path: root/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_weno.F90
diff options
authorI.Hawke <schnetter@cct.lsu.edu>2006-03-10 13:27:00 +0000
committerI.Hawke <schnetter@cct.lsu.edu>2006-03-10 13:27:00 +0000
commit1c17048ccb346fc6584340e1d85ef8dc7e47af5e (patch)
treeac0cc85b668cc8bfadcf750233663d4a6281db74 /Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_weno.F90
parent7f5ff00393f0ae900cbc72695f7f0a972047f228 (diff)
CarpetLib: Add WENO prolongation
WENO prolongation should be more accurate than ENO prolongation whilst retaining the monotonicity properties of the ENO operators. The WENO operators will only work with prolongation_order_space = 5 because of the stencil width (requires 3 ghost zones). darcs-hash:20060310132742-34bfa-32c65e7f67cb91ab36dd125a5327f2e16286e807.gz
Diffstat (limited to 'Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_weno.F90')
1 files changed, 378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_weno.F90 b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_weno.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e8ad6a8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_real8_weno.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+!!$ -*-Fortran-*-
+#include "cctk.h"
+!!$ This routine performs "WENO" prolongation. It is intended to be used
+!!$ with GFs that are not expected to be smooth, particularly those
+!!$ that must also obey certain constraints. The obvious example is the
+!!$ density in hydrodynamics, which may be discontinuous yet must be
+!!$ strictly positive.
+!!$ To ensure that this prolongation method is used you should add the
+!!$ tag
+!!$ tags='Prolongation="WENO"'
+!!$ to the interface.ccl on the appropriate group.
+!!$ This applies WENO2 type limiting to the slope, checking over the
+!!$ entire coarse grid cell for the least oscillatory quadratic in each
+!!$ direction. If the slope changes sign over the extrema, linear
+!!$ interpolation is used instead.
+!!$ The actual weno1d function is defined in the routine
+!!$ prolongate_3d_real8_weno.F77
+#define CHKIDX(i,j,k, imax,jmax,kmax, where) \
+if ((i).lt.1 .or. (i).gt.(imax) \
+ .or. (j).lt.1 .or. (j).gt.(jmax) \
+ .or. (k).lt.1 .or. (k).gt.(kmax)) then &&\
+ write (msg, '(a, " array index out of bounds: shape is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,"), index is (",i4,",",i4,",",i4,")")') \
+ (where), (imax), (jmax), (kmax), (i), (j), (k) &&\
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, msg(1:len_trim(msg))) &&\
+end if
+function weno1d(q)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 :: weno1d
+ CCTK_REAL8 :: q(5)
+ CCTK_REAL8 :: zero, one, two, three, four, five, eight, ten, eleven, &
+ thirteen, fifteen, nineteen, twentyfive, thirtyone, epsilon
+ parameter (zero = 0)
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ parameter (two = 2)
+ parameter (three = 3)
+ parameter (four = 4)
+ parameter (five = 5)
+ parameter (eight = 8)
+ parameter (ten = 10)
+ parameter (eleven = 11)
+ parameter (thirteen = 13)
+ parameter (fifteen = 15)
+ parameter (nineteen = 19)
+ parameter (twentyfive = 25)
+ parameter (thirtyone = 31)
+ parameter (epsilon = 0.000000001)
+ CCTK_REAL8, dimension(0:2,0:2) :: c
+ CCTK_REAL8 :: wtildesum, qmax, qmin
+ CCTK_REAL8, dimension(0:2) :: d, beta, wtilde, w, vr
+ logical, dimension(0:2) :: hacked
+ integer :: j, k
+!!$ Linear weights
+ d(0) = three / ten
+ d(1) = three / five
+ d(2) = one / ten
+ c(0,0) = three / eight
+ c(0,1) = three / four
+ c(0,2) = -one / eight
+ c(1,0) = -one / eight
+ c(1,1) = three / four
+ c(1,2) = three / eight
+ c(2,0) = three / eight
+ c(2,1) = -five / four
+ c(2,2) = fifteen / eight
+!!$ Substencils
+ do j = 0, 2
+ vr(j) = 0.d0
+ do k = 0, 2
+ vr(j) = vr(j) + c(j, k) * q(3 - j + k)
+ end do
+ end do
+!!$ Nonlinear weights
+ beta(0) = (ten * q(3)**2 - &
+ thirtyone * q(3) * q(4) + &
+ twentyfive * q(4)**2 + &
+ eleven * q(3) * q(5) - &
+ nineteen * q(4) * q(5) + &
+ four * q(5)**2) / three
+ beta(1) = (four * q(2)**2 - &
+ thirteen * q(2) * q(3) + &
+ thirteen * q(3)**2 + &
+ five * q(2) * q(4) - &
+ thirteen * q(3) * q(4) + &
+ four * q(4)**2) / three
+ beta(2) = (four * q(1)**2 - &
+ nineteen * q(1) * q(2) + &
+ twentyfive * q(2)**2 + &
+ eleven * q(1) * q(3) - &
+ thirtyone * q(2) * q(3) + &
+ ten * q(3)**2) / three
+ do j = 0, 2
+ wtilde(j) = d(j) / (epsilon + beta(j))**2
+ end do
+!!$ Hack the weights if outside the range
+ qmax = maxval(q)
+ qmin = minval(q)
+ do j = 0, 2
+ hacked(j) = .false.
+ if ( (qmax - vr(j)) * (vr(j) - qmin) < 0.d0 ) then
+ wtilde(j) = 0.d0
+ hacked(j) = .true.
+ end if
+ end do
+!!$ If all weights were hacked we cannot get a good interpolant;
+!!$ drop to linear interpolation
+ if (hacked(0).and.hacked(1).and.hacked(2)) then
+!!$ Linear interpolation
+ weno1d = 0.5d0 * (q(3) + q(4))
+ else
+ wtildesum = wtilde(0) + wtilde(1) + wtilde(2)
+ w = wtilde / wtildesum
+ weno1d = 0.d0
+ do j = 0, 2
+ weno1d = weno1d + w(j) * vr(j)
+ end do
+ end if
+!!$ if (.not.( (weno1d .ge. 0.d0 ).or.(weno1d .le. 0.d0) ) ) then
+!!$ write(*,*) 'Error?', weno1d
+!!$ write(*,*) 'Done weno1d', weno1d, hacked
+!!$ write(*,*) 'Substencil',vr
+!!$ write(*,*) 'Weights', w
+!!$ write(*,*) 'Indicators', beta
+!!$ write(*,*) 'Input', q
+!!$ end if
+!!$ write(*,*) 'Done weno1d', weno1d, hacked
+!!$ write(*,*) 'Substencil',vr
+!!$ write(*,*) 'Weights', w
+!!$ write(*,*) 'Indicators', beta
+!!$ write(*,*) 'Input', q
+end function weno1d
+subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_weno (src, srciext, srcjext, &
+ srckext, dst, dstiext, dstjext, dstkext, srcbbox, &
+ dstbbox, regbbox)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL8 one
+ parameter (one = 1)
+ integer srciext, srcjext, srckext
+ CCTK_REAL8 src(srciext,srcjext,srckext)
+ integer dstiext, dstjext, dstkext
+ CCTK_REAL8 dst(dstiext,dstjext,dstkext)
+!!$ bbox(:,1) is lower boundary (inclusive)
+!!$ bbox(:,2) is upper boundary (inclusive)
+!!$ bbox(:,3) is stride
+ integer srcbbox(3,3), dstbbox(3,3), regbbox(3,3)
+ integer offsetlo, offsethi
+ integer regiext, regjext, regkext
+ integer dstifac, dstjfac, dstkfac
+ integer srcioff, srcjoff, srckoff
+ integer dstioff, dstjoff, dstkoff
+ integer i, j, k
+ integer i0, j0, k0
+ integer fi, fj, fk
+ integer ii, jj, kk
+ integer d
+ CCTK_REAL8, dimension(0:4,0:4) :: tmp1
+ CCTK_REAL8, dimension(0:4) :: tmp2
+ external weno1d
+ CCTK_REAL8 weno1d
+ CCTK_REAL8 half, zero
+ parameter (half = 0.5)
+ parameter (zero = 0)
+ do d=1,3
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).eq.0 .or. dstbbox(d,3).eq.0 &
+ .or. regbbox(d,3).eq.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: stride is zero")
+ end if
+ if (srcbbox(d,3).le.regbbox(d,3) &
+ .or. dstbbox(d,3).ne.regbbox(d,3)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,3), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not integer multiples of the source strides")
+ end if
+ if (mod(srcbbox(d,1), srcbbox(d,3)).ne.0 &
+ .or. mod(dstbbox(d,1), dstbbox(d,3)).ne.0 &
+ .or. mod(regbbox(d,1), regbbox(d,3)).ne.0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array origins are not integer multiples of the strides")
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1).gt.regbbox(d,2)) then
+!!$ This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error elsewhere
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty")
+ end if
+ regkext = (regbbox(d,2) - regbbox(d,1)) / regbbox(d,3) + 1
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(d,3) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(d,1) - srcbbox(d,1)) / dstbbox(d,3)
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + 0, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsetlo = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsetlo = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ if (mod(srckoff + regkext-1, dstkfac).eq.0) then
+ offsethi = 0
+ if (regkext.gt.1) then
+ offsethi = regbbox(d,3)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (regbbox(d,1)-offsetlo.lt.srcbbox(d,1) &
+ .or. regbbox(d,2)+offsethi.gt.srcbbox(d,2) &
+ .or. regbbox(d,1).lt.dstbbox(d,1) &
+ .or. regbbox(d,2).gt.dstbbox(d,2)) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is not contained in array extent")
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (srciext.ne.(srcbbox(1,2)-srcbbox(1,1))/srcbbox(1,3)+1 &
+ .or. srcjext.ne.(srcbbox(2,2)-srcbbox(2,1))/srcbbox(2,3)+1 &
+ .or. srckext.ne.(srcbbox(3,2)-srcbbox(3,1))/srcbbox(3,3)+1 &
+ .or. dstiext.ne.(dstbbox(1,2)-dstbbox(1,1))/dstbbox(1,3)+1 &
+ .or. dstjext.ne.(dstbbox(2,2)-dstbbox(2,1))/dstbbox(2,3)+1 &
+ .or. dstkext.ne.(dstbbox(3,2)-dstbbox(3,1))/dstbbox(3,3)+1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes")
+ end if
+ regiext = (regbbox(1,2) - regbbox(1,1)) / regbbox(1,3) + 1
+ regjext = (regbbox(2,2) - regbbox(2,1)) / regbbox(2,3) + 1
+ regkext = (regbbox(3,2) - regbbox(3,1)) / regbbox(3,3) + 1
+ dstifac = srcbbox(1,3) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjfac = srcbbox(2,3) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkfac = srcbbox(3,3) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ srcioff = (regbbox(1,1) - srcbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ srcjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - srcbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ srckoff = (regbbox(3,1) - srcbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+ dstioff = (regbbox(1,1) - dstbbox(1,1)) / dstbbox(1,3)
+ dstjoff = (regbbox(2,1) - dstbbox(2,1)) / dstbbox(2,3)
+ dstkoff = (regbbox(3,1) - dstbbox(3,1)) / dstbbox(3,3)
+!!$ Loop over fine region
+ do k = 0, regkext-1
+ k0 = (srckoff + k) / dstkfac
+ fk = mod(srckoff + k, dstkfac)
+ do j = 0, regjext-1
+ j0 = (srcjoff + j) / dstjfac
+ fj = mod(srcjoff + j, dstjfac)
+ do i = 0, regiext-1
+ i0 = (srcioff + i) / dstifac
+ fi = mod(srcioff + i, dstifac)
+!!$ Where is the fine grid point w.r.t the coarse grid?
+ select case (fi + 10*fj + 100*fk)
+ case (0)
+!!$ On a coarse grid point exactly!
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ src(i0+1,j0+1,k0+1)
+ case (1)
+!!$ Interpolate only in x
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ weno1d(src(i0-1:i0+3,j0+1,k0+1))
+ case (10)
+!!$ Interpolate only in y
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ weno1d(src(i0+1,j0-1:j0+3,k0+1))
+ case (11)
+!!$ Interpolate only in x and y
+ do jj = 0, 4
+ tmp2(jj) = weno1d(src(i0-1:i0+3,j0+jj-1,k0+1))
+ end do
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ weno1d(tmp2(0:4))
+ case (100)
+!!$ Interpolate only in z
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ weno1d(src(i0+1,j0+1,k0-1:k0+3))
+ case (101)
+!!$ Interpolate only in x and z
+ do kk = 0, 4
+ tmp2(kk) = weno1d(src(i0-1:i0+3,j0+1,k0+kk-1))
+ end do
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ weno1d(tmp2(0:4))
+ case (110)
+!!$ Interpolate only in y and z
+ do kk = 0, 4
+ tmp2(kk) = weno1d(src(i0+1,j0-1:j0+3,k0+kk-1))
+ end do
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ weno1d(tmp2(0:4))
+ case (111)
+!!$ Interpolate in all of x, y, and z
+ do jj = 0, 4
+ do kk = 0, 4
+ tmp1(jj,kk) = weno1d(src(i0-1:i0+3,j0+jj-1,k0+kk-1))
+ end do
+ end do
+ do ii = 0, 4
+ tmp2(ii) = weno1d(tmp1(0:4,ii))
+ end do
+ dst (dstioff+i+1, dstjoff+j+1, dstkoff+k+1) = &
+ weno1d(tmp2(0:4))
+ case default
+ call CCTK_WARN(0, "Internal error in WENO prolongation. Should only be used with refinement factor 2!")
+ end select
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+end subroutine prolongate_3d_real8_weno