path: root/Carpet/CarpetIONirvana/src/Output.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Carpet/CarpetIONirvana/src/Output.cc')
1 files changed, 351 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetIONirvana/src/Output.cc b/Carpet/CarpetIONirvana/src/Output.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fce780e29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetIONirvana/src/Output.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "util_Table.h"
+#include "operators.hh"
+#include "typeprops.hh"
+#include "CarpetIONirvana.hh"
+#include "CactusBase/IOUtil/src/ioGH.h"
+namespace CarpetIONirvana
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Carpet;
+using namespace Nirvana;
+static int GetMetaData (const cGH *const cctkGH, const char *name,
+ const char *groupname, int filenum,
+ int vdim, int refinementlevel,
+ const ioRequest* request,
+ const ibbox& bbox, metadata& md);
+int WriteVar (const cGH* const cctkGH,
+ const string& filename,
+ const int filenum,
+ CCTK_REAL & io_bytes,
+ const ioRequest* const request)
+ int error_count = 0;
+ char *fullname = CCTK_FullName(request->vindex);
+ const int gindex = CCTK_GroupIndexFromVarI (request->vindex);
+ assert (gindex >= 0 and gindex < (int) Carpet::arrdata.size ());
+ char *groupname = CCTK_GroupName(gindex);
+ const int var = request->vindex - CCTK_FirstVarIndexI (gindex);
+ assert (var >= 0 and var < CCTK_NumVars ());
+ cGroup group;
+ CCTK_GroupData (gindex, &group);
+ // Scalars and arrays have only one refinement level 0,
+ // regardless of what the current refinement level is.
+ // Output for them must be called in global mode.
+ int refinementlevel = reflevel;
+ if (group.grouptype == CCTK_SCALAR or group.grouptype == CCTK_ARRAY) {
+ assert (do_global_mode);
+ refinementlevel = 0;
+ }
+ // HDF5 doesn't like 0-dimensional arrays
+ if (group.grouptype == CCTK_SCALAR) group.dim = 1;
+ // Traverse all maps
+ BEGIN_LOCAL_MAP_LOOP (cctkGH, group.grouptype) {
+ BEGIN_LOCAL_COMPONENT_LOOP (cctkGH, group.grouptype) {
+ // const ggf* ff = arrdata.at(gindex).at(Carpet::map).data.at(var);
+ // const ibbox& bbox = (*ff) (request->timelevel, refinementlevel,
+ // group.disttype == CCTK_DISTRIB_CONSTANT ?
+ // 0 : component, mglevel)->extent();
+ const dh* dd = arrdata.at(gindex).at(Carpet::map).dd;
+ const ibbox& bbox =
+ dd->light_boxes.AT(mglevel).AT(refinementlevel)
+ .AT(group.disttype == CCTK_DISTRIB_CONSTANT ? 0 : component).exterior;
+ // Don't create zero-sized components
+ if (bbox.empty()) continue;
+ // As per Cactus convention, DISTRIB=CONSTANT arrays
+ // (including grid scalars) are assumed to be the same on
+ // all processors and are therefore stored only by processor 0.
+ void* data = cctkGH->data[request->vindex][request->timelevel];
+ const void* mydata = data;
+ if (group.disttype == CCTK_DISTRIB_CONSTANT) {
+ MPI_Datatype datatype;
+ switch (specific_cactus_type(group.vartype)) {
+#define TYPECASE(N,T) \
+ case N: { T dummy; datatype = dist::mpi_datatype(dummy); } break;
+#include "typecase.hh"
+#undef TYPECASE
+ default: assert (0 and "invalid datatype");
+ }
+ const size_t size = bbox.size() * CCTK_VarTypeSize (group.vartype);
+ if (dist::rank() > 0) {
+ data = malloc (size);
+ }
+ MPI_Bcast (data, bbox.size(), datatype, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ if (memcmp (mydata, data, size)) {
+ "values for DISTRIB=CONSTANT grid variable '%s' "
+ "(timelevel %d) differ between processors 0 and %d; "
+ "only the array from processor 0 will be stored",
+ fullname, request->timelevel, component);
+ }
+ }
+ vector<double> buffer(bbox.size());
+ for (int i=0; i < bbox.size(); ++i)
+ buffer[i] = ((double* )data)[i];
+ // the metadata describing the mesh
+ metadata md;
+ error_count += GetMetaData (cctkGH, fullname, groupname, filenum,
+ group.dim, refinementlevel,
+ request, bbox, md);
+ cout << fullname << " " << cctkGH->cctk_iteration << endl;
+ CarpetN5 File(filename, dist::size(), false);
+ File.WriteMesh(md);
+ File.WriteMesh(md, filenum);
+ File.WriteField<double>(md, buffer);
+ //File.WriteField<double>(md, buffer, filenum);
+ if (data != mydata) free (data);
+ free (fullname);
+ free (groupname);
+ // return the number of errors that occured during this output
+ return error_count;
+// add attributes to an HDF5 dataset
+static int GetMetaData (const cGH *const cctkGH, const char *name,
+ const char *groupname, int filenum,
+ int vdim, int refinementlevel,
+ const ioRequest* request,
+ const ibbox& bbox, metadata& md)
+ assert (vdim>=0 and vdim<=dim);
+ int error_count = 0;
+ // Get the shape of the dataset
+ vector<int> shape(dim, 0);
+ vector<int> iorigin(dim, 0);
+ for (int d = 0; d < vdim; ++d) {
+ iorigin[d] = (bbox.lower() / bbox.stride())[d];
+ shape[d] = (bbox.shape() / bbox.stride())[d];
+ }
+ attribute<int> acycle("cycle", cctkGH->cctk_iteration);
+ attribute<int> areflevel("reflevel", refinementlevel);
+ attribute<int> atimelevel("timelevel", request->timelevel);
+ attribute<int> amap("map", Carpet::map);
+ attribute<int> afilenum("filenum", filenum);
+ attribute<double> atime("time", cctkGH->cctk_time);
+ attribute<vector<int> > alsh("lsh", shape);
+ attribute<vector<int> > aiorigin("iorigin", iorigin);
+ attribute<int> acomp("comp", Carpet::component);
+ attribute<string> avarname("varname", name);
+ attribute<string> avargroupname("vargroupname", groupname);
+ attribute<string> avargrouptype;
+ attribute<string> ameshname;
+ attribute<string> acoordinates;
+ attribute<vector<double> > aorigin;
+ attribute<vector<double> > adelta;
+ // Specify whether the coordinate system is Cartesian or not
+ if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("MultiPatch_MapIsCartesian")) {
+ int const map_is_cartesian = MultiPatch_MapIsCartesian (Carpet::map);
+ if (!map_is_cartesian)
+ {
+ ameshname = attribute<string>("meshname", "Multiblock");
+ acoordinates = attribute<string>("coordinates", "grid::coordinates"); // the group-name of the coordinates
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ameshname = attribute<string>("meshname", "Carpet-AMR");
+ acoordinates = attribute<string>("coordinates", "none"); // we don't need external coordinates to represent mesh
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ameshname = attribute<string>("meshname", "Carpet-AMR");
+ acoordinates = attribute<string>("coordinates", "none"); // we don't need external coordinates to represent mesh
+ }
+ // write bbox attributes if we have coordinate system info
+ CCTK_REAL origin[dim], delta[dim];
+ int coord_system_handle = -1;
+ if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("Coord_GroupSystem"))
+ {
+ char *groupname = CCTK_GroupNameFromVarI (request->vindex);
+ coord_system_handle = Coord_GroupSystem (cctkGH, groupname);
+ free (groupname);
+ }
+ CCTK_INT coord_handles[dim];
+ if (coord_system_handle >= 0 and
+ Util_TableGetIntArray (coord_system_handle, vdim,
+ coord_handles, "COORDINATES") >= 0) {
+#if 0 // dh::dbases
+ const ibbox& baseext =
+ vdd.at(Carpet::map)->bases.at(mglevel).at(reflevel).exterior;
+ const ibbox& baseext =
+ vhh.at(Carpet::map)->baseextents.at(mglevel).at(reflevel);
+ const ivect pos = (bbox.lower() - baseext.lower()) / bbox.stride();
+ rvect global_lower;
+ rvect coord_delta;
+ const int m = Carpet::map;
+ if (CCTK_GroupTypeFromVarI (request->vindex) == CCTK_GF) {
+ rvect const cctk_origin_space =
+ origin_space.at(m).at(mglevel);
+ rvect const cctk_delta_space =
+ delta_space.at(m) * rvect (mglevelfact);
+ for (int d=0; d<dim; ++d) {
+ // lower boundary of Carpet's integer indexing
+ global_lower[d] = cctk_origin_space[d];
+ // grid spacing of Carpet's integer indexing
+ coord_delta[d] =
+ cctk_delta_space[d] / cctkGH->cctk_levfac[d];
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int d=0; d<dim; ++d) {
+ global_lower[d] = 0.0;
+ coord_delta[d] = 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ vector<fp> origin(dim, 0);
+ vector<fp> delta(dim, 0);
+ for (int d=0; d<dim; ++d) {
+ origin[d] = global_lower[d] + coord_delta[d] * (cctkGH->cctk_levoff[d] / cctkGH->cctk_levoffdenom[d] + pos[d]);
+ delta[d] = coord_delta[d];
+ }
+ aorigin = attribute<vector<fp> >("origin", origin);
+ adelta = attribute<vector<fp> >("delta", delta);
+ }
+ // find out tensor type
+ char tensortypealias[100];
+ int table;
+ const int gindex = CCTK_GroupIndexFromVarI (request->vindex);
+ const int numvars = CCTK_NumVarsInGroupI(gindex);
+ assert (numvars>0);
+ table = CCTK_GroupTagsTableI(gindex);
+ assert (table>=0);
+ int ierr = Util_TableGetString
+ (table, sizeof tensortypealias, tensortypealias, "tensortypealias");
+ /* assume a scalar */
+ strcpy (tensortypealias, "scalar");
+ } else if (ierr<0) {
+ char * groupname = CCTK_GroupName(gindex);
+ assert (groupname);
+ "Error in tensor type alias declaration for group \"%s\"",
+ groupname);
+ free (groupname);
+ }
+ if (CCTK_EQUALS (tensortypealias, "scalar")) {
+ /* scalar */
+ avargrouptype = attribute<string>("vargrouptype", "scalar");
+ } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (tensortypealias, "4scalar")) {
+ /* 4-scalar */
+ avargrouptype = attribute<string>("vargrouptype", "4scalar");
+ } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (tensortypealias, "u")
+ || CCTK_EQUALS (tensortypealias, "d")) {
+ /* vector */
+ avargrouptype = attribute<string>("vargrouptype", "vector");
+ assert (numvars == dim);
+ } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (tensortypealias, "4u")
+ || CCTK_EQUALS (tensortypealias, "4d")) {
+ /* 4-vector */
+ avargrouptype = attribute<string>("vargrouptype", "4scalar");
+ assert (numvars == dim+1);
+ } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (tensortypealias, "du")) {
+ /* tensor */
+ avargrouptype = attribute<string>("vargrouptype", "tensor");
+ assert (numvars == dim*dim);
+ } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (tensortypealias, "uu_sym")
+ || CCTK_EQUALS (tensortypealias, "dd_sym")) {
+ /* symmetric tensor */
+ avargrouptype = attribute<string>("vargrouptype", "symmetric-tensor");
+ assert (numvars == dim*(dim+1)/2);
+ } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (tensortypealias, "ddd_sym")) {
+ /* 3rd rank tensor, symmetric in last 2 indices */
+ avargrouptype = attribute<string>("vargrouptype", "rank3-tensor-symmetric");
+ assert (numvars == dim*dim*(dim+1)/2);
+ } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (tensortypealias, "4uu_sym")
+ || CCTK_EQUALS (tensortypealias, "4dd_sym")) {
+ /* symmetric 4-tensor */
+ avargrouptype = attribute<string>("vargrouptype", "4tensor-symmetric");
+ assert (numvars == (dim+1)*(dim+2)/2);
+ } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (tensortypealias, "weylscalars_real")) {
+ /* Weyl scalars, stored as 10 real numbers */
+ avargrouptype = attribute<string>("vargrouptype", "scalar");
+ assert (numvars == 10);
+ } else {
+ char * groupname = CCTK_GroupName(gindex);
+ assert (groupname);
+ "Illegal tensor type alias for group \"%s\"",
+ groupname);
+ free (groupname);
+ }
+ // Append attributes to metadata
+ md << afilenum; // the filenumber that contains the data
+ md << ameshname; // the name of the mesh
+ md << acycle; // the current cycle/iteration
+ md << atime; // the time corresponding to cycle
+ md << amap; // the map
+ md << areflevel; // the refinement level
+ md << atimelevel; // the time level
+ md << acomp; // the grid component
+ md << alsh; // the number of points of the local piece of grid data
+ md << aiorigin; // the integer origin of the grid
+ md << aorigin; // the origin in coordinate space
+ md << adelta; // the delta spacing
+ md << acoordinates; // the name of the coordinate group
+ md << avarname; // the name of the variable
+ md << avargroupname; // the name of the variable's group
+ md << avargrouptype; // tensor type
+ // return the number of errors that occured during this output
+ return error_count;
+} // namespace CarpetIONirvana