path: root/Carpet
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authorErik Schnetter <schnetter@cct.lsu.edu>2007-10-05 16:32:00 +0000
committerErik Schnetter <schnetter@cct.lsu.edu>2007-10-05 16:32:00 +0000
commitd584d3bbf3c05394b8ba5fe53f3bd07f7a887d78 (patch)
tree35cbc4b392cdcf43bad360c912e9022cc33c317d /Carpet
parent59f8c2fe76e59f3067f155398609238d508dd83c (diff)
CarpetWeb: Update news section
Diffstat (limited to 'Carpet')
2 files changed, 212 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetWeb/index.html b/Carpet/CarpetWeb/index.html
index cbd00547c..dd86c6e2b 100644
--- a/Carpet/CarpetWeb/index.html
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetWeb/index.html
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
<a href="http://www.kisti.re.kr/english/">KISTI</a><br />
<a href="http://www.cct.lsu.edu/">LSU</a><br />
<a href="http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/hydro/index.shtml">MPA&nbsp;Garching</a><br />
-<a href="http://www.fis.unipr.it/">Parma</a><br />
+<a href="http://www.fis.unipr.it/numrel/">Parma</a><br />
<a href="http://www.gravity.psu.edu/numrel/">Penn&nbsp;State</a><br />
<a href="http://astrophysics.rit.edu/">RIT</a><br />
<a href="http://www.sissa.it/ap/RelAstro/">SISSA</a><br />
@@ -102,63 +102,161 @@
the <a href="http://www.cct.lsu.edu/">CCT</a> (Center for
Computation &amp; Technology) at LSU. These pages describe Carpet
and its current development.</p>
<hr />
- <p><b>September 26, 2006:</b> We are preparing a new release of
- Carpet. This will be Carpet version 3. Among other things, this
- version makes it easier to use dynamic grid structures, shows
- better scaling behaviour than version 2, and has better support
- for multiple patches. A detailed list of changes
- is <a href="version-3.html">here</a>. The
- the <a href="get-carpet-darcs.html">downloading instructions</a>
- for Carpet explain how to access this version.</p>
- <p><b>February 26, 2006:</b> We have started to collect
- a <a href="publications.html">list of publications and theses</a>
- that use Carpet. Please tell us if you have written a publication
- or a thesis using Carpet.</p>
- <p><b>February 25,
- 2006:</b> <a href="http://www.aei.mpg.de/~cott/">Christian Ott</a>
- has contributed code to Carpet, making the refined regions track
- apparent horizon centroids, merging and un-merging refined regions
- as necessary. (<a href="movies/bh2.gif">Movie</a>, animated gif,
- 730&nbsp;kB.) After Burkhard Zink's mechanism
- which <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0501080">tracks the
- density maximum in a star</a>, this is the second implementation
- of a production level adaptive mesh refinement criterion in
- Carpet.</p>
- <p><b>February 25, 2006:</b> The
- official <a href="http://www.cactuscode.org/Benchmarks/">Cactus
- benchmarks</a> now include benchmarks with Carpet. You can assess
- Carpet's scaling and compare its performance on different machines
- by generating graphs from the benchmark result database on these
- pages.</p>
- <p><b>July 15, 2005:</b> We have now a page that links to <a
- href="status-reports.html">all past montly status reports</a>.</p>
- <p><b>June 6, 2005:</b> We have updated the <a
- href="get-carpet-darcs.html">downloading instructions for
- Carpet</a>.</p>
- <p><b>June 6, 2005:</b> Version 1.0.3 of the pre-compiled darcs
- binary is <a href="get-carpet-darcs.html">now available</a>.</p>
- <p><b>April 13, 2005:</b> Thomas Radke has implemented a new
- communication scheme in Carpet. Instead of sending many small
- messages in an interleaved manner, Carpet now collects all
- messages into an internal buffer and sends only one big message
- with MPI. This circumvents certain problems with internal
- limitations of MPICH, and it also improves the performance
- greatly.</p>
- <p><b>March 9, 2005:</b> We have started to move towards a new
- stable version of Carpet.</p>
+ <p><b>October 4, 2007:</b> Announcement: <i>The BBH factory</i><br />
+ <b>Physicist version:</b> The BBH factory is a glorified set of shell
+ scripts which help maintaining source code on different machines
+ and building Cactus executables there. They also simplify the
+ task of managing many simulations on many machines and try to
+ prevent stupid errors.<br />
+ <b>Computer scientist version:</b> The BBH factory is a set of
+ abstractions over the various low-level interface that current
+ supercomputers offer for maintaining source code and performing
+ simulations. As middleware, they encompass policies and best
+ practices that prevent common human errors. They would also be
+ well suited for implementing graphical user interfaces.</p>
+ <p><b>October 3, 2007:</b> Carpet's timing infrastructure has been
+ extended to automatically measure both time spent computing and
+ time spent in I/O. The performance of large simulations depends
+ not only on the computational efficiency and communication
+ latency, but also on the throughput to file servers. These new
+ statistics give a real-time overview and can point out
+ performance problems. The statistics are collected in the
+ existing <tt>Carpet::timing</tt> variables.</p>
+ <p><b>August 30, 2007:</b> So far this year, ten of the
+ publications from three research groups examining the dynamics
+ of binary black hole systems are based on simulations performed
+ with Cactus and Carpet:<br />
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <a href="http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/ApJ/journal/issues/ApJ/v661n1/71342/71342.html">Astrophys. J. <b>661</b>, 430-436 (2007)</a>
+ (<a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0701143">arXiv:gr-qc/0701143</a>)<br />
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <a href="http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v99/e041102">Phys. Rev. Lett. <b>99</b>, 041102 (2007)</a>
+ (<a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0701163">arXiv:gr-qc/0701163</a>)<br />
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <a href="http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/ApJ/journal/issues/ApJL/v659n1/21515/brief/21515.abstract.html">Astrophys. J. <b>659</b>, L5-L8 (2007)</a>
+ (<a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0701164">arXiv:gr-qc/0701164</a>)<br />
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <a href="http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v98/e231102">Phys. Rev. Lett. <b>98</b>, 231102 (2007)</a>
+ (<a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0702133">arXiv:gr-qc/0702133</a>)<br />
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <a href="http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0264-9381/24/15/009/">Class. Quantum Grav. <b>24</b>, 3911-3918 (2007)</a>
+ (<a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0701038">arXiv:gr-qc/0701038</a>)<br />
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/0705.3829">arXiv:0705.3829 [gr-qc]</a><br />
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/0706.2541">arXiv:0706.2541 [gr-qc]</a><br />
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/0707.2559">arXiv:0707.2559 [gr-qc]</a><br />
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/0708.3999">arXiv:0708.3999 [gr-qc]</a><br />
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/0708.4048">arXiv:0708.4048 [gr-qc]</a><br />
+ These publications mainly examine the spin dynamics and the
+ gravitational wave recoil in BBH systems. Since not all
+ research groups use Cactus and Carpet, this represents only part
+ of the published work on this subject.</p>
+ <table><tr><td valign="top">
+ <p><b>August 26, 2007:</b> In experiments with hybrid
+ communication schemes
+ combining <a href="http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/">MPI</a>
+ and
+ <a href="http://www.openmp.org/">OpenMP</a>, we found a 20%
+ speed improvement when using a single node
+ of <a
+ href="http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/UserInfo/Resources/Hardware/Intel64Cluster/">Abe</a>
+ at <a href="http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu">NCSA</a>, and a
+ substantial scaling improvement when using 1024 and more CPUs.
+ (Abe has 8 CPUs per node.) These experiments included cache
+ optimisations when traversing the 3D arrays. The tests were
+ performed with a modified version of
+ the <a
+ href="http://www.cactuscode.org/">Cactus</a> <a
+ href="http://www.cactuscode.org/WaveToyDemo/">WaveToy</a>
+ example application without using I/O or analysis methods.</p>
+ </td><td valign="top">
+ <p><a
+ href="hybrid-scaling/results-wavetoy-abe.png"><img
+ src="hybrid-scaling/results-wavetoy-abe.png" width="200"
+ alt="Scaling graph for Abe"/></a></p>
+ </td></tr></table>
+ <p><b>August 15, 2007:</b> We are happy to hear that our
+ proposal <i>ALPACA: Cactus tools for Application Level Profiling
+ And Correctness Analysis</i> will be funded by
+ <a
+ href="http://www.nsf.gov/">NSF's</a> <a
+ href="http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=nsf07503">SDCI</a>
+ programme for three years.
+ The <a
+ href="http://www.cactuscode.org/Development/alpaca">ALPACA</a>
+ project is aiming at developing complex, collaborative
+ scientific applications, appropriate for highly scalable
+ hardware architectures, providing fault tolerance, advanced
+ debugging, and transparency against new developments in
+ communication, programming, and execution models. Such tools
+ are especially rare at the application level, where they are
+ most critically needed.</p>
+ <p><b>July 31, 2007:</b> We are happy to hear that our
+ proposal <i>XiRel: Cyberinfrastructure for Numerical
+ Relativity</i> will be funded by
+ <a
+ href="http://www.nsf.gov/">NSF's</a> <a
+ href="http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=6681">PIF</a>
+ programme for three
+ years. <a
+ href="http://www.cactuscode.org/Development/xirel">XiRel</a> is
+ collaborative proposal
+ by <a
+ href="http://www.cct.lsu.edu/">LSU</a>, <a
+ href="http://gravity.psu.edu/numrel/">PSU</a>,
+ and <a href="http://www.phys.utb.edu/numrel/">UTB</a>
+ (now <a href="http://ccrg.rit.edu/">RIT</a>). The central goal
+ of XiRel is the development of a highly scalable, efficient, and
+ accurate adaptive mesh refinement layer based on the current
+ Carpet driver, which will be fully integrated and supported in
+ Cactus and optimised for numerical relativity.</p>
+ <p><b>February 26, 2007:</b> The thorn <tt>LSUPETSc</tt>
+ implements a generic elliptic solver for Carpet's multi-patch
+ infrastructure, based
+ on <a
+ href="http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/petsc-as/">PETSc</a>.
+ It assumes touching (not overlapping) patches, and uses
+ inter-patch interface conditions very similar to those developed
+ by <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0510016">Harald
+ Pfeiffer</a>. <tt>LSUPETSc</tt> can solve "arbitrary" systems
+ of coupled, non-linear elliptic equations. It does not support
+ mesh refinement.</p>
+ <p><b>January 12, 2007:</b> In order to be able to restructure
+ some of Carpet's internals without disturbing ongoing production
+ simulations, we have created an <i>experimental version</i>.
+ The main goals of this experimental version are to improve its
+ performance on many (&gt;100) processors and to re-arrange some
+ internal details to simplify future development. Few new
+ features are planned, but some of the changes may be
+ incompatible.</p>
+ <p><b>December 15, 2006:</b>
+ The <a href="http://numrel.aei.mpg.de/">AEI</a> hosted a small
+ workshop to improve the performance of the AEI/LSU CCATIE code
+ for binary black hole simulations, which uses Carpet as AMR
+ driver. We examined especially the effect of various grid
+ structures on accuracy and speed and speeded up the wave
+ extraction routine. We were able to improve the overall
+ performance of the code by a factor of six for a certain
+ benchmark problem simulating a QC-0 configuration.</p>
<p><a href="olds.html"><b>Old News...</b></a></p>
@@ -263,7 +361,7 @@
<td valign="top" width="38%">
<p>A quadrupole wave. Two rotating scalar charges create a
- quadrupolar wave, mimicing the gravitational wave trail of a
+ quadrupolar wave, mimicking the gravitational wave trail of a
binary black hole system. The small bumps and riddles are
artifacts caused by the discontinuous charge distribution. To
be improved.</p>
@@ -328,7 +426,7 @@
<td valign="top">
- <p>The fate of a proto-neutron-star barmode deformation.
+ <p>The fate of a proto-neutron-star bar-mode deformation.
Matter density at z=0 during the transition from an m=2 deformed star
to an m=1 deformed one. The light on the right is used to emphasizes
the spiral arms which are responsible for a small mass loss.
@@ -404,7 +502,7 @@
<!-- Created: Tue Aug 12 12:12:08 CEST 2003 -->
<!-- hhmts start -->
-Last modified: Mon Sep 03 2007
+Last modified: Fri Oct 5 2007
<!-- hhmts end -->
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetWeb/olds.html b/Carpet/CarpetWeb/olds.html
index 36fd7de1f..4b7789cb1 100644
--- a/Carpet/CarpetWeb/olds.html
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetWeb/olds.html
@@ -20,6 +20,63 @@
<p><a href="index.html"><b>New News...</b></a></p>
+ <p><b>September 26, 2006:</b> We are preparing a new release of
+ Carpet. This will be Carpet version 3. Among other things, this
+ version makes it easier to use dynamic grid structures, shows
+ better scaling behaviour than version 2, and has better support
+ for multiple patches. A detailed list of changes
+ is <a href="version-3.html">here</a>. The
+ the <a href="get-carpet-darcs.html">downloading instructions</a>
+ for Carpet explain how to access this version.</p>
+ <p><b>February 26, 2006:</b> We have started to collect
+ a <a href="publications.html">list of publications and theses</a>
+ that use Carpet. Please tell us if you have written a publication
+ or a thesis using Carpet.</p>
+ <p><b>February 25,
+ 2006:</b> <a href="http://www.aei.mpg.de/~cott/">Christian Ott</a>
+ has contributed code to Carpet, making the refined regions track
+ apparent horizon centroids, merging and un-merging refined regions
+ as necessary. (<a href="movies/bh2.gif">Movie</a>, animated gif,
+ 730&nbsp;kB.) After Burkhard Zink's mechanism
+ which <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0501080">tracks the
+ density maximum in a star</a>, this is the second implementation
+ of a production level adaptive mesh refinement criterion in
+ Carpet.</p>
+ <p><b>February 25, 2006:</b> The
+ official <a href="http://www.cactuscode.org/Benchmarks/">Cactus
+ benchmarks</a> now include benchmarks with Carpet. You can assess
+ Carpet's scaling and compare its performance on different machines
+ by generating graphs from the benchmark result database on these
+ pages.</p>
+ <hr />
+ <p><b>July 15, 2005:</b> We have now a page that links to <a
+ href="status-reports.html">all past montly status reports</a>.</p>
+ <p><b>June 6, 2005:</b> We have updated the <a
+ href="get-carpet-darcs.html">downloading instructions for
+ Carpet</a>.</p>
+ <p><b>June 6, 2005:</b> Version 1.0.3 of the pre-compiled darcs
+ binary is <a href="get-carpet-darcs.html">now available</a>.</p>
+ <p><b>April 13, 2005:</b> Thomas Radke has implemented a new
+ communication scheme in Carpet. Instead of sending many small
+ messages in an interleaved manner, Carpet now collects all
+ messages into an internal buffer and sends only one big message
+ with MPI. This circumvents certain problems with internal
+ limitations of MPICH, and it also improves the performance
+ greatly.</p>
+ <p><b>March 9, 2005:</b> We have started to move towards a new
+ stable version of Carpet.</p>
+ <hr />
<p><b>December 7, 2004:</b> Jonathan Thornburg is organising a <a
href="design-walkthrough.html">Carpet Design Walkthrough</a>,
which will take place December 13 to 15 at the AEI and will be