path: root/quantum/quantum.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Add Dip Switch as a core feature (#6140)Drashna Jaelre2019-09-03
* clang-format changesskullY2019-08-30
* AVR GPIO macro defines more readable (#5937)Takeshi ISHII2019-08-21
* Additional changes for Layer State typedef compatibility (#5906)Drashna Jaelre2019-08-21
* Sendstring LUT improvements (#5727)fauxpark2019-07-15
* Fix parentheses in macros, and in general clean up quantum.h (#5021)Konstantin Đorđević2019-07-09
* Typedef'ed layer_state_t to uint32_t (#3637)Alex Ong2019-05-17
* Simple extended space cadet (#5277)XScorpion22019-04-29
* Fix #3566 use an hardware timer for software PWM stability (#3615)Brice Figureau2019-04-22
* OLED Driver FeatureRyan Caltabiano2019-04-20
* Change table namesDrashna Jaelre2019-04-12
* Clean up some of the codeDrashna Jaelre2019-04-12
* Fixed tap/down/up handling in dynamic keymap macros (#5363)Drashna Jaelre2019-04-07
| * Added SS_TAP_CODE, SS_DOWN_CODE, SS_UP_CODEWilba65822019-03-30
* | Custom Tapping Term per key (#5009)Drashna Jaelre2019-04-05
* | Next set of split_common changes (#4974)James Churchill2019-03-12
* Haptic feedback generalized - DRV2605 and solenoids (#4939)ishtob2019-02-16
* fix the led_matrix.h naming conflictskullY2019-02-10
* compiles, but long delay on startup and problemsskullY2019-02-10
* move `#include "rgb.h"` from quantum.h to quantum.cmtei2019-01-25
* Make `readPin` output a 0 or 1 when using AVR to match ChibiOS's version of `...Danny Nguyen2018-12-19
* Fix up tap_code functionality (#4609)Drashna Jaelre2018-12-14
* Add standard definitions for ALGR and KC_ALGR (#4389)Konstantin Đorđević2018-12-12
* Add tap_code16 function (#4362)Konstantin Đorđević2018-11-27
* Add support for Atmega32A to pin declarations and universal matrix (#4015)Jack Humbert2018-11-02
* Add Bootmagic Lite to QMK (#4215)Drashna Jaelre2018-10-27
* Adds default value for TAPPING_TERM if Tap Dance is enabled (#2785)Drashna Jaelre2018-10-01
* Update quantum matrix to support both AVR and Chibios ARM (#3968)yiancar2018-09-28
* Make `PREVENT_STUCK_MODIFIERS` the default (#3107)Joe Wasson2018-09-17
* rgblight.[ch] more configurable (#3582)Takeshi ISHII2018-09-13
* ISSI31FL3733 driver (#3679)yiancar2018-08-28
* Make sure Planck light calls user suspend functions (#3568)Drashna Jaelre2018-08-04
* Keymap: Bocaj Ergodox Updates (#3364)Jacob Jerrell2018-07-25
* Lets split eh (#3120)That-Canadian2018-07-16
* Integrating Peter Fleury's HD44780 LCD library (#3209)Max Audron2018-07-15
* Adds IS31FL3731 RGB Matrix Implementation (#2910)Jack Humbert2018-05-08
* Change handling of adjust layer to make it more LT(...) friendly. (#1625)Martin Sandiford2018-04-26
* Fix Audio Clicky sub-feature (#2784)Drashna Jaelre2018-04-21
* Add CMD and WIN aliases for KC_GUI, GUI(kc), GUI_T(kc), etc.fauxpark2018-03-16
* Add SS_RALT for AltGR usage in macrosDrashna Jael're2018-03-09
* Merge ChibiOS and LUFA descriptor support (#2362)fredizzimo2018-02-08
* backlight breathing overhaul (#2187)Balz Guenat2018-01-01
* added SS_LSFT to featured macrosGilbert Consellado2017-11-20
* Added Auto Shift, tap key = normal, hold key = shifted state.Jeremy Cowgar2017-09-18
* Updates send_string functionality, adds terminal feature (#1657)Jack Humbert2017-09-12
* Initial implementation of the key_lock feature.Fredric Silberberg2017-08-08
* Add TX Bolt protocol support for StenographyJoe Wasson2017-07-27
* clean-up planck and preonic keymaps, move audio stuff aroundJack Humbert2017-07-23
* Pull out sendstring variations to their own files.Shayne Holmes2017-07-05
* Allow broader send_string layout customizability via compile flagShayne Holmes2017-07-05