path: root/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/par
diff options
authorErik Schnetter <schnetter@cct.lsu.edu>2009-09-03 16:19:15 -0500
committerBarry Wardell <barry.wardell@gmail.com>2011-12-14 16:42:31 +0000
commit11c4d98017cbb86d08e15fd1b549180184b58a26 (patch)
tree2546a154c6f7bc0bec87de7316125ae7d1453569 /CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/par
parentf520477b1c14e02f1495cfa8d3e09f4e21ab34d0 (diff)
Import Carpet
Ignore-this: 309b4dd613f4af2b84aa5d6743fdb6b3
Diffstat (limited to 'CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/par')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/par/reductiontest.par b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/par/reductiontest.par
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b3eb6155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/ReductionTest3/par/reductiontest.par
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+#--- Base and Driver Thorns
+ActiveThorns = "time
+ coordbase
+ mol
+ boundary
+ spacemask
+ symbase
+ aeilocalinterp
+ nanchecker
+ constants
+ ioutil
+ initbase
+ carpet
+ carpetlib
+ carpetregrid2
+ carpetreduce
+ carpetinterp
+ loopcontrol
+ cartgrid3d
+ carpetslab
+ triggerterminationmanual
+ RotatingSymmetry90
+ ReflectionSymmetry
+ Slab
+ "
+#--- Output related thorns
+ActiveThorns = " carpetioascii
+ carpetioscalar
+ carpetiohdf5
+ carpetiobasic
+ "
+#--- Spacetime :-)
+ActiveThorns = "
+ ReductionTest3
+ "
+############################# Flesh Stuff ##################################
+Cactus::cctk_run_title = "Reduction Test"
+Cactus::cctk_full_warnings = yes
+Cactus::highlight_warning_messages = no
+#Cactus::cctk_timer_output = "full"
+Cactus::cctk_itlast = 64
+############################# Output Related ##################################
+IO::out_dir = $par
+IO::checkpoint_dir = $par
+IO::recover_dir = $par
+iohdf5::out_dir = $par
+IO::out_single_precision = yes
+#--- checkpoint recovery
+io::recover = no
+iohdf5::checkpoint = no
+io::checkpoint_every = 32
+io::checkpoint_keep = 3
+carpetiohdf5::use_reflevels_from_checkpoint = "yes"
+IOBasic::outInfo_vars = "Carpet::average_physical_time_per_hour"
+carpetioscalar::outScalar_vars = "
+ "
+carpetioascii::out0D_vars = "
+ "
+carpetioascii::out1D_vars = "
+ "
+iohdf5::out_vars = "
+ "
+#--- output frequency
+iohdf5::out_criterion = "divisor"
+carpetioascii::out1D_criterion = "divisor"
+carpetioascii::out2D_criterion = "divisor"
+carpetioascii::out0D_criterion = "divisor"
+carpetioscalar::outScalar_criterion = "divisor"
+#carpetioscalar::outScalar_dt = 0.203
+#carpetioscalar::out0D_dt = 0.203
+#IOASCII::out1D_dt =
+#IOASCII::out2D_dt = -1
+carpetioscalar::outScalar_every = 32
+carpetioascii::out0D_every = 32
+carpetioascii::out1D_every = 256
+carpetioascii::out2D_every = -1
+iohdf5::out_every = -1
+carpetiobasic::outInfo_every = 1
+carpetiobasic::real_min = 1.0e-2
+IOASCII::one_file_per_group = yes
+IOASCII::output_symmetry_points = no
+IOASCII::out1D_d = no
+############################# Driver ##################################
+# Carpet Parameters
+Carpet::domain_from_coordbase = yes
+Carpet::max_refinement_levels = 2
+driver::ghost_size = 3
+Carpet::use_buffer_zones = yes
+Carpet::prolongation_order_space = 3
+Carpet::prolongation_order_time = 2
+Carpet::init_fill_timelevels = yes
+Carpet::verbose = no
+Carpet::veryverbose = no
+Carpet::output_timers_every = 4096
+CarpetLib::print_timestats_every = 4096
+CarpetLib::print_memstats_every = 4096
+############################# Grid ##################################
+CoordBase::domainsize = "minmax"
+CoordBase::xmin = 0.0
+CoordBase::ymin = 0.0
+CoordBase::zmin = 0.0
+CoordBase::xmax = 40.0
+CoordBase::ymax = 40.0
+CoordBase::zmax = 40.0
+CoordBase::spacing = "gridspacing"
+CoordBase::dx = 1.0
+CoordBase::dy = 1.0
+CoordBase::dz = 1.0
+CartGrid3D::type = "coordbase"
+CartGrid3D::domain = "full"
+CartGrid3D::avoid_originx = no
+CartGrid3D::avoid_originy = no
+CartGrid3D::avoid_originz = no
+CoordBase::boundary_size_x_lower = 3
+CoordBase::boundary_size_y_lower = 3
+CoordBase::boundary_size_z_lower = 3
+CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_x_lower = 1
+CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_y_lower = 1
+CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_z_lower = 1
+ReflectionSymmetry::reflection_z = yes
+ReflectionSymmetry::avoid_origin_z = no
+#CoordBase::boundary_size_x_upper = 3
+#CoordBase::boundary_size_y_upper = 3
+#CoordBase::boundary_size_z_upper = 3
+CarpetRegrid2::min_distance = 0
+CarpetRegrid2::boundary_shiftout = -10
+CarpetRegrid2::ensure_proper_nesting = yes
+CarpetRegrid2::num_centres = 1
+CarpetRegrid2::num_levels_1 = 1
+CarpetRegrid2::position_x_1 = 0
+CarpetRegrid2::position_y_1 = 0
+CarpetRegrid2::position_z_1 = 0
+CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[1] = 20.0 # 1.6
+#CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[2] = 40.0 # 0.8
+#CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[3] = 20.0 # 0.4
+#CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[4] = 12.0 # 0.2
+CarpetRegrid2::regrid_every = 16
+CarpetRegrid2::movement_threshold_1 = 0.0e0
+CarpetRegrid2::radius_change_threshold_1 = 0.0e0
+############################# Time Integration ##################################
+# Time integration parameters
+MoL::ODE_Method = "RK3"
+MoL::Generic_Type = "RK"
+MoL::MoL_Intermediate_Steps = 3
+MoL::MoL_Num_Scratch_Levels = 2
+Time::dtfac = 0.25
+############################ Analysis ###############################