path: root/quantum
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Reduce duplication for ARM/AVR ws2812 RGB Matrix driver (#7180)Joel Challis2019-10-29
* Fix formatting for sendstring LUTs (#7176)fauxpark2019-10-28
* Fix Tap Dance name for consistency and to match docs (#7136)Drashna Jaelre2019-10-24
* Fix held key getting stuck when NKRO is toggled (#6570)just-another-jxliu2019-10-22
* Remove build option firmware size impacts (#6947)Amber Holly2019-10-18
* SPLIT - Remove NO_USB_STARTUP_CHECK requirement for usb detection (#7053)Joel Challis2019-10-17
* Move tmk_core/common/backlight to quantum/backlight (#6710)Joel Challis2019-10-17
* Fix bug in `do_code16()` (#6935)fauxpark2019-10-16
* Fix small hiccup in snake animation (#6858)theVDude2019-10-15
* Added uart config for using rn42 with at90usb1286 (#6582)Deckweiss2019-10-16
* Fix broken link to ps2avrgb flashing instructions (#7011)MechMerlin2019-10-11
* ARM split - detect USB to select master/slave (#6424)Joel Challis2019-10-11
* Fix CONVERT_TO_PROTON_C_RXLED pins (#7007)Joel Challis2019-10-11
* Prevent clang-format messing up placeholder tokens within keyboard templates ...fauxpark2019-10-10
* ARM - Initial backlight support (#6487)Joel Challis2019-10-05
* Fix quantum keymapextra italian (#6779)Silvio Gulizia2019-10-03
* ARM split - Add bootmagic/magic keycodes for setting handedness (#6545)Joel Challis2019-09-24
* Generalize Tap Dance Layer functions (#6629)Drashna Jaelre2019-09-21
* Add support for 328P hardware backlight on B1/B2 (#6776)fauxpark2019-09-20
* Cleanup for 32A and 328P keyboards (#6767)fauxpark2019-09-20
* DRV2605L Continuous Haptic Feedback Support (#6461)MechMerlin2019-09-19
* Smoother Linear Light Table (#6764)XScorpion22019-09-18
* Updated split encoders so indexes are based on left hand encoders first (#6382)XScorpion22019-09-18
* Add 328P to (#6682)fauxpark2019-09-07
* Add 16U2, 16U4 and USB646 to (#6566)fauxpark2019-09-05
* Add Dip Switch as a core feature (#6140)Drashna Jaelre2019-09-03
* clang-format changesskullY2019-08-30
* Hotfix: Reinstate the KC_DELT aliasskullY2019-08-30
* Remove KC_DELT alias in favor of KC_DEL (#6327)Konstantin Đorđević2019-08-30
* Update swedish based keymaps with newer keycodesDrashna Jaelre2019-08-30
* Language Keymap extras backport from ZSA fork (#6198)Drashna Jaelre2019-08-30
* Add 'bootloadHID' flash target (#5587)Joel Challis2019-08-24
* Fixup Bootmagic code (#6386)Drashna Jaelre2019-08-22
* AVR GPIO macro defines more readable (#5937)Takeshi ISHII2019-08-21
* Additional changes for Layer State typedef compatibility (#5906)Drashna Jaelre2019-08-21
* Added keycodes for swapping and unswapping the Control and OS keys (#6110)Stephen Wanhella2019-08-21
* Add ATmega32U2 to (#6561)fauxpark2019-08-17
* Remove backslashes from template keymap (#6548)fauxpark2019-08-17
* Add support for different encoder pinout for right half of split keyboard (#6...Danny2019-08-16
* Enable PWM Support for Planck EZ Indicator Lights (#6473)Drashna Jaelre2019-08-13
* Mask off TD() parameter properly (#6143)fauxpark2019-08-08
* Add some defaults for ATmega32A to (#6253)fauxpark2019-08-08
* Rename QK_TMK(_MAX) to QK_BASIC (#6509)fauxpark2019-08-08
* Improve backlight PWM pin support (#6202)fauxpark2019-08-08
* MIDI: Fix basic noteon: send correct velocity (#6476)Zach DeCook2019-08-06
* [Split] Add config option for DIRECT_PINS_RIGHT (#6479)Garrett Singer2019-08-03
* Fix RGB Matrix Cycle Left-Right Animation (#6421)yrdns2019-07-26
* Remove NO_BACKLIGHT_CLOCK (#6418)fauxpark2019-07-27
* Fix MATRIX_X_PINS_RIGHT ARM compilation (#6395)Joel Challis2019-07-23
* Refactoring PCBs, updating Rama Works U80-A (#6272)Wilba2019-07-21