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3 files changed, 282 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/doc/documentation.tex b/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/doc/documentation.tex
index 4c947626c..62363a501 100644
--- a/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/doc/documentation.tex
+++ b/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/doc/documentation.tex
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@
% Example of including a graphic image:
% \begin{figure}[ht]
-% \begin{center}
-% \includegraphics[width=6cm]{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyFigure}
-% \end{center}
-% \caption{Illustration of this and that}
-% \label{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyLabel}
+% \begin{center}
+% \includegraphics[width=6cm]{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyFigure}
+% \end{center}
+% \caption{Illustration of this and that}
+% \label{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyLabel}
% \end{figure}
% Example of using a label:
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
\author{Ian Hawke \textless hawke@aei.mpg.de\textgreater}
% The title of the document (not necessarily the name of the Thorn)
+\title{Adaptive Mesh Refinement}
% the date your document was last changed, if your document is in CVS,
% please use:
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
% Add an abstract for this thorn's documentation
+ A brief description of how to use AMR.
% The following sections are suggestive only.
@@ -107,35 +107,172 @@
-\section{Physical System}
-\section{Numerical Implementation}
+This thorn is a regridding thorn to work with {\tt Carpet}. It is
+meant to directly replace the standard {\tt CarpetRegrid} thorn and
+many of the parameters are based directly on standard parameters that
+people already use. However, this thorn is meant to provide full {\em
+ Adaptive} Mesh Refinement (AMR). The thorn is not complete by
+itself; as described below, an error indicator needs to be given.
+As those that use mesh refinement will know, the question of where to
+put the refined grids is as much art as science. The crucial points
+are the following:
+\item We wish to refine as few points as possible. The reason for this
+ is to reduce memory overhead and to reduce runtime. The latter is
+ particularly important as the runtime is essentially dominated by
+ the finest level(s).
+\item We wish to create as few new grids as possible. The reason for
+ this is that the ghost zones required for the boundaries of the
+ grids are, in a sense, a waste of computational time. Therefore the
+ larger the boundaries the more time the code will spend filling
+ zones that have no benefit for the evolution. The more grids, the
+ larger the boundary for any given benefit.
+\item We wish to place the refined grid(s) where they will do the most
+ good; that is, where the error is highest. This allows us to get a
+ (more) uniform error over the whole domain.
+Therefore the problem to be solved is to balance requirements (1) and
+(2) in a sensible way whilst ensuring that the error is minimized as
+required by point (3).
+The process by which this is achieved is twofold:
+\item An approximation to the error is found. For ``true'' AMR this is
+ usually meant to be an approximation to the truncation error found
+ using Richardson extrapolation and a shadow heirachy. However, this
+ can be expensive and may not work well at low resolutions
+ (particularly in the {\tt Carpet} case when a large number of buffer
+ zones are in use). Instead a separate approximation can be used
+ (often called an {\em error indicator} instead of a true {\em error
+ estimate}) based on certain physical properties of the solution,
+ such as a curvature based method (such as is used in {\tt Paramesh}).
+\item The points marked in error are then ``clustered'' into Cartesian
+ boxes. The Cartesian boxes can either be pre-determined (as in {\tt
+ Paramesh}) or computed on-the-fly, as done here. It might be that
+ a box is refined only if a certain fraction of its points are marked
+ in error (I believe this is the {\tt Paramesh} approach) or that
+ every point marked in error is contained in a refined box, which is
+ the approach taken here.
+Essentially, this thorn requires somebody else to compute the
+approximation to the error and to store it in a grid function. It will
+then cluster the points in error, providing {\tt Carpet} with a new
+grid structure.
+For those that want the real details, this is basically an
+implementation of the clustering algorithm of Berger and
\section{Using This Thorn}
-\subsection{Obtaining This Thorn}
-\subsection{Basic Usage}
-\subsection{Special Behaviour}
-\subsection{Interaction With Other Thorns}
-\subsection{Support and Feedback}
-\subsection{Thorn Source Code}
-\subsection{Thorn Documentation}
+As a user you should just replace {\tt CarpetRegrid} with {\tt
+ CarpetAdaptiveRegrid} in your parameter file and set the appropriate
+parameters correctly:
+\item {\tt Carpet::domain\_from\_coordbase}. This {\bf must} be set to
+ {\tt "yes"}. It follows that you must set your domain using the
+ coordbase parameters. Some examples can be found in the {\tt par/}
+ directory of this thorn.
+\item {\tt min\_width}. This describes the minimum width of a grid in
+ any direction. Note that if the entire {\em global} domain is
+ smaller than this in a given direction then it will be ignored for
+ that direction (local domain sizes will be treated in the correct,
+ processor independent manner). The value of this should be set
+ dependent on the number of Carpet {\tt ghost\_zone}s and {\tt
+ buffer\_zone}s you are using; for example, with 3 {\tt
+ ghost\_zone}s and 6 {\tt buffer\_zone}s I would set this to be at
+ least 20 ($> 2 \times (3+6)$).
+\item {\tt min\_fraction}. This describes the minimum fraction of
+ points marked in error that a candidate refined box should have
+ before it is accepted. Note that this may be ignored if the result
+ would be to produce a box that is too small. This should not be set
+ too high or the algorithm will produce large numbers of small boxes;
+ I would recommend a value between 0.5 and 0.8.
+\item {\tt max\_error}. If the absolute value of the grid function
+ being used as an approximation to the error is above this the point
+ is marked in error; if not, the point is marked as fine. Sensible
+ values depend entirely on the method used to compute the error
+ approximation and you'll almost certainly need to experiment.
+\item {\tt error\_var}. The name of the grid function containing the
+ approximation to the error. Should have the form {\tt
+ Thorn::Var}. Should be a real grid function with storage, probably
+ with only one timelevel, and almost certainly should have the tags
+ table entry {\tt tags='Prolongation="None"'} (otherwise the error
+ function will be the same on different refinement levels, which is
+ not what you want).
+\item {\tt regrid\_every}. How often the regridding algorithm is
+ called; semantically it's identical to the parameter in {\tt
+ CarpetRegrid}. Again, the value of this parameter probably
+ requires some experimentation. Note, however, that successively
+ refining a region many times at short notice often does not give
+ good results, as it is similar to repeatedly interpolating the grid
+ functions in that region.
+\item {\tt pad}. When the error is computed and points are marked in
+ error or not, the result is ``padded'' by a certain number of
+ points. This ensures that it doesn't try to regrid a single point -
+ this will always be padded out to something larger. It also ensures
+ that if the computation of the error estimate was non-local (i.e.,
+ required taking derivatives) then inter-processor boundaries don't
+ cause problems. It also ensures that if a feature is near the
+ threshold of being refined the error doesn't have ``gaps'' where
+ points fall just below the threshold. Finally, it ensures that the
+ refined grid is big enough to allow the interesting feature to move
+ within it. The value for this should be set with these
+ considerations in mind; typically I would choose 4-8 points but if
+ {\tt regrid\_every} is large, or the features are moving rapidly on
+ the grid, or you have a large number of {\tt ghost\_zone}s, then you
+ may wish to increase it to 12 or more.
+\item {\tt verbose} and {\tt veryverbose}. Prints large amounts of
+ debugging information about the grid locations. I wouldn't use these
+ unless you want to debug.
+\item {\tt refinement\_levels}. The number of refinement levels to be
+ set up initially, including the base grid. Again this follows the
+ semantics of {\tt CarpetRegrid}. At the initial time the grid
+ structure is determined not from the error function (as it may not
+ have been computed as yet) but instead from this parameter and the
+ {\tt coordinates} parameter:
+\item {\tt coordinates}. The bounding box coordinates for the initial
+ grid structure. Again this follows precisely the semantics of {\tt
+ CarpetRegrid} {\bf with the assumption equivalent to}
+ {\tt CarpetRegrid::smart\_outer\_boundaries = "yes"}.
+ As noted above it can be very bad for a large number of refined grids
+ to be switched on very rapidly, so judicious use of this parameter to
+ set up the initial grid structure can be very helpful.
+{\tt CarpetAdaptiveRegrid} should give identical results on varying
+numbers of processors.
+{\tt CarpetAdaptiveRegrid} will be default produce as many refinement
+levels as allowed by the
+ {\tt Carpet::max\_refinement\_levels}
+ parameter, so be careful!
+{\tt CarpetAdaptiveRegrid} will {\bf not} necessarily give a
+symmetrical grid structure on symmetrical problems. This may mean that
+any symmetry in the problem that is not explicitly imposed (say by the
+boundary conditions) could be lost when using this thorn. This is a
+feature, not a bug. If you don't like it, you're welcome to try and
+fix it.
+{\tt CarpetAdaptiveRegrid} is in the development directory of the
+development version of {\tt Carpet} for good reason; use at your own
+{M. Berger and I. Rigoutsos.
+\newblock An {A}lgorithm for {P}oint {C}lustering and {G}rid
+\newblock {\em IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man.\ and Cybernetics}, {\bf
+ 21}:\penalty0 1278--1286, 1991.}
% Do not delete next line
diff --git a/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/par/AMRShockTest50_6lev.par b/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/par/AMRShockTest50_6lev.par
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b72948803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/par/AMRShockTest50_6lev.par
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+!DESC "AMR shocktube, RK3, Marquina, PPM, Ideal Gas"
+ActiveThorns = "symbase ioutil carpet carpetlib carpetadaptiveregrid carpetreduce carpetslab"
+cactus::terminate = "time"
+cactus::cctk_final_time = 0.05
+driver::ghost_size = 3
+carpet::prolongation_order_space = 3
+carpet::prolongation_order_time = 2
+carpet::init_3_timelevels = "yes"
+ActiveThorns = "CoordBase cartgrid3d boundary"
+grid::type = "coordbase"
+grid::domain = "full"
+grid::avoid_origin = "no"
+coordbase::xmin = -0.5
+coordbase::xmax = 0.5
+coordbase::ymin = 0.0
+coordbase::ymax = 0.0
+coordbase::zmin = 0.0
+coordbase::zmax = 0.0
+coordbase::boundary_size_x_lower = 3
+coordbase::boundary_shiftout_x_lower = 1
+coordbase::boundary_size_x_upper = 3
+coordbase::boundary_shiftout_x_upper = 1
+coordbase::boundary_size_y_lower = 3
+coordbase::boundary_shiftout_y_lower = 1
+coordbase::boundary_size_y_upper = 3
+coordbase::boundary_shiftout_y_upper = 1
+coordbase::boundary_size_z_lower = 3
+coordbase::boundary_shiftout_z_lower = 1
+coordbase::boundary_size_z_upper = 3
+coordbase::boundary_shiftout_z_upper = 1
+coordbase::dx = 0.02
+coordbase::dy = 0.02
+coordbase::dz = 0.02
+carpet::domain_from_coordbase = "yes"
+carpet::max_refinement_levels = 6
+carpetadaptiveregrid::max_error = 1.e-1
+carpetadaptiveregrid::pad = 6
+carpetadaptiveregrid::min_width = 4
+carpetadaptiveregrid::error_var = "whisky::DiffRho"
+carpetadaptiveregrid::regrid_every = 16
+#carpetadaptiveregrid::verbose = yes
+#carpetadaptiveregrid::veryverbose = yes
+#carpet::verbose = yes
+#carpet::veryverbose = yes
+carpetadaptiveregrid::refinement_levels = 6
+carpetadaptiveregrid::coordinates = "
+[ [ ([-0.150000,0.0,0.0]:[0.150000,0.0,0.0]:[0.010000,0.010000,0.010000]) ],
+ [ ([-0.075000,0.0,0.0]:[0.075000,0.0,0.0]:[0.005000,0.005000,0.005000]) ],
+ [ ([-0.037500,0.0,0.0]:[0.037500,0.0,0.0]:[0.002500,0.002500,0.002500]) ],
+ [ ([-0.018750,0.0,0.0]:[0.018750,0.0,0.0]:[0.001250,0.001250,0.001250]) ],
+ [ ([-0.009375,0.0,0.0]:[0.009375,0.0,0.0]:[0.000625,0.000625,0.000625]) ] ]"
+ActiveThorns = "time"
+time::dtfac = 0.2
+ActiveThorns = "carpetioascii iobasic"
+IO::out_fileinfo = "none"
+IO::out_dir = $.
+IOBasic::outInfo_every = 1
+IOBasic::outInfo_vars = "whisky::rho"
+IOASCII::out1D_every = 32
+IOASCII::out1D_vars = "whisky::whisky_prim_scalar_var whisky::whisky_prim_vector_var whisky::whisky_cons_scalar_var whisky::whisky_cons_vector_var whisky::diffrho"
+IOASCII::out1D_y = "no"
+IOASCII::out1D_z = "no"
+ActiveThorns = "nanchecker mol"
+methodoflines::ode_method = "rk3"
+mol::disable_prolongation = "no"
+ActiveThorns = "ADMBase StaticConformal SpaceMask CoordGauge ADMMacros ADMCoupling"
+ADMBase::evolution_method = "none"
+ADMBase::initial_shift = "none"
+ADMBase::metric_type = "physical"
+spacemask::use_mask = "yes"
+ActiveThorns = "eos_base eos_ideal_fluid eos_polytrope"
+EOS_Ideal_Fluid::eos_ideal_fluid_gamma = 1.66666666666666
+ActiveThorns = "whisky"
+whisky::riemann_solver = "Marquina"
+whisky::whisky_eos_type = "General"
+whisky::whisky_eos_table = "Ideal_Fluid"
+whisky::whisky_stencil = 3
+whisky::recon_method = "ppm"
+whisky::bound = "flat"
+ActiveThorns = "whisky_init_data"
+whisky_init_data::whisky_initial_data = "shocktube"
+whisky_init_data::shocktube_type = "xshock"
+whisky_init_data::shock_case = "Simple"
diff --git a/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/src/CAR.cc b/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/src/CAR.cc
index d20a3e677..207e12c00 100644
--- a/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/src/CAR.cc
+++ b/CarpetDev/CarpetAdaptiveRegrid/src/CAR.cc
@@ -890,7 +890,8 @@ namespace CarpetAdaptiveRegrid {
if (verbose) {
ostringstream buf;
- buf << "Done with it all. Total list is:"
+ buf << "Done with it all. Iteration " << cctkGH->cctk_iteration
+ << " level " << reflevel << endl << "Total list is:"
<< endl << local_bbsss;