path: root/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_cc_o0_rf2.cc
diff options
authorErik Schnetter <schnetter@cct.lsu.edu>2009-09-03 16:19:15 -0500
committerBarry Wardell <barry.wardell@gmail.com>2011-12-14 16:42:31 +0000
commit11c4d98017cbb86d08e15fd1b549180184b58a26 (patch)
tree2546a154c6f7bc0bec87de7316125ae7d1453569 /Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_cc_o0_rf2.cc
parentf520477b1c14e02f1495cfa8d3e09f4e21ab34d0 (diff)
Import Carpet
Ignore-this: 309b4dd613f4af2b84aa5d6743fdb6b3
Diffstat (limited to 'Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_cc_o0_rf2.cc')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_cc_o0_rf2.cc b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_cc_o0_rf2.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..352f4c380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate_3d_cc_o0_rf2.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cctk.h>
+#include <cctk_Parameters.h>
+#include "operator_prototypes_3d.hh"
+#include "typeprops.hh"
+using namespace std;
+namespace CarpetLib {
+#define SRCIND3(i,j,k) \
+ index3 (i, j, k, \
+ srciext, srcjext, srckext)
+#define DSTIND3(i,j,k) \
+ index3 (i, j, k, \
+ dstiext, dstjext, dstkext)
+ template <typename T>
+ void
+ prolongate_3d_cc_o0_rf2 (T const * restrict const src,
+ ivect3 const & restrict srcext,
+ T * restrict const dst,
+ ivect3 const & restrict dstext,
+ ibbox3 const & restrict srcbbox,
+ ibbox3 const & restrict dstbbox,
+ ibbox3 const & restrict regbbox)
+ {
+ typedef typename typeprops<T>::real RT;
+ if (any (srcbbox.stride() <= regbbox.stride() or
+ dstbbox.stride() != regbbox.stride()))
+ {
+ CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: strides disagree");
+ }
+ if (any (srcbbox.stride() != reffact2 * dstbbox.stride())) {
+ CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: source strides are not twice the destination strides");
+ }
+ if (any (dstbbox.stride() % 2 != 0)) {
+ CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: destination strides are not even");
+ }
+ // This could be handled, but is likely to point to an error
+ // elsewhere
+ if (regbbox.empty()) {
+ CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: region extent is empty");
+ }
+ ivect3 const regext = regbbox.shape() / regbbox.stride();
+ assert (all ((regbbox.lower() - srcbbox.lower() + regbbox.stride() / 2) % regbbox.stride() == 0));
+ ivect3 const srcoff = (regbbox.lower() - srcbbox.lower() + regbbox.stride() / 2) / regbbox.stride();
+ assert (all ((regbbox.lower() - dstbbox.lower()) % regbbox.stride() == 0));
+ ivect3 const dstoff = (regbbox.lower() - dstbbox.lower()) / regbbox.stride();
+ bvect3 const needoffsetlo = srcoff % reffact2 != 0;
+ bvect3 const needoffsethi = (srcoff + regext - 1) % reffact2 != 0;
+ ivect3 const offsetlo = either (needoffsetlo, 1, 0);
+ ivect3 const offsethi = either (needoffsethi, 1, 0);
+ if (not regbbox.expand(offsetlo, offsethi).is_contained_in(srcbbox) or
+ not regbbox .is_contained_in(dstbbox))
+ if (any (srcext != srcbbox.shape() / srcbbox.stride() or
+ dstext != dstbbox.shape() / dstbbox.stride()))
+ {
+ CCTK_WARN (0, "Internal error: array sizes don't agree with bounding boxes");
+ }
+ size_t const srciext = srcext[0];
+ size_t const srcjext = srcext[1];
+ size_t const srckext = srcext[2];
+ size_t const dstiext = dstext[0];
+ size_t const dstjext = dstext[1];
+ size_t const dstkext = dstext[2];
+ size_t const regiext = regext[0];
+ size_t const regjext = regext[1];
+ size_t const regkext = regext[2];
+ size_t const srcioff = srcoff[0];
+ size_t const srcjoff = srcoff[1];
+ size_t const srckoff = srcoff[2];
+ size_t const dstioff = dstoff[0];
+ size_t const dstjoff = dstoff[1];
+ size_t const dstkoff = dstoff[2];
+ size_t const fi = srcioff % 2;
+ size_t const fj = srcjoff % 2;
+ size_t const fk = srckoff % 2;
+ size_t const i0 = srcioff / 2;
+ size_t const j0 = srcjoff / 2;
+ size_t const k0 = srckoff / 2;
+ // Loop over fine region
+ // Label scheme: l 8 fk fj fi
+ size_t is, js, ks;
+ size_t id, jd, kd;
+ size_t i, j, k;
+ // begin k loop
+ k = 0;
+ ks = k0;
+ kd = dstkoff;
+ if (fk == 0) goto l80;
+ goto l81;
+ // begin j loop
+ l80:
+ j = 0;
+ js = j0;
+ jd = dstjoff;
+ if (fj == 0) goto l800;
+ goto l801;
+ // begin i loop
+ l800:
+ i = 0;
+ is = i0;
+ id = dstioff;
+ if (fi == 0) goto l8000;
+ goto l8001;
+ // kernel
+ l8000:
+ dst[DSTIND3(id,jd,kd)] = src[SRCIND3(is,js,ks)];
+ i = i+1;
+ id = id+1;
+ if (i < regiext) goto l8001;
+ goto l900;
+ // kernel
+ l8001:
+ dst[DSTIND3(id,jd,kd)] = src[SRCIND3(is,js,ks)];
+ i = i+1;
+ id = id+1;
+ is = is+1;
+ if (i < regiext) goto l8000;
+ goto l900;
+ // end i loop
+ l900:
+ j = j+1;
+ jd = jd+1;
+ if (j < regjext) goto l801;
+ goto l90;
+ // begin i loop
+ l801:
+ i = 0;
+ is = i0;
+ id = dstioff;
+ if (fi == 0) goto l8010;
+ goto l8011;
+ // kernel
+ l8010:
+ dst[DSTIND3(id,jd,kd)] = src[SRCIND3(is,js,ks)];
+ i = i+1;
+ id = id+1;
+ if (i < regiext) goto l8011;
+ goto l901;
+ // kernel
+ l8011:
+ dst[DSTIND3(id,jd,kd)] = src[SRCIND3(is,js,ks)];
+ i = i+1;
+ id = id+1;
+ is = is+1;
+ if (i < regiext) goto l8010;
+ goto l901;
+ // end i loop
+ l901:
+ j = j+1;
+ jd = jd+1;
+ js = js+1;
+ if (j < regjext) goto l800;
+ goto l90;
+ // end j loop
+ l90:
+ k = k+1;
+ kd = kd+1;
+ if (k < regkext) goto l81;
+ goto l9;
+ // begin j loop
+ l81:
+ j = 0;
+ js = j0;
+ jd = dstjoff;
+ if (fj == 0) goto l810;
+ goto l811;
+ // begin i loop
+ l810:
+ i = 0;
+ is = i0;
+ id = dstioff;
+ if (fi == 0) goto l8100;
+ goto l8101;
+ // kernel
+ l8100:
+ dst[DSTIND3(id,jd,kd)] = src[SRCIND3(is,js,ks)];
+ i = i+1;
+ id = id+1;
+ if (i < regiext) goto l8101;
+ goto l910;
+ // kernel
+ l8101:
+ dst[DSTIND3(id,jd,kd)] = src[SRCIND3(is,js,ks)];
+ i = i+1;
+ id = id+1;
+ is = is+1;
+ if (i < regiext) goto l8100;
+ goto l910;
+ // end i loop
+ l910:
+ j = j+1;
+ jd = jd+1;
+ if (j < regjext) goto l811;
+ goto l91;
+ // begin i loop
+ l811:
+ i = 0;
+ is = i0;
+ id = dstioff;
+ if (fi == 0) goto l8110;
+ goto l8111;
+ // kernel
+ l8110:
+ dst[DSTIND3(id,jd,kd)] = src[SRCIND3(is,js,ks)];
+ i = i+1;
+ id = id+1;
+ if (i < regiext) goto l8111;
+ goto l911;
+ // kernel
+ l8111:
+ dst[DSTIND3(id,jd,kd)] = src[SRCIND3(is,js,ks)];
+ i = i+1;
+ id = id+1;
+ is = is+1;
+ if (i < regiext) goto l8110;
+ goto l911;
+ // end i loop
+ l911:
+ j = j+1;
+ jd = jd+1;
+ js = js+1;
+ if (j < regjext) goto l810;
+ goto l91;
+ // end j loop
+ l91:
+ k = k+1;
+ kd = kd+1;
+ ks = ks+1;
+ if (k < regkext) goto l80;
+ goto l9;
+ // end k loop
+ l9:;
+ }
+#define INSTANTIATE(T) \
+ template \
+ void \
+ prolongate_3d_cc_o0_rf2 (T const * restrict const src, \
+ ivect3 const & restrict srcext, \
+ T * restrict const dst, \
+ ivect3 const & restrict dstext, \
+ ibbox3 const & restrict srcbbox, \
+ ibbox3 const & restrict dstbbox, \
+ ibbox3 const & restrict regbbox);
+#include "instantiate"
+} // CarpetLib