path: root/quantum/template
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Remove build option firmware size impacts (#6947)Amber Holly2019-10-18
* Fix broken link to ps2avrgb flashing instructions (#7011)MechMerlin2019-10-11
* Prevent clang-format messing up placeholder tokens within keyboard templates ...fauxpark2019-10-10
* Cleanup for 32A and 328P keyboards (#6767)fauxpark2019-09-20
* clang-format changesskullY2019-08-30
* Add 'bootloadHID' flash target (#5587)Joel Challis2019-08-24
* Remove backslashes from template keymap (#6548)fauxpark2019-08-17
* Add some defaults for ATmega32A to (#6253)fauxpark2019-08-08
* Remove NO_BACKLIGHT_CLOCK (#6418)fauxpark2019-07-27
* Update IS_COMMAND definitions to use MOD_MASK_SHIFT (#6348)Konstantin Đorđević2019-07-20
* Store backlight breathing state in EEPROM (#6105)fauxpark2019-07-16
* Remove commented out MCUs in (#5884)fauxpark2019-07-16
* Add copyright year placeholders to new keyboard script (#6280)fauxpark2019-07-08
* Fix up Debouncing in AVR Templates (#5964)Drashna Jaelre2019-05-23
* Fix up ps2avrgb templates (#5606)MechMerlin2019-05-03
* If RGBLIGHT_EFFECT_BREATHE_CENTER is undefined, use fixed breathe table inste...Takeshi ISHII2019-05-02
* Update ps2avrgb readme template (#5584)noroadsleft2019-04-11
* Update ps2avrgb template to use standard matrix/i2c code (#4957)James Churchill2019-04-05
* Ask for your name when generating a new keyboard (#5214)fauxpark2019-02-26
* Remove CUSTOM_MATRIX option from diode direction (#5090)zvecr2019-02-18
* Change Command keycode defaults to match corresponding Bootmagic codes (#5078)Konstantin Đorđević2019-02-17
* Fix Command feature: use get_mods() instead of keyboard_report->mods (#4955)Konstantin Đorđević2019-01-27
* Adds a default value for IS_COMMAND for COMMAND feature (#4301)Drashna Jaelre2019-01-26
* Optimize/Update the new_project script (#4920)MechMerlin2019-01-23
* Update Templates (stop living in the past, its 2019) (#4897)MechMerlin2019-01-20
* Make quantum/split_common/serial.[ch] configurable (#4419)Takeshi ISHII2018-12-14
* Turn off Mousekeys for several ps2avrGB keyboards (#4502)Drashna Jaelre2018-11-27
* modify quantum/template/avr/config.h: add rgblight effect configurationsmtei2018-11-12
* Add Bootmagic Lite to QMK (#4215)Drashna Jaelre2018-10-27
* Updated templates for use by (#3783)noroadsleft2018-08-29
* Update ps2avrgb readme (#3599)MechMerlin2018-08-09
* Update templates used for (#3558)MechMerlin2018-08-03
* Add #include "config_common.h" after #pragma once to config.h templates (#3444)noroadsleft2018-07-18
* Update template config.h with `#pragma once` (#3415)Evan Travers2018-07-16
* Integrating Peter Fleury's HD44780 LCD library (#3209)Max Audron2018-07-15
* Updated matrix.c for some PS2AVRGB boards and templates for new_project scrip...Kenneth Aloysius2018-05-31
* update template copyrights to 2018 (#2962)MechMerlin2018-05-13
* Support both AVR and ps2avrGB targets for new_project script (#2811)MechMerlin2018-05-10
* Use QMK_KEYBOARD_H instead of the mykeyboard.h (#2780)MechMerlin2018-04-21
* change KEYMAP to LAYOUT for all new keyboards made using this scriptmechmerlin2018-04-05
* update template readmeJack Humbert2017-11-01
* update qmk templateJack Humbert2017-11-01
* Remove all Makefiles from the keyboards directory. (#1660)skullydazed2017-09-08
* add description of new option to docs and add option (commented out) into tem...Balz Guenat2017-08-11
* Fix #1135 by changing the default to at90usb1286skullY2017-06-24
* Merge pull request #1184 from osamuaoki/masterJack Humbert2017-03-30
| * Typo fixOsamu Aoki2017-03-30
* | Clarify the quantum license (#1042)skullydazed2017-03-28
* | fix 'stop_all_notes' naming to be more consistentGabriel Young2017-03-02
* | Update size estimates in the MakefileGabriel Young2017-02-25