path: root/CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src
diff options
authoreschnett <>2001-03-01 11:40:00 +0000
committereschnett <>2001-03-01 11:40:00 +0000
commit310f0ea48d18866b773136aed11200b6eda6378b (patch)
tree445d3e34ce8b89812994b6614f7bc9f4acbc7fe2 /CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src')
4 files changed, 862 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src/ioser.cc b/CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src/ioser.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..431b6a295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src/ioser.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+#include <alloca.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <vector>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "CactusBase/IOUtil/src/ioutil_CheckpointRecovery.h"
+#include "Carpet/CarpetLib/src/data.hh"
+#include "Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gdata.hh"
+#include "Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gf.hh"
+#include "Carpet/CarpetLib/src/ggf.hh"
+#include "Carpet/CarpetLib/src/vect.hh"
+#include "carpet.hh"
+#include "ioser.hh"
+#include "bbhutil.h"
+extern "C" {
+int vsxynt(const char *name, double t, double *x, double *y, int n);
+static const char* rcsid = "$Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src/ioser.cc,v 2002/02/08 14:55:31 shawley Exp $";
+// That's a hack
+namespace Carpet {
+ void UnsupportedVarType (const int vindex);
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Carpet;
+static bool CheckForVariable (const cGH* const cgh,
+ const char* const varlist, const int vindex);
+static void SetFlag (int index, const char* optstring, void* arg);
+//void assign_ser_output_element (double& range, const ivect& index);
+//void assign_ser_output_element (double& range, const vect<int,dim> index);
+template<int D,int DD>
+static void write_ser ( const char *gfname,
+ const generic_data<D>* const gfdata,
+ const bbox<int,D>& gfext,
+ const int vi,
+ const int time,
+ const vect<int,D>& org,
+ const vect<int,DD>& dirs,
+ const int tl,
+ const int rl,
+ const int c,
+ const int ml,
+ const CCTK_REAL coord_time,
+ const vect<CCTK_REAL,D>& coord_lower,
+ const vect<CCTK_REAL,D>& coord_upper,
+ const int strip_left, const int strip_right);
+int CarpetIOSerStartup()
+ CarpetIOSer<1>::Startup();
+ CarpetIOSer<2>::Startup();
+ CarpetIOSer<3>::Startup();
+ return 0;
+// Definition of static members
+template<int outdim> int CarpetIOSer<outdim>::GHExtension;
+template<int outdim> int CarpetIOSer<outdim>::IOMethod;
+template<int outdim> vector<bool> CarpetIOSer<outdim>::do_truncate;
+template<int outdim> vector<vector<int> > CarpetIOSer<outdim>::last_output;
+template<int outdim>
+int CarpetIOSer<outdim>::Startup()
+ char msg[1000];
+ sprintf (msg, "AMR %dD Ser I/O provided by CarpetIOSer", outdim);
+ CCTK_RegisterBanner (msg);
+ char extension_name[1000];
+ sprintf (extension_name, "CarpetIOSer_%dD", outdim);
+ GHExtension = CCTK_RegisterGHExtension(extension_name);
+ CCTK_RegisterGHExtensionSetupGH (GHExtension, SetupGH);
+ char method_name[1000];
+ sprintf (method_name, "IOSer_%dD", outdim);
+ IOMethod = CCTK_RegisterIOMethod (method_name);
+ CCTK_RegisterIOMethodOutputGH (IOMethod, OutputGH);
+ CCTK_RegisterIOMethodOutputVarAs (IOMethod, OutputVarAs);
+ CCTK_RegisterIOMethodTimeToOutput (IOMethod, TimeToOutput);
+ CCTK_RegisterIOMethodTriggerOutput (IOMethod, TriggerOutput);
+ return 0;
+template<int outdim>
+void* CarpetIOSer<outdim>
+::SetupGH (tFleshConfig* const fc, const int convLevel, cGH* const cgh)
+ // Truncate all files if this is not a restart
+ do_truncate.resize(CCTK_NumVars(), true);
+ // No iterations have yet been output
+ last_output.resize(maxreflevels);
+ for (int rl=0; rl<maxreflevels; ++rl) {
+ last_output[rl].resize(CCTK_NumVars(), INT_MIN);
+ }
+ // We register only once, ergo we get only one handle. We store
+ // that statically, so there is no need to pass anything to Cactus.
+ return 0;
+template<int outdim>
+int CarpetIOSer<outdim>
+::OutputGH (const cGH* const cgh)
+ for (int vindex=0; vindex<CCTK_NumVars(); ++vindex) {
+ if (TimeToOutput(cgh, vindex)) {
+ TriggerOutput(cgh, vindex);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+template<int outdim>
+int CarpetIOSer<outdim>
+::OutputVarAs (const cGH* const cgh,
+ const char* const varname, const char* const alias)
+ const int n = CCTK_VarIndex(varname);
+ assert (n>=0 && n<CCTK_NumVars());
+ const int group = CCTK_GroupIndexFromVarI (n);
+ assert (group>=0 && group<(int)Carpet::arrdata.size());
+ const int n0 = CCTK_FirstVarIndexI(group);
+ assert (n0>=0 && n0<CCTK_NumVars());
+ const int var = n - n0;
+ assert (var>=0 && var<CCTK_NumVars());
+ const int tl = 0;
+ // Check for storage
+ if (! CCTK_QueryGroupStorageI(cgh, group)) {
+ "Cannot output variable \"%s\" because it has no storage",
+ varname);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Create the output directory
+ const char* myoutdir = GetStringParameter("outdir%dD", outdir);
+ if (CCTK_MyProc(cgh)==0) {
+ CCTK_CreateDirectory (0755, myoutdir);
+ }
+ // Loop over all direction combinations
+ vect<int,outdim> dirs;
+ for (int d=0; d<outdim; ++d) dirs[d] = 0;
+ bool done;
+ do {
+ // Output each combination only once
+ bool ascending = true;
+ for (int d1=0; d1<outdim; ++d1) {
+ for (int d2=d1+1; d2<outdim; ++d2) {
+ ascending = ascending && dirs[d1] < dirs[d2];
+ }
+ }
+ // Skip output if the dimensions are not ascending
+ if (ascending) {
+ // If this output is desired at all
+ bool desired;
+ switch (outdim) {
+ case 1:
+ switch (dirs[0]) {
+ case 0:
+ desired = out1D_x;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ desired = out1D_y;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ desired = out1D_z;
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ // Skip output if not desired
+ if (desired) {
+ // Invent a file name
+ char* const filename
+ = (char*)alloca(strlen(myoutdir)+strlen(alias)+100);
+ sprintf (filename, "%s/%s.", myoutdir, alias);
+ for (int d=0; d<outdim; ++d) {
+ assert (dirs[d]>=0 && dirs[d]<3);
+ const char* const coords = "xyz";
+ sprintf (filename, "%s%c", filename, coords[dirs[d]]);
+ }
+ const char* const suffixes = "lpv";
+ sprintf (filename, "%s%c", filename, suffixes[outdim-1]);
+ ofstream file;
+ if (CCTK_MyProc(cgh)==0) {
+ // If this is the first time, then write a nice header on
+ // the root processor
+ if (do_truncate[n]) {
+ struct stat fileinfo;
+ if (! IOUtil_RestartFromRecovery(cgh)
+ || stat(filename, &fileinfo)!=0) {
+ file.open (filename, ios::out | ios::trunc);
+ assert (file.good());
+ file << "# " << varname;
+ for (int d=0; d<outdim; ++d) {
+ file << " " << "xyz"[dirs[d]];
+ }
+ file << " (" << alias << ")" << endl;
+ file << "#" << endl;
+ assert (file.good());
+ }
+ }
+ if (! file.is_open()) {
+ file.open (filename, ios::app);
+ assert (file.good());
+ }
+ file << setprecision(15);
+ assert (file.good());
+ }
+ assert (outdim <= CCTK_GroupDimI(group));
+ // Find the output offset
+ vect<int,dim> offset(0);
+ switch (outdim) {
+ case 1:
+ switch (dirs[0]) {
+ case 0:
+ offset[1] = GetGridOffset (cgh, 2,
+ "out%dD_xline_yi", "out_xline_yi",
+ "out%dD_xline_y", "out_xline_y",
+ out_xline_y);
+ offset[2] = GetGridOffset (cgh, 3,
+ "out%dD_xline_zi", "out_xline_zi",
+ "out%dD_xline_z", "out_xline_z",
+ out_xline_z);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ offset[0] = GetGridOffset (cgh, 1,
+ "out%dD_yline_xi", "out_yline_xi",
+ "out%dD_yline_x", "out_yline_x",
+ out_yline_x);
+ offset[2] = GetGridOffset (cgh, 3,
+ "out%dD_yline_zi", "out_yline_zi",
+ "out%dD_yline_z", "out_yline_z",
+ out_yline_z);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ offset[0] = GetGridOffset (cgh, 1,
+ "out%dD_zline_xi", "out_zline_xi",
+ "out%dD_zline_x", "out_zline_x",
+ out_zline_x);
+ offset[1] = GetGridOffset (cgh, 2,
+ "out%dD_zline_yi", "out_zline_yi",
+ "out%dD_zline_y", "out_zline_y",
+ out_zline_y);
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ // Traverse all components on this refinement and multigrid
+ // level
+ const generic_gf<dim>* ff = 0;
+ assert (var < (int)arrdata[group].data.size());
+ ff = (generic_gf<dim>*)arrdata[group].data[var];
+ const generic_data<dim>* const data
+ = (*ff) (tl, reflevel, component, mglevel);
+ const bbox<int,dim> ext = data->extent();
+ const vect<int,dim> offset1 = offset * ext.stride();
+ // coordinates
+ const double coord_time = cgh->cctk_time;
+ vect<double,dim> global_lower, global_upper;
+ for (int d=0; d<dim; ++d) {
+ const int ierr = CCTK_CoordRange
+ (cgh, &global_lower[d], &global_upper[d], d+1, 0, "cart3d");
+ if (ierr<0) {
+ global_lower[d] = 0;
+ global_upper[d] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ const vect<double,dim> global_extent (hh->baseextent.upper() - hh->baseextent.lower() + hh->baseextent.stride() * (dd->lghosts + dd->ughosts));
+ vect<double,dim> coord_delta;
+ for (int d=0; d<dim; ++d) {
+ if (global_extent[d] != 0) {
+ coord_delta[d] = (global_upper[d] - global_lower[d]) / global_extent[d];
+ } else {
+ coord_delta[d] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Note: don't permute the "coord_delta" and "data->extent().lower()"
+ // (you'll pick up the integer operator* then)
+ const vect<double,dim> coord_lower = global_lower + coord_delta * vect<double,dim>(data->extent().lower());
+ const vect<double,dim> coord_upper = global_lower + coord_delta * vect<double,dim>(data->extent().upper());
+ char *gfname = new char[strlen(alias)+strlen(out1D_tag)+1];
+ sprintf(gfname,"%s%s",alias,out1D_tag);
+ write_ser (gfname, data, ext, n, cgh->cctk_iteration, offset1, dirs,
+ tl, reflevel, component, mglevel,
+ coord_time, coord_lower, coord_upper,
+ strip_left, strip_right);
+ delete [] gfname;
+ // Append EOL after every component
+ if (CCTK_MyProc(cgh)==0) {
+ if (separate_components) {
+ assert (file.good());
+ file << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ assert (file.good());
+ // Append EOL after every complete set of components
+ if (CCTK_MyProc(cgh)==0) {
+ if (separate_grids) {
+ assert (file.good());
+ file << endl;
+ }
+ file.close();
+ assert (file.good());
+ }
+ assert (! file.is_open());
+ } // if (desired)
+ } // if (ascending)
+ // Next direction combination
+ done = true;
+ for (int d=0; d<outdim; ++d) {
+ ++dirs[d];
+ if (dirs[d]<CCTK_GroupDimI(group)) {
+ done = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ dirs[d] = 0;
+ }
+ } while (! done); // all directions
+ // Don't truncate again
+ do_truncate[n] = false;
+ return 0;
+template<int outdim>
+int CarpetIOSer<outdim>
+::TimeToOutput (const cGH* const cgh, const int vindex)
+ assert (vindex>=0 && vindex<CCTK_NumVars());
+ const int myoutevery = GetIntParameter("out%dD_every", out_every);
+ if (myoutevery < 0) {
+ // Nothing should be output at all
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (cgh->cctk_iteration % myoutevery != 0) {
+ // Nothing should be output during this iteration
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (! CheckForVariable(cgh, GetStringParameter("out%dD_vars", ""), vindex)) {
+ // This variable should not be output
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (last_output[reflevel][vindex] == cgh->cctk_iteration) {
+ // Has already been output during this iteration
+ char* varname = CCTK_FullName(vindex);
+ "Skipping output for variable \"%s\", because this variable "
+ "has already been output during the current iteration -- "
+ "probably via a trigger during the analysis stage",
+ varname);
+ free (varname);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ assert (last_output[reflevel][vindex] < cgh->cctk_iteration);
+ // Should be output during this iteration
+ return 1;
+template<int outdim>
+int CarpetIOSer<outdim>
+::TriggerOutput (const cGH* const cgh, const int vindex)
+ assert (vindex>=0 && vindex<CCTK_NumVars());
+ char* varname = CCTK_FullName(vindex);
+ const int retval = OutputVarAs (cgh, varname, CCTK_VarName(vindex));
+ free (varname);
+ last_output[reflevel][vindex] = cgh->cctk_iteration;
+ return retval;
+template<int outdim>
+int CarpetIOSer<outdim>
+::GetGridOffset (const cGH* const cgh, const int dir,
+ const char* const itempl, const char* const iglobal,
+ const char* const ctempl, const char* const cglobal,
+ const CCTK_REAL cfallback)
+ // First choice: explicit coordinate
+ char cparam[1000];
+ sprintf (cparam, ctempl, outdim);
+ if (CCTK_ParameterQueryTimesSet (cparam, CCTK_THORNSTRING) > 0) {
+ int ptype;
+ const CCTK_REAL* const pcoord
+ = (const CCTK_REAL*)CCTK_ParameterGet (cparam, CCTK_THORNSTRING, &ptype);
+ assert (pcoord);
+ const CCTK_REAL coord = *pcoord;
+ assert (ptype == PARAMETER_REAL);
+ return CoordToOffset (cgh, dir, coord, 0);
+ }
+ // Second choice: explicit index
+ char iparam[1000];
+ sprintf (iparam, itempl, outdim);
+ if (CCTK_ParameterQueryTimesSet (iparam, CCTK_THORNSTRING) > 0) {
+ int ptype;
+ const int* const pindex
+ = (const int*)CCTK_ParameterGet (iparam, CCTK_THORNSTRING, &ptype);
+ assert (pindex);
+ const int index = *pindex;
+ assert (ptype == PARAMETER_INT);
+ return index;
+ }
+ // Third choice: explicit global coordinate
+ if (CCTK_ParameterQueryTimesSet (cglobal, "IO") > 0) {
+ int ptype;
+ const CCTK_REAL* const pcoord
+ = (const CCTK_REAL*)CCTK_ParameterGet (cglobal, "IO", &ptype);
+ assert (pcoord);
+ const CCTK_REAL coord = *pcoord;
+ assert (ptype == PARAMETER_REAL);
+ return CoordToOffset (cgh, dir, coord, 0);
+ }
+ // Fourth choice: explicit global index
+ if (CCTK_ParameterQueryTimesSet (iglobal, "IO") > 0) {
+ int ptype;
+ const int* const pindex
+ = (const int*)CCTK_ParameterGet (iglobal, "IO", &ptype);
+ assert (pindex);
+ const int index = *pindex;
+ assert (ptype == PARAMETER_INT);
+ return index;
+ }
+ // Fifth choice: default coordinate
+ return CoordToOffset (cgh, dir, cfallback, 0);
+template<int outdim>
+int CarpetIOSer<outdim>
+::CoordToOffset (const cGH* cgh, const int dir, const CCTK_REAL coord,
+ const int ifallback)
+ assert (dir>=1 && dir<=dim);
+ CCTK_REAL lower, upper;
+ CCTK_CoordRange (cgh, &lower, &upper, dir, 0, "cart3d");
+ const int npoints = cgh->cctk_gsh[dir-1];
+ const CCTK_REAL rindex = (coord - lower) / (upper - lower) * (npoints-1);
+ const int levfac = cgh->cctk_levfac[dir-1];
+ int cindex = (int)floor(rindex / levfac + 0.5 + 1e-6) * levfac;
+ if (cindex<0 || cindex>=npoints) {
+ "The specified coordinate value %g is not within the grid range [%g,%g]",
+ coord, lower, upper);
+ cindex = ifallback;
+ }
+ assert (cindex>=0 && cindex<npoints);
+ return cindex;
+template<int outdim>
+const char* CarpetIOSer<outdim>
+::GetStringParameter (const char* const parametertemplate,
+ const char* const fallback)
+ char parametername[1000];
+ sprintf (parametername, parametertemplate, outdim);
+ if (CCTK_ParameterQueryTimesSet (parametername, CCTK_THORNSTRING) > 0) {
+ int ptype;
+ const char* const* const ppval
+ = (const char* const*)CCTK_ParameterGet (parametername, CCTK_THORNSTRING,
+ &ptype);
+ assert (ppval);
+ const char* const pval = *ppval;
+ assert (ptype == PARAMETER_STRING);
+ return pval;
+ }
+ return fallback;
+template<int outdim>
+int CarpetIOSer<outdim>
+::GetIntParameter (const char* const parametertemplate, const int fallback)
+ char parametername[1000];
+ sprintf (parametername, parametertemplate, outdim);
+ if (CCTK_ParameterQueryTimesSet (parametername, CCTK_THORNSTRING) > 0) {
+ int ptype;
+ const int* const ppval
+ = (const int*)CCTK_ParameterGet (parametername, CCTK_THORNSTRING,
+ &ptype);
+ assert (ppval);
+ const int pval = *ppval;
+ assert (ptype == PARAMETER_INT);
+ return pval;
+ }
+ return fallback;
+bool CheckForVariable (const cGH* const cgh,
+ const char* const varlist, const int vindex)
+ const int numvars = CCTK_NumVars();
+ assert (vindex>=0 && vindex<numvars);
+ bool* const flags = (bool*)alloca(numvars * sizeof(bool));
+ for (int i=0; i<numvars; ++i) {
+ flags[i] = false;
+ }
+ CCTK_TraverseString (varlist, SetFlag, flags, CCTK_GROUP_OR_VAR);
+ return flags[vindex];
+void SetFlag (int index, const char* optstring, void* arg)
+ ((bool*)arg)[index] = true;
+// Output
+template<class T, int D>
+void data<T,D>::assign_ser_output_element (double& range, const vect<int,dim> index)
+ range = (*this)[index];
+// Output
+template<int D,int DD>
+void write_ser ( const char *gfname,
+ const generic_data<D>* const gfdata,
+ const bbox<int,D>& gfext,
+ const int vi,
+ const int time,
+ const vect<int,D>& org,
+ const vect<int,DD>& dirs,
+ const int tl,
+ const int rl,
+ const int c,
+ const int ml,
+ const CCTK_REAL coord_time,
+ const vect<CCTK_REAL,D>& coord_lower,
+ const vect<CCTK_REAL,D>& coord_upper,
+ const int strip_left, const int strip_right)
+ assert (DD<=D);
+ if (gfdata->proc()==0) {
+ // output on processor 0
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_rank (dist::comm, &rank);
+ if (rank == 0) {
+ assert (D>=1 && D<=3);
+ assert (DD==1);
+ const char* const coords = "xyz";
+ const vect<int,DD> lo = gfext.lower()[dirs];
+ const vect<int,DD> up = gfext.upper()[dirs];
+ const vect<int,DD> str = gfext.stride()[dirs];
+ const bbox<int,DD> ext(lo,up,str);
+ // Check whether the output origin is contained in the extent of
+ // the data
+ vect<int,dim> org1(org);
+ for (int d=0; d<DD; ++d) org1[dirs[d]] = ext.lower()[d];
+ if (gfext.contains(org1)) {
+ const int nelems = ext.num_points();
+ double *domain = new double[nelems];
+ double *range = new double[nelems];
+ int elem = 0;
+ for (bbox<int,DD>::iterator it=ext.begin(); it!=ext.end(); ++it) {
+ vect<int,dim> index(org);
+ for (int d=0; d<DD; ++d) index[dirs[d]] = (*it)[d];
+ const int d = dirs[0];
+ if (gfext.upper()[d] - gfext.lower()[d] != 0) {
+ domain[elem] = coord_lower[d] + (index[d] - gfext.lower()[d]) *
+(coord_upper[d] - coord_lower[d]) / (gfext.upper()[d] - gfext.lower()[d]); } else {
+ domain[elem] = coord_lower[d];
+ }
+// assign_ser_output_element (range[elem], index);
+// range[elem] = (*(data<T,D>*)gfdata)[index];
+// elem++;
+// cout << "CarpetIOSer, before switch" << endl << flush;
+ switch (CCTK_VarTypeI(vi)) {
+#define TYPECASE(N,T) \
+ case N: \
+ range[elem] = (*(data<T,D>*)gfdata)[index]; \
+ elem++;\
+ break;
+#include "Carpet/Carpet/src/typecase"
+#undef TYPECASE
+ default:
+ UnsupportedVarType(vi);
+ }
+ // cout << "CarpetIOSer, after switch" << endl << flush;
+ }
+ assert(elem == nelems);
+ char *window_name = new char[strlen(gfname)+100];
+ sprintf(window_name,"%s_l%d.%c",gfname,rl,"xyz"[dirs[0]]);
+ vsxynt(window_name, coord_time, domain+strip_left, range+strip_left,
+ nelems-strip_left-strip_right);
+ delete [] window_name;
+ delete [] domain;
+ delete [] range;
+ } // if extent().contains(org1)
+ }
+ } else {
+ // copy to processor 0 and output there
+ generic_data* const tmp = make_typed();
+ tmp->allocate(extent(), 0);
+ tmp->copy_from (this, extent());
+ tmp->write_ser (gfname, time, org, dirs, tl, rl, c, ml,
+ coord_time, coord_lower, coord_upper);
+ delete tmp;
+ generic_data<D>* const tmp = gfdata->make_typed();
+ tmp->allocate(gfdata->extent(), 0);
+ tmp->copy_from (gfdata, gfdata->extent());
+ write_ser (gfname, tmp, gfext, vi, time, org, dirs, tl, rl, c, ml,
+ coord_time, coord_lower, coord_upper, strip_left, strip_right);
+ delete tmp;
+ }
+// Explicit instantiation for all output dimensions
+template class CarpetIOSer<1>;
+template class CarpetIOSer<2>;
+template class CarpetIOSer<3>;
+void write_ser ( const char *gfname,
+ const generic_data<3>* const gfdata,
+ const bbox<int,3>& gfext,
+ const int vi,
+ const int time,
+ const vect<int,3>& org,
+ const vect<int,1>& dirs,
+ const int tl,
+ const int rl,
+ const int c,
+ const int ml,
+ const CCTK_REAL coord_time,
+ const vect<CCTK_REAL,3>& coord_lower,
+ const vect<CCTK_REAL,3>& coord_upper,
+ const int strip_left, const int strip_right);
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src/ioser.h b/CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src/ioser.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e82702a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src/ioser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src/ioser.h,v 2002/02/08 14:55:31 shawley Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+int CarpetIOSerStartup (void);
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src/ioser.hh b/CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src/ioser.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..978a54a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src/ioser.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src/ioser.hh,v 2002/02/08 14:55:31 shawley Exp $
+#include <vector>
+#include "cctk.h"
+using namespace std;
+// scheduled functions
+extern "C" {
+ int CarpetIOSerStartup();
+// Everything is a template class, so that it can easily be
+// instantiated for all output dimensions.
+template<int outdim>
+struct CarpetIOSer {
+ // handle from CCTK_RegisterGHExtension
+ static int GHExtension;
+ // handles from CCTK_RegisterIOMethed
+ static int IOMethod;
+ // Do truncate the output files for a variable
+ static vector<bool> do_truncate;
+ // Last iteration on which a refinement level of a variable was
+ // output (INT_MIN for none)
+ static vector<vector<int> > last_output; // [rl][var]
+ // scheduled functions
+ static int Startup();
+ // registered functions
+ static void* SetupGH (tFleshConfig* fc, int convLevel, cGH* cgh);
+ static int OutputGH (const cGH* cgh);
+ static int OutputVarAs (const cGH* cgh,
+ const char* varname, const char* alias);
+ static int TimeToOutput (const cGH* cgh, int vindex);
+ static int TriggerOutput (const cGH* cgh, int vindex);
+ static int GetGridOffset (const cGH* cgh, int dir,
+ const char* itempl, const char* iglobal,
+ const char* ctempl, const char* cglobal,
+ CCTK_REAL cfallback);
+ static int CoordToOffset (const cGH* cgh, int dir, CCTK_REAL coord,
+ int ifallback);
+ static const char* GetStringParameter
+ (const char* parametertemplate, const char* fallback);
+ static int GetIntParameter (const char* parametertemplate, int fallback);
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src/make.code.defn b/CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src/make.code.defn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0451551b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src/make.code.defn
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Main make.code.defn file for thorn CarpetIOSer
+# $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/CarpetExtra/CarpetIOSer/src/make.code.defn,v 2002/02/08 14:55:31 shawley Exp $
+# Source files in this directory
+SRCS = ioser.cc
+# Subdirectories containing source files