path: root/Carpet/doc/documentation.tex
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authoreschnett <>2001-03-01 11:40:00 +0000
committereschnett <>2001-03-01 11:40:00 +0000
commit310f0ea48d18866b773136aed11200b6eda6378b (patch)
tree445d3e34ce8b89812994b6614f7bc9f4acbc7fe2 /Carpet/doc/documentation.tex
Initial revision
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+% *======================================================================*
+% Cactus Thorn template for ThornGuide documentation
+% Author: Ian Kelley
+% Date: Sun Jun 02, 2002
+% $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/doc/documentation.tex,v 1.10 2003/07/21 18:48:08 schnetter Exp $
+% Thorn documentation in the latex file doc/documentation.tex
+% will be included in ThornGuides built with the Cactus make system.
+% The scripts employed by the make system automatically include
+% pages about variables, parameters and scheduling parsed from the
+% relevent thorn CCL files.
+% This template contains guidelines which help to assure that your
+% documentation will be correctly added to ThornGuides. More
+% information is available in the Cactus UsersGuide.
+% Guidelines:
+% - Do not change anything before the line
+% except for filling in the title, author, date etc. fields.
+% - Each of these fields should only be on ONE line.
+% - Author names should be sparated with a \\ or a comma
+% - You can define your own macros are OK, but they must appear after
+% the START CACTUS THORNGUIDE line, and do not redefine standard
+% latex commands.
+% - To avoid name clashes with other thorns, 'labels', 'citations',
+% 'references', and 'image' names should conform to the following
+% convention:
+% For example, an image wave.eps in the arrangement CactusWave and
+% thorn WaveToyC should be renamed to CactusWave_WaveToyC_wave.eps
+% - Graphics should only be included using the graphix package.
+% More specifically, with the "includegraphics" command. Do
+% not specify any graphic file extensions in your .tex file. This
+% will allow us (later) to create a PDF version of the ThornGuide
+% via pdflatex. |
+% - References should be included with the latex "bibitem" command.
+% - use \begin{abstract}...\end{abstract} instead of \abstract{...}
+% - For the benefit of our Perl scripts, and for future extensions,
+% please use simple latex.
+% *======================================================================*
+% Example of including a graphic image:
+% \begin{figure}[ht]
+% \begin{center}
+% \includegraphics[width=6cm]{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyFigure}
+% \end{center}
+% \caption{Illustration of this and that}
+% \label{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyLabel}
+% \end{figure}
+% Example of using a label:
+% \label{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyLabel}
+% Example of a citation:
+% \cite{MyArrangement_MyThorn_Author99}
+% Example of including a reference
+% \bibitem{MyArrangement_MyThorn_Author99}
+% {J. Author, {\em The Title of the Book, Journal, or periodical}, 1 (1999),
+% 1--16. {\tt http://www.nowhere.com/}}
+% *======================================================================*
+% If you are using CVS use this line to give version information
+% $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/doc/documentation.tex,v 1.10 2003/07/21 18:48:08 schnetter Exp $
+% Use the Cactus ThornGuide style file
+% (Automatically used from Cactus distribution, if you have a
+% thorn without the Cactus Flesh download this from the Cactus
+% homepage at www.cactuscode.org)
+% The author of the documentation
+\author{Erik Schnetter \textless schnetter@uni-tuebingen.de\textgreater}
+% The title of the document (not necessarily the name of the Thorn)
+% the date your document was last changed, if your document is in CVS,
+% please use:
+\date{$ $Date: 2003/07/21 18:48:08 $ $}
+% Do not delete next line
+% Add all definitions used in this documentation here
+% \def\mydef etc
+% Add an abstract for this thorn's documentation
+This text describes the Carpet arrangement. Carpet is a mesh
+refinement driver for Cactus that can replace PUGH, the standard
+unigrid driver. Carpet supports multiple refinement levels and
+multiple grid patches. Carpet can run in parallel, but not yet very
+efficiently so. Carpet does not yet support multiple grid
+hierarchies, i.e.\ shadow hierarchies or automatic convergence tests.
+\subsection{Fixed Mesh Refinement, aka Box-in-Box}
+Fixed Mesh Refinement (FMR), also known as box-in-box, is a way to
+increase the local resolution in unigrid applications, while retaining
+the basic unigrid character of an application. A small number (maybe
+two or three) of grids with varying resolution overlay each other,
+where the coarsest grid has the largest extent. This allows the
+application to benefit from the higher resolution of the smaller grids
+while keeping the outer boundary far out at the same time. The main
+advantage of FMR are that it needs far less resources than globally
+increasing the resolution.
+Carpet is the name of an FMR driver, i.e.\ the back end that handles
+storage allocation for the grid functions, parallelism, I/O, and the
+various inter-grid operations. Carpet was developed in early summer
+of 2000 by Erik Schnetter \cite{Carpet__erik-schnetter}, then a
+research scholar in the Department for Astronomy and Astrophysics
+\cite{Carpet__astro-psu-edu} of Penn State University
+\cite{Carpet__psu-edu}. In spring 2001, Carpet was coupled to Cactus
+as a drop-in enhancement for the standard unigrid Cactus driver PUGH.
+From the main Cactus web pages \cite{Carpet__cactuscode-org}:
+Cactus is an open source problem solving environment designed for
+scientests and engineers. Its modular structure easily enables
+parallel computation across different architectures and collaborative
+code development between different groups. Cactus originated in the
+academic research community, where it was developed and used over many
+years by a large international collaboration of physicists and
+computational scientists.
+\subsection{Fixed Mesh Refinement}
+A standard way of solving partial differential equations are finite
+differences on a regular grid. This is also called \emph{unigrid}.
+Such an application discretises its problem space onto a single,
+rectangular grid which has everywhere the same grid spacing. This
+grid might be broken up into several parts for parallelisation
+purposes, but parallelisation should be transparent to the physics
+part of the application.
+Increasing the resolution in a unigrid application is somewhat
+expensive. For example, increasing the resolution by a factor of two
+requires a factor of eight more storage in three dimensions. Given a
+constant Courant factor, the calculation time will even go up by a
+factor of sixteen. This behaviour makes it easy to find problems that
+cannot be solved on contemporary supercomputers, no matter how big and
+fast those computers are.
+Apart from physical insight, which often has to be used to decrease
+the problem size until it fits the current hardware, there are also
+numerical and algorithmic methods to decrease the resource
+requirements of the application. Most applications need the high
+resolution only in a part of the simulation domain. Discretisation
+methods that don't require a uniform resolution, such as finite
+elements, can implement non-uniform resolutions very naturally. One
+problem with finite elements is that many physicists today are not
+familiar with finite elements, or shy away from their perceived
+complexity, or are not willing to adapt existing finite difference
+Fixed Mesh Refinement (FMR) is a poor man's way of implementing a
+non-uniform resolution into a unigrid application with minimal changes
+to its structure. Instead of only one grid, there are several grids
+or grid patches with different resolutions. The coarsest grid usually
+encloses the whole simulation domain. Successively finer grids
+overlay the coarse grid at those locations where a higher resolutions
+is needed. The coarser grids provide boundary conditions to the finer
+grid through interpolation.
+Instead of updating only one grid, the application has to update all
+grids. The usual approach is to first take a step on the coarsest
+grid, and then recursively take several smaller steps on the finer
+grids. The Courant criterion requires that the step sizes on the
+finer grids be smaller than on the coarse grid. The boundary values
+for the finer grids are found through interpolation in space and time
+from the coarser grid. In the end, the information on the finer grids
+is injected into the coarse grids.
+Strictly speaking there is no need for a coarse grid on the regions
+covered by the finer grids. But as stated above, the resources
+required for treating the overlapping region on the coarse grid are
+only minimal compared to treating the finer grids. And because a
+coarse grid with a hole often creates complications, this obvious
+optimisation is often left out.
+Carpet is a C++ library that provides infrastructure to describe
+regions of varying resolution in a convenient and efficient way.
+Carpet contains routines to manage grid hierarchies, containing the
+relationships between the components of the grid on the different
+refinement and convergence levels. Carpet has a notion of simulation
+time and grid spacing, which are necessary for interpolation, and
+contains efficient interpolators.
+Carpet can run on several processors in parallel using MPI for
+communication. Each grid can be broken down into several components,
+and every component has a home processor. Carpet also contains
+operators to move certain regions to a different processor, or to
+synchronise all components of a grid.
+Carpet is also an arrangement of thorns for Cactus, implementing a
+driver and associated I/O routines for both ASCII and binary I/O. It
+should be possible to substitute Carpet for the standard Cactus driver
+PUGH without changes to the application thorns and thus use Carpet as
+a unigrid driver. Making use of the FMR capabilities of Carpet
+usually requires some rearranging of the application, comparable in
+general to the changes necessary for a uniprocessor application to run
+on multiple processors.
+The driver section of Carpet contains the logic to manage storage for
+the grid functions, to traverse the grid hierarchy for all scheduled
+routines, and to automatically apply the necessary inter-grid
+operators for prolongation (interpolation of the fine grid boundaries)
+and restriction (injecting the fine grid information back into the
+coarse grid).
+The ASCII I/O routines use the quasi-standard gnuplot
+\cite{Carpet__gnuplot-info} format. The binary I/O routines use the
+FlexIO library \cite{Carpet__FlexIO} written by John Shalf. It allows
+efficient and platform independent I/O. The FlexIO format is based on
+HDF \cite{Carpet__HDF} and also supported by several visualisation
+Carpet is copyrighted by Erik Schnetter, and is available under the
+GPL licence from a CVS \cite{Carpet__CVS} repository.
+Cactus comes with a sample application called \emph{WaveToy}, which
+solves the scalar wave equation with various initial data and boundary
+conditions. An an example, I have extended WaveToy so that is uses
+Carpet's FMR capabilities. WaveToy serves both as a test case for
+Carpet, and as example of how to convert an application to using FMR.
+The equation solved by WaveToy is the well known scalar wave equation,
+discretised using the Leapfrog method with three time levels, yielding
+second order accuracy in space and time. A typical set of initial
+data are a plane wave, and a typical boundary condition is
+periodicity. Those allow long term simulations as well as easy and
+meaningful comparisons to the analytic solution.
+\section{Compiling Cactus With Carpet}
+Carpet has been written in C++, using templates and the STL (Standard
+Template Library). Both templates and the STL make writing and
+debugging code a lot easier. Without templates, I would have had to
+put much effort into making Carpet support all of Cactus' data types.
+Without the STL, I would have had to spend quite some time
+implementing basic containers such as lists or sets. I still had to
+implement a custom vector type, because STL's vector type is optimised
+for large vectors only, and I needed threedimensional vectors of
+The inner loops of Carpet are the inter-grid operators, that is the
+routines that copy, restrict, and prolongate between grids. Due to
+Cactus it was rather easy to write these in \textsc{Fortran 77}, which
+makes them both fast and portable.
+Carpet is an arrangement in Cactus. It can theoretically be compiled
+without any external library, if you omit the binary I/O support which
+requires the FlexIO library. FlexIO is already part of Cactus in the
+thorn CactusExternal/FlexIO. I suggest that you enable support for
+the HDF format in the FlexIO library, although this is not necessary.
+For that, you have to install the HDF5 libraries first.
+\subsection{Hurdle 1: STL}
+Some operating systems do not have a compliant STL (Standard Template
+Library) installed. If not, then you are in trouble. Carpet does
+make use of the STL, and there is no way around that.
+\subsection{Hurdle 2: Templates}
+Some compilers contain switches to instantiate some or all templates
+automatically. This usually does not work when files are put into
+libraries, which is what Cactus does. The scheme that I found working
+on all machines is to instantiate most templates by hand, and have the
+compiler instantiate the missing templates for every object file.
+This is the default for gcc. On SGIs, you have to pass the options
+\texttt{-no\_auto\_include -ptused} to the C++ compiler.
+The C++ standard specifies a limit when using templates as template
+parameters. Carpet's use of the GNU STL exceeds this limit. Gcc
+requires the option \texttt{-ftemplate-depth-30} to enable this.
+Unfortunately, PUGH and Carpet cannot yet be both compiled into a
+single application. (This will be fixed soon.) That means that you
+will have separate executables for unigrid and for mesh refinement
+Configuring Carpet is not quite trivial, because Cactus provides
+currently no way to autodetect the settings for Carpet. Hence you
+will have to set the settings manually. I propose that you start with
+on of the pre-made options files in the directory
+\texttt{Carpet/Carpet/options}. Try e.g.\ \texttt{carpet-harpo-sgi}
+for an SGI, or \texttt{carpet-lilypond} for Linux with gcc, or
+\texttt{carpet-lilypond-ic} for Linux with the Intel compilers. Once
+you have a working options file for your machine, send it to me, so
+that I can include it.
+As for the thorn list: Carpet has its own ASCII output thorn, which
+outputs more information than CactusBase/IOASCII. The thorn list that
+I use is
+CactusBase/Boundary # boundary (grid) [ ] { }
+CactusBase/CartGrid3D # grid ( ) [ ] {driver}
+#CactusBase/IOASCII # IOASCII (IO,Hyperslab) [ ] {IO}
+CactusBase/IOBasic # IOBasic (IO) [ ] {IO}
+CactusBase/IOUtil # IO ( ) [ ] { }
+CactusBase/LocalInterp # LocalInterp ( ) [ ] { }
+CactusBase/Time # time ( ) [ ] { }
+CactusConnect/HTTPD # HTTPD (Socket) [ ] {Cactus}
+CactusConnect/HTTPDExtra # http_utils (httpd,IO) [ ] { }
+CactusConnect/Socket # Socket ( ) [ ] { }
+CactusExternal/FlexIO # FlexIO ( ) [ ] { }
+CactusExternal/jpeg6b # jpeg6b ( ) [ ] { }
+CactusIO/IOJpeg # IOJpeg (IO,Hyperslab,jpeg6b) [ ] {IO}
+CactusUtils/NaNChecker # NaNChecker ( ) [ ] { }
+CactusWave/IDScalarWave # idscalarwave (wavetoy,grid) [ ] {grid}
+CactusWave/IDScalarWaveC # idscalarwave (wavetoy,grid) [ ] {grid}
+CactusWave/IDScalarWaveCXX # idscalarwave (wavetoy,grid) [ ] {grid}
+#CactusWave/IDScalarWaveElliptic # idscalarwaveelliptic (grid,wavetoy,ellbase) [ ] {idscalarwave}
+CactusWave/WaveBinarySource # binarysource (wavetoy,grid,idscalarwave) [ ] { }
+CactusWave/WaveToyC # wavetoy (Grid,Boundary) [ ] { }
+CactusWave/WaveToyCXX # wavetoy (Grid,Boundary) [ ] { }
+CactusWave/WaveToyF77 # wavetoy (Grid,Boundary) [ ] { }
+#CactusWave/WaveToyF90 # wavetoy (Grid,Boundary) [ ] { }
+#CactusWave/WaveToyFreeF90 # wavetoy (Grid,Boundary) [ ] { }
+Carpet/Carpet # driver (CarpetLib) [ ] {Cactus,IO}
+Carpet/CarpetIOASCII # IOASCII (CarpetLib,driver,Hyperslab) [ ] {IO}
+Carpet/CarpetIOFlexIO # IOFlexIO (CarpetLib,driver,Hyperslab,FlexIO) [ ] {IO}
+#Carpet/CarpetIOHDF5 # IOHDF5 (CarpetLib,driver,Hyperslab) [ ] {IO}
+#Carpet/CarpetIOSer # IOSer (CarpetLib,driver,Hyperslab) [ ] {IO}
+Carpet/CarpetLib # CarpetLib ( ) [ ] { }
+Carpet/CarpetReduce # reduce (CarpetLib,driver) [ ] { }
+Carpet/CarpetRegrid # CarpetRegrid (CarpetLib,driver) [ ] { }
+Carpet/CarpetSlab # Hyperslab (CarpetLib,driver) [ ] { }
+The thorns prefixed with \texttt{\#} are disabled. IOASCII conflicts
+with CarpetIOASCII. I disabled IDScalarWaveElliptic because there is
+no elliptic solver for mesh refinement, and I disabled WaveToyF90 and
+WaveToyFreeF90 because gcc does not yet contain a Fortran 90 compiler.
+CarpetIOHDF5 is not yet finished, and CarpetIOSer needs the Ser
+library which is not publically available.
+The CactusConnect, CactusIO, and CactusUtils thorns are not necessary,
+but are nice to have around. You can safely omit these.
+\section{Running The Example Applications}
+Although Carpet works fine with the standard WaveToy thorns, all the
+example parameter files in the CactusWave arrangement use PUGH, and
+can therefore not be directly used.
+The coordinate thorn CactusBase/CartGrid3D does not provide periodic
+boundary conditions. These are normally provided by the driver PUGH.
+However, Carpet does not contain any boundary conditions. If you want
+to apply periodic boundaries, you will therefore have to use the
+AlphaThorns/Cart3d coordinate thorn instead, which does provide
+periodicity. Unfortunately, AlphaThorns/Cart3d is incompatible with
+CactusBase/CartGrid3D. There is a version of WaveToy in the Carpet
+arrangement that has been adapted to AlphaThorns/Cart3d. I suggest
+that you use this version of WaveToy instead of CactusWave to run test
+problems, because periodicity makes for nice testing setups.
+You can find quite a few example parameter files in the directory
+\texttt{Carpet/WaveToyF77/par}. I especially recommend the
+\texttt{wavetoyf77\_periodic\_*} set, which comes in two sizes
+(\texttt{coarse} and \texttt{fine}, corresponding to a small and a
+large simulation domain) and three different refinement hierarchies
+(with one, two, and three level altogether, respectively). This set
+thus forms a convergence test, which you can run and test yourself.
+The set \texttt{wavetoyf77\_rad\_full\_*} uses radiative instead of
+periodic boundaries and should also be nice to look at. The file
+\texttt{wavetoyf77\_rad\_automatic.par} is an attempt at adaptive mesh
+refinement, which may or may not work, depending on the current status
+of Carpet.
+Second order convergence requires second order interpolation in time,
+which requires that at least three time levels are present.
+\section{Fold Your Own FMR Application}
+There are three steps to take from a simple unigrid uniprocessor toy
+application to a full-blown FMR multiprocessor production application.
+Those steps are almost independent, and I would like to explain them
+and their implications in some detail below.
+\subsection{Multiple Processors}
+The probably best known of these is the step from using one to using
+several processors, also known as parallelisation. Because many
+people are already familiar with this step, I will describe it first.
+In a uniprocessor application, it is possible to access every grid
+point in arbitrary manners. In order to allow multiple processors to
+run efficiently in parallel, the grid is broken down into several
+rectangular components, and each processor is assigned one of these
+The components will usually overlap by a few grid points, so as to
+allow the processors to e.g.\ calculate spatial derivatives (which
+require neighbouring grid points) without having to communicate for
+every grid point. From time to time it is then necessary to
+synchronise the overlapping region, which is the only time at which
+communication happens. This allows the application to run almost
+unchanged, i.e.\ without invoking communication itself. The
+synchronisation routine is provided by the driver and not by the
+Of course a serial applicate usually will have to be changed to
+support multiple processors. In order to do so, all the operations
+that the application performs have to be classified into one of two
+One category contains the so-called \emph{local} operations. These
+are operations that are applied to each and every grid point
+individually, and that do not depend on any other grid point except
+nearby neighbours. Each local operation will thus involve a loop over
+all grid points, and in order to run on multiple processors, after
+each such loop the synchronisation routine has to be called. An
+example of a local operation would be calculating a spatial
+The other category contains so-called \emph{global} operations. These
+operations do not depend on individual grid points, and thus do not
+involve loops over grid points. The result of a global operation is
+the same on all processors; therefore global operations don't involve
+communication and don't require synchronisation. An example of a
+global operation would be to check how many time steps have been
+taken, and decide whether the simulation should be terminated.
+Typically most operations can be classified or rewritten to be either
+local or global. But often there are operations that fit neither
+category, and these parts of an application are hardest to
+parallelise. Applying the boundary conditions, to give another
+example, might seem at first to be neither local nor global. But in a
+slight (yet completely correct) stretch of the term "applied to all
+grid points", boundary conditions can be classified as local; they are
+a local operation that just does nothing to most grid points.
+To give one more example, calculating an error norm does not fit these
+categories. It is neither local nor global. It is not local because
+the results involved all grid points (and not only nearby neighbours),
+and it is not global because it does involve the grid points. All
+operations that do not fit the two category require typically special
+handling, and often require hand-coded communication in the
+application. Luckily calculating various norms is such a common case
+that there are special routines for that already present, called
+\emph{reduction operators}.
+\subsection{Multiple Resolution Levels}
+There are several reasons why an application might want to incorporate
+more than one grid, overlapping and each with a different resolution.
+The most commonly known reason is probably a convergence test, where
+the very same problem is treated in different resolutions.
+Differences in the result are then likely caused by insufficient
+resolution on the coarser (or on all) grids. For a convergence test,
+the grids are completely independent, and it does not matter whether
+the simulation runs on all grids simultaneously or sequentially. In
+order to treat the grid sequentially, the application does not have to
+be changed at all.
+The reason of interest here is of course FMR. For FMR, the order in
+which the grids are treated is fixed. As described above, there is
+first a time step on the coarse grid, and then recursively several
+smaller steps on the finer grids. This order does require certain
+changes in the application. The sequence of operations that form a
+single time step have to be identified and isolated. (Which is to say
+that there has to be a routine that calculates a time step, that is, a
+complete time step, and nothing else.) It is then the task of the FMR
+driver to call this routine for the correct grids in the correct
+Other reasons for multiple resolution levels are e.g.\ multigrid
+algorithms for elliptic equations, which I do not want to mention
+here, or shadow hierarchies to determine truncation errors, which I
+also want to skip here. Shadow hierarchies are very similar to the
+convergence levels described above.
+Apart from this order in which the operations are performed on the
+grids, there is one more complication for FMR. The boundary values of
+the finer grids have to be calculated from the coarser grids through
+interpolation. An because the time steps on the finer grids are
+smaller, there is not always a corresponding value on the coarser
+grids available. This makes it necessary to interpolate in time
+between time steps on the coarser grids. The alternative would be to
+take smaller steps on the coarser grids, and this would be very
+These interpolations in time make it necessary that the driver knows
+which grid function contains values corresponding to what time. The
+usual way to achieve this is to have several time levels per grid
+function; three time levels allow for a second order interpolation in
+time. Only grid functions with enough time levels can be
+interpolated, i.e.\ boundary conditions can be calculated only for
+Fortunately time levels are rather widespread in applications, so they
+are no new concept to introduce. Unfortunately they are often abused,
+so that values corresponding to the wrong time are stored in a time
+level, usually with the excuse of saving storage. This will in
+general not work with FMR, because the driver then cannot interpolate
+in time, leading to incorrect values on the boundaries of the finer
+\subsection{Multiple Grid Components}
+Sometimes it is convenient to have a simulation domain that is not a
+rectangle. It might instead be an L-shaped simulation domain, or a
+domain that consists of two disconnected rectangular regions. This
+issue becomes more important with FMR, because there it is often
+convenient to have several disconnected refined regions. As long as
+there are enough processors available, each processor can be assigned
+a region or a part thereof, and no new concept need be introduced.
+If, however, there are fewer processors than regions, then a new
+problem arises.
+A common case for that problem might be a simulation containing just
+two refined regions, and running on a single processor. The refined
+grid the consists of two component. The problem then is that the two
+components cannot be treated sequentially: Imagine the time evolution
+routine working on (say) the first component. It will at some time
+call the synchronisation routine. At that time there are no values
+from the second component available, because the second component has
+not been treated yet. Therefore the synchronisation routine cannot
+complete. That means in turn that the time evolution routine cannot
+complete working on the first component, leading to a deadlock. Work
+on neither component can be completed before work on the other
+The solution is to break up the time evolution routine into several
+smaller routines, each consisting of a single either local or global
+operation. (``Local'' and ``global'' have here the exact same
+meanings that were defined above for parallelisation.) A local
+operation works, by definition, on individual grid points. Hence the
+local routines have to be called once for every grid component. A
+global operation, by definition, does not depend on individual grid
+points. Hence it has to be called only once per processor, and not
+once per component. That means that the driver has to be told the
+category individual routine is in.
+Let me finish this section with an detailed example. Suppose you want
+to solve the equation
+ \frac{d}{dt} u & = & f(u) \quad ,
+integrating using the midpoint rule, i.e.\ the simplemost second-order
+time integration scheme. Given values at the previous time $u^{n-1}$,
+one first calculates a first order solution using an Euler step,
+leading to the intermediate result
+ v^n & = & u^{n-1} + dt\; f(u^{n-1}) \quad .
+The second and final step is then calculated via
+ u^n & = & u^{n-1} + dt\; f(\frac{1}{2} [u^{n-1} + v^n]) \quad .
+The corresponding pseudo code would look like
+Calculate Euler step, storing the result into $u^n$
+Apply boundary conditions to $u^n$
+Synchronise $u^n$
+Calculate average of $u^{n-1}$ and $u^n$, storing the result into
+Calculate second step, storing the result again into $u^n$
+Apply boundary conditions again to $u^n$
+Synchronise again $u^n$
+The above algorithm looks a bit different from a naive implementation
+of the midpoint rule. One difference is that both the first and the
+second step store their result into $u^n$. This is necessary because
+it would be inconvenient to apply boundary conditions to the
+intermediate value $v^n$. Remember, in order to apply boundary
+conditions on the finer grids, there have to be several time levels
+present. With the above scheme, only $u$ needs several time levels.
+$v$ is used only as a temporary (and could conceivably be completely
+Note also that the first step goes all the way from time level $n-1$
+to time level $n$. The midpoint rule can be rewritten (in fact, is
+usually written) so that the first step is only a half step, leading
+to the time level $n - \frac{1}{2}$. This is not possible for FMR,
+because interpolating to the time $n - \frac{1}{2}$ is not possible,
+and thus there could be no boundary conditions applied after the first
+The second thing to note is that the application of the boundary
+condition and the synchronisation have been separated rather
+artificially. Normally synchronisation would be considered part of
+the boundary condition. In this case, however, the applying the
+boundary condition is a local operation, whereas synchronisation
+counts as global operation. (It is not obvious that synchronisation
+should be global, but as the synchronisation routine is a part of
+Carpet, it was up to me to decide this.) As explained above, local
+and global operations have to be separated.
+Separating the evolution steps and the boundary condition routines is,
+on the other hand, just a notational convenience. There could well be
+a single routine implementing both.
+For Cactus, the order in which to call the individual parts of the
+time evolution routines is described in the schedule routines, i.e.\
+in the files called \texttt{schedule.ccl}. By default a routine is
+assumed to be local; global routines have to be tagged with
+\texttt{OPTIONS: GLOBAL}.
+The tag \texttt{SYNC: groupname} indicates that the group
+\texttt{groupname} should be synchronised after the scheduled routine
+has been called for all grid components. This obviously makes sense
+only for local routines. Using the \texttt{SYNC:} tag is preferred
+over calling the synchronisation routine \texttt{CCTK\_SyncGroup}
+The example thorn WaveToy in Carpet's arrangement is a bit simpler
+than what is described here, because it uses the Leapfrog scheme which
+consists of only a single step. I would suggest looking at WaveToy as
+an initial FMR example.
+The thorn SpaceToy is implemented very close to the way described
+here. It evolves two variables phi and psi, but it is also coupled to
+the thorn HydroToy. This coupling introduces some additional
+complications. The thorn HydroToy, on the other hand uses a
+predictor-corrector scheme, which is also a two step scheme and thus
+more complex that WaveToy. All the coupling between SpaceToy and
+HydroToy is contained in SpaceToy. I would thus suggest looking at
+HydroToy first.
+I assume that converting an application to FMR is straightforward
+after handling the time levels has been straightened out.
+\section{Further documentation}
+The individual thorns in the Carpet arrangement might contain further
+documentation, which is also available in the thorn guide.
+Additionally, there is a document \texttt{internals.tex} in the
+arrangement's doc directory, and a document
+\texttt{threelev\_initdata.tex} in thorn \texttt{Carpet}'s doc
+\section{Frequently Asked Questions}
+Here are a few of the more frequently asked questions with some
+\item \textbf{If I run without any refined grids, why don't I get the
+ same results as with PUGH?}
+ There are two possible reasons. The most common is that the you are
+ not comparing exactly the same output. It used to be the case that
+ norms would disagree (this is no longer the case). If it is the
+ ASCII output that disagress, then you should note that the default
+ output format for CarpetIOASCII gives more digits than
+ CactusBase/IOASCII. If you want to get ``identical'' results for
+ this output, try setting \texttt{IOASCII::out\_format = ".14f"}).
+ The second reason is subtle differences are bugs in the
+ implementation. Good luck finding these...
+\item \textbf{I switch on a refined grid. Why do I not see it output?
+ Why is the output strange?}
+ \begin{center}
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{Grid1.eps}
+ \caption{How the grids are indexed in Carpet. This is an
+ artificial three level example using C-style numbering (0
+ origin). Note that the numbering is with respect to the finest
+ grid.}
+ \label{fig:Grid1}
+ \end{center}
+ As soon as you switch on refinement the way the grids are numbered
+ by index changes. The numbering is done with respect to the
+ \textit{finest} grid but covers the entire domain. An example of how
+ the numbering works is given in figure~\ref{fig:Grid1}. It is
+ important to note that this also applies to the numbering in
+ time. So with the grid structure of figure~\ref{fig:Grid1} output
+ for the coarsest grid only occurs on iterations $0,4,8,\dots$, for
+ the medium grid only on iterations $0,2,4,\dots$, and for the finest
+ grid on iterations $0,1,2,\dots$. Note that here the finest grid is
+ not the finest \textit{existing} grid, but the finest
+ \textit{possible} grid. This is controlled by the
+ \texttt{Carpet::max\_refinement\_levels} parameter.
+ So, there are plenty of reasons why the output might be strange:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item You are requesting output on iterations when not all grids are
+ output. For example, requesting output every $5^{\text{}th}$
+ iteration with the above grid structure would only output the
+ coarse grid every 20 iterations.
+ \item You are requesting output along an index that does not
+ intersect with any grid points. For example, the line defined by
+ $j = 6$ in the example above corresponds to the center of the box,
+ but does not intersect the coarse grid at all!
+ \item Requesting output along a line defined by a coordinate value
+ will give you the index closest to it. This may not agree on the
+ different refinement levels. In the example above the coordinate
+ value $y=5.1$ is closest to $j=5$ on the fine grid, $j=6$ on the
+ medium grid, and $j=4$ on the coarse grid. All the different lines
+ will be output but you should not expect points that appear to
+ overlap in the output to agree as they're actually not at the same
+ point.
+ \item CarpetRegrid (which sets up the refined boxes) knows nothing
+ about symmetries. So if you have a simulation in, for example,
+ octant mode with $x,y,z\in[0,10]$ and you leave all the parameters
+ to be the defaults, the following will happen:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item CarpetRegrid creates a refined box at the center of the
+ \textit{index space}. This might cover something like
+ $x,y,z\in[3,7]$.
+ \item When the IO thorn requests the output lines and planes it
+ does know the symmetries, so tries to put the lines and planes
+ as close to the origin $x=y=z=0$ as possible.
+ \item When output occurs the lines and planes don't intersect the
+ fine grid and so you get no output.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{itemize}
+ Morals: Comparing 1D output on different refinement levels can be
+ very frustrating. 2D output is usually much more informative. Using
+ symmetry conditions with Carpet is tricky.
+\item {\bf I want to run with periodic boundaries. Why aren't things
+ working correctly?}
+ You thought symmetry boundaries were bad? Periodic boundaries are
+ even worse.
+ Firstly, Carpet does not itself implement periodic boundaries. The
+ thorn {\tt TAT/Periodic} is ``more or less'' driver independent and
+ does. This should be used to implement the actual boundary
+ conditions. You should not need to change your code - just activate
+ the thorn with the appropriate parameters.
+ Secondly, periodic boundaries do {\bf not} work the same way as
+ symmetry boundaries. This is because you cannot specify a point in
+ coordinate space where the boundary actually lies; it really lies in
+ the index space. The following example will hopefully help.
+ Take a 1D slice through the grid. There are 7 points with 2 boundary
+ (ghost) zones (0,2 and 10,12), so only 3 points are actually being
+ evolved (4, 6, 8). Periodic boundaries means that the boundary points
+ are identified with certain evolved points. For example, point 2 is
+ to the left of the first evolved point and so must be identified
+ with the \textit{last} evolved point (8). The identifications are
+ shown in figure~\ref{fig:Periodic1}.
+ \begin{figure}[htbp]
+ \begin{center}
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{Periodic1.eps}
+ \caption{Periodic grids identify boundary points and interior
+ points. The interior points are given by circles and the
+ boundary points by squares. The identifications are shown by the
+ arrows.}
+ \label{fig:Periodic1}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{figure}
+ We then want to place a refined region across the entire width of
+ the domain but also have the correct periodic boundaries. The
+ crucial point is to ensure that points that are identified on the
+ coarse grid are identified in the same way on the fine grid. For
+ example, point 2 must still be identified with point 8. Therefore
+ point 2 must remain a boundary point and point 8 an interior
+ point. Point 4 must also be identified with point 10. There are
+ therefore 2 possibilities:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Point 3 is the first interior point on the refined grid and
+ point 8 the last. Therefore the point to the ``left'' of point 3,
+ point 2, is still identified with point 8.
+ \item Point 4 is the first interior point on the refined grid and
+ point 9 the last. This possibility is illustrated in
+ figure~\ref{fig:Periodic2}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{figure}[htbp]
+ \begin{center}
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{Periodic2.eps}
+ \caption{A periodic refined grid. The boundary zones are blue
+ plus signs, the interior blue crosses. Note that the interior
+ points on the refined grid extend \textit{outside} the
+ interior on the base grid. However, equivalent points on both
+ grids coincide.}
+ \label{fig:Periodic2}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{figure}
+ So to specify the particular refined grid shown in
+ figure~\ref{fig:Periodic2} you would specify a lower bound of 2, an
+ upper bound of 11, and that both boundaries are outer boundaries. An
+ example for a $44 \times 7 \times 7$ grid where the ``centre half''
+ of the grid in the $x$ direction is refined and the refined region
+ covers the entirety of the $y$ and $z$ directions, you could use
+carpet::max_refinement_levels = 2
+carpetregrid::refinement_levels = 2
+carpetregrid::refined_regions = "manual-gridpoint-list"
+carpetregrid::gridpoints = "[ [ ([22,2,2]:[62,11,11]:[1,1,1]) ] ]"
+carpetregrid::outerbounds = "[ [ [[0,0],[1,1],[1,1]] ] ]"
+%% \bibliographystyle{amsalpha} % initials + year
+%% \bibliography{carpet}
+{Department for} Astronomy and Astrophysics,
+ \emph{{http://www.astro.psu.edu/}}.
+{Cactus web pages}, \emph{{http://www.cactuscode.org/}}.
+CVS, \emph{{http://www.cvshome.org/}}.
+gnuplot, \emph{{http://www.gnuplot.info/}}.
+HDF, \emph{{http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/}}.
+{Penn State University}, \emph{{http://www.psu.edu/}}.
+Erik Schnetter, \emph{{\textless
+ schnetter@uni-tuebingen.de\textgreater}}.
+John Shalf, \emph{{FlexIO} library:
+ {http://zeus.ncsa.uiuc.edu/\textasciitilde jshalf/FlexIO/}}.
+Theoretische Astrophysik T\"ubingen,
+ \emph{{http://www.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/}}.
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