(nx-1,:,:)
+ ahfgauss(:,ny,:) = ahfgauss(:,ny-1,:)
+ ahfgauss(:,:,nz) = ahfgauss(:,:,nz-1)
+! Synchronize.
+#ifdef MPI
+ call synconefunc(ahfgauss)
+! *************************************
+! *************************************
+! Initialize {error1,error2}.
+ error1 = 0
+ error2 = 0
+! Notice that everything here is done on processor zero!
+ if (myproc.eq.0) then
+ do j=0,nphi
+ do i=0,ntheta
+! Find {theta,phi}.
+ theta = dtheta*dble(i)
+ phi = dphi*dble(j)
+! Find sines and cosines.
+ cost = cos(theta)
+ sint = sin(theta)
+ cosp = cos(phi)
+ sinp = sin(phi)
+! Find radius rp.
+ rp = c0(0)
+ do l=1+stepz,lmax,1+stepz
+ rp = rp + c0(l)*LEGEN(l,0,cost)
+ end do
+! Notice how the sum over m is first. This will allow
+! me to use the recursion relations to avoid having to
+! start from scratch every time. Also, I sum over all
+! l's even if I don't want some terms. This is
+! because in order to use the recursion relations I
+! need all polynomials.
+ if (nonaxi) then
+ do m=1,lmax
+ aux = dble(m)*phi
+ sina = sin(aux)
+ cosa = cos(aux)
+ do l=m,lmax
+ aux = LEGEN(l,m,cost)
+ rp = rp + aux*cc(l,m)*cosa
+ if (.not.refy) then
+ rp = rp + aux*cs(l,m)*sina
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+! Check for negative radius.
+ if (rp.le.zero) then
+ error1 = 1
+ end if
+! Save radius array.
+ rr(i,j) = rp
+! Find {xa,ya,za}
+ xa(i,j) = rp*sint*cosp + xc
+ ya(i,j) = rp*sint*sinp + yc
+ za(i,j) = rp*cost + zc
+! Check if we are within bounds.
+ xp = xa(i,j)
+ yp = ya(i,j)
+ zp = za(i,j)
+ if ((xp.gt.xmx).or.(xp.lt.xmn).or.
+ . (yp.gt.ymx).or.(yp.lt.ymn).or.
+ . (zp.gt.zmx).or.(zp.lt.zmn)) then
+ error2 = 1
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ else
+ xa = half*(xmx+xmn)
+ ya = half*(ymx+ymn)
+ za = half*(zmx+zmn)
+ end if
+! Reduce the errors across processors (all processors must
+! know about this since all will participate on the interpolation
+! below).
+#ifdef MPI
+ call mpi_allreduce(error1,i,1,MPI_INTEGER,
+ error1 = i
+ call mpi_allreduce(error2,i,1,MPI_INTEGER,
+ error2 = i
+! If there was an error then return from the subroutine
+! (but remember to deallocate the arrays first!).
+ if ((error1.ne.0).or.(error2.ne.0)) then
+ goto 10
+ end if
+! ***********************
+! *** INTERPOLATE ***
+! ***********************
+ if (myproc.eq.0) then
+ npoints = (ntheta+1)*(nphi+1)
+ else
+ npoints = 1
+ end if
+ call start_getpointsgroup()
+ call getpoints(gxx,xa,ya,za,txx,npoints)
+ call getpoints(gyy,xa,ya,za,tyy,npoints)
+ call getpoints(gzz,xa,ya,za,tzz,npoints)
+ call getpoints(gxy,xa,ya,za,txy,npoints)
+ call getpoints(gxz,xa,ya,za,txz,npoints)
+ call getpoints(gyz,xa,ya,za,tyz,npoints)
+ call getpoints(ahfgauss,xa,ya,za,gaussian,npoints)
+ call cleanup_getpointsgroup()
+! *********************************
+! *********************************
+ if (myproc.eq.zero) then
+ do j=0,nphi
+ do i=0,ntheta
+! Find {theta,phi}.
+ theta = dtheta*dble(i)
+ phi = dphi*dble(j)
+! Find {rp}.
+ rp = rr(i,j)
+! Find sines and cosines.
+ cost = cos(theta)
+ sint = sin(theta)
+ cosp = cos(phi)
+ sinp = sin(phi)
+! Find metric in spherical coordinates.
+ trr = sint**2*(txx(i,j)*cosp**2
+ . + tyy(i,j)*sinp**2) + tzz(i,j)*cost**2
+ . + two*sint*(txy(i,j)*sint*cosp*sinp
+ . + cost*(txz(i,j)*cosp + tyz(i,j)*sinp))
+ ttt = rp**2*(cost**2*(txx(i,j)*cosp**2
+ . + tyy(i,j)*sinp**2) + tzz(i,j)*sint**2
+ . + two*cost*(txy(i,j)*cost*cosp*sinp
+ . - sint*(txz(i,j)*cosp + tyz(i,j)*sinp)))
+ tpp = (rp*sint)**2*(txx(i,j)*sinp**2 + tyy(i,j)*cosp**2
+ . - two*txy(i,j)*cosp*sinp)
+ trt = rp*(sint*cost*(txx(i,j)*cosp**2 + tyy(i,j)*sinp**2
+ . - tzz(i,j) + two*txy(i,j)*sinp*cosp)
+ . + (cost**2-sint**2)*(txz(i,j)*cosp + tyz(i,j)*sinp))
+ trp = rp*sint*(sint*(cosp*sinp*(tyy(i,j) - txx(i,j))
+ . + txy(i,j)*(cosp**2 - sinp**2))
+ . + cost*(cosp*tyz(i,j) - sinp*txz(i,j)))
+ ttp = rp**2*sint*(cost*(sinp*cosp*(tyy(i,j) - txx(i,j))
+ . + (cosp**2 - sinp**2)*txy(i,j))
+ . + sint*(sinp*txz(i,j) - cosp*tyz(i,j)))
+! Find derivatives {ft,fp}. For interior points I
+! use centered differences, and for the boundary points
+! I use second order one-sided differences.
+ if ((i.ne.0).and.(i.ne.ntheta)) then
+ ft = idtheta*(rr(i+1,j) - rr(i-1,j))
+ else if (i.eq.0) then
+ ft = - idtheta*(three*rr(0,j)
+ . - four*rr(1,j) + rr(2,j))
+ else
+ ft = + idtheta*(three*rr(ntheta,j)
+ . - four*rr(ntheta-1,j) + rr(ntheta-2,j))
+ end if
+ if (nonaxi) then
+ if ((j.ne.0).and.(j.ne.nphi)) then
+ fp = idphi*(rr(i,j+1) - rr(i,j-1))
+ else if (j.eq.0) then
+ fp = - idphi*(three*rr(i,0)
+ . - four*rr(i,1) + rr(i,2))
+ else
+ fp = + idphi*(three*rr(i,nphi)
+ . - four*rr(i,nphi-1) + rr(i,nphi-2))
+ end if
+ else
+ fp = zero
+ end if
+! Find induced metric on the surface.
+ g11(i,j) = ttt + trr*ft**2 + two*trt*ft
+ g22(i,j) = tpp + trr*fp**2 + two*trp*fp
+ g12(i,j) = ttp + trr*ft*fp + trp*ft + trt*fp
+ end do
+ end do
+! ************************************
+! ************************************
+! Find length of equator and meridians
+ circ_eq = zero
+ meri_p1 = zero
+ meri_p2 = zero
+! Equatorial circumference.
+ if (refz) then
+ do j=0,nphi-1
+ circ_eq = circ_eq + dphi
+ . *dsqrt(half*(g22(ntheta,j) + g22(ntheta,j+1)))
+ end do
+ else
+ aux = half*pi/dtheta
+ i = int(aux)
+ aux = aux - int(aux)
+ if (cartoon) then
+ circ_eq = 6.283185307D0*dsqrt(g22(i,0))
+ else
+ do j=0,nphi-1
+ circ_eq = circ_eq + dphi
+ . *((one-aux)*dsqrt(half*(g22(i,j) + g22(i,j+1)))
+ . + aux*dsqrt(half*(g22(i+1,j) + g22(i+1,j+1))))
+ end do
+ end if
+ end if
+! Meridians
+ do i=0,ntheta-1
+ meri_p1 = meri_p1 + dtheta
+ . *dsqrt(half*(g11(i,0) + g11(i+1,0)))
+ end do
+ if (cartoon) then
+ meri_p2 = meri_p1
+ else if (refx.and.refy) then
+ do i=0,ntheta-1
+ meri_p2 = meri_p2 + dtheta
+ . *dsqrt(half*(g11(i,nphi) + g11(i+1,nphi)))
+ end do
+ else
+ aux = half*pi/dphi
+ j = int(aux)
+ aux = aux - int(aux)
+ do i=0,ntheta-1
+ meri_p2 = meri_p2 + dtheta
+ . *((one-aux)*dsqrt(half*(g11(i,j) + g11(i,j)))
+ . + aux*dsqrt(half*(g11(i,j+1) + g11(i,j+1))))
+ end do
+ end if
+! Rescale the integrals according to symmetries.
+ if (.not.cartoon) then
+ if (refx) circ_eq = two*circ_eq
+ if (refy) circ_eq = two*circ_eq
+ end if
+ if (refz) then
+ meri_p1 = two*meri_p1
+ meri_p2 = two*meri_p2
+ end if
+ end if
+! *************************************************
+! *************************************************
+! This was the old calculation of the gaussian curvature.
+! It is correct as far as I know, but it depends on taking
+! second derivatives of the interpolated metric, and this
+! seems not to behave well numerically. I didn't want to
+! delete the code since it might be useful in the future,
+! so I just jump over it.
+ if (.false.) then
+! The Gaussian curvature of the surface is defined as R/2
+! where R is the Ricci scalar of the two-geometry. I can
+! now calculate the Ricci scalar using the spherical metric
+! components {ttt,tpp,ttp}.
+! Initialize arrays.
+ gaussian = zero
+ ga(1,1) = one
+ ga(2,2) = one
+ ga(1,2) = zero
+ ga(2,1) = zero
+ ua(1,1) = one
+ ua(2,2) = one
+ ua(1,2) = zero
+ ua(2,1) = zero
+ d1a = zero
+ d2a = zero
+ gamma = zero
+ gamma2 = zero
+ gammad = zero
+ if (myproc.eq.zero) then
+! Interior points.
+ do j=1,nphi-1
+ do i=1,ntheta-1
+! Find angular metric.
+ ga(1,1) = g11(i,j)
+ ga(2,2) = g22(i,j)
+ ga(1,2) = g12(i,j)
+ ga(2,1) = g12(i,j)
+! Find determinant of angular metric.
+ deta = ga(1,1)*ga(2,2) - ga(1,2)**2
+ ideta = one/deta
+! Find inverse angular metric.
+ ua(1,1) = + ga(2,2)*ideta
+ ua(2,2) = + ga(1,1)*ideta
+ ua(1,2) = - ga(1,2)*ideta
+ ua(2,1) = - ga(2,1)*ideta
+! First derivatives of angular metric.
+ d1a(1,1,1) = idtheta*(g11(i+1,j) - g11(i-1,j))
+ d1a(1,2,2) = idtheta*(g22(i+1,j) - g22(i-1,j))
+ d1a(1,1,2) = idtheta*(g12(i+1,j) - g12(i-1,j))
+ d1a(1,2,1) = d1a(1,1,2)
+ if (nonaxi) then
+ d1a(2,1,1) = idphi*(g11(i,j+1) - g11(i,j-1))
+ d1a(2,2,2) = idphi*(g22(i,j+1) - g22(i,j-1))
+ d1a(2,1,2) = idphi*(g12(i,j+1) - g12(i,j-1))
+ d1a(2,2,1) = d1a(2,1,2)
+ else
+ d1a(2,1,1) = zero
+ d1a(2,2,2) = zero
+ d1a(2,1,2) = zero
+ d1a(2,2,1) = zero
+ end if
+! Second derivatives of angular metric.
+ d2a(1,1,1,1) = four*idtheta**2*(g11(i+1,j)
+ . - two*g11(i,j) + g11(i-1,j))
+ d2a(1,1,2,2) = four*idtheta**2*(g22(i+1,j)
+ . - two*g22(i,j) + g22(i-1,j))
+ d2a(1,1,1,2) = four*idtheta**2*(g12(i+1,j)
+ . - two*g12(i,j) + g12(i-1,j))
+ if (nonaxi) then
+ d2a(2,2,1,1) = four*idphi**2*(g11(i,j+1)
+ . - two*g11(i,j) + g11(i,j-1))
+ d2a(2,2,2,2) = four*idphi**2*(g22(i,j+1)
+ . - two*g22(i,j) + g22(i,j-1))
+ d2a(2,2,1,2) = four*idphi**2*(g12(i,j+1)
+ . - two*g12(i,j) + g12(i,j-1))
+ d2a(1,2,1,1) = (g11(i+1,j+1) - g11(i+1,j-1)
+ . - g11(i-1,j+1) + g11(i-1,j-1))
+ . *idtheta*idphi
+ d2a(1,2,2,2) = (g22(i+1,j+1) - g22(i+1,j-1)
+ . - g22(i-1,j+1) + g22(i-1,j-1))
+ . *idtheta*idphi
+ d2a(1,2,1,2) = (g12(i+1,j+1) - g12(i+1,j-1)
+ . - g12(i-1,j+1) + g12(i-1,j-1))
+ . *idtheta*idphi
+ else
+ d2a(2,2,1,1) = zero
+ d2a(2,2,2,2) = zero
+ d2a(2,2,1,2) = zero
+ d2a(1,2,1,1) = zero
+ d2a(1,2,2,2) = zero
+ d2a(1,2,1,2) = zero
+ end if
+ d2a(1,1,2,1) = d2a(1,1,1,2)
+ d2a(2,2,2,1) = d2a(2,2,1,2)
+ d2a(1,2,2,1) = d2a(1,2,1,2)
+ d2a(2,1,1,1) = d2a(1,2,1,1)
+ d2a(2,1,2,2) = d2a(1,2,2,2)
+ d2a(2,1,1,2) = d2a(1,2,1,2)
+ d2a(2,1,2,1) = d2a(1,2,2,1)
+! Add correction terms to derivatives of g_{phi,phi}.
+! Near the axis, it turns out that the lower order
+! contributions to the derivatives of g_{phi,phi}
+! cancel out, and the gaussian curvature is made only
+! of higher order terms that the centered finite difference
+! approximations get wrong! So here I add higher order
+! corrections to make sure that I get correctly the
+! first two terms of the Taylor series (assuming that
+! for small theta g_{phi,phi} = f(r,phi) sin(theta)^2).
+ theta = dtheta*dble(i)
+ d1a(1,2,2) = d1a(1,2,2) + (two/three)*sin(theta)
+ . *(g22(i+1,j) - two*g22(i,j) + g22(i-1,j))
+ d2a(1,1,2,2) = d2a(1,1,2,2) + one/three
+ . *(g22(i+1,j) - two*g22(i,j) + g22(i-1,j))
+ if (nonaxi) then
+ d2a(1,2,2,2) = d2a(1,2,2,2) + (two/three)*sin(theta)
+ . *((g22(i+1,j+1) - two*g22(i,j+1) + g22(i-1,j+1))
+ . - (g22(i+1,j-1) - two*g22(i,j-1) + g22(i-1,j-1)))
+ . *idphi
+ d2a(2,1,2,2) = d2a(1,2,2,2)
+ end if
+! Find Christoffel symbols.
+ do l=1,2
+ do m=1,2
+ do n=1,2
+ gammad(l,m,n) = half*(d1a(m,n,l) + d1a(n,m,l)
+ . - d1a(l,m,n))
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ do l=1,2
+ do m=1,2
+ do n=1,2
+ aux = zero
+ do k=1,2
+ aux = aux + ua(l,k)*gammad(k,m,n)
+ end do
+ gamma(l,m,n) = aux
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ do k=1,2
+ do l=1,2
+ do m=1,2
+ do n=1,2
+ aux = zero
+ do p=1,2
+ aux = aux + gamma(p,k,l)*gammad(p,m,n)
+ end do
+ gamma2(k,l,m,n) = aux
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+! Find gaussian curvature.
+ aux = zero
+ do k=1,2
+ do l=1,2
+ do m=1,2
+ do n=1,2
+ aux = aux + ua(k,l)*ua(m,n)
+ . *(d2a(k,n,l,m) - d2a(k,l,m,n)
+ . + gamma2(k,m,l,n) - gamma2(k,l,m,n))
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ gaussian(i,j) = half*aux
+ end do
+ end do
+! Boundaries.
+ gaussian(0,:) = two*gaussian(1,:) - gaussian(2,:)
+ gaussian(ntheta,:) = two*gaussian(ntheta-1,:)
+ . - gaussian(ntheta-2,:)
+ gaussian(:,0) = two*gaussian(:,1) - gaussian(:,2)
+ gaussian(:,nphi) = two*gaussian(:,nphi-1)
+ . - gaussian(:,nphi-2)
+ end if
+ end if
+! ************************************
+! ************************************
+ if (find3) then
+ firstgau = firstcal(mfind+1)
+ firstcal(mfind+1) = .false.
+ else
+ firstgau = firstcal(4)
+ firstcal(4) = .false.
+ end if
+! ***********************************
+! ***********************************
+ if (myproc.eq.0) then
+ if (find3) then
+ if (mfind.eq.0) then
+ gaussf = filestr(1:nfile)//"mahf_0.gauss"
+ else if (mfind.eq.1) then
+ gaussf = filestr(1:nfile)//"mahf_1.gauss"
+ else if (mfind.eq.2) then
+ gaussf = filestr(1:nfile)//"mahf_2.gauss"
+ end if
+ else
+ gaussf = filestr(1:nfile)//"mahf.gauss"
+ end if
+! On first call replace file.
+ if (firstgau) then
+ if (find3) then
+ if (mfind.eq.2) then
+ firstgau = .false.
+ end if
+ else
+ firstgau = .false.
+ end if
+ open(1,file=gaussf,form='formatted',
+ . status='replace')
+ write(1,"(A20)") '# GAUSSIAN CURVATURE'
+ write(1,"(A1)") '#'
+ write(1,"(A35)") '# The data is written in a loop as:'
+ write(1,"(A1)") '#'
+ write(1,"(A17)") '# do i=0,ntheta-1'
+ write(1,"(A18)") '# do j=0,nphi-1'
+ write(1,"(A27)") '# write gaussian(i,j)'
+ write(1,"(A11)") '# end do'
+ write(1,"(A8)") '# end do'
+ write(1,"(A1)") '#'
+ write(1,"(A40)") '# theta and phi are subdivided uniformly'
+ write(1,"(A26)") '# according to symmetries:'
+ write(1,"(A1)") '#'
+ write(1,"(A36)") '# phi=[0,2 pi] (refx=refy=.false.)'
+ write(1,"(A44)") '# phi=[0,pi] (refx=.false., refy=.true.)'
+ write(1,"(A35)") '# phi=[0,pi/2] (refx=refy=.true.)'
+ write(1,"(A1)") '#'
+ write(1,"(A31)") '# theta=[0,pi] (refz=.false.)'
+ write(1,"(A30)") '# theta=[0,pi/2] (refz=.true.)'
+ write(1,"(A1)") '#'
+ write(1,"(A9,L1)") '# refx = ',refx
+ write(1,"(A9,L1)") '# refy = ',refy
+ write(1,"(A9,L1)") '# refz = ',refz
+ write(1,"(A1)") '#'
+ write(1,"(A11,I7)") '# ntheta = ',(ntheta+1)
+ write(1,"(A11,I7)") '# nphi = ',(nphi+1)
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(A11,I4)") '# Time step',cctk_iteration
+ write(1,"(A6,ES11.3)") '# Time',cctk_time
+ write(1,"(A6,I4)") '# Call',ahf_ncall
+! On subsequent calls, append to file.
+ else
+ open(1,file=gaussf,form='formatted',
+ . status='old',position='append')
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(A11,I4)") '# Time step',cctk_iteration
+ write(1,"(A6,ES11.3)") '# Time',cctk_time
+ write(1,"(A6,I4)") '# Call',ahf_ncall
+ end if
+! Save data points.
+ do i=0,ntheta
+ do j=0,nphi
+ write(1,"(ES11.3)") gaussian(i,j)
+ end do
+ end do
+! Close file.
+ close(1)
+ end if
+! *****************************
+! *****************************
+ 10 continue
+ deallocate(rr)
+ deallocate(xa,ya,za)
+ deallocate(txx,tyy,tzz,txy,txz,tyz)
+ deallocate(g11,g22,g12)
+ deallocate(gaussian)
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end subroutine AHFinder_gau
diff --git a/src/AHFinder_initguess.F b/src/AHFinder_initguess.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..539a453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AHFinder_initguess.F
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+c @file AHFinder_initguess.F
+c @date July 1999
+c @author Miguel Alcubierre
+c @desc
+c Find initial guess for minimization algorithm
+c @enddesc
+c Note that including cactus.h will also include AHFinder.h
+!#include "cactus.h"
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_arguments.h"
+ subroutine AHFinder_initguess(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,rmx)
+ use AHFinder_dat
+ implicit none
+ integer i,j
+ CCTK_INT nn0,nn2,min_i,min_j
+ CCTK_REAL zero,one,cc0,cc2,rmx,aux,min_aa
+ CCTK_REAL, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: aa,a0,a2
+! Description of variables
+! i,j Counters.
+! aa Area array for initial guess.
+! a0 c0(0) array for initial guess.
+! a2 c0(2) array for initial guess.
+! rmx Radius of largest sphere that fits in the grid.
+! nn0 Number of subdivisions of c0(0) for initial guess.
+! nn2 Number of subdivisions of c0(2) for initial guess.
+! **********************
+! *** INITIALIZE ***
+! **********************
+! define numbers
+ zero = 0.0D0
+ one = 1.0D0
+ aux = rmx
+! Initialize arrays.
+ c0 = zero
+ cc = zero
+ cs = zero
+ cc0 = zero
+ cc2 = zero
+! Get {nn0,nn2}.
+! nn0 = geti("ahf_nn0")
+! nn2 = geti("ahf_nn2")
+ nn0 = ahf_nn0
+ nn2 = ahf_nn0
+ if (cartoon) nn2 = 0
+! Allocate storage.
+ allocate(aa(0:nn0,0:nn2))
+ allocate(a0(0:nn0,0:nn2))
+ allocate(a2(0:nn0,0:nn2))
+! ****************************
+! ****************************
+! IMPORTANT: In order to choose a good initial guess,
+! I map a section of the space {c0(0),c0(2)} looking
+! for a local minimum. This is VERY expensive, so the
+! parameter space is not very well convered.
+ if (veryver.and.(myproc.eq.0)) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'AHFinder: Choosing initial guess.'
+ write(*,*) 'Be patient, this will take a while.'
+ end if
+! lmax >= 2 and good guess.
+ if ((lmax.ge.2).and.(.not.sloppy)) then
+ do j=0,nn2
+ c0(2) = (0.5D0*dble(j)/dble(nn2) - 0.25D0)*aux
+ call AHFinder_fun(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ call AHFinder_exp(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ do i=0,nn0
+ c0(0) = 4.0D0*dx + dble(i)/dble(nn0)*(aux - 4.0D0*dx)
+ a0(i,j) = c0(0)
+ a2(i,j) = c0(2)
+ call AHFinder_int(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ if (minarea) then
+ aa(i,j) = intarea
+ else
+ aa(i,j) = intexp2
+ end if
+ if(guessverbose) then
+ write(*,"(A11,2ES14.6)") 'a0 and a2: ',a0(i,j),a2(i,j)
+ write(*,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' H : ',intexp
+ write(*,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' H^2: ',intexp2
+ write(*,"(A13,ES14.6)") ' H/area : ',intexp/intarea
+ write(*,"(A13,ES14.6)") ' H^2/area: ',intexp2/intarea
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ if ((.not.inner).or.(minarea)) then
+ min_i = 1
+ min_j = 1
+ min_aa = 1.0d15
+ do i=1,nn0-1
+ do j=1,nn2-1
+ if ((aa(i,j).gt.zero).and.
+ . (aa(i,j).lt.aa(i+1,j)).and.
+ . (aa(i,j).lt.aa(i-1,j)).and.
+ . (aa(i,j).lt.aa(i,j+1)).and.
+ . (aa(i,j).lt.aa(i,j-1))) then
+ cc0 = a0(i,j)
+ cc2 = a2(i,j)
+ endif
+ if (aa(i,j) .le. min_aa) then
+ min_i = i
+ min_j = j
+ min_aa = aa(i,j)
+ endif
+ end do
+ end do
+ else
+ min_i = nn0-1
+ min_j = 1
+ min_aa = 1.0d15
+ do i=nn0-1,1,-1
+ do j=1,nn2-1
+ if ((aa(i,j).gt.zero).and.
+ . (aa(i,j).lt.aa(i+1,j)).and.
+ . (aa(i,j).lt.aa(i-1,j)).and.
+ . (aa(i,j).lt.aa(i,j+1)).and.
+ . (aa(i,j).lt.aa(i,j-1))) then
+ cc0 = a0(i,j)
+ cc2 = a2(i,j)
+ endif
+ if (aa(i,j) .le. min_aa) then
+ min_i = i
+ min_j = j
+ min_aa = aa(i,j)
+ endif
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ if (guess_absmin) then
+ cc0 = a0(min_i,min_j)
+ cc2 = a2(min_i,min_j)
+ endif
+! Set up initial guess.
+ c0(0) = cc0
+ c0(2) = cc2
+! lmax < 2 or sloppy guess.
+ else
+ call AHFinder_fun(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ call AHFinder_exp(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ do i=0,nn0
+ c0(0) = 4.0D0*dx + dble(i)/dble(nn0)*(aux - 4.0D0*dx)
+ a0(i,0) = c0(0)
+ call AHFinder_int(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ if (minarea) then
+ aa(i,0) = intarea
+ else
+ aa(i,0) = intexp2
+ end if
+ if(guessverbose) then
+ write(*,"(A11,2ES14.6)") 'a0 and a2: ',a0(i,0),a2(i,0)
+ write(*,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' H : ',intexp
+ write(*,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' H^2: ',intexp2
+ write(*,"(A13,ES14.6)") ' H/area : ',intexp/intarea
+ write(*,"(A13,ES14.6)") ' H^2/area: ',intexp2/intarea
+ end if
+ end do
+ if ((.not.inner).or.(minarea)) then
+ do i=1,nn0-1
+ if ((aa(i,0).gt.zero).and.
+ . (aa(i,0).lt.0.9D0*aa(i+1,0)).and.
+ . (aa(i,0).lt.0.9D0*aa(i-1,0))) then
+ cc0 = a0(i,0)
+ end if
+ end do
+ else
+ do i=nn0-1,1,-1
+ if ((aa(i,0).gt.zero).and.
+ . (aa(i,0).lt.0.9D0*aa(i+1,0)).and.
+ . (aa(i,0).lt.0.9D0*aa(i-1,0))) then
+ cc0 = a0(i,0)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end if
+! Set up initial guess.
+ c0(0) = cc0
+ end if
+! If no local minimum was found, start with a large
+! sphere anyway.
+ if (c0(0).eq.zero) then
+ c0(0) = 0.8D0*rmx
+ c0(2) = zero
+ end if
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+! Print message.
+ if (veryver.and.(myproc.eq.0)) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'Initial guess found, pinning down the horizon.'
+ end if
+! Deallocate storage.
+ deallocate(aa,a0,a2)
+ end subroutine AHFinder_initguess
diff --git a/src/AHFinder_int.F b/src/AHFinder_int.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d13210e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AHFinder_int.F
@@ -0,0 +1,1105 @@
+c @file AHFinder_int.F
+c @date April 1998
+c @author Miguel Alcubierre
+c @desc
+c Find area of surface and integral of expansion.
+c This is done in parallel, but the number of
+c processors is assumed to be either the square
+c of an integer or a power of two (if this is not
+c the case, I use less processors).
+c @enddesc
+c Note that including cactus.h will also include AHFinder.h
+!#include "cactus.h"
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_arguments.h"
+ subroutine AHFinder_int(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ use AHFinder_dat
+ implicit none
+#ifdef MPI
+ include 'mpif.h'
+ integer handle,x_index,y_index,z_index,ierror
+ CCTK_REAL maxval(3),minval(3)
+ integer i,j
+ integer l,m
+ integer npt,npp
+ integer l_ntheta,l_nphi,theta0,phi0
+ integer npoints
+ integer ierror
+ integer auxi
+ integer gxx_index,gyy_index,gzz_index,gxy_index,gxz_index,gyz_index
+ integer exp_index,gradn_index
+ CCTK_REAL theta,phi,xp,yp,zp,rp
+ CCTK_REAL xw,yw,zw
+ CCTK_REAL cost,sint,cosp,sinp
+ CCTK_REAL trr,ttt,tpp,trt,trp,ttp,ft,fp
+ CCTK_REAL xmn,ymn,zmn,xmx,ymx,zmx
+ CCTK_REAL dtheta,dphi,dtp,idtheta,idphi
+ CCTK_REAL det,idet
+ CCTK_REAL zero,quarter,half,one,two,three,four,pi
+ CCTK_REAL sina,cosa,intw,grad,sigma,h0
+ CCTK_REAL aux,aux1,aux2
+ CCTK_REAL gupij(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL tempv(0:lmax),tempm(lmax,lmax)
+ CCTK_REAL, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: rr,xa,ya,za,da,exp,gradn
+ CCTK_REAL, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: txx,tyy,tzz,txy,txz,tyz
+ save xmn,ymn,zmn,xmx,ymx,zmx
+ save dtheta,dphi,dtp,idtheta,idphi
+ save npt,npp,l_ntheta,l_nphi,theta0,phi0
+! Description of variables:
+! i,j,l,m Counters.
+! theta Latitude.
+! phi Longitude.
+! npt number of processors in theta direction.
+! npp number of processors in phi direction.
+! l_ntheta Local number of grid points in theta direction.
+! l_nphi Local number of grid points in phi direction.
+! theta0 Local origin in theta direction.
+! phi0 Local origin in phi direction.
+! npoints Number of points to interpolate .
+! xp x coordinate from surface centre.
+! yp y coordinate from surface centre.
+! zp z coordinate from surface centre.
+! rp Radius.
+! rr Radius array.
+! xa Array with x coordinates from grid centre.
+! ya Array with y coordinates from grid centre.
+! za Array with z coordinates from grid centre.
+! exp Interpolated expansion.
+! txx Array with interpolated gxx metric component.
+! tyy Array with interpolated gyy metric component.
+! tzz Array with interpolated gzz metric component.
+! txy Array with interpolated gxy metric component.
+! txz Array with interpolated gxz metric component.
+! tyz Array with interpolated gyz metric component.
+! gradn Array with interpolated norm of gradient of horizon function.
+! cost cos(theta)
+! sint sin(theta)
+! cosp cos(phi)
+! sinp sin(phi)
+! trr Metric component {r,r}.
+! ttt Metric component {theta,theta}.
+! tpp Metric component {phi,phi}.
+! trt Metric component {r,theta}.
+! trp Metric component {r,phi}.
+! ttp Metric component {theta,phi}.
+! ft dr/dtheta
+! fp dr/dphi
+! xmn Minimum value of x over the grid.
+! xmx Maximum value of x over the grid.
+! ymn Minimum value of y over the grid.
+! ymx Maximum value of y over the grid.
+! zmn Minimum value of z over the grid.
+! zmx Maximum value of z over the grid.
+! dtheta Grid spacing in theta.
+! dphi Grid spacing in phi.
+! dtp dtheta*dphi.
+! idtheta 1/(2 dtheta)
+! idphi 1/(2 dphi)
+! da Area element.
+! **************************
+! **************************
+ zero = 0.0D0
+ quarter = 0.25D0
+ half = 0.5D0
+ one = 1.0D0
+ two = 2.0D0
+ three = 3.0D0
+ four = 4.0D0
+ pi = 3.141592654D0
+ myproc = 0
+ nprocs = 1
+! *********************************
+! *********************************
+ if (firstint) then
+ firstint = .false.
+! Find grid boundaries.
+! call CCTK_ReductionHandle(handle,"minimum")
+! call CCTK_GetCoordIndex(x_index,"x")
+! call CCTK_GetCoordIndex(y_index,"y")
+! call CCTK_GetCoordIndex(z_index,"z")
+! call CCTK_Reduce(cctkGH,ierror,-1,handle,3,
+! . CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL,minval,3,
+! . x_index,y_index,z_index)
+! xmn = gf_min(x)
+! ymn = gf_min(y)
+! zmn = gf_min(z)
+ minval = -9.45D0
+ xmn = minval(1)
+ ymn = minval(2)
+ zmn = minval(3)
+! call CCTK_ReductionHandle(handle,"maximum")
+! call CCTK_GetCoordIndex(x_index,"x")
+! call CCTK_GetCoordIndex(y_index,"y")
+! call CCTK_GetCoordIndex(z_index,"z")
+! call CCTK_Reduce(cctkGH,ierror,-1,handle,3,
+! . CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL,maxval,3,
+! . x_index,y_index,z_index)
+! xmx = gf_max(x)
+! ymx = gf_max(y)
+! zmx = gf_max(z)
+ maxval = 9.45D0
+ xmx = maxval(1)
+ ymx = maxval(2)
+ zmx = maxval(3)
+! Find {dtheta,dphi,dtp}.
+ dtheta = pi/dble(ntheta)
+ if (cartoon) then
+ dphi = zero
+ dtp = dtheta
+ idphi = one
+ idtheta = half/dtheta
+ else
+ dphi = two*pi/dble(nphi)
+ if (refz) dtheta = half*dtheta
+ if (refx.and.refy) then
+ dphi = quarter*dphi
+ else if (refx) then
+ print *, 'This combination of symmetries has not'
+ print *, 'been properly implemented yet!'
+ else if (refy) then
+ dphi = half*dphi
+ end if
+ dtp = dtheta*dphi
+ idtheta = half/dtheta
+ idphi = half/dphi
+ end if
+! Check the number of processors to figure out
+! how to divide the domain.
+! For cartoon this is trivial.
+ if (cartoon) then
+ npt = nprocs
+ npp = 1
+! Otherwise it is more complicated. At the moment I
+! only consider numbers of processors that are either
+! the square of an integer, or a power of two.
+! If neither of this is the case, then I use fewer
+! processors to make sure that I always deal with
+! either a square or a power of two. This can
+! certainly be improved, but it might not be that
+! urgent since in most cases the number of processors
+! will be a power of two.
+ else
+ aux = sqrt(dble(nprocs))
+ if (nprocs.eq.1) then
+! One processor.
+ npt = 1
+ npp = 1
+ else if (aux.eq.int(aux)) then
+! `nprocs' is the square of an integer.
+ npt = int(aux)
+ npp = int(aux)
+ else
+! Check if `nprocs' is a power of two.
+ l = 1
+ m = 1
+ i = 1
+ do while (l*m.lt.nprocs)
+ npt = l
+ npp = m
+ if (mod(i,2).ne.0) then
+ m = 2*m
+ else
+ l = 2*l
+ end if
+ i = i + 1
+ end do
+! `nprocs' is a power of two.
+ if (l*m.eq.nprocs) then
+ npt = l
+ npp = m
+! `nprocs' is not a power of two. This is where I
+! would need to do something clever. At the moment,
+! I will just use fewer processors. The number of
+! processors I use is the power of two or the square
+! of an integer that is closest to `nprocs'.
+ else
+ if (npt*npp.lt.int(aux)**2) then
+ npt = int(aux)
+ npp = int(aux)
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+! Figure out the number of grid points per processor,
+! and the `origin' for a given processor.
+ if (myproc.ge.npt*npp) then
+ l_ntheta = 0
+ l_nphi = 0
+ theta0 = 0
+ phi0 = 0
+ else
+! Take first the number of grid points per processor
+! in a given direction to be equal to the total number
+! of grid points divided by the number of processors
+! in that direction.
+ l_ntheta = ntheta/npt
+ l_nphi = nphi/npp
+! And take the `origin' as the corresponding displacement
+! from the real origin. Notice that mod(myproc,npt)
+! tells my on which `theta' bin I am, while myproc/npt
+! tells me on which `phi' bin I am.
+ i = mod(myproc,npt)
+ j = myproc/npt
+ theta0 = i*l_ntheta
+ phi0 = j*l_nphi
+! Now correct all this if the total number of grid points
+! in a given direction was not exactly divisible by the
+! number of processors on that direction.
+ if (l_ntheta*npt.ne.ntheta) then
+! Find residue on theta direction.
+ l = ntheta - l_ntheta*npt
+! Distribute residue in first few processors, and
+! displace theta0 accordingly.
+ if (i.lt.l) then
+ l_ntheta = l_ntheta + 1
+ theta0 = theta0 + i
+ else
+ theta0 = theta0 + l
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (l_nphi*npp.ne.nphi) then
+! Find residue on phi direction.
+ l = nphi - l_nphi*npp
+! Distribute residue in first few processors, and
+! displace phi0 accordingly.
+ if (j.lt.l) then
+ l_nphi = l_nphi + 1
+ phi0 = phi0 + j
+ else
+ phi0 = phi0 + l
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+! **************************************
+! **************************************
+ allocate(rr(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi))
+ allocate(xa(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi))
+ allocate(ya(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi))
+ allocate(za(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi))
+ allocate(da(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi))
+ allocate(exp(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi))
+ allocate(gradn(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi))
+ allocate(txx(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi))
+ allocate(tyy(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi))
+ allocate(tzz(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi))
+ allocate(txy(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi))
+ allocate(txz(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi))
+ allocate(tyz(0:l_ntheta,0:l_nphi))
+! ***************************
+! *** START MAIN LOOP ***
+! ***************************
+! Initialize {interror1,interror2}.
+ interror1 = 0
+ interror2 = 0
+! Initialize {intexp,intexp2,intarea}.
+ intexp = zero
+ intexp2 = zero
+ intexpdel2 = zero
+ intarea = zero
+! For flow algorithm, initialize spectral components.
+ if (flow) then
+ hflow0 = zero
+ hflowc = zero
+ hflows = zero
+ cflow0 = zero
+ cflowc = zero
+ cflows = zero
+ nflow0 = zero
+ nflowc = zero
+ nflows = zero
+ end if
+! Find interpolating points.
+ if (myproc.ge.npt*npp) then
+ xa = half*(xmx+xmn)
+ ya = half*(ymx+ymn)
+ za = half*(zmx+zmn)
+ else
+ do j=0,l_nphi
+ do i=0,l_ntheta
+! Find {theta,phi}.
+ theta = dtheta*dble(i+theta0)
+ phi = dphi*dble(j+phi0)
+! Find sines and cosines.
+ cost = cos(theta)
+ sint = sin(theta)
+ cosp = cos(phi)
+ sinp = sin(phi)
+! Find radius rp.
+ rp = c0(0)
+ do l=1+stepz,lmax,1+stepz
+ rp = rp + c0(l)*LEGEN(l,0,cost)
+ end do
+! Notice how the sum over m is first. This will allow
+! me to use the recursion relations to avoid having to
+! start from scratch every time. Also, I sum over all
+! l's even if I don't want some terms. This is
+! because in order to use the recursion relations I
+! need all polynomials.
+ if (nonaxi) then
+ do m=1,lmax
+ aux = dble(m)*phi
+ sina = sin(aux)
+ cosa = cos(aux)
+ do l=m,lmax
+ aux = LEGEN(l,m,cost)
+ rp = rp + aux*cc(l,m)*cosa
+ if (.not.refy) then
+ rp = rp + aux*cs(l,m)*sina
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+! Check for negative radius.
+ if (rp.le.zero) then
+ interror1 = 1
+ end if
+! Save radius array.
+ rr(i,j) = rp
+! Find {xa,ya,za}
+ xa(i,j) = rp*sint*cosp + xc
+ ya(i,j) = rp*sint*sinp + yc
+ za(i,j) = rp*cost + zc
+! Check if we are within bounds.
+ xp = xa(i,j)
+ yp = ya(i,j)
+ zp = za(i,j)
+ if ((xp.gt.xmx).or.(xp.lt.xmn).or.
+ . (yp.gt.ymx).or.(yp.lt.ymn).or.
+ . (zp.gt.zmx).or.(zp.lt.zmn)) then
+ interror2 = 1
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+! Reduce the errors across processors.
+#ifdef MPI
+ call mpi_allreduce(interror1,i,1,MPI_INTEGER,
+ interror1 = i
+ call mpi_allreduce(interror2,i,1,MPI_INTEGER,
+ interror2 = i
+! If there was an error on any processor then assign
+! large values to the integrals and return from the
+! subroutine (but remember to deallocate the arrays
+! first!).
+ interror = .false.
+ if ((interror1.ne.0).or.(interror2.ne.0)) then
+ intexp = 1.0D+10
+ intexp2 = 1.0D+10
+ intexpdel2 = 1.0D+10
+ intarea = 1.0D+10
+ interror = .true.
+ goto 10
+ end if
+! Interpolate expansion and metric.
+ npoints = (l_ntheta+1)*(l_nphi+1)
+! call start_getpointsgroup()
+! call getpoints(ahf_exp,xa,ya,za,exp,npoints)
+! call getpoints(ahfgradn,xa,ya,za,gradn,npoints)
+! call getpoints(gxx,xa,ya,za,txx,npoints)
+! call getpoints(gyy,xa,ya,za,tyy,npoints)
+! call getpoints(gzz,xa,ya,za,tzz,npoints)
+! call getpoints(gxy,xa,ya,za,txy,npoints)
+! call getpoints(gxz,xa,ya,za,txz,npoints)
+! call getpoints(gyz,xa,ya,za,tyz,npoints)
+! call cleanup_getpointsgroup()
+! new interp
+ call CCTK_GetInterpHandle (handle, "simple")
+ call CCTK_VarIndex (gxx_index, "einstein::gxx")
+ call CCTK_VarIndex (gyy_index, "einstein::gyy")
+ call CCTK_VarIndex (gzz_index, "einstein::gzz")
+ call CCTK_VarIndex (gxy_index, "einstein::gxy")
+ call CCTK_VarIndex (gxz_index, "einstein::gxz")
+ call CCTK_VarIndex (gyz_index, "einstein::gyz")
+ call CCTK_VarIndex (exp_index, "ahfinder::ahf_exp")
+ call CCTK_VarIndex (gradn_index, "ahfinder::ahfgradn")
+ call CCTK_InterpGF (cctkGH, ierror, handle, npoints, 3, 8, 8,
+ $ xa, ya, za,
+ $ gxx_index,gyy_index,gzz_index,
+ $ gxy_index,gxz_index,gyz_index,
+ $ exp_index,gradn_index,
+ $ txx,tyy,tzz,txy,txz,tyz,exp,gradn,
+! Find 2D array for area element.
+ if (myproc.ge.npt*npp) then
+ da = zero
+ else
+ do j=0,l_nphi
+ do i=0,l_ntheta
+! Find {theta,phi}.
+ theta = dtheta*dble(i+theta0)
+ phi = dphi*dble(j+phi0)
+! Find {rp}.
+ rp = rr(i,j)
+! Find sines and cosines.
+ cost = cos(theta)
+ sint = sin(theta)
+ cosp = cos(phi)
+ sinp = sin(phi)
+! Find spherical metric components.
+ trr = sint**2*(txx(i,j)*cosp**2
+ . + tyy(i,j)*sinp**2) + tzz(i,j)*cost**2
+ . + two*sint*(txy(i,j)*sint*cosp*sinp
+ . + cost*(txz(i,j)*cosp + tyz(i,j)*sinp))
+ ttt = rp**2*(cost**2*(txx(i,j)*cosp**2
+ . + tyy(i,j)*sinp**2) + tzz(i,j)*sint**2
+ . + two*cost*(txy(i,j)*cost*cosp*sinp
+ . - sint*(txz(i,j)*cosp + tyz(i,j)*sinp)))
+ tpp = (rp*sint)**2*(txx(i,j)*sinp**2 + tyy(i,j)*cosp**2
+ . - two*txy(i,j)*cosp*sinp)
+ trt = rp*(sint*cost*(txx(i,j)*cosp**2 + tyy(i,j)*sinp**2
+ . - tzz(i,j) + two*txy(i,j)*sinp*cosp)
+ . + (cost**2-sint**2)*(txz(i,j)*cosp + tyz(i,j)*sinp))
+ trp = rp*sint*(sint*(cosp*sinp*(tyy(i,j) - txx(i,j))
+ . + txy(i,j)*(cosp**2 - sinp**2))
+ . + cost*(cosp*tyz(i,j) - sinp*txz(i,j)))
+ ttp = rp**2*sint*(cost*(sinp*cosp*(tyy(i,j) - txx(i,j))
+ . + (cosp**2 - sinp**2)*txy(i,j))
+ . + sint*(sinp*txz(i,j) - cosp*tyz(i,j)))
+! Find derivatives {ft,fp}. For interior points I
+! use centered differences, and for the boundary points
+! I use second order one sided differences. Notice that
+! since this is done even in inter-processor boundaries,
+! the final result will depend on the number of processors,
+! but the differences will converge away at high order.
+ if ((i.ne.0).and.(i.ne.l_ntheta)) then
+ ft = idtheta*(rr(i+1,j) - rr(i-1,j))
+ else if (i.eq.0) then
+ ft = - idtheta*(three*rr(0,j)
+ . - four*rr(1,j) + rr(2,j))
+ else
+ ft = + idtheta*(three*rr(l_ntheta,j)
+ . - four*rr(l_ntheta-1,j) + rr(l_ntheta-2,j))
+ end if
+ if (nonaxi) then
+ if ((j.ne.0).and.(j.ne.l_nphi)) then
+ fp = idphi*(rr(i,j+1) - rr(i,j-1))
+ else if (j.eq.0) then
+ fp = - idphi*(three*rr(i,0)
+ . - four*rr(i,1) + rr(i,2))
+ else
+ fp = + idphi*(three*rr(i,l_nphi)
+ . - four*rr(i,l_nphi-1) + rr(i,l_nphi-2))
+ end if
+ else
+ fp = zero
+ end if
+! Find area element. For this I use the fact that if
+! we have r = f(theta,phi), then the area element is:
+! / 2
+! da = | [ gtt + grr (f,t) + 2 grt f,t ]
+! \
+! 2
+! [ gpp + grr (f,p) + 2 grp f,p ] - [ gtp
+! 2 \ 1/2
+! + grr f,t f,p + grt f,p + grp f,t ] | dtheta dphi
+! /
+! where f,t = df/dtheta and f,p = df/dphi.
+ aux = (ttt + trr*ft**2 + two*trt*ft)
+ . * (tpp + trr*fp**2 + two*trp*fp)
+ . - (ttp + ft*(trr*fp + trp) + trt*fp)**2
+ if (aux.gt.zero) then
+ aux = sqrt(aux)
+ else
+ aux = zero
+ end if
+! Multiply with dtheta*dphi.
+ da(i,j) = aux*dtp
+ end do
+ end do
+! Find integrals. To find the integrals I use a second
+! order method. I approximate the value of the integrand
+! at each cell centre by an average of the values at the
+! four cell corners, and then add up all cells.
+ inside_min_count = 0.0d0
+ inside_min_neg_count = 0.0d0
+ do j=0,l_nphi-1
+ do i=0,l_ntheta-1
+ intarea = intarea + quarter
+ . *(da(i,j ) + da(i+1,j )
+ . + da(i,j+1) + da(i+1,j+1))
+ intexp = intexp + quarter
+ . *(da(i ,j )*exp(i ,j )
+ . + da(i+1,j )*exp(i+1,j )
+ . + da(i ,j+1)*exp(i ,j+1)
+ . + da(i+1,j+1)*exp(i+1,j+1))
+ intexp2 = intexp2 + quarter
+ . *(da(i ,j )*exp(i ,j )**2
+ . + da(i+1,j )*exp(i+1,j )**2
+ . + da(i ,j+1)*exp(i ,j+1)**2
+ . + da(i+1,j+1)*exp(i+1,j+1)**2)
+ intexpdel2 = intexpdel2 + quarter
+ . *(da(i ,j )*(exp(i ,j )+trapped_surface_delta)**2
+ . + da(i+1,j )*(exp(i+1,j )+trapped_surface_delta)**2
+ . + da(i ,j+1)*(exp(i ,j+1)+trapped_surface_delta)**2
+ . + da(i+1,j+1)*(exp(i+1,j+1)+trapped_surface_delta)**2)
+ inside_min_count = inside_min_count + 1.0d0
+ if ((exp(i ,j ) .le. 0.0d0) .and.
+ . (exp(i+1,j ) .le. 0.0d0) .and.
+ . (exp(i ,j+1) .le. 0.0d0) .and.
+ . (exp(i+1,j+1) .le. 0.0d0)) then
+ inside_min_neg_count = inside_min_neg_count + 1.0d0
+ endif
+ end do
+ end do
+! If necessary, find spectral components for flow.
+! For this I need to recalculate the Legendre polynomials,
+! but I see no way around it. Also, to avoid having to
+! define lots of 2D arrays I do the integrals inside
+! the loop. This means that I have to take care to see
+! if I am on an edge or corner point. Notice also that
+! these integrals do not involve the area element.
+ if (flow) then
+! Find h0.
+ if (find_trapped_surface) then
+ h0 = - trapped_surface_delta
+ else
+ h0 = zero
+ end if
+! Find integrals.
+ do j=0,l_nphi
+ do i=0,l_ntheta
+! Find {theta,phi}.
+ theta = dtheta*dble(i+theta0)
+ phi = dphi*dble(j+phi0)
+! Find cost,sint.
+ cost = cos(theta)
+ sint = sin(theta)
+! Find norm of gradient of horizon function.
+ grad = gradn(i,j)
+! Find weight factor.
+ intw = dtp*(exp(i,j)-h0)*sint**2
+ if (((j.eq.0).or.(j.eq.l_nphi)).and.
+ . ((i.eq.0).or.(i.eq.l_ntheta))) then
+ intw = quarter*intw
+ else if (((j.eq.0).or.(j.eq.l_nphi)).or.
+ . ((i.eq.0).or.(i.eq.l_ntheta))) then
+ intw = half*intw
+ end if
+! Find `sigma' for Nakamura flow (see Carsten's paper).
+ if (nw.eq.0.0) then
+ sigma = zero
+ else
+ xw = xa(i,j)-xc
+ yw = ya(i,j)-yc
+ zw = za(i,j)-zc
+! Calculate metric on surface
+ det = txx(i,j)*tyy(i,j)*tzz(i,j)
+ $ + two*txy(i,j)*txz(i,j)*tyz(i,j)
+ $ - txx(i,j)*tyz(i,j)**2 - tyy(i,j)*txz(i,j)**2
+ $ - tzz(i,j)*txy(i,j)**2
+ idet = one/det
+ gupij(1,1) = idet*(tyy(i,j)*tzz(i,j)-tyz(i,j)**2)
+ gupij(2,2) = idet*(txx(i,j)*tzz(i,j)-txz(i,j)**2)
+ gupij(3,3) = idet*(txx(i,j)*tyy(i,j)-txy(i,j)**2)
+ gupij(1,2) = idet*(txz(i,j)*tyz(i,j)-tzz(i,j)*txy(i,j))
+ gupij(2,1) = gupij(1,2)
+ gupij(1,3) = idet*(txy(i,j)*tyz(i,j)-tyy(i,j)*txz(i,j))
+ gupij(3,1) = gupij(1,3)
+ gupij(2,3) = idet*(txy(i,j)*txz(i,j)-txx(i,j)*tyz(i,j))
+ gupij(3,2) = gupij(2,3)
+ call AHFinder_calcsigma(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,xw,yw,zw,gupij,sigma)
+ end if
+! Monopole integrals.
+ aux = intw*grad
+ hflow0(0) = hflow0(0) + intw
+ cflow0(0) = cflow0(0) + aux
+ nflow0(0) = nflow0(0) + aux*sigma
+! Axisymmetric integrals.
+ do l=1+stepz,lmax,1+stepz
+ aux = intw*LEGEN(l,0,cost)
+ aux1 = aux*grad
+ hflow0(l) = hflow0(l) + aux
+ cflow0(l) = cflow0(l) + aux1
+ nflow0(l) = nflow0(l) + aux1*sigma
+ end do
+! Non-axisymmetric integrals.
+ if (nonaxi) then
+ do m=1,lmax
+ aux = dble(m)*phi
+ sina = sin(aux)
+ cosa = cos(aux)
+ do l=m,lmax
+ aux = intw*LEGEN(l,m,cost)
+ aux1 = aux*cosa
+ aux2 = aux1*grad
+ hflowc(l,m) = hflowc(l,m) + aux1
+ cflowc(l,m) = cflowc(l,m) + aux2
+ nflowc(l,m) = nflowc(l,m) + aux2*sigma
+ if (.not.refy) then
+ aux1 = aux*sina
+ aux2 = aux1*grad
+ hflows(l,m) = hflows(l,m) + aux1
+ cflows(l,m) = cflows(l,m) + aux2
+ nflows(l,m) = nflows(l,m) + aux2*sigma
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ end if
+! Reduce the integrals across processors.
+#ifdef MPI
+! Area and expansion.
+ call mpi_allreduce(intarea,aux,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
+ intarea = aux
+ call mpi_allreduce(intexp,aux,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
+ intexp = aux
+ call mpi_allreduce(intexp2,aux,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
+ intexp2 = aux
+ call mpi_allreduce(intexpdel2,aux,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
+ intexpdel2 = aux
+! negative expansion elements on surface
+ call mpi_allreduce(inside_min_count,aux,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
+ inside_min_count = aux
+ call mpi_allreduce(inside_min_neg_count,aux,1,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
+ inside_min_neg_count = aux
+! Spectral components for flow.
+ if (flow) then
+! Axisymmetric.
+ auxi = lmax+1
+ if (hw.ne.zero) then
+ call mpi_allreduce(hflow0,tempv,auxi,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
+ hflow0 = tempv
+ end if
+ if (cw.ne.zero) then
+ call mpi_allreduce(cflow0,tempv,auxi,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
+ cflow0 = tempv
+ end if
+ if (nw.ne.zero) then
+ call mpi_allreduce(nflow0,tempv,auxi,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
+ nflow0 = tempv
+ end if
+! Non-axisymmetric.
+ if (nonaxi) then
+ auxi = lmax*lmax
+ if (nw.ne.zero) then
+ call mpi_allreduce(hflowc,tempm,auxi,
+ hflowc = tempm
+ end if
+ if (cw.ne.zero) then
+ call mpi_allreduce(cflowc,tempm,auxi,
+ cflowc = tempm
+ end if
+ if (nw.ne.zero) then
+ call mpi_allreduce(nflowc,tempm,auxi,
+ nflowc = tempm
+ end if
+ if (.not.refy) then
+ if (hw.ne.zero) then
+ call mpi_allreduce(hflows,tempm,auxi,
+ hflows = tempm
+ end if
+ if (cw.ne.zero) then
+ call mpi_allreduce(cflows,tempm,auxi,
+ cflows = tempm
+ end if
+ if (nw.ne.zero) then
+ call mpi_allreduce(nflows,tempm,auxi,
+ nflows = tempm
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+! For cartoon multiply the integrals with 2*pi.
+ if (cartoon) then
+ intw = 6.283185307D0
+ intexp = intw*intexp
+ intexp2 = intw*intexp2
+ intexpdel2 = intw*intexpdel2
+ intarea = intw*intarea
+ if (flow) then
+ hflow0 = intw*hflow0
+ cflow0 = intw*cflow0
+ nflow0 = intw*nflow0
+ end if
+! Rescale the integrals according to symmetries.
+ else if (refx.or.refy.or.refz) then
+ intw = one
+ if (refx) intw = two*intw
+ if (refy) intw = two*intw
+ if (refz) intw = two*intw
+ intexp = intw*intexp
+ intexp2 = intw*intexp2
+ intarea = intw*intarea
+! Spectral components for flow.
+ if (flow) then
+! Axisymmetric.
+ hflow0 = intw*hflow0
+ cflow0 = intw*cflow0
+ nflow0 = intw*nflow0
+! Non-axisymmetric.
+ if (nonaxi) then
+ hflowc = intw*hflowc
+ cflowc = intw*cflowc
+ nflowc = intw*nflowc
+ if (.not.refy) then
+ hflows = intw*hflows
+ cflows = intw*cflows
+ nflows = intw*nflows
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+! *****************************
+! *****************************
+ 10 continue
+ deallocate(rr,xa,ya,za)
+ deallocate(da,exp,gradn)
+ deallocate(txx,tyy,tzz,txy,txz,tyz)
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end subroutine AHFinder_int
diff --git a/src/AHFinder_leg.F b/src/AHFinder_leg.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2297bb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AHFinder_leg.F
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+c @file AHFinder_leg.F
+c @date April 1998
+c @author Miguel Alcubierre
+c @desc
+c Associated Legendre functions.
+c @enddesc
+#include "cctk.h"
+ CCTK_REAL function LEGEN(L,M,X)
+! This function computes the associated Legendre polynomial
+! P^M_L(X). Here M and L are integers satisfying 0 <= M <= L,
+! and X lies in the range -1 <= X <= 1.
+! The general function is taken from Numerical Recipes.
+! However, I hardwired the first few polynomials for M=0,
+! and I added a section that tries to use as much information
+! as possible from previous calls to the routine to avoid
+! having to start from scratch every time.
+ use AHFinder_dat
+ implicit none
+ integer L,M
+ integer LOLD1,LOLD2,MOLD1,MOLD2
+ integer I,LL
+ CCTK_REAL factor,aux
+ CCTK_REAL zero,one,two
+! **************************
+! **************************
+ zero = 0.0D0
+ one = 1.0D0
+ two = 2.0D0
+! *************************************************
+! *************************************************
+! Notice that it doesn't make sense to go much higher
+! than L=12 since the explicit expressions for the
+! polynomials have large terms with alternating signs,
+! so for high L we rapidly loose accuracy in the sum.
+! The method from Numerical Recipes that comes below
+! is slow, but doesn't have this problem.
+ Y = X**2
+! Find polynomials for M=0.
+ if ((M.eq.0).and.(L.le.12)) then
+ if (L.eq.0) then
+ LEGEN = one
+ goto 10
+ else if (L.eq.1) then
+ goto 10
+ else if (L.eq.2) then
+ LEGEN = 5.0D-1*(3.0D0*Y - one)
+ goto 10
+ else if (L.eq.3) then
+ LEGEN = 5.0D-1*(5.0D0*Y - 3.0D0)*X
+ goto 10
+ else if (L.eq.4) then
+ LEGEN = 1.25D-1*(35.0D0*Y**2 - 30.0D0*Y + 3.0D0)
+ goto 10
+ else if (L.eq.5) then
+ LEGEN = 1.25D-1*(63.0D0*Y**2 - 70.0D0*Y + 15.0D0)*X
+ goto 10
+ else if (L.eq.6) then
+ LEGEN = 6.25D-2*(231.0D0*Y**3 - 315.0D0*Y**2 + 105.0D0*Y
+ . - 5.0D0)
+ goto 10
+ else if (L.eq.7) then
+ LEGEN = 6.25D-2*(429.0D0*Y**3 - 693.0D0*Y**2 + 315.0D0*Y
+ . - 35.0D0)*X
+ goto 10
+ else if (L.eq.8) then
+ LEGEN = 7.8125D-3*(6435.0D0*Y**4 - 12012.0D0*Y**3
+ . + 6930.0D0*Y**2 - 1260.0D0*Y + 35.0D0)
+ goto 10
+ else if (L.eq.9) then
+ LEGEN = 7.8125D-3*(12155.0D0*Y**4 - 25740.0D0*Y**3
+ . + 18018.0D0*Y**2 - 4620.0D0*Y + 315.0D0)*X
+ goto 10
+ else if (L.eq.10) then
+ LEGEN = 3.90625D-3*(46189.0D0*Y**5 - 109395.0D0*Y**4
+ . + 90090.0D0*Y**3 - 30030.0D0*Y**2 + 3465.0D0*Y
+ . - 63.0D0)
+ goto 10
+ else if (L.eq.11) then
+ LEGEN = 3.90625D-3*(88179.0D0*Y**5 - 230945.0D0*Y**4
+ . + 218790.0D0*Y**3 - 90090.0D0*Y**2 + 15015.0D0*Y
+ . - 693.0D0)*X
+ goto 10
+ else if (L.eq.12) then
+ LEGEN = 9.76563D-4*(676039.0D0*Y**6 - 1939938.0D0*Y**5
+ . + 2078505.0D0*Y**4 - 1021020.0D0*Y**3
+ . + 225225.0D0*Y**2 - 18018.0D0*Y + 231.0D0)
+ goto 10
+ end if
+ end if
+! ***********************************************
+! ***********************************************
+! Here I try to optimize the calculation of the Legendre
+! polynomials (which is ordinarily very expensive) by using
+! the recurrence relations and information from the last
+! calls to the routine.
+ if (firstleg) then
+ LOLD1 = -2
+ MOLD1 = -2
+ XOLD1 = zero
+ LEGOLD1 = zero
+ firstleg = .false.
+ else
+! See if we have the same values of M and X as the last call.
+ if ((M.eq.MOLD1).and.(X.eq.XOLD1).and.(L.ne.M)) then
+! If L is the same as in the last call, then
+! LEGEN should also be the same. This will
+! almost certainly never happen.
+ if (L.eq.LOLD1) then
+ goto 10
+! This is the most interesting case L = LOLD1+1.
+ else if (L.eq.LOLD1+1) then
+! LOLD1 = MOLD1.
+ if (LOLD1.eq.MOLD1) then
+ LEGEN = X*dble(2*M+1)*LEGOLD1
+ goto 10
+! LOLD1 = LOLD2 + 1.
+ else if ((L.eq.LOLD2+2).and.(X.eq.XOLD2)) then
+ LEGEN = (X*dble(2*L-1)*LEGOLD1 - dble(L+M-1)*LEGOLD2)
+ . / dble(L-M)
+ goto 10
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+! *************************************
+! *************************************
+! Compute P^M_M.
+ PMM = one
+ if (M.gt.0) then
+ SOMX2 = dsqrt((one-X)*(one+X))
+ FACT = one
+ do I=1,M
+ FACT = FACT + two
+ end do
+ end if
+ if (L.eq.M) then
+! Compute P^M_M+1.
+ else
+ PMMP1 = X*dble(2*M+1)*PMM
+ if (L.eq.M+1) then
+! Compute P^M_L, L > M+1.
+ else
+ do LL=M+2,L
+ PLL = (X*dble(2*LL-1)*PMMP1 - dble(LL+M-1)*PMM)
+ . / dble(LL-M)
+ end do
+ end if
+ end if
+! ***************************
+! *** SAVE OLD VALUES ***
+! ***************************
+ 10 continue
+ LOLD1 = L
+ MOLD1 = M
+ XOLD1 = X
+! **********************************************
+! **********************************************
+! For M=0 I use the normalization factor:
+! sqrt(2*L + 1)
+! For M non-zero I use the normalization factor:
+! sqrt( 2 (2*L + 1) (L-M)! / (L+M)! )
+! The extra factor of sqrt(2) is there because I
+! use a basis of sines and cosines and not the
+! standard complex exponential.
+! With this normalization, I ensure that my basis
+! functions f _lm are such that:
+! /
+! | f_lm f_l'm' sin(theta) dtheta dphi = 4 pi delta_mm' delta_ll'
+! /
+! Notice the extra factor of 4 pi. This is there because
+! for a sphere, I want the (0,0) coefficient to correspond
+! to the radius.
+ factor = dble(2*L+1)
+ if (M.ne.0) then
+ aux = one
+ do i=L-M+1,L+M
+ aux = aux*dble(i)
+ end do
+ factor = two*factor/aux
+ end if
+ LEGEN = dsqrt(factor)*LEGEN
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end function LEGEN
diff --git a/src/AHFinder_mask.F b/src/AHFinder_mask.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fec702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AHFinder_mask.F
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+c @file AHFinder_mask.F
+c @date November 1998
+c @author Miguel Alcubierre
+c @desc
+c Set up horizon mask for black hole excision.
+c @enddesc
+c Note that including cactus.h will also include AHFinder.h
+!#include "cactus.h"
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_arguments.h"
+ subroutine AHFinder_mask(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+! Set up the horizon mask. All this routine does is
+! set up the value of the grid function `ahmask' to
+! one for points outside the horizon, and to zero
+! for points inside the horizon. This is only necessary
+! if we want to use black hole excision.
+ use AHFinder_dat
+ implicit none
+ integer i,j,k
+ CCTK_REAL zero,one
+ CCTK_REAL shrink
+! *****************************
+! *** DEFINE {zero,one} ***
+! *****************************
+ zero = 0.0D0
+ one = 1.0D0
+! *************************
+! *** START ROUTINE ***
+! *************************
+ call AHFinder_fun(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+! Find out how big is the buffer zone. Notice that
+! a negative value for shrink puts the masked region
+! safely inside the horizon, while a positive value
+! moves the masked region outside the horizon.
+! shrink = getr8("ahf_maskshrink")*dx
+ shrink = ahf_maskshrink*dx
+! Mask points.
+ do k=1,nz
+ do j=1,ny
+ do i=1,nx
+ if (ahfgrid(i,j,k).ge.shrink) then
+ ahmask(i,j,k) = one
+ else
+ ahmask(i,j,k) = zero
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end subroutine AHFinder_mask
diff --git a/src/AHFinder_min.F b/src/AHFinder_min.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a5e55e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AHFinder_min.F
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+c @file AHFinder_min.F
+c @date April 1998
+c @author Miguel Alcubierre
+c @desc
+c Minimization routine.
+c @enddesc
+c Note that including cactus.h will also include AHFinder.h
+!#include "cactus.h"
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_arguments.h"
+ subroutine AHFinder_min(CCTK_FARGUMENTS,NN,status,logf)
+ use AHFinder_dat
+ implicit none
+ logical status,found
+ integer i,NN
+ integer l,m
+ CCTK_REAL zero,half,one
+ CCTK_REAL, dimension (NN) :: P
+ CCTK_REAL, dimension (NN,NN) :: XI
+ character*200 logf
+! Description of variables:
+! i,j,l,m Counters.
+! ITER Number of iterations taken in minimization.
+! ITMAX Maximum number of iterations allowed.
+! FTOL Fractional tolerance for return criterion.
+! FRET Value of fucntion on return from minimization.
+! P Vector of coefficients.
+! XI Matrix of initial directions.
+! ***********************************
+! *** DEFINE {zero,half,one} ***
+! ***********************************
+ zero = 0.0D0
+ half = 0.5D0
+ one = 1.0D0
+! *********************************
+! *********************************
+ P = zero
+ i = 0
+! Copy {xc,yc,zc}.
+ if (wander) then
+ if (.not.refx) then
+ i = i+1
+ P(1) = xc
+ end if
+ if (.not.refy) then
+ i = i+1
+ P(2) = yc
+ end if
+ if (.not.refz) then
+ i = i+1
+ P(3) = zc
+ end if
+ end if
+! Copy c0(l).
+ do l=0,lmax,1+stepz
+ i = i+1
+ P(i) = c0(l)
+ end do
+! Copy {cc,cs}.
+ if (nonaxi) then
+! Copy cc(l,m).
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1+stepx,l,1+stepx
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ i = i+1
+ P(i) = cc(l,m)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+! Copy cs(l,m).
+ if (.not.refy) then
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1,l,1+stepx
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ i = i+1
+ P(i) = cs(l,m)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ end if
+! *********************************************
+! *********************************************
+! The initial set of directions are taken to be
+! the unit vectors (the first index identifies the
+! components, and second index the vectors).
+ XI = zero
+ do i=1,NN
+ XI(i,i) = one
+ end do
+! ****************************************
+! ****************************************
+! Find ITMAX.
+! ITMAX = geti("ahf_maxiter")
+ ITMAX = ahf_maxiter
+! Find FTOL. FTOL is the fractional tolerance in the
+! function value so that failure to decrease by more
+! than this amount on one interation signals that we
+! are done.
+! FTOL = getr8("ahf_tol")
+ FTOL = ahf_tol
+! Here I call the routine POWELL from Numerical Recipies.
+ found = .false.
+ firstfun = .true.
+! ****************************
+! *** FIND {c0,cc,cs} ***
+! ****************************
+ i = 0
+! Find {xc,yc,zc}.
+ if (wander) then
+ if (.not.refx) then
+ i = i+1
+ xc = P(1)
+ end if
+ if (.not.refy) then
+ i = i+1
+ yc = P(2)
+ end if
+ if (.not.refz) then
+ i = i+1
+ zc = P(3)
+ end if
+ end if
+! Find c0(l).
+ do l=0,lmax,1+stepz
+ i = i+1
+ c0(l) = P(i)
+ end do
+! Find {cc,cs}.
+ if (nonaxi) then
+! Find cc(l,m).
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1+stepx,l,1+stepx
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ i = i+1
+ cc(l,m) = P(i)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+! Find cs(l,m).
+ if (.not.refy) then
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1,l,1+stepx
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ i = i+1
+ cs(l,m) = P(i)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ end if
+! if (i.gt.NN) then
+! write(*,*) 'Out of bounds 2',i,NN
+! end if
+! ***************************************
+! ***************************************
+! If a minimum was found, set status to true.
+ if (found) then
+ status = .true.
+! If no minimum was found, it might still be because
+! there were to many iterations, in which case there
+! is a minimum, we just didn't converge to it in the
+! maximum number of iterations allowed.
+ else
+ if (ITER.eq.ITMAX) then
+ status = .true.
+ if ((verbose.or.logfile).and.(myproc.eq.0)) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) 'AHFinder: Too many iterations.'
+ if (logfile) then
+ open(1,file=logf,form='formatted',
+ . status='old',position='append')
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,*) 'AHFinder: Too many iterations.'
+ close(1)
+ end if
+ end if
+ else
+ status = .false.
+ end if
+ end if
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end subroutine AHFinder_min
diff --git a/src/AHFinder_pow.F b/src/AHFinder_pow.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f605039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AHFinder_pow.F
@@ -0,0 +1,1070 @@
+c @file AHFinder_pow.F
+c @date April 1998
+c @author Miguel Alcubierre
+c @desc
+c Multidimensional minimization routines taken
+c from Numerical Recipes. The routines have some
+c modifications to adapt them to the specific problem
+c we are trying to solve.
+c @enddesc
+c Note that including cactus.h will also include AHFinder.h
+!#include "cactus.h"
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_arguments.h"
+ module F1COM
+! Data to be shared by minimization routines.
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL, allocatable, dimension(:) :: PCOM,XICOM
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end module F1COM
+! Minimization of a function FUNC on N variables (FUNC is
+! not an argument, it is a fixed function name). Input consists
+! of an initial starting point P that is a vector of length N;
+! an initial matrix XI of dimensions NxN and whose columns contain
+! the initial set of directions (usually the N unit vectors); and
+! FTOL, the fractional tolerance in the function value such that
+! failure to decrease by more than this ammount on one iteration
+! signals doneness. On output, P is set to the best point found,
+! XI is the then-current direction set, FRET is the returned
+! function value at P, and ITER is the number of iterations taken.
+! Extra output added by myself (Miguel Alcubierre) is a logical
+! variable `found' that is set to true is a minimum was indeed
+! found, and to false if it wasn't.
+ use AHFinder_dat
+ implicit none
+ logical found
+ CCTK_INT i,j,N
+ CCTK_REAL, dimension(N) :: P,PT,PTT,XIT
+ CCTK_REAL, dimension(N,N) :: XI
+ character*200 logf
+ parameter (ZEPS=1.0D-10)
+! *************************
+! *** START ROUTINE ***
+! *************************
+! Save initial point.
+ do j=1,N
+ PT(j) = P(j)
+ end do
+ ITER = 0
+ 10 ITER = ITER + 1
+ if ((myproc.eq.0).and.veryver) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(A20,I2)") 'POWELL ITERATION = ',ITER
+ end if
+ if ((myproc.eq.0).and.logfile) then
+ logf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_logfile"
+ open(1,file=logf,form='formatted',status='old',
+ . position='append')
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(A20,I2)") 'POWELL ITERATION = ',ITER
+ close(1)
+ end if
+ IBIG = 0
+! Initialize DEL. It will be the biggest function decrease.
+ DEL = 0.0D0
+! In each iteration, loop over all directions in the set.
+ do i=1,N
+! Copy the direction.
+ do j=1,N
+ XIT(j) = XI(j,i)
+ end do
+! Minimize along it.
+! And record it if it is the largest decrease so far.
+ if (dabs(FPTT-FRET).gt.DEL) then
+ DEL = dabs(FPTT-FRET)
+ IBIG = I
+ end if
+ 20 continue
+ end do
+! Termination criterion.
+ TOL1 = 0.5D0*FTOL*(dabs(FP)+dabs(FRET)) + ZEPS
+ if (dabs(FP-FRET).le.TOL1) then
+ found = .true.
+ return
+ else if (dabs(FRET).lt.ZEPS) then
+ found = .true.
+ return
+ end if
+! Too many iterations?
+ if (ITER.ge.ITMAX) return
+! Construct the extrapolated point and the average direction.
+ do j=1,N
+ PTT(j) = 2.0D0*P(j) - PT(j)
+ XIT(j) = P(j) - PT(j)
+ PT(j) = P(j)
+ end do
+! Function value at extrapolated point.
+! First reason not to use new direction.
+ if (FPTT.ge.FP) goto 10
+! Second reason not to use new direction.
+ T = 2.0D0*(FP-2.0D0*FRET+FPTT)*(FP-FRET-DEL)**2
+ . - DEL*(FP-FPTT)**2
+ if (T.gt.0.0D0) goto 10
+! Move to the minimum of the new direction.
+! Save new direction.
+ do j=1,N
+ XI(j,IBIG) = XIT(j)
+ end do
+! Back for another iteration.
+ goto 10
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end subroutine POWELL
+! Given an N dimensional point P and an N dimensional direction XI,
+! moves and resets P to where the function FUNC takes on a
+! minimum along the direction XI from P, and replaces XI by the
+! actual vector displacement that P was moved. Also returns as
+! FRET the value of FUNC at the returned location P. This is
+! actually all acomplished by calling the routines MNBRAK and
+ use F1COM
+ implicit none
+ logical error
+ CCTK_INT i,j,N
+ CCTK_INT l,m
+ CCTK_REAL zero
+ CCTK_REAL dx,dy,dz
+ CCTK_REAL, dimension(N) :: P,XI
+ external F1DIM
+! **********************************************
+! **********************************************
+ allocate(PCOM(N),XICOM(N))
+! *************************
+! *** START ROUTINE ***
+! *************************
+ dx = cctk_delta_space(1)
+ dy = cctk_delta_space(2)
+ dz = cctk_delta_space(3)
+ NCOM = N
+ do j=1,N
+ PCOM(j) = P(j)
+ XICOM(j) = XI(j)
+ end do
+! Initial guess for brackets.
+ XA = 0.0D0
+ XX = 0.1D0*min(dx,dy,dz)
+! Bracket the minimum.
+! Check if function is constant.
+ if ((FA.eq.FX).and.(FB.eq.FX)) goto 10
+! Call 1D minimization.
+! Construct the vector results to return.
+ do j=1,N
+ XI(j) = XMIN*XI(j)
+ P(j) = P(j) + XI(j)
+ end do
+! ******************************
+! ******************************
+ 10 deallocate(PCOM,XICOM)
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end subroutine LINMIN
+! Must accompany LINMIN
+ use F1COM
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL, dimension(NCOM) :: XT
+! *************************
+! *** START ROUTINE ***
+! *************************
+ do j=1,NCOM
+ XT(j) = PCOM(j) + XX*XICOM(j)
+ end do
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end function F1DIM
+! Given a function FUNC, and given distinct initial points
+! XA and XB, this routine searches in the downhill direction
+! (defined by the function as evaluated at the initial points)
+! and returns new points XA, XB, XC which bracket a minimum
+! of the function. Also returned are the function values
+! at the three points, FA, FB and FC.
+ implicit none
+ parameter (GOLD=1.618034D0,GLIMIT=4.0D0,TINY=1.0D-20)
+! *************************
+! *** START ROUTINE ***
+! *************************
+! Switch roles of A and B so that we can go downhill
+! in the direction from A to B.
+ if (FB.gt.FA) then
+ DUM = XA
+ XA = XB
+ XB = DUM
+ DUM = FB
+ FB = FA
+ FA = DUM
+ end if
+! First guess for C.
+ XC = XB + GOLD*(XB-XA)
+! Check if the function is constant.
+ if ((FA.eq.FB).and.(FB.eq.FC)) then
+ return
+ end if
+! Keep returning here until we bracket.
+ do while(FB.gt.FC)
+! Compute U by parabollic extrapolation from A, B, C.
+! TINY is used to prevent any possible division by zero.
+ S = (XB-XA)*(FB-FC)
+ Q = (XB-XC)*(FB-FA)
+ U = XB - ((XB-XC)*Q - (XB-XA)*S)
+ . / (2.0D0*SIGN(MAX(DABS(Q-S),TINY),Q-S))
+! We won't go further than this.
+! Now to test various possibilities.
+ if ((XB-U)*(U-XC).gt.0.0D0) then
+! Parabolic U is between B and C, try it.
+ if (FU.lt.FC) then
+! Got a minimum between B and C.
+ XA = XB
+ FA = FB
+ XB = U
+ FB = FU
+ return
+ else if (FU.gt.FB) then
+! Got a minimum between A and U.
+ XC = U
+ FC = FU
+ return
+ end if
+! Parabolic fit was no use. Use default magnification.
+ U = XC + GOLD*(XC-XB)
+ else if ((XC-U)*(U-ULIM).gt.0.0D0) then
+! Parabolic fit is between C and its allowed limit.
+ if (FU.lt.FC) then
+ XB = XC
+ XC = U
+ U = XC + GOLD*(XC-XB)
+ FB = FC
+ FC = FU
+ end if
+ else if ((U-ULIM)*(ULIM-XC).ge.0.0D0) then
+! Limit parabolic U to maximum allowed value.
+ U = ULIM
+ else
+! Reject parabolic U, use default magnification.
+ U = XC + GOLD*(XC-XB)
+ end if
+! Eliminate oldest point and continue.
+ XA = XB
+ XB = XC
+ XC = U
+ FA = FB
+ FB = FC
+ FC = FU
+ end do
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end subroutine MNBRAK
+ . error)
+! Given a function F, and given a bracketing triplet of abscissas
+! XA, XB, XC (such that XB is between XA and XC, and F(XB) is less
+! than both F(XA) and F(XC)), this routine isolates the minimum
+! to a fractional precision of about TOL using inverse parabolic
+! interpolation. The abscissa of the minimum is returned as XMIN,
+! and the minimum function value is returned as PARABOLA, the
+! returned function value.
+ implicit none
+ logical error
+ parameter (ITMAX=100,ZEPS=1.0D-10)
+! *************************
+! *** START ROUTINE ***
+! *************************
+ error = .false.
+! A and B must be in ascending order, though the input
+! abscissas need not be.
+ if (XC.lt.XA) then
+ A = XC
+ B = XA
+ FA = FXC
+ FB = FXA
+ else
+ A = XA
+ B = XC
+ FA = FXA
+ FB = FXC
+ end if
+ XX = XB
+ FX = FXB
+ FP = FA
+! Main program loop.
+ XM = 0.5D0*(A + B)
+! Test for done here.
+ TOL1 = 0.5D0*TOL*(dabs(FP)+dabs(FX)) + ZEPS
+ if (dabs(FP-FX).le.TOL1)goto 3
+! Construct a trial parabolic fit.
+ S = (XX-A)*(FX-FB)
+ Q = (XX-B)*(FX-FA)
+ P = (XX-B)*Q - (XX-A)*S
+ Q = 2.0D0*(Q-S)
+! Check if Q is zero. This can only happen if the
+! three points are colinear (in which case they where
+! not bracketing a minimum in the first place), or
+! if two of them are in fact the same point.
+ if (Q.eq.0.0D0) then
+ write(*,*) 'AHFinder: problem in PARABOLA'
+ error = .true.
+ return
+ end if
+! Find new point.
+ D = - P/Q
+ U = XX + D
+! Check if X was already the minimum.
+ if (dabs(U-XX).lt.ZEPS) goto 3
+! This is the one function evaluation per iteration.
+! And now we have to decide what to do with our function
+! evaluation.
+ if (FU.le.FX) then
+ if (U.ge.XX) then
+ A = XX
+ FA = FX
+ else
+ B = XX
+ FB = FX
+ end if
+ XX = U
+ FP = FX
+ FX = FU
+ else
+ if (U.lt.XX) then
+ A = U
+ FA = FU
+ else
+ B = U
+ FB = FU
+ end if
+ end if
+ end do
+ write(*,*) 'PARABOLA exceeded maximum number of iterations.'
+ 3 XMIN = XX
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end function PARABOLA
+! This is a shell to find the surface integral of the expansion.
+ use AHFinder_dat
+ implicit none
+ logical flag
+ CCTK_INT i,l,m,N
+ CCTK_INT iter
+ CCTK_INT getoutpfx
+ CCTK_REAL zero,half,one
+ CCTK_REAL, dimension(N) :: P
+ character*200 logf
+ save iter,logf
+! **************************
+! **************************
+ zero = 0.0D0
+ half = 0.5D0
+ one = 1.0D0
+! ************************
+! *** OPEN LOGFILE ***
+! ************************
+ logf = filestr(1:nfile)//"ahf_logfile"
+ if (logfile.and.(myproc.eq.0)) then
+ open(1,file=logf,form='formatted',status='old',
+ . position='append')
+ end if
+! ****************************
+! *** FIND {c0,cc,cs} ***
+! ****************************
+ i = 0
+! Find {xc,yc,zc}.
+ if (wander) then
+ if (.not.refx) then
+ i = i+1
+ xc = P(1)
+ end if
+ if (.not.refy) then
+ i = i+1
+ yc = P(2)
+ end if
+ if (.not.refz) then
+ i = i+1
+ zc = P(3)
+ end if
+ end if
+! Find c0(l).
+ do l=0,lmax,1+stepz
+ i = i+1
+ c0(l) = P(i)
+ end do
+! Find {cc,cs}.
+ if (nonaxi) then
+! Find cc(l,m).
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1+stepx,l,1+stepx
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ i = i+1
+ cc(l,m) = P(i)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+! Find cs(l,m).
+ if (.not.refy) then
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1,l,1+stepx
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ i = i+1
+ cs(l,m) = P(i)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ end if
+! *********************************************
+! *********************************************
+! Firstcall?
+ if (firstfun) then
+ iter = 1
+! Find horizon function and expansion.
+ call AHFinder_fun(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ call AHFinder_exp(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+! Save old values of coefficients.
+ xc_old = xc
+ yc_old = yc
+ zc_old = zc
+ c0_old = c0
+ cc_old = cc
+ cs_old = cs
+ firstfun = .false.
+! Not first call.
+ else
+ iter = iter + 1
+! Check if coefficients changed from last call.
+! I check this because the minimization algorithm
+! sometimes reevaluates the function at the same
+! point twice. Also, if only c0(0) changed, the
+! expansion will not be affected.
+ flag = .false.
+ if (wander) then
+ if (xc.ne.xc_old) flag = .true.
+ if (yc.ne.yc_old) flag = .true.
+ if (zc.ne.zc_old) flag = .true.
+ end if
+ do l=1+stepz,lmax,1+stepz
+ if (c0(l).ne.c0_old(l)) flag = .true.
+ end do
+ if (nonaxi) then
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1+stepx,l,1+stepx
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ if (cc(l,m).ne.cc_old(l,m)) flag = .true.
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (.not.refy) then
+ do m=1,l,1+stepx
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ if (cs(l,m).ne.cs_old(l,m)) flag = .true.
+ end if
+ end do
+ end if
+ end do
+ end if
+! If necessary, find horizon function and expansion.
+ if (flag) then
+ call AHFinder_fun(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ call AHFinder_exp(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ end if
+! Save old values of coefficients.
+ c0_old = c0
+ cc_old = cc
+ cs_old = cs
+ end if
+ if (myproc.eq.0) then
+ if (veryver) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(A13,I5)") 'FUNC CALL =',iter
+ end if
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(A13,I5)") 'FUNC CALL =',iter
+ end if
+ end if
+! **********************************
+! **********************************
+ call AHFinder_int(CCTK_FARGUMENTS)
+ if (myproc.eq.0) then
+ if (intarea.ne.zero) then
+ aux = one/intarea
+ else
+ aux = one
+ end if
+ if (veryver) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Surface area =',intarea
+ write(*,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Mean value of H =',aux*intexp
+ write(*,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Mean value of H^2 =',aux*intexp2
+ write(*,*) 'number of interpolated points: ',
+ . inside_min_count
+ write(*,*) ' number of those that are negative: ',
+ . inside_min_neg_count
+ end if
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Surface area =',intarea
+ write(1,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Mean value of H =',aux*intexp
+ write(1,"(A21,ES14.6)") ' Mean value of H^2 =',aux*intexp2
+ write(*,*) 'number of interpolated points: ',
+ . inside_min_count
+ write(*,*) ' number of those that are negative: ',
+ . inside_min_neg_count
+ end if
+ end if
+! ******************************
+! ******************************
+ if (myproc.eq.0) then
+ if (veryver) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(A20)") ' Shape coefficients:'
+ if (offset) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' xc =',xc
+ write(*,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' yc =',yc
+ write(*,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' zc =',zc
+ end if
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) ' l c0_l'
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,"(I4,A6,ES14.6)") 0,' ',c0(0)
+ end if
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(A20)") ' Shape coefficients:'
+ if (offset) then
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' xc =',xc
+ write(1,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' yc =',yc
+ write(1,"(A8,ES14.6)") ' zc =',zc
+ end if
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,*) ' l c0_l'
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,"(I4,A6,ES14.6)") 0,' ',c0(0)
+ end if
+ do l=1+stepz,lmax,1+stepz
+ if (veryver) then
+ write(*,"(I4,A6,ES14.6)") l,' ',c0(l)
+ end if
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,"(I4,A6,ES14.6)") l,' ',c0(l)
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (nonaxi) then
+ if (.not.refy) then
+ if (veryver) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) ' l m cc_lm cs_lm'
+ write(*,*)
+ end if
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,*) ' l m cc_lm cs_lm'
+ write(1,*)
+ end if
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1,l
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ if (veryver) then
+ write(*,10) l,m,' ',cc(l,m),' ',cs(l,m)
+ end if
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,10) l,m,' ',cc(l,m),' ',cs(l,m)
+ end if
+ 10 format(I4,I4,A2,ES14.6,A1,ES14.6)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ else
+ if (veryver) then
+ write(*,*)
+ write(*,*) ' l m cc_lm'
+ write(*,*)
+ end if
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,*)
+ write(1,*) ' l m cc_lm'
+ write(1,*)
+ end if
+ do l=1,lmax
+ do m=1+stepx,l,1+stepx
+ if (stepz*mod(l-m,2).eq.0) then
+ if (veryver) then
+ write(*,20) l,m,' ',cc(l,m)
+ end if
+ if (logfile) then
+ write(1,20) l,m,' ',cc(l,m)
+ end if
+ 20 format(I4,I4,A2,ES14.6)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+! *********************
+! *** FIND FUNC ***
+! *********************
+! The value of FUNC will be equal to the surface integral
+! of the square of the expansion or to the surface area,
+! depending on what we want to minimize.
+ if (minarea) then
+ FUNC = intarea
+ else
+ if(find_trapped_surface) then
+ FUNC = intexpdel2
+ else
+ FUNC = intexp2
+ endif
+ end if
+! *************************
+! *** CLOSE LOGFILE ***
+! *************************
+ if (logfile.and.(myproc.eq.0)) then
+ close(1)
+ end if
+! ***************
+! *** END ***
+! ***************
+ end function FUNC
diff --git a/src/make.code.defn b/src/make.code.defn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0af2cc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/make.code.defn
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Main make.code.defn file for thorn AHFinder
+# Source files in this directory
+SRCS += AHFinder_dat.F AHFinder.F \
+ AHFinder_fun.F AHFinder_exp.F AHFinder_int.F \
+ AHFinder_min.F AHFinder_pow.F AHFinder_leg.F \
+ AHFinder_flow.F AHFinder_mask.F \
+ AHFinder_find3.F AHFinder_calcsigma.F \
+ AHFinder_initguess.F
diff --git a/src/make.code.deps b/src/make.code.deps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cad9578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/make.code.deps
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# -*-Makefile-*-
+# Dependencies file for thorn AHFinder.
+$(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder.o: $(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_dat.o
+$(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_fun.o: $(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_dat.o
+#$(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_gau.o: $(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_dat.o
+$(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_int.o: $(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_dat.o
+$(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_min.o: $(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_dat.o
+$(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_pow.o: $(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_dat.o
+$(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_flow.o: $(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_dat.o
+$(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_find3.o: $(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_dat.o
+$(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_calcsigma.o: $(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_dat.o
+$(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_initguess.o: $(SYS_OBJD)/AHFinder_dat.o \ No newline at end of file