
This is a linear scalar elliptic PDE solver using the multigrid method. See the
author's PhD thesis for more information.

If you use this code in your research that leads to a publication, please cite
our paper:
  Universality of Curvature Invariants in Critical Vacuum Gravitational Collapse

If you modify the code, we ask that you share your changes with the author (e.g.
via email).

Building and installation

The library uses the meson build system. A C99-compliant compiler and a POSIX
environment are expected.

- LAPACKE (the C interface to LAPACK)
- libthreadpool (thread pool utility library)
- libndarray (array utility library)

The shared library and the headers mg2d.h, mg2d_boundary.h, mg2d_constants.h
must be copied to where the linker and C compiler, respectively, will find them
(typically /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include).


The public C API is described in the header files.

A simplistic Python wrapper using ctypes is also provided. It largely mirrors
the C API.


This library is free software, available under GNU GPLv3 (see the LICENCE file
for full licence text).