path: root/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/test
diff options
authorErik Schnetter <schnetter@cct.lsu.edu>2009-09-03 16:19:15 -0500
committerBarry Wardell <barry.wardell@gmail.com>2011-12-14 16:42:31 +0000
commit11c4d98017cbb86d08e15fd1b549180184b58a26 (patch)
tree2546a154c6f7bc0bec87de7316125ae7d1453569 /CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/test
parentf520477b1c14e02f1495cfa8d3e09f4e21ab34d0 (diff)
Import Carpet
Ignore-this: 309b4dd613f4af2b84aa5d6743fdb6b3
Diffstat (limited to 'CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/test')
1 files changed, 210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/test/reductiontest.par b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/test/reductiontest.par
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..85a483338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/test/reductiontest.par
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+#--- Base and Driver Thorns
+ActiveThorns = " time
+ carpet
+ carpetlib
+ carpetregrid
+ carpetreduce
+ carpetslab
+ cartgrid3d
+ coordbase
+ mol
+ boundary
+ spacemask
+ carpetiobasic
+ carpetioscalar
+ carpetioascii
+ ioutil
+ symbase
+ aeilocalinterp
+ carpetinterp
+ "
+#--- Spacetime :-)
+ActiveThorns = " admbase
+ staticconformal
+ admconstraints
+ admcoupling
+ coordgauge
+ admmacros
+ bssn_mol
+ "
+#--- Hydrodynamics
+ActiveThorns = " whisky
+ whisky_init_data
+ whisky_rnsid
+ eos_base
+ eos_polytrope
+ reductiontest
+ "
+################## Output Related Stuff ##################################
+IOBasic::outInfo_vars = "whisky::rho admbase::alp"
+iobasic::outInfo_every = 1
+IOScalar::outScalar_vars = "whisky::rho admbase::alp"
+ioscalar::outScalar_every = 1
+IOASCII::out1D_vars = "whisky::rho admbase::alp"
+ioascii::out1D_every = 1
+#--- general
+#--- output directories
+IO::out_dir = $parfile
+#--- checkpoint recovery
+io::recover = "no"
+#--- output frequency
+io::out_single_precision = "yes"
+############################# DRIVER #####################################
+#--- Benchmarking
+carpet::constant_load_per_processor = "yes"
+#--- performance & infrastructure
+carpetlib::use_collective_communication_buffers = "yes"
+carpet::enable_all_storage = "no"
+CarpetLib::save_memory_during_regridding = "yes"
+#--- Carpet prolongation order settings
+Carpet::prolongation_order_space = 3
+Carpet::prolongation_order_time = 2
+#--- Carpet initial data setup parameters
+Carpet::init_3_timelevels = "yes"
+Carpet::init_each_timelevel = "no"
+#--- Grid Setup and carpet parameters
+carpet::buffer_width = 6
+driver::ghost_size = 3
+cartgrid3d::type = "box"
+cartgrid3d::domain = "full"
+cartgrid3d::avoid_origin = "no"
+cartgrid3d::dxyz = 1.0
+driver::global_nx = 30
+driver::global_ny = 30
+driver::global_nz = 30
+cactus::cctk_itlast = 128
+Carpet::domain_from_coordbase = "no"
+carpet::max_refinement_levels = 3
+carpetregrid::refinement_levels = 1
+carpetregrid::regrid_every = 16
+carpetregrid::num_new_levels = 1
+carpetregrid::activate_levels_on_regrid = "fixed"
+carpet::veryverbose = "no"
+carpet::verbose = "no"
+################## Spacetime Related Stuff #############################
+admbase::evolution_method = "adm_bssn"
+admbase::lapse_evolution_method = "1+log"
+admbase::shift_evolution_method = "static"
+boundary::radpower = 2
+admconstraints::bound = "static"
+bssn_mol::timelevels = 3
+######################## Hydro Related Stuff ###########################
+whisky::timelevels = 3
+whisky::whisky_rho_central = 1.61930347e-08
+whisky::riemann_solver = "Marquina"
+whisky::whisky_eos_type = "Polytype"
+whisky::whisky_eos_table = "2D_Polytrope"
+whisky::recon_method = "ppm"
+whisky::ppm_detect = "yes"
+whisky::whisky_stencil = 3
+whisky::bound = "none"
+whisky::EoS_Change = "no"
+EOS_Polytrope::eos_gamma = 2.0
+EOS_Polytrope::eos_k = 1.0
+EOS_Polytrope::use_cgs = "yes"
+EOS_Polytrope::gamma_ini = 2.0
+#------ Atmosphere treatment
+SpaceMask::use_mask = yes
+whisky::rho_rel_min = 1.e-5
+#------ Atmosphere only for
+whisky::initial_atmosphere_factor = 0.99
+####################### Initial Data #####################################
+admbase::initial_data = "rnsid"
+admbase::initial_lapse = "rnsid"
+admbase::initial_shift = "rnsid"
+admbase::metric_type = "physical"
+rnsid::axes_ratio = 1.0
+rnsid::accuracy = 1e-7
+rnsid::RNS_Gamma = 2.0
+rnsid::RNS_K = 100.0
+rnsid::recover_2Dmodel = "no"
+rnsid::save_2Dmodel = "no"
+#rnsid::mdiv = 151
+#rnsid::sdiv = 301
+##################### Infrastructure Related Stuff ########################
+#--- Time integration
+mol::ode_method = "icn"
+MoL::Generic_Type = "RK"
+MoL::MoL_Intermediate_Steps = 3
+time::dtfac = 0.375
+#---- Timer output
+cactus::cctk_timer_output = "FULL"