path: root/emacs/notmuch-lib.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'emacs/notmuch-lib.el')
1 files changed, 366 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch-lib.el b/emacs/notmuch-lib.el
index 0f856bf..30db58f 100644
--- a/emacs/notmuch-lib.el
+++ b/emacs/notmuch-lib.el
@@ -21,6 +21,11 @@
;; This is an part of an emacs-based interface to the notmuch mail system.
+(require 'mm-view)
+(require 'mm-decode)
+(require 'json)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(defvar notmuch-command "notmuch"
"Command to run the notmuch binary.")
@@ -28,17 +33,54 @@
"Notmuch mail reader for Emacs."
:group 'mail)
+(defgroup notmuch-hello nil
+ "Overview of saved searches, tags, etc."
+ :group 'notmuch)
+(defgroup notmuch-search nil
+ "Searching and sorting mail."
+ :group 'notmuch)
+(defgroup notmuch-show nil
+ "Showing messages and threads."
+ :group 'notmuch)
+(defgroup notmuch-send nil
+ "Sending messages from Notmuch."
+ :group 'notmuch)
+(custom-add-to-group 'notmuch-send 'message 'custom-group)
+(defgroup notmuch-crypto nil
+ "Processing and display of cryptographic MIME parts."
+ :group 'notmuch)
+(defgroup notmuch-hooks nil
+ "Running custom code on well-defined occasions."
+ :group 'notmuch)
+(defgroup notmuch-external nil
+ "Running external commands from within Notmuch."
+ :group 'notmuch)
+(defgroup notmuch-faces nil
+ "Graphical attributes for displaying text"
+ :group 'notmuch)
(defcustom notmuch-search-oldest-first t
"Show the oldest mail first when searching."
:type 'boolean
- :group 'notmuch)
+ :group 'notmuch-search)
+(defvar notmuch-search-history nil
+ "Variable to store notmuch searches history.")
(defcustom notmuch-saved-searches nil
"A list of saved searches to display."
:type '(alist :key-type string :value-type string)
- :group 'notmuch)
+ :group 'notmuch-hello)
(defvar notmuch-folders nil
"Deprecated name for what is now known as `notmuch-saved-searches'.")
@@ -96,6 +138,19 @@ the user hasn't set this variable with the old or new value."
(kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
+(defun notmuch-prettify-subject (subject)
+ ;; This function is used by `notmuch-search-process-filter' which
+ ;; requires that we not disrupt its' matching state.
+ (save-match-data
+ (if (and subject
+ (string-match "^[ \t]*$" subject))
+ "[No Subject]"
+ subject)))
+(defun notmuch-id-to-query (id)
+ "Return a query that matches the message with id ID."
+ (concat "id:\"" (replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "\"\"" id t t) "\""))
(defun notmuch-common-do-stash (text)
@@ -114,19 +169,121 @@ the user hasn't set this variable with the old or new value."
(setq list (cdr list)))
(nreverse out)))
-; This lets us avoid compiling these replacement functions when emacs
-; is sufficiently new enough to supply them alone. We do the macro
-; treatment rather than just wrapping our defun calls in a when form
-; specifically so that the compiler never sees the code on new emacs,
-; (since the code is triggering warnings that we don't know how to get
-; rid of.
-; A more clever macro here would accept a condition and a list of forms.
+;; This lets us avoid compiling these replacement functions when emacs
+;; is sufficiently new enough to supply them alone. We do the macro
+;; treatment rather than just wrapping our defun calls in a when form
+;; specifically so that the compiler never sees the code on new emacs,
+;; (since the code is triggering warnings that we don't know how to get
+;; rid of.
+;; A more clever macro here would accept a condition and a list of forms.
(defmacro compile-on-emacs-prior-to-23 (form)
"Conditionally evaluate form only on emacs < emacs-23."
(list 'when (< emacs-major-version 23)
+(defun notmuch-split-content-type (content-type)
+ "Split content/type into 'content' and 'type'"
+ (split-string content-type "/"))
+(defun notmuch-match-content-type (t1 t2)
+ "Return t if t1 and t2 are matching content types, taking wildcards into account"
+ (let ((st1 (notmuch-split-content-type t1))
+ (st2 (notmuch-split-content-type t2)))
+ (if (or (string= (cadr st1) "*")
+ (string= (cadr st2) "*"))
+ ;; Comparison of content types should be case insensitive.
+ (string= (downcase (car st1)) (downcase (car st2)))
+ (string= (downcase t1) (downcase t2)))))
+(defvar notmuch-multipart/alternative-discouraged
+ '(
+ ;; Avoid HTML parts.
+ "text/html"
+ ;; multipart/related usually contain a text/html part and some associated graphics.
+ "multipart/related"
+ ))
+(defun notmuch-multipart/alternative-choose (types)
+ "Return a list of preferred types from the given list of types"
+ ;; Based on `mm-preferred-alternative-precedence'.
+ (let ((seq types))
+ (dolist (pref (reverse notmuch-multipart/alternative-discouraged))
+ (dolist (elem (copy-sequence seq))
+ (when (string-match pref elem)
+ (setq seq (nconc (delete elem seq) (list elem))))))
+ seq))
+(defun notmuch-parts-filter-by-type (parts type)
+ "Given a list of message parts, return a list containing the ones matching
+the given type."
+ (remove-if-not
+ (lambda (part) (notmuch-match-content-type (plist-get part :content-type) type))
+ parts))
+;; Helper for parts which are generally not included in the default
+;; JSON output.
+(defun notmuch-get-bodypart-internal (query part-number process-crypto)
+ (let ((args '("show" "--format=raw"))
+ (part-arg (format "--part=%s" part-number)))
+ (setq args (append args (list part-arg)))
+ (if process-crypto
+ (setq args (append args '("--decrypt"))))
+ (setq args (append args (list query)))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (let ((coding-system-for-read 'no-conversion))
+ (progn
+ (apply 'call-process (append (list notmuch-command nil (list t nil) nil) args))
+ (buffer-string))))))
+(defun notmuch-get-bodypart-content (msg part nth process-crypto)
+ (or (plist-get part :content)
+ (notmuch-get-bodypart-internal (notmuch-id-to-query (plist-get msg :id)) nth process-crypto)))
+(defun notmuch-mm-display-part-inline (msg part nth content-type process-crypto)
+ "Use the mm-decode/mm-view functions to display a part in the
+current buffer, if possible."
+ (let ((display-buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ ;; In case there is :content, the content string is already converted
+ ;; into emacs internal format. `gnus-decoded' is a fake charset,
+ ;; which means no further decoding (to be done by mm- functions).
+ (let* ((charset (if (plist-member part :content)
+ 'gnus-decoded
+ (plist-get part :content-charset)))
+ (handle (mm-make-handle (current-buffer) `(,content-type (charset . ,charset)))))
+ ;; If the user wants the part inlined, insert the content and
+ ;; test whether we are able to inline it (which includes both
+ ;; capability and suitability tests).
+ (when (mm-inlined-p handle)
+ (insert (notmuch-get-bodypart-content msg part nth process-crypto))
+ (when (mm-inlinable-p handle)
+ (set-buffer display-buffer)
+ (mm-display-part handle)
+ t))))))
+;; Converts a plist of headers to an alist of headers. The input plist should
+;; have symbols of the form :Header as keys, and the resulting alist will have
+;; symbols of the form 'Header as keys.
+(defun notmuch-headers-plist-to-alist (plist)
+ (loop for (key value . rest) on plist by #'cddr
+ collect (cons (intern (substring (symbol-name key) 1)) value)))
+(defun notmuch-combine-face-text-property (start end face)
+ "Combine FACE into the 'face text property between START and END.
+This function combines FACE with any existing faces between START
+and END. Attributes specified by FACE take precedence over
+existing attributes. FACE must be a face name (a symbol or
+string), a property list of face attributes, or a list of these."
+ (let ((pos start))
+ (while (< pos end)
+ (let ((cur (get-text-property pos 'face))
+ (next (next-single-property-change pos 'face nil end)))
+ (put-text-property pos next 'face (cons face cur))
+ (setq pos next)))))
;; Compatibility functions for versions of emacs before emacs 23.
;; Both functions here were copied from emacs 23 with the following copyright:
@@ -155,5 +312,204 @@ was called."
(defvar notmuch-show-process-crypto nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'notmuch-show-process-crypto)
+;; Incremental JSON parsing
+(defun notmuch-json-create-parser (buffer)
+ "Return a streaming JSON parser that consumes input from BUFFER.
+This parser is designed to read streaming JSON whose structure is
+known to the caller. Like a typical JSON parsing interface, it
+provides a function to read a complete JSON value from the input.
+However, it extends this with an additional function that
+requires the next value in the input to be a compound value and
+descends into it, allowing its elements to be read one at a time
+or further descended into. Both functions can return 'retry to
+indicate that not enough input is available.
+The parser always consumes input from BUFFER's point. Hence, the
+caller is allowed to delete and data before point and may
+resynchronize after an error by moving point."
+ (list buffer
+ ;; Terminator stack: a stack of characters that indicate the
+ ;; end of the compound values enclosing point
+ '()
+ ;; Next: One of
+ ;; * 'expect-value if the next token must be a value, but a
+ ;; value has not yet been reached
+ ;; * 'value if point is at the beginning of a value
+ ;; * 'expect-comma if the next token must be a comma
+ 'expect-value
+ ;; Allow terminator: non-nil if the next token may be a
+ ;; terminator
+ nil
+ ;; Partial parse position: If state is 'value, a marker for
+ ;; the position of the partial parser or nil if no partial
+ ;; parsing has happened yet
+ nil
+ ;; Partial parse state: If state is 'value, the current
+ ;; `parse-partial-sexp' state
+ nil))
+(defmacro notmuch-json-buffer (jp) `(first ,jp))
+(defmacro notmuch-json-term-stack (jp) `(second ,jp))
+(defmacro notmuch-json-next (jp) `(third ,jp))
+(defmacro notmuch-json-allow-term (jp) `(fourth ,jp))
+(defmacro notmuch-json-partial-pos (jp) `(fifth ,jp))
+(defmacro notmuch-json-partial-state (jp) `(sixth ,jp))
+(defvar notmuch-json-syntax-table
+ (let ((table (make-syntax-table)))
+ ;; The standard syntax table is what we need except that "." needs
+ ;; to have word syntax instead of punctuation syntax.
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?. "w" table)
+ table)
+ "Syntax table used for incremental JSON parsing.")
+(defun notmuch-json-scan-to-value (jp)
+ ;; Helper function that consumes separators, terminators, and
+ ;; whitespace from point. Returns nil if it successfully reached
+ ;; the beginning of a value, 'end if it consumed a terminator, or
+ ;; 'retry if not enough input was available to reach a value. Upon
+ ;; nil return, (notmuch-json-next jp) is always 'value.
+ (if (eq (notmuch-json-next jp) 'value)
+ ;; We're already at a value
+ nil
+ ;; Drive the state toward 'expect-value
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t\r\n")
+ (or (when (eobp) 'retry)
+ ;; Test for the terminator for the current compound
+ (when (and (notmuch-json-allow-term jp)
+ (eq (char-after) (car (notmuch-json-term-stack jp))))
+ ;; Consume it and expect a comma or terminator next
+ (forward-char)
+ (setf (notmuch-json-term-stack jp) (cdr (notmuch-json-term-stack jp))
+ (notmuch-json-next jp) 'expect-comma
+ (notmuch-json-allow-term jp) t)
+ 'end)
+ ;; Test for a separator
+ (when (eq (notmuch-json-next jp) 'expect-comma)
+ (when (/= (char-after) ?,)
+ (signal 'json-readtable-error (list "expected ','")))
+ ;; Consume it, switch to 'expect-value, and disallow a
+ ;; terminator
+ (forward-char)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t\r\n")
+ (setf (notmuch-json-next jp) 'expect-value
+ (notmuch-json-allow-term jp) nil)
+ ;; We moved point, so test for eobp again and fall through
+ ;; to the next test if there's more input
+ (when (eobp) 'retry))
+ ;; Next must be 'expect-value and we know this isn't
+ ;; whitespace, EOB, or a terminator, so point must be on a
+ ;; value
+ (progn
+ (assert (eq (notmuch-json-next jp) 'expect-value))
+ (setf (notmuch-json-next jp) 'value)
+ nil))))
+(defun notmuch-json-begin-compound (jp)
+ "Parse the beginning of a compound value and traverse inside it.
+Returns 'retry if there is insufficient input to parse the
+beginning of the compound. If this is able to parse the
+beginning of a compound, it moves point past the token that opens
+the compound and returns t. Later calls to `notmuch-json-read'
+will return the compound's elements.
+Entering JSON objects is currently unimplemented."
+ (with-current-buffer (notmuch-json-buffer jp)
+ ;; Disallow terminators
+ (setf (notmuch-json-allow-term jp) nil)
+ (or (notmuch-json-scan-to-value jp)
+ (if (/= (char-after) ?\[)
+ (signal 'json-readtable-error (list "expected '['"))
+ (forward-char)
+ (push ?\] (notmuch-json-term-stack jp))
+ ;; Expect a value or terminator next
+ (setf (notmuch-json-next jp) 'expect-value
+ (notmuch-json-allow-term jp) t)
+ t))))
+(defun notmuch-json-read (jp)
+ "Parse the value at point in JP's buffer.
+Returns 'retry if there is insufficient input to parse a complete
+JSON value (though it may still move point over separators or
+whitespace). If the parser is currently inside a compound value
+and the next token ends the list or object, this moves point just
+past the terminator and returns 'end. Otherwise, this moves
+point to just past the end of the value and returns the value."
+ (with-current-buffer (notmuch-json-buffer jp)
+ (or
+ ;; Get to a value state
+ (notmuch-json-scan-to-value jp)
+ ;; Can we parse a complete value?
+ (let ((complete
+ (if (looking-at "[-+0-9tfn]")
+ ;; This is a number or a keyword, so the partial
+ ;; parser isn't going to help us because a truncated
+ ;; number or keyword looks like a complete symbol to
+ ;; it. Look for something that clearly ends it.
+ (save-excursion
+ (skip-chars-forward "^]},: \t\r\n")
+ (not (eobp)))
+ ;; We're looking at a string, object, or array, which we
+ ;; can partial parse. If we just reached the value, set
+ ;; up the partial parser.
+ (when (null (notmuch-json-partial-state jp))
+ (setf (notmuch-json-partial-pos jp) (point-marker)))
+ ;; Extend the partial parse until we either reach EOB or
+ ;; get the whole value
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((pstate
+ (with-syntax-table notmuch-json-syntax-table
+ (parse-partial-sexp
+ (notmuch-json-partial-pos jp) (point-max) 0 nil
+ (notmuch-json-partial-state jp)))))
+ ;; A complete value is available if we've reached
+ ;; depth 0 or less and encountered a complete
+ ;; subexpression.
+ (if (and (<= (first pstate) 0) (third pstate))
+ t
+ ;; Not complete. Update the partial parser state
+ (setf (notmuch-json-partial-pos jp) (point-marker)
+ (notmuch-json-partial-state jp) pstate)
+ nil))))))
+ (if (not complete)
+ 'retry
+ ;; We have a value. Reset the partial parse state and expect
+ ;; a comma or terminator after the value.
+ (setf (notmuch-json-next jp) 'expect-comma
+ (notmuch-json-allow-term jp) t
+ (notmuch-json-partial-pos jp) nil
+ (notmuch-json-partial-state jp) nil)
+ ;; Parse the value
+ (let ((json-object-type 'plist)
+ (json-array-type 'list)
+ (json-false nil))
+ (json-read)))))))
+(defun notmuch-json-eof (jp)
+ "Signal a json-error if there is more data in JP's buffer.
+Moves point to the beginning of any trailing data or to the end
+of the buffer if there is only trailing whitespace."
+ (with-current-buffer (notmuch-json-buffer jp)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t\r\n")
+ (unless (eobp)
+ (signal 'json-error (list "Trailing garbage following JSON data")))))
(provide 'notmuch-lib)
+;; Local Variables:
+;; byte-compile-warnings: (not cl-functions)
+;; End: