path: root/CarpetDev/CarpetIOF5/src/input.cc
diff options
authorErik Schnetter <schnetter@cct.lsu.edu>2010-08-24 12:10:36 -0400
committerBarry Wardell <barry.wardell@gmail.com>2011-12-14 18:21:12 +0000
commit5fe6689c15dc6e5485dff1ecee016ff511f96cbe (patch)
tree66234eacd65e033f858a6d558e13eade2988cd94 /CarpetDev/CarpetIOF5/src/input.cc
parente3283feb24d585ec76130ba363892ec4630b73e9 (diff)
CarpetIOF5: New thorn
Diffstat (limited to 'CarpetDev/CarpetIOF5/src/input.cc')
1 files changed, 563 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CarpetDev/CarpetIOF5/src/input.cc b/CarpetDev/CarpetIOF5/src/input.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ecf7dda5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetDev/CarpetIOF5/src/input.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
+#include <cctk.h>
+#include <cctk_Arguments.h>
+#include <cctk_Parameters.h>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <hdf5.h>
+#include <F5/F5F.h>
+#include <F5/F5R.h>
+#include <F5/F5iterate.h>
+#include <F5/F5uniform.h>
+#include <bbox.hh>
+#include <vect.hh>
+#include <carpet.hh>
+#include "iof5.hh"
+namespace CarpetIOF5 {
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace Carpet;
+ // Use a class for reading data, so that we have an easy way to pass
+ // variables between the various iterators
+ class input_iterator_t {
+ cGH *cctkGH;
+ double time;
+ char const *gridname;
+ char const *topologyname;
+ int index_depth; // 0=vertex, 1=cell
+ int topological_dimension;
+ char const *fieldname;
+ char const *fragmentname;
+ // string chartname;
+ public:
+ input_iterator_t (cGH *const cctkGH_)
+ : cctkGH(cctkGH_),
+ time(nan),
+ gridname(NULL),
+ topologyname(NULL), index_depth(-1), topological_dimension(-1),
+ fieldname(NULL),
+ fragmentname(NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ private:
+ void read_timeslice (F5Path *const path)
+ {
+ indent_t indent;
+ cout << indent << "time=" << time << "\n";
+#if 0
+ // TODO: Loop over all charts that exist for the grid, or at
+ // least remember how many maps there are. (This is also
+ // written as part of the grid structure.)
+ // F5iterate_grid_atlas?
+ for (int m=0; m<maps; ++m) {
+ indent_t indent;
+ chartname = generate_chartname(cctkGH, m);
+ cout << indent << "chart=\"" << chartname << "\"\n";
+ F5iterate_grids
+ (path, NULL, grid_iterator, this, NULL, chartname.c_str());
+ }
+ F5iterate_grids (path, NULL, grid_iterator, this, NULL, NULL);
+ // Synchronise
+#if 0
+ int groups[] = {
+ };
+ int const ngroups = sizeof groups / sizeof *groups;
+ for (int i=0; i<ngroups; ++i) {
+ assert (groups[i]>=0);
+ }
+ iret = CCTK_SyncGroupsI (cctkGH, ngroups, groups);
+ assert (iret >= 0);
+#warning "TODO: don't modify boundaries"
+ CCTK_LOOP3_BOUNDARIES(boundaries, cctkGH,
+ i,j,k, 1,1,1,
+ cctk_lsh[0]-1,cctk_lsh[1]-1,cctk_lsh[2]-1)
+ {
+ int const ind3d = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH, i,j,k);
+ x[ind3d] = 0.0;
+ y[ind3d] = 0.0;
+ z[ind3d] = 0.0;
+ r[ind3d] = 0.0;
+ }
+ void read_grid (F5Path *const path)
+ {
+ indent_t indent;
+ cout << indent << "grid=\"" << gridname << "\"\n";
+ // F5iterate_vertex_fields (path, NULL, field_iterator, this, NULL, NULL);
+ F5iterate_topologies (path, NULL, topology_iterator, this);
+ }
+ void read_topology (F5Path *const path)
+ {
+ indent_t indent;
+ herr_t herr;
+ cout << indent << "topology=\"" << topologyname << "\""
+ << " (" << (index_depth==0 ? "vertex" : "cell") << ")\n";
+ // Ignore topologies that are only an alias for another topology
+ H5G_stat_t stat;
+ herr = H5Gget_objinfo (path->Grid_hid, topologyname, false, &stat);
+ assert (not herr);
+ if (stat.type == H5G_LINK) {
+ char linkval[100000];
+ herr = H5Gget_linkval
+ (path->Grid_hid, topologyname, sizeof linkval, linkval);
+ assert (not herr);
+ indent_t indent;
+ cout << indent << "alias for topology \"" << linkval << "\"\n"
+ << indent << "ignoring this topology\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ // F5iterate_topology_fields
+ // (path, NULL, field_iterator, this, chartname.c_str(), NULL);
+ F5iterate_topology_fields (path, NULL, field_iterator, this, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ void read_field (F5Path *const path)
+ {
+ indent_t indent;
+ cout << indent << "field=\"" << fieldname << "\"\n";
+ if (strcmp(fieldname, "GRID::COORDINATES")!=0 and
+ strcmp(fieldname, "GRID::r")!=0)
+ {
+ indent_t indent;
+ cout << indent << "ignoring this field\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ F5iterate_field_fragments (path, NULL, fragment_iterator, this);
+ }
+ void read_fragment (F5Path *const path)
+ {
+ indent_t indent;
+ int iret;
+ void *pret;
+ cout << indent << "fragment=\"" << fragmentname << "\"\n";
+ // Determine refinement level from the topology
+ // (Could also use topology name instead)
+ hsize_t hreffact[FIBER_MAX_RANK];
+ iret = F5LAget_dimensions(path->Topology_hid,
+ assert (iret == dim);
+ hsize_t hreffact2[FIBER_MAX_RANK];
+ pret = F5Tpermute_dimensions(path, dim, hreffact2, hreffact);
+ assert (pret);
+ ivect const reffact = h2v(hreffact2);
+ int rl;
+ for (rl=0; rl<reflevels; ++rl) {
+ if (all(reffact == Carpet::spacereffacts.AT(rl))) break;
+ }
+ assert (rl<reflevels);
+ // Determine map from fragment name
+ // TODO: store map number as attribute?
+ int const m = interpret_fragmentname (cctkGH, fragmentname);
+ {
+ indent_t indent;
+ cout << indent << "reading refinement level " << rl << "\n";
+ cout << indent << "reading map " << m << "\n";
+ }
+ ENTER_LEVEL_MODE(cctkGH, rl) {
+ if (strcmp(fieldname, "GRID::r") == 0) {
+ read_variable (path, fragmentname, CCTK_VarIndex("grid::r"));
+ } else if (strcmp(fieldname, "GRID::COORDINATES") == 0) {
+ read_variable (path, "Dx", CCTK_VarIndex("grid::x"));
+ read_variable (path, "Dy", CCTK_VarIndex("grid::y"));
+ read_variable (path, "Dz", CCTK_VarIndex("grid::z"));
+ } else {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ }
+ void read_variable (F5Path *const path, char const *const name,
+ int const var)
+ {
+ indent_t indent;
+ herr_t herr;
+ int ierr;
+ int iret;
+ void *pret;
+ assert (path);
+ assert (name);
+ assert (var >= 0);
+ cout << indent << "dataset=\"" << name << "\"\n";
+ assert (var >= 0);
+ {
+ char *const fullname = CCTK_FullName(var);
+ cout << indent << "variable=" << fullname << "\n";
+ free (fullname);
+ }
+ // Determine fragment properties
+ H5O_info_t info;
+ herr =
+ H5Oget_info_by_name (path->Field_hid, fragmentname, &info, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ assert (not herr);
+ bool const fragment_is_group = info.type == H5O_TYPE_GROUP;
+ hid_t field;
+ if (fragment_is_group) {
+ field = H5Gopen (path->Field_hid, fragmentname, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ assert (field >= 0);
+ } else {
+ field = path->Field_hid;
+ }
+ hid_t const fragment = H5Dopen(field, name, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ assert (fragment);
+ // Check index depth
+ int index_depth_;
+ iret = F5Tget_index_depth(path, &index_depth_);
+ assert (iret);
+ assert (index_depth_ == index_depth);
+ // Read the fragment offset. This is stored with the dataset
+ // group.
+ hsize_t hoff[FIBER_MAX_RANK];
+ iret = F5LAget_dimensions(fragment_is_group ? field : fragment,
+ assert (iret == dim);
+ hsize_t hoff2[FIBER_MAX_RANK];
+ pret = F5Tpermute_dimensions(path, dim, hoff2, hoff);
+ assert (pret);
+ ivect const foff = h2v(hoff2);
+ assert (all(foff>=0));
+#if 0
+ // Read the fragment size. This is stored with the field -- why
+ // is this different from the offset?
+ hsize_t hlen[FIBER_MAX_RANK];
+ iret =
+ F5LAget_dimensions(path->Field_hid,
+ assert (iret == dim);
+ hsize_t hlen2[FIBER_MAX_RANK];
+ pret = F5Tpermute_dimensions(path, dim, hlen2, hlen);
+ assert (pret);
+ ivect const flen = h2v(hlen2);
+ assert (all(flen>=0));
+ hid_t const space = H5Dget_space(fragment);
+ assert (space>=0);
+ iret = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(space);
+ assert (iret == dim);
+ hsize_t hlen[dim];
+ iret = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(space, hlen, NULL);
+ hsize_t hlen2[dim];
+ pret = F5Tpermute_dimensions(path, dim, hlen2, hlen);
+ assert (pret);
+ ivect const flen = h2v(hlen2);
+ assert (all(flen>=0));
+ herr = H5Sclose (space);
+ assert (not herr);
+ ibbox const fbox (foff, foff+flen-1, 1);
+ {
+ indent_t indent;
+ cout << indent << "dataset bbox is " << foff << ":" << foff+flen << "\n";
+ }
+ // Examine Cactus variable
+ int const group = CCTK_GroupIndexFromVarI(var);
+ cGroup groupdata;
+ ierr = CCTK_GroupData(group, &groupdata);
+ assert (not ierr);
+ // TODO
+ assert (groupdata.grouptype == CCTK_GF);
+ assert (groupdata.vartype == CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL);
+ assert (groupdata.disttype == CCTK_DISTRIB_DEFAULT);
+ assert (groupdata.stagtype == 0);
+ assert (groupdata.dim == dim);
+ // TODO: This is too expensive; only traverse Carpet's data
+ // structures instead. (This should be implemented via a
+ // gh::locate_positions, which will turn require support from
+ // the internal tree data structure.)
+ ivect lbnd, lsh, lghosts, ughosts;
+ ivect imin, imax, ioff, ilen;
+ for (int d=0; d<dim; ++d) {
+ lbnd[d] = cctk_lbnd[d];
+ lsh[d] = cctk_lsh[d];
+ // F5 counts the total overlap, which is the sum of the
+ // ghost zones on this and the adjacent component
+ lghosts[d] = cctk_bbox[2*d ] ? 0 : 2*cctk_nghostzones[d];
+ ughosts[d] = cctk_bbox[2*d+1] ? 0 : 2*cctk_nghostzones[d];
+ imin[d] = 0;
+ imax[d] = lsh[d];
+ // Do not read in ghost zones
+ imin[d] += lghosts[d] / 2;
+ imax[d] -= ughosts[d] / 2;
+ ioff[d] = lbnd[d] + imin[d];
+ ilen[d] = imax[d] - imin[d];
+ }
+ ibbox const lbox (lbnd, lbnd+lsh-1, 1);
+ ibbox const ibox (ioff, ioff+ilen-1, 1);
+ ibbox const ovlp = ibox & fbox;
+ if (ovlp.empty()) {
+ indent_t indent;
+ cout << indent << "dataset does not intersect component " << component << "; skipping component\n";
+ continue;
+ }
+ indent_t indent;
+ cout << indent << "dataset intersects component " << component << "\n"
+ << indent << "reading bbox " << ovlp.lower() << ":" << ovlp.upper() << " of " << ibox.lower() << ":" << ibox.upper() << "\n";
+ int const proc = vhh.AT(Carpet::map)->processor(reflevel, component);
+#warning "TODO: send dataset to destination process"
+ assert (proc == dist::rank());
+ int const timelevel = 0;
+ void *const data = CCTK_VarDataPtrI(cctkGH, timelevel, var);
+ assert (data);
+ hvect const hzero(0);
+ hvect mlsh;
+ pret = F5Tpermute_dimensions
+ (path, dim, &mlsh[0], &v2h(lbox.shape())[0]);
+ assert (pret);
+ hid_t const memspace = H5Screate_simple(dim, &mlsh[0], NULL);
+ assert (memspace >= 0);
+ hvect mmin;
+ pret = F5Tpermute_dimensions
+ (path, dim, &mmin[0], &v2h(ovlp.lower()-lbox.lower())[0]);
+ assert (pret);
+ hvect mlen;
+ pret = F5Tpermute_dimensions
+ (path, dim, &mlen[0], &v2h(ovlp.shape())[0]);
+ assert (pret);
+ assert (all(mmin >= hzero));
+ assert (all(mmin+mlen <= mlsh));
+ herr = H5Sselect_hyperslab
+ (memspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, &mmin[0], NULL, &mlen[0], NULL);
+ assert (not herr);
+ // cout << "mlsh=" << mlsh << " mmin=" << mmin << " mlen=" << mlen << "\n";
+ hvect flsh;
+ pret = F5Tpermute_dimensions
+ (path, dim, &flsh[0], &v2h(fbox.shape())[0]);
+ assert (pret);
+ hid_t const filespace = H5Screate_simple(dim, &flsh[0], NULL);
+ assert (filespace >= 0);
+ hvect fmin;
+ pret = F5Tpermute_dimensions
+ (path, dim, &fmin[0], &v2h(ovlp.lower()-fbox.lower())[0]);
+ assert (pret);
+ hvect const flen = mlen;
+ assert (all(fmin >= hzero));
+ assert (all(fmin+flen <= flsh));
+ herr = H5Sselect_hyperslab
+ (filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, &fmin[0], NULL, &flen[0], NULL);
+ // cout << "flsh=" << flsh << " fmin=" << fmin << " flen=" << flen << "\n";
+ herr = H5Dread (fragment, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, memspace, filespace,
+ H5P_DEFAULT, data);
+ assert (not herr);
+ herr = H5Sclose(memspace);
+ assert (not herr);
+ herr = H5Sclose(filespace);
+ assert (not herr);
+ herr = H5Dclose(fragment);
+ assert (not herr);
+ if (fragment_is_group) {
+ herr = H5Gclose(field);
+ assert (not herr);
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ void iterate (hid_t const object)
+ {
+ F5iterate_timeslices (object, NULL, timeslice_iterator, this);
+ }
+ static
+ herr_t timeslice_iterator (F5Path *const path, double const time,
+ void *const userdata)
+ {
+ input_iterator_t* const iterator = (input_iterator_t*)userdata;
+ iterator->time = time;
+ iterator->read_timeslice (path);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static
+ herr_t grid_iterator (F5Path *const path, char const *const gridname,
+ void *const userdata)
+ {
+ input_iterator_t* const iterator = (input_iterator_t*)userdata;
+ iterator->gridname = gridname;
+ iterator->read_grid (path);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static
+ herr_t topology_iterator (F5Path *const path,
+ char const *const topologyname,
+ int const index_depth,
+ int const topological_dimension,
+ void *const userdata)
+ {
+ input_iterator_t* const iterator = (input_iterator_t*)userdata;
+ iterator->topologyname = topologyname;
+ iterator->index_depth = index_depth;
+ iterator->topological_dimension = topological_dimension;
+ iterator->read_topology (path);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static
+ herr_t field_iterator (F5Path *const path, char const *const fieldname,
+ void *const userdata)
+ {
+ input_iterator_t* const iterator = (input_iterator_t*)userdata;
+ iterator->fieldname = fieldname;
+ iterator->read_field (path);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static
+ herr_t fragment_iterator (F5Path *const path,
+ char const *const fragmentname,
+ void *const userdata)
+ {
+ input_iterator_t* const iterator = (input_iterator_t*)userdata;
+ iterator->fragmentname = fragmentname;
+ iterator->read_fragment (path);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }; // class input_iterator_t
+ extern "C"
+ void F5_Input (CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+ {
+ herr_t herr;
+ assert (is_global_mode());
+ CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "F5_Input: iteration=%d", cctk_iteration);
+ // Open file
+ string const basename =
+ generate_basename (cctkGH, CCTK_VarIndex("grid::r"));
+ int const myproc = CCTK_MyProc(cctkGH);
+ int const nprocs = CCTK_nProcs(cctkGH);
+ for (int proc=myproc; ; proc+=nprocs) {
+ string const name =
+ create_filename (cctkGH, basename, proc, false);
+ bool file_exists;
+ file_exists = H5Fis_hdf5(name.c_str()) > 0;
+ } H5E_END_TRY;
+ if (not file_exists) break;
+ indent_t indent;
+ cout << indent << "process=" << proc << "\n";
+ hid_t const file = H5Fopen (name.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ assert (file >= 0);
+ // Iterate over all time slices
+ input_iterator_t iterator(cctkGH);
+ iterator.iterate (file);
+ // Close file
+ herr = H5Fclose (file);
+ assert (not herr);
+ }
+ }
+} // end namespace CarpetIOF5