path: root/Carpet/CarpetLib
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authoreschnett <>2001-03-01 11:40:00 +0000
committereschnett <>2001-03-01 11:40:00 +0000
commit47187487f50ae040def8edebbaa3adb5b3c76531 (patch)
tree445d3e34ce8b89812994b6614f7bc9f4acbc7fe2 /Carpet/CarpetLib
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'Carpet/CarpetLib')
61 files changed, 15060 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/COPYING b/Carpet/CarpetLib/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1942c4334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place - Suite 330
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/README b/Carpet/CarpetLib/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..050a838b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/README
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Cactus Code Thorn CarpetLib
+Authors : Erik Schnetter <schnetter@uni-tuebingen.de>
+CVS info : $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/README,v 1.3 2004/01/25 14:57:29 schnetter Exp $
+Purpose of the thorn:
+This thorn contains the backend library that provides mesh refinement.
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/configuration.ccl b/Carpet/CarpetLib/configuration.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e2583eda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/configuration.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Configuration definitions for thorn CarpetLib
+# $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/configuration.ccl,v 1.1 2004/04/18 14:09:59 schnetter Exp $
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/interface.ccl b/Carpet/CarpetLib/interface.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..593228e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/interface.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Interface definition for thorn CarpetLib
+# $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/interface.ccl,v 1.5 2004/05/04 22:09:54 schnetter Exp $
+includes header: defs.hh in defs.hh
+includes header: dist.hh in dist.hh
+includes header: bbox.hh in bbox.hh
+includes header: bboxset.hh in bboxset.hh
+includes header: vect.hh in vect.hh
+includes header: data.hh in data.hh
+includes header: gdata.hh in gdata.hh
+includes header: dh.hh in dh.hh
+includes header: gf.hh in gf.hh
+includes header: ggf.hh in ggf.hh
+includes header: gh.hh in gh.hh
+includes header: th.hh in th.hh
+includes header: operators.hh in operators.hh
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/param.ccl b/Carpet/CarpetLib/param.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b4e14a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/param.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Parameter definitions for thorn CarpetLib
+# $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/param.ccl,v 1.8 2004/05/21 18:13:41 schnetter Exp $
+BOOLEAN verbose "Print info to the screen" STEERABLE=always
+} "no"
+BOOLEAN check_array_accesses "Check all array accesses in Fortran" STEERABLE=always
+} "no"
+BOOLEAN barriers "Insert barriers at strategic places for debugging purposes (slows down execution)" STEERABLE=always
+} "no"
+BOOLEAN output_bboxes "Output bounding box information to the screen" STEERABLE=always
+} "no"
+BOOLEAN save_memory_during_regridding "Save some memory during regridding at the expense of speed"
+} "no"
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/schedule.ccl b/Carpet/CarpetLib/schedule.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef0ff81a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/schedule.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Schedule definitions for thorn CarpetLib
+# $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/schedule.ccl,v 1.2 2003/09/19 16:06:41 schnetter Exp $
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bbox.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bbox.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9269e042d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bbox.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bbox.cc,v 1.26 2004/06/26 15:08:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "vect.hh"
+#include "bbox.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// Constructors
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D>::bbox (): _lower(T(1)), _upper(T(0)), _stride(T(1)) { }
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D>::bbox (const bbox& b)
+ : _lower(b._lower), _upper(b._upper), _stride(b._stride)
+{ }
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D>& bbox<T,D>::operator= (const bbox& b) {
+ _lower=b._lower; _upper=b._upper; _stride=b._stride;
+ return *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D>::bbox (const vect<T,D>& lower, const vect<T,D>& upper,
+ const vect<T,D>& stride)
+ : _lower(lower), _upper(upper), _stride(stride)
+ assert (all(_stride>T(0)));
+ assert (all((_upper-_lower)%_stride == T(0)));
+ if (numeric_limits<T>::is_integer && numeric_limits<T>::is_signed) {
+ // prevent accidental wrap-around
+ assert (all(_lower < numeric_limits<T>::max() / 2));
+ assert (all(_lower > numeric_limits<T>::min() / 2));
+ assert (all(_upper < numeric_limits<T>::max() / 2));
+ assert (all(_upper > numeric_limits<T>::min() / 2));
+ }
+// Accessors
+template<class T, int D>
+T bbox<T,D>::size () const {
+ if (empty()) return 0;
+// return prod((shape()+stride()-1)/stride());
+ const vect<T,D> sh((shape()+stride()-1)/stride());
+ T sz = 1, max = numeric_limits<T>::max();
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) {
+ assert (sh[d] <= max);
+ sz *= sh[d];
+ max /= sh[d];
+ }
+ return sz;
+// Queries
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::contains (const vect<T,D>& x) const {
+ return all(x>=lower() && x<=upper());
+// Operators
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::operator== (const bbox& b) const {
+ if (empty() && b.empty()) return true;
+ assert (all(stride()==b.stride()));
+ return all(lower()==b.lower() && upper()==b.upper());
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::operator!= (const bbox& b) const {
+ return ! (*this == b);
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::operator< (const bbox& b) const {
+ // An arbitraty order: empty boxes come first, then sorted by lower
+ // bound, then by upper bound, then by coarseness
+ if (b.empty()) return false;
+ if (empty()) return true;
+ for (int d=D-1; d>=0; --d) {
+ if (lower()[d] < b.lower()[d]) return true;
+ if (lower()[d] > b.lower()[d]) return false;
+ }
+ for (int d=D-1; d>=0; --d) {
+ if (upper()[d] < b.upper()[d]) return true;
+ if (upper()[d] > b.upper()[d]) return false;
+ }
+ for (int d=D-1; d>=0; --d) {
+ if (stride()[d] > b.stride()[d]) return true;
+ if (stride()[d] < b.stride()[d]) return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::operator> (const bbox& b) const {
+ return b < *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::operator<= (const bbox& b) const {
+ return ! (b > *this);
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::operator>= (const bbox& b) const {
+ return b <= *this;
+// Intersection
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D> bbox<T,D>::operator& (const bbox& b) const {
+ assert (all(stride()==b.stride()));
+ vect<T,D> lo = max(lower(),b.lower());
+ vect<T,D> up = min(upper(),b.upper());
+ return bbox(lo,up,stride());
+// Containment
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::is_contained_in (const bbox& b) const {
+ if (empty()) return true;
+ // no alignment check
+ return all(lower()>=b.lower() && upper()<=b.upper());
+// Alignment check
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::is_aligned_with (const bbox& b) const {
+ return all(stride()==b.stride() && (lower()-b.lower()) % stride() == T(0));
+// Expand the bbox a little by multiples of the stride
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D> bbox<T,D>::expand (const vect<T,D>& lo, const vect<T,D>& hi) const {
+ // Allow expansion only into directions where the extent is not negative
+ assert (all(lower()<=upper() || (lo==T(0) && hi==T(0))));
+ const vect<T,D> str = stride();
+ const vect<T,D> lb = lower() - lo * str;
+ const vect<T,D> ub = upper() + hi * str;
+ return bbox(lb,ub,str);
+// Find the smallest b-compatible box around *this
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D> bbox<T,D>::expanded_for (const bbox& b) const {
+ if (empty()) return bbox(b.lower(), b.lower()-b.stride(), b.stride());
+ const vect<T,D> str = b.stride();
+ const vect<T,D> loff = ((lower() - b.lower()) % str + str) % str;
+ const vect<T,D> uoff = ((upper() - b.lower()) % str + str) % str;
+ const vect<T,D> lo = lower() - loff; // go outwards
+ const vect<T,D> up = upper() + (str - uoff) % str;
+ return bbox(lo,up,str);
+// Find the largest b-compatible box inside *this
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D> bbox<T,D>::contracted_for (const bbox& b) const {
+ if (empty()) return bbox(b.lower(), b.lower()-b.stride(), b.stride());
+ const vect<T,D> str = b.stride();
+ const vect<T,D> loff = ((lower() - b.lower()) % str + str) % str;
+ const vect<T,D> uoff = ((upper() - b.lower()) % str + str) % str;
+ const vect<T,D> lo = lower() + (str - loff) % str; // go inwards
+ const vect<T,D> up = upper() - uoff;
+ return bbox(lo,up,str);
+// Smallest bbox containing both boxes
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D> bbox<T,D>::expanded_containing (const bbox& b) const {
+ if (empty()) return b;
+ if (b.empty()) return *this;
+ assert (is_aligned_with(b));
+ const vect<T,D> lo = min(lower(), b.lower());
+ const vect<T,D> up = max(upper(), b.upper());
+ const vect<T,D> str = min(stride(), b.stride());
+ return bbox(lo,up,str);
+// Iterators
+template<class T, int D>
+bbox<T,D>::iterator::iterator (const bbox& box, const vect<T,D>& pos)
+ : box(box), pos(pos) {
+ if (box.empty()) this->pos=box.upper();
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bbox<T,D>::iterator::operator!= (const iterator& i) const {
+ return any(pos!=i.pos);
+template<class T, int D>
+typename bbox<T,D>::iterator& bbox<T,D>::iterator::operator++ () {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) {
+ pos[d]+=box.stride()[d];
+ if (pos[d]<=box.upper()[d]) break;
+ pos[d]=box.lower()[d];
+ }
+ return *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+typename bbox<T,D>::iterator bbox<T,D>::begin () const {
+ return iterator(*this, lower());
+template<class T, int D>
+typename bbox<T,D>::iterator bbox<T,D>::end () const {
+ return iterator(*this, lower());
+// Input
+template<class T,int D>
+void bbox<T,D>::input (istream& is) {
+ try {
+ skipws (is);
+ consume (is, '(');
+ is >> _lower;
+ skipws (is);
+ consume (is, ':');
+ is >> _upper;
+ skipws (is);
+ consume (is, ':');
+ is >> _stride;
+ skipws (is);
+ consume (is, ')');
+ } catch (input_error &err) {
+ cout << "Input error while reading a bbox" << endl;
+ throw err;
+ }
+ if (any(_stride<=T(0))) {
+ cout << "While reading the bbox " << *this << ":" << endl
+ << " The stride is not positive." << endl;
+ throw input_error();
+ }
+ if (any((_upper-_lower)%_stride != T(0))) {
+ cout << "While reading the bbox " << *this << ":" << endl
+ << " The stride does not evenly divide the extent." << endl;
+ throw input_error();
+ }
+ assert (all(_stride>T(0)));
+ assert (all((_upper-_lower)%_stride == T(0)));
+// Output
+template<class T,int D>
+void bbox<T,D>::output (ostream& os) const {
+ os << "(" << lower() << ":" << upper() << ":" << stride() << ")";
+// Note: We need all dimensions all the time.
+template class bbox<int,0>;
+template class bbox<int,1>;
+template class bbox<int,2>;
+template class bbox<int,3>;
+template class bbox<double,3>;
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bbox.hh b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bbox.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e23d000ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bbox.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bbox.hh,v 1.15 2004/04/18 13:03:44 schnetter Exp $
+#ifndef BBOX_HH
+#define BBOX_HH
+#include <iostream>
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "vect.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// Forward declaration
+template<class T, int D> class bbox;
+// Input/Output
+template<class T, int D>
+istream& operator>> (istream& is, bbox<T,D>& b);
+template<class T, int D>
+ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const bbox<T,D>& b);
+ * A bounding box, i.e. a rectangle with lower and upper bound and a
+ * stride.
+ */
+template<class T, int D>
+class bbox {
+ // Fields
+ /** Bounding box bounds and stride. The bounds are inclusive. */
+ vect<T,D> _lower, _upper, _stride;
+ // Constructors
+ /** Construct an empty bbox. */
+ bbox ();
+ /** Copy constructor. */
+ bbox (const bbox& b);
+ /** Assignment operator. */
+ bbox& operator= (const bbox& b);
+ /** Create a bbox from bounds and stride. */
+ bbox (const vect<T,D>& lower, const vect<T,D>& upper,
+ const vect<T,D>& stride);
+ // Accessors
+ // (Don't return references; *this might be a temporary)
+ /** Get lower bound. */
+ vect<T,D> lower () const { return _lower; }
+ /** Get upper bound. */
+ vect<T,D> upper () const { return _upper; }
+ /** Get stride. */
+ vect<T,D> stride () const { return _stride; }
+ /** Get the shape (or extent). */
+ vect<T,D> shape () const { return _upper - _lower + _stride; }
+ /** Determine whether the bbox is empty. */
+ bool empty() const {
+ return any(lower()>upper());
+ }
+ /** Return the size, which is the product of the shape. */
+ T size () const;
+ // Queries
+ /** Find out whether the bbox contains the point x. */
+ bool contains (const vect<T,D>& x) const;
+ // Operators
+ bool operator== (const bbox& b) const;
+ bool operator!= (const bbox& b) const;
+ bool operator< (const bbox& b) const;
+ bool operator> (const bbox& b) const;
+ bool operator<= (const bbox& b) const;
+ bool operator>= (const bbox& b) const;
+ /** Calculate the intersection (the set of common points) with the
+ bbox b. */
+ bbox operator& (const bbox& b) const;
+ /** Find out whether this bbox is contained in the bbox b. */
+ bool is_contained_in (const bbox& b) const;
+ /** Find out whether this bbox is aligned with the bbox b.
+ ("aligned" means that both bboxes have the same stride and that
+ their boundaries are commesurate.) */
+ bool is_aligned_with (const bbox& b) const;
+ /** Expand (enlarge) the bbox by multiples of the stride. */
+ bbox expand (const vect<T,D>& lo, const vect<T,D>& hi) const;
+ /** Find the smallest b-compatible box around this bbox.
+ ("compatible" means having the same stride.) */
+ bbox expanded_for (const bbox& b) const;
+ /** Find the largest b-compatible box inside this bbox. */
+ bbox contracted_for (const bbox& b) const;
+ /** Find the smallest bbox containing both boxes. */
+ bbox expanded_containing (const bbox<T,D>& b) const;
+ // Iterators
+ /** An iterator over all points in a bbox. */
+ class iterator {
+ protected:
+ /** The bbox over which we iterate. */
+ const bbox& box;
+ /** Current position. */
+ vect<T,D> pos;
+ public:
+ /** Constructor. */
+ iterator (const bbox& box, const vect<T,D>& pos);
+ /** Accessor. */
+ const vect<T,D>& operator* () const { return pos; }
+ /** Check whether the position is the same. */
+ bool operator!= (const iterator& i) const;
+ /** Advance. */
+ iterator& operator++ ();
+ };
+ /** Create an iterator that points to the first point in a bbox. */
+ iterator begin () const;
+ /** Create an iterator that points "after the last point" in a bbox,
+ which means that it also points to the first point. */
+ iterator end () const;
+ // Input/Output helpers
+ void input (istream& is);
+ void output (ostream& os) const;
+// Input
+/** Read a formatted bbox from a stream. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline istream& operator>> (istream& is, bbox<T,D>& b) {
+ b.input(is);
+ return is;
+// Output
+/** Write a bbox formatted to a stream. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const bbox<T,D>& b) {
+ b.output(os);
+ return os;
+#endif // BBOX_HH
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bboxset.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bboxset.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94cf1997e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bboxset.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bboxset.cc,v 1.16 2004/06/13 22:46:48 schnetter Exp $
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <set>
+#include <stack>
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "bboxset.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// Constructors
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>::bboxset () {
+ assert (invariant());
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>::bboxset (const box& b) {
+ if (!b.empty()) bs.insert(b);
+ assert (invariant());
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>::bboxset (const bboxset& s): bs(s.bs) {
+ assert (invariant());
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>::bboxset (const bset& bs): bs(bs) {
+ assert (invariant());
+// Invariant
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bboxset<T,D>::invariant () const {
+ for (const_iterator bi=begin(); bi!=end(); ++bi) {
+ if ((*bi).empty()) return false;
+ if (! (*bi).is_aligned_with(*bs.begin())) return false;
+ // check for overlap (quadratic -- expensive)
+ for (const_iterator bi2=begin(); bi2!=bi; ++bi2) {
+ if (! ((*bi2) & (*bi)).empty()) return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// Normalisation
+template<class T, int D>
+void bboxset<T,D>::normalize () {
+ assert (invariant());
+ const int num_initial_boxes = bs.size();
+ int num_combined_boxes = 0;
+ stack<box> todo, done;
+ for (typename set<box>::const_iterator elt = bs.begin(); elt != bs.end(); ++elt) {
+ done.push (*elt);
+ }
+ // TODO: This will not catch all cases where bboxes can be combined.
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) {
+ todo = done;
+ done = stack<box>();
+ while (! todo.empty()) {
+ restart:;
+ box item = todo.top();
+ todo.pop();
+ stack<box> work = done;
+ done = stack<box>();
+ while (! work.empty()) {
+ box comp = work.top();
+ work.pop();
+ {
+ assert (all(comp.stride() == item.stride()));
+ if (comp.upper()[d] + item.stride()[d] == item.lower()[d]) {
+ if (all((comp.lower() == item.lower()
+ && comp.upper() == item.upper()).replace (d, true))) {
+ box newbox = box(comp.lower(), item.upper(), item.stride());
+ todo.push (newbox);
+ while (! work.empty()) {
+ done.push (work.top());
+ work.pop();
+ }
+ ++num_combined_boxes;
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ }
+ if (item.upper()[d] + item.stride()[d] == comp.lower()[d]) {
+ if (all((comp.lower() == item.lower()
+ && comp.upper() == item.upper()).replace (d, true))) {
+ box newbox = box(item.lower(), comp.upper(), item.stride());
+ todo.push (newbox);
+ while (! work.empty()) {
+ done.push (work.top());
+ work.pop();
+ }
+ ++num_combined_boxes;
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ done.push (comp);
+ } // while work
+ done.push (item);
+ } // while todo
+ } // for d
+ bs.clear();
+ while (! done.empty()) {
+ bs.insert (done.top());
+ done.pop();
+ }
+ const int num_final_boxes = bs.size();
+ assert (num_initial_boxes - num_combined_boxes == num_final_boxes);
+ assert (invariant());
+// Accessors
+template<class T, int D>
+T bboxset<T,D>::size () const {
+ T s=0;
+ for (const_iterator bi=begin(); bi!=end(); ++bi) {
+ const T bs = (*bi).size();
+ assert (numeric_limits<T>::max() - bs >= s);
+ s += bs;
+ }
+ return s;
+// Add (bboxes that don't overlap)
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>& bboxset<T,D>::operator+= (const box& b) {
+ if (b.empty()) return *this;
+ // check for overlap
+ for (const_iterator bi=begin(); bi!=end(); ++bi) {
+ assert ((*bi & b).empty());
+ }
+ bs.insert(b);
+ assert (invariant());
+ return *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>& bboxset<T,D>::operator+= (const bboxset& s) {
+ for (const_iterator bi=s.begin(); bi!=s.end(); ++bi) {
+ *this += *bi;
+ }
+ assert (invariant());
+ return *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::operator+ (const box& b) const {
+ bboxset r(*this);
+ r += b;
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::operator+ (const bboxset& s) const {
+ bboxset r(*this);
+ r += s;
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::plus (const bbox<T,D>& b1, const bbox<T,D>& b2) {
+ return bboxset(b1) + b2;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::plus (const bbox<T,D>& b, const bboxset<T,D>& s) {
+ return s + b;
+// Union
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>& bboxset<T,D>::operator|= (const box& b) {
+ *this += b - *this;
+ assert (invariant());
+ return *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>& bboxset<T,D>::operator|= (const bboxset& s) {
+ *this += s - *this;
+ assert (invariant());
+ return *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::operator| (const box& b) const {
+ bboxset r(*this);
+ r |= b;
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::operator| (const bboxset& s) const {
+ bboxset r(*this);
+ r |= s;
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+// Intersection
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::operator& (const box& b) const {
+ // start with an empty set
+ bboxset r;
+ // walk all my elements
+ for (const_iterator bi=begin(); bi!=end(); ++bi) {
+ // insert the intersection with the bbox
+ r += *bi & b;
+ }
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::operator& (const bboxset& s) const {
+ // start with an empty set
+ bboxset r;
+ // walk all the bboxes
+ for (const_iterator bi=s.begin(); bi!=s.end(); ++bi) {
+ // insert the intersection with this bbox
+ r += *this & *bi;
+ }
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>& bboxset<T,D>::operator&= (const box& b) {
+ *this = *this & b;
+ assert (invariant());
+ return *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>& bboxset<T,D>::operator&= (const bboxset& s) {
+ *this = *this & s;
+ assert (invariant());
+ return *this;
+// Difference
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::minus (const bbox<T,D>& b1, const bbox<T,D>& b2) {
+ assert (b1.is_aligned_with(b2));
+ if (b1.empty()) return bboxset<T,D>();
+ if (b2.empty()) return bboxset<T,D>(b1);
+ const vect<T,D> str = b1.stride();
+ bboxset<T,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) {
+ // make resulting bboxes as large as possible in x-direction (for
+ // better consumption by Fortranly ordered arrays)
+ vect<T,D> lb, ub;
+ bbox<T,D> b;
+ for (int dd=0; dd<D; ++dd) {
+ if (dd<d) {
+ lb[dd] = b2.lower()[dd];
+ ub[dd] = b2.upper()[dd];
+ } else if (dd>d) {
+ lb[dd] = b1.lower()[dd];
+ ub[dd] = b1.upper()[dd];
+ }
+ }
+ lb[d] = b1.lower()[d];
+ ub[d] = b2.lower()[d] - str[d];
+ b = bbox<T,D>(lb,ub,str) & b1;
+ r += b;
+ lb[d] = b2.upper()[d] + str[d];
+ ub[d] = b1.upper()[d];
+ b = bbox<T,D>(lb,ub,str) & b1;
+ r += b;
+ }
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::operator- (const box& b) const {
+ // start with an empty set
+ bboxset r;
+ // walk all my elements
+ for (const_iterator bi=begin(); bi!=end(); ++bi) {
+ // insert the difference with the bbox
+ r += *bi - b;
+ }
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>& bboxset<T,D>::operator-= (const box& b) {
+ *this = *this - b;
+ assert (invariant());
+ return *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D>& bboxset<T,D>::operator-= (const bboxset& s) {
+ for (const_iterator bi=s.begin(); bi!=s.end(); ++bi) {
+ *this -= *bi;
+ }
+ assert (invariant());
+ return *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::operator- (const bboxset& s) const {
+ bboxset r(*this);
+ r -= s;
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+template<class T, int D>
+bboxset<T,D> bboxset<T,D>::minus (const bbox<T,D>& b, const bboxset<T,D>& s) {
+ bboxset<T,D> r = bboxset<T,D>(b) - s;
+ assert (r.invariant());
+ return r;
+// Equality
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bboxset<T,D>::operator<= (const bboxset<T,D>& s) const {
+ return (*this - s).empty();
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bboxset<T,D>::operator< (const bboxset<T,D>& s) const {
+ return (*this - s).empty() && ! (s - *this).empty();
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bboxset<T,D>::operator>= (const bboxset<T,D>& s) const {
+ return s <= *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bboxset<T,D>::operator> (const bboxset<T,D>& s) const {
+ return s < *this;
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bboxset<T,D>::operator== (const bboxset<T,D>& s) const {
+ return (*this <= s) && (*this >= s);
+template<class T, int D>
+bool bboxset<T,D>::operator!= (const bboxset<T,D>& s) const {
+ return ! (*this == s);
+// Output
+template<class T,int D>
+void bboxset<T,D>::output (ostream& os) const {
+ T Tdummy;
+ os << "bboxset<" << typestring(Tdummy) << "," << D << ">:"
+ << "size=" << size() << ","
+ << "setsize=" << setsize() << ","
+ << "set=" << bs;
+template class bboxset<int,3>;
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bboxset.hh b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bboxset.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a94c8940a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bboxset.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/bboxset.hh,v 1.11 2003/09/19 16:06:41 schnetter Exp $
+#ifndef BBOXSET_HH
+#define BBOXSET_HH
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <set>
+#include "bbox.hh"
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "vect.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// Forward declaration
+template<class T, int D> class bboxset;
+// template<class T,int D>
+// bboxset<T,D> operator+ (const bbox<T,D>& b1, const bbox<T,D>& b2);
+// template<class T,int D>
+// bboxset<T,D> operator+ (const bbox<T,D>& b, const bboxset<T,D>& s);
+// template<class T,int D>
+// bboxset<T,D> operator- (const bbox<T,D>& b1, const bbox<T,D>& b2);
+// template<class T,int D>
+// bboxset<T,D> operator- (const bbox<T,D>& b, const bboxset<T,D>& s);
+// Output
+template<class T,int D>
+ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const bboxset<T,D>& s);
+// Bounding box class
+template<class T, int D>
+class bboxset {
+ // Types
+ typedef bbox<T,D> box;
+ typedef set<box> bset;
+ // Fields
+ bset bs;
+ // Invariant:
+ // All bboxes have the same stride.
+ // No bbox is empty.
+ // The bboxes don't overlap.
+ // Constructors
+ bboxset ();
+ bboxset (const box& b);
+ bboxset (const bboxset& s);
+ bboxset (const bset& bs);
+ // Invariant
+ bool invariant () const;
+ // Normalisation
+ void normalize ();
+ // Accessors
+ bool empty () const { return bs.empty(); }
+ T size () const;
+ int setsize () const { return bs.size(); }
+ // Add (bboxes that don't overlap)
+ bboxset& operator+= (const box& b);
+ bboxset& operator+= (const bboxset& s);
+ bboxset operator+ (const box& b) const;
+ bboxset operator+ (const bboxset& s) const;
+ static bboxset plus (const box& b1, const box& b2);
+ static bboxset plus (const box& b, const bboxset& s);
+ // Union
+ bboxset& operator|= (const box& b);
+ bboxset& operator|= (const bboxset& s);
+ bboxset operator| (const box& b) const;
+ bboxset operator| (const bboxset& s) const;
+ // Intersection
+ bboxset operator& (const box& b) const;
+ bboxset operator& (const bboxset& s) const;
+ bboxset& operator&= (const box& b);
+ bboxset& operator&= (const bboxset& s);
+ // Difference
+ // friend bboxset operator- <T,D>(const box& b1, const box& b2);
+ static bboxset minus (const box& b1, const box& b2);
+ bboxset operator- (const box& b) const;
+ bboxset& operator-= (const box& b);
+ bboxset& operator-= (const bboxset& s);
+ bboxset operator- (const bboxset& s) const;
+ // friend bboxset operator- <T,D>(const box& b, const bboxset& s);
+ static bboxset minus (const box& b, const bboxset& s);
+ // Equality
+ bool operator== (const bboxset& s) const;
+ bool operator!= (const bboxset& s) const;
+ bool operator< (const bboxset& s) const;
+ bool operator<= (const bboxset& s) const;
+ bool operator> (const bboxset& s) const;
+ bool operator>= (const bboxset& s) const;
+ // Iterators
+ typedef typename bset::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ typedef typename bset::iterator iterator;
+ const_iterator begin () const { return bs.begin(); }
+ const_iterator end () const { return bs.end(); }
+// iterator begin () const { return bs.begin(); }
+// iterator end () const { return bs.end(); }
+ // Output
+ void output (ostream& os) const;
+template<class T,int D>
+inline bboxset<T,D> operator+ (const bbox<T,D>& b1, const bbox<T,D>& b2) {
+ return bboxset<T,D>::plus(b1,b2);
+template<class T,int D>
+inline bboxset<T,D> operator+ (const bbox<T,D>& b, const bboxset<T,D>& s) {
+ return bboxset<T,D>::plus(b,s);
+template<class T,int D>
+inline bboxset<T,D> operator- (const bbox<T,D>& b1, const bbox<T,D>& b2) {
+ return bboxset<T,D>::minus(b1,b2);
+template<class T,int D>
+inline bboxset<T,D> operator- (const bbox<T,D>& b, const bboxset<T,D>& s) {
+ return bboxset<T,D>::minus(b,s);
+// Output
+template<class T,int D>
+inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const bboxset<T,D>& s) {
+ s.output(os);
+ return os;
+#endif // BBOXSET_HH
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/checkindex.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/checkindex.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e726a012b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/checkindex.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/checkindex.F77,v 1.1 2003/11/05 16:18:39 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+ subroutine checkindex (i,j,k, di,dj,dk, imax,jmax,kmax, where)
+ implicit none
+ integer i,j,k
+ integer di,dj,dk
+ integer imax,jmax,kmax
+ character*(*) where
+ character*1000 msg
+ if ( i.lt.1 .or. i+di-1.gt.imax
+ $ .or. j.lt.1 .or. j+dj-1.gt.jmax
+ $ .or. k.lt.1 .or. k+dk-1.gt.kmax) then
+ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), extent is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")')
+ $ where, imax,jmax,kmax, i,j,k, di,dj,dk
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, msg(1:len_trim(msg)))
+ end if
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/copy_3d_complex16.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/copy_3d_complex16.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2432e900c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/copy_3d_complex16.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/copy_3d_complex16.F77,v 1.2 2004/03/11 12:01:34 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+ subroutine copy_3d_complex16 (
+ $ src, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_COMPLEX16 src(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_COMPLEX16 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / srcbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / srcbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / srcbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Loop over region
+ do k = 1, regkext
+ do j = 1, regjext
+ do i = 1, regiext
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (srcioff+i, srcjoff+j+1, srckoff+k+1, 1,1,1,
+ $ "source")
+ call checkindex (dstioff+i, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, 1,1,1,
+ $ "destination")
+ end if
+ dst (dstioff+i, dstjoff+j, dstkoff+k)
+ $ = src (srcioff+i, srcjoff+j, srckoff+k)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/copy_3d_int4.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/copy_3d_int4.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b440a32b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/copy_3d_int4.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/copy_3d_int4.F77,v 1.2 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+ subroutine copy_3d_int4 (
+ $ src, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_INT4 src(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_INT4 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / srcbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / srcbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / srcbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Loop over region
+ do k = 1, regkext
+ do j = 1, regjext
+ do i = 1, regiext
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (srcioff+i, srcjoff+j+1, srckoff+k+1, 1,1,1,
+ $ "source")
+ call checkindex (dstioff+i, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, 1,1,1,
+ $ "destination")
+ end if
+ dst (dstioff+i, dstjoff+j, dstkoff+k)
+ $ = src (srcioff+i, srcjoff+j, srckoff+k)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/copy_3d_real8.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/copy_3d_real8.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..716ffd135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/copy_3d_real8.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/copy_3d_real8.F77,v 1.8 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+ subroutine copy_3d_real8 (
+ $ src, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / srcbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / srcbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / srcbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Loop over region
+ do k = 1, regkext
+ do j = 1, regjext
+ do i = 1, regiext
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (srcioff+i, srcjoff+j+1, srckoff+k+1, 1,1,1,
+ $ "source")
+ call checkindex (dstioff+i, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, 1,1,1,
+ $ "destination")
+ end if
+ dst (dstioff+i, dstjoff+j, dstkoff+k)
+ $ = src (srcioff+i, srcjoff+j, srckoff+k)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/data.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/data.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c9d219e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/data.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1388 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/data.cc,v 1.55 2004/05/21 18:13:41 schnetter Exp $
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "bbox.hh"
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "dist.hh"
+#include "vect.hh"
+#include "data.hh"
+using namespace std;
+static size_t total_allocated_bytes; // total number of allocated bytes
+// Constructors
+template<class T, int D>
+data<T,D>::data (const int varindex_, const operator_type transport_operator_,
+ const int vectorlength, const int vectorindex,
+ data* const vectorleader)
+ : gdata<D>(varindex_, transport_operator_),
+ _storage(NULL), _allocated_bytes(0),
+ vectorlength(vectorlength), vectorindex(vectorindex),
+ vectorleader(vectorleader)
+ assert (vectorlength>=1);
+ assert (vectorindex>=0 && vectorindex<vectorlength);
+ assert ((vectorindex==0 && !vectorleader)
+ || (vectorindex!=0 && vectorleader));
+ if (vectorindex==0) vectorclients.resize (vectorlength);
+ if (vectorleader) vectorleader->register_client (vectorindex);
+template<class T, int D>
+data<T,D>::data (const int varindex_, const operator_type transport_operator_,
+ const int vectorlength, const int vectorindex,
+ data* const vectorleader,
+ const ibbox& extent_, const int proc_)
+ : gdata<D>(varindex_, transport_operator_),
+ _storage(NULL), _allocated_bytes(0),
+ vectorlength(vectorlength), vectorindex(vectorindex),
+ vectorleader(vectorleader)
+ assert (vectorlength>=1);
+ assert (vectorindex>=0 && vectorindex<vectorlength);
+ assert ((vectorindex==0 && !vectorleader)
+ || (vectorindex!=0 && vectorleader));
+ if (vectorindex==0) vectorclients.resize (vectorlength);
+ if (vectorleader) vectorleader->register_client (vectorindex);
+ allocate(extent_, proc_);
+// Destructors
+template<class T, int D>
+data<T,D>::~data ()
+ if (vectorleader) vectorleader->unregister_client (vectorindex);
+ if (vectorindex==0) assert (! has_clients());
+ free();
+// Pseudo constructors
+template<class T, int D>
+data<T,D>* data<T,D>::make_typed (const int varindex_,
+ const operator_type transport_operator_)
+ const
+ return new data(varindex_, transport_operator_);
+// Vector mamagement
+template<class T, int D>
+void data<T,D>::register_client (const int index)
+ assert (! vectorclients.at(index));
+ vectorclients.at(index) = true;
+template<class T, int D>
+void data<T,D>::unregister_client (const int index)
+ assert (vectorclients.at(index));
+ vectorclients.at(index) = false;
+template<class T, int D>
+bool data<T,D>::has_clients ()
+ bool retval = false;
+ for (size_t n=0; n<vectorlength; ++n) {
+ retval |= vectorclients.at(n);
+ }
+ return retval;
+// Storage management
+template<class T, int D>
+void data<T,D>::getmem (const size_t nelems)
+ const size_t nbytes = nelems * sizeof(T);
+ try {
+ assert (this->_allocated_bytes == 0);
+ this->_storage = new T[nelems];
+ this->_allocated_bytes = nbytes;
+ } catch (...) {
+ T Tdummy;
+ "Failed to allocate %.0f bytes (%.3f MB) of memory for type %s. %.0f bytes (%.3f MB) are currently allocated.",
+ (double)nbytes, nbytes/1.0e6,
+ typestring(Tdummy),
+ (double)total_allocated_bytes, total_allocated_bytes/1.0e6);
+ }
+ total_allocated_bytes += nbytes;
+template<class T, int D>
+void data<T,D>::freemem ()
+ delete [] _storage;
+ total_allocated_bytes -= this->_allocated_bytes;
+ this->_allocated_bytes = 0;
+template<class T, int D>
+void data<T,D>::allocate (const ibbox& extent_,
+ const int proc_,
+ void* const mem)
+ assert (!this->_has_storage);
+ this->_has_storage = true;
+ // prevent accidental wrap-around
+ assert (all(extent_.lower() < numeric_limits<int>::max() / 2));
+ assert (all(extent_.lower() > numeric_limits<int>::min() / 2));
+ assert (all(extent_.upper() < numeric_limits<int>::max() / 2));
+ assert (all(extent_.upper() > numeric_limits<int>::min() / 2));
+ // data
+ this->_extent = extent_;
+ this->_shape = max(ivect(0), this->_extent.shape() / this->_extent.stride());
+ this->_size = 1;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) {
+ this->_stride[d] = this->_size;
+ assert (this->_shape[d]==0 || this->_size <= INT_MAX / this->_shape[d]);
+ this->_size *= this->_shape[d];
+ }
+ this->_proc = proc_;
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_rank (dist::comm, &rank);
+ if (rank==this->_proc) {
+ this->_owns_storage = !mem;
+ if (this->_owns_storage) {
+ if (this->vectorindex == 0) {
+ assert (! this->vectorleader);
+ getmem (this->vectorlength * this->_size);
+ } else {
+ assert (this->vectorleader);
+ this->_storage = this->vectorleader->vectordata (this->vectorindex);
+ }
+ } else {
+ this->_storage = (T*)mem;
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert (!mem);
+ }
+template<class T, int D>
+void data<T,D>::free ()
+ if (this->_storage && this->_owns_storage && this->vectorindex==0) {
+ freemem ();
+ }
+ _storage = 0;
+ this->_has_storage = false;
+template<class T, int D>
+void data<T,D>::transfer_from (gdata<D>* gsrc)
+ assert (this->vectorlength==1);
+ data* src = (data*)gsrc;
+ assert (src->vectorlength==1);
+ assert (!_storage);
+ *this = *src;
+ *src = data(this->varindex, this->transport_operator);
+template<class T, int D>
+T* data<T,D>::vectordata (const int vectorindex) const
+ assert (this->vectorindex==0);
+ assert (! this->vectorleader);
+ assert (vectorindex>=0 && vectorindex<this->vectorlength);
+ assert (this->_storage && this->_owns_storage);
+ return this->_storage + vectorindex * this->_size;
+// Processor management
+template<class T, int D>
+void data<T,D>::change_processor (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const int newproc,
+ void* const mem)
+ switch (state.thestate) {
+ case state_recv:
+ change_processor_recv (newproc, mem);
+ break;
+ case state_send:
+ change_processor_send (newproc, mem);
+ break;
+ case state_wait:
+ change_processor_wait (newproc, mem);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+template<class T, int D>
+void data<T,D>::change_processor_recv (const int newproc, void* const mem)
+ assert (!this->comm_active);
+ this->comm_active = true;
+ if (newproc == this->_proc) {
+ assert (!mem);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this->_has_storage) {
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_rank (dist::comm, &rank);
+ if (rank == newproc) {
+ // copy from other processor
+ assert (!_storage);
+ this->_owns_storage = !mem;
+ if (this->_owns_storage) {
+ getmem (this->_size);
+ } else {
+ _storage = (T*)mem;
+ }
+ const double wtime1 = MPI_Wtime();
+ T dummy;
+ MPI_Irecv (_storage, this->_size, dist::datatype(dummy), this->_proc,
+ this->tag, dist::comm, &this->request);
+ const double wtime2 = MPI_Wtime();
+ this->wtime_irecv += wtime2 - wtime1;
+ } else if (rank == this->_proc) {
+ // copy to other processor
+ } else {
+ assert (!mem);
+ assert (!_storage);
+ }
+ }
+template<class T, int D>
+void data<T,D>::change_processor_send (const int newproc, void* const mem)
+ assert (this->comm_active);
+ if (newproc == this->_proc) {
+ assert (!mem);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this->_has_storage) {
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_rank (dist::comm, &rank);
+ if (rank == newproc) {
+ // copy from other processor
+ } else if (rank == this->_proc) {
+ // copy to other processor
+ assert (!mem);
+ assert (_storage);
+ const double wtime1 = MPI_Wtime();
+ T dummy;
+ MPI_Isend (_storage, this->_size, dist::datatype(dummy), newproc,
+ this->tag, dist::comm, &this->request);
+ const double wtime2 = MPI_Wtime();
+ this->wtime_isend += wtime2 - wtime1;
+ } else {
+ assert (!mem);
+ assert (!_storage);
+ }
+ }
+template<class T, int D>
+void data<T,D>::change_processor_wait (const int newproc, void* const mem)
+ assert (this->comm_active);
+ this->comm_active = false;
+ if (newproc == this->_proc) {
+ assert (!mem);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this->_has_storage) {
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_rank (dist::comm, &rank);
+ if (rank == newproc) {
+ // copy from other processor
+ const double wtime1 = MPI_Wtime();
+ MPI_Status status;
+ MPI_Wait (&this->request, &status);
+ const double wtime2 = MPI_Wtime();
+ this->wtime_irecvwait += wtime2 - wtime1;
+ } else if (rank == this->_proc) {
+ // copy to other processor
+ assert (!mem);
+ assert (_storage);
+ const double wtime1 = MPI_Wtime();
+ MPI_Status status;
+ MPI_Wait (&this->request, &status);
+ const double wtime2 = MPI_Wtime();
+ this->wtime_isendwait += wtime2 - wtime1;
+ if (this->_owns_storage) {
+ freemem ();
+ }
+ _storage = 0;
+ } else {
+ assert (!mem);
+ assert (!_storage);
+ }
+ }
+ this->_proc = newproc;
+// Data manipulators
+template<class T, int D>
+void data<T,D>
+::copy_from_innerloop (const gdata<D>* gsrc, const ibbox& box)
+ const data* src = (const data*)gsrc;
+ assert (this->has_storage() && src->has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=this->extent().lower()
+ && box.lower()>=src->extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=this->extent().upper()
+ && box.upper()<=src->extent().upper()));
+ assert (all(box.stride()==this->extent().stride()
+ && box.stride()==src->extent().stride()));
+ assert (all((box.lower()-this->extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0
+ && (box.lower()-src->extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0));
+ assert (this->proc() == src->proc());
+ const int groupindex = CCTK_GroupIndexFromVarI(this->varindex);
+ const int group_tags_table = CCTK_GroupTagsTableI(groupindex);
+ assert (group_tags_table >= 0);
+ // Disallow this.
+ T Tdummy;
+ "There is no copy operator available for the variable type %s, dimension %d.",
+ typestring(Tdummy), D);
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_rank (dist::comm, &rank);
+ assert (rank == this->proc());
+ for (typename ibbox::iterator it=box.begin(); it!=box.end(); ++it) {
+ const ivect index = *it;
+ (*this)[index] = (*src)[index];
+ }
+template<class T, int D>
+void data<T,D>
+::interpolate_from_innerloop (const vector<const gdata<D>*> gsrcs,
+ const vector<CCTK_REAL> times,
+ const ibbox& box, const CCTK_REAL time,
+ const int order_space,
+ const int order_time)
+ assert (this->has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=this->extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=this->extent().upper()));
+ assert (all(box.stride()==this->extent().stride()));
+ assert (all((box.lower()-this->extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0));
+ vector<const data*> srcs(gsrcs.size());
+ for (int t=0; t<(int)srcs.size(); ++t) srcs[t] = (const data*)gsrcs[t];
+ assert (srcs.size() == times.size() && srcs.size()>0);
+ for (int t=0; t<(int)srcs.size(); ++t) {
+ assert (srcs[t]->has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=srcs[t]->extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=srcs[t]->extent().upper()));
+ assert (this->proc() == srcs[t]->proc());
+ }
+ assert (order_space >= 0);
+ assert (order_time >= 0);
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_rank (dist::comm, &rank);
+ assert (rank == this->proc());
+ assert (this->varindex >= 0);
+ const int groupindex = CCTK_GroupIndexFromVarI (this->varindex);
+ assert (groupindex >= 0);
+ char* groupname = CCTK_GroupName(groupindex);
+ T Tdummy;
+ "There is no interpolator available for the group \"%s\" with variable type %s, dimension %d, spatial interpolation order %d, temporal interpolation order %d.",
+ groupname, typestring(Tdummy), D, order_space, order_time);
+ ::free (groupname);
+extern "C" {
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(copy_3d_int4)
+ (const CCTK_INT4* src,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_INT4* dst,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(copy_3d_real8)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(copy_3d_complex16)
+ (const CCTK_COMPLEX16* src,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_COMPLEX16* dst,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+void data<CCTK_INT4,3>
+::copy_from_innerloop (const gdata<3>* gsrc, const ibbox& box)
+ const data* src = (const data*)gsrc;
+ assert (has_storage() && src->has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=extent().lower()
+ && box.lower()>=src->extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=extent().upper()
+ && box.upper()<=src->extent().upper()));
+ assert (all(box.stride()==extent().stride()
+ && box.stride()==src->extent().stride()));
+ assert (all((box.lower()-extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0
+ && (box.lower()-src->extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0));
+ assert (proc() == src->proc());
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_rank (dist::comm, &rank);
+ assert (rank == proc());
+ const ibbox& sext = src->extent();
+ const ibbox& dext = extent();
+ int srcshp[3], dstshp[3];
+ int srcbbox[3][3], dstbbox[3][3], regbbox[3][3];
+ for (int d=0; d<3; ++d) {
+ srcshp[d] = (sext.shape() / sext.stride())[d];
+ dstshp[d] = (dext.shape() / dext.stride())[d];
+ srcbbox[0][d] = sext.lower()[d];
+ srcbbox[1][d] = sext.upper()[d];
+ srcbbox[2][d] = sext.stride()[d];
+ dstbbox[0][d] = dext.lower()[d];
+ dstbbox[1][d] = dext.upper()[d];
+ dstbbox[2][d] = dext.stride()[d];
+ regbbox[0][d] = box.lower()[d];
+ regbbox[1][d] = box.upper()[d];
+ regbbox[2][d] = box.stride()[d];
+ }
+ assert (all(dext.stride() == box.stride()));
+ if (all(sext.stride() == dext.stride())) {
+ CCTK_FNAME(copy_3d_int4) ((const CCTK_INT4*)src->storage(),
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_INT4*)storage(),
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox,
+ dstbbox,
+ regbbox);
+ } else {
+ assert (0);
+ }
+void data<CCTK_REAL8,3>
+::copy_from_innerloop (const gdata<3>* gsrc, const ibbox& box)
+ const data* src = (const data*)gsrc;
+ assert (has_storage() && src->has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=extent().lower()
+ && box.lower()>=src->extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=extent().upper()
+ && box.upper()<=src->extent().upper()));
+ assert (all(box.stride()==extent().stride()
+ && box.stride()==src->extent().stride()));
+ assert (all((box.lower()-extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0
+ && (box.lower()-src->extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0));
+ assert (proc() == src->proc());
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_rank (dist::comm, &rank);
+ assert (rank == proc());
+ const ibbox& sext = src->extent();
+ const ibbox& dext = extent();
+ int srcshp[3], dstshp[3];
+ int srcbbox[3][3], dstbbox[3][3], regbbox[3][3];
+ for (int d=0; d<3; ++d) {
+ srcshp[d] = (sext.shape() / sext.stride())[d];
+ dstshp[d] = (dext.shape() / dext.stride())[d];
+ srcbbox[0][d] = sext.lower()[d];
+ srcbbox[1][d] = sext.upper()[d];
+ srcbbox[2][d] = sext.stride()[d];
+ dstbbox[0][d] = dext.lower()[d];
+ dstbbox[1][d] = dext.upper()[d];
+ dstbbox[2][d] = dext.stride()[d];
+ regbbox[0][d] = box.lower()[d];
+ regbbox[1][d] = box.upper()[d];
+ regbbox[2][d] = box.stride()[d];
+ }
+ assert (all(dext.stride() == box.stride()));
+ if (all(sext.stride() == dext.stride())) {
+ CCTK_FNAME(copy_3d_real8) ((const CCTK_REAL8*)src->storage(),
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(),
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox,
+ dstbbox,
+ regbbox);
+ } else {
+ assert (0);
+ }
+void data<CCTK_COMPLEX16,3>
+::copy_from_innerloop (const gdata<3>* gsrc, const ibbox& box)
+ const data* src = (const data*)gsrc;
+ assert (has_storage() && src->has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=extent().lower()
+ && box.lower()>=src->extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=extent().upper()
+ && box.upper()<=src->extent().upper()));
+ assert (all(box.stride()==extent().stride()
+ && box.stride()==src->extent().stride()));
+ assert (all((box.lower()-extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0
+ && (box.lower()-src->extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0));
+ assert (proc() == src->proc());
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_rank (dist::comm, &rank);
+ assert (rank == proc());
+ const ibbox& sext = src->extent();
+ const ibbox& dext = extent();
+ int srcshp[3], dstshp[3];
+ int srcbbox[3][3], dstbbox[3][3], regbbox[3][3];
+ for (int d=0; d<3; ++d) {
+ srcshp[d] = (sext.shape() / sext.stride())[d];
+ dstshp[d] = (dext.shape() / dext.stride())[d];
+ srcbbox[0][d] = sext.lower()[d];
+ srcbbox[1][d] = sext.upper()[d];
+ srcbbox[2][d] = sext.stride()[d];
+ dstbbox[0][d] = dext.lower()[d];
+ dstbbox[1][d] = dext.upper()[d];
+ dstbbox[2][d] = dext.stride()[d];
+ regbbox[0][d] = box.lower()[d];
+ regbbox[1][d] = box.upper()[d];
+ regbbox[2][d] = box.stride()[d];
+ }
+ assert (all(dext.stride() == box.stride()));
+ if (all(sext.stride() == dext.stride())) {
+ CCTK_FNAME(copy_3d_complex16) ((const CCTK_COMPLEX16*)src->storage(),
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_COMPLEX16*)storage(),
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox,
+ dstbbox,
+ regbbox);
+ } else {
+ assert (0);
+ }
+extern "C" {
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(restrict_3d_real8)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(restrict_3d_real8_rf2)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_rf2)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_o3)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_o3_rf2)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_minmod)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_eno)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_o5)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_2tl)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src1, const CCTK_REAL8& t1,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src2, const CCTK_REAL8& t2,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst, const CCTK_REAL8& t,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_rf2)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src1, const CCTK_REAL8& t1,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src2, const CCTK_REAL8& t2,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst, const CCTK_REAL8& t,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o3)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src1, const CCTK_REAL8& t1,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src2, const CCTK_REAL8& t2,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst, const CCTK_REAL8& t,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o3_rf2)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src1, const CCTK_REAL8& t1,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src2, const CCTK_REAL8& t2,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst, const CCTK_REAL8& t,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_minmod)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src1, const CCTK_REAL8& t1,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src2, const CCTK_REAL8& t2,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst, const CCTK_REAL8& t,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_eno)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src1, const CCTK_REAL8& t1,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src2, const CCTK_REAL8& t2,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst, const CCTK_REAL8& t,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o5)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src1, const CCTK_REAL8& t1,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src2, const CCTK_REAL8& t2,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst, const CCTK_REAL8& t,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_3tl)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src1, const CCTK_REAL8& t1,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src2, const CCTK_REAL8& t2,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src3, const CCTK_REAL8& t3,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst, const CCTK_REAL8& t,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_rf2)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src1, const CCTK_REAL8& t1,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src2, const CCTK_REAL8& t2,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src3, const CCTK_REAL8& t3,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst, const CCTK_REAL8& t,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o3)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src1, const CCTK_REAL8& t1,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src2, const CCTK_REAL8& t2,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src3, const CCTK_REAL8& t3,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst, const CCTK_REAL8& t,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o3_rf2)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src1, const CCTK_REAL8& t1,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src2, const CCTK_REAL8& t2,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src3, const CCTK_REAL8& t3,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst, const CCTK_REAL8& t,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_minmod)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src1, const CCTK_REAL8& t1,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src2, const CCTK_REAL8& t2,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src3, const CCTK_REAL8& t3,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst, const CCTK_REAL8& t,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_eno)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src1, const CCTK_REAL8& t1,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src2, const CCTK_REAL8& t2,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src3, const CCTK_REAL8& t3,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst, const CCTK_REAL8& t,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o5)
+ (const CCTK_REAL8* src1, const CCTK_REAL8& t1,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src2, const CCTK_REAL8& t2,
+ const CCTK_REAL8* src3, const CCTK_REAL8& t3,
+ const int& srciext, const int& srcjext, const int& srckext,
+ CCTK_REAL8* dst, const CCTK_REAL8& t,
+ const int& dstiext, const int& dstjext, const int& dstkext,
+ const int srcbbox[3][3],
+ const int dstbbox[3][3],
+ const int regbbox[3][3]);
+void data<CCTK_REAL8,3>
+::interpolate_from_innerloop (const vector<const gdata<3>*> gsrcs,
+ const vector<CCTK_REAL> times,
+ const ibbox& box, const CCTK_REAL time,
+ const int order_space,
+ const int order_time)
+ const CCTK_REAL eps = 1.0e-10;
+ assert (has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=extent().upper()));
+ assert (all(box.stride()==extent().stride()));
+ assert (all((box.lower()-extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0));
+ vector<const data*> srcs(gsrcs.size());
+ for (int t=0; t<(int)srcs.size(); ++t) srcs[t] = (const data*)gsrcs[t];
+ assert (srcs.size() == times.size() && srcs.size()>0);
+ for (int t=0; t<(int)srcs.size(); ++t) {
+ assert (srcs[t]->has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=srcs[t]->extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=srcs[t]->extent().upper()));
+ }
+ assert (proc() == srcs[0]->proc());
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_rank (dist::comm, &rank);
+ assert (rank == proc());
+ const ibbox& sext = srcs[0]->extent();
+ const ibbox& dext = extent();
+ int srcshp[3], dstshp[3];
+ int srcbbox[3][3], dstbbox[3][3], regbbox[3][3];
+ for (int d=0; d<3; ++d) {
+ srcshp[d] = (sext.shape() / sext.stride())[d];
+ dstshp[d] = (dext.shape() / dext.stride())[d];
+ srcbbox[0][d] = sext.lower()[d];
+ srcbbox[1][d] = sext.upper()[d];
+ srcbbox[2][d] = sext.stride()[d];
+ dstbbox[0][d] = dext.lower()[d];
+ dstbbox[1][d] = dext.upper()[d];
+ dstbbox[2][d] = dext.stride()[d];
+ regbbox[0][d] = box.lower()[d];
+ regbbox[1][d] = box.upper()[d];
+ regbbox[2][d] = box.stride()[d];
+ }
+ // Check that the times are consistent
+ assert (times.size() > 0);
+ CCTK_REAL min_time = times[0];
+ CCTK_REAL max_time = times[0];
+ for (size_t tl=1; tl<times.size(); ++tl) {
+ // Catch broken compilers that only know min(int) and max(int)
+ assert (min(1.3, 1.4) > 1.2);
+ min_time = min(min_time, times[tl]);
+ max_time = max(max_time, times[tl]);
+ }
+ if (time < min_time - eps || time > max_time + eps) {
+ ostringstream buf;
+ buf << "Internal error: extrapolation in time."
+ << " time=" << time
+ << " times=" << times;
+ CCTK_WARN (0, buf.str().c_str());
+ }
+ // Is it necessary to interpolate in time?
+ if (times.size() > 1) {
+ for (size_t tl=0; tl<times.size(); ++tl) {
+ // Catch broken compilers that only know abs(int)
+ assert (abs(1.5) > 1.4);
+ if (abs(times[tl] - time) < eps) {
+ // It is not.
+ vector<const gdata<3>*> my_gsrcs(1);
+ vector<CCTK_REAL> my_times(1);
+ my_gsrcs[0] = gsrcs[tl];
+ my_times[0] = times[tl];
+ const int my_order_time = 0;
+ this->interpolate_from_innerloop
+ (my_gsrcs, my_times, box, time, order_space, my_order_time);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert (all(dext.stride() == box.stride()));
+ if (all(sext.stride() < dext.stride())) {
+ // Restrict
+ assert (times.size() == 1);
+ assert (abs(times[0] - time) < eps);
+ switch (transport_operator) {
+ case op_Lagrange:
+ case op_TVD:
+ case op_ENO:
+ assert (srcs.size() == 1);
+ if (all (dext.stride() == sext.stride() * 2)) {
+ CCTK_FNAME(restrict_3d_real8_rf2)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(),
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(),
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ } else {
+ CCTK_FNAME(restrict_3d_real8)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(),
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(),
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ } // switch (transport_operator)
+ } else if (all(sext.stride() > dext.stride())) {
+ // Prolongate
+ switch (transport_operator) {
+ case op_Lagrange:
+ switch (order_time) {
+ case 0:
+ assert (times.size() == 1);
+ assert (abs(times[0] - time) < eps);
+ assert (srcs.size()>=1);
+ switch (order_space) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ if (all (sext.stride() == dext.stride() * 2)) {
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_rf2)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(),
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(),
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ } else {
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(),
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(),
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ if (all (sext.stride() == dext.stride() * 2)) {
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_o3_rf2)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(),
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(),
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ } else {
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_o3)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(),
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(),
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_o5)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(),
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(),
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ assert (srcs.size()>=2);
+ switch (order_space) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ if (all (sext.stride() == dext.stride() * 2)) {
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_rf2)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(), times[0],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[1]->storage(), times[1],
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(), time,
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ } else {
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_2tl)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(), times[0],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[1]->storage(), times[1],
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(), time,
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ if (all (sext.stride() == dext.stride() * 2)) {
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o3_rf2)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(), times[0],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[1]->storage(), times[1],
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(), time,
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ } else {
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o3)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(), times[0],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[1]->storage(), times[1],
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(), time,
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o5)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(), times[0],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[1]->storage(), times[1],
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(), time,
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ assert (srcs.size()>=3);
+ switch (order_space) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ if (all (sext.stride() == dext.stride() * 2)) {
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_rf2)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(), times[0],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[1]->storage(), times[1],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[2]->storage(), times[2],
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(), time,
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ } else {
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_3tl)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(), times[0],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[1]->storage(), times[1],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[2]->storage(), times[2],
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(), time,
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ if (all (sext.stride() == dext.stride() * 2)) {
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o3_rf2)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(), times[0],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[1]->storage(), times[1],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[2]->storage(), times[2],
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(), time,
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ } else {
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o3)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(), times[0],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[1]->storage(), times[1],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[2]->storage(), times[2],
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(), time,
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o5)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(), times[0],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[1]->storage(), times[1],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[2]->storage(), times[2],
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(), time,
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ } // switch (order_time)
+ break;
+ case op_TVD:
+ switch (order_time) {
+ case 0:
+ assert (times.size() == 1);
+ assert (abs(times[0] - time) < eps);
+ switch (order_space) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ CCTK_WARN (0, "There is no stencil for op=\"TVD\" with order_space=1");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_rf2)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(),
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(),
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+// CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_minmod)
+// ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(),
+// srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+// (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(),
+// dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+// srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ switch (order_space) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ CCTK_WARN (0, "There is no stencil for op=\"TVD\" with order_space=1");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_rf2)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(), times[0],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[1]->storage(), times[1],
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(), time,
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+// CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_minmod)
+// ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(), times[0],
+// (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[1]->storage(), times[1],
+// srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+// (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(), time,
+// dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+// srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ switch (order_space) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ CCTK_WARN (0, "There is no stencil for op=\"TVD\" with order_space=1");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_rf2)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(), times[0],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[1]->storage(), times[1],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[2]->storage(), times[2],
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(), time,
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+// CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_minmod)
+// ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(), times[0],
+// (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[1]->storage(), times[1],
+// (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[2]->storage(), times[2],
+// srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+// (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(), time,
+// dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+// srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ } // switch (order_time)
+ break;
+ case op_ENO:
+ switch (order_time) {
+ case 0:
+ assert (times.size() == 1);
+ assert (abs(times[0] - time) < eps);
+ switch (order_space) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ CCTK_WARN (0, "There is no stencil for op=\"ENO\" with order_space=1");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_eno)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(),
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(),
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ switch (order_space) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ CCTK_WARN (0, "There is no stencil for op=\"ENO\" with order_space=1");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_eno)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(), times[0],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[1]->storage(), times[1],
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(), time,
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ switch (order_space) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ CCTK_WARN (0, "There is no stencil for op=\"ENO\" with order_space=1");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ CCTK_FNAME(prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_eno)
+ ((const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[0]->storage(), times[0],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[1]->storage(), times[1],
+ (const CCTK_REAL8*)srcs[2]->storage(), times[2],
+ srcshp[0], srcshp[1], srcshp[2],
+ (CCTK_REAL8*)storage(), time,
+ dstshp[0], dstshp[1], dstshp[2],
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ } // switch (order_time)
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ } // switch (transport_operator)
+ } else {
+ assert (0);
+ }
+// Output
+template<class T,int D>
+ostream& data<T,D>::output (ostream& os) const
+ T Tdummy;
+ os << "data<" << typestring(Tdummy) << "," << D << ">:"
+ << "extent=" << this->extent() << ","
+ << "stride=" << this->stride() << ",size=" << this->size();
+ return os;
+#define INSTANTIATE(T) \
+template class data<T,3>;
+#include "instantiate"
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/data.hh b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/data.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba44556ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/data.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/data.hh,v 1.23 2004/06/08 22:57:22 schnetter Exp $
+#ifndef DATA_HH
+#define DATA_HH
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "dist.hh"
+#include "bbox.hh"
+#include "gdata.hh"
+#include "vect.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// A distributed multi-dimensional array
+template<class T,int D>
+class data: public gdata<D>
+ // Types
+ typedef vect<int,D> ivect;
+ typedef bbox<int,D> ibbox;
+ // Fields
+ T* _storage; // the data (if located on this processor)
+ size_t _allocated_bytes; // number of allocated bytes
+ // For vector groups with contiguous storage
+ int vectorlength; // number of vector elements
+ int vectorindex; // index of this vector element
+ data* vectorleader; // if index!=0: first vector element
+ vector<bool> vectorclients; // if index==0: registered elements
+ void register_client (int index);
+ void unregister_client (int index);
+ bool has_clients ();
+ // Constructors
+ data (const int varindex = -1,
+ const operator_type transport_operator = op_error,
+ const int vectorlength = 1, const int vectorindex = 0,
+ data* const vectorleader = NULL);
+ data (const int varindex, const operator_type transport_operator,
+ const int vectorlength, const int vectorindex,
+ data* const vectorleader,
+ const ibbox& extent, const int proc);
+ // Destructors
+ virtual ~data ();
+ // Pseudo constructors
+ virtual data* make_typed (const int varindex,
+ const operator_type transport_operator) const;
+ // Storage management
+ void getmem (const size_t nelems);
+ void freemem ();
+ virtual void allocate (const ibbox& extent, const int proc,
+ void* const mem=0);
+ virtual void free ();
+ virtual void transfer_from (gdata<D>* gsrc);
+ T* vectordata (const int vectorindex) const;
+ // Processor management
+ virtual void change_processor (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const int newproc, void* const mem=0);
+ virtual void change_processor_recv (const int newproc, void* const mem=0);
+ virtual void change_processor_send (const int newproc, void* const mem=0);
+ virtual void change_processor_wait (const int newproc, void* const mem=0);
+ // Accessors
+ virtual const void* storage () const
+ {
+ assert (this->_has_storage);
+ return _storage;
+ }
+ virtual void* storage () {
+ assert (this->_has_storage);
+ return _storage;
+ }
+ // Data accessors
+ const T& operator[] (const ivect& index) const
+ {
+ assert (_storage);
+ return _storage[offset(index)];
+ }
+ T& operator[] (const ivect& index)
+ {
+ assert (_storage);
+ return _storage[offset(index)];
+ }
+ // Data manipulators
+ void copy_from_innerloop (const gdata<D>* gsrc,
+ const ibbox& box);
+ void interpolate_from_innerloop (const vector<const gdata<D>*> gsrcs,
+ const vector<CCTK_REAL> times,
+ const ibbox& box, const CCTK_REAL time,
+ const int order_space,
+ const int order_time);
+ // Output
+ ostream& output (ostream& os) const;
+#endif // DATA_HH
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/defs.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/defs.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69cd22fca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/defs.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/defs.cc,v 1.19 2004/05/21 18:13:41 schnetter Exp $
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <list>
+#include <set>
+#include <stack>
+#include <vector>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "defs.hh"
+using namespace std;
+template<class T>
+T ipow (T x, int y) {
+ if (y<0) {
+ y = -y;
+ x = T(1)/x;
+ }
+ T res = T(1);
+ for (;;) {
+ if (y%2) res *= x;
+ y /= 2;
+ if (y==0) break;
+ x *= x;
+ }
+ return res;
+void skipws (istream& is) {
+ while (is.good() && isspace(is.peek())) {
+ is.get();
+ }
+void expect (istream& is, const char c) {
+ if (is.peek() == c) return;
+ cout << "While reading characters from a stream:" << endl
+ << " Character '" << c << "' expected, but not found." << endl
+ << " The next up to 100 available characters are \"";
+ for (int i=0; i<100; ++i) {
+ const int uc = is.get();
+ if (uc<0) break;
+ cout << (unsigned char)uc;
+ }
+ cout << "\"." << endl;
+ throw input_error();
+void consume (istream& is, const char c) {
+ expect (is, c);
+ is.get();
+// Vector input
+template<class T>
+istream& input (istream& is, vector<T>& v) {
+ v.clear();
+ try {
+ skipws (is);
+ consume (is, '[');
+ skipws (is);
+ while (is.good() && is.peek() != ']') {
+ T elem;
+ is >> elem;
+ v.push_back (elem);
+ skipws (is);
+ if (is.peek() != ',') break;
+ is.get();
+ skipws (is);
+ }
+ skipws (is);
+ consume (is, ']');
+ } catch (input_error &err) {
+ cout << "Input error while reading a vector<>" << endl
+ << " The following elements have been read so far: " << v << endl;
+ throw err;
+ }
+ return is;
+// List output
+template<class T>
+ostream& output (ostream& os, const list<T>& l) {
+ os << "[";
+ for (typename list<T>::const_iterator ti=l.begin(); ti!=l.end(); ++ti) {
+ if (ti!=l.begin()) os << ",";
+ os << *ti;
+ }
+ os << "]";
+ return os;
+// Set output
+template<class T>
+ostream& output (ostream& os, const set<T>& s) {
+ os << "{";
+ for (typename set<T>::const_iterator ti=s.begin(); ti!=s.end(); ++ti) {
+ if (ti!=s.begin()) os << ",";
+ os << *ti;
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ return os;
+// Stack output
+template<class T>
+ostream& output (ostream& os, const stack<T>& s) {
+ stack<T> s2 (s);
+ list<T> l;
+ while (! s2.empty()) {
+ l.insert (l.begin(), s2.top());
+ s2.pop();
+ }
+ return output (os, l);
+// Vector output
+template<class T>
+ostream& output (ostream& os, const vector<T>& v) {
+ os << "[";
+ int cnt=0;
+ for (typename vector<T>::const_iterator ti=v.begin(); ti!=v.end(); ++ti) {
+ if (ti!=v.begin()) os << ",";
+ os << cnt++ << ":" << *ti;
+ }
+ os << "]";
+ return os;
+#include "bbox.hh"
+#include "bboxset.hh"
+template int ipow (int x, int y);
+template istream& input (istream& os, vector<bbox<int,3> >& v);
+template istream& input (istream& os, vector<bbox<CCTK_REAL,3> >& v);
+template istream& input (istream& os, vector<vector<bbox<int,3> > >& v);
+template istream& input (istream& os, vector<vector<bbox<CCTK_REAL,3> > >& v);
+template istream& input (istream& os, vector<vect<vect<bool,2>,3> >& v);
+template istream& input (istream& os, vector<vector<vect<vect<bool,2>,3> > >& v);
+template ostream& output (ostream& os, const list<bbox<int,3> >& l);
+template ostream& output (ostream& os, const set<bbox<int,3> >& s);
+template ostream& output (ostream& os, const set<bboxset<int,3> >& s);
+template ostream& output (ostream& os, const stack<bbox<int,3> >& s);
+template ostream& output (ostream& os, const vector<int>& v);
+template ostream& output (ostream& os, const vector<CCTK_REAL>& v);
+template ostream& output (ostream& os, const vector<bbox<int,3> >& v);
+template ostream& output (ostream& os, const vector<bbox<CCTK_REAL,3> >& v);
+template ostream& output (ostream& os, const vector<list<bbox<int,3> > >& v);
+template ostream& output (ostream& os, const vector<vector<int> >& v);
+template ostream& output (ostream& os, const vector<vector<CCTK_REAL> >& v);
+template ostream& output (ostream& os, const vector<vector<bbox<int,3> > >& v);
+template ostream& output (ostream& os, const vector<vector<bbox<CCTK_REAL,3> > >& v);
+template ostream& output (ostream& os, const vector<vector<vect<vect<bool,2>,3> > >& v);
+template ostream& output (ostream& os, const vector<vect<vect<bool,2>,3> >& v);
+template ostream& output (ostream& os, const vector<vector<vector<bbox<int,3> > > >& v);
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/defs.hh b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/defs.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4297ba8c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/defs.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/defs.hh,v 1.13 2004/03/01 19:43:08 schnetter Exp $
+#ifndef DEFS_HH
+#define DEFS_HH
+#include <config.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <complex>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <list>
+#include <set>
+#include <stack>
+#include <vector>
+#include "cctk.h"
+using namespace std;
+// A general type
+enum centering { vertex_centered, cell_centered };
+// Useful helper
+template<class T>
+inline T square (const T& x) { return x*x; }
+// Another useful helper
+template<class T>
+T ipow (T x, int y);
+// Input streams
+struct input_error { };
+void skipws (istream& is);
+void expect (istream& is, const char c);
+void consume (istream& is, const char c);
+// Names for types
+#if 0
+inline const char * typestring (const char& dummy)
+{ return "char"; }
+inline const char * typestring (const signed char& dummy)
+{ return "signed char"; }
+inline const char * typestring (const unsigned char& dummy)
+{ return "unsigned char"; }
+inline const char * typestring (const short& dummy)
+{ return "short"; }
+inline const char * typestring (const unsigned short& dummy)
+{ return "unsigned short"; }
+inline const char * typestring (const int& dummy)
+{ return "int"; }
+inline const char * typestring (const unsigned int& dummy)
+{ return "unsigned int"; }
+inline const char * typestring (const long& dummy)
+{ return "long"; }
+inline const char * typestring (const unsigned long& dummy)
+{ return "unsigned long"; }
+inline const char * typestring (const long long& dummy)
+{ return "long long"; }
+inline const char * typestring (const unsigned long long& dummy)
+{ return "unsigned long long"; }
+inline const char * typestring (const float& dummy)
+{ return "float"; }
+inline const char * typestring (const double& dummy)
+{ return "double"; }
+inline const char * typestring (const long double& dummy)
+{ return "long double"; }
+inline const char * typestring (const complex<float>& dummy)
+{ return "complex<float>"; }
+inline const char * typestring (const complex<double>& dummy)
+{ return "complex<double>"; }
+inline const char * typestring (const complex<long double>& dummy)
+{ return "complex<long double>"; }
+# ifdef CCTK_INT1
+inline const char * typestring (const CCTK_INT1& dummy)
+{ return "CCTK_INT1"; }
+# endif
+# ifdef CCTK_INT2
+inline const char * typestring (const CCTK_INT2& dummy)
+{ return "CCTK_INT2"; }
+# endif
+# ifdef CCTK_INT4
+inline const char * typestring (const CCTK_INT4& dummy)
+{ return "CCTK_INT4"; }
+# endif
+# ifdef CCTK_INT8
+inline const char * typestring (const CCTK_INT8& dummy)
+{ return "CCTK_INT8"; }
+# endif
+# ifdef CCTK_REAL4
+inline const char * typestring (const CCTK_REAL4& dummy)
+{ return "CCTK_REAL4"; }
+# endif
+# ifdef CCTK_REAL8
+inline const char * typestring (const CCTK_REAL8& dummy)
+{ return "CCTK_REAL8"; }
+# endif
+# ifdef CCTK_REAL16
+inline const char * typestring (const CCTK_REAL16& dummy)
+{ return "CCTK_REAL16"; }
+# endif
+# ifdef CCTK_REAL4
+inline const char * typestring (const CCTK_COMPLEX8& dummy)
+{ return "CCTK_COMPLEX8"; }
+# endif
+# ifdef CCTK_REAL8
+inline const char * typestring (const CCTK_COMPLEX16& dummy)
+{ return "CCTK_COMPLEX16"; }
+# endif
+# ifdef CCTK_REAL16
+inline const char * typestring (const CCTK_COMPLEX32& dummy)
+{ return "CCTK_COMPLEX32"; }
+# endif
+// Container input
+template<class T> istream& input (istream& is, vector<T>& v);
+template<class T>
+inline istream& operator>> (istream& is, vector<T>& v) {
+ return input(is,v);
+// Container output
+template<class T> ostream& output (ostream& os, const list<T>& l);
+template<class T> ostream& output (ostream& os, const set<T>& s);
+template<class T> ostream& output (ostream& os, const stack<T>& s);
+template<class T> ostream& output (ostream& os, const vector<T>& v);
+template<class T>
+inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const list<T>& l) {
+ return output(os,l);
+template<class T>
+inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const set<T>& s) {
+ return output(os,s);
+template<class T>
+inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const stack<T>& s) {
+ return output(os,s);
+template<class T>
+inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const vector<T>& v) {
+ return output(os,v);
+#endif // DEFS_HH
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dh.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dh.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7e8778ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dh.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dh.cc,v 1.57 2004/09/17 16:37:26 schnetter Exp $
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "dist.hh"
+#include "ggf.hh"
+#include "vect.hh"
+#include "dh.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// Constructors
+template<int D>
+dh<D>::dh (gh<D>& h,
+ const ivect& lghosts, const ivect& ughosts,
+ const int prolongation_order_space, const int buffer_width)
+ : h(h),
+ lghosts(lghosts), ughosts(ughosts),
+ prolongation_order_space(prolongation_order_space),
+ buffer_width(buffer_width)
+ assert (all(lghosts>=0 && ughosts>=0));
+ assert (prolongation_order_space>=0);
+ assert (buffer_width>=0);
+ h.add(this);
+ recompose (false);
+// Destructors
+template<int D>
+dh<D>::~dh ()
+ h.remove(this);
+// Helpers
+template<int D>
+int dh<D>::prolongation_stencil_size () const {
+ assert (prolongation_order_space>=0);
+ return prolongation_order_space/2;
+// Modifiers
+template<int D>
+void dh<D>::recompose (const bool do_prolongate) {
+ boxes.clear();
+ boxes.resize(h.reflevels());
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ boxes.at(rl).resize(h.components(rl));
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).resize(h.mglevels(rl,c));
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ const ibbox intr = h.extents.at(rl).at(c).at(ml);
+ // Interior
+ // (the interior of the grid has the extent as specified by
+ // the user)
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).interior = intr;
+ // Exterior (add ghost zones)
+ // (the content of the exterior is completely determined by
+ // the interior of this or other components; the content of
+ // the exterior is redundant)
+ ivect ldist(lghosts), udist(ughosts);
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) {
+ if (h.outer_boundaries.at(rl).at(c)[d][0]) ldist[d] = 0;
+ if (h.outer_boundaries.at(rl).at(c)[d][1]) udist[d] = 0;
+ }
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).exterior = intr.expand(ldist, udist);
+ // Boundaries (ghost zones only)
+ // (interior + boundaries = exterior)
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).boundaries
+ = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).exterior - intr;
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ // Sync boxes
+ const int cs = h.components(rl);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_sync.resize(cs);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_sync.resize(cs);
+ // Refinement boxes
+ if (rl>0) {
+ const int csm1 = h.components(rl-1);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_ref_coarse.resize(csm1);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_coarse.resize(csm1);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_bnd_coarse.resize(csm1);
+ }
+ if (rl<h.reflevels()-1) {
+ const int csp1 = h.components(rl+1);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_fine.resize(csp1);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_ref_fine.resize(csp1);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_ref_bnd_fine.resize(csp1);
+ }
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ const ibset& bnds = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).boundaries;
+ // Sync boxes
+ for (int cc=0; cc<h.components(rl); ++cc) {
+ assert (ml<h.mglevels(rl,cc));
+ // intersect boundaries with interior of that component
+ ibset ovlp = bnds & boxes.at(rl).at(cc).at(ml).interior;
+ ovlp.normalize();
+ for (typename ibset::const_iterator b=ovlp.begin();
+ b!=ovlp.end(); ++b) {
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c ).at(ml).recv_sync.at(cc).push_back(*b);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(cc).at(ml).send_sync.at(c ).push_back(*b);
+ }
+ } // for cc
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ const ibbox& intr = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).interior;
+ const ibbox& extr = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).exterior;
+ // Multigrid boxes
+ if (ml>0) {
+ const ibbox intrf = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml-1).interior;
+ const ibbox extrf = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml-1).exterior;
+ // Restriction (interior)
+ {
+ // (the restriction must fill all of the interior of the
+ // coarse grid, and may use the exterior of the fine grid)
+ const ibbox recv = intr;
+ assert (intr.empty() || ! recv.empty());
+ const ibbox send = recv.expanded_for(extrf);
+ assert (intr.empty() || ! send.empty());
+ // TODO: put the check back in, taking outer boundaries
+ // into account
+#if 0
+ assert (send.is_contained_in(extrf));
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml-1).send_mg_coarse.push_back(send);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml ).recv_mg_fine .push_back(recv);
+ }
+ // Prolongation (interior)
+ {
+ // (the prolongation may use the exterior of the coarse
+ // grid, and may fill only the interior of the fine grid,
+ // and the bbox must be as large as possible)
+ const ibbox recv = extr.contracted_for(intrf) & intrf;
+ assert (intr.empty() || ! recv.empty());
+ const ibbox send = recv.expanded_for(extr);
+ assert (intr.empty() || ! send.empty());
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml-1).recv_mg_coarse.push_back(recv);
+ boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml ).send_mg_fine .push_back(send);
+ }
+ } // if not finest multigrid level
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ const ibbox& intr = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).interior;
+ const ibbox& extr = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).exterior;
+ // Refinement boxes
+ if (rl<h.reflevels()-1) {
+ for (int cc=0; cc<h.components(rl+1); ++cc) {
+ const ibbox intrf = boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).interior;
+ // Prolongation (interior)
+ // TODO: prefer boxes from the same processor
+ {
+ // (the prolongation may use the exterior of the coarse
+ // grid, and must fill all of the interior of the fine
+ // grid)
+ const int pss = prolongation_stencil_size();
+ ibset recvs
+ = extr.expand(-pss,-pss).contracted_for(intrf) & intrf;
+ const iblistvect& rrc
+ = boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).recv_ref_coarse;
+ for (typename iblistvect::const_iterator lvi=rrc.begin();
+ lvi!=rrc.end(); ++lvi) {
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator li=lvi->begin();
+ li!=lvi->end(); ++li) {
+ recvs -= *li;
+ }
+ }
+ recvs.normalize();
+ assert (recvs.setsize() <= 1);
+ if (recvs.setsize() == 1) {
+ const ibbox recv = *recvs.begin();
+ const ibbox send = recv.expanded_for(extr);
+ assert (! send.empty());
+ assert (send.is_contained_in(extr));
+ boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).recv_ref_coarse.at(c )
+ .push_back(recv);
+ boxes.at(rl ).at(c ).at(ml).send_ref_fine .at(cc)
+ .push_back(send);
+ }
+ }
+ } // for cc
+ } // if not finest refinement level
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ const ibbox& intr = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).interior;
+ const ibbox& extr = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).exterior;
+ // Refinement boxes
+ if (rl<h.reflevels()-1) {
+ for (int cc=0; cc<h.components(rl+1); ++cc) {
+ const ibbox intrf = boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).interior;
+ const ibbox& extrf = boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).exterior;
+ const ibset& bndsf = boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).boundaries;
+ // Prolongation (boundaries)
+ // TODO: prefer boxes from the same processor
+ {
+ // (the prolongation may use the exterior of the coarse
+ // grid, and must fill all of the boundary of the fine
+ // grid)
+ const int pss = prolongation_stencil_size();
+ // Prolongation boundaries
+ ibset pbndsf = bndsf;
+ {
+ // Do not count what is synced
+ const iblistvect& rs
+ = boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).recv_sync;
+ for (typename iblistvect::const_iterator lvi=rs.begin();
+ lvi!=rs.end(); ++lvi) {
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator li=lvi->begin();
+ li!=lvi->end(); ++li) {
+ pbndsf -= *li;
+ }
+ }
+ pbndsf.normalize();
+ }
+ // Buffer zones
+ ibset buffers;
+ {
+ for (typename ibset::const_iterator pbi=pbndsf.begin();
+ pbi!=pbndsf.end(); ++pbi) {
+ buffers |= (*pbi).expand(buffer_width, buffer_width) & extrf;
+ }
+ buffers.normalize();
+ }
+ // Add boundaries
+ const ibbox maxrecvs
+ = extr.expand(-pss,-pss).contracted_for(extrf);
+ ibset recvs = buffers & maxrecvs;
+ recvs.normalize();
+ {
+ // Do not prolongate what is already prolongated
+ const iblistvect& rrbc
+ = boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).recv_ref_bnd_coarse;
+ for (typename iblistvect::const_iterator lvi=rrbc.begin();
+ lvi!=rrbc.end(); ++lvi) {
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator li=lvi->begin();
+ li!=lvi->end(); ++li) {
+ recvs -= *li;
+ }
+ }
+ recvs.normalize();
+ }
+ {
+ for (typename ibset::const_iterator ri = recvs.begin();
+ ri != recvs.end(); ++ri) {
+ const ibbox & recv = *ri;
+ const ibbox send = recv.expanded_for(extr);
+ assert (! send.empty());
+ assert (send.is_contained_in(extr));
+ assert (send.is_contained_in(extr.expand(-pss,-pss)));
+ boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).recv_ref_bnd_coarse.at(c )
+ .push_back(recv);
+ boxes.at(rl ).at(c ).at(ml).send_ref_bnd_fine .at(cc)
+ .push_back(send);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // for cc
+ } // if not finest refinement level
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ const ibbox& intr = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).interior;
+ const ibbox& extr = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).exterior;
+ // Refinement boxes
+ if (rl<h.reflevels()-1) {
+ for (int cc=0; cc<h.components(rl+1); ++cc) {
+ const ibbox intrf = boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).interior;
+ // Restriction (interior)
+ {
+ // (the restriction may fill the interior of the of the
+ // coarse grid, and may use the interior of the fine
+ // grid, and the bbox must be as large as possible)
+ // (the restriction must not use points that are filled
+ // by boundary prolongation)
+ ibset sends = intrf & intr.expanded_for(intrf);
+ // remove what is received during boundary prolongation
+ for (int ccc=0; ccc<h.components(rl); ++ccc) {
+ const iblist& sendlist
+ = boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).recv_ref_bnd_coarse.at(ccc);
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator sli = sendlist.begin();
+ sli != sendlist.end(); ++sli) {
+ sends -= *sli;
+ }
+ }
+ sends.normalize();
+ for (typename ibset::const_iterator si = sends.begin();
+ si != sends.end(); ++si) {
+ const ibbox recv = (*si).contracted_for(intr);
+ if (! recv.empty()) {
+ const ibbox & send = recv.expanded_for(intrf);
+ assert (! send.empty());
+ boxes.at(rl+1).at(cc).at(ml).send_ref_coarse.at(c )
+ .push_back(send);
+ boxes.at(rl ).at(c ).at(ml).recv_ref_fine .at(cc)
+ .push_back(recv);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // for cc
+ } // if not finest refinement level
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ // Boundaries that are not synced, or are neither synced nor
+ // prolonged to from coarser grids (outer boundaries)
+ ibset& sync_not = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).sync_not;
+ ibset& recv_not = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_not;
+ // The whole boundary
+ sync_not = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).boundaries;
+ recv_not = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).boundaries;
+ // Subtract boxes received during synchronisation
+ const iblistvect& recv_sync = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_sync;
+ for (typename iblistvect::const_iterator lvi=recv_sync.begin();
+ lvi!=recv_sync.end(); ++lvi) {
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator li=lvi->begin();
+ li!=lvi->end(); ++li) {
+ sync_not -= *li;
+ recv_not -= *li;
+ }
+ }
+ // Subtract boxes received during prolongation
+ const iblistvect& recv_ref_bnd_coarse
+ = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_bnd_coarse;
+ for (typename iblistvect::const_iterator
+ lvi=recv_ref_bnd_coarse.begin();
+ lvi!=recv_ref_bnd_coarse.end(); ++lvi) {
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator li=lvi->begin();
+ li!=lvi->end(); ++li) {
+ recv_not -= *li;
+ }
+ }
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ // Calculate bases
+ bases.resize(h.reflevels());
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ if (h.components(rl)==0) {
+ bases.at(rl).resize(0);
+ } else {
+ bases.at(rl).resize(h.mglevels(rl,0));
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,0); ++ml) {
+ bases.at(rl).at(ml).exterior = ibbox();
+ bases.at(rl).at(ml).interior = ibbox();
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ bases.at(rl).at(ml).exterior
+ = (bases.at(rl).at(ml).exterior
+ .expanded_containing(boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).exterior));
+ bases.at(rl).at(ml).interior
+ = (bases.at(rl).at(ml).interior
+ .expanded_containing(boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).interior));
+ }
+ bases.at(rl).at(ml).boundaries
+ = bases.at(rl).at(ml).exterior - bases.at(rl).at(ml).interior;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (output_bboxes) {
+ cout << endl << h << endl;
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "dh bboxes:" << endl;
+ cout << "rl=" << rl << " c=" << c << " ml=" << ml << endl;
+ cout << "exterior=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).exterior << endl;
+ cout << "interior=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).interior << endl;
+ cout << "send_mg_fine=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_mg_fine << endl;
+ cout << "send_mg_coarse=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_mg_coarse << endl;
+ cout << "recv_mg_fine=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_mg_fine << endl;
+ cout << "recv_mg_coarse=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_mg_coarse << endl;
+ cout << "send_ref_fine=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_ref_fine << endl;
+ cout << "send_ref_coarse=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_ref_coarse << endl;
+ cout << "recv_ref_fine=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_fine << endl;
+ cout << "recv_ref_coarse=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_coarse << endl;
+ cout << "send_sync=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_sync << endl;
+ cout << "send_ref_bnd_fine=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).send_ref_bnd_fine << endl;
+ cout << "boundaries=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).boundaries << endl;
+ cout << "recv_sync=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_sync << endl;
+ cout << "recv_ref_bnd_coarse=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_bnd_coarse << endl;
+ cout << "sync_not=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).sync_not << endl;
+ cout << "recv_not=" << boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_not << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ if (h.components(rl)>0) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,0); ++ml) {
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "dh bases:" << endl;
+ cout << "rl=" << rl << " ml=" << ml << endl;
+ cout << "exterior=" << bases.at(rl).at(ml).exterior << endl;
+ cout << "interior=" << bases.at(rl).at(ml).interior << endl;
+ cout << "boundaries=" << bases.at(rl).at(ml).boundaries << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // if output_bboxes
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ // Assert that all boundaries are synced or received
+ {
+ const ibset& sync_not = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).sync_not;
+#if 0
+ const ibset& recv_not = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_not;
+ // Check that no boundaries are left over
+ if (rl==0) assert (sync_not.empty());
+#if 0
+ assert (recv_not.empty());
+ }
+ // Assert that the interior is received exactly once during
+ // prolongation, and that nothing else is received
+ {
+ if (rl==0) {
+ const iblistvect& recv_ref_coarse
+ = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_coarse;
+ assert (recv_ref_coarse.empty());
+ } else { // rl!=0
+ const iblistvect& recv_ref_coarse
+ = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_coarse;
+ ibset intr = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).interior;
+ for (typename iblistvect::const_iterator
+ lvi=recv_ref_coarse.begin();
+ lvi!=recv_ref_coarse.end(); ++lvi) {
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator li=lvi->begin();
+ li!=lvi->end(); ++li) {
+ const int old_sz = intr.size();
+ const int this_sz = li->size();
+ intr -= *li;
+ const int new_sz = intr.size();
+ // TODO
+ assert (new_sz + this_sz == old_sz);
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO
+ // This need not be empty at outer boundaries. Check that
+ // those are indeed outer boundaries! But what size of the
+ // boundary region should be used for that?
+#if 0
+ assert (intr.empty());
+ }
+ }
+ // Assert that the boundaries are received at most once during
+ // prolongation and synchronisation, and that nothing else is
+ // received
+ {
+ const iblistvect& recv_sync = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_sync;
+ const iblistvect& recv_ref_bnd_coarse
+ = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_bnd_coarse;
+ ibset bnds = boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).boundaries;
+ for (typename iblistvect::const_iterator lvi=recv_sync.begin();
+ lvi!=recv_sync.end(); ++lvi) {
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator li=lvi->begin();
+ li!=lvi->end(); ++li) {
+ const int old_sz = bnds.size();
+ const int this_sz = li->size();
+ bnds -= *li;
+ const int new_sz = bnds.size();
+ assert (new_sz + this_sz == old_sz);
+ }
+ }
+ for (typename iblistvect::const_iterator
+ lvi=recv_ref_bnd_coarse.begin();
+ lvi!=recv_ref_bnd_coarse.end(); ++lvi) {
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator li=lvi->begin();
+ li!=lvi->end(); ++li) {
+ const int old_sz = bnds.size();
+ const int this_sz = li->size();
+ bnds -= *li;
+ const int new_sz = bnds.size();
+ // TODO
+ // The new size can be larger if part of the
+ // prolongation went into the buffer zone.
+// assert (new_sz + this_sz == old_sz);
+ assert (new_sz + this_sz >= old_sz);
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO
+ // This need not be empty at outer boundaries. Check that
+ // those are indeed outer boundaries! But what size of the
+ // boundary region should be used for that?
+#if 0
+ assert (bnds.empty());
+ }
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ if (! save_memory_during_regridding) {
+ for (typename list<ggf<D>*>::iterator f=gfs.begin(); f!=gfs.end(); ++f) {
+ (*f)->recompose_crop ();
+ }
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (typename list<ggf<D>*>::iterator f=gfs.begin(); f!=gfs.end(); ++f) {
+ (*f)->recompose_allocate (rl);
+ }
+ for (comm_state<D> state; !state.done(); state.step()) {
+ for (typename list<ggf<D>*>::iterator f=gfs.begin(); f!=gfs.end(); ++f) {
+ (*f)->recompose_fill (state, rl, do_prolongate);
+ }
+ }
+ for (typename list<ggf<D>*>::reverse_iterator f=gfs.rbegin(); f!=gfs.rend(); ++f) {
+ (*f)->recompose_free (rl);
+ }
+ for (comm_state<D> state; !state.done(); state.step()) {
+ for (typename list<ggf<D>*>::iterator f=gfs.begin(); f!=gfs.end(); ++f) {
+ (*f)->recompose_bnd_prolongate (state, rl, do_prolongate);
+ }
+ }
+ for (comm_state<D> state; !state.done(); state.step()) {
+ for (typename list<ggf<D>*>::iterator f=gfs.begin(); f!=gfs.end(); ++f) {
+ (*f)->recompose_sync (state, rl, do_prolongate);
+ }
+ }
+ } // for rl
+ } else { // save memory
+ ggf<D>* vectorleader = NULL;
+ for (typename list<ggf<D>*>::iterator f=gfs.begin(); f!=gfs.end(); ++f) {
+ (*f)->recompose_crop ();
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ (*f)->recompose_allocate (rl);
+ for (comm_state<D> state; !state.done(); state.step()) {
+ (*f)->recompose_fill (state, rl, do_prolongate);
+ }
+ assert ((*f)->vectorlength >= 1);
+ if ((*f)->vectorlength == 1) {
+ assert (! vectorleader);
+ (*f)->recompose_free (rl);
+ } else {
+ // treat vector groups specially: delete the leader only
+ // after all other elements have been deleted
+ if ((*f)->vectorindex == 0) {
+ // first element: delete nothing
+ if (rl == 0) {
+ assert (! vectorleader);
+ vectorleader = *f;
+ }
+ assert (vectorleader);
+ } else {
+ assert (vectorleader);
+ (*f)->recompose_free (rl);
+ if ((*f)->vectorindex == (*f)->vectorlength-1) {
+ // this was the last element: delete the leader as well
+ vectorleader->recompose_free (rl);
+ if (rl == h.reflevels()-1) {
+ vectorleader = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (comm_state<D> state; !state.done(); state.step()) {
+ (*f)->recompose_bnd_prolongate (state, rl, do_prolongate);
+ }
+ for (comm_state<D> state; !state.done(); state.step()) {
+ (*f)->recompose_sync (state, rl, do_prolongate);
+ }
+ } // for rl
+ } // for gf
+ assert (! vectorleader);
+ } // save memory
+// Grid function management
+template<int D>
+void dh<D>::add (ggf<D>* f) {
+ gfs.push_back(f);
+template<int D>
+void dh<D>::remove (ggf<D>* f) {
+ gfs.remove(f);
+// Output
+template<int D>
+void dh<D>::output (ostream& os) const {
+ os << "dh<" << D << ">:"
+ << "ghosts=[" << lghosts << "," << ughosts << "],"
+ << "gfs={";
+ int cnt=0;
+ for (typename list<ggf<D>*>::const_iterator f = gfs.begin();
+ f != gfs.end(); ++f) {
+ if (cnt++) os << ",";
+ (*f)->output(os);
+ }
+ os << "}";
+template class dh<3>;
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dh.hh b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dh.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22a9bd425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dh.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dh.hh,v 1.20 2004/08/07 19:47:11 schnetter Exp $
+#ifndef DH_HH
+#define DH_HH
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <list>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "bbox.hh"
+#include "bboxset.hh"
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "gh.hh"
+#include "vect.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// Forward declaration
+template<int D> class ggf;
+template<int D> class dh;
+// Output
+template<int D>
+ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const dh<D>& d);
+// A data hierarchy (grid hierarchy plus ghost zones)
+template<int D>
+class dh {
+ // Types
+ typedef vect<int,D> ivect;
+ typedef bbox<int,D> ibbox;
+ typedef bboxset<int,D> ibset;
+ typedef list<ibbox> iblist;
+ typedef vector<iblist> iblistvect; // vector of lists
+ // in here, the term "boundary" means both ghost zones and
+ // refinement boundaries, but does not refer to outer (physical)
+ // boundaries.
+ // ghost zones, refinement boundaries, and outer boundaries are not
+ // used as sources for synchronisation. this design choice might
+ // not be good.
+ struct dboxes {
+ ibbox exterior; // whole region (including boundaries)
+ ibbox interior; // interior (without boundaries)
+ iblist send_mg_fine;
+ iblist send_mg_coarse;
+ iblist recv_mg_fine;
+ iblist recv_mg_coarse;
+ iblistvect send_ref_fine;
+ iblistvect send_ref_coarse;
+ iblistvect recv_ref_fine;
+ iblistvect recv_ref_coarse;
+ iblistvect send_sync; // send while syncing
+ iblistvect send_ref_bnd_fine; // sent to finer grids
+ ibset boundaries; // boundaries
+ iblistvect recv_sync; // received while syncing
+ iblistvect recv_ref_bnd_coarse; // received from coarser grids
+ ibset sync_not; // not received while syncing (outer boundary of that level)
+ ibset recv_not; // not received while syncing or prolongating (globally outer boundary)
+#if 0
+ // after regridding:
+ iblistvect prev_send; // sent from previous dh
+ iblistvect recv_prev; // received from previous dh
+ iblistvect send_prev_fine; // sent to finer
+ iblistvect recv_prev_coarse; // received from coarser
+ };
+ struct dbases {
+ ibbox exterior; // whole region (including boundaries)
+ ibbox interior; // interior (without boundaries)
+ ibset boundaries; // boundaries
+ };
+ typedef vector<dboxes> mboxes; // ... for each multigrid level
+ typedef vector<mboxes> cboxes; // ... for each component
+ typedef vector<cboxes> rboxes; // ... for each refinement level
+ typedef vector<dbases> mbases; // ... for each multigrid level
+ typedef vector<mbases> rbases; // ... for each refinement level
+public: // should be readonly
+ // Fields
+ gh<D>& h; // hierarchy
+ ivect lghosts, ughosts; // ghost zones
+ int prolongation_order_space; // order of spatial prolongation operator
+ int buffer_width; // buffer inside refined grids
+ rboxes boxes;
+ rbases bases;
+ list<ggf<D>*> gfs; // list of all grid functions
+ // Constructors
+ dh (gh<D>& h, const ivect& lghosts, const ivect& ughosts,
+ int prolongation_order_space, int buffer_width);
+ // Destructors
+ virtual ~dh ();
+ // Helpers
+ int prolongation_stencil_size () const;
+ // Modifiers
+ void recompose (const bool do_prolongate);
+ // Grid function management
+ void add (ggf<D>* f);
+ void remove (ggf<D>* f);
+ // Output
+ virtual void output (ostream& os) const;
+template<int D>
+inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const dh<D>& d) {
+ d.output(os);
+ return os;
+#endif // DH_HH
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dist.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dist.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e41e3cdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dist.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dist.cc,v 1.8 2004/07/08 12:36:01 tradke Exp $
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "dist.hh"
+using namespace std;
+namespace dist {
+ MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_NULL;
+#if 0
+ MPI_Datatype mpi_complex_float;
+ MPI_Datatype mpi_complex_double;
+ MPI_Datatype mpi_complex_long_double;
+ MPI_Datatype mpi_complex8;
+ MPI_Datatype mpi_complex16;
+ MPI_Datatype mpi_complex32;
+ void init (int& argc, char**& argv) {
+ MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
+ pseudoinit();
+ }
+ void pseudoinit () {
+ comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
+#if 0
+ MPI_Type_contiguous (2, MPI_FLOAT, &mpi_complex_float);
+ MPI_Type_commit (&mpi_complex_float);
+ MPI_Type_contiguous (2, MPI_DOUBLE, &mpi_complex_double);
+ MPI_Type_commit (&mpi_complex_double);
+ MPI_Type_contiguous (2, MPI_LONG_DOUBLE, &mpi_complex_long_double);
+ MPI_Type_commit (&mpi_complex_long_double);
+# ifdef CCTK_REAL4
+ CCTK_REAL4 dummy4;
+ MPI_Type_contiguous (2, datatype(dummy4), &mpi_complex8);
+ MPI_Type_commit (&mpi_complex8);
+# endif
+# ifdef CCTK_REAL8
+ CCTK_REAL8 dummy8;
+ MPI_Type_contiguous (2, datatype(dummy8), &mpi_complex16);
+ MPI_Type_commit (&mpi_complex16);
+# endif
+# ifdef CCTK_REAL16
+ CCTK_REAL16 dummy16;
+ MPI_Type_contiguous (2, datatype(dummy16), &mpi_complex32);
+ MPI_Type_commit (&mpi_complex32);
+# endif
+ }
+ void finalize () {
+ MPI_Finalize ();
+ }
+ void checkpoint (const char* file, int line) {
+ if (verbose) {
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);
+ printf ("CHECKPOINT: processor %d, file %s, line %d\n",
+ rank, file, line);
+ }
+ if (barriers) {
+ MPI_Barrier (comm);
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace dist
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dist.hh b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dist.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab89ae580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dist.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/dist.hh,v 1.10 2004/03/01 19:43:39 schnetter Exp $
+#ifndef DIST_HH
+#define DIST_HH
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <complex>
+#include <mpi.h>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "defs.hh"
+using namespace std;
+namespace dist {
+ extern MPI_Comm comm;
+#if 0
+ extern MPI_Datatype mpi_complex_float;
+ extern MPI_Datatype mpi_complex_double;
+ extern MPI_Datatype mpi_complex_long_double;
+ extern MPI_Datatype mpi_complex8;
+ extern MPI_Datatype mpi_complex16;
+ extern MPI_Datatype mpi_complex32;
+ void init (int& argc, char**& argv);
+ void pseudoinit ();
+ void finalize ();
+ // Debugging output
+#define CHECKPOINT dist::checkpoint(__FILE__, __LINE__)
+ void checkpoint (const char* file, int line);
+ // Datatype helpers
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const char& dummy)
+ { return MPI_CHAR; }
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const signed char& dummy)
+ { return MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR; }
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const unsigned char& dummy)
+ { return MPI_BYTE; }
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const short& dummy)
+ { return MPI_SHORT; }
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const unsigned short& dummy)
+ { return MPI_UNSIGNED_SHORT; }
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const int& dummy)
+ { return MPI_INT; }
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const unsigned int& dummy)
+ { return MPI_UNSIGNED; }
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const long& dummy)
+ { return MPI_LONG; }
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const unsigned long& dummy)
+ { return MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG; }
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const long long& dummy)
+ { return MPI_LONG_LONG_INT; }
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const float& dummy)
+ { return MPI_FLOAT; }
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const double& dummy)
+ { return MPI_DOUBLE; }
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const long double& dummy)
+ { return MPI_LONG_DOUBLE; }
+#if 0
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const complex<float>& dummy)
+ { return mpi_complex_float; }
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const complex<double>& dummy)
+ { return mpi_complex_double; }
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const complex<long double>& dummy)
+ { return mpi_complex_long_double; }
+# ifdef CCTK_REAL4
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const CCTK_COMPLEX8& dummy)
+ { return mpi_complex8; }
+# endif
+# ifdef CCTK_REAL8
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const CCTK_COMPLEX16& dummy)
+ { return mpi_complex16; }
+# endif
+# ifdef CCTK_REAL16
+ inline MPI_Datatype datatype (const CCTK_COMPLEX32& dummy)
+ { return mpi_complex32; }
+# endif
+} // namespace dist
+#endif // DIST_HH
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gdata.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gdata.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f05c88122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gdata.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gdata.cc,v 1.29 2004/04/07 16:58:07 schnetter Exp $
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "util_ErrorCodes.h"
+#include "util_Table.h"
+#include "bbox.hh"
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "dist.hh"
+#include "vect.hh"
+#include "gdata.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// Communication state control
+template<int D>
+comm_state<D>::comm_state ()
+ : thestate(state_recv),
+ current(0)
+template<int D>
+void comm_state<D>::step ()
+ assert (thestate!=state_done);
+ assert (current==tmps.size());
+ thestate=astate(size_t(thestate)+1);
+ current=0;
+template<int D>
+bool comm_state<D>::done ()
+ return thestate==state_done;
+template<int D>
+comm_state<D>::~comm_state ()
+ assert (thestate==state_recv || thestate==state_done);
+// Hand out the next MPI tag
+static int nexttag ()
+ static int last = 100;
+ ++last;
+ if (last > 30000) last = 100;
+ return last;
+// Constructors
+template<int D>
+gdata<D>::gdata (const int varindex_, const operator_type transport_operator_)
+ : varindex(varindex_), transport_operator(transport_operator_),
+ wtime_isend(0.0), wtime_isendwait(0.0),
+ wtime_irecv(0.0), wtime_irecvwait(0.0),
+ _has_storage(false),
+ comm_active(false),
+ tag(nexttag())
+ if (barriers) {
+ MPI_Barrier (dist::comm);
+ }
+// Destructors
+template<int D>
+gdata<D>::~gdata ()
+ if (barriers) {
+ MPI_Barrier (dist::comm);
+ }
+// Data manipulators
+template<int D>
+void gdata<D>::copy_from (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const gdata* src, const ibbox& box)
+ switch (state.thestate) {
+ case state_recv:
+ copy_from_recv (state, src, box);
+ break;
+ case state_send:
+ copy_from_send (state, src, box);
+ break;
+ case state_wait:
+ copy_from_wait (state, src, box);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+template<int D>
+void gdata<D>::copy_from_nocomm (const gdata* src, const ibbox& box)
+ assert (has_storage() && src->has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=extent().lower()
+ && box.lower()>=src->extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=extent().upper()
+ && box.upper()<=src->extent().upper()));
+ assert (all(box.stride()==extent().stride()
+ && box.stride()==src->extent().stride()));
+ assert (all((box.lower()-extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0
+ && (box.lower()-src->extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0));
+ if (box.empty()) return;
+ assert (proc() == src->proc());
+ // copy on same processor
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_rank (dist::comm, &rank);
+ if (rank == proc()) {
+ copy_from_innerloop (src, box);
+ }
+template<int D>
+void gdata<D>::copy_from_recv (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const gdata* src, const ibbox& box)
+ assert (has_storage() && src->has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=extent().lower()
+ && box.lower()>=src->extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=extent().upper()
+ && box.upper()<=src->extent().upper()));
+ assert (all(box.stride()==extent().stride()
+ && box.stride()==src->extent().stride()));
+ assert (all((box.lower()-extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0
+ && (box.lower()-src->extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0));
+ if (box.empty()) return;
+ if (proc() == src->proc()) {
+ // copy on same processor
+ } else {
+ // copy to different processor
+ gdata<D>* const tmp = make_typed(varindex, transport_operator);
+ // TODO: is this efficient?
+ state.tmps.push_back (tmp);
+ ++state.current;
+ tmp->allocate (box, src->proc());
+ tmp->change_processor_recv (proc());
+ }
+template<int D>
+void gdata<D>::copy_from_send (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const gdata* src, const ibbox& box)
+ assert (has_storage() && src->has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=extent().lower()
+ && box.lower()>=src->extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=extent().upper()
+ && box.upper()<=src->extent().upper()));
+ assert (all(box.stride()==extent().stride()
+ && box.stride()==src->extent().stride()));
+ assert (all((box.lower()-extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0
+ && (box.lower()-src->extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0));
+ if (box.empty()) return;
+ if (proc() == src->proc()) {
+ // copy on same processor
+ copy_from_nocomm (src, box);
+ } else {
+ // copy to different processor
+ gdata<D>* const tmp = state.tmps.at(state.current++);
+ assert (tmp);
+ tmp->copy_from_nocomm (src, box);
+ tmp->change_processor_send (proc());
+ }
+template<int D>
+void gdata<D>::copy_from_wait (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const gdata* src, const ibbox& box)
+ assert (has_storage() && src->has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=extent().lower()
+ && box.lower()>=src->extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=extent().upper()
+ && box.upper()<=src->extent().upper()));
+ assert (all(box.stride()==extent().stride()
+ && box.stride()==src->extent().stride()));
+ assert (all((box.lower()-extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0
+ && (box.lower()-src->extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0));
+ if (box.empty()) return;
+ if (proc() == src->proc()) {
+ // copy on same processor
+ } else {
+ // copy to different processor
+ gdata<D>* const tmp = state.tmps.at(state.current++);
+ assert (tmp);
+ tmp->change_processor_wait (proc());
+ copy_from_nocomm (tmp, box);
+ delete tmp;
+ }
+template<int D>
+void gdata<D>
+::interpolate_from (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const vector<const gdata*> srcs,
+ const vector<CCTK_REAL> times,
+ const ibbox& box, const CCTK_REAL time,
+ const int order_space,
+ const int order_time)
+ assert (transport_operator != op_error);
+ if (transport_operator == op_none) return;
+ switch (state.thestate) {
+ case state_recv:
+ interpolate_from_recv (state, srcs, times, box, time, order_space, order_time);
+ break;
+ case state_send:
+ interpolate_from_send (state, srcs, times, box, time, order_space, order_time);
+ break;
+ case state_wait:
+ interpolate_from_wait (state, srcs, times, box, time, order_space, order_time);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+template<int D>
+void gdata<D>
+::interpolate_from_nocomm (const vector<const gdata*> srcs,
+ const vector<CCTK_REAL> times,
+ const ibbox& box, const CCTK_REAL time,
+ const int order_space,
+ const int order_time)
+ assert (has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=extent().upper()));
+ assert (all(box.stride()==extent().stride()));
+ assert (all((box.lower()-extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0));
+ assert (srcs.size() == times.size() && srcs.size()>0);
+ for (int t=0; t<(int)srcs.size(); ++t) {
+ assert (srcs.at(t)->has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=srcs.at(t)->extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=srcs.at(t)->extent().upper()));
+ }
+ assert (! box.empty());
+ if (box.empty()) return;
+ assert (proc() == srcs.at(0)->proc());
+ assert (transport_operator != op_error);
+ assert (transport_operator != op_none);
+ // interpolate on same processor
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_rank (dist::comm, &rank);
+ if (rank == proc()) {
+ interpolate_from_innerloop
+ (srcs, times, box, time, order_space, order_time);
+ }
+template<int D>
+void gdata<D>
+::interpolate_from_recv (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const vector<const gdata*> srcs,
+ const vector<CCTK_REAL> times,
+ const ibbox& box, const CCTK_REAL time,
+ const int order_space,
+ const int order_time)
+ assert (has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=extent().upper()));
+ assert (all(box.stride()==extent().stride()));
+ assert (all((box.lower()-extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0));
+ assert (srcs.size() == times.size() && srcs.size()>0);
+ for (int t=0; t<(int)srcs.size(); ++t) {
+ assert (srcs.at(t)->has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=srcs.at(t)->extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=srcs.at(t)->extent().upper()));
+ }
+ assert (! box.empty());
+ if (box.empty()) return;
+ if (proc() == srcs.at(0)->proc()) {
+ // interpolate on same processor
+ } else {
+ // interpolate from other processor
+ gdata<D>* const tmp = make_typed(varindex, transport_operator);
+ // TODO: is this efficient?
+ state.tmps.push_back (tmp);
+ ++state.current;
+ tmp->allocate (box, srcs.at(0)->proc());
+ tmp->change_processor_recv (proc());
+ }
+template<int D>
+void gdata<D>
+::interpolate_from_send (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const vector<const gdata*> srcs,
+ const vector<CCTK_REAL> times,
+ const ibbox& box, const CCTK_REAL time,
+ const int order_space,
+ const int order_time)
+ assert (has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=extent().upper()));
+ assert (all(box.stride()==extent().stride()));
+ assert (all((box.lower()-extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0));
+ assert (srcs.size() == times.size() && srcs.size()>0);
+ for (int t=0; t<(int)srcs.size(); ++t) {
+ assert (srcs.at(t)->has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=srcs.at(t)->extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=srcs.at(t)->extent().upper()));
+ }
+ assert (! box.empty());
+ if (box.empty()) return;
+ if (proc() == srcs.at(0)->proc()) {
+ // interpolate on same processor
+ interpolate_from_nocomm (srcs, times, box, time, order_space, order_time);
+ } else {
+ // interpolate from other processor
+ gdata<D>* const tmp = state.tmps.at(state.current++);
+ assert (tmp);
+ tmp->interpolate_from_nocomm (srcs, times, box, time, order_space, order_time);
+ tmp->change_processor_send (proc());
+ }
+template<int D>
+void gdata<D>
+::interpolate_from_wait (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const vector<const gdata*> srcs,
+ const vector<CCTK_REAL> times,
+ const ibbox& box, const CCTK_REAL time,
+ const int order_space,
+ const int order_time)
+ assert (has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=extent().upper()));
+ assert (all(box.stride()==extent().stride()));
+ assert (all((box.lower()-extent().lower())%box.stride() == 0));
+ assert (srcs.size() == times.size() && srcs.size()>0);
+ for (int t=0; t<(int)srcs.size(); ++t) {
+ assert (srcs.at(t)->has_storage());
+ assert (all(box.lower()>=srcs.at(t)->extent().lower()));
+ assert (all(box.upper()<=srcs.at(t)->extent().upper()));
+ }
+ assert (! box.empty());
+ if (box.empty()) return;
+ if (proc() == srcs.at(0)->proc()) {
+ // interpolate on same processor
+ } else {
+ // interpolate from other processor
+ gdata<D>* const tmp = state.tmps.at(state.current++);
+ assert (tmp);
+ tmp->change_processor_wait (proc());
+ copy_from_nocomm (tmp, box);
+ delete tmp;
+ }
+template class comm_state<3>;
+template class gdata<3>;
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gdata.hh b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gdata.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9355238dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gdata.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gdata.hh,v 1.24 2004/04/19 07:56:35 schnetter Exp $
+#ifndef GDATA_HH
+#define GDATA_HH
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "dist.hh"
+#include "bbox.hh"
+#include "operators.hh"
+#include "vect.hh"
+using namespace std;
+template<int D>
+class gdata;
+// State information for communications
+enum astate { state_recv, state_send, state_wait, state_done };
+template<int D>
+struct comm_state {
+ astate thestate;
+ comm_state ();
+ void step ();
+ bool done ();
+ ~comm_state ();
+ vector<gdata<D>*> tmps;
+ size_t current;
+// A generic data storage without type information
+template<int D>
+class gdata {
+ // Types
+ typedef vect<int,D> ivect;
+ typedef bbox<int,D> ibbox;
+protected: // should be readonly
+ // Fields
+ int varindex; // Cactus variable index, or -1
+ operator_type transport_operator;
+ double wtime_isend, wtime_isendwait;
+ double wtime_irecv, wtime_irecvwait;
+ bool _has_storage; // has storage associated (on some processor)
+ bool _owns_storage; // owns the storage
+ // (only valid if there is storage on this processor; it means that
+ // the memory is allocated and freed by this class)
+ int _size; // size
+ int _proc; // stored on processor
+ ivect _shape, _stride; // shape and index order
+ ibbox _extent; // bbox for all data
+ bool comm_active;
+ MPI_Request request;
+ int tag; // MPI tag for this object
+ // Constructors
+ gdata (const int varindex,
+ const operator_type transport_operator = op_error);
+ // Destructors
+ virtual ~gdata ();
+ // Pseudo constructors
+ virtual gdata<D>*
+ make_typed (const int varindex,
+ const operator_type transport_operator = op_error) const = 0;
+ // Processor management
+ virtual void change_processor (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const int newproc, void* const mem=0) = 0;
+ protected:
+ virtual void change_processor_recv (const int newproc, void* const mem=0) = 0;
+ virtual void change_processor_send (const int newproc, void* const mem=0) = 0;
+ virtual void change_processor_wait (const int newproc, void* const mem=0) = 0;
+ public:
+ // Storage management
+ virtual void transfer_from (gdata<D>* src) = 0;
+ virtual void allocate (const ibbox& extent, const int proc,
+ void* const mem=0) = 0;
+ virtual void free () = 0;
+ // Accessors
+ bool has_storage () const {
+ return _has_storage;
+ }
+ bool owns_storage () const {
+ assert (_has_storage);
+ return _owns_storage;
+ }
+ virtual const void* storage () const = 0;
+ virtual void* storage () = 0;
+ int size () const {
+ assert (_has_storage);
+ return _size;
+ }
+ int proc () const {
+ assert (_has_storage);
+ return _proc;
+ }
+ const ivect& shape () const {
+ assert (_has_storage);
+ return _shape;
+ }
+ const ivect& stride () const {
+ assert (_has_storage);
+ return _stride;
+ }
+ const ibbox& extent () const {
+ assert (_has_storage);
+ return _extent;
+ }
+ // Data accessors
+ int offset (const ivect& index) const {
+ assert (_has_storage);
+ assert (all((index-extent().lower()) % extent().stride() == 0));
+ ivect ind = (index-extent().lower()) / extent().stride();
+ assert (all(ind>=0 && ind<=shape()));
+ return dot(ind, stride());
+ }
+ // Data manipulators
+ public:
+ void copy_from (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const gdata* src, const ibbox& box);
+ private:
+ void copy_from_nocomm (const gdata* src, const ibbox& box);
+ void copy_from_recv (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const gdata* src, const ibbox& box);
+ void copy_from_send (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const gdata* src, const ibbox& box);
+ void copy_from_wait (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const gdata* src, const ibbox& box);
+ public:
+ void interpolate_from (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const vector<const gdata*> srcs,
+ const vector<CCTK_REAL> times,
+ const ibbox& box, const CCTK_REAL time,
+ const int order_space,
+ const int order_time);
+ private:
+ void interpolate_from_nocomm (const vector<const gdata*> srcs,
+ const vector<CCTK_REAL> times,
+ const ibbox& box, const CCTK_REAL time,
+ const int order_space,
+ const int order_time);
+ void interpolate_from_recv (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const vector<const gdata*> srcs,
+ const vector<CCTK_REAL> times,
+ const ibbox& box, const CCTK_REAL time,
+ const int order_space,
+ const int order_time);
+ void interpolate_from_send (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const vector<const gdata*> srcs,
+ const vector<CCTK_REAL> times,
+ const ibbox& box, const CCTK_REAL time,
+ const int order_space,
+ const int order_time);
+ void interpolate_from_wait (comm_state<D>& state,
+ const vector<const gdata*> srcs,
+ const vector<CCTK_REAL> times,
+ const ibbox& box, const CCTK_REAL time,
+ const int order_space,
+ const int order_time);
+ public:
+ virtual void
+ copy_from_innerloop (const gdata* src, const ibbox& box) = 0;
+ virtual void
+ interpolate_from_innerloop (const vector<const gdata*> srcs,
+ const vector<CCTK_REAL> times,
+ const ibbox& box, const CCTK_REAL time,
+ const int order_space,
+ const int order_time) = 0;
+#endif // GDATA_HH
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gf.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gf.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69537d537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gf.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gf.cc,v 1.21 2004/08/07 19:47:11 schnetter Exp $
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "gf.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// Constructors
+template<class T,int D>
+gf<T,D>::gf (const int varindex, const operator_type transport_operator,
+ th<D>& t, dh<D>& d,
+ const int tmin, const int tmax, const int prolongation_order_time,
+ const int vectorlength, const int vectorindex,
+ gf* const vectorleader)
+ : ggf<D>(varindex, transport_operator,
+ t, d, tmin, tmax, prolongation_order_time,
+ vectorlength, vectorindex, vectorleader)
+ // this->recompose ();
+ this->recompose_crop ();
+ for (int rl=0; rl<this->h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ this->recompose_allocate (rl);
+#if 0
+ for (comm_state<D> state; !state.done(); state.step()) {
+ this->recompose_fill (state, rl, false);
+ }
+ this->recompose_free (rl);
+#if 0
+ for (comm_state<D> state; !state.done(); state.step()) {
+ this->recompose_bnd_prolongate (state, rl, false);
+ }
+ for (comm_state<D> state; !state.done(); state.step()) {
+ this->recompose_sync (state, rl, false);
+ }
+ } // for rl
+// Destructors
+template<class T,int D>
+gf<T,D>::~gf () { }
+// Access to the data
+template<class T,int D>
+const data<T,D>* gf<T,D>::operator() (int tl, int rl, int c, int ml) const {
+ assert (tl>=this->tmin && tl<=this->tmax);
+ assert (rl>=0 && rl<this->h.reflevels());
+ assert (c>=0 && c<this->h.components(rl));
+ assert (ml>=0 && ml<this->h.mglevels(rl,c));
+ return (const data<T,D>*)this->storage.at(tl-this->tmin).at(rl).at(c).at(ml);
+template<class T,int D>
+data<T,D>* gf<T,D>::operator() (int tl, int rl, int c, int ml) {
+ assert (tl>=this->tmin && tl<=this->tmax);
+ assert (rl>=0 && rl<this->h.reflevels());
+ assert (c>=0 && c<this->h.components(rl));
+ assert (ml>=0 && ml<this->h.mglevels(rl,c));
+ return (data<T,D>*)this->storage.at(tl-this->tmin).at(rl).at(c).at(ml);
+// Output
+template<class T,int D>
+ostream& gf<T,D>::output (ostream& os) const {
+ T Tdummy;
+ os << "gf<" << typestring(Tdummy) << "," << D << ">:"
+ << this->varindex << "[" << CCTK_VarName(this->varindex) << "],"
+ << "dt=[" << this->tmin << ":" << this->tmax<< "]";
+ return os;
+#define INSTANTIATE(T) \
+template class gf<T,3>;
+#include "instantiate"
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gf.hh b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gf.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13fc8107e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gf.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gf.hh,v 1.12 2004/03/23 12:40:27 schnetter Exp $
+#ifndef GF_HH
+#define GF_HH
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include "bbox.hh"
+#include "bboxset.hh"
+#include "data.hh"
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "dh.hh"
+#include "ggf.hh"
+#include "th.hh"
+#include "vect.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// A real grid function
+template<class T,int D>
+class gf: public ggf<D> {
+ // Types
+ typedef vect<int,D> ivect;
+ typedef bbox<int,D> ibbox;
+ typedef bboxset<int,D> ibset;
+ typedef list<ibbox> iblist;
+ typedef vector<iblist> iblistvect;
+ typedef data<T,D>* tdata; // data ...
+ typedef vector<tdata> mdata; // ... for each multigrid level
+ typedef vector<mdata> cdata; // ... for each component
+ typedef vector<cdata> rdata; // ... for each refinement level
+ typedef vector<rdata> fdata; // ... for each time level
+ // Constructors
+ gf (const int varindex, const operator_type transport_operator,
+ th<D>& t, dh<D>& d,
+ const int tmin, const int tmax, const int prolongation_order_time,
+ const int vectorlength, const int vectorindex,
+ gf* const vectorleader);
+ // Destructors
+ virtual ~gf ();
+ // Helpers
+ virtual gdata<D>* typed_data (int tl, int rl, int c, int ml)
+ {
+ return new data<T,D>(this->varindex, this->transport_operator,
+ this->vectorlength, this->vectorindex,
+ this->vectorleader
+ ? (data<T,D>*)(*this->vectorleader)(tl,rl,c,ml)
+ : NULL);
+ }
+ // Access to the data
+ virtual const data<T,D>* operator() (int tl, int rl, int c, int ml) const;
+ virtual data<T,D>* operator() (int tl, int rl, int c, int ml);
+ // Output
+ virtual ostream& output (ostream& os) const;
+#endif // GF_HH
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/ggf.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/ggf.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c26b22dbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/ggf.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/ggf.cc,v 1.46 2004/09/17 16:37:26 schnetter Exp $
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "dh.hh"
+#include "th.hh"
+#include "ggf.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// Constructors
+template<int D>
+ggf<D>::ggf (const int varindex, const operator_type transport_operator,
+ th<D>& t, dh<D>& d,
+ const int tmin, const int tmax,
+ const int prolongation_order_time,
+ const int vectorlength, const int vectorindex,
+ ggf* const vectorleader)
+ : varindex(varindex), transport_operator(transport_operator), t(t),
+ tmin(tmin), tmax(tmax),
+ prolongation_order_time(prolongation_order_time),
+ h(d.h), d(d),
+ storage(tmax-tmin+1),
+ vectorlength(vectorlength), vectorindex(vectorindex),
+ vectorleader(vectorleader)
+ assert (&t.h == &d.h);
+ assert (vectorlength >= 1);
+ assert (vectorindex >= 0 && vectorindex < vectorlength);
+ assert ((vectorindex==0 && !vectorleader)
+ || (vectorindex!=0 && vectorleader));
+ d.add(this);
+// Destructors
+template<int D>
+ggf<D>::~ggf () {
+ d.remove(this);
+// Comparison
+template<int D>
+bool ggf<D>::operator== (const ggf<D>& f) const {
+ return this == &f;
+// Modifiers
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::recompose_crop ()
+ // Free storage that will not be needed
+ storage.resize(tmax-tmin+1);
+ for (int tl=tmin; tl<=tmax; ++tl) {
+ for (int rl=h.reflevels(); rl<(int)storage.at(tl-tmin).size(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<(int)storage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).size(); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<(int)storage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).at(c).size(); ++ml) {
+ delete storage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).at(c).at(ml);
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for rl
+ storage.at(tl-tmin).resize(h.reflevels());
+ } // for tl
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::recompose_allocate (const int rl)
+ // TODO: restructure storage only when needed
+ // Retain storage that might be needed
+ oldstorage.resize(tmax-tmin+1);
+ for (int tl=tmin; tl<=tmax; ++tl) {
+ oldstorage.at(tl-tmin).resize(h.reflevels());
+ assert (oldstorage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).size() == 0);
+ oldstorage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl) = storage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl);
+ storage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).resize(0);
+ }
+ // Resize structure and allocate storage
+ storage.resize(tmax-tmin+1);
+ for (int tl=tmin; tl<=tmax; ++tl) {
+ storage.at(tl-tmin).resize(h.reflevels());
+ storage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).resize(h.components(rl));
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ storage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).at(c).resize(h.mglevels(rl,c));
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ storage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).at(c).at(ml) = typed_data(tl,rl,c,ml);
+ storage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).at(c).at(ml)->allocate
+ (d.boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).exterior, h.proc(rl,c));
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // for tl
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::recompose_fill (comm_state<D>& state, const int rl,
+ const bool do_prolongate)
+ // Initialise the new storage
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ for (int tl=tmin; tl<=tmax; ++tl) {
+ // Find out which regions need to be prolongated
+ // (Copy the exterior because some variables are not prolongated)
+ // TODO: do this once in the dh instead of for each variable here
+ ibset work (d.boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).exterior);
+ // Copy from old storage, if possible
+ // TODO: copy only from interior regions?
+ if (rl<(int)oldstorage.at(tl-tmin).size()) {
+ for (int cc=0; cc<(int)oldstorage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).size(); ++cc) {
+ if (ml<(int)oldstorage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).at(cc).size()) {
+ // TODO: prefer same processor, etc., see dh.cc
+ ibset ovlp
+ = work & oldstorage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).at(cc).at(ml)->extent();
+ ovlp.normalize();
+ work -= ovlp;
+ for (typename ibset::const_iterator r=ovlp.begin(); r!=ovlp.end(); ++r) {
+ storage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).at(c).at(ml)->copy_from
+ (state, oldstorage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).at(cc).at(ml), *r);
+ }
+ } // if ml
+ } // for cc
+ } // if rl
+ if (do_prolongate) {
+ // Initialise from coarser level, if possible
+ if (rl>0) {
+ if (transport_operator != op_none) {
+ const int numtl = prolongation_order_time+1;
+ assert (tmax-tmin+1 >= numtl);
+ vector<int> tls(numtl);
+ vector<CCTK_REAL> times(numtl);
+ for (int i=0; i<numtl; ++i) {
+ tls.at(i) = tmax - i;
+ times.at(i) = t.time(tls.at(i),rl-1,ml);
+ }
+ for (int cc=0; cc<(int)storage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl-1).size(); ++cc) {
+ vector<const gdata<D>*> gsrcs(numtl);
+ for (int i=0; i<numtl; ++i) {
+ gsrcs.at(i)
+ = storage.at(tls.at(i)-tmin).at(rl-1).at(cc).at(ml);
+ assert (gsrcs.at(i)->extent() == gsrcs.at(0)->extent());
+ }
+ const CCTK_REAL time = t.time(tl,rl,ml);
+ // TODO: choose larger regions first
+ // TODO: prefer regions from the same processor
+ const iblist& list
+ = d.boxes.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).recv_ref_coarse.at(cc);
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator iter=list.begin(); iter!=list.end(); ++iter) {
+ ibset ovlp = work & *iter;
+ ovlp.normalize();
+ work -= ovlp;
+ for (typename ibset::const_iterator r=ovlp.begin(); r!=ovlp.end(); ++r) {
+ storage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).at(c).at(ml)->interpolate_from
+ (state, gsrcs, times, *r, time,
+ d.prolongation_order_space, prolongation_order_time);
+ } // for r
+ } // for iter
+ } // for cc
+ } // if transport_operator
+ } // if rl
+ } // if do_prolongate
+ // Note that work need not be empty here; in this case, not
+ // everything could be initialised. This is okay on outer
+ // boundaries.
+ // TODO: check this.
+ } // for tl
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::recompose_free (const int rl)
+ // Delete old storage
+ for (int tl=tmin; tl<=tmax; ++tl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<(int)oldstorage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).size(); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<(int)oldstorage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).at(c).size(); ++ml) {
+ delete oldstorage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).at(c).at(ml);
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ oldstorage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).resize(0);
+ } // for tl
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::recompose_bnd_prolongate (comm_state<D>& state, const int rl,
+ const bool do_prolongate)
+ if (do_prolongate) {
+ // Set boundaries
+ if (rl>0) {
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ for (int tl=tmin; tl<=tmax; ++tl) {
+ // TODO: assert that reflevel 0 boundaries are copied
+ const CCTK_REAL time = t.time(tl,rl,ml);
+ ref_bnd_prolongate (state,tl,rl,c,ml,time);
+ } // for tl
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // if rl
+ } // if do_prolongate
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::recompose_sync (comm_state<D>& state, const int rl,
+ const bool do_prolongate)
+ if (do_prolongate) {
+ // Set boundaries
+ for (int c=0; c<h.components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ for (int tl=tmin; tl<=tmax; ++tl) {
+ sync (state,tl,rl,c,ml);
+ } // for tl
+ } // for ml
+ } // for c
+ } // if do_prolongate
+// Cycle the time levels by rotating the data sets
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::cycle (int rl, int c, int ml) {
+ assert (rl>=0 && rl<h.reflevels());
+ assert (c>=0 && c<h.components(rl));
+ assert (ml>=0 && ml<h.mglevels(rl,c));
+ gdata<D>* tmpdata = storage.at(tmin-tmin).at(rl).at(c).at(ml);
+ for (int tl=tmin; tl<=tmax-1; ++tl) {
+ storage.at(tl-tmin).at(rl).at(c).at(ml) = storage.at(tl+1-tmin).at(rl).at(c).at(ml);
+ }
+ storage.at(tmax-tmin).at(rl).at(c).at(ml) = tmpdata;
+// Flip the time levels by exchanging the data sets
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::flip (int rl, int c, int ml) {
+ assert (rl>=0 && rl<h.reflevels());
+ assert (c>=0 && c<h.components(rl));
+ assert (ml>=0 && ml<h.mglevels(rl,c));
+ for (int t=0; t<(tmax-tmin)/2; ++t) {
+ const int tl1 = tmin + t;
+ const int tl2 = tmax - t;
+ assert (tl1 < tl2);
+ gdata<D>* tmpdata = storage.at(tl1-tmin).at(rl).at(c).at(ml);
+ storage.at(tl1-tmin).at(rl).at(c).at(ml) = storage.at(tl2-tmin).at(rl).at(c).at(ml);
+ storage.at(tl2-tmin).at(rl).at(c).at(ml) = tmpdata;
+ }
+// Operations
+// Copy a region
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::copycat (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl1, int rl1, int c1, int ml1,
+ const ibbox dh<D>::dboxes::* recv_box,
+ int tl2, int rl2, int ml2,
+ const ibbox dh<D>::dboxes::* send_box)
+ assert (tl1>=tmin && tl1<=tmax);
+ assert (rl1>=0 && rl1<h.reflevels());
+ assert (c1>=0 && c1<h.components(rl1));
+ assert (ml1>=0 && ml1<h.mglevels(rl1,c1));
+ assert (tl2>=tmin && tl2<=tmax);
+ assert (rl2>=0 && rl2<h.reflevels());
+ const int c2=c1;
+ assert (ml2<h.mglevels(rl2,c2));
+ const ibbox recv = d.boxes.at(rl1).at(c1).at(ml1).*recv_box;
+ const ibbox send = d.boxes.at(rl2).at(c2).at(ml2).*send_box;
+ assert (all(recv.shape()==send.shape()));
+ // copy the content
+ assert (recv==send);
+ storage.at(tl1-tmin).at(rl1).at(c1).at(ml1)->copy_from
+ (state, storage.at(tl2-tmin).at(rl2).at(c2).at(ml2), recv);
+// Copy regions
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::copycat (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl1, int rl1, int c1, int ml1,
+ const iblist dh<D>::dboxes::* recv_list,
+ int tl2, int rl2, int ml2,
+ const iblist dh<D>::dboxes::* send_list)
+ assert (tl1>=tmin && tl1<=tmax);
+ assert (rl1>=0 && rl1<h.reflevels());
+ assert (c1>=0 && c1<h.components(rl1));
+ assert (ml1>=0 && ml1<h.mglevels(rl1,c1));
+ assert (tl2>=tmin && tl2<=tmax);
+ assert (rl2>=0 && rl2<h.reflevels());
+ const int c2=c1;
+ assert (ml2<h.mglevels(rl2,c2));
+ const iblist recv = d.boxes.at(rl1).at(c1).at(ml1).*recv_list;
+ const iblist send = d.boxes.at(rl2).at(c2).at(ml2).*send_list;
+ assert (recv.size()==send.size());
+ // walk all boxes
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator r=recv.begin(), s=send.begin();
+ r!=recv.end(); ++r, ++s) {
+ // (use the send boxes for communication)
+ // copy the content
+ storage.at(tl1-tmin).at(rl1).at(c1).at(ml1)->copy_from
+ (state, storage.at(tl2-tmin).at(rl2).at(c2).at(ml2), *r);
+ }
+// Copy regions
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::copycat (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl1, int rl1, int c1, int ml1,
+ const iblistvect dh<D>::dboxes::* recv_listvect,
+ int tl2, int rl2, int ml2,
+ const iblistvect dh<D>::dboxes::* send_listvect)
+ assert (tl1>=tmin && tl1<=tmax);
+ assert (rl1>=0 && rl1<h.reflevels());
+ assert (c1>=0 && c1<h.components(rl1));
+ assert (ml1>=0 && ml1<h.mglevels(rl1,c1));
+ assert (tl2>=tmin && tl2<=tmax);
+ assert (rl2>=0 && rl2<h.reflevels());
+ // walk all components
+ for (int c2=0; c2<h.components(rl2); ++c2) {
+ assert (ml2<h.mglevels(rl2,c2));
+ const iblist recv = (d.boxes.at(rl1).at(c1).at(ml1).*recv_listvect).at(c2);
+ const iblist send = (d.boxes.at(rl2).at(c2).at(ml2).*send_listvect).at(c1);
+ assert (recv.size()==send.size());
+ // walk all boxes
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator r=recv.begin(), s=send.begin();
+ r!=recv.end(); ++r, ++s) {
+ // (use the send boxes for communication)
+ // copy the content
+ storage.at(tl1-tmin).at(rl1).at(c1).at(ml1)->copy_from
+ (state, storage.at(tl2-tmin).at(rl2).at(c2).at(ml2), *r);
+ }
+ }
+// Interpolate a region
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::intercat (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl1, int rl1, int c1, int ml1,
+ const ibbox dh<D>::dboxes::* recv_list,
+ const vector<int> tl2s, int rl2, int ml2,
+ const ibbox dh<D>::dboxes::* send_list,
+ CCTK_REAL time)
+ assert (tl1>=tmin && tl1<=tmax);
+ assert (rl1>=0 && rl1<h.reflevels());
+ assert (c1>=0 && c1<h.components(rl1));
+ assert (ml1>=0 && ml1<h.mglevels(rl1,c1));
+ for (int i=0; i<(int)tl2s.size(); ++i) {
+ assert (tl2s.at(i)>=tmin && tl2s.at(i)<=tmax);
+ }
+ assert (rl2>=0 && rl2<h.reflevels());
+ const int c2=c1;
+ assert (ml2>=0 && ml2<h.mglevels(rl2,c2));
+ vector<const gdata<D>*> gsrcs(tl2s.size());
+ vector<CCTK_REAL> times(tl2s.size());
+ for (int i=0; i<(int)gsrcs.size(); ++i) {
+ assert (rl2<(int)storage.at(tl2s.at(i)-tmin).size());
+ assert (c2<(int)storage.at(tl2s.at(i)-tmin).at(rl2).size());
+ assert (ml2<(int)storage.at(tl2s.at(i)-tmin).at(rl2).at(c2).size());
+ gsrcs.at(i) = storage.at(tl2s.at(i)-tmin).at(rl2).at(c2).at(ml2);
+ times.at(i) = t.time(tl2s.at(i),rl2,ml2);
+ }
+ const ibbox recv = d.boxes.at(rl1).at(c1).at(ml1).*recv_list;
+ const ibbox send = d.boxes.at(rl2).at(c2).at(ml2).*send_list;
+ assert (all(recv.shape()==send.shape()));
+ // interpolate the content
+ assert (recv==send);
+ storage.at(tl1-tmin).at(rl1).at(c1).at(ml1)->interpolate_from
+ (state, gsrcs, times, recv, time,
+ d.prolongation_order_space, prolongation_order_time);
+// Interpolate regions
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::intercat (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl1, int rl1, int c1, int ml1,
+ const iblist dh<D>::dboxes::* recv_list,
+ const vector<int> tl2s, int rl2, int ml2,
+ const iblist dh<D>::dboxes::* send_list,
+ const CCTK_REAL time)
+ assert (tl1>=tmin && tl1<=tmax);
+ assert (rl1>=0 && rl1<h.reflevels());
+ assert (c1>=0 && c1<h.components(rl1));
+ assert (ml1>=0 && ml1<h.mglevels(rl1,c1));
+ for (int i=0; i<(int)tl2s.size(); ++i) {
+ assert (tl2s.at(i)>=tmin && tl2s.at(i)<=tmax);
+ }
+ assert (rl2>=0 && rl2<h.reflevels());
+ const int c2=c1;
+ assert (ml2>=0 && ml2<h.mglevels(rl2,c2));
+ vector<const gdata<D>*> gsrcs(tl2s.size());
+ vector<CCTK_REAL> times(tl2s.size());
+ for (int i=0; i<(int)gsrcs.size(); ++i) {
+ assert (rl2<(int)storage.at(tl2s.at(i)-tmin).size());
+ assert (c2<(int)storage.at(tl2s.at(i)-tmin).at(rl2).size());
+ assert (ml2<(int)storage.at(tl2s.at(i)-tmin).at(rl2).at(c2).size());
+ gsrcs.at(i) = storage.at(tl2s.at(i)-tmin).at(rl2).at(c2).at(ml2);
+ times.at(i) = t.time(tl2s.at(i),rl2,ml2);
+ }
+ const iblist recv = d.boxes.at(rl1).at(c1).at(ml1).*recv_list;
+ const iblist send = d.boxes.at(rl2).at(c2).at(ml2).*send_list;
+ assert (recv.size()==send.size());
+ // walk all boxes
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator r=recv.begin(), s=send.begin();
+ r!=recv.end(); ++r, ++s) {
+ // (use the send boxes for communication)
+ // interpolate the content
+ storage.at(tl1-tmin).at(rl1).at(c1).at(ml1)->interpolate_from
+ (state, gsrcs, times, *r, time,
+ d.prolongation_order_space, prolongation_order_time);
+ }
+// Interpolate regions
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::intercat (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl1, int rl1, int c1, int ml1,
+ const iblistvect dh<D>::dboxes::* recv_listvect,
+ const vector<int> tl2s, int rl2, int ml2,
+ const iblistvect dh<D>::dboxes::* send_listvect,
+ const CCTK_REAL time)
+ assert (tl1>=tmin && tl1<=tmax);
+ assert (rl1>=0 && rl1<h.reflevels());
+ assert (c1>=0 && c1<h.components(rl1));
+ assert (ml1>=0 && ml1<h.mglevels(rl1,c1));
+ for (int i=0; i<(int)tl2s.size(); ++i) {
+ assert (tl2s.at(i)>=tmin && tl2s.at(i)<=tmax);
+ }
+ assert (rl2>=0 && rl2<h.reflevels());
+ // walk all components
+ for (int c2=0; c2<h.components(rl2); ++c2) {
+ assert (ml2>=0 && ml2<h.mglevels(rl2,c2));
+ vector<const gdata<D>*> gsrcs(tl2s.size());
+ vector<CCTK_REAL> times(tl2s.size());
+ for (int i=0; i<(int)gsrcs.size(); ++i) {
+ assert (rl2<(int)storage.at(tl2s.at(i)-tmin).size());
+ assert (c2<(int)storage.at(tl2s.at(i)-tmin).at(rl2).size());
+ assert (ml2<(int)storage.at(tl2s.at(i)-tmin).at(rl2).at(c2).size());
+ gsrcs.at(i) = storage.at(tl2s.at(i)-tmin).at(rl2).at(c2).at(ml2);
+ times.at(i) = t.time(tl2s.at(i),rl2,ml2);
+ }
+ const iblist recv = (d.boxes.at(rl1).at(c1).at(ml1).*recv_listvect).at(c2);
+ const iblist send = (d.boxes.at(rl2).at(c2).at(ml2).*send_listvect).at(c1);
+ assert (recv.size()==send.size());
+ // walk all boxes
+ for (typename iblist::const_iterator r=recv.begin(), s=send.begin();
+ r!=recv.end(); ++r, ++s) {
+ // (use the send boxes for communication)
+ // interpolate the content
+ storage.at(tl1-tmin).at(rl1).at(c1).at(ml1)->interpolate_from
+ (state, gsrcs, times, *r, time,
+ d.prolongation_order_space, prolongation_order_time);
+ }
+ }
+// Copy a component from the next time level
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::copy (comm_state<D>& state, int tl, int rl, int c, int ml)
+ // Copy
+ copycat (state,
+ tl ,rl,c,ml, &dh<D>::dboxes::exterior,
+ tl+1,rl, ml, &dh<D>::dboxes::exterior);
+// Synchronise the boundaries a component
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::sync (comm_state<D>& state, int tl, int rl, int c, int ml)
+ // Copy
+ copycat (state,
+ tl,rl,c,ml, &dh<D>::dboxes::recv_sync,
+ tl,rl, ml, &dh<D>::dboxes::send_sync);
+// Prolongate the boundaries of a component
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::ref_bnd_prolongate (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl, int rl, int c, int ml,
+ CCTK_REAL time)
+ // Interpolate
+ assert (rl>=1);
+ if (transport_operator == op_none) return;
+ vector<int> tl2s;
+ // Interpolation in time
+ assert (tmax-tmin+1 >= prolongation_order_time+1);
+ tl2s.resize(prolongation_order_time+1);
+ for (int i=0; i<=prolongation_order_time; ++i) tl2s.at(i) = tmax - i;
+ intercat (state,
+ tl ,rl ,c,ml, &dh<D>::dboxes::recv_ref_bnd_coarse,
+ tl2s,rl-1, ml, &dh<D>::dboxes::send_ref_bnd_fine,
+ time);
+// Restrict a multigrid level
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::mg_restrict (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl, int rl, int c, int ml,
+ CCTK_REAL time)
+ // Require same times
+ assert (abs(t.get_time(rl,ml) - t.get_time(rl,ml-1))
+ <= 1.0e-8 * abs(t.get_time(rl,ml)));
+ const vector<int> tl2s(1,tl);
+ intercat (state,
+ tl ,rl,c,ml, &dh<D>::dboxes::recv_mg_coarse,
+ tl2s,rl, ml-1, &dh<D>::dboxes::send_mg_fine,
+ time);
+// Prolongate a multigrid level
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::mg_prolongate (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl, int rl, int c, int ml,
+ CCTK_REAL time)
+ // Require same times
+ assert (abs(t.get_time(rl,ml) - t.get_time(rl,ml+1))
+ <= 1.0e-8 * abs(t.get_time(rl,ml)));
+ const vector<int> tl2s(1,tl);
+ intercat (state,
+ tl ,rl,c,ml, &dh<D>::dboxes::recv_mg_coarse,
+ tl2s,rl, ml+1, &dh<D>::dboxes::send_mg_fine,
+ time);
+// Restrict a refinement level
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::ref_restrict (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl, int rl, int c, int ml,
+ CCTK_REAL time)
+ // Require same times
+ assert (abs(t.get_time(rl,ml) - t.get_time(rl+1,ml))
+ <= 1.0e-8 * abs(t.get_time(rl,ml)));
+ if (transport_operator == op_none) return;
+ const vector<int> tl2s(1,tl);
+ intercat (state,
+ tl ,rl ,c,ml, &dh<D>::dboxes::recv_ref_fine,
+ tl2s,rl+1, ml, &dh<D>::dboxes::send_ref_coarse,
+ time);
+// Prolongate a refinement level
+template<int D>
+void ggf<D>::ref_prolongate (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl, int rl, int c, int ml,
+ CCTK_REAL time)
+ assert (rl>=1);
+ if (transport_operator == op_none) return;
+ vector<int> tl2s;
+ // Interpolation in time
+ assert (tmax-tmin+1 >= prolongation_order_time+1);
+ tl2s.resize(prolongation_order_time+1);
+ for (int i=0; i<=prolongation_order_time; ++i) tl2s.at(i) = tmax - i;
+ intercat (state,
+ tl ,rl ,c,ml, &dh<D>::dboxes::recv_ref_coarse,
+ tl2s,rl-1, ml, &dh<D>::dboxes::send_ref_fine,
+ time);
+template class ggf<3>;
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/ggf.hh b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/ggf.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6a551cf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/ggf.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/ggf.hh,v 1.25 2004/08/07 19:47:11 schnetter Exp $
+#ifndef GGF_HH
+#define GGF_HH
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "dh.hh"
+#include "gdata.hh"
+#include "gh.hh"
+#include "th.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// Forward declaration
+template<int D> class ggf;
+// Output
+template<int D>
+ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const ggf<D>& f);
+// A generic grid function without type information
+template<int D>
+class ggf {
+ // Types
+ typedef vect<int,D> ivect;
+ typedef bbox<int,D> ibbox;
+ typedef bboxset<int,D> ibset;
+ typedef list<ibbox> iblist;
+ typedef vector<iblist> iblistvect;
+ typedef gdata<D>* tdata; // data ...
+ typedef vector<tdata> mdata; // ... for each multigrid level
+ typedef vector<mdata> cdata; // ... for each component
+ typedef vector<cdata> rdata; // ... for each refinement level
+ typedef vector<rdata> fdata; // ... for each time level
+public: // should be readonly
+ // Fields
+ int varindex; // Cactus variable index
+ operator_type transport_operator;
+ th<D> &t; // time hierarchy
+ int tmin, tmax; // timelevels
+ int prolongation_order_time; // order of temporal prolongation operator
+ gh<D> &h; // grid hierarchy
+ dh<D> &d; // data hierarchy
+ fdata storage; // storage
+ int vectorlength; // vector length
+ int vectorindex; // index of *this
+ ggf* vectorleader; // first vector element
+ fdata oldstorage;
+ // Constructors
+ ggf (const int varindex, const operator_type transport_operator,
+ th<D>& t, dh<D>& d,
+ const int tmin, const int tmax,
+ const int prolongation_order_time,
+ const int vectorlength, const int vectorindex,
+ ggf* const vectorleader);
+ // Destructors
+ virtual ~ggf ();
+ // Comparison
+ bool operator== (const ggf<D>& f) const;
+ // Modifiers
+ // void recompose ();
+ void recompose_crop ();
+ void recompose_allocate (int rl);
+ void recompose_fill (comm_state<D>& state, int rl, bool do_prolongate);
+ void recompose_free (int rl);
+ void recompose_bnd_prolongate (comm_state<D>& state, int rl, bool do_prolongate);
+ void recompose_sync (comm_state<D>& state, int rl, bool do_prolongate);
+ // Cycle the time levels by rotating the data sets
+ void cycle (int rl, int c, int ml);
+ // Flip the time levels by exchanging the data sets
+ void flip (int rl, int c, int ml);
+ // Helpers
+ virtual gdata<D>* typed_data (int tl, int rl, int c, int ml) = 0;
+ // Operations
+ // Copy a region
+ void copycat (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl1, int rl1, int c1, int ml1,
+ const ibbox dh<D>::dboxes::* recv_list,
+ int tl2, int rl2, int ml2,
+ const ibbox dh<D>::dboxes::* send_list);
+ // Copy regions
+ void copycat (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl1, int rl1, int c1, int ml1,
+ const iblist dh<D>::dboxes::* recv_list,
+ int tl2, int rl2, int ml2,
+ const iblist dh<D>::dboxes::* send_list);
+ // Copy regions
+ void copycat (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl1, int rl1, int c1, int ml1,
+ const iblistvect dh<D>::dboxes::* recv_listvect,
+ int tl2, int rl2, int ml2,
+ const iblistvect dh<D>::dboxes::* send_listvect);
+ // Interpolate a region
+ void intercat (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl1, int rl1, int c1, int ml1,
+ const ibbox dh<D>::dboxes::* recv_list,
+ const vector<int> tl2s, int rl2, int ml2,
+ const ibbox dh<D>::dboxes::* send_list,
+ CCTK_REAL time);
+ // Interpolate regions
+ void intercat (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl1, int rl1, int c1, int ml1,
+ const iblist dh<D>::dboxes::* recv_list,
+ const vector<int> tl2s, int rl2, int ml2,
+ const iblist dh<D>::dboxes::* send_list,
+ CCTK_REAL time);
+ // Interpolate regions
+ void intercat (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl1, int rl1, int c1, int ml1,
+ const iblistvect dh<D>::dboxes::* recv_listvect,
+ const vector<int> tl2s, int rl2, int ml2,
+ const iblistvect dh<D>::dboxes::* send_listvect,
+ CCTK_REAL time);
+ // The grid boundaries have to be updated after calling mg_restrict,
+ // mg_prolongate, ref_restrict, or ref_prolongate.
+ // "Updating" means here that the boundaries have to be
+ // synchronised. They don't need to be prolongated.
+ // Copy a component from the next time level
+ void copy (comm_state<D>& state, int tl, int rl, int c, int ml);
+ // Synchronise the boundaries of a component
+ void sync (comm_state<D>& state, int tl, int rl, int c, int ml);
+ // Prolongate the boundaries of a component
+ void ref_bnd_prolongate (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl, int rl, int c, int ml, CCTK_REAL time);
+ // Restrict a multigrid level
+ void mg_restrict (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl, int rl, int c, int ml, CCTK_REAL time);
+ // Prolongate a multigrid level
+ void mg_prolongate (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl, int rl, int c, int ml, CCTK_REAL time);
+ // Restrict a refinement level
+ void ref_restrict (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl, int rl, int c, int ml, CCTK_REAL time);
+ // Prolongate a refinement level
+ void ref_prolongate (comm_state<D>& state,
+ int tl, int rl, int c, int ml, CCTK_REAL time);
+ // Access to the data
+ virtual const gdata<D>* operator() (int tl, int rl, int c, int ml) const = 0;
+ virtual gdata<D>* operator() (int tl, int rl, int c, int ml) = 0;
+ // Output
+ virtual ostream& output (ostream& os) const = 0;
+template<int D>
+inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const ggf<D>& f) {
+ return f.output(os);
+#endif // GGF_HH
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gh.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gh.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32df39bf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gh.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gh.cc,v 1.29 2004/08/07 19:47:11 schnetter Exp $
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "dh.hh"
+#include "th.hh"
+#include "gh.hh"
+using namespace std;
+ // Constructors
+template<int D>
+gh<D>::gh (const int reffact, const centering refcent,
+ const int mgfact, const centering mgcent,
+ const ibbox baseextent)
+ : reffact(reffact), refcent(refcent),
+ mgfact(mgfact), mgcent(mgcent),
+ baseextent(baseextent)
+// Destructors
+template<int D>
+gh<D>::~gh () { }
+// Modifiers
+template<int D>
+void gh<D>::recompose (const rexts& exts,
+ const rbnds& outer_bounds,
+ const rprocs& procs,
+ const bool do_prolongate)
+ extents = exts;
+ outer_boundaries = outer_bounds;
+ processors = procs;
+ // Consistency checks
+ // nota bene: there might be 0 refinement levels.
+ // Check processor number consistency
+ for (int rl=0; rl<reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ assert (processors.size() == extents.size());
+ assert (outer_boundaries.size() == extents.size());
+ for (int c=0; c<components(rl); ++c) {
+ assert (processors.at(rl).size() == extents.at(rl).size());
+ assert (outer_boundaries.at(rl).size() == extents.at(rl).size());
+ }
+ }
+ // Check multigrid consistency
+ for (int rl=0; rl<reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<components(rl); ++c) {
+ assert (mglevels(rl,c)>0);
+ for (int ml=1; ml<mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ assert (all(extents.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).stride()
+ == ivect(mgfact) * extents.at(rl).at(c).at(ml-1).stride()));
+ // TODO: put the check back in, taking outer boundaries into
+ // account
+#if 0
+ assert (extents.at(rl).at(c).at(ml)
+ .contracted_for(extents.at(rl).at(c).at(ml-1))
+ .is_contained_in(extents.at(rl).at(c).at(ml-1)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Check component consistency
+ for (int rl=0; rl<reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ assert (components(rl)>0);
+ for (int c=0; c<components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ assert (all(extents.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).stride()
+ == extents.at(rl).at(0).at(ml).stride()));
+ assert (extents.at(rl).at(c).at(ml).is_aligned_with(extents.at(rl).at(0).at(ml)));
+ for (int cc=c+1; cc<components(rl); ++cc) {
+ assert ((extents.at(rl).at(c).at(ml) & extents.at(rl).at(cc).at(ml)).empty());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Check base grid extent
+ if (reflevels()>0) {
+ for (int c=0; c<components(0); ++c) {
+ // TODO: put the check back in, taking outer boundaries into
+ // account
+#if 0
+ assert (extents.at(0).at(c).at(0).is_contained_in(baseextent));
+ }
+ }
+ // Check refinement levels
+ for (int rl=1; rl<reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ assert (all(extents.at(rl-1).at(0).at(0).stride()
+ == ivect(reffact) * extents.at(rl).at(0).at(0).stride()));
+ // Check contained-ness:
+ // first take all coarse grids ...
+ bboxset<int,D> all;
+ for (int c=0; c<components(rl-1); ++c) {
+ all |= extents.at(rl-1).at(c).at(0);
+ }
+ // ... remember their size ...
+ const int sz = all.size();
+ // ... then add the coarsified fine grids ...
+ for (int c=0; c<components(rl); ++c) {
+ all |= extents.at(rl).at(c).at(0).contracted_for(extents.at(rl-1).at(0).at(0));
+ }
+ // ... and then check the sizes:
+ assert (all.size() == sz);
+ }
+ // Calculate base extents of all levels
+ bases.resize(reflevels());
+ for (int rl=0; rl<reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ if (components(rl)==0) {
+ bases.at(rl).resize(0);
+ } else {
+ bases.at(rl).resize(mglevels(rl,0));
+ for (int ml=0; ml<mglevels(rl,0); ++ml) {
+ bases.at(rl).at(ml) = ibbox();
+ for (int c=0; c<components(rl); ++c) {
+ bases.at(rl).at(ml)
+ = bases.at(rl).at(ml).expanded_containing(extents.at(rl).at(c).at(ml));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (output_bboxes) {
+ for (int rl=0; rl<reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int c=0; c<components(rl); ++c) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<mglevels(rl,c); ++ml) {
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "gh bboxes:" << endl;
+ cout << "rl=" << rl << " c=" << c << " ml=" << ml << endl;
+ cout << "extent=" << extents.at(rl).at(c).at(ml) << endl;
+ cout << "outer_boundary=" << outer_boundaries.at(rl).at(c) << endl;
+ cout << "processor=" << processors.at(rl).at(c) << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int rl=0; rl<reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ if (components(rl)>0) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<mglevels(rl,0); ++ml) {
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "gh bases:" << endl;
+ cout << "rl=" << rl << " ml=" << ml << endl;
+ cout << "base=" << bases.at(rl).at(ml) << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Recompose the other hierarchies
+ for (typename list<th<D>*>::iterator t=ths.begin(); t!=ths.end(); ++t) {
+ (*t)->recompose();
+ }
+ for (typename list<dh<D>*>::iterator d=dhs.begin(); d!=dhs.end(); ++d) {
+ (*d)->recompose (do_prolongate);
+ }
+// Accessors
+template<int D>
+int gh<D>::local_components (const int rl) const {
+ int lc = 0;
+ for (int c=0; c<components(rl); ++c) {
+ if (is_local(rl,c)) ++lc;
+ }
+ return lc;
+// Time hierarchy management
+template<int D>
+void gh<D>::add (th<D>* t) {
+ ths.push_back(t);
+template<int D>
+void gh<D>::remove (th<D>* t) {
+ ths.remove(t);
+// Data hierarchy management
+template<int D>
+void gh<D>::add (dh<D>* d) {
+ dhs.push_back(d);
+template<int D>
+void gh<D>::remove (dh<D>* d) {
+ dhs.remove(d);
+template<int D>
+ostream& gh<D>::output (ostream& os) const {
+ os << "gh<" << D << ">:"
+ << "reffactor=" << reffact << ",refcentering=" << refcent << ","
+ << "mgfactor=" << mgfact << ",mgcentering=" << mgcent << ","
+ << "extents=" << extents << ","
+ << "outer_boundaries=" << outer_boundaries << ","
+ << "processors=" << processors << ","
+ << "dhs={";
+ int cnt=0;
+ for (typename list<dh<D>*>::const_iterator d = dhs.begin();
+ d != dhs.end(); ++d) {
+ if (cnt++) os << ",";
+ (*d)->output(os);
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ return os;
+template class gh<3>;
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gh.hh b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gh.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..edf149000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gh.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/gh.hh,v 1.18 2004/08/07 19:47:11 schnetter Exp $
+#ifndef GH_HH
+#define GH_HH
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+#include "bbox.hh"
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "dist.hh"
+#include "vect.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// Forward declaration
+template<int D> class dh;
+template<int D> class th;
+template<int D> class gh;
+// Output
+template<int D>
+ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const gh<D>& h);
+// A refinement hierarchy, where higher levels are finer than the base
+// level. The extents do not include ghost zones.
+template<int D>
+class gh {
+ // Types
+ typedef vect<int,D> ivect;
+ typedef bbox<int,D> ibbox;
+ typedef vect<vect<bool,2>,D> bvect;
+ typedef vector<ibbox> mexts; // ... for each multigrid level
+ typedef vector<mexts> cexts; // ... for each component
+ typedef vector<cexts> rexts; // ... for each refinement level
+ typedef vector<bvect> cbnds; // ... for each component
+ typedef vector<cbnds> rbnds; // ... for each refinement level
+ typedef vector<int> cprocs; // ... for each component
+ typedef vector<cprocs> rprocs; // ... for each refinement level
+public: // should be readonly
+ // Fields
+ int reffact; // refinement factor
+ centering refcent; // vertex or cell centered
+ int mgfact; // default multigrid factor
+ centering mgcent; // default (vertex or cell centered)
+ list<th<D>*> ths; // list of all time hierarchies
+ ibbox baseextent;
+ vector<vector<ibbox> > bases; // [rl][ml]
+ // TODO: invent structure for this
+ rexts extents; // extents of all grids
+ rbnds outer_boundaries; // boundary descriptions of all grids
+ rprocs processors; // processor numbers of all grids
+ list<dh<D>*> dhs; // list of all data hierarchies
+ // Constructors
+ gh (const int reffact, const centering refcent,
+ const int mgfact, const centering mgcent,
+ const ibbox baseextent);
+ // Destructors
+ virtual ~gh ();
+ // Modifiers
+ void recompose (const rexts& exts, const rbnds& outer_bounds,
+ const rprocs& procs,
+ const bool do_prolongate);
+ // Accessors
+ int reflevels () const {
+ return (int)extents.size();
+ }
+ int components (const int rl) const {
+ return (int)extents.at(rl).size();
+ }
+ int mglevels (const int rl, const int c) const {
+ return (int)extents.at(rl).at(c).size();
+ }
+ bvect outer_boundary (const int rl, const int c) const {
+ return outer_boundaries.at(rl).at(c);
+ }
+ int proc (const int rl, const int c) const {
+ return processors.at(rl).at(c);
+ }
+ bool is_local (const int rl, const int c) const {
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_rank (dist::comm, &rank);
+ return proc(rl,c) == rank;
+ }
+ int local_components (const int rl) const;
+ // Time hierarchy management
+ void add (th<D>* t);
+ void remove (th<D>* t);
+ // Data hierarchy management
+ void add (dh<D>* d);
+ void remove (dh<D>* d);
+ // Output
+ virtual ostream& output (ostream& os) const;
+template<int D>
+inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const gh<D>& h) {
+ h.output(os);
+ return os;
+#endif // GH_HH
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/instantiate b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/instantiate
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f4e2d6d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/instantiate
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+// Instantiate templates for all available types -*-C++-*-
+// (C) 2001 Erik Schnetter <schnetter@uni-tuebingen.de>
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/instantiate,v 1.10 2004/03/01 21:35:13 schnetter Exp $
+// Usage:
+// Define the macro INSTANTIATE(T) to instantiate for the type T,
+// then include this file,
+// then undefine the macro INSTANTIATE.
+// Decide which types to instantiate
+#ifdef CARPET_ALL
+# undef CARPET_BYTE
+# undef CARPET_INT
+# undef CARPET_REAL
+# define CARPET_BYTE
+# define CARPET_INT
+# define CARPET_REAL
+# undef CARPET_INT1
+# undef CARPET_INT2
+# undef CARPET_INT4
+# undef CARPET_INT8
+# define CARPET_INT1
+# define CARPET_INT2
+# define CARPET_INT4
+# define CARPET_INT8
+# undef CARPET_REAL4
+# undef CARPET_REAL8
+# undef CARPET_REAL16
+# define CARPET_REAL4
+# define CARPET_REAL8
+# define CARPET_REAL16
+# define CARPET_COMPLEX16
+# define CARPET_COMPLEX32
+#if !defined(CARPET_BYTE) && !defined(CARPET_INT) && !defined(CARPET_INT1) && !defined(CARPET_INT2) && !defined(CARPET_INT4) && !defined(CARPET_INT8) && !defined(CARPET_REAL) && !defined(CARPET_REAL4) && !defined(CARPET_REAL8) && !defined(CARPET_REAL16) && !defined(CARPET_COMPLEX) && !defined(CARPET_COMPLEX8) && !defined(CARPET_COMPLEX16) && !defined(CARPET_COMPLEX32)
+// Assume the user just wants INT, REAL, and COMPLEX
+# undef CARPET_INT
+# define CARPET_INT
+# undef CARPET_REAL
+# define CARPET_REAL
+#ifdef CARPET_INT
+# undef CARPET_INT1
+# define CARPET_INT1
+# endif
+# undef CARPET_INT2
+# define CARPET_INT2
+# endif
+# undef CARPET_INT4
+# define CARPET_INT4
+# endif
+# undef CARPET_INT8
+# define CARPET_INT8
+# endif
+# undef CARPET_REAL4
+# define CARPET_REAL4
+# endif
+# undef CARPET_REAL8
+# define CARPET_REAL8
+# endif
+# undef CARPET_REAL16
+# define CARPET_REAL16
+# endif
+# endif
+# define CARPET_COMPLEX16
+# endif
+# define CARPET_COMPLEX32
+# endif
+// // Check
+// #if !defined(CARPET_BYTE) && !defined(CARPET_INT1) && !defined(CARPET_INT2) && !defined(CARPET_INT4) && !defined(CARPET_INT8) && !defined(CARPET_REAL4) && !defined(CARPET_REAL8) && !defined(CARPET_REAL16) && !defined(CARPET_COMPLEX8) && !defined(CARPET_COMPLEX16) && !defined(CARPET_COMPLEX32)
+// # error "You have not defined which grid function types to instantiate."
+// #endif
+// Instantiate the desired types
+#ifdef CARPET_INT1
+# ifdef CCTK_INT1
+# endif
+#ifdef CARPET_INT2
+# ifdef CCTK_INT2
+# endif
+#ifdef CARPET_INT4
+# ifdef CCTK_INT4
+# endif
+#ifdef CARPET_INT8
+# ifdef CCTK_INT8
+# endif
+#ifdef CARPET_REAL4
+# ifdef CCTK_REAL4
+# endif
+#ifdef CARPET_REAL8
+# ifdef CCTK_REAL8
+# endif
+#ifdef CARPET_REAL16
+# ifdef CCTK_REAL16
+# endif
+# ifdef CCTK_REAL4
+# endif
+# ifdef CCTK_REAL8
+# endif
+# ifdef CCTK_REAL16
+# endif
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/make.code.defn b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/make.code.defn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4bfcaec4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/make.code.defn
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Main make.code.defn file for thorn CarpetLib -*-Makefile-*-
+# $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/make.code.defn,v 1.13 2004/03/03 15:30:40 hawke Exp $
+# Source files in this directory
+SRCS = bbox.cc \
+ bboxset.cc \
+ data.cc \
+ defs.cc \
+ dh.cc \
+ dist.cc \
+ gdata.cc \
+ gf.cc \
+ ggf.cc \
+ gh.cc \
+ th.cc \
+ vect.cc \
+ checkindex.F77 \
+ copy_3d_complex16.F77 \
+ copy_3d_int4.F77 \
+ copy_3d_real8.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_rf2.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_o3.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_o3_rf2.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_o5.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_2tl.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_rf2.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o3.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o3_rf2.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o5.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_3tl.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_rf2.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o3.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o3_rf2.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o5.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_minmod.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_minmod.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_minmod.F77 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_eno.F90 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_eno.F90 \
+ prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_eno.F90 \
+ restrict_3d_real8.F77 \
+ restrict_3d_real8_rf2.F77
+# Subdirectories containing source files
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/make.configuration.defn b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/make.configuration.defn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a70db23a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/make.configuration.defn
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Main make.configuration.defn file for thorn CarpetLib -*-Makefile-*-
+# $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/make.configuration.defn,v 1.5 2004/04/29 22:15:06 tradke Exp $
+# Ensure that MPI is available
+ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_MPI)), )
+ $(error Configuration error: The Carpet thorns require MPI. Please configure with MPI, or remove the Carpet thorns from the ThornList.)
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/operators.hh b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/operators.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b65ff23cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/operators.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/operators.hh,v 1.2 2004/03/03 15:30:40 hawke Exp $
+enum operator_type { op_error, op_none, op_Lagrange, op_TVD, op_ENO };
+#endif // OPERATORS_HH
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8eae50332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8.F77,v 1.11 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \
+ if ((i).lt.1 .or. (i).gt.(imax) \
+ .or. (j).lt.1 .or. (j).gt.(jmax) \
+ .or. (k).lt.1 .or. (k).gt.(kmax)) then &&\
+ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') \
+ (where), (imax), (jmax), (kmax), (i), (j), (k) &&\
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, msg(1:len_trim(msg))) &&\
+ end if
+ subroutine prolongate_3d_real8 (
+ $ src, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 one
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ CCTK_REAL8 dstdiv
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer ifac(2), jfac(2), kfac(2)
+ integer ii, jj, kk
+ integer fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 res
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ dstifac = srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjfac = srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Loop over fine region
+ dstdiv = one / (dstifac * dstjfac * dstkfac)
+ do k = 0, regkext-1
+ k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac
+ fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac)
+ kfac(1) = (fk-dstkfac) * (-1)
+ kfac(2) = (fk ) * 1
+ do j = 0, regjext-1
+ j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac
+ fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac)
+ jfac(1) = (fj-dstjfac) * (-1)
+ jfac(2) = (fj ) * 1
+ do i = 0, regiext-1
+ i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac
+ fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac)
+ ifac(1) = (fi-dstifac) * (-1)
+ ifac(2) = (fi ) * 1
+ res = 0
+ do kk=1,2
+ do jj=1,2
+ do ii=1,2
+ fac = ifac(ii) * jfac(jj) * kfac(kk)
+ if (fac.ne.0) then
+ CHKIDX (i0+ii, j0+jj, k0+kk, \
+ srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ res = res + fac * src(i0+ii, j0+jj, k0+kk)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+c$$$ fac = ifac(1) * jfac(1) * kfac(1)
+c$$$ if (fac.ne.0) res = res + fac * src(i0+1, j0+1, k0+1)
+c$$$ fac = ifac(2) * jfac(1) * kfac(1)
+c$$$ if (fac.ne.0) res = res + fac * src(i0+2, j0+1, k0+1)
+c$$$ fac = ifac(1) * jfac(2) * kfac(1)
+c$$$ if (fac.ne.0) res = res + fac * src(i0+1, j0+2, k0+1)
+c$$$ fac = ifac(2) * jfac(2) * kfac(1)
+c$$$ if (fac.ne.0) res = res + fac * src(i0+2, j0+2, k0+1)
+c$$$ fac = ifac(1) * jfac(1) * kfac(2)
+c$$$ if (fac.ne.0) res = res + fac * src(i0+1, j0+1, k0+2)
+c$$$ fac = ifac(2) * jfac(1) * kfac(2)
+c$$$ if (fac.ne.0) res = res + fac * src(i0+2, j0+1, k0+2)
+c$$$ fac = ifac(1) * jfac(2) * kfac(2)
+c$$$ if (fac.ne.0) res = res + fac * src(i0+1, j0+2, k0+2)
+c$$$ fac = ifac(2) * jfac(2) * kfac(2)
+c$$$ if (fac.ne.0) res = res + fac * src(i0+2, j0+2, k0+2)
+ CHKIDX (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, \
+ dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = dstdiv * res
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8fd69178f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl.F77,v 1.12 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \
+ if ((i).lt.1 .or. (i).gt.(imax) \
+ .or. (j).lt.1 .or. (j).gt.(jmax) \
+ .or. (k).lt.1 .or. (k).gt.(kmax)) then &&\
+ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') \
+ (where), (imax), (jmax), (kmax), (i), (j), (k) &&\
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, msg(1:len_trim(msg))) &&\
+ end if
+ subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_2tl (
+ $ src1, t1, src2, t2, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, t, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 one
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ CCTK_REAL8 eps
+ parameter (eps = 1.0d-10)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src1(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src2(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ CCTK_REAL8 s1fac, s2fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 dstdiv
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer ifac(2), jfac(2), kfac(2)
+ integer ii, jj, kk
+ integer fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 res
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ dstifac = srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjfac = srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Linear (first order) interpolation
+ if (t1.eq.t2) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: arrays have same time")
+ end if
+ if (t.lt.min(t1,t2)-eps .or. t.gt.max(t1,t2)+eps) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: extrapolation in time")
+ end if
+ s1fac = (t - t2) / (t1 - t2)
+ s2fac = (t - t1) / (t2 - t1)
+c Loop over fine region
+ dstdiv = one / (dstifac * dstjfac * dstkfac)
+ do k = 0, regkext-1
+ k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac
+ fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac)
+ kfac(1) = (fk-dstkfac) * (-1)
+ kfac(2) = (fk ) * 1
+ do j = 0, regjext-1
+ j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac
+ fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac)
+ jfac(1) = (fj-dstjfac) * (-1)
+ jfac(2) = (fj ) * 1
+ do i = 0, regiext-1
+ i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac
+ fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac)
+ ifac(1) = (fi-dstifac) * (-1)
+ ifac(2) = (fi ) * 1
+ res = 0
+ do kk=1,2
+ do jj=1,2
+ do ii=1,2
+ fac = ifac(ii) * jfac(jj) * kfac(kk)
+ if (fac.ne.0) then
+ CHKIDX (i0+ii, j0+jj, k0+kk, \
+ srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ res = res
+ $ + fac * s1fac * src1(i0+ii, j0+jj, k0+kk)
+ $ + fac * s2fac * src2(i0+ii, j0+jj, k0+kk)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ CHKIDX (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, \
+ dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = dstdiv * res
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_eno.F90 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_eno.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..03a151cdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_eno.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+!!$ -*-Fortran-*-
+!!$ $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_eno.F90,v 1.1 2004/03/03 15:30:40 hawke Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+!!$ This routine performs "ENO" prolongation. It is intended to be used
+!!$ with GFs that are not expected to be smooth, particularly those
+!!$ that must also obey certain constraints. The obvious example is the
+!!$ density in hydrodynamics, which may be discontinuous yet must be
+!!$ strictly positive.
+!!$ To ensure that this prolongation method is used you should add the
+!!$ tag
+!!$ tags='Prolongation="ENO"'
+!!$ to the interface.ccl on the appropriate group.
+!!$ This applies ENO2 type limiting to the slope, checking over the
+!!$ entire coarse grid cell for the least oscillatory quadratic in each
+!!$ direction. If the slope changes sign over the extrema, linear
+!!$ interpolation is used instead.
+!!$ The actual eno1d function is defined in the routine
+!!$ prolongate_3d_real8_eno.F77
+#define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \
+if ((i).lt.1 .or. (i).gt.(imax) \
+ .or. (j).lt.1 .or. (j).gt.(jmax) \
+ .or. (k).lt.1 .or. (k).gt.(kmax)) then &&\
+ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') \
+ (where), (imax), (jmax), (kmax), (i), (j), (k) &&\
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, msg(1:len_trim(msg))) &&\
+end if
+subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_eno (src1, t1, src2, t2, &
+ srciext, srcjext, srckext, dst, t, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext, &
+ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 one
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ CCTK_REAL8 eps
+ parameter (eps = 1.0d-10)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src1(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src2(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+!!$ bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+!!$ bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+!!$ bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer offsetlo, offsethi
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ CCTK_REAL8 s1fac, s2fac
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer ifac(4), jfac(4), kfac(4)
+ integer ii, jj, kk
+ integer fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 res
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ CCTK_REAL8, dimension(0:3,0:3) :: tmp1
+ CCTK_REAL8, dimension(0:3) :: tmp2
+ CCTK_REAL8 :: dsttmp1, dsttmp2
+ external eno1d
+ CCTK_REAL8 eno1d
+ CCTK_REAL8 half, zero
+ parameter (half = 0.5)
+ parameter (zero = 0)
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0 &
+ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3) &
+ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0 &
+ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0 &
+ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+!!$ This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(d,3) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + 0, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsetlo = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsethi = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1) &
+ .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2) &
+ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1) &
+ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1 &
+ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1 &
+ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1 &
+ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1 &
+ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1 &
+ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ dstifac = srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjfac = srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+!!$ Linear (first order) interpolation
+ if (t1.eq.t2) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: arrays have same time")
+ end if
+ if (t.lt.min(t1,t2)-eps .or. t.gt.max(t1,t2)+eps) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: extrapolation in time")
+ end if
+ s1fac = (t - t2) / (t1 - t2)
+ s2fac = (t - t1) / (t2 - t1)
+!!$ Loop over fine region
+ do k = 0, regkext-1
+ k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac
+ fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac)
+ do j = 0, regjext-1
+ j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac
+ fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac)
+ do i = 0, regiext-1
+ i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac
+ fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac)
+!!$ Where is the fine grid point w.r.t the coarse grid?
+ select case (fi + 10*fj + 100*fk)
+ case (0)
+!!$ On a coarse grid point exactly!
+ dsttmp1 = src1(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1)
+ dsttmp2 = src2(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1)
+ case (1)
+!!$ Interpolate only in x
+ dsttmp1 = eno1d(src1(i0:i0+3,j0+1,k0+1))
+ dsttmp2 = eno1d(src2(i0:i0+3,j0+1,k0+1))
+ case (10)
+!!$ Interpolate only in y
+ dsttmp1 = eno1d(src1(i0+1,j0:j0+3,k0+1))
+ dsttmp2 = eno1d(src2(i0+1,j0:j0+3,k0+1))
+ case (11)
+!!$ Interpolate only in x and y
+ do jj = 0, 3
+ tmp2(jj) = eno1d(src1(i0:i0+3,j0+jj,k0+1))
+ end do
+ dsttmp1 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ do jj = 0, 3
+ tmp2(jj) = eno1d(src2(i0:i0+3,j0+jj,k0+1))
+ end do
+ dsttmp2 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ case (100)
+!!$ Interpolate only in z
+ dsttmp1 = eno1d(src1(i0+1,j0+1,k0:k0+3))
+ dsttmp2 = eno1d(src2(i0+1,j0+1,k0:k0+3))
+ case (101)
+!!$ Interpolate only in x and z
+ do kk = 0, 3
+ tmp2(kk) = eno1d(src1(i0:i0+3,j0+1,k0+kk))
+ end do
+ dsttmp1 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ do kk = 0, 3
+ tmp2(kk) = eno1d(src2(i0:i0+3,j0+1,k0+kk))
+ end do
+ dsttmp2 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ case (110)
+!!$ Interpolate only in y and z
+ do kk = 0, 3
+ tmp2(kk) = eno1d(src1(i0+1,j0:j0+3,k0+kk))
+ end do
+ dsttmp1 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ do kk = 0, 3
+ tmp2(kk) = eno1d(src2(i0+1,j0:j0+3,k0+kk))
+ end do
+ dsttmp2 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ case (111)
+!!$ Interpolate in all of x, y, and z
+ do jj = 0, 3
+ do kk = 0, 3
+ tmp1(jj,kk) = eno1d(src1(i0:i0+3,j0+jj,k0+kk))
+ end do
+ end do
+ do ii = 0, 3
+ tmp2(ii) = eno1d(tmp1(0:3,ii))
+ end do
+ dsttmp1 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ do jj = 0, 3
+ do kk = 0, 3
+ tmp1(jj,kk) = eno1d(src2(i0:i0+3,j0+jj,k0+kk))
+ end do
+ end do
+ do ii = 0, 3
+ tmp2(ii) = eno1d(tmp1(0:3,ii))
+ end do
+ dsttmp2 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ case default
+ call CCTK_WARN(0, "Internal error in ENO prolongation. Should only be used with refinement factor 2!")
+ end select
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ s1fac * dsttmp1 + s2fac * dsttmp2
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+end subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_eno
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_minmod.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_minmod.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61db42539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_minmod.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_minmod.F77,v 1.6 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+c$$$ This routine performs "TVD" prolongation. It is intended to be used
+c$$$ with GFs that are not expected to be smooth, particularly those
+c$$$ that must also obey certain constraints. The obvious example is the
+c$$$ density in hydrodynamics, which may be discontinuous yet must be
+c$$$ strictly positive.
+c$$$ To ensure that this prolongation method is used you should add the
+c$$$ tag
+c$$$ tags='Prolongation="TVD"'
+c$$$ to the interface.ccl on the appropriate group.
+c$$$ This applies minmod type limiting to the slope, checking over the
+c$$$ entire coarse grid cell for the minimum modulus in each direction.
+c$$$ The actual minmod function is defined in the routine
+c$$$ prolongate_3d_real8_minmod.F77
+#define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \
+ if ((i).lt.1 .or. (i).gt.(imax) \
+ .or. (j).lt.1 .or. (j).gt.(jmax) \
+ .or. (k).lt.1 .or. (k).gt.(kmax)) then &&\
+ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') \
+ (where), (imax), (jmax), (kmax), (i), (j), (k) &&\
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, msg(1:len_trim(msg))) &&\
+ end if
+ subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_minmod (
+ $ src1, t1, src2, t2, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, t, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 one
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ CCTK_REAL8 eps
+ parameter (eps = 1.0d-10)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src1(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src2(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer offsetlo, offsethi
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ CCTK_REAL8 s1fac, s2fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 dstdiv
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer ifac(4), jfac(4), kfac(4)
+ integer ii, jj, kk
+ integer fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 res
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ external minmod
+ CCTK_REAL8 minmod
+ CCTK_REAL8 half, zero
+ parameter (half = 0.5)
+ parameter (zero = 0)
+ CCTK_REAL8 dupw, dloc, slopex(2), slopey(2), slopez(2)
+ logical firstloop
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(d,3) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + 0, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsetlo = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsethi = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ dstifac = srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjfac = srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Linear (first order) interpolation
+ if (t1.eq.t2) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: arrays have same time")
+ end if
+ if (t.lt.min(t1,t2)-eps .or. t.gt.max(t1,t2)+eps) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: extrapolation in time")
+ end if
+ s1fac = (t - t2) / (t1 - t2)
+ s2fac = (t - t1) / (t2 - t1)
+c Loop over fine region
+ do k = 0, regkext-1
+ k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac
+ fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac)
+ do j = 0, regjext-1
+ j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac
+ fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac)
+ do i = 0, regiext-1
+ i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac
+ fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac)
+ slopex(1) = zero
+ slopey(1) = zero
+ slopez(1) = zero
+ firstloop = .true.
+ do kk = 1, 2
+ do jj = 1, 2
+ dupw = src1(i0+1 ,j0+jj,k0+kk) - src1(i0+0 ,j0+jj,k0+kk)
+ dloc = src1(i0+2 ,j0+jj,k0+kk) - src1(i0+1 ,j0+kk,k0+kk)
+ if (firstloop) then
+ slopex(1) = half * dble(fi) * minmod(dupw,dloc)
+ firstloop = .false.
+ else
+ slopex(1) =
+ $ minmod(slopex(1), half * dble(fi) * minmod(dupw,dloc))
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ firstloop = .true.
+ do kk = 1, 2
+ do ii = 1, 2
+ dupw = src1(i0+ii,j0+1 ,k0+kk) - src1(i0+ii,j0+0 ,k0+kk)
+ dloc = src1(i0+ii,j0+2 ,k0+kk) - src1(i0+ii,j0+1 ,k0+kk)
+ if (firstloop) then
+ slopey(1) = half * dble(fj) * minmod(dupw,dloc)
+ firstloop = .false.
+ else
+ slopey(1) =
+ $ minmod(slopey(1), half * dble(fj) * minmod(dupw,dloc))
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ firstloop = .true.
+ do jj = 1, 2
+ do ii = 1, 2
+ dupw = src1(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+1 ) - src1(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+0 )
+ dloc = src1(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+2 ) - src1(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+1 )
+ if (firstloop) then
+ slopez(1) = half * dble(fk) * minmod(dupw,dloc)
+ firstloop = .false.
+ else
+ slopez(1) =
+ $ minmod(slopez(1), half * dble(fk) * minmod(dupw,dloc))
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ slopex(2) = zero
+ slopey(2) = zero
+ slopez(2) = zero
+ firstloop = .true.
+ do kk = 1, 2
+ do jj = 1, 2
+ dupw = src2(i0+1 ,j0+jj,k0+kk) - src2(i0+0 ,j0+jj,k0+kk)
+ dloc = src2(i0+2 ,j0+jj,k0+kk) - src2(i0+1 ,j0+kk,k0+kk)
+ if (firstloop) then
+ slopex(2) = half * dble(fi) * minmod(dupw,dloc)
+ firstloop = .false.
+ else
+ slopex(2) =
+ $ minmod(slopex(2), half * dble(fi) * minmod(dupw,dloc))
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ do kk = 1, 2
+ do ii = 1, 2
+ dupw = src2(i0+ii,j0+1 ,k0+kk) - src2(i0+ii,j0+0 ,k0+kk)
+ dloc = src2(i0+ii,j0+2 ,k0+kk) - src2(i0+ii,j0+1 ,k0+kk)
+ if (firstloop) then
+ slopey(2) = half * dble(fj) * minmod(dupw,dloc)
+ firstloop = .false.
+ else
+ slopey(2) =
+ $ minmod(slopey(2), half * dble(fj) * minmod(dupw,dloc))
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ firstloop = .true.
+ do jj = 1, 2
+ do ii = 1, 2
+ dupw = src2(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+1 ) - src2(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+0 )
+ dloc = src2(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+2 ) - src2(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+1 )
+ if (firstloop) then
+ slopez(2) = half * dble(fk) * minmod(dupw,dloc)
+ firstloop = .false.
+ else
+ slopez(2) =
+ $ minmod(slopez(2), half * dble(fk) * minmod(dupw,dloc))
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ CHKIDX (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, \
+ dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) =
+ $ s1fac * (src1(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1) +
+ $ slopex(1) + slopey(1) + slopez(1)) +
+ $ s2fac * (src2(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1) +
+ $ slopex(2) + slopey(2) + slopez(2))
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o3.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o3.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f0509cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o3.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o3.F77,v 1.13 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \
+ if ((i).lt.1 .or. (i).gt.(imax) \
+ .or. (j).lt.1 .or. (j).gt.(jmax) \
+ .or. (k).lt.1 .or. (k).gt.(kmax)) then &&\
+ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') \
+ (where), (imax), (jmax), (kmax), (i), (j), (k) &&\
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, msg(1:len_trim(msg))) &&\
+ end if
+ subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o3 (
+ $ src1, t1, src2, t2, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, t, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 one
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ CCTK_REAL8 eps
+ parameter (eps = 1.0d-10)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src1(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src2(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer offsetlo, offsethi
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ CCTK_REAL8 s1fac, s2fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 dstdiv
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer ifac(4), jfac(4), kfac(4)
+ integer ii, jj, kk
+ integer fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 res
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(d,3) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + 0, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsetlo = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsethi = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ dstifac = srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjfac = srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Linear (first order) interpolation
+ if (t1.eq.t2) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: arrays have same time")
+ end if
+ if (t.lt.min(t1,t2)-eps .or. t.gt.max(t1,t2)+eps) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: extrapolation in time")
+ end if
+ s1fac = (t - t2) / (t1 - t2)
+ s2fac = (t - t1) / (t2 - t1)
+c Loop over fine region
+ dstdiv = one / (6*dstifac**3 * 6*dstjfac**3 * 6*dstkfac**3)
+ do k = 0, regkext-1
+ k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac
+ fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac)
+ kfac(1) = (fk ) * (fk-dstkfac) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * (-1)
+ kfac(2) = (fk+dstkfac) * (fk-dstkfac) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * 3
+ kfac(3) = (fk+dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * (-3)
+ kfac(4) = (fk+dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk- dstkfac) * 1
+ do j = 0, regjext-1
+ j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac
+ fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac)
+ jfac(1) = (fj ) * (fj-dstjfac) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * (-1)
+ jfac(2) = (fj+dstjfac) * (fj-dstjfac) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * 3
+ jfac(3) = (fj+dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * (-3)
+ jfac(4) = (fj+dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj- dstjfac) * 1
+ do i = 0, regiext-1
+ i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac
+ fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac)
+ ifac(1) = (fi ) * (fi-dstifac) * (fi-2*dstifac) * (-1)
+ ifac(2) = (fi+dstifac) * (fi-dstifac) * (fi-2*dstifac) * 3
+ ifac(3) = (fi+dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi-2*dstifac) * (-3)
+ ifac(4) = (fi+dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi- dstifac) * 1
+ res = 0
+ do kk=1,4
+ do jj=1,4
+ do ii=1,4
+ fac = ifac(ii) * jfac(jj) * kfac(kk)
+ if (fac.ne.0) then
+ CHKIDX (i0+ii-1, j0+jj-1, k0+kk-1, \
+ srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ res = res
+ $ + fac * s1fac * src1(i0+ii-1, j0+jj-1, k0+kk-1)
+ $ + fac * s2fac * src2(i0+ii-1, j0+jj-1, k0+kk-1)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ CHKIDX (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, \
+ dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = dstdiv * res
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o3_rf2.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o3_rf2.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9d62741b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o3_rf2.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o3_rf2.F77,v 1.2 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+ subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o3_rf2 (
+ $ src1, t1, src2, t2, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, t, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 eps
+ parameter (eps = 1.0d-10)
+ CCTK_REAL8 one, half, fourth, eighth, sixteenth
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ parameter (half = one/2)
+ parameter (fourth = one/4)
+ parameter (eighth = one/8)
+ parameter (sixteenth = one/16)
+ CCTK_REAL8 f1, f2, f3, f4
+ parameter (f1 = - sixteenth)
+ parameter (f2 = 9*sixteenth)
+ parameter (f3 = 9*sixteenth)
+ parameter (f4 = - sixteenth)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src1(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src2(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ integer offsetlo, offsethi
+ CCTK_REAL8 s1fac, s2fac
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer is, js, ks
+ integer id, jd, kd
+ integer i, j, k
+ CCTK_REAL8 res1, res2
+ integer d
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).ne.dstbbox(d,3)*2) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: source strides are not twice the destination strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1
+ srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff, 2).eq.0) then
+ offsetlo = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, 2).eq.0) then
+ offsethi = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Quadratic (second order) time interpolation
+ if (t1.eq.t2) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: arrays have same time")
+ end if
+ if (t.lt.min(t1,t2)-eps .or. t.gt.max(t1,t2)+eps) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: extrapolation in time in time")
+ end if
+ s1fac = (t - t2) / (t1 - t2)
+ s2fac = (t - t1) / (t2 - t1)
+ fi = mod(srcioff, 2)
+ fj = mod(srcjoff, 2)
+ fk = mod(srckoff, 2)
+ i0 = srcioff / 2
+ j0 = srcjoff / 2
+ k0 = srckoff / 2
+c Loop over fine region
+c Label scheme: 8 fk fj fi
+c begin k loop
+ 8 continue
+ k = 0
+ ks = k0+1
+ kd = dstkoff+1
+ if (fk.eq.0) goto 80
+ if (fk.eq.1) goto 81
+ stop
+c begin j loop
+ 80 continue
+ j = 0
+ js = j0+1
+ jd = dstjoff+1
+ if (fj.eq.0) goto 800
+ if (fj.eq.1) goto 801
+ stop
+c begin i loop
+ 800 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8000
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8001
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8000 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 1,1,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + s1fac * src1(is,js,ks)
+ $ + s2fac * src2(is,js,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8001
+ goto 900
+c kernel
+ 8001 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is-1,js,ks, 4,1,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js,ks) + f2 * s1fac * src1(is ,js,ks)
+ $ + f3 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks) + f4 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js,ks)
+ $ + f1 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js,ks) + f2 * s2fac * src2(is ,js,ks)
+ $ + f3 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks) + f4 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8000
+ goto 900
+c end i loop
+ 900 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 801
+ goto 90
+c begin i loop
+ 801 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8010
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8011
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8010 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js-1,ks, 1,4,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1 * s1fac * src1(is,js-1,ks) + f2 * s1fac * src1(is,js ,ks)
+ $ + f3 * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks) + f4 * s1fac * src1(is,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f1 * s2fac * src2(is,js-1,ks) + f2 * s2fac * src2(is,js ,ks)
+ $ + f3 * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks) + f4 * s2fac * src2(is,js+2,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8011
+ goto 901
+c kernel
+ 8011 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is-1,js-1,ks, 4,4,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1*f1 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f2*f1 * s1fac * src1(is ,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f3*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f4*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f1*f2 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js ,ks)
+ $ + f2*f2 * s1fac * src1(is ,js ,ks)
+ $ + f3*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js ,ks)
+ $ + f4*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js ,ks)
+ $ + f1*f3 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f2*f3 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f3*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f4*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f1*f4 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f2*f4 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f3*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f4*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+2,ks)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f2*f1 * s2fac * src2(is ,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f3*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f4*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f1*f2 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js ,ks)
+ $ + f2*f2 * s2fac * src2(is ,js ,ks)
+ $ + f3*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js ,ks)
+ $ + f4*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js ,ks)
+ $ + f1*f3 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f2*f3 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f3*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f4*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f1*f4 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f2*f4 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f3*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f4*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+2,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8010
+ goto 901
+c end i loop
+ 901 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ js = js+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 800
+ goto 90
+c end j loop
+ 90 continue
+ k = k+1
+ kd = kd+1
+ if (k.lt.regkext) goto 81
+ goto 9
+c begin j loop
+ 81 continue
+ j = 0
+ js = j0+1
+ jd = dstjoff+1
+ if (fj.eq.0) goto 810
+ if (fj.eq.1) goto 811
+ stop
+c begin i loop
+ 810 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8100
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8101
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8100 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks-1, 1,1,4, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1 * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks-1) + f2 * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks )
+ $ + f3 * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks+1) + f4 * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f1 * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks-1) + f2 * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks )
+ $ + f3 * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks+1) + f4 * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks+2)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8101
+ goto 910
+c kernel
+ 8101 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is-1,js,ks-1, 4,1,4, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1*f1 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f1 * s1fac * src1(is ,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f2 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js,ks )
+ $ + f2*f2 * s1fac * src1(is ,js,ks )
+ $ + f3*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks )
+ $ + f4*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js,ks )
+ $ + f1*f3 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f3 * s1fac * src1(is ,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f4 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f4 * s1fac * src1(is ,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js,ks+2)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f1 * s2fac * src2(is ,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f2 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js,ks )
+ $ + f2*f2 * s2fac * src2(is ,js,ks )
+ $ + f3*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks )
+ $ + f4*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js,ks )
+ $ + f1*f3 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f3 * s2fac * src2(is ,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f4 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f4 * s2fac * src2(is ,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js,ks+2)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8100
+ goto 910
+c end i loop
+ 910 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 811
+ goto 91
+c begin i loop
+ 811 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8110
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8111
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8110 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js-1,ks-1, 1,4,4, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1*f1 * s1fac * src1(is,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f1 * s1fac * src1(is,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f1 * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f1 * s1fac * src1(is,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f2 * s1fac * src1(is,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f2*f2 * s1fac * src1(is,js ,ks )
+ $ + f3*f2 * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f4*f2 * s1fac * src1(is,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f1*f3 * s1fac * src1(is,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f3 * s1fac * src1(is,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f3 * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f3 * s1fac * src1(is,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f4 * s1fac * src1(is,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f4 * s1fac * src1(is,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f4 * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f4 * s1fac * src1(is,js+2,ks+2)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1 * s2fac * src2(is,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f1 * s2fac * src2(is,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f1 * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f1 * s2fac * src2(is,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f2 * s2fac * src2(is,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f2*f2 * s2fac * src2(is,js ,ks )
+ $ + f3*f2 * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f4*f2 * s2fac * src2(is,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f1*f3 * s2fac * src2(is,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f3 * s2fac * src2(is,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f3 * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f3 * s2fac * src2(is,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f4 * s2fac * src2(is,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f4 * s2fac * src2(is,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f4 * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f4 * s2fac * src2(is,js+2,ks+2)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8111
+ goto 911
+c kernel
+ 8111 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is-1,js-1,ks-1, 4,4,4, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ res1 =
+ $ + f1*f1*f1 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f1*f1 * s1fac * src1(is ,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f1*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f1*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f2*f1 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f2*f1 * s1fac * src1(is ,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f2*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f2*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f3*f1 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f3*f1 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f3*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f3*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f4*f1 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f4*f1 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f4*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f4*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+2,ks-1)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1*f2 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f2*f1*f2 * s1fac * src1(is ,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f3*f1*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f4*f1*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f1*f2*f2 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js ,ks )
+ $ + f2*f2*f2 * s1fac * src1(is ,js ,ks )
+ $ + f3*f2*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js ,ks )
+ $ + f4*f2*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js ,ks )
+ $ + f1*f3*f2 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f2*f3*f2 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f3*f3*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f4*f3*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f1*f4*f2 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f2*f4*f2 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f3*f4*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f4*f4*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+2,ks )
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1*f3 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f1*f3 * s1fac * src1(is ,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f1*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f1*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f2*f3 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f2*f3 * s1fac * src1(is ,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f2*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f2*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f3*f3 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f3*f3 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f3*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f3*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f4*f3 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f4*f3 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f4*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f4*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+2,ks+1)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1*f4 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f1*f4 * s1fac * src1(is ,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f1*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f1*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f1*f2*f4 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f2*f4 * s1fac * src1(is ,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f2*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f2*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f1*f3*f4 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f3*f4 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f3*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f3*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f1*f4*f4 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+2,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f4*f4 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+2,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f4*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+2,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f4*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+2,ks+2)
+ res2 =
+ $ + f1*f1*f1 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f1*f1 * s2fac * src2(is ,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f1*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f1*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f2*f1 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f2*f1 * s2fac * src2(is ,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f2*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f2*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f3*f1 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f3*f1 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f3*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f3*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f4*f1 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f4*f1 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f4*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f4*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+2,ks-1)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1*f2 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f2*f1*f2 * s2fac * src2(is ,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f3*f1*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f4*f1*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f1*f2*f2 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js ,ks )
+ $ + f2*f2*f2 * s2fac * src2(is ,js ,ks )
+ $ + f3*f2*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js ,ks )
+ $ + f4*f2*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js ,ks )
+ $ + f1*f3*f2 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f2*f3*f2 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f3*f3*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f4*f3*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f1*f4*f2 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f2*f4*f2 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f3*f4*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f4*f4*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+2,ks )
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1*f3 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f1*f3 * s2fac * src2(is ,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f1*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f1*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f2*f3 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f2*f3 * s2fac * src2(is ,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f2*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f2*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f3*f3 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f3*f3 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f3*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f3*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f4*f3 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f4*f3 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f4*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f4*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+2,ks+1)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1*f4 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f1*f4 * s2fac * src2(is ,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f1*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f1*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f1*f2*f4 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f2*f4 * s2fac * src2(is ,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f2*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f2*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f1*f3*f4 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f3*f4 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f3*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f3*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f1*f4*f4 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+2,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f4*f4 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+2,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f4*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+2,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f4*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+2,ks+2)
+ dst(id,jd,kd) = res1 + res2
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8110
+ goto 911
+c end i loop
+ 911 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ js = js+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 810
+ goto 91
+c end j loop
+ 91 continue
+ k = k+1
+ kd = kd+1
+ ks = ks+1
+ if (k.lt.regkext) goto 80
+ goto 9
+c end k loop
+ 9 continue
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o5.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o5.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e28354048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o5.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o5.F77,v 1.3 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \
+ if ((i).lt.1 .or. (i).gt.(imax) \
+ .or. (j).lt.1 .or. (j).gt.(jmax) \
+ .or. (k).lt.1 .or. (k).gt.(kmax)) then &&\
+ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') \
+ (where), (imax), (jmax), (kmax), (i), (j), (k) &&\
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, msg(1:len_trim(msg))) &&\
+ end if
+ subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_o5 (
+ $ src1, t1, src2, t2, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, t, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 one
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ CCTK_REAL8 eps
+ parameter (eps = 1.0d-10)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src1(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src2(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer offsetlo, offsethi
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ CCTK_REAL8 s1fac, s2fac, s3fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 dstdiv
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer ifac(6), jfac(6), kfac(6)
+ integer ii, jj, kk
+ CCTK_REAL8 fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 res
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(d,3) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + 0, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsetlo = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsethi = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ dstifac = srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjfac = srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Linear (first order) interpolation
+ if (t1.eq.t2) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: arrays have same time")
+ end if
+ if (t.lt.min(t1,t2)-eps .or. t.gt.max(t1,t2)+eps) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: extrapolation in time")
+ end if
+ s1fac = (t - t2) / (t1 - t2)
+ s2fac = (t - t1) / (t2 - t1)
+c Loop over fine region
+c (This expression cannot be evaluated as integer)
+ dstdiv = one / (120*dstifac**5) / (120*dstjfac**5) / (120*dstkfac**5)
+ do k = 0, regkext-1
+ k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac
+ fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac)
+ kfac(1) = (fk+ dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk-dstkfac) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * (fk-3*dstkfac) * (- 1)
+ kfac(2) = (fk+2*dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk-dstkfac) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * (fk-3*dstkfac) * ( 5)
+ kfac(3) = (fk+2*dstkfac) * (fk+dstkfac) * (fk-dstkfac) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * (fk-3*dstkfac) * (-10)
+ kfac(4) = (fk+2*dstkfac) * (fk+dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * (fk-3*dstkfac) * ( 10)
+ kfac(5) = (fk+2*dstkfac) * (fk+dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk- dstkfac) * (fk-3*dstkfac) * (- 5)
+ kfac(6) = (fk+2*dstkfac) * (fk+dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk- dstkfac) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * ( 1)
+ do j = 0, regjext-1
+ j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac
+ fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac)
+ jfac(1) = (fj+ dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj-dstjfac) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * (fj-3*dstjfac) * (- 1)
+ jfac(2) = (fj+2*dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj-dstjfac) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * (fj-3*dstjfac) * ( 5)
+ jfac(3) = (fj+2*dstjfac) * (fj+dstjfac) * (fj-dstjfac) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * (fj-3*dstjfac) * (-10)
+ jfac(4) = (fj+2*dstjfac) * (fj+dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * (fj-3*dstjfac) * ( 10)
+ jfac(5) = (fj+2*dstjfac) * (fj+dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj- dstjfac) * (fj-3*dstjfac) * (- 5)
+ jfac(6) = (fj+2*dstjfac) * (fj+dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj- dstjfac) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * ( 1)
+ do i = 0, regiext-1
+ i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac
+ fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac)
+ ifac(1) = (fi+ dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi-dstifac) * (fi-2*dstifac) * (fi-3*dstifac) * (- 1)
+ ifac(2) = (fi+2*dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi-dstifac) * (fi-2*dstifac) * (fi-3*dstifac) * ( 5)
+ ifac(3) = (fi+2*dstifac) * (fi+dstifac) * (fi-dstifac) * (fi-2*dstifac) * (fi-3*dstifac) * (-10)
+ ifac(4) = (fi+2*dstifac) * (fi+dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi-2*dstifac) * (fi-3*dstifac) * ( 10)
+ ifac(5) = (fi+2*dstifac) * (fi+dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi- dstifac) * (fi-3*dstifac) * (- 5)
+ ifac(6) = (fi+2*dstifac) * (fi+dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi- dstifac) * (fi-2*dstifac) * ( 1)
+ res = 0
+ do kk=1,6
+ do jj=1,6
+ do ii=1,6
+ if (ifac(ii).ne.0 .and. jfac(jj).ne.0 .and. kfac(kk).ne.0) then
+c (This expression cannot be evaluated as integer)
+ fac = one * ifac(ii) * jfac(jj) * kfac(kk)
+ CHKIDX (i0+ii-2, j0+jj-2, k0+kk-2, \
+ srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ res = res
+ $ + fac * s1fac * src1(i0+ii-2, j0+jj-2, k0+kk-2)
+ $ + fac * s2fac * src2(i0+ii-2, j0+jj-2, k0+kk-2)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ CHKIDX (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, \
+ dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = dstdiv * res
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_rf2.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_rf2.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..727c2581f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_rf2.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_rf2.F77,v 1.2 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+ subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_2tl_rf2 (
+ $ src1, t1, src2, t2, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, t, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 eps
+ parameter (eps = 1.0d-10)
+ CCTK_REAL8 one, half, fourth, eighth
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ parameter (half = one/2)
+ parameter (fourth = one/4)
+ parameter (eighth = one/8)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src1(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src2(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ CCTK_REAL8 s1fac, s2fac
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer is, js, ks
+ integer id, jd, kd
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer d
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).ne.dstbbox(d,3)*2) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: source strides are not twice the destination strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Quadratic (second order) time interpolation
+ if (t1.eq.t2) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: arrays have same time")
+ end if
+ if (t.lt.min(t1,t2)-eps .or. t.gt.max(t1,t2)+eps) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: extrapolation in time")
+ end if
+ s1fac = (t - t2) / (t1 - t2)
+ s2fac = (t - t1) / (t2 - t1)
+ fi = mod(srcioff, 2)
+ fj = mod(srcjoff, 2)
+ fk = mod(srckoff, 2)
+ i0 = srcioff / 2
+ j0 = srcjoff / 2
+ k0 = srckoff / 2
+c Loop over fine region
+c Label scheme: 8 fk fj fi
+c begin k loop
+ 8 continue
+ k = 0
+ ks = k0+1
+ kd = dstkoff+1
+ if (fk.eq.0) goto 80
+ if (fk.eq.1) goto 81
+ stop
+c begin j loop
+ 80 continue
+ j = 0
+ js = j0+1
+ jd = dstjoff+1
+ if (fj.eq.0) goto 800
+ if (fj.eq.1) goto 801
+ stop
+c begin i loop
+ 800 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8000
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8001
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8000 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 1,1,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + s1fac * src1(is,js,ks)
+ $ + s2fac * src2(is,js,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8001
+ goto 900
+c kernel
+ 8001 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 2,1,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + half * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks) + half * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + half * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks) + half * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8000
+ goto 900
+c end i loop
+ 900 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 801
+ goto 90
+c begin i loop
+ 801 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8010
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8011
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8010 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 1,2,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + half * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks) + half * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + half * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks) + half * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8011
+ goto 901
+c kernel
+ 8011 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 2,2,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+1,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8010
+ goto 901
+c end i loop
+ 901 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ js = js+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 800
+ goto 90
+c end j loop
+ 90 continue
+ k = k+1
+ kd = kd+1
+ if (k.lt.regkext) goto 81
+ goto 9
+c begin j loop
+ 81 continue
+ j = 0
+ js = j0+1
+ jd = dstjoff+1
+ if (fj.eq.0) goto 810
+ if (fj.eq.1) goto 811
+ stop
+c begin i loop
+ 810 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8100
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8101
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8100 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 1,1,2, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + half * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks) + half * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks+1)
+ $ + half * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks) + half * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks+1)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8101
+ goto 910
+c kernel
+ 8101 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 2,1,2, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks+1)
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src1(is,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks+1)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks+1)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8100
+ goto 910
+c end i loop
+ 910 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 811
+ goto 91
+c begin i loop
+ 811 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8110
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8111
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8110 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 1,2,2, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks+1)
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks+1)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks+1)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8111
+ goto 911
+c kernel
+ 8111 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 2,2,2, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + eighth * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks+1)
+ $ + eighth * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + eighth * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + eighth * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+1,ks+1)
+ $
+ $ + eighth * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks+1)
+ $ + eighth * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + eighth * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + eighth * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+1,ks+1)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8110
+ goto 911
+c end i loop
+ 911 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ js = js+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 810
+ goto 91
+c end j loop
+ 91 continue
+ k = k+1
+ kd = kd+1
+ ks = ks+1
+ if (k.lt.regkext) goto 80
+ goto 9
+c end k loop
+ 9 continue
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f3e3d944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl.F77,v 1.9 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \
+ if ((i).lt.1 .or. (i).gt.(imax) \
+ .or. (j).lt.1 .or. (j).gt.(jmax) \
+ .or. (k).lt.1 .or. (k).gt.(kmax)) then &&\
+ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') \
+ (where), (imax), (jmax), (kmax), (i), (j), (k) &&\
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, msg(1:len_trim(msg))) &&\
+ end if
+ subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_3tl (
+ $ src1, t1, src2, t2, src3, t3, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, t, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 one
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ CCTK_REAL8 eps
+ parameter (eps = 1.0d-10)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src1(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src2(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src3(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ CCTK_REAL8 s1fac, s2fac, s3fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 dstdiv
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer ifac(2), jfac(2), kfac(2)
+ integer ii, jj, kk
+ integer fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 res
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ dstifac = srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjfac = srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Quadratic (second order) interpolation
+ if (t1.eq.t2 .or. t1.eq.t3 .or. t2.eq.t3) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: arrays have same time")
+ end if
+ if (t.lt.min(t1,t2,t3)-eps .or. t.gt.max(t1,t2,t3)+eps) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: extrapolation in time")
+ end if
+ s1fac = (t - t2) * (t - t3) / ((t1 - t2) * (t1 - t3))
+ s2fac = (t - t1) * (t - t3) / ((t2 - t1) * (t2 - t3))
+ s3fac = (t - t1) * (t - t2) / ((t3 - t1) * (t3 - t2))
+c Loop over fine region
+ dstdiv = one / (dstifac * dstjfac * dstkfac)
+ do k = 0, regkext-1
+ k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac
+ fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac)
+ kfac(1) = (fk-dstkfac) * (-1)
+ kfac(2) = (fk ) * 1
+ do j = 0, regjext-1
+ j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac
+ fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac)
+ jfac(1) = (fj-dstjfac) * (-1)
+ jfac(2) = (fj ) * 1
+ do i = 0, regiext-1
+ i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac
+ fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac)
+ ifac(1) = (fi-dstifac) * (-1)
+ ifac(2) = (fi ) * 1
+ res = 0
+ do kk=1,2
+ do jj=1,2
+ do ii=1,2
+ fac = ifac(ii) * jfac(jj) * kfac(kk)
+ if (fac.ne.0) then
+ CHKIDX (i0+ii, j0+jj, k0+kk, \
+ srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ res = res
+ $ + fac * s1fac * src1(i0+ii, j0+jj, k0+kk)
+ $ + fac * s2fac * src2(i0+ii, j0+jj, k0+kk)
+ $ + fac * s3fac * src3(i0+ii, j0+jj, k0+kk)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ CHKIDX (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, \
+ dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = dstdiv * res
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_eno.F90 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_eno.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df253af97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_eno.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+!!$ $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_eno.F90,v 1.1 2004/03/03 15:30:40 hawke Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+!!$ This routine performs "ENO" prolongation. It is intended to be used
+!!$ with GFs that are not expected to be smooth, particularly those
+!!$ that must also obey certain constraints. The obvious example is the
+!!$ density in hydrodynamics, which may be discontinuous yet must be
+!!$ strictly positive.
+!!$ To ensure that this prolongation method is used you should add the
+!!$ tag
+!!$ tags='Prolongation="ENO"'
+!!$ to the interface.ccl on the appropriate group.
+!!$ This applies ENO2 type limiting to the slope, checking over the
+!!$ entire coarse grid cell for the least oscillatory quadratic in each
+!!$ direction. If the slope changes sign over the extrema, linear
+!!$ interpolation is used instead.
+!!$ The actual eno1d function is defined in the routine
+!!$ prolongate_3d_real8_eno.F77
+#define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \
+if ((i).lt.1 .or. (i).gt.(imax) \
+ .or. (j).lt.1 .or. (j).gt.(jmax) \
+ .or. (k).lt.1 .or. (k).gt.(kmax)) then &&\
+ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') \
+ (where), (imax), (jmax), (kmax), (i), (j), (k) &&\
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, msg(1:len_trim(msg))) &&\
+end if
+subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_eno (src1, t1, src2, t2, &
+ src3, t3, srciext, srcjext, srckext, dst, t, dstiext, &
+ dstjext, dstkext, srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 one
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ CCTK_REAL8 eps
+ parameter (eps = 1.0d-10)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src1(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src2(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src3(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+!!$ bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+!!$ bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+!!$ bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer offsetlo, offsethi
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ CCTK_REAL8 s1fac, s2fac, s3fac, tmps1fac, tmps2fac, tmps3fac
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer ifac(4), jfac(4), kfac(4)
+ integer ii, jj, kk
+ integer fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 res
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ CCTK_REAL8, dimension(0:3,0:3) :: tmp1
+ CCTK_REAL8, dimension(0:3) :: tmp2
+ CCTK_REAL8 :: dsttmp1, dsttmp2, dsttmp3
+ external eno1d
+ CCTK_REAL8 eno1d
+ CCTK_REAL8 half, zero
+ parameter (half = 0.5)
+ parameter (zero = 0)
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0 &
+ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3) &
+ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0 &
+ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0 &
+ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+!!$ This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(d,3) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + 0, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsetlo = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsethi = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1) &
+ .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2) &
+ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1) &
+ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1 &
+ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1 &
+ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1 &
+ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1 &
+ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1 &
+ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ dstifac = srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjfac = srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+!!$ Quadratic (second order) interpolation
+ if (t1.eq.t2 .or. t1.eq.t3 .or. t2.eq.t3) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: arrays have same time")
+ end if
+ if (t.lt.min(t1,t2,t3)-eps .or. t.gt.max(t1,t2,t3)+eps) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: extrapolation in time")
+ end if
+ s1fac = (t - t2) * (t - t3) / ((t1 - t2) * (t1 - t3))
+ s2fac = (t - t1) * (t - t3) / ((t2 - t1) * (t2 - t3))
+ s3fac = (t - t1) * (t - t2) / ((t3 - t1) * (t3 - t2))
+!!$ Loop over fine region
+ do k = 0, regkext-1
+ k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac
+ fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac)
+ do j = 0, regjext-1
+ j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac
+ fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac)
+ do i = 0, regiext-1
+ i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac
+ fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac)
+!!$ Where is the fine grid point w.r.t the coarse grid?
+!!$ write(*,*) i,j,k,fi,fj,fk
+ select case (fi + 10*fj + 100*fk)
+ case (0)
+!!$ On a coarse grid point exactly!
+ dsttmp1 = src1(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1)
+ dsttmp2 = src2(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1)
+ dsttmp3 = src3(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1)
+ case (1)
+!!$ Interpolate only in x
+ dsttmp1 = eno1d(src1(i0:i0+3,j0+1,k0+1))
+ dsttmp2 = eno1d(src2(i0:i0+3,j0+1,k0+1))
+ dsttmp3 = eno1d(src3(i0:i0+3,j0+1,k0+1))
+ case (10)
+!!$ Interpolate only in y
+ dsttmp1 = eno1d(src1(i0+1,j0:j0+3,k0+1))
+ dsttmp2 = eno1d(src2(i0+1,j0:j0+3,k0+1))
+ dsttmp3 = eno1d(src3(i0+1,j0:j0+3,k0+1))
+ case (11)
+!!$ Interpolate only in x and y
+ do jj = 0, 3
+ tmp2(jj) = eno1d(src1(i0:i0+3,j0+jj,k0+1))
+ end do
+ dsttmp1 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ do jj = 0, 3
+ tmp2(jj) = eno1d(src2(i0:i0+3,j0+jj,k0+1))
+ end do
+ dsttmp2 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ do jj = 0, 3
+ tmp2(jj) = eno1d(src3(i0:i0+3,j0+jj,k0+1))
+ end do
+ dsttmp3 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ case (100)
+!!$ Interpolate only in z
+ dsttmp1 = eno1d(src1(i0+1,j0+1,k0:k0+3))
+ dsttmp2 = eno1d(src2(i0+1,j0+1,k0:k0+3))
+ dsttmp3 = eno1d(src3(i0+1,j0+1,k0:k0+3))
+ case (101)
+!!$ Interpolate only in x and z
+ do kk = 0, 3
+ tmp2(kk) = eno1d(src1(i0:i0+3,j0+1,k0+kk))
+ end do
+ dsttmp1 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ do kk = 0, 3
+ tmp2(kk) = eno1d(src2(i0:i0+3,j0+1,k0+kk))
+ end do
+ dsttmp2 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ do kk = 0, 3
+ tmp2(kk) = eno1d(src3(i0:i0+3,j0+1,k0+kk))
+ end do
+ dsttmp3 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ case (110)
+!!$ Interpolate only in y and z
+ do kk = 0, 3
+ tmp2(kk) = eno1d(src1(i0+1,j0:j0+3,k0+kk))
+ end do
+ dsttmp1 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ do kk = 0, 3
+ tmp2(kk) = eno1d(src2(i0+1,j0:j0+3,k0+kk))
+ end do
+ dsttmp2 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ do kk = 0, 3
+ tmp2(kk) = eno1d(src3(i0+1,j0:j0+3,k0+kk))
+ end do
+ dsttmp3 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ case (111)
+!!$ Interpolate in all of x, y, and z
+ do jj = 0, 3
+ do kk = 0, 3
+ tmp1(jj,kk) = eno1d(src1(i0:i0+3,j0+jj,k0+kk))
+ end do
+ end do
+ do ii = 0, 3
+ tmp2(ii) = eno1d(tmp1(0:3,ii))
+ end do
+ dsttmp1 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ do jj = 0, 3
+ do kk = 0, 3
+ tmp1(jj,kk) = eno1d(src2(i0:i0+3,j0+jj,k0+kk))
+ end do
+ end do
+ do ii = 0, 3
+ tmp2(ii) = eno1d(tmp1(0:3,ii))
+ end do
+ dsttmp2 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ do jj = 0, 3
+ do kk = 0, 3
+ tmp1(jj,kk) = eno1d(src3(i0:i0+3,j0+jj,k0+kk))
+ end do
+ end do
+ do ii = 0, 3
+ tmp2(ii) = eno1d(tmp1(0:3,ii))
+ end do
+ dsttmp3 = eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ case default
+ call CCTK_WARN(0, "Internal error in ENO prolongation. Should only be used with refinement factor 2!")
+ end select
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ s1fac * dsttmp1 + s2fac * dsttmp2 + s3fac * dsttmp3
+!!$ write(*,*) i,j,k,dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1),&
+!!$ s1fac,s2fac,s3fac,dsttmp1,dsttmp2,dsttmp3
+ if ( (dst(dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) - &
+ max(dsttmp1, dsttmp2, dsttmp3)) * &
+ (dst(dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) - &
+ min(dsttmp1, dsttmp2, dsttmp3)) .lt. 0 ) then
+!!$ Do linear interpolation in time instead
+!!$ write(*,*) t,t1,t2,t3
+ if (t < t2) then
+ tmps2fac = (t - t3) / (t2 - t3)
+ tmps3fac = (t - t2) / (t3 - t2)
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ tmps2fac * dsttmp2 + tmps3fac * dsttmp3
+ else
+ tmps1fac = (t - t2) / (t1 - t2)
+ tmps2fac = (t - t1) / (t2 - t1)
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ tmps1fac * dsttmp1 + tmps2fac * dsttmp2
+ end if
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+end subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_eno
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_minmod.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_minmod.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9018a364b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_minmod.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_minmod.F77,v 1.6 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+c$$$ This routine performs "TVD" prolongation. It is intended to be used
+c$$$ with GFs that are not expected to be smooth, particularly those
+c$$$ that must also obey certain constraints. The obvious example is the
+c$$$ density in hydrodynamics, which may be discontinuous yet must be
+c$$$ strictly positive.
+c$$$ To ensure that this prolongation method is used you should add the
+c$$$ tag
+c$$$ tags='Prolongation="TVD"'
+c$$$ to the interface.ccl on the appropriate group.
+c$$$ This applies minmod type limiting to the slope, checking over the
+c$$$ entire coarse grid cell for the minimum modulus in each direction.
+c$$$ The actual minmod function is defined in the routine
+c$$$ prolongate_3d_real8_minmod.F77
+#define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \
+ if ((i).lt.1 .or. (i).gt.(imax) \
+ .or. (j).lt.1 .or. (j).gt.(jmax) \
+ .or. (k).lt.1 .or. (k).gt.(kmax)) then &&\
+ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') \
+ (where), (imax), (jmax), (kmax), (i), (j), (k) &&\
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, msg(1:len_trim(msg))) &&\
+ end if
+ subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_minmod (
+ $ src1, t1, src2, t2, src3, t3, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, t, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 one
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ CCTK_REAL8 eps
+ parameter (eps = 1.0d-10)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src1(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src2(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src3(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer offsetlo, offsethi
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ CCTK_REAL8 s1fac, s2fac, s3fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 dstdiv
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer ifac(4), jfac(4), kfac(4)
+ integer ii, jj, kk
+ integer fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 res
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ external minmod
+ CCTK_REAL8 minmod
+ CCTK_REAL8 half, zero
+ parameter (half = 0.5)
+ parameter (zero = 0)
+ CCTK_REAL8 dupw, dloc, slopex(3), slopey(3), slopez(3)
+ logical firstloop
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(d,3) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + 0, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsetlo = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsethi = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ dstifac = srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjfac = srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Quadratic (second order) interpolation
+ if (t1.eq.t2 .or. t1.eq.t3 .or. t2.eq.t3) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: arrays have same time")
+ end if
+ if (t.lt.min(t1,t2,t3)-eps .or. t.gt.max(t1,t2,t3)+eps) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: extrapolation in time")
+ end if
+ s1fac = (t - t2) * (t - t3) / ((t1 - t2) * (t1 - t3))
+ s2fac = (t - t1) * (t - t3) / ((t2 - t1) * (t2 - t3))
+ s3fac = (t - t1) * (t - t2) / ((t3 - t1) * (t3 - t2))
+c Loop over fine region
+ do k = 0, regkext-1
+ k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac
+ fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac)
+ do j = 0, regjext-1
+ j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac
+ fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac)
+ do i = 0, regiext-1
+ i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac
+ fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac)
+ slopex(1) = zero
+ slopey(1) = zero
+ slopez(1) = zero
+ firstloop = .true.
+ do kk = 1, 2
+ do jj = 1, 2
+ dupw = src1(i0+1 ,j0+jj,k0+kk) - src1(i0+0 ,j0+jj,k0+kk)
+ dloc = src1(i0+2 ,j0+jj,k0+kk) - src1(i0+1 ,j0+kk,k0+kk)
+ if (firstloop) then
+ slopex(1) = half * dble(fi) * minmod(dupw,dloc)
+ firstloop = .false.
+ else
+ slopex(1) =
+ $ minmod(slopex(1), half * dble(fi) * minmod(dupw,dloc))
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ firstloop = .true.
+ do kk = 1, 2
+ do ii = 1, 2
+ dupw = src1(i0+ii,j0+1 ,k0+kk) - src1(i0+ii,j0+0 ,k0+kk)
+ dloc = src1(i0+ii,j0+2 ,k0+kk) - src1(i0+ii,j0+1 ,k0+kk)
+ if (firstloop) then
+ slopey(1) = half * dble(fj) * minmod(dupw,dloc)
+ firstloop = .false.
+ else
+ slopey(1) =
+ $ minmod(slopey(1), half * dble(fj) * minmod(dupw,dloc))
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ firstloop = .true.
+ do jj = 1, 2
+ do ii = 1, 2
+ dupw = src1(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+1 ) - src1(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+0 )
+ dloc = src1(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+2 ) - src1(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+1 )
+ if (firstloop) then
+ slopez(1) = half * dble(fk) * minmod(dupw,dloc)
+ firstloop = .false.
+ else
+ slopez(1) =
+ $ minmod(slopez(1), half * dble(fk) * minmod(dupw,dloc))
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ slopex(2) = zero
+ slopey(2) = zero
+ slopez(2) = zero
+ firstloop = .true.
+ do kk = 1, 2
+ do jj = 1, 2
+ dupw = src2(i0+1 ,j0+jj,k0+kk) - src2(i0+0 ,j0+jj,k0+kk)
+ dloc = src2(i0+2 ,j0+jj,k0+kk) - src2(i0+1 ,j0+kk,k0+kk)
+ if (firstloop) then
+ slopex(2) = half * dble(fi) * minmod(dupw,dloc)
+ firstloop = .false.
+ else
+ slopex(2) =
+ $ minmod(slopex(2), half * dble(fi) * minmod(dupw,dloc))
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ firstloop = .true.
+ do kk = 1, 2
+ do ii = 1, 2
+ dupw = src2(i0+ii,j0+1 ,k0+kk) - src2(i0+ii,j0+0 ,k0+kk)
+ dloc = src2(i0+ii,j0+2 ,k0+kk) - src2(i0+ii,j0+1 ,k0+kk)
+ if (firstloop) then
+ slopey(2) = half * dble(fj) * minmod(dupw,dloc)
+ firstloop = .false.
+ else
+ slopey(2) =
+ $ minmod(slopey(2), half * dble(fj) * minmod(dupw,dloc))
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ firstloop = .true.
+ do jj = 1, 2
+ do ii = 1, 2
+ dupw = src2(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+1 ) - src2(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+0 )
+ dloc = src2(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+2 ) - src2(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+1 )
+ if (firstloop) then
+ slopez(2) = half * dble(fk) * minmod(dupw,dloc)
+ firstloop = .false.
+ else
+ slopez(2) =
+ $ minmod(slopez(2), half * dble(fk) * minmod(dupw,dloc))
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ firstloop = .true.
+ slopex(3) = zero
+ slopey(3) = zero
+ slopez(3) = zero
+ do kk = 1, 2
+ do jj = 1, 2
+ dupw = src3(i0+1 ,j0+jj,k0+kk) - src3(i0+0 ,j0+jj,k0+kk)
+ dloc = src3(i0+2 ,j0+jj,k0+kk) - src3(i0+1 ,j0+kk,k0+kk)
+ if (firstloop) then
+ slopex(3) = half * dble(fi) * minmod(dupw,dloc)
+ firstloop = .false.
+ else
+ slopex(3) =
+ $ minmod(slopex(3), half * dble(fi) * minmod(dupw,dloc))
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ firstloop = .true.
+ do kk = 1, 2
+ do ii = 1, 2
+ dupw = src3(i0+ii,j0+1 ,k0+kk) - src3(i0+ii,j0+0 ,k0+kk)
+ dloc = src3(i0+ii,j0+2 ,k0+kk) - src3(i0+ii,j0+1 ,k0+kk)
+ if (firstloop) then
+ slopey(3) = half * dble(fj) * minmod(dupw,dloc)
+ firstloop = .false.
+ else
+ slopey(3) =
+ $ minmod(slopey(3), half * dble(fj) * minmod(dupw,dloc))
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ firstloop = .true.
+ do jj = 1, 2
+ do ii = 1, 2
+ dupw = src3(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+1 ) - src3(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+0 )
+ dloc = src3(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+2 ) - src3(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+1 )
+ if (firstloop) then
+ slopez(3) = half * dble(fk) * minmod(dupw,dloc)
+ firstloop = .false.
+ else
+ slopez(3) =
+ $ minmod(slopez(3), half * dble(fk) * minmod(dupw,dloc))
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ CHKIDX (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, \
+ dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) =
+ $ s1fac * (src1(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1) +
+ $ slopex(1) + slopey(1) + slopez(1)) +
+ $ s2fac * (src2(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1) +
+ $ slopex(2) + slopey(2) + slopez(2)) +
+ $ s3fac * (src3(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1) +
+ $ slopex(3) + slopey(3) + slopez(3))
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o3.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o3.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c44e1119f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o3.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o3.F77,v 1.13 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \
+ if ((i).lt.1 .or. (i).gt.(imax) \
+ .or. (j).lt.1 .or. (j).gt.(jmax) \
+ .or. (k).lt.1 .or. (k).gt.(kmax)) then &&\
+ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') \
+ (where), (imax), (jmax), (kmax), (i), (j), (k) &&\
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, msg(1:len_trim(msg))) &&\
+ end if
+ subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o3 (
+ $ src1, t1, src2, t2, src3, t3, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, t, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 one
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ CCTK_REAL8 eps
+ parameter (eps = 1.0d-10)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src1(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src2(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src3(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer offsetlo, offsethi
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ CCTK_REAL8 s1fac, s2fac, s3fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 dstdiv
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer ifac(4), jfac(4), kfac(4)
+ integer ii, jj, kk
+ integer fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 res
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(d,3) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + 0, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsetlo = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsethi = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ dstifac = srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjfac = srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Quadratic (second order) interpolation
+ if (t1.eq.t2 .or. t1.eq.t3 .or. t2.eq.t3) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: arrays have same time")
+ end if
+ if (t.lt.min(t1,t2,t3)-eps .or. t.gt.max(t1,t2,t3)+eps) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: extrapolation in time")
+ end if
+ s1fac = (t - t2) * (t - t3) / ((t1 - t2) * (t1 - t3))
+ s2fac = (t - t1) * (t - t3) / ((t2 - t1) * (t2 - t3))
+ s3fac = (t - t1) * (t - t2) / ((t3 - t1) * (t3 - t2))
+c Loop over fine region
+ dstdiv = one / (6*dstifac**3 * 6*dstjfac**3 * 6*dstkfac**3)
+ do k = 0, regkext-1
+ k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac
+ fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac)
+ kfac(1) = (fk ) * (fk-dstkfac) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * (-1)
+ kfac(2) = (fk+dstkfac) * (fk-dstkfac) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * 3
+ kfac(3) = (fk+dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * (-3)
+ kfac(4) = (fk+dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk- dstkfac) * 1
+ do j = 0, regjext-1
+ j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac
+ fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac)
+ jfac(1) = (fj ) * (fj-dstjfac) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * (-1)
+ jfac(2) = (fj+dstjfac) * (fj-dstjfac) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * 3
+ jfac(3) = (fj+dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * (-3)
+ jfac(4) = (fj+dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj- dstjfac) * 1
+ do i = 0, regiext-1
+ i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac
+ fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac)
+ ifac(1) = (fi ) * (fi-dstifac) * (fi-2*dstifac) * (-1)
+ ifac(2) = (fi+dstifac) * (fi-dstifac) * (fi-2*dstifac) * 3
+ ifac(3) = (fi+dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi-2*dstifac) * (-3)
+ ifac(4) = (fi+dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi- dstifac) * 1
+ res = 0
+ do kk=1,4
+ do jj=1,4
+ do ii=1,4
+ fac = ifac(ii) * jfac(jj) * kfac(kk)
+ if (fac.ne.0) then
+ CHKIDX (i0+ii-1, j0+jj-1, k0+kk-1, \
+ srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ res = res
+ $ + fac * s1fac * src1(i0+ii-1, j0+jj-1, k0+kk-1)
+ $ + fac * s2fac * src2(i0+ii-1, j0+jj-1, k0+kk-1)
+ $ + fac * s3fac * src3(i0+ii-1, j0+jj-1, k0+kk-1)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ CHKIDX (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, \
+ dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = dstdiv * res
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o3_rf2.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o3_rf2.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..daa130251
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o3_rf2.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,757 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o3_rf2.F77,v 1.3 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+ subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o3_rf2 (
+ $ src1, t1, src2, t2, src3, t3, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, t, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 eps
+ parameter (eps = 1.0d-10)
+ CCTK_REAL8 one, half, fourth, eighth, sixteenth
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ parameter (half = one/2)
+ parameter (fourth = one/4)
+ parameter (eighth = one/8)
+ parameter (sixteenth = one/16)
+ CCTK_REAL8 f1, f2, f3, f4
+ parameter (f1 = - sixteenth)
+ parameter (f2 = 9*sixteenth)
+ parameter (f3 = 9*sixteenth)
+ parameter (f4 = - sixteenth)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src1(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src2(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src3(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ integer offsetlo, offsethi
+ CCTK_REAL8 s1fac, s2fac, s3fac
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer is, js, ks
+ integer id, jd, kd
+ integer i, j, k
+ CCTK_REAL8 res1, res2, res3
+ integer d
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).ne.dstbbox(d,3)*2) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: source strides are not twice the destination strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1
+ srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff, 2).eq.0) then
+ offsetlo = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, 2).eq.0) then
+ offsethi = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Quadratic (second order) time interpolation
+ if (t1.eq.t2 .or. t1.eq.t3 .or. t2.eq.t3) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: arrays have same time")
+ end if
+ if (t.lt.min(t1,t2,t3)-eps .or. t.gt.max(t1,t2,t3)+eps) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: extrapolation in time in time")
+ end if
+ s1fac = (t - t2) * (t - t3) / ((t1 - t2) * (t1 - t3))
+ s2fac = (t - t1) * (t - t3) / ((t2 - t1) * (t2 - t3))
+ s3fac = (t - t1) * (t - t2) / ((t3 - t1) * (t3 - t2))
+ fi = mod(srcioff, 2)
+ fj = mod(srcjoff, 2)
+ fk = mod(srckoff, 2)
+ i0 = srcioff / 2
+ j0 = srcjoff / 2
+ k0 = srckoff / 2
+c Loop over fine region
+c Label scheme: 8 fk fj fi
+c begin k loop
+ 8 continue
+ k = 0
+ ks = k0+1
+ kd = dstkoff+1
+ if (fk.eq.0) goto 80
+ if (fk.eq.1) goto 81
+ stop
+c begin j loop
+ 80 continue
+ j = 0
+ js = j0+1
+ jd = dstjoff+1
+ if (fj.eq.0) goto 800
+ if (fj.eq.1) goto 801
+ stop
+c begin i loop
+ 800 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8000
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8001
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8000 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 1,1,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + s1fac * src1(is,js,ks)
+ $ + s2fac * src2(is,js,ks)
+ $ + s3fac * src3(is,js,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8001
+ goto 900
+c kernel
+ 8001 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is-1,js,ks, 4,1,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js,ks) + f2 * s1fac * src1(is ,js,ks)
+ $ + f3 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks) + f4 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js,ks)
+ $ + f1 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js,ks) + f2 * s2fac * src2(is ,js,ks)
+ $ + f3 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks) + f4 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js,ks)
+ $ + f1 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js,ks) + f2 * s3fac * src3(is ,js,ks)
+ $ + f3 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js,ks) + f4 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8000
+ goto 900
+c end i loop
+ 900 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 801
+ goto 90
+c begin i loop
+ 801 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8010
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8011
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8010 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js-1,ks, 1,4,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1 * s1fac * src1(is,js-1,ks) + f2 * s1fac * src1(is,js ,ks)
+ $ + f3 * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks) + f4 * s1fac * src1(is,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f1 * s2fac * src2(is,js-1,ks) + f2 * s2fac * src2(is,js ,ks)
+ $ + f3 * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks) + f4 * s2fac * src2(is,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f1 * s3fac * src3(is,js-1,ks) + f2 * s3fac * src3(is,js ,ks)
+ $ + f3 * s3fac * src3(is,js+1,ks) + f4 * s3fac * src3(is,js+2,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8011
+ goto 901
+c kernel
+ 8011 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is-1,js-1,ks, 4,4,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1*f1 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f2*f1 * s1fac * src1(is ,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f3*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f4*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f1*f2 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js ,ks)
+ $ + f2*f2 * s1fac * src1(is ,js ,ks)
+ $ + f3*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js ,ks)
+ $ + f4*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js ,ks)
+ $ + f1*f3 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f2*f3 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f3*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f4*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f1*f4 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f2*f4 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f3*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f4*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+2,ks)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f2*f1 * s2fac * src2(is ,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f3*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f4*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f1*f2 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js ,ks)
+ $ + f2*f2 * s2fac * src2(is ,js ,ks)
+ $ + f3*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js ,ks)
+ $ + f4*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js ,ks)
+ $ + f1*f3 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f2*f3 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f3*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f4*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f1*f4 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f2*f4 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f3*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f4*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+2,ks)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f2*f1 * s3fac * src3(is ,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f3*f1 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f4*f1 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f1*f2 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js ,ks)
+ $ + f2*f2 * s3fac * src3(is ,js ,ks)
+ $ + f3*f2 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js ,ks)
+ $ + f4*f2 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js ,ks)
+ $ + f1*f3 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f2*f3 * s3fac * src3(is ,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f3*f3 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f4*f3 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f1*f4 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f2*f4 * s3fac * src3(is ,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f3*f4 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f4*f4 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js+2,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8010
+ goto 901
+c end i loop
+ 901 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ js = js+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 800
+ goto 90
+c end j loop
+ 90 continue
+ k = k+1
+ kd = kd+1
+ if (k.lt.regkext) goto 81
+ goto 9
+c begin j loop
+ 81 continue
+ j = 0
+ js = j0+1
+ jd = dstjoff+1
+ if (fj.eq.0) goto 810
+ if (fj.eq.1) goto 811
+ stop
+c begin i loop
+ 810 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8100
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8101
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8100 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks-1, 1,1,4, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1 * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks-1) + f2 * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks )
+ $ + f3 * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks+1) + f4 * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f1 * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks-1) + f2 * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks )
+ $ + f3 * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks+1) + f4 * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f1 * s3fac * src3(is,js,ks-1) + f2 * s3fac * src3(is,js,ks )
+ $ + f3 * s3fac * src3(is,js,ks+1) + f4 * s3fac * src3(is,js,ks+2)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8101
+ goto 910
+c kernel
+ 8101 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is-1,js,ks-1, 4,1,4, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1*f1 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f1 * s1fac * src1(is ,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f2 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js,ks )
+ $ + f2*f2 * s1fac * src1(is ,js,ks )
+ $ + f3*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks )
+ $ + f4*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js,ks )
+ $ + f1*f3 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f3 * s1fac * src1(is ,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f4 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f4 * s1fac * src1(is ,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js,ks+2)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f1 * s2fac * src2(is ,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f2 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js,ks )
+ $ + f2*f2 * s2fac * src2(is ,js,ks )
+ $ + f3*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks )
+ $ + f4*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js,ks )
+ $ + f1*f3 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f3 * s2fac * src2(is ,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f4 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f4 * s2fac * src2(is ,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js,ks+2)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f1 * s3fac * src3(is ,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f1 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f1 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f2 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js,ks )
+ $ + f2*f2 * s3fac * src3(is ,js,ks )
+ $ + f3*f2 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js,ks )
+ $ + f4*f2 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js,ks )
+ $ + f1*f3 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f3 * s3fac * src3(is ,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f3 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f3 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f4 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f4 * s3fac * src3(is ,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f4 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f4 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js,ks+2)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8100
+ goto 910
+c end i loop
+ 910 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 811
+ goto 91
+c begin i loop
+ 811 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8110
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8111
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8110 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js-1,ks-1, 1,4,4, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1*f1 * s1fac * src1(is,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f1 * s1fac * src1(is,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f1 * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f1 * s1fac * src1(is,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f2 * s1fac * src1(is,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f2*f2 * s1fac * src1(is,js ,ks )
+ $ + f3*f2 * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f4*f2 * s1fac * src1(is,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f1*f3 * s1fac * src1(is,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f3 * s1fac * src1(is,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f3 * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f3 * s1fac * src1(is,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f4 * s1fac * src1(is,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f4 * s1fac * src1(is,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f4 * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f4 * s1fac * src1(is,js+2,ks+2)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1 * s2fac * src2(is,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f1 * s2fac * src2(is,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f1 * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f1 * s2fac * src2(is,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f2 * s2fac * src2(is,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f2*f2 * s2fac * src2(is,js ,ks )
+ $ + f3*f2 * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f4*f2 * s2fac * src2(is,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f1*f3 * s2fac * src2(is,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f3 * s2fac * src2(is,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f3 * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f3 * s2fac * src2(is,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f4 * s2fac * src2(is,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f4 * s2fac * src2(is,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f4 * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f4 * s2fac * src2(is,js+2,ks+2)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1 * s3fac * src3(is,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f1 * s3fac * src3(is,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f1 * s3fac * src3(is,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f1 * s3fac * src3(is,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f2 * s3fac * src3(is,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f2*f2 * s3fac * src3(is,js ,ks )
+ $ + f3*f2 * s3fac * src3(is,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f4*f2 * s3fac * src3(is,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f1*f3 * s3fac * src3(is,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f3 * s3fac * src3(is,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f3 * s3fac * src3(is,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f3 * s3fac * src3(is,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f4 * s3fac * src3(is,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f4 * s3fac * src3(is,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f4 * s3fac * src3(is,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f4 * s3fac * src3(is,js+2,ks+2)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8111
+ goto 911
+c kernel
+ 8111 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is-1,js-1,ks-1, 4,4,4, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ res1 =
+ $ + f1*f1*f1 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f1*f1 * s1fac * src1(is ,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f1*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f1*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f2*f1 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f2*f1 * s1fac * src1(is ,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f2*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f2*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f3*f1 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f3*f1 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f3*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f3*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f4*f1 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f4*f1 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f4*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f4*f1 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+2,ks-1)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1*f2 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f2*f1*f2 * s1fac * src1(is ,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f3*f1*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f4*f1*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f1*f2*f2 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js ,ks )
+ $ + f2*f2*f2 * s1fac * src1(is ,js ,ks )
+ $ + f3*f2*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js ,ks )
+ $ + f4*f2*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js ,ks )
+ $ + f1*f3*f2 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f2*f3*f2 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f3*f3*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f4*f3*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f1*f4*f2 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f2*f4*f2 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f3*f4*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f4*f4*f2 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+2,ks )
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1*f3 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f1*f3 * s1fac * src1(is ,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f1*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f1*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f2*f3 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f2*f3 * s1fac * src1(is ,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f2*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f2*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f3*f3 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f3*f3 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f3*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f3*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f4*f3 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f4*f3 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f4*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f4*f3 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+2,ks+1)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1*f4 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f1*f4 * s1fac * src1(is ,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f1*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f1*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f1*f2*f4 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f2*f4 * s1fac * src1(is ,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f2*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f2*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f1*f3*f4 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f3*f4 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f3*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f3*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f1*f4*f4 * s1fac * src1(is-1,js+2,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f4*f4 * s1fac * src1(is ,js+2,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f4*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+2,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f4*f4 * s1fac * src1(is+2,js+2,ks+2)
+ res2 =
+ $ + f1*f1*f1 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f1*f1 * s2fac * src2(is ,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f1*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f1*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f2*f1 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f2*f1 * s2fac * src2(is ,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f2*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f2*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f3*f1 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f3*f1 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f3*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f3*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f4*f1 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f4*f1 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f4*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f4*f1 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+2,ks-1)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1*f2 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f2*f1*f2 * s2fac * src2(is ,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f3*f1*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f4*f1*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f1*f2*f2 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js ,ks )
+ $ + f2*f2*f2 * s2fac * src2(is ,js ,ks )
+ $ + f3*f2*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js ,ks )
+ $ + f4*f2*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js ,ks )
+ $ + f1*f3*f2 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f2*f3*f2 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f3*f3*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f4*f3*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f1*f4*f2 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f2*f4*f2 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f3*f4*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f4*f4*f2 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+2,ks )
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1*f3 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f1*f3 * s2fac * src2(is ,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f1*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f1*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f2*f3 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f2*f3 * s2fac * src2(is ,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f2*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f2*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f3*f3 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f3*f3 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f3*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f3*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f4*f3 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f4*f3 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f4*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f4*f3 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+2,ks+1)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1*f4 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f1*f4 * s2fac * src2(is ,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f1*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f1*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f1*f2*f4 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f2*f4 * s2fac * src2(is ,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f2*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f2*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f1*f3*f4 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f3*f4 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f3*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f3*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f1*f4*f4 * s2fac * src2(is-1,js+2,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f4*f4 * s2fac * src2(is ,js+2,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f4*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+2,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f4*f4 * s2fac * src2(is+2,js+2,ks+2)
+ res3 =
+ $ + f1*f1*f1 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f1*f1 * s3fac * src3(is ,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f1*f1 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f1*f1 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f2*f1 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f2*f1 * s3fac * src3(is ,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f2*f1 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f2*f1 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f3*f1 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f3*f1 * s3fac * src3(is ,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f3*f1 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f3*f1 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f4*f1 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f2*f4*f1 * s3fac * src3(is ,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f4*f1 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f4*f4*f1 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js+2,ks-1)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1*f2 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f2*f1*f2 * s3fac * src3(is ,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f3*f1*f2 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f4*f1*f2 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f1*f2*f2 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js ,ks )
+ $ + f2*f2*f2 * s3fac * src3(is ,js ,ks )
+ $ + f3*f2*f2 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js ,ks )
+ $ + f4*f2*f2 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js ,ks )
+ $ + f1*f3*f2 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f2*f3*f2 * s3fac * src3(is ,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f3*f3*f2 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f4*f3*f2 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f1*f4*f2 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f2*f4*f2 * s3fac * src3(is ,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f3*f4*f2 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f4*f4*f2 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js+2,ks )
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1*f3 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f1*f3 * s3fac * src3(is ,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f1*f3 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f1*f3 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f2*f3 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f2*f3 * s3fac * src3(is ,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f2*f3 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f2*f3 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f3*f3 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f3*f3 * s3fac * src3(is ,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f3*f3 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f3*f3 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f4*f3 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f2*f4*f3 * s3fac * src3(is ,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f4*f3 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f4*f4*f3 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js+2,ks+1)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1*f4 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f1*f4 * s3fac * src3(is ,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f1*f4 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f1*f4 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f1*f2*f4 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f2*f4 * s3fac * src3(is ,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f2*f4 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f2*f4 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f1*f3*f4 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f3*f4 * s3fac * src3(is ,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f3*f4 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f3*f4 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f1*f4*f4 * s3fac * src3(is-1,js+2,ks+2)
+ $ + f2*f4*f4 * s3fac * src3(is ,js+2,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f4*f4 * s3fac * src3(is+1,js+2,ks+2)
+ $ + f4*f4*f4 * s3fac * src3(is+2,js+2,ks+2)
+ dst(id,jd,kd) = res1 + res2 + res3
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8110
+ goto 911
+c end i loop
+ 911 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ js = js+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 810
+ goto 91
+c end j loop
+ 91 continue
+ k = k+1
+ kd = kd+1
+ ks = ks+1
+ if (k.lt.regkext) goto 80
+ goto 9
+c end k loop
+ 9 continue
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o5.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o5.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..28f8c155f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o5.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o5.F77,v 1.3 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \
+ if ((i).lt.1 .or. (i).gt.(imax) \
+ .or. (j).lt.1 .or. (j).gt.(jmax) \
+ .or. (k).lt.1 .or. (k).gt.(kmax)) then &&\
+ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') \
+ (where), (imax), (jmax), (kmax), (i), (j), (k) &&\
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, msg(1:len_trim(msg))) &&\
+ end if
+ subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_o5 (
+ $ src1, t1, src2, t2, src3, t3, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, t, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 one
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ CCTK_REAL8 eps
+ parameter (eps = 1.0d-10)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src1(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src2(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src3(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer offsetlo, offsethi
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ CCTK_REAL8 s1fac, s2fac, s3fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 dstdiv
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer ifac(6), jfac(6), kfac(6)
+ integer ii, jj, kk
+ CCTK_REAL8 fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 res
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(d,3) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + 0, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsetlo = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsethi = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ dstifac = srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjfac = srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Quadratic (second order) interpolation
+ if (t1.eq.t2 .or. t1.eq.t3 .or. t2.eq.t3) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: arrays have same time")
+ end if
+ if (t.lt.min(t1,t2,t3)-eps .or. t.gt.max(t1,t2,t3)+eps) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: extrapolation in time")
+ end if
+ s1fac = (t - t2) * (t - t3) / ((t1 - t2) * (t1 - t3))
+ s2fac = (t - t1) * (t - t3) / ((t2 - t1) * (t2 - t3))
+ s3fac = (t - t1) * (t - t2) / ((t3 - t1) * (t3 - t2))
+c Loop over fine region
+c (This expression cannot be evaluated as integer)
+ dstdiv = one / (120*dstifac**5) / (120*dstjfac**5) / (120*dstkfac**5)
+ do k = 0, regkext-1
+ k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac
+ fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac)
+ kfac(1) = (fk+ dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk-dstkfac) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * (fk-3*dstkfac) * (- 1)
+ kfac(2) = (fk+2*dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk-dstkfac) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * (fk-3*dstkfac) * ( 5)
+ kfac(3) = (fk+2*dstkfac) * (fk+dstkfac) * (fk-dstkfac) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * (fk-3*dstkfac) * (-10)
+ kfac(4) = (fk+2*dstkfac) * (fk+dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * (fk-3*dstkfac) * ( 10)
+ kfac(5) = (fk+2*dstkfac) * (fk+dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk- dstkfac) * (fk-3*dstkfac) * (- 5)
+ kfac(6) = (fk+2*dstkfac) * (fk+dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk- dstkfac) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * ( 1)
+ do j = 0, regjext-1
+ j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac
+ fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac)
+ jfac(1) = (fj+ dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj-dstjfac) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * (fj-3*dstjfac) * (- 1)
+ jfac(2) = (fj+2*dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj-dstjfac) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * (fj-3*dstjfac) * ( 5)
+ jfac(3) = (fj+2*dstjfac) * (fj+dstjfac) * (fj-dstjfac) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * (fj-3*dstjfac) * (-10)
+ jfac(4) = (fj+2*dstjfac) * (fj+dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * (fj-3*dstjfac) * ( 10)
+ jfac(5) = (fj+2*dstjfac) * (fj+dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj- dstjfac) * (fj-3*dstjfac) * (- 5)
+ jfac(6) = (fj+2*dstjfac) * (fj+dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj- dstjfac) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * ( 1)
+ do i = 0, regiext-1
+ i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac
+ fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac)
+ ifac(1) = (fi+ dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi-dstifac) * (fi-2*dstifac) * (fi-3*dstifac) * (- 1)
+ ifac(2) = (fi+2*dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi-dstifac) * (fi-2*dstifac) * (fi-3*dstifac) * ( 5)
+ ifac(3) = (fi+2*dstifac) * (fi+dstifac) * (fi-dstifac) * (fi-2*dstifac) * (fi-3*dstifac) * (-10)
+ ifac(4) = (fi+2*dstifac) * (fi+dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi-2*dstifac) * (fi-3*dstifac) * ( 10)
+ ifac(5) = (fi+2*dstifac) * (fi+dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi- dstifac) * (fi-3*dstifac) * (- 5)
+ ifac(6) = (fi+2*dstifac) * (fi+dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi- dstifac) * (fi-2*dstifac) * ( 1)
+ res = 0
+ do kk=1,6
+ do jj=1,6
+ do ii=1,6
+ if (ifac(ii).ne.0 .and. jfac(jj).ne.0 .and. kfac(kk).ne.0) then
+c (This expression cannot be evaluated as integer)
+ fac = one * ifac(ii) * jfac(jj) * kfac(kk)
+ CHKIDX (i0+ii-2, j0+jj-2, k0+kk-2, \
+ srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ res = res
+ $ + fac * s1fac * src1(i0+ii-2, j0+jj-2, k0+kk-2)
+ $ + fac * s2fac * src2(i0+ii-2, j0+jj-2, k0+kk-2)
+ $ + fac * s3fac * src3(i0+ii-2, j0+jj-2, k0+kk-2)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ CHKIDX (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, \
+ dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = dstdiv * res
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_rf2.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_rf2.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a77498fef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_rf2.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_rf2.F77,v 1.3 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+ subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_3tl_rf2 (
+ $ src1, t1, src2, t2, src3, t3, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, t, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 eps
+ parameter (eps = 1.0d-10)
+ CCTK_REAL8 one, half, fourth, eighth
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ parameter (half = one/2)
+ parameter (fourth = one/4)
+ parameter (eighth = one/8)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src1(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src2(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ CCTK_REAL8 src3(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ CCTK_REAL8 s1fac, s2fac, s3fac
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer is, js, ks
+ integer id, jd, kd
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer d
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).ne.dstbbox(d,3)*2) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: source strides are not twice the destination strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Quadratic (second order) time interpolation
+ if (t1.eq.t2 .or. t1.eq.t3 .or. t2.eq.t3) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: arrays have same time")
+ end if
+ if (t.lt.min(t1,t2,t3)-eps .or. t.gt.max(t1,t2,t3)+eps) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: extrapolation in time")
+ end if
+ s1fac = (t - t2) * (t - t3) / ((t1 - t2) * (t1 - t3))
+ s2fac = (t - t1) * (t - t3) / ((t2 - t1) * (t2 - t3))
+ s3fac = (t - t1) * (t - t2) / ((t3 - t1) * (t3 - t2))
+ fi = mod(srcioff, 2)
+ fj = mod(srcjoff, 2)
+ fk = mod(srckoff, 2)
+ i0 = srcioff / 2
+ j0 = srcjoff / 2
+ k0 = srckoff / 2
+c Loop over fine region
+c Label scheme: 8 fk fj fi
+c begin k loop
+ 8 continue
+ k = 0
+ ks = k0+1
+ kd = dstkoff+1
+ if (fk.eq.0) goto 80
+ if (fk.eq.1) goto 81
+ stop
+c begin j loop
+ 80 continue
+ j = 0
+ js = j0+1
+ jd = dstjoff+1
+ if (fj.eq.0) goto 800
+ if (fj.eq.1) goto 801
+ stop
+c begin i loop
+ 800 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8000
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8001
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8000 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 1,1,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + s1fac * src1(is,js,ks)
+ $ + s2fac * src2(is,js,ks)
+ $ + s3fac * src3(is,js,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8001
+ goto 900
+c kernel
+ 8001 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 2,1,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + half * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks) + half * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + half * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks) + half * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + half * s3fac * src3(is,js,ks) + half * s3fac * src3(is+1,js,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8000
+ goto 900
+c end i loop
+ 900 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 801
+ goto 90
+c begin i loop
+ 801 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8010
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8011
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8010 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 1,2,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + half * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks) + half * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + half * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks) + half * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + half * s3fac * src3(is,js,ks) + half * s3fac * src3(is,js+1,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8011
+ goto 901
+c kernel
+ 8011 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 2,2,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s3fac * src3(is,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s3fac * src3(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s3fac * src3(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s3fac * src3(is+1,js+1,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8010
+ goto 901
+c end i loop
+ 901 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ js = js+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 800
+ goto 90
+c end j loop
+ 90 continue
+ k = k+1
+ kd = kd+1
+ if (k.lt.regkext) goto 81
+ goto 9
+c begin j loop
+ 81 continue
+ j = 0
+ js = j0+1
+ jd = dstjoff+1
+ if (fj.eq.0) goto 810
+ if (fj.eq.1) goto 811
+ stop
+c begin i loop
+ 810 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8100
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8101
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8100 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 1,1,2, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + half * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks) + half * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks+1)
+ $ + half * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks) + half * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks+1)
+ $ + half * s3fac * src3(is,js,ks) + half * s3fac * src3(is,js,ks+1)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8101
+ goto 910
+c kernel
+ 8101 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 2,1,2, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks+1)
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src1(is,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks+1)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + fourth * s3fac * src3(is,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s3fac * src3(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s3fac * src3(is,js,ks+1)
+ $ + fourth * s3fac * src3(is+1,js,ks+1)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8100
+ goto 910
+c end i loop
+ 910 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 811
+ goto 91
+c begin i loop
+ 811 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8110
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8111
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8110 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 1,2,2, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks+1)
+ $ + fourth * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks+1)
+ $ + fourth * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + fourth * s3fac * src3(is,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s3fac * src3(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + fourth * s3fac * src3(is,js,ks+1)
+ $ + fourth * s3fac * src3(is,js+1,ks+1)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8111
+ goto 911
+c kernel
+ 8111 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 2,2,2, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + eighth * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s1fac * src1(is,js,ks+1)
+ $ + eighth * s1fac * src1(is+1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + eighth * s1fac * src1(is,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + eighth * s1fac * src1(is+1,js+1,ks+1)
+ $
+ $ + eighth * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s2fac * src2(is,js,ks+1)
+ $ + eighth * s2fac * src2(is+1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + eighth * s2fac * src2(is,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + eighth * s2fac * src2(is+1,js+1,ks+1)
+ $
+ $ + eighth * s3fac * src3(is,js,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s3fac * src3(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s3fac * src3(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s3fac * src3(is+1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + eighth * s3fac * src3(is,js,ks+1)
+ $ + eighth * s3fac * src3(is+1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + eighth * s3fac * src3(is,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + eighth * s3fac * src3(is+1,js+1,ks+1)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8110
+ goto 911
+c end i loop
+ 911 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ js = js+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 810
+ goto 91
+c end j loop
+ 91 continue
+ k = k+1
+ kd = kd+1
+ ks = ks+1
+ if (k.lt.regkext) goto 80
+ goto 9
+c end k loop
+ 9 continue
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_eno.F90 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_eno.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..573b279ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_eno.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+!!$ -*-Fortran-*-
+!!$ $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_eno.F90,v 1.1 2004/03/03 15:30:40 hawke Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+!!$ This routine performs "ENO" prolongation. It is intended to be used
+!!$ with GFs that are not expected to be smooth, particularly those
+!!$ that must also obey certain constraints. The obvious example is the
+!!$ density in hydrodynamics, which may be discontinuous yet must be
+!!$ strictly positive.
+!!$ To ensure that this prolongation method is used you should add the
+!!$ tag
+!!$ tags='Prolongation="ENO"'
+!!$ to the interface.ccl on the appropriate group.
+!!$ This applies ENO2 type limiting to the slope, checking over the
+!!$ entire coarse grid cell for the least oscillatory quadratic in each
+!!$ direction. If the slope changes sign over the extrema, linear
+!!$ interpolation is used instead.
+!!$ The actual eno1d function is defined in the routine
+!!$ prolongate_3d_real8_eno.F77
+#define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \
+if ((i).lt.1 .or. (i).gt.(imax) \
+ .or. (j).lt.1 .or. (j).gt.(jmax) \
+ .or. (k).lt.1 .or. (k).gt.(kmax)) then &&\
+ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') \
+ (where), (imax), (jmax), (kmax), (i), (j), (k) &&\
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, msg(1:len_trim(msg))) &&\
+end if
+function eno1d(q)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 :: eno1d
+ CCTK_REAL8 :: q(4)
+ CCTK_REAL8 :: zero, one, two, three, six, half, eighth
+ parameter (zero = 0)
+ parameter (two = 2)
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ parameter (three = 3)
+ parameter (six = 6)
+ parameter (eighth = one / 8)
+ parameter (half = one / two)
+ CCTK_REAL8 :: diffleft, diffright
+!!$ Directly find the second undivided differences
+ diffleft = q(1) + q(3) - two * q(2)
+ diffright = q(2) + q(4) - two * q(3)
+ if ( abs(diffleft) .lt. abs(diffright) ) then
+!!$ Apply the left quadratic
+ eno1d = eighth * (-q(1) + six * q(2) + three * q(3))
+ else
+!!$ Apply the right quadratic
+ eno1d = eighth * (three * q(2) + six * q(3) - q(4))
+ end if
+!!$ Check that the quadratic is reasonable
+ if ( (q(2)-eno1d) * (q(3)-eno1d) .lt. zero ) then
+!!$ Not reasonable. Linear interpolation
+ eno1d = half * (q(2) + q(3))
+ end if
+end function eno1d
+subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_eno (src, srciext, srcjext, &
+ srckext, dst, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext, srcbbox, &
+ dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 one
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+!!$ bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+!!$ bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+!!$ bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer offsetlo, offsethi
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer ifac(4), jfac(4), kfac(4)
+ integer ii, jj, kk
+ integer fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 res
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ CCTK_REAL8, dimension(0:3,0:3) :: tmp1
+ CCTK_REAL8, dimension(0:3) :: tmp2
+ external eno1d
+ CCTK_REAL8 eno1d
+ CCTK_REAL8 half, zero
+ parameter (half = 0.5)
+ parameter (zero = 0)
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0 &
+ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3) &
+ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0 &
+ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0 &
+ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+!!$ This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(d,3) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + 0, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsetlo = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsethi = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1) &
+ .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2) &
+ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1) &
+ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1 &
+ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1 &
+ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1 &
+ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1 &
+ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1 &
+ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ dstifac = srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjfac = srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+!!$ Loop over fine region
+ do k = 0, regkext-1
+ k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac
+ fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac)
+ do j = 0, regjext-1
+ j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac
+ fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac)
+ do i = 0, regiext-1
+ i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac
+ fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac)
+!!$ Where is the fine grid point w.r.t the coarse grid?
+ select case (fi + 10*fj + 100*fk)
+ case (0)
+!!$ On a coarse grid point exactly!
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ src(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1)
+ case (1)
+!!$ Interpolate only in x
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ eno1d(src(i0:i0+3,j0+1,k0+1))
+ case (10)
+!!$ Interpolate only in y
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ eno1d(src(i0+1,j0:j0+3,k0+1))
+ case (11)
+!!$ Interpolate only in x and y
+ do jj = 0, 3
+ tmp2(jj) = eno1d(src(i0:i0+3,j0+jj,k0+1))
+ end do
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ case (100)
+!!$ Interpolate only in z
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ eno1d(src(i0+1,j0+1,k0:k0+3))
+ case (101)
+!!$ Interpolate only in x and z
+ do kk = 0, 3
+ tmp2(kk) = eno1d(src(i0:i0+3,j0+1,k0+kk))
+ end do
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ case (110)
+!!$ Interpolate only in y and z
+ do kk = 0, 3
+ tmp2(kk) = eno1d(src(i0+1,j0:j0+3,k0+kk))
+ end do
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ case (111)
+!!$ Interpolate in all of x, y, and z
+ do jj = 0, 3
+ do kk = 0, 3
+ tmp1(jj,kk) = eno1d(src(i0:i0+3,j0+jj,k0+kk))
+ end do
+ end do
+ do ii = 0, 3
+ tmp2(ii) = eno1d(tmp1(0:3,ii))
+ end do
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ eno1d(tmp2(0:3))
+ case default
+ call CCTK_WARN(0, "Internal error in ENO prolongation. Should only be used with refinement factor 2!")
+ end select
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+end subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_eno
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_minmod.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_minmod.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8dc28af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_minmod.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_minmod.F77,v 1.4 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+c$$$ This routine performs "TVD" prolongation. It is intended to be used
+c$$$ with GFs that are not expected to be smooth, particularly those
+c$$$ that must also obey certain constraints. The obvious example is the
+c$$$ density in hydrodynamics, which may be discontinuous yet must be
+c$$$ strictly positive.
+c$$$ To ensure that this prolongation method is used you should add the
+c$$$ tag
+c$$$ tags='Prolongation="TVD"'
+c$$$ to the interface.ccl on the appropriate group.
+c$$$ This applies minmod type limiting to the slope, checking over the
+c$$$ entire coarse grid cell for the minimum modulus in each direction.
+c$$$ The actual minmod function is defined in the routine
+c$$$ prolongate_3d_real8_minmod.F77
+#define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \
+ if ((i).lt.1 .or. (i).gt.(imax) \
+ .or. (j).lt.1 .or. (j).gt.(jmax) \
+ .or. (k).lt.1 .or. (k).gt.(kmax)) then &&\
+ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') \
+ (where), (imax), (jmax), (kmax), (i), (j), (k) &&\
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, msg(1:len_trim(msg))) &&\
+ end if
+ function minmod(a, b)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 minmod
+ CCTK_REAL8 a, b
+ CCTK_REAL8 zero
+ parameter (zero = 0)
+ if (a * b .lt. zero) then
+ minmod = zero
+ else if (abs(a) < abs(b)) then
+ minmod = a
+ else
+ minmod = b
+ end if
+ end function
+ subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_minmod (
+ $ src, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 one
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer offsetlo, offsethi
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer ifac(4), jfac(4), kfac(4)
+ integer ii, jj, kk
+ integer fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 res
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ external minmod
+ CCTK_REAL8 minmod
+ CCTK_REAL8 half, zero
+ parameter (half = 0.5)
+ parameter (zero = 0)
+ CCTK_REAL8 dupw, dloc, slopex, slopey, slopez
+ logical firstloop
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(d,3) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + 0, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsetlo = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsethi = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ dstifac = srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjfac = srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Loop over fine region
+ do k = 0, regkext-1
+ k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac
+ fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac)
+ do j = 0, regjext-1
+ j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac
+ fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac)
+ do i = 0, regiext-1
+ i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac
+ fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac)
+ slopex = zero
+ slopey = zero
+ slopez = zero
+ firstloop = .true.
+ do kk = 1, 2
+ do jj = 1, 2
+ dupw = src(i0+1 ,j0+jj,k0+kk) - src(i0+0 ,j0+jj,k0+kk)
+ dloc = src(i0+2 ,j0+jj,k0+kk) - src(i0+1 ,j0+kk,k0+kk)
+ if (firstloop) then
+ slopex = half * dble(fi) * minmod(dupw,dloc)
+ firstloop = .false.
+ else
+ slopex =
+ $ minmod(slopex, half * dble(fi) * minmod(dupw,dloc))
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ firstloop = .true.
+ do kk = 1, 2
+ do ii = 1, 2
+ dupw = src(i0+ii,j0+1 ,k0+kk) - src(i0+ii,j0+0 ,k0+kk)
+ dloc = src(i0+ii,j0+2 ,k0+kk) - src(i0+ii,j0+1 ,k0+kk)
+ if (firstloop) then
+ slopey = half * dble(fj) * minmod(dupw,dloc)
+ firstloop = .false.
+ else
+ slopey =
+ $ minmod(slopey, half * dble(fj) * minmod(dupw,dloc))
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ firstloop = .true.
+ do jj = 1, 2
+ do ii = 1, 2
+ dupw = src(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+1 ) - src(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+0 )
+ dloc = src(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+2 ) - src(i0+ii,j0+jj,k0+1 )
+ if (firstloop) then
+ slopez = half * dble(fk) * minmod(dupw,dloc)
+ firstloop = .false.
+ else
+ slopez =
+ $ minmod(slopez, half * dble(fk) * minmod(dupw,dloc))
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ CHKIDX (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, \
+ dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) =
+ . src(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1) + slopex + slopey + slopez
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_o3.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_o3.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21d82a733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_o3.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_o3.F77,v 1.9 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \
+ if ((i).lt.1 .or. (i).gt.(imax) \
+ .or. (j).lt.1 .or. (j).gt.(jmax) \
+ .or. (k).lt.1 .or. (k).gt.(kmax)) then &&\
+ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') \
+ (where), (imax), (jmax), (kmax), (i), (j), (k) &&\
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, msg(1:len_trim(msg))) &&\
+ end if
+ subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_o3 (
+ $ src, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 one
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer offsetlo, offsethi
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ CCTK_REAL8 dstdiv
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer ifac(4), jfac(4), kfac(4)
+ integer ii, jj, kk
+ integer fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 res
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(d,3) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + 0, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsetlo = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsethi = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ dstifac = srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjfac = srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Loop over fine region
+ dstdiv = one / (6*dstifac**3 * 6*dstjfac**3 * 6*dstkfac**3)
+ do k = 0, regkext-1
+ k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac
+ fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac)
+ kfac(1) = (fk ) * (fk-dstkfac) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * (-1)
+ kfac(2) = (fk+dstkfac) * (fk-dstkfac) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * 3
+ kfac(3) = (fk+dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * (-3)
+ kfac(4) = (fk+dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk- dstkfac) * 1
+ do j = 0, regjext-1
+ j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac
+ fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac)
+ jfac(1) = (fj ) * (fj-dstjfac) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * (-1)
+ jfac(2) = (fj+dstjfac) * (fj-dstjfac) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * 3
+ jfac(3) = (fj+dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * (-3)
+ jfac(4) = (fj+dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj- dstjfac) * 1
+ do i = 0, regiext-1
+ i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac
+ fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac)
+ ifac(1) = (fi ) * (fi-dstifac) * (fi-2*dstifac) * (-1)
+ ifac(2) = (fi+dstifac) * (fi-dstifac) * (fi-2*dstifac) * 3
+ ifac(3) = (fi+dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi-2*dstifac) * (-3)
+ ifac(4) = (fi+dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi- dstifac) * 1
+ res = 0
+ do kk=1,4
+ do jj=1,4
+ do ii=1,4
+ fac = ifac(ii) * jfac(jj) * kfac(kk)
+ if (fac.ne.0) then
+ CHKIDX (i0+ii-1, j0+jj-1, k0+kk-1, \
+ srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ res = res + fac * src(i0+ii-1, j0+jj-1, k0+kk-1)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ CHKIDX (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, \
+ dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = dstdiv * res
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_o3_rf2.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_o3_rf2.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a3b2629d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_o3_rf2.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_o3_rf2.F77,v 1.2 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+ subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_o3_rf2 (
+ $ src, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 one, half, fourth, eighth, sixteenth
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ parameter (half = one/2)
+ parameter (fourth = one/4)
+ parameter (eighth = one/8)
+ parameter (sixteenth = one/16)
+ CCTK_REAL8 f1, f2, f3, f4
+ parameter (f1 = - sixteenth)
+ parameter (f2 = 9*sixteenth)
+ parameter (f3 = 9*sixteenth)
+ parameter (f4 = - sixteenth)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ integer offsetlo, offsethi
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer is, js, ks
+ integer id, jd, kd
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer d
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).ne.dstbbox(d,3)*2) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: source strides are not twice the destination strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1
+ srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff, 2).eq.0) then
+ offsetlo = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, 2).eq.0) then
+ offsethi = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ fi = mod(srcioff, 2)
+ fj = mod(srcjoff, 2)
+ fk = mod(srckoff, 2)
+ i0 = srcioff / 2
+ j0 = srcjoff / 2
+ k0 = srckoff / 2
+c Loop over fine region
+c Label scheme: 8 fk fj fi
+c begin k loop
+ 8 continue
+ k = 0
+ ks = k0+1
+ kd = dstkoff+1
+ if (fk.eq.0) goto 80
+ if (fk.eq.1) goto 81
+ stop
+c begin j loop
+ 80 continue
+ j = 0
+ js = j0+1
+ jd = dstjoff+1
+ if (fj.eq.0) goto 800
+ if (fj.eq.1) goto 801
+ stop
+c begin i loop
+ 800 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8000
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8001
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8000 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 1,1,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) = src(is,js,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8001
+ goto 900
+c kernel
+ 8001 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is-1,js,ks, 4,1,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1 * src(is-1,js,ks) + f2 * src(is ,js,ks)
+ $ + f3 * src(is+1,js,ks) + f4 * src(is+2,js,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8000
+ goto 900
+c end i loop
+ 900 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 801
+ goto 90
+c begin i loop
+ 801 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8010
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8011
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8010 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js-1,ks, 1,4,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1 * src(is,js-1,ks) + f2 * src(is,js ,ks)
+ $ + f3 * src(is,js+1,ks) + f4 * src(is,js+2,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8011
+ goto 901
+c kernel
+ 8011 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is-1,js-1,ks, 4,4,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1*f1 * src(is-1,js-1,ks) + f2*f1 * src(is ,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f3*f1 * src(is+1,js-1,ks) + f4*f1 * src(is+2,js-1,ks)
+ $ + f1*f2 * src(is-1,js ,ks) + f2*f2 * src(is ,js ,ks)
+ $ + f3*f2 * src(is+1,js ,ks) + f4*f2 * src(is+2,js ,ks)
+ $ + f1*f3 * src(is-1,js+1,ks) + f2*f3 * src(is ,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f3*f3 * src(is+1,js+1,ks) + f4*f3 * src(is+2,js+1,ks)
+ $ + f1*f4 * src(is-1,js+2,ks) + f2*f4 * src(is ,js+2,ks)
+ $ + f3*f4 * src(is+1,js+2,ks) + f4*f4 * src(is+2,js+2,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8010
+ goto 901
+c end i loop
+ 901 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ js = js+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 800
+ goto 90
+c end j loop
+ 90 continue
+ k = k+1
+ kd = kd+1
+ if (k.lt.regkext) goto 81
+ goto 9
+c begin j loop
+ 81 continue
+ j = 0
+ js = j0+1
+ jd = dstjoff+1
+ if (fj.eq.0) goto 810
+ if (fj.eq.1) goto 811
+ stop
+c begin i loop
+ 810 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8100
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8101
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8100 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks-1, 1,1,4, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1 * src(is,js,ks-1) + f2 * src(is,js,ks )
+ $ + f3 * src(is,js,ks+1) + f4 * src(is,js,ks+2)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8101
+ goto 910
+c kernel
+ 8101 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is-1,js,ks-1, 4,1,4, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1*f1 * src(is-1,js,ks-1) + f2*f1 * src(is ,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f1 * src(is+1,js,ks-1) + f4*f1 * src(is+2,js,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f2 * src(is-1,js,ks ) + f2*f2 * src(is ,js,ks )
+ $ + f3*f2 * src(is+1,js,ks ) + f4*f2 * src(is+2,js,ks )
+ $ + f1*f3 * src(is-1,js,ks+1) + f2*f3 * src(is ,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f3 * src(is+1,js,ks+1) + f4*f3 * src(is+2,js,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f4 * src(is-1,js,ks+2) + f2*f4 * src(is ,js,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f4 * src(is+1,js,ks+2) + f4*f4 * src(is+2,js,ks+2)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8100
+ goto 910
+c end i loop
+ 910 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 811
+ goto 91
+c begin i loop
+ 811 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8110
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8111
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8110 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js-1,ks-1, 1,4,4, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1*f1 * src(is,js-1,ks-1) + f2*f1 * src(is,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f1 * src(is,js+1,ks-1) + f4*f1 * src(is,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f2 * src(is,js-1,ks ) + f2*f2 * src(is,js ,ks )
+ $ + f3*f2 * src(is,js+1,ks ) + f4*f2 * src(is,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f1*f3 * src(is,js-1,ks+1) + f2*f3 * src(is,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f3 * src(is,js+1,ks+1) + f4*f3 * src(is,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f4 * src(is,js-1,ks+2) + f2*f4 * src(is,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f4 * src(is,js+1,ks+2) + f4*f4 * src(is,js+2,ks+2)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8111
+ goto 911
+c kernel
+ 8111 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is-1,js-1,ks-1, 4,4,4, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + f1*f1*f1 * src(is-1,js-1,ks-1) + f2*f1*f1 * src(is ,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f1*f1 * src(is+1,js-1,ks-1) + f4*f1*f1 * src(is+2,js-1,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f2*f1 * src(is-1,js ,ks-1) + f2*f2*f1 * src(is ,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f2*f1 * src(is+1,js ,ks-1) + f4*f2*f1 * src(is+2,js ,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f3*f1 * src(is-1,js+1,ks-1) + f2*f3*f1 * src(is ,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f3*f1 * src(is+1,js+1,ks-1) + f4*f3*f1 * src(is+2,js+1,ks-1)
+ $ + f1*f4*f1 * src(is-1,js+2,ks-1) + f2*f4*f1 * src(is ,js+2,ks-1)
+ $ + f3*f4*f1 * src(is+1,js+2,ks-1) + f4*f4*f1 * src(is+2,js+2,ks-1)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1*f2 * src(is-1,js-1,ks ) + f2*f1*f2 * src(is ,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f3*f1*f2 * src(is+1,js-1,ks ) + f4*f1*f2 * src(is+2,js-1,ks )
+ $ + f1*f2*f2 * src(is-1,js ,ks ) + f2*f2*f2 * src(is ,js ,ks )
+ $ + f3*f2*f2 * src(is+1,js ,ks ) + f4*f2*f2 * src(is+2,js ,ks )
+ $ + f1*f3*f2 * src(is-1,js+1,ks ) + f2*f3*f2 * src(is ,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f3*f3*f2 * src(is+1,js+1,ks ) + f4*f3*f2 * src(is+2,js+1,ks )
+ $ + f1*f4*f2 * src(is-1,js+2,ks ) + f2*f4*f2 * src(is ,js+2,ks )
+ $ + f3*f4*f2 * src(is+1,js+2,ks ) + f4*f4*f2 * src(is+2,js+2,ks )
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1*f3 * src(is-1,js-1,ks+1) + f2*f1*f3 * src(is ,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f1*f3 * src(is+1,js-1,ks+1) + f4*f1*f3 * src(is+2,js-1,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f2*f3 * src(is-1,js ,ks+1) + f2*f2*f3 * src(is ,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f2*f3 * src(is+1,js ,ks+1) + f4*f2*f3 * src(is+2,js ,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f3*f3 * src(is-1,js+1,ks+1) + f2*f3*f3 * src(is ,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f3*f3 * src(is+1,js+1,ks+1) + f4*f3*f3 * src(is+2,js+1,ks+1)
+ $ + f1*f4*f3 * src(is-1,js+2,ks+1) + f2*f4*f3 * src(is ,js+2,ks+1)
+ $ + f3*f4*f3 * src(is+1,js+2,ks+1) + f4*f4*f3 * src(is+2,js+2,ks+1)
+ $
+ $ + f1*f1*f4 * src(is-1,js-1,ks+2) + f2*f1*f4 * src(is ,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f1*f4 * src(is+1,js-1,ks+2) + f4*f1*f4 * src(is+2,js-1,ks+2)
+ $ + f1*f2*f4 * src(is-1,js ,ks+2) + f2*f2*f4 * src(is ,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f2*f4 * src(is+1,js ,ks+2) + f4*f2*f4 * src(is+2,js ,ks+2)
+ $ + f1*f3*f4 * src(is-1,js+1,ks+2) + f2*f3*f4 * src(is ,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f3*f4 * src(is+1,js+1,ks+2) + f4*f3*f4 * src(is+2,js+1,ks+2)
+ $ + f1*f4*f4 * src(is-1,js+2,ks+2) + f2*f4*f4 * src(is ,js+2,ks+2)
+ $ + f3*f4*f4 * src(is+1,js+2,ks+2) + f4*f4*f4 * src(is+2,js+2,ks+2)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8110
+ goto 911
+c end i loop
+ 911 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ js = js+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 810
+ goto 91
+c end j loop
+ 91 continue
+ k = k+1
+ kd = kd+1
+ ks = ks+1
+ if (k.lt.regkext) goto 80
+ goto 9
+c end k loop
+ 9 continue
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_o5.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_o5.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c86178ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_o5.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_o5.F77,v 1.2 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \
+ if ((i).lt.1 .or. (i).gt.(imax) \
+ .or. (j).lt.1 .or. (j).gt.(jmax) \
+ .or. (k).lt.1 .or. (k).gt.(kmax)) then &&\
+ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') \
+ (where), (imax), (jmax), (kmax), (i), (j), (k) &&\
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, msg(1:len_trim(msg))) &&\
+ end if
+ subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_o5 (
+ $ src, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 one
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer offsetlo, offsethi
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ CCTK_REAL8 s1fac, s2fac, s3fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 dstdiv
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer ifac(6), jfac(6), kfac(6)
+ integer ii, jj, kk
+ CCTK_REAL8 fac
+ CCTK_REAL8 res
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(d,3) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + 0, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsetlo = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsethi = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ dstifac = srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjfac = srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Loop over fine region
+c (This expression cannot be evaluated as integer)
+ dstdiv = one / (120*dstifac**5) / (120*dstjfac**5) / (120*dstkfac**5)
+ do k = 0, regkext-1
+ k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac
+ fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac)
+ kfac(1) = (fk+ dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk-dstkfac) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * (fk-3*dstkfac) * (- 1)
+ kfac(2) = (fk+2*dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk-dstkfac) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * (fk-3*dstkfac) * ( 5)
+ kfac(3) = (fk+2*dstkfac) * (fk+dstkfac) * (fk-dstkfac) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * (fk-3*dstkfac) * (-10)
+ kfac(4) = (fk+2*dstkfac) * (fk+dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * (fk-3*dstkfac) * ( 10)
+ kfac(5) = (fk+2*dstkfac) * (fk+dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk- dstkfac) * (fk-3*dstkfac) * (- 5)
+ kfac(6) = (fk+2*dstkfac) * (fk+dstkfac) * (fk ) * (fk- dstkfac) * (fk-2*dstkfac) * ( 1)
+ do j = 0, regjext-1
+ j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac
+ fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac)
+ jfac(1) = (fj+ dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj-dstjfac) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * (fj-3*dstjfac) * (- 1)
+ jfac(2) = (fj+2*dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj-dstjfac) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * (fj-3*dstjfac) * ( 5)
+ jfac(3) = (fj+2*dstjfac) * (fj+dstjfac) * (fj-dstjfac) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * (fj-3*dstjfac) * (-10)
+ jfac(4) = (fj+2*dstjfac) * (fj+dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * (fj-3*dstjfac) * ( 10)
+ jfac(5) = (fj+2*dstjfac) * (fj+dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj- dstjfac) * (fj-3*dstjfac) * (- 5)
+ jfac(6) = (fj+2*dstjfac) * (fj+dstjfac) * (fj ) * (fj- dstjfac) * (fj-2*dstjfac) * ( 1)
+ do i = 0, regiext-1
+ i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac
+ fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac)
+ ifac(1) = (fi+ dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi-dstifac) * (fi-2*dstifac) * (fi-3*dstifac) * (- 1)
+ ifac(2) = (fi+2*dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi-dstifac) * (fi-2*dstifac) * (fi-3*dstifac) * ( 5)
+ ifac(3) = (fi+2*dstifac) * (fi+dstifac) * (fi-dstifac) * (fi-2*dstifac) * (fi-3*dstifac) * (-10)
+ ifac(4) = (fi+2*dstifac) * (fi+dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi-2*dstifac) * (fi-3*dstifac) * ( 10)
+ ifac(5) = (fi+2*dstifac) * (fi+dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi- dstifac) * (fi-3*dstifac) * (- 5)
+ ifac(6) = (fi+2*dstifac) * (fi+dstifac) * (fi ) * (fi- dstifac) * (fi-2*dstifac) * ( 1)
+ res = 0
+ do kk=1,6
+ do jj=1,6
+ do ii=1,6
+ if (ifac(ii).ne.0 .and. jfac(jj).ne.0 .and. kfac(kk).ne.0) then
+c (This expression cannot be evaluated as integer)
+ fac = one * ifac(ii) * jfac(jj) * kfac(kk)
+ CHKIDX (i0+ii-2, j0+jj-2, k0+kk-2, \
+ srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ res = res + fac * src(i0+ii-2, j0+jj-2, k0+kk-2)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ CHKIDX (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, \
+ dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = dstdiv * res
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_rf2.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_rf2.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..556f4d092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_rf2.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_rf2.F77,v 1.2 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+ subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_rf2 (
+ $ src, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 one, half, fourth, eighth
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ parameter (half = one/2)
+ parameter (fourth = one/4)
+ parameter (eighth = one/8)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer is, js, ks
+ integer id, jd, kd
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer d
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).ne.dstbbox(d,3)*2) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: source strides are not twice the destination strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ fi = mod(srcioff, 2)
+ fj = mod(srcjoff, 2)
+ fk = mod(srckoff, 2)
+ i0 = srcioff / 2
+ j0 = srcjoff / 2
+ k0 = srckoff / 2
+c Loop over fine region
+c Label scheme: 8 fk fj fi
+c begin k loop
+ 8 continue
+ k = 0
+ ks = k0+1
+ kd = dstkoff+1
+ if (fk.eq.0) goto 80
+ if (fk.eq.1) goto 81
+ stop
+c begin j loop
+ 80 continue
+ j = 0
+ js = j0+1
+ jd = dstjoff+1
+ if (fj.eq.0) goto 800
+ if (fj.eq.1) goto 801
+ stop
+c begin i loop
+ 800 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8000
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8001
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8000 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 1,1,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) = src(is,js,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8001
+ goto 900
+c kernel
+ 8001 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 2,1,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) = half * src(is,js,ks) + half * src(is+1,js,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8000
+ goto 900
+c end i loop
+ 900 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 801
+ goto 90
+c begin i loop
+ 801 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8010
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8011
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8010 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 1,2,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) = half * src(is,js,ks) + half * src(is,js+1,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8011
+ goto 901
+c kernel
+ 8011 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 2,2,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + fourth * src(is,js,ks) + fourth * src(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * src(is,js+1,ks) + fourth * src(is+1,js+1,ks)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8010
+ goto 901
+c end i loop
+ 901 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ js = js+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 800
+ goto 90
+c end j loop
+ 90 continue
+ k = k+1
+ kd = kd+1
+ if (k.lt.regkext) goto 81
+ goto 9
+c begin j loop
+ 81 continue
+ j = 0
+ js = j0+1
+ jd = dstjoff+1
+ if (fj.eq.0) goto 810
+ if (fj.eq.1) goto 811
+ stop
+c begin i loop
+ 810 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8100
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8101
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8100 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 1,1,2, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) = half * src(is,js,ks) + half * src(is,js,ks+1)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8101
+ goto 910
+c kernel
+ 8101 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 2,1,2, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + fourth * src(is,js,ks) + fourth * src(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + fourth * src(is,js,ks+1) + fourth * src(is+1,js,ks+1)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8100
+ goto 910
+c end i loop
+ 910 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 811
+ goto 91
+c begin i loop
+ 811 continue
+ i = 0
+ is = i0+1
+ id = dstioff+1
+ if (fi.eq.0) goto 8110
+ if (fi.eq.1) goto 8111
+ stop
+c kernel
+ 8110 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 1,2,2, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + fourth * src(is,js,ks) + fourth * src(is,js+1,ks)
+ $ + fourth * src(is,js,ks+1) + fourth * src(is,js+1,ks+1)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8111
+ goto 911
+c kernel
+ 8111 continue
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (is,js,ks, 2,2,2, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (id,jd,kd, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(id,jd,kd) =
+ $ + eighth * src(is,js,ks) + eighth * src(is+1,js,ks)
+ $ + eighth * src(is,js+1,ks) + eighth * src(is+1,js+1,ks)
+ $ + eighth * src(is,js,ks+1) + eighth * src(is+1,js,ks+1)
+ $ + eighth * src(is,js+1,ks+1) + eighth * src(is+1,js+1,ks+1)
+ i = i+1
+ id = id+1
+ is = is+1
+ if (i.lt.regiext) goto 8110
+ goto 911
+c end i loop
+ 911 continue
+ j = j+1
+ jd = jd+1
+ js = js+1
+ if (j.lt.regjext) goto 810
+ goto 91
+c end j loop
+ 91 continue
+ k = k+1
+ kd = kd+1
+ ks = ks+1
+ if (k.lt.regkext) goto 80
+ goto 9
+c end k loop
+ 9 continue
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/restrict_3d_real8.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/restrict_3d_real8.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81f4cfd0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/restrict_3d_real8.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/restrict_3d_real8.F77,v 1.7 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \
+ if ((i).lt.1 .or. (i).gt.(imax) \
+ .or. (j).lt.1 .or. (j).gt.(jmax) \
+ .or. (k).lt.1 .or. (k).gt.(kmax)) then &&\
+ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') \
+ (where), (imax), (jmax), (kmax), (i), (j), (k) &&\
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, msg(1:len_trim(msg))) &&\
+ end if
+ subroutine restrict_3d_real8 (
+ $ src, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer srcifac, srcjfac, srckfac
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer d
+ character msg*1000
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).ge.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(dstbbox(d,3), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: source strides are not integer multiples of the destination strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ srcifac = dstbbox(1,3) / srcbbox(1,3)
+ srcjfac = dstbbox(2,3) / srcbbox(2,3)
+ srckfac = dstbbox(3,3) / srcbbox(3,3)
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / srcbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / srcbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / srcbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Loop over coarse region
+ do k = 0, regkext-1
+ do j = 0, regjext-1
+ do i = 0, regiext-1
+ CHKIDX (srcioff+srcifac*i+1, srcjoff+srcjfac*j+1, srckoff+srckfac*k+1, \
+ srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ CHKIDX (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, \
+ dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1)
+ $ = src (srcioff+srcifac*i+1, srcjoff+srcjfac*j+1, srckoff+srckfac*k+1)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/restrict_3d_real8_rf2.F77 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/restrict_3d_real8_rf2.F77
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7f6a0454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/restrict_3d_real8_rf2.F77
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+c -*-Fortran-*-
+c $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/restrict_3d_real8_rf2.F77,v 1.2 2004/03/11 12:03:09 schnetter Exp $
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+ subroutine restrict_3d_real8_rf2 (
+ $ src, srciext, srcjext, srckext,
+ $ dst, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext,
+ $ srcbbox, dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+c bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+c bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer d
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).ge.regbbox(d,3)
+ $ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (dstbbox(d,3).ne.srcbbox(d,3)*2) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not twice the source strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+c This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,2) - srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,2) - dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0
+ $ .or. mod(regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array extents are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).lt.srcbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.srcbbox(d,2)
+ $ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1
+ $ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / srcbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / srcbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / srcbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+c Loop over coarse region
+ do k = 0, regkext-1
+ do j = 0, regjext-1
+ do i = 0, regiext-1
+ if (check_array_accesses.ne.0) then
+ call checkindex (srcioff+2*i+1, srcjoff+2*j+1, srckoff+2*k+1, 1,1,1, srciext,srcjext,srckext, "source")
+ call checkindex (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1, 1,1,1, dstiext,dstjext,dstkext, "destination")
+ end if
+ dst(dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) =
+ $ src(srcioff+2*i+1, srcjoff+2*j+1, srckoff+2*k+1)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/th.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/th.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ad9beca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/th.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/th.cc,v 1.14 2004/03/23 19:30:14 schnetter Exp $
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "gh.hh"
+#include "th.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// Constructors
+template<int D>
+th<D>::th (gh<D>& h, const CCTK_REAL basedelta)
+ : h(h), delta(basedelta) {
+ h.add(this);
+// Destructors
+template<int D>
+th<D>::~th () {
+ h.remove(this);
+// Modifiers
+template<int D>
+void th<D>::recompose () {
+ times.resize(h.reflevels());
+ deltas.resize(h.reflevels());
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ const int old_mglevels = times.at(rl).size();
+ CCTK_REAL mgtime;
+ // Select default time
+ if (old_mglevels==0 && rl==0) {
+ mgtime = 0;
+ } else if (old_mglevels==0) {
+ mgtime = times.at(rl-1).at(0);
+ } else {
+ mgtime = times.at(rl).at(old_mglevels-1);
+ }
+ times.at(rl).resize(h.mglevels(rl,0), mgtime);
+ deltas.at(rl).resize(h.mglevels(rl,0));
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,0); ++ml) {
+ if (rl==0 && ml==0) {
+ deltas.at(rl).at(ml) = delta;
+ } else if (ml==0) {
+ deltas.at(rl).at(ml) = deltas.at(rl-1).at(ml) / h.reffact;
+ } else {
+ deltas.at(rl).at(ml) = deltas.at(rl).at(ml-1) * h.mgfact;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Output
+template<int D>
+void th<D>::output (ostream& os) const {
+ os << "th<" << D << ">:"
+ << "times={";
+ for (int rl=0; rl<h.reflevels(); ++rl) {
+ for (int ml=0; ml<h.mglevels(rl,0); ++ml) {
+ if (!(rl==0 && ml==0)) os << ",";
+ os << rl << ":" << ml << ":"
+ << times.at(rl).at(ml) << "(" << deltas.at(rl).at(ml) << ")";
+ }
+ }
+ os << "}";
+template class th<3>;
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/th.hh b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/th.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12c77d782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/th.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/th.hh,v 1.11 2004/03/23 19:30:14 schnetter Exp $
+#ifndef TH_HH
+#define TH_HH
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "gh.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// Forward declaration
+template<int D> class th;
+// Output
+template<int D>
+ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const th<D>& t);
+// The time hierarchy (information about the current time)
+template<int D>
+class th {
+public: // should be readonly
+ // Fields
+ gh<D>& h; // hierarchy
+ CCTK_REAL delta; // time step
+ vector<vector<CCTK_REAL> > times; // current times
+ vector<vector<CCTK_REAL> > deltas; // time steps
+ // Constructors
+ th (gh<D>& h, const CCTK_REAL basedelta);
+ // Destructors
+ ~th ();
+ // Modifiers
+ void recompose ();
+ // Time management
+ CCTK_REAL get_time (const int rl, const int ml) const {
+ assert (rl>=0 && rl<h.reflevels());
+ assert (ml>=0 && ml<h.mglevels(rl,0));
+ return times.at(rl).at(ml);
+ }
+ void set_time (const int rl, const int ml, const CCTK_REAL t) {
+ assert (rl>=0 && rl<h.reflevels());
+ assert (ml>=0 && ml<h.mglevels(rl,0));
+ times.at(rl).at(ml) = t;
+ }
+ void advance_time (const int rl, const int ml) {
+ set_time(rl,ml, get_time(rl,ml) + get_delta(rl,ml));
+ }
+ CCTK_REAL get_delta (const int rl, const int ml) const {
+ assert (rl>=0 && rl<h.reflevels());
+ assert (ml>=0 && ml<h.mglevels(rl,0));
+ return deltas.at(rl).at(ml);
+ }
+ void set_delta (const int rl, const int ml, const CCTK_REAL dt) {
+ assert (rl>=0 && rl<h.reflevels());
+ assert (ml>=0 && ml<h.mglevels(rl,0));
+ deltas.at(rl).at(ml) = dt;
+ }
+ CCTK_REAL time (const int tl, const int rl, const int ml) const {
+ assert (rl>=0 && rl<h.reflevels());
+ assert (ml>=0 && ml<h.mglevels(rl,0));
+ return get_time(rl, ml) + tl * get_delta(rl, ml);
+ }
+ // Output
+ void output (ostream& os) const;
+template<int D>
+inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const th<D>& t) {
+ t.output(os);
+ return os;
+#endif // TH_HH
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/vect.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/vect.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9af8bca1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/vect.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/vect.cc,v 1.14 2004/02/18 15:10:17 schnetter Exp $
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "defs.hh"
+#include "vect.hh"
+using namespace std;
+// Input
+template<class T,int D>
+void vect<T,D>::input (istream& is) {
+ skipws (is);
+ consume (is, '[');
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) {
+ is >> (*this)[d];
+ if (d<D-1) {
+ skipws (is);
+ consume (is, ',');
+ }
+ }
+ skipws (is);
+ consume (is, ']');
+// Output
+template<class T,int D>
+void vect<T,D>::output (ostream& os) const {
+ os << "[";
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) {
+ os << (*this)[d];
+ if (d<D-1) os << ",";
+ }
+ os << "]";
+// Note: We need all dimensions all the time.
+template class vect<int,0>;
+template class vect<int,1>;
+template class vect<int,2>;
+template class vect<int,3>;
+template void vect<double,3>::input (istream& is);
+template void vect<vect<bool,2>,3>::input (istream& is);
+template void vect<bool,2>::output (ostream& os) const;
+template void vect<bool,3>::output (ostream& os) const;
+template void vect<double,3>::output (ostream& os) const;
+template void vect<vect<bool,2>,3>::output (ostream& os) const;
+template void vect<vect<int,2>,3>::output (ostream& os) const;
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/vect.hh b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/vect.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9160c76aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/vect.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,797 @@
+// $Header: /home/eschnett/C/carpet/Carpet/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/vect.hh,v 1.29 2004/08/14 07:41:25 schnetter Exp $
+#ifndef VECT_HH
+#define VECT_HH
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace std;
+// Forward definition
+template<class T, int D> class vect;
+// Input/Output
+template<class T,int D>
+istream& operator>> (istream& is, vect<T,D>& a);
+template<class T,int D>
+ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const vect<T,D>& a);
+ * A short vector with a size that is specified at compile time.
+ */
+template<class T, int D>
+class vect {
+ // Fields
+ /** Vector elements. */
+ T elt[D==0 ? 1 : D];
+ // Constructors
+ /** Explicit empty constructor. */
+ explicit vect () { }
+ /** Copy constructor. */
+ vect (const vect& a) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]=a.elt[d];
+ }
+ /** Constructor from a single element. This constructor might be
+ confusing, but it is very convenient. */
+ vect (const T x) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]=x;
+ }
+ /** Constructor for 2-element vectors from 2 elements. */
+ vect (const T x, const T y) {
+ assert (D==2);
+ // Note: this statement may give "index out of range" warnings.
+ // You can safely ignore these.
+ elt[0]=x; elt[1]=y;
+ }
+ /** Constructor for 3-element vectors from 3 elements. */
+ vect (const T x, const T y, const T z) {
+ assert (D==3);
+ // Note: this statement may give "index out of range" warnings.
+ // You can safely ignore these.
+ elt[0]=x; elt[1]=y; elt[2]=z;
+ }
+ /** Constructor for 4-element vectors from 4 elements. */
+ vect (const T x, const T y, const T z, const T t) {
+ assert (D==4);
+ // Note: this statement may give "index out of range" warnings.
+ // You can safely ignore these.
+ elt[0]=x; elt[1]=y; elt[2]=z; elt[3]=t;
+ }
+#if 0
+ // This creates confusion
+ /** Constructor from a pointer, i.e.\ a C array. */
+ explicit vect (const T* const x) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]=x[d];
+ }
+ /** Constructor from a vector with a different type. */
+ template<class S>
+ /*explicit*/ vect (const vect<S,D>& a) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]=(T)a[d];
+ }
+ /** Create a new 0-element vector with a specific type. */
+ static vect make () {
+ assert (D==0);
+ return vect();
+ }
+ /** Create a new 1-element vector with a specific type. */
+ static vect make (const T x) {
+ assert (D==1);
+ return vect(x);
+ }
+ /** Create a new 2-element vector with a specific type. */
+ static vect make (const T x, const T y) {
+ assert (D==2);
+ return vect(x, y);
+ }
+ /** Create a new 3-element vector with a specific type. */
+ static vect make (const T x, const T y, const T z) {
+ assert (D==3);
+ return vect(x, y, z);
+ }
+ /** Create a new 4-element vector with a specific type. */
+ static vect make (const T x, const T y, const T z, const T t) {
+ assert (D==4);
+ return vect(x, y, z, t);
+ }
+ /** Treat a constant pointer as a reference to a constant vector. */
+ static const vect& ref (const T* const x) {
+ return *(const vect*)x;
+ }
+ /** Treat a pointer as a reference to a vector. */
+ static vect& ref (T* const x) {
+ return *(vect*)x;
+ }
+ /** Create a vector with one element set to 1 and all other elements
+ set to zero. */
+ static vect dir (const int d) {
+ vect r=(T)0;
+ r[d]=1;
+ return r;
+ }
+ /** Create a vector with e[i] = i. */
+ static vect seq () {
+ vect r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=d;
+ return r;
+ }
+ /** Create a vector with e[i] = n + i. */
+ static vect seq (const int n) {
+ vect r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=n+d;
+ return r;
+ }
+ /** Create a vector with e[i] = n + s * i. */
+ static vect seq (const int n, const int s) {
+ vect r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=n+s*d;
+ return r;
+ }
+ // Accessors
+ /** Return a non-writable element of a vector. */
+ // (Don't return a reference; *this might be a temporary)
+ // Do return a reference, so that a vector can be accessed as array
+ const T& operator[] (const int d) const {
+ assert(d>=0 && d<D);
+ return elt[d];
+ }
+ /** Return a writable element of a vector as reference. */
+ T& operator[] (const int d) {
+ assert(d>=0 && d<D);
+ return elt[d];
+ }
+#if 0
+ // This creates confusion
+ /** Return a pointer to a vector. */
+ operator const T* () const {
+ return this;
+ }
+ /** Return a combination of the vector elements e[a[i]]. The
+ element combination is selected by another vector. */
+ template<class TT, int DD>
+ vect<T,DD> operator[] (const vect<TT,DD>& a) const {
+ vect<T,DD> r;
+ // (*this)[] performs index checking
+ for (int d=0; d<DD; ++d) r[d] = (*this)[a[d]];
+ return r;
+ }
+ // Modifying operators
+ vect& operator+=(const T x) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]+=x;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ vect& operator-=(const T x) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]-=x;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ vect& operator*=(const T x) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]*=x;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ vect& operator/=(const T x) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]/=x;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ vect& operator%=(const T x) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]%=x;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ vect& operator&=(const T x) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]&=x;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ vect& operator|=(const T x) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]|=x;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ vect& operator^=(const T x) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]^=x;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ vect& operator+=(const vect& a) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]+=a[d];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ vect& operator-=(const vect& a) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]-=a[d];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ vect& operator*=(const vect& a) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]*=a[d];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ vect& operator/=(const vect& a) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]/=a[d];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ vect& operator%=(const vect& a) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]%=a[d];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ vect& operator&=(const vect& a) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]&=a[d];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ vect& operator|=(const vect& a) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]|=a[d];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ vect& operator^=(const vect& a) {
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) elt[d]^=a[d];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Non-modifying operators
+ /** Return a new vector where one element has been replaced. */
+ vect replace (const int d, const T x) const {
+ assert (d>=0 && d<D);
+ vect r;
+ for (int dd=0; dd<D; ++dd) r[dd]=dd==d?x:elt[dd];
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator+ () const {
+ vect r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=+elt[d];
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator- () const {
+ vect r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=-elt[d];
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect<bool,D> operator! () const {
+ vect<bool,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=!elt[d];
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator~ () const {
+ vect r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=~elt[d];
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator+ (const T x) const {
+ vect r(*this);
+ r+=x;
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator- (const T x) const {
+ vect r(*this);
+ r-=x;
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator* (const T x) const {
+ vect r(*this);
+ r*=x;
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator/ (const T x) const {
+ vect r(*this);
+ r/=x;
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator% (const T x) const {
+ vect r(*this);
+ r%=x;
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator& (const T x) const {
+ vect r(*this);
+ r&=x;
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator| (const T x) const {
+ vect r(*this);
+ r|=x;
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator^ (const T x) const {
+ vect r(*this);
+ r^=x;
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect<bool,D> operator&& (const T x) const {
+ vect<bool,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=elt[d]&&x;
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect<bool,D> operator|| (const T x) const {
+ vect<bool,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=elt[d]||x;
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator+ (const vect& a) const {
+ vect r(*this);
+ r+=a;
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator- (const vect& a) const {
+ vect r(*this);
+ r-=a;
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator* (const vect& a) const {
+ vect r(*this);
+ r*=a;
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator/ (const vect& a) const {
+ vect r(*this);
+ r/=a;
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator% (const vect& a) const {
+ vect r(*this);
+ r%=a;
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator& (const vect& a) const {
+ vect r(*this);
+ r&=a;
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator| (const vect& a) const {
+ vect r(*this);
+ r|=a;
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect operator^ (const vect& a) const {
+ vect r(*this);
+ r^=a;
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect<bool,D> operator&& (const vect& a) const {
+ vect<bool,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=elt[d]&&a[d];
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect<bool,D> operator|| (const vect& a) const {
+ vect<bool,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=elt[d]||a[d];
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect<bool,D> operator== (const vect& a) const {
+ vect<bool,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=elt[d]==a[d];
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect<bool,D> operator!= (const vect& a) const {
+ vect<bool,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=elt[d]!=a[d];
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect<bool,D> operator< (const vect& a) const {
+ vect<bool,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=elt[d]<a[d];
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect<bool,D> operator<= (const vect& a) const {
+ vect<bool,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=elt[d]<=a[d];
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect<bool,D> operator> (const vect& a) const {
+ vect<bool,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=elt[d]>a[d];
+ return r;
+ }
+ vect<bool,D> operator>= (const vect& a) const {
+ vect<bool,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=elt[d]>=a[d];
+ return r;
+ }
+ /** This corresponds to the ?: operator. Return a vector with the
+ elements set to either a[i] or b[i], depending on whether
+ (*this)[i] is true or not. */
+ template<class TT>
+ vect<TT,D> ifthen (const vect<TT,D>& a, const vect<TT,D>& b) const {
+ vect<TT,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=elt[d]?a[d]:b[d];
+ return r;
+ }
+ // Iterators
+#if 0
+ // This is non-standard
+ class iter {
+ vect &vec;
+ int d;
+ public:
+ iter (vect &a): vec(a), d(0) { }
+ iter& operator++ () { assert(d<D); ++d; return *this; }
+ bool operator bool () { return d==D; }
+ T& operator* { return vec[d]; }
+ };
+ // Input/Output helpers
+ void input (istream& is);
+ void output (ostream& os) const;
+// Operators
+/** This corresponds to the ?: operator. Return a vector with the
+ elements set to either b[i] or c[i], depending on whether a[i] is
+ true or not. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline vect<T,D> either (const vect<bool,D>& a,
+ const vect<T,D>& b, const vect<T,D>& c) {
+ vect<T,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=a[d]?b[d]:c[d];
+ return r;
+/** Transpose a vector of a vector */
+template<class T, int D, int DD>
+inline vect<vect<T,D>,DD> xpose (vect<vect<T,DD>,D> const & a) {
+ vect<vect<T,D>,DD> r;
+ for (int dd=0; dd<DD; ++dd) for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[dd][d] = a[d][dd];
+ return r;
+/** Return the element-wise absolute value. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline vect<T,D> abs (const vect<T,D>& a) {
+ vect<T,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=abs(a[d]);
+ return r;
+/** Return the element-wise ceiling. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline vect<T,D> ceil (const vect<T,D>& a) {
+ vect<T,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=ceil(a[d]);
+ return r;
+/** Return the element-wise floor. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline vect<T,D> floor (const vect<T,D>& a) {
+ vect<T,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=floor(a[d]);
+ return r;
+/** Return the element-wise maximum of two vectors. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline vect<T,D> max (const vect<T,D>& a, const vect<T,D>& b) {
+ vect<T,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=max(a[d],b[d]);
+ return r;
+/** Return the element-wise minimum of two vectors. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline vect<T,D> min (const vect<T,D>& a, const vect<T,D>& b) {
+ vect<T,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=min(a[d],b[d]);
+ return r;
+/** Return the element-wise power of two vectors. */
+template<class T,class U,int D>
+inline vect<T,D> pow (const vect<T,D>& a, const vect<U,D>& b) {
+ vect<T,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d]=pow(a[d],b[d]);
+ return r;
+// Reduction operators
+/** Return true iff any of the elements are true (boolean sum). */
+template<int D>
+inline bool any (const vect<bool,D>& a) {
+ bool r(false);
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r|=a[d];
+ return r;
+/** Return true iff all of the elements are true (boolean product). */
+template<int D>
+inline bool all (const vect<bool,D>& a) {
+ bool r(true);
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r&=a[d];
+ return r;
+/** Count the number of elements in the vector. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline int count (const vect<T,D>& a) {
+ return D;
+/** Return the dot product of two vectors. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline T dot (const vect<T,D>& a, const vect<T,D>& b) {
+ T r(0);
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r+=a[d]*b[d];
+ return r;
+/** Return the Euklidean length. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline T hypot (const vect<T,D>& a) {
+ return sqrt(dot(a,a));
+/** Return the maximum element. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline T maxval (const vect<T,D>& a) {
+ assert (D>0);
+ T r(a[0]);
+ for (int d=1; d<D; ++d) r=max(r,a[d]);
+ return r;
+/** Return the minimum element. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline T minval (const vect<T,D>& a) {
+ assert (D>0);
+ T r(a[0]);
+ for (int d=1; d<D; ++d) r=min(r,a[d]);
+ return r;
+/** Return the index of the first maximum element. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline int maxloc (const vect<T,D>& a) {
+ assert (D>0);
+ int r(0);
+ for (int d=1; d<D; ++d) if (a[d]>a[r]) r=d;
+ return r;
+/** Return the index of the first minimum element. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline int minloc (const vect<T,D>& a) {
+ assert (D>0);
+ int r(0);
+ for (int d=1; d<D; ++d) if (a[d]<a[r]) r=d;
+ return r;
+/** Return the product of the elements. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline T prod (const vect<T,D>& a) {
+ T r(1);
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r*=a[d];
+ return r;
+/** Return the size (number of elements) of the vector. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline int size (const vect<T,D>& a) {
+ return D;
+/** Return the sum of the elements. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline T sum (const vect<T,D>& a) {
+ T r(0);
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r+=a[d];
+ return r;
+// Higher order functions
+/** Return a new vector where the function func() has been applied to
+ all elements. */
+template<class T, class U, int D>
+inline vect<U,D> map (U (* const func)(T x), const vect<T,D>& a) {
+ vect<U,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d] = func(a[d]);
+ return r;
+/** Return a new vector where the function func() has been used
+ element-wise to combine a and b. */
+template<class S, class T, class U, int D>
+inline vect<U,D> zip (U (* const func)(S x, T y),
+ const vect<S,D>& a, const vect<T,D>& b)
+ vect<U,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) r[d] = func(a[d], b[d]);
+ return r;
+/** Return a scalar where the function func() has been used to reduce
+ the vector a, starting with the scalar value val. */
+template<class T, class U, int D>
+inline U fold (U (* const func)(U val, T x), U val, const vect<T,D>& a)
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) val = func(val, a[d]);
+ return val;
+/** Return a scalar where the function func() has been used to reduce
+ the vector a, starting with element 0. */
+template<class T, class U, int D>
+inline U fold1 (U (* const func)(U val, T x), const vect<T,D>& a)
+ assert (D>=1);
+ U val = a[0];
+ for (int d=1; d<D; ++d) val = func(val, a[d]);
+ return val;
+/** Return a vector where the function func() has been used to scan
+ the vector a, starting with the scalar value val. */
+template<class T, class U, int D>
+inline vect<U,D> scan0 (U (* const func)(U val, T x), U val,
+ const vect<T,D>& a)
+ vect<U,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) {
+ r[d] = val;
+ val = func(val, a[d]);
+ }
+ return r;
+/** Return a vector where the function func() has been used to scan
+ the vector a, starting with element 0. */
+template<class T, class U, int D>
+inline vect<U,D> scan1 (U (* const func)(U val, T x), U val,
+ const vect<T,D>& a)
+ vect<U,D> r;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) {
+ val = func(val, a[d]);
+ r[d] = val;
+ }
+ return r;
+// Input
+/** Read a formatted vector from a stream. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline istream& operator>> (istream& is, vect<T,D>& a) {
+ a.input(is);
+ return is;
+// Output
+/** Write a vector formatted to a stream. */
+template<class T,int D>
+inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const vect<T,D>& a) {
+ a.output(os);
+ return os;
+#if 0
+// Specialise explicit constructors
+/** Constructor for 2-element vectors from 2 elements. */
+template<class T>
+inline vect<T,2>::vect<T,2> (const T x, const T y) {
+ elt[0]=x; elt[1]=y;
+/** Constructor for 3-element vectors from 3 elements. */
+vect (const T x, const T y, const T z) {
+ assert (D==3);
+ elt[0]=x; elt[1]=y; elt[2]=z;
+/** Constructor for 4-element vectors from 4 elements. */
+vect (const T x, const T y, const T z, const T t) {
+ assert (D==4);
+ elt[0]=x; elt[1]=y; elt[2]=z; elt[3]=t;
+// Specialise for double
+inline vect<double,3>& vect<double,3>::operator%=(const vect<double,3>& a) {
+ for (int d=0; d<3; ++d) {
+ elt[d]=fmod(elt[d],a[d]);
+ if (elt[d]>a[d]*double(1.0-1.0e-10)) elt[d]=double(0);
+ if (elt[d]<a[d]*double( 1.0e-10)) elt[d]=double(0);
+ }
+ return *this;
+#endif // VECT_HH