path: root/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/boundary.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/boundary.cc')
1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/boundary.cc b/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/boundary.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79e595784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/boundary.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+#include <cctk.h>
+#include <cctk_Parameters.h>
+#include <carpet.hh>
+#include "boundary.hh"
+namespace CarpetRegrid2 {
+ using namespace Carpet;
+ // Convert a coordinate location to an index location. For cell
+ // centring, shift upwards.
+ ivect
+ rpos2ipos (rvect const & rpos,
+ rvect const & origin, rvect const & scale,
+ gh const & hh, int const rl)
+ {
+ ivect const istride = hh.baseextent(0,rl).stride();
+ ivect const bistride = hh.baseextent(0,0).stride();
+ if (hh.refcent == cell_centered) {
+ assert (all (istride % 2 == 0));
+ }
+#if 1
+ ivect const ipos =
+ hh.refcent == vertex_centered
+ ? ivect (floor (((rpos - origin) * scale ) / rvect(istride) + rvect(0.5))) * istride
+ : ivect (floor (((rpos - origin) * scale - rvect(bistride/2)) / rvect(istride) )) * istride + istride/2 + bistride/2;
+ ivect const ipos =
+ hh.refcent == vertex_centered
+ ? ivect (floor (((rpos - origin) * scale ) / rvect(istride) + rvect(0.5))) * istride
+ : ivect (floor (((rpos - origin) * scale - rvect(bistride/2)) / rvect(istride) + rvect(0.5))) * istride + istride/2 + bistride/2;
+ return ipos;
+ }
+ // Convert a coordinate location to an index location, rounding in
+ // the opposite manner as rpos2ipos. For cell centring, shift
+ // downwards instead of upwards.
+ ivect
+ rpos2ipos1 (rvect const & rpos,
+ rvect const & origin, rvect const & scale,
+ gh const & hh, int const rl)
+ {
+ ivect const istride = hh.baseextent(0,rl).stride();
+ ivect const bistride = hh.baseextent(0,0).stride();
+ if (hh.refcent == cell_centered) {
+ assert (all (istride % 2 == 0));
+ }
+#if 1
+ ivect const ipos =
+ hh.refcent == vertex_centered
+ ? ivect (ceil (((rpos - origin) * scale ) / rvect(istride) - rvect(0.5))) * istride
+ : ivect (ceil (((rpos - origin) * scale - rvect(bistride/2)) / rvect(istride) )) * istride - istride/2 + bistride/2;
+ ivect const ipos =
+ hh.refcent == vertex_centered
+ ? ivect (ceil (((rpos - origin) * scale ) / rvect(istride) - rvect(0.5))) * istride
+ : ivect (ceil (((rpos - origin) * scale - rvect(bistride/2)) / rvect(istride) - rvect(0.5))) * istride - istride/2 + bistride/2;
+ return ipos;
+ }
+ // Convert an index location to a coordinate location
+ rvect
+ ipos2rpos (ivect const & ipos,
+ rvect const & origin, rvect const & scale,
+ gh const & hh, int const rl)
+ {
+ return rvect(ipos) / scale + origin;
+ }
+ // Convert an index bbox to a coordinate bbox
+ rbbox
+ ibbox2rbbox (ibbox const & ib,
+ rvect const & origin, rvect const & scale,
+ gh const & hh, int const rl)
+ {
+ rvect const zero (0);
+ return rbbox (ipos2rpos (ib.lower() , origin, scale, hh, rl),
+ ipos2rpos (ib.upper() , origin, scale, hh, rl),
+ ipos2rpos (ib.stride(), zero , scale, hh, rl));
+ }
+ void
+ get_boundary_specification (jjvect & nboundaryzones,
+ jjvect & is_internal,
+ jjvect & is_staggered,
+ jjvect & shiftout)
+ {
+ if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("MultiPatch_GetBoundarySpecification")) {
+ assert (Carpet::map >= 0);
+ CCTK_INT const ierr = MultiPatch_GetBoundarySpecification
+ (Carpet::map, 2*dim,
+ & nboundaryzones[0][0],
+ & is_internal[0][0],
+ & is_staggered[0][0],
+ & shiftout[0][0]);
+ assert (not ierr);
+ } else if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("GetBoundarySpecification")) {
+ CCTK_INT const ierr = GetBoundarySpecification
+ (2*dim,
+ & nboundaryzones[0][0],
+ & is_internal[0][0],
+ & is_staggered[0][0],
+ & shiftout[0][0]);
+ assert (not ierr);
+ } else {
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ get_physical_boundary (rvect & physical_lower,
+ rvect & physical_upper,
+ rvect & spacing)
+ {
+ rvect interior_lower, interior_upper;
+ rvect exterior_lower, exterior_upper;
+ if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("MultiPatch_GetDomainSpecification")) {
+ assert (Carpet::map >= 0);
+ CCTK_INT const ierr = MultiPatch_GetDomainSpecification
+ (Carpet::map, dim,
+ & physical_lower[0], & physical_upper[0],
+ & interior_lower[0], & interior_upper[0],
+ & exterior_lower[0], & exterior_upper[0],
+ & spacing[0]);
+ assert (not ierr);
+ } else if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("GetDomainSpecification")) {
+ CCTK_INT const ierr = GetDomainSpecification
+ (dim,
+ & physical_lower[0], & physical_upper[0],
+ & interior_lower[0], & interior_upper[0],
+ & exterior_lower[0], & exterior_upper[0],
+ & spacing[0]);
+ assert (not ierr);
+ } else {
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ calculate_exterior_boundary (rvect const & physical_lower,
+ rvect const & physical_upper,
+ rvect & exterior_lower,
+ rvect & exterior_upper,
+ rvect const & spacing)
+ {
+ rvect interior_lower, interior_upper;
+ if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("MultiPatch_ConvertFromPhysicalBoundary")) {
+ assert (Carpet::map >= 0);
+ CCTK_INT const ierr = MultiPatch_ConvertFromPhysicalBoundary
+ (Carpet::map, dim,
+ & physical_lower[0], & physical_upper[0],
+ & interior_lower[0], & interior_upper[0],
+ & exterior_lower[0], & exterior_upper[0],
+ & spacing[0]);
+ assert (not ierr);
+ } else if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("ConvertFromPhysicalBoundary")) {
+ CCTK_INT const ierr =
+ ConvertFromPhysicalBoundary
+ (dim,
+ & physical_lower[0], & physical_upper[0],
+ & interior_lower[0], & interior_upper[0],
+ & exterior_lower[0], & exterior_upper[0],
+ & spacing[0]);
+ assert (not ierr);
+ } else {
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Location and description of the outer boundary
+ domain_boundary::
+ domain_boundary (gh const& hh, dh const& dd)
+ {
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Determining domain outer boundary...\n";
+ }
+ get_boundary_specification (nboundaryzones, is_internal,
+ is_staggered, shiftout);
+ boundary_staggering_mismatch =
+ xpose ((hh.refcent == vertex_centered) != (is_staggered == 0));
+#warning "TODO: This is too strict"
+ assert (all (all (not boundary_staggering_mismatch)));
+ get_physical_boundary (physical_lower, physical_upper, spacing);
+ // Adapt spacing for convergence level
+ spacing *= ipow (CCTK_REAL(mgfact), basemglevel);
+ calculate_exterior_boundary (physical_lower, physical_upper,
+ exterior_lower, exterior_upper,
+ spacing);
+ // The physical boundary
+ origin = exterior_lower;
+ scale = rvect (hh.baseextent(0,0).stride()) / spacing;
+ // The location of the outermost grid points. For cell centring,
+ // these are 1/2 grid spacing inside of the boundary.
+ physical_ilower = rpos2ipos (physical_lower, origin, scale, hh, 0);
+ physical_iupper = rpos2ipos1 (physical_upper, origin, scale, hh, 0);
+ }
+ level_boundary::
+ level_boundary (gh const& hh, dh const& dd, int const rl)
+ : domain_boundary (hh, dd)
+ {
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": determining outer boundary...\n";
+ }
+ level_physical_lower = physical_lower;
+ level_physical_upper = physical_upper;
+ level_spacing = spacing / rvect (hh.reffacts.at(rl));
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": physical coordinate boundary is at " << r2vect(level_physical_lower, level_physical_upper) << "\n";
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": spacing is " << level_spacing << "\n";
+ }
+ calculate_exterior_boundary (level_physical_lower, level_physical_upper,
+ level_exterior_lower, level_exterior_upper,
+ level_spacing);
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": exterior coordinate boundary is at " << r2vect(level_exterior_lower, level_exterior_upper) << "\n";
+ }
+ ibbox const& baseextent = hh.baseextent(0,rl);
+ ivect const istride = baseextent.stride();
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": stride is " << istride << "\n";
+ }
+ // This is the location of the outermost grid points. For cell
+ // centring, these are 1/2 grid spacing inside of the boundary.
+ level_physical_ilower = rpos2ipos (physical_lower, origin, scale, hh, rl);
+ level_physical_iupper = rpos2ipos1 (physical_upper, origin, scale, hh, rl);
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": physical boundary is at " << i2vect(level_physical_ilower, level_physical_iupper) << "\n";
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": reconstructed physical coordinate boundary is at "
+ << r2vect(ipos2rpos(level_physical_ilower - (hh.refcent == cell_centered ? istride/2 : 0), origin, scale, hh, rl),
+ ipos2rpos(level_physical_iupper + (hh.refcent == cell_centered ? istride/2 : 0), origin, scale, hh, rl)) << "\n";
+ }
+ level_exterior_ilower =
+ rpos2ipos (level_exterior_lower, origin, scale, hh, rl);
+ level_exterior_iupper =
+ rpos2ipos1 (level_exterior_upper, origin, scale, hh, rl);
+ assert (all (level_exterior_ilower >= baseextent.lower()));
+ assert (all (level_exterior_iupper <= baseextent.upper()));
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": exterior boundary is at " << i2vect(level_exterior_ilower, level_exterior_iupper) << "\n";
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": reconstructed exterior coordinate boundary is at "
+ << r2vect(ipos2rpos(level_exterior_ilower, origin, scale, hh, rl),
+ ipos2rpos(level_exterior_iupper, origin, scale, hh, rl)) << "\n";
+ }
+ // Find the minimum necessary distance away from the outer
+ // boundary due to buffer and ghost zones. This is e.g. the
+ // distance that the lower boundary of a bbox has to have from the
+ // lower boundary. This is in terms of grid points.
+ min_bnd_dist_away = dd.ghost_widths.at(rl);
+ // Find the minimum necessary distance from the outer boundary due
+ // to buffer and ghost zones. This is e.g. the distance that the
+ // upper boundary of a bbox has to have from the lower boundary.
+ // This is in terms of grid points.
+ min_bnd_dist_incl = dd.ghost_widths.at(rl);
+ // TODO: The above is required only near symmetry boundaries.
+ }
+} // namespace CarpetRegrid2