path: root/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bboxset.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bboxset.cc')
1 files changed, 393 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bboxset.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bboxset.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94cf1997e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bboxset.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bboxset.cc,v 1.16 2004/06/13 22:46:48 schnetter Exp $
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <set>
+#include <stack>
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "bboxset.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// Constructors
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>::bboxset () {
+ assert (invariant());
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>::bboxset (const box& b) {
+ if (!b.empty()) bs.insert(b);
+ assert (invariant());
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>::bboxset (const bboxset& s): bs(s.bs) {
+ assert (invariant());
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>::bboxset (const bset& bs): bs(bs) {
+ assert (invariant());
+// Invariant
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bboxset<T,D>::invariant () const {
+ for (const_iterator bi=begin(); bi!=end(); ++bi) {
+ if ((*bi).empty()) return false;
+ if (! (*bi).is_aligned_with(*bs.begin())) return false;
+ // check for overlap (quadratic -- expensive)
+ for (const_iterator bi2=begin(); bi2!=bi; ++bi2) {
+ if (! ((*bi2) & (*bi)).empty()) return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// Normalisation
+template<class T, int D>
+void bboxset<T,D>::normalize () {
+ assert (invariant());
+ const int num_initial_boxes = bs.size();
+ int num_combined_boxes = 0;
+ stack<box> todo, done;
+ for (typename set<box>::const_iterator elt = bs.begin(); elt != bs.end(); ++elt) {
+ done.push (*elt);
+ }
+ // TODO: This will not catch all cases where bboxes can be combined.
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) {
+ todo = done;
+ done = stack<box>();
+ while (! todo.empty()) {
+ restart:;
+ box item = todo.top();
+ todo.pop();
+ stack<box> work = done;
+ done = stack<box>();
+ while (! work.empty()) {
+ box comp = work.top();
+ work.pop();
+ {
+ assert (all(comp.stride() == item.stride()));
+ if (comp.upper()[d] + item.stride()[d] == item.lower()[d]) {
+ if (all((comp.lower() == item.lower()
+ && comp.upper() == item.upper()).replace (d, true))) {
+ box newbox = box(comp.lower(), item.upper(), item.stride());
+ todo.push (newbox);
+ while (! work.empty()) {
+ done.push (work.top());
+ work.pop();
+ }
+ ++num_combined_boxes;
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ }
+ if (item.upper()[d] + item.stride()[d] == comp.lower()[d]) {
+ if (all((comp.lower() == item.lower()
+ && comp.upper() == item.upper()).replace (d, true))) {
+ box newbox = box(item.lower(), comp.upper(), item.stride());
+ todo.push (newbox);
+ while (! work.empty()) {
+ done.push (work.top());
+ work.pop();
+ }
+ ++num_combined_boxes;
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ done.push (comp);
+ } // while work
+ done.push (item);
+ } // while todo
+ } // for d
+ bs.clear();
+ while (! done.empty()) {
+ bs.insert (done.top());
+ done.pop();
+ }
+ const int num_final_boxes = bs.size();
+ assert (num_initial_boxes - num_combined_boxes == num_final_boxes);
+ assert (invariant());
+// Accessors
+template<class T, int D>
+T bboxset<T,D>::size () const {
+ T s=0;
+ for (const_iterator bi=begin(); bi!=end(); ++bi) {
+ const T bs = (*bi).size();
+ assert (numeric_limits<T>::max() - bs >= s);
+ s += bs;
+ }
+ return s;
+// Add (bboxes that don't overlap)
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>& bboxset<T,D>::operator+= (const box& b) {
+ if (b.empty()) return *this;
+ // check for overlap
+ for (const_iterator bi=begin(); bi!=end(); ++bi) {
+ assert ((*bi & b).empty());
+ }
+ bs.insert(b);
+ assert (invariant());
+ return *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>& bboxset<T,D>::operator+= (const bboxset& s) {
+ for (const_iterator bi=s.begin(); bi!=s.end(); ++bi) {
+ *this += *bi;
+ }
+ assert (invariant());
+ return *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::operator+ (const box& b) const {
+ bboxset r(*this);
+ r += b;
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::operator+ (const bboxset& s) const {
+ bboxset r(*this);
+ r += s;
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::plus (const bbox<T,D>& b1, const bbox<T,D>& b2) {
+ return bboxset(b1) + b2;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::plus (const bbox<T,D>& b, const bboxset<T,D>& s) {
+ return s + b;
+// Union
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>& bboxset<T,D>::operator|= (const box& b) {
+ *this += b - *this;
+ assert (invariant());
+ return *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>& bboxset<T,D>::operator|= (const bboxset& s) {
+ *this += s - *this;
+ assert (invariant());
+ return *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::operator| (const box& b) const {
+ bboxset r(*this);
+ r |= b;
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::operator| (const bboxset& s) const {
+ bboxset r(*this);
+ r |= s;
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+// Intersection
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::operator& (const box& b) const {
+ // start with an empty set
+ bboxset r;
+ // walk all my elements
+ for (const_iterator bi=begin(); bi!=end(); ++bi) {
+ // insert the intersection with the bbox
+ r += *bi & b;
+ }
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::operator& (const bboxset& s) const {
+ // start with an empty set
+ bboxset r;
+ // walk all the bboxes
+ for (const_iterator bi=s.begin(); bi!=s.end(); ++bi) {
+ // insert the intersection with this bbox
+ r += *this & *bi;
+ }
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>& bboxset<T,D>::operator&= (const box& b) {
+ *this = *this & b;
+ assert (invariant());
+ return *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>& bboxset<T,D>::operator&= (const bboxset& s) {
+ *this = *this & s;
+ assert (invariant());
+ return *this;
+// Difference
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::minus (const bbox<T,D>& b1, const bbox<T,D>& b2) {
+ assert (b1.is_aligned_with(b2));
+ if (b1.empty()) return bboxset<T,D>();
+ if (b2.empty()) return bboxset<T,D>(b1);
+ const vect<T,D> str = b1.stride();
+ bboxset<T,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) {
+ // make resulting bboxes as large as possible in x-direction (for
+ // better consumption by Fortranly ordered arrays)
+ vect<T,D> lb, ub;
+ bbox<T,D> b;
+ for (int dd=0; dd<D; ++dd) {
+ if (dd<d) {
+ lb[dd] = b2.lower()[dd];
+ ub[dd] = b2.upper()[dd];
+ } else if (dd>d) {
+ lb[dd] = b1.lower()[dd];
+ ub[dd] = b1.upper()[dd];
+ }
+ }
+ lb[d] = b1.lower()[d];
+ ub[d] = b2.lower()[d] - str[d];
+ b = bbox<T,D>(lb,ub,str) & b1;
+ r += b;
+ lb[d] = b2.upper()[d] + str[d];
+ ub[d] = b1.upper()[d];
+ b = bbox<T,D>(lb,ub,str) & b1;
+ r += b;
+ }
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::operator- (const box& b) const {
+ // start with an empty set
+ bboxset r;
+ // walk all my elements
+ for (const_iterator bi=begin(); bi!=end(); ++bi) {
+ // insert the difference with the bbox
+ r += *bi - b;
+ }
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>& bboxset<T,D>::operator-= (const box& b) {
+ *this = *this - b;
+ assert (invariant());
+ return *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>& bboxset<T,D>::operator-= (const bboxset& s) {
+ for (const_iterator bi=s.begin(); bi!=s.end(); ++bi) {
+ *this -= *bi;
+ }
+ assert (invariant());
+ return *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::operator- (const bboxset& s) const {
+ bboxset r(*this);
+ r -= s;
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::minus (const bbox<T,D>& b, const bboxset<T,D>& s) {
+ bboxset<T,D> r = bboxset<T,D>(b) - s;
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+// Equality
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bboxset<T,D>::operator<= (const bboxset<T,D>& s) const {
+ return (*this - s).empty();
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bboxset<T,D>::operator< (const bboxset<T,D>& s) const {
+ return (*this - s).empty() && ! (s - *this).empty();
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bboxset<T,D>::operator>= (const bboxset<T,D>& s) const {
+ return s <= *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bboxset<T,D>::operator> (const bboxset<T,D>& s) const {
+ return s < *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bboxset<T,D>::operator== (const bboxset<T,D>& s) const {
+ return (*this <= s) && (*this >= s);
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bboxset<T,D>::operator!= (const bboxset<T,D>& s) const {
+ return ! (*this == s);
+// Output
+template<class T,int D>
+void bboxset<T,D>::output (ostream& os) const {
+ T Tdummy;
+ os << "bboxset<" << typestring(Tdummy) << "," << D << ">:"
+ << "size=" << size() << ","
+ << "setsize=" << setsize() << ","
+ << "set=" << bs;
+template class bboxset<int,3>;