path: root/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid
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Diffstat (limited to 'CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid')
4 files changed, 257 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/par/AMR1.par b/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/par/AMR1.par
index 359c35d88..588d5de82 100644
--- a/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/par/AMR1.par
+++ b/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/par/AMR1.par
@@ -13,15 +13,25 @@ mol::initial_data_is_crap = "yes"
##carpet::veryverbose = "yes"
grid::domain = "full"
-grid::type = "byspacing"
+grid::type = "coordbase"
grid::avoid_origin = "no"
-driver::global_nx = 51
-driver::global_ny = 51
-driver::global_nz = 51
-grid::dxyz = 0.02
+coordbase::xmin = -0.5
+coordbase::ymin = -0.5
+coordbase::zmin = -0.5
+coordbase::xmax = 0.5
+coordbase::ymax = 0.5
+coordbase::zmax = 0.5
+coordbase::dx = 0.02
+coordbase::dy = 0.02
+coordbase::dz = 0.02
driver::ghost_size = 1
time::dtfac = 0.5
+carpet::domain_from_coordbase = yes
carpet::max_refinement_levels = 2
carpet::init_3_timelevels = yes
carpetadaptiveregrid::max_error = 1.e-6
@@ -33,6 +43,8 @@ carpetadaptiveregrid::regrid_every = 1
#carpetadaptiveregrid::verbose = yes
#carpetadaptiveregrid::veryverbose = yes
+#carpet::verbose = yes
+#carpet::veryverbose = yes
cactus::terminate = "time"
cactus::cctk_final_time = 0.5
diff --git a/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/par/AMR2.par b/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/par/AMR2.par
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e53527333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/par/AMR2.par
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ActiveThorns = "coordbase SymBase NaNChecker carpetReduce CartGrid3D carpet carpetlib carpetadaptiveregrid Boundary IOBasic IOUtil carpetIOASCII IDWaveMoL carpetSlab WaveMoL Time MoL reflectionsymmetry"
+IDWaveMoL::initial_data = "gaussian"
+wavemol::bound = "radiation"
+mol::initial_data_is_crap = "yes"
+##carpet::adaptive_stepsize = "yes"
+##carpet::veryverbose = "yes"
+grid::domain = "full"
+grid::type = "coordbase"
+grid::avoid_origin = "no"
+coordbase::xmin = -0.5
+coordbase::ymin = -0.5
+coordbase::zmin = 0.0
+coordbase::xmax = 0.5
+coordbase::ymax = 0.5
+coordbase::zmax = 0.5
+coordbase::dx = 0.02
+coordbase::dy = 0.02
+coordbase::dz = 0.02
+reflectionsymmetry::reflection_z = yes
+reflectionsymmetry::avoid_origin_z = no
+coordbase::boundary_size_z_lower = 2
+coordbase::boundary_shiftout_z_lower = 1
+carpet::prolongation_order_space = 3
+carpet::prolongation_order_time = 2
+driver::ghost_size = 2
+time::dtfac = 0.5
+carpet::domain_from_coordbase = yes
+carpet::max_refinement_levels = 2
+carpet::init_3_timelevels = yes
+carpetadaptiveregrid::max_error = 1.e-6
+carpetadaptiveregrid::pad = 2
+carpetadaptiveregrid::min_width = 6
+carpetadaptiveregrid::error_var = "mol::errorestimate[0]"
+#carpetadaptiveregrid::error_var = "wavemol::phi"
+carpetadaptiveregrid::regrid_every = 1
+#carpetadaptiveregrid::verbose = yes
+#carpetadaptiveregrid::veryverbose = yes
+#carpet::verbose = yes
+#carpet::veryverbose = yes
+cactus::terminate = "time"
+cactus::cctk_final_time = 0.5
+iobasic::outScalar_every = 1
+iobasic::outScalar_vars = "wavemol::phi mol::errorestimate"
+iobasic::outInfo_every = 1
+iobasic::outInfo_vars = "wavemol::phi mol::errorestimate[0]"
+ioascii::out1D_every = 1
+ioascii::out1D_vars = "wavemol::scalarevolvemol_scalar mol::errorestimate"
+IO::out_dir = $.
+#mol::ode_method = "Generic"
+#mol::mol_intermediate_steps = 4
+#mol::mol_num_scratch_levels = 3
+mol::ode_method = "RK45"
+mol::mol_intermediate_steps = 6
+mol::mol_num_scratch_levels = 6
+mol::adaptive_stepsize = "no"
diff --git a/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/src/CAR.cc b/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/src/CAR.cc
index 5f198ba26..ce59cb533 100644
--- a/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/src/CAR.cc
+++ b/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/src/CAR.cc
@@ -44,6 +44,11 @@ namespace CarpetAdaptiveRegrid {
const CCTK_INT& min_width, const CCTK_REAL& min_fraction,
CCTK_INT& didit);
+ ivect pos2int (const cGH* const cctkGH, const gh& hh,
+ const rvect & rpos, const int rl);
+ rvect int2pos (const cGH* const cctkGH, const gh& hh,
+ const ivect & ipos, const int rl);
CCTK_INT CarpetAdaptiveRegrid_Regrid (CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST const cctkGH_,
CCTK_POINTER const bbsss_,
@@ -163,6 +168,16 @@ namespace CarpetAdaptiveRegrid {
ivect imin = (bb.lower() - baseext.lower())/bb.stride(),
imax = (bb.upper() - baseext.lower())/bb.stride();
+ rvect physical_min, physical_max;
+ rvect interior_min, interior_max;
+ rvect exterior_min, exterior_max;
+ rvect base_spacing;
+ int ierr = GetDomainSpecification
+ (dim, &physical_min[0], &physical_max[0],
+ &interior_min[0], &interior_max[0],
+ &exterior_min[0], &exterior_max[0], &base_spacing[0]);
+ assert (!ierr);
const CCTK_REAL *error_var_ptr =
@@ -430,14 +445,104 @@ namespace CarpetAdaptiveRegrid {
vector<bbvect> obs;
while (! final.empty()) {
ibbox bb = final.top(); final.pop();
- ivect lo = bb.lower();
- ivect hi = bb.upper();
- ivect str = bb.stride() / reffact;
- newbbs.push_back (ibbox(lo,hi,str));
+ ivect ilo = bb.lower();
+ ivect ihi = bb.upper();
+ rvect lo = int2pos(cctkGH, hh, ilo, reflevel);
+ rvect hi = int2pos(cctkGH, hh, ihi, reflevel);
+ rvect str = base_spacing *
+ ipow((CCTK_REAL)mgfact, basemglevel) / ipow(reffact, reflevel);
+ rbbox newbbcoord(lo, hi, str);
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ ostringstream buf;
+ buf << "Dealing with boundaries. Coord box is:"
+ << endl << newbbcoord;
+ CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str());
+ }
// FIXME: Set the correct ob here.
bbvect ob(false);
+ for (int d=0; d<dim; ++d) {
+ assert (mglevel==0);
+ // Find the size of the physical domain
+ rvect const spacing = base_spacing *
+ ipow((CCTK_REAL)mgfact, basemglevel) / ipow(reffact, reflevel+1);
+ ierr = ConvertFromPhysicalBoundary
+ (dim, &physical_min[0], &physical_max[0],
+ &interior_min[0], &interior_max[0],
+ &exterior_min[0], &exterior_max[0], &spacing[0]);
+ assert (!ierr);
+ // If need be clip the domain
+ rvect lo = newbbcoord.lower();
+ if (newbbcoord.lower()[d] < physical_min[d]) {
+ lo[d] = exterior_min[d];
+ }
+ rvect up = newbbcoord.upper();
+ if (newbbcoord.upper()[d] > physical_max[d]) {
+ up[d] = exterior_max[d];
+ }
+ rvect str = newbbcoord.stride();
+ // Set the ob if outside the physical domain
+ ob[d][0] =
+ abs(lo[d] - exterior_min[d]) < 1.0e-6 * spacing[d];
+ ob[d][1] =
+ abs(up[d] - exterior_max[d]) < 1.0e-6 * spacing[d];
+ newbbcoord = rbbox(lo, up, str);
+ }
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ ostringstream buf;
+ buf << "Done dealing with boundaries. Coord box is:"
+ << endl << newbbcoord << endl
+ << "obox is:" << endl << ob;
+ CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str());
+ }
+ // Convert back to integer coordinates
+ ilo = pos2int(cctkGH, hh, newbbcoord.lower(), reflevel);
+ ihi = pos2int(cctkGH, hh, newbbcoord.upper(), reflevel);
+ ivect istr = bb.stride() / reffact;
+ // Check that the width is sufficient
+ // This can only be too small if the domain was clipped
+ for (int d=0; d < dim; ++d) {
+ if (ihi[d] - ilo[d] < min_width * istr[d]) {
+ if (ob[d][0]) {
+ if (ob[d][1]) {
+ CCTK_WARN(0, "The domain is too small?!");
+ }
+ ihi[d] = ilo[d] + min_width * istr[d];
+ }
+ else if (ob[d][1]) {
+ if (ob[d][0]) {
+ CCTK_WARN(0, "The domain is too small?!");
+ }
+ ilo[d] = ihi[d] - min_width * istr[d];
+ }
+ else {
+ CCTK_WARN(0, "The grid is unclipped and too small?!");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ibbox newbb(ilo, ihi, istr);
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ ostringstream buf;
+ buf << "After dealing with boundaries. Final box is:"
+ << endl << newbb;
+ CCTK_INFO(buf.str().c_str());
+ }
+ newbbs.push_back (newbb);
// FIXME: check if the newbbs is really different from the current bbs
@@ -487,4 +592,56 @@ namespace CarpetAdaptiveRegrid {
return do_recompose;
+ ivect pos2int (const cGH* const cctkGH, const gh& hh,
+ const rvect & rpos, const int rl)
+ {
+ rvect global_lower, global_upper;
+ for (int d=0; d<dim; ++d) {
+ const int ierr = CCTK_CoordRange
+ (cctkGH, &global_lower[d], &global_upper[d], d+1, 0, "cart3d");
+ if (ierr<0) {
+ global_lower[d] = 0;
+ global_upper[d] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ const ivect global_extent (hh.baseextent.upper() - hh.baseextent.lower());
+ const rvect scale = rvect(global_extent) / (global_upper - global_lower);
+ const int levfac = ipow(hh.reffact, rl);
+ assert (all (hh.baseextent.stride() % levfac == 0));
+ const ivect istride = hh.baseextent.stride() / levfac;
+ const ivect ipos
+ = (ivect(floor((rpos - global_lower) * scale / rvect(istride) + 0.5))
+ * istride);
+ return ipos;
+ }
+ rvect int2pos (const cGH* const cctkGH, const gh& hh,
+ const ivect & ipos, const int rl)
+ {
+ rvect global_lower, global_upper;
+ for (int d=0; d<dim; ++d) {
+ const int ierr = CCTK_CoordRange
+ (cctkGH, &global_lower[d], &global_upper[d], d+1, 0, "cart3d");
+ if (ierr<0) {
+ global_lower[d] = 0;
+ global_upper[d] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ const ivect global_extent (hh.baseextent.upper() - hh.baseextent.lower());
+ const rvect scale = rvect(global_extent) / (global_upper - global_lower);
+ const int levfac = ipow(hh.reffact, rl);
+ assert (all (hh.baseextent.stride() % levfac == 0));
+ const ivect istride = hh.baseextent.stride() / levfac;
+ const rvect rpos
+ = rvect(ipos) / scale + global_lower;
+ return rpos;
+ }
} // namespace CarpetAdaptiveRegrid
diff --git a/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/src/CAR_Paramcheck.cc b/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/src/CAR_Paramcheck.cc
index 28fe821ed..5a6970565 100644
--- a/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/src/CAR_Paramcheck.cc
+++ b/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/src/CAR_Paramcheck.cc
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ namespace CarpetAdaptiveRegrid {
= (const CCTK_INT *) CCTK_ParameterGet ("domain_from_coordbase", "Carpet", &type);
assert (domain_from_coordbase);
assert (type == PARAMETER_BOOLEAN);
-// if (! *domain_from_coordbase) {
-// CCTK_PARAMWARN ("CarpetAdaptiveRegrid requires that Carpet::domain_from_coordbase=yes");
-// }
+ if (! *domain_from_coordbase) {
+ CCTK_PARAMWARN ("CarpetAdaptiveRegrid requires that Carpet::domain_from_coordbase=yes");
+ }
return 0;