diff options
authorErik Schnetter <schnetter@gmail.com>2013-05-26 16:33:19 -0400
committerErik Schnetter <schnetter@gmail.com>2013-05-26 16:33:19 -0400
commite88bf8ce164c15cce86da04b486383443c21073b (patch)
parentcce526ef043dda6115818e54120e8d1410d2d7c5 (diff)
TestBBoxSet2: New thorn
9 files changed, 980 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/README b/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6a6d5935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/README
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Cactus Code Thorn TestBBoxSet2
+Author(s) : Erik Schnetter <schnetter@gmail.com>
+Maintainer(s): Erik Schnetter <schnetter@gmail.com>
+Licence : GPL
+1. Purpose
+Test the new bboxset class by comparing its results to the old bboxset
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/configuration.ccl b/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/configuration.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bbc806dc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/configuration.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Configuration definitions for thorn TestBBoxSet2
+REQUIRES CarpetLib CycleClock
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/doc/documentation.tex b/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/doc/documentation.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..77fa7f337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/doc/documentation.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+% *======================================================================*
+% Cactus Thorn template for ThornGuide documentation
+% Author: Ian Kelley
+% Date: Sun Jun 02, 2002
+% $Header$
+% Thorn documentation in the latex file doc/documentation.tex
+% will be included in ThornGuides built with the Cactus make system.
+% The scripts employed by the make system automatically include
+% pages about variables, parameters and scheduling parsed from the
+% relevant thorn CCL files.
+% This template contains guidelines which help to assure that your
+% documentation will be correctly added to ThornGuides. More
+% information is available in the Cactus UsersGuide.
+% Guidelines:
+% - Do not change anything before the line
+% except for filling in the title, author, date, etc. fields.
+% - Each of these fields should only be on ONE line.
+% - Author names should be separated with a \\ or a comma.
+% - You can define your own macros, but they must appear after
+% the START CACTUS THORNGUIDE line, and must not redefine standard
+% latex commands.
+% - To avoid name clashes with other thorns, 'labels', 'citations',
+% 'references', and 'image' names should conform to the following
+% convention:
+% For example, an image wave.eps in the arrangement CactusWave and
+% thorn WaveToyC should be renamed to CactusWave_WaveToyC_wave.eps
+% - Graphics should only be included using the graphicx package.
+% More specifically, with the "\includegraphics" command. Do
+% not specify any graphic file extensions in your .tex file. This
+% will allow us to create a PDF version of the ThornGuide
+% via pdflatex.
+% - References should be included with the latex "\bibitem" command.
+% - Use \begin{abstract}...\end{abstract} instead of \abstract{...}
+% - Do not use \appendix, instead include any appendices you need as
+% standard sections.
+% - For the benefit of our Perl scripts, and for future extensions,
+% please use simple latex.
+% *======================================================================*
+% Example of including a graphic image:
+% \begin{figure}[ht]
+% \begin{center}
+% \includegraphics[width=6cm]{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyFigure}
+% \end{center}
+% \caption{Illustration of this and that}
+% \label{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyLabel}
+% \end{figure}
+% Example of using a label:
+% \label{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyLabel}
+% Example of a citation:
+% \cite{MyArrangement_MyThorn_Author99}
+% Example of including a reference
+% \bibitem{MyArrangement_MyThorn_Author99}
+% {J. Author, {\em The Title of the Book, Journal, or periodical}, 1 (1999),
+% 1--16. {\tt http://www.nowhere.com/}}
+% *======================================================================*
+% If you are using CVS use this line to give version information
+% $Header$
+% Use the Cactus ThornGuide style file
+% (Automatically used from Cactus distribution, if you have a
+% thorn without the Cactus Flesh download this from the Cactus
+% homepage at www.cactuscode.org)
+% The author of the documentation
+\author{Erik Schnetter \textless schnetter@gmail.com\textgreater}
+% The title of the document (not necessarily the name of the Thorn)
+% the date your document was last changed, if your document is in CVS,
+% please use:
+% \date{$ $Date: 2004-01-07 14:12:39 -0600 (Wed, 07 Jan 2004) $ $}
+\date{March 30 2013}
+% Do not delete next line
+% Add all definitions used in this documentation here
+% \def\mydef etc
+% Add an abstract for this thorn's documentation
+% The following sections are suggestive only.
+% Remove them or add your own.
+\section{Physical System}
+\section{Numerical Implementation}
+\section{Using This Thorn}
+\subsection{Obtaining This Thorn}
+\subsection{Basic Usage}
+\subsection{Special Behaviour}
+\subsection{Interaction With Other Thorns}
+\subsection{Support and Feedback}
+\subsection{Thorn Source Code}
+\subsection{Thorn Documentation}
+% Do not delete next line
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/interface.ccl b/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/interface.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3df6b03e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/interface.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Interface definition for thorn TestBBoxSet2
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/param.ccl b/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/param.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91cfad826
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/param.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Parameter definitions for thorn TestBBoxSet2
+BOOLEAN verbose "Provide verbose output" STEERABLE=always
+} "yes"
+INT components_goal "Approximate number of components to simulate" STEERABLE=always
+ 1:* :: ""
+} 10000
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/schedule.ccl b/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/schedule.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..01a173a31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/schedule.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Schedule definitions for thorn TestBBoxSet2
+SCHEDULE TestBBoxSet2_test AT paramcheck
+ OPTIONS: meta
+} "Test bboxset2"
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/src/make.code.defn b/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/src/make.code.defn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d403969cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/src/make.code.defn
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Main make.code.defn file for thorn TestBBoxSet2
+# Source files in this directory
+SRCS = test.cc
+# Subdirectories containing source files
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/src/test.cc b/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/src/test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ab99d13e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/src/test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,786 @@
+#include <cctk_Parameters.h>
+#include <cycleclock.h>
+#include <bboxset.hh>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <set>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace std;
+namespace {
+ const double nano = 1.0e-9;
+ // Time a region of code
+ template<typename F>
+ auto xtime(double& time, const F& f) ->
+ typename enable_if<is_void<decltype(f())>::value, void>::type
+ {
+ const ticks tb = getticks();
+ f();
+ const ticks te = getticks();
+ time += seconds_per_tick() * elapsed(te, tb);
+ }
+ template<typename F>
+ auto xtime(double& time, const F& f) ->
+ typename enable_if<not is_void<decltype(f())>::value, decltype(f())>::type
+ {
+ const ticks tb = getticks();
+ const decltype(f()) ret = f();
+ const ticks te = getticks();
+ time += seconds_per_tick() * elapsed(te, tb);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // Convert to string
+ // (Would like to use to_string instead, but this doesn't seem to
+ // compile on Stampede)
+ template<typename T>
+ string to_str(const T& x)
+ {
+ ostringstream buf;
+ buf << x;
+ return buf.str();
+ }
+ template<typename A1, typename A2, typename T, int D>
+ void check_equal(const string descr,
+ const A1& x1,
+ const A2& x2,
+ const bboxset1::bboxset<T,D>& bset1,
+ const bboxset2::bboxset<T,D>& bset2)
+ {
+ if (verbose) {
+ cout << " <" << D << "> " << descr << "...";
+ cout.flush();
+ }
+ set<bbox<T,D>> v1, v2;
+ bset1.serialise(v1);
+ bset2.serialise(v2);
+ bool eq = v1 == v2;
+ if (not eq) {
+ eq = (bset1 == bboxset1::bboxset<T,D>(v2) and
+ bset2 == bboxset2::bboxset<T,D>(v1));
+ }
+ if (eq) {
+ if (verbose) cout << " [success]\n";
+ } else {
+ if (verbose) cout << " [failure]\n";
+ cout.flush();
+ cerr.flush();
+ fflush(stdout);
+ fflush(stderr);
+ "Found difference in operation \"%s\":", descr.c_str());
+ fflush(stdout);
+ fflush(stderr);
+ cout << "\n"
+ << "input1=" << x1 << "\n"
+ << "input2=" << x2 << "\n"
+ << "bset1=" << bset1 << "\n"
+ << "bset2=" << bset2 << "\n"
+ << "bset1.serialised=" << v1 << "\n"
+ << "bset2.serialised=" << v2 << "\n";
+ cout.flush();
+ cerr.flush();
+ const bboxset1::bboxset<T,D> bs(v2);
+ cout << "bset1-bset2=" << bset1-bs << "\n"
+ << "bset2-bset1=" << bs-bset1 << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename T, int D>
+ void check_equal(const string descr,
+ const bboxset1::bboxset<T,D>& bset1,
+ const bboxset2::bboxset<T,D>& bset2)
+ {
+ check_equal(descr, "", "", bset1, bset2);
+ }
+#define bvect bvect_
+#define b2vect b2vect_
+#define ivect ivect_
+#define i2vect i2vect_
+#define ibbox ibbox_
+ template<int D>
+ struct full_boxes_t {
+ typedef ::vect<bool,D> bvect;
+ typedef ::vect<bvect,2> b2vect;
+ typedef ::vect<int,D> ivect;
+ typedef ::vect<ivect,2> i2vect;
+ typedef ::bbox<int,D> ibbox;
+ typedef bboxset1::bboxset<int,D> ibset1;
+ typedef bboxset2::bboxset<int,D> ibset2;
+ ibbox interior;
+ b2vect is_outer_boundary;
+ ibbox exterior;
+ ibset1 ghosts1;
+ ibset2 ghosts2;
+ ibbox communicated;
+ ibset1 outer_boundaries1;
+ ibset2 outer_boundaries2;
+ ibbox owned;
+ ibset1 boundaries1;
+ ibset2 boundaries2;
+ ibset1 buffers1;
+ ibset2 buffers2;
+ ibset1 overlaps1;
+ ibset2 overlaps2;
+ ibset1 active1;
+ ibset2 active2;
+ };
+ template<int D>
+ struct level_boxes_t {
+ typedef ::vect<bool,D> bvect;
+ typedef ::vect<bvect,2> b2vect;
+ typedef ::vect<int,D> ivect;
+ typedef ::vect<ivect,2> i2vect;
+ typedef ::bbox<int,D> ibbox;
+ typedef bboxset1::bboxset<int,D> ibset1;
+ typedef bboxset2::bboxset<int,D> ibset2;
+ ibset1 buffers1;
+ ibset2 buffers2;
+ ibset1 active1;
+ ibset2 active2;
+ };
+ template<int D>
+ void test()
+ {
+ CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Testing bboxset2<%d>...", D);
+ // Prevent warnings about shadowing declarations
+ typedef ::vect<bool,D> bvect;
+ typedef ::vect<bvect,2> b2vect;
+ typedef ::vect<int,D> ivect;
+ typedef ::vect<ivect,2> i2vect;
+ typedef ::bbox<int,D> ibbox;
+ typedef bboxset1::bboxset<int,D> ibset1;
+ typedef bboxset2::bboxset<int,D> ibset2;
+ const int str = 3; // a non-trivial stride
+ double time1, time2, time1a, time2a, time_check;
+ // Some warm-up gymnastics with emtpy sets
+ ibset1 bs1;
+ ibset2 bs2;
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() { check_equal("create ibset", bs1, bs2); });
+ assert(bs1.empty());
+ assert(bs2.empty());
+ ibbox b;
+ bs1 |= b;
+ bs2 |= b;
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("union with empty ibbox", bs1, bs2); });
+ assert(bs1.empty());
+ assert(bs2.empty());
+ bs1 &= b;
+ bs2 &= b;
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("intersection with empty ibbox", bs1, bs2); });
+ assert(bs1.empty());
+ assert(bs2.empty());
+ bs1 += b;
+ bs2 += b;
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("symmetric union with empty ibbox", bs1, bs2); });
+ assert(bs1.empty());
+ assert(bs2.empty());
+ bs1 -= b;
+ bs2 -= b;
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("difference with empty ibbox", bs1, bs2); });
+ assert(bs1.empty());
+ assert(bs2.empty());
+ // Some basic tests
+ b = ibbox(ivect(0*str), ivect(9*str), ivect(str));
+ bs1 += b;
+ bs2 += b;
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() { check_equal("add ibbox", bs1, bs2); });
+ bs1 -= b;
+ bs2 -= b;
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() { check_equal("subtract ibbox", bs1, bs2); });
+ bs1 |= b;
+ bs2 |= b;
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() { check_equal("union", bs1, bs2); });
+ bs1 &= b;
+ bs2 &= b;
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() { check_equal("intersection", bs1, bs2); });
+ ibset1 bs1a = bs1.shift(ivect(1));
+ ibset2 bs2a = bs2.shift(ivect(1));
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() { check_equal("shift", bs1a, bs2a); });
+ ibset1 bs1b = bs1.expand(ivect(1), ivect(1));
+ ibset2 bs2b = bs2.expand(ivect(1), ivect(1));
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() { check_equal("expand", bs1b, bs2b); });
+ ibset1 bs1c = bs1 & bs1a;
+ ibset2 bs2c = bs2 & bs2a;
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("non-trivial intersection", bs1c, bs2c); });
+ ibset1 bs1d = bs1b - bs1;
+ ibset2 bs2d = bs2b - bs2;
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("non-trivial difference", bs1d, bs2d); });
+ // Many tests with random sets
+ bs1 = ibset1();
+ bs2 = ibset2();
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("many dense bboxes (init)", bs1, bs2); });
+ time1 = time2 = time_check = 0.0;
+ for (int n=0; n<40; ++n) {
+ ivect lo, up;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) lo[d] = random() % 10 * str;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) up[d] = lo[d] + random() % 10 * str;
+ b = ibbox(lo, up, ivect(str));
+ xtime(time1, [&](){ bs1 |= b; });
+ xtime(time2, [&](){ bs2 |= b; });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("many dense bboxes (union) #" + to_str(n),
+ bs1, bs2); });
+ }
+ cout << " "
+ << "time1: " << time1 << " s, "
+ << "time2: " << time2 << " s, "
+ << "time_check: " << time_check << " s\n";
+ time1 = time2 = time_check = 0.0;
+ for (int n=0; n<100; ++n) {
+ ivect lo, up;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) lo[d] = random() % 10 * str;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) up[d] = lo[d] + random() % 10 * str;
+ b = ibbox(lo, up, ivect(str));
+ xtime(time1, [&](){ bs1 -= b; });
+ xtime(time2, [&](){ bs2 -= b; });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("many dense bboxes (difference) #" + to_str(n),
+ bs1, bs2); });
+ }
+ cout << " "
+ << "time1: " << time1 << " s, "
+ << "time2: " << time2 << " s, "
+ << "time_check: " << time_check << " s\n";
+ bs1 = ibset1();
+ bs2 = ibset2();
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("many sparse bboxes (init)", bs1, bs2); });
+ time1 = time2 = time_check = 0.0;
+ for (int n=0; n<10; ++n) {
+ ivect lo, up;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) lo[d] = random() % 1000 * str;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) up[d] = lo[d] + random() % 1000 * str;
+ b = ibbox(lo, up, ivect(str));
+ xtime(time1, [&](){ bs1 |= b; });
+ xtime(time2, [&](){ bs2 |= b; });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("many sparse bboxes (union) #" + to_str(n),
+ bs1, bs2); });
+ }
+ cout << " "
+ << "time1: " << time1 << " s, "
+ << "time2: " << time2 << " s, "
+ << "time_check: " << time_check << " s\n";
+ time1 = time2 = time_check = 0.0;
+ for (int n=0; n<20; ++n) {
+ ivect lo, up;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) lo[d] = random() % 1000 * str;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) up[d] = lo[d] + random() % 1000 * str;
+ b = ibbox(lo, up, ivect(str));
+ xtime(time1, [&](){ bs1 -= b; });
+ xtime(time2, [&](){ bs2 -= b; });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("many sparse bboxes (difference) #" + to_str(n),
+ bs1, bs2); });
+ }
+ cout << " "
+ << "time1: " << time1 << " s, "
+ << "time2: " << time2 << " s, "
+ << "time_check: " << time_check << " s\n";
+ // Test shifting, expanding, contracting
+ int sec=0;
+ for (int ts=1; ts<=3; ++ts) {
+ const ivect target_stride(1<<ts);
+ for (int to=0; to<target_stride[0]; ++to) {
+ const ivect target_offset(to);
+ const ibbox target(target_offset, target_offset, target_stride);
+ for (int s=1; s<=3; ++s) {
+ const ivect stride(1<<s);
+ for (int o=0; o<stride[0]; ++o) {
+ const ivect offset(o);
+ bs1 = ibset1();
+ bs2 = ibset2();
+ for (int n=0; n<10; ++n) {
+ ivect lo, up;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) {
+ lo[d] = offset[d] + random() % 10 * stride[d];
+ up[d] = lo[d] + random() % 10 * stride[d];
+ }
+ b = ibbox(lo, up, stride);
+ bs1 |= b;
+ bs2 |= b;
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("repeated test #" +
+ to_str(sec) + "." + to_str(n),
+ bs1, bs2); });
+ bs1a = bs1.expanded_for(target);
+ bs2a = bs2.expanded_for(target);
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("expanded_for #" +
+ to_str(sec) + "." + to_str(n),
+ bs1, target, bs1a, bs2a); });
+ bs1b = bs1.contracted_for(target);
+ bs2b = bs2.contracted_for(target);
+ // Omitting check since bboxset1 has known bugs here
+ // xtime(time_check, [&]() { check_equal("contracted_for", bs1, target, bs1b, bs2b); });
+ } // n
+ ++sec;
+ } // offset
+ } // stride
+ } // target_offset
+ } // target_stride
+ // Some real-world tests
+ {
+ // const auto minus1 =
+ // (ibset1(*)(const ibbox&, const ibbox&))bboxset1::operator-;
+ // const auto minus2 =
+ // (ibset2(*)(const ibbox&, const ibbox&))bboxset2::operator-;
+ // ibset1(*const minus1)(const ibbox&, const ibbox&)(bboxset1::operator-);
+ // ibset2(*const minus2)(const ibbox&, const ibbox&)(bboxset2::operator-);
+ typedef ibset1 (minus1_t)(const ibbox&, const ibbox&);
+ typedef ibset2 (minus2_t)(const ibbox&, const ibbox&);
+ // typedef ibset2 (&xor2_t)(const ibbox&, const ibbox&);
+ minus1_t& minus1(bboxset1::operator-);
+ minus2_t& minus2(bboxset2::operator-);
+ // const xor2_t xor2(bboxset2::operator^);
+ const i2vect ghost_width(3);
+ const i2vect buffer_width(9);
+ const i2vect overlap_width(0);
+ const i2vect boundary_width(3);
+ const int components_per_direction = lrint(pow(components_goal, 1.0/D));
+ const int components = lrint(pow(components_per_direction, D));
+ const ivect origin(0);
+ const ivect stride(1);
+ const ivect component_size(30);
+ cout << " components: " << components << "\n";
+ // Domain
+ time1 = time2 = time1a = time2a = time_check = 0.0;
+ const ibbox domain_exterior
+ (origin,
+ origin +
+ stride * component_size * ivect(components_per_direction) - stride,
+ stride);
+ const ibbox domain_active = domain_exterior.expand(-boundary_width);
+ assert(domain_active <= domain_exterior);
+ ibset1 domain_boundary1;
+ ibset2 domain_boundary2;
+ xtime(time1, [&]() {
+ domain_boundary1 = minus1(domain_exterior, domain_active); });
+ xtime(time2, [&]() {
+ domain_boundary2 = minus2(domain_exterior, domain_active); });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("domain_boundary",
+ domain_boundary1, domain_boundary2); });
+ cout << " Domain:\n"
+ << " time1: " << time1 << " s\n"
+ << " time2: " << time2 << " s\n"
+ << " time1_assert: " << time1a << " s\n"
+ << " time2_assert: " << time2a << " s\n"
+ << " time_check: " << time_check << " s\n";
+ // Region
+ time1 = time2 = time1a = time2a = time_check = 0.0;
+ vector<full_boxes_t<D>> full_boxes(components);
+ level_boxes_t<D> level_boxes;
+ for (int c=0; c<components; ++c) {
+ // Interior:
+ ibbox& intr = full_boxes.AT(c).interior;
+ ivect ipos;
+ int ic = c;
+ for (int d=0; d<D; ++d) {
+ ipos[d] = ic % components_per_direction;
+ ic /= components_per_direction;
+ }
+ assert(ic==0);
+ intr = ibbox(origin + stride * component_size * ipos,
+ origin + stride * component_size * (ipos+1) - stride,
+ stride);
+ assert(intr <= domain_exterior);
+ for (int cc=0; cc<c; ++cc) {
+ assert(not intr.intersects(full_boxes.AT(cc).interior));
+ }
+ // Outer boundary faces:
+ b2vect& is_outer_boundary = full_boxes.AT(c).is_outer_boundary;
+ is_outer_boundary[0] = intr.lower() == domain_exterior.lower();
+ is_outer_boundary[1] = intr.upper() == domain_exterior.upper();
+ // Exterior:
+ ibbox& extr = full_boxes.AT(c).exterior;
+ extr = intr.expand(i2vect(not is_outer_boundary) * ghost_width);
+ assert(extr <= domain_exterior);
+ // Cactus ghost zones (which include outer boundaries):
+ ibset1& ghosts1 = full_boxes.AT(c).ghosts1;
+ ibset2& ghosts2 = full_boxes.AT(c).ghosts2;
+ xtime(time1, [&]() { ghosts1 = minus1(extr, intr); });
+ xtime(time2, [&]() { ghosts2 = minus2(extr, intr); });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() { check_equal("ghosts", ghosts1, ghosts2); });
+ xtime(time1a, [&]() { assert(ghosts1 <= domain_exterior); });
+ xtime(time2a, [&]() { assert(ghosts2 <= domain_exterior); });
+ // Communicated region:
+ ibbox& comm = full_boxes.AT(c).communicated;
+ comm = extr.expand(i2vect(is_outer_boundary) * (-boundary_width));
+ assert(comm <= domain_active);
+ // Outer boundary:
+ ibset1& outer_boundaries1 = full_boxes.AT(c).outer_boundaries1;
+ ibset2& outer_boundaries2 = full_boxes.AT(c).outer_boundaries2;
+ xtime(time1, [&]() { outer_boundaries1 = minus1(extr, comm); });
+ xtime(time2, [&]() { outer_boundaries2 = minus2(extr, comm); });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("outer_boundaries",
+ outer_boundaries1, outer_boundaries2); });
+ xtime(time1a, [&]() { assert(outer_boundaries1 <= domain_boundary1); });
+ xtime(time2a, [&]() { assert(outer_boundaries2 <= domain_boundary2); });
+ // Owned region:
+ ibbox& owned = full_boxes.AT(c).owned;
+ owned = intr.expand(i2vect(is_outer_boundary) * (-boundary_width));
+ assert(owned <= domain_active);
+ for (int cc=0; cc<c; ++cc) {
+ assert(not owned.intersects(full_boxes.AT(cc).owned));
+ }
+ // Boundary (Carpet ghost zones, which do not include outer
+ // boundaries):
+ ibset1& boundaries1 = full_boxes.AT(c).boundaries1;
+ ibset2& boundaries2 = full_boxes.AT(c).boundaries2;
+ xtime(time1, [&]() { boundaries1 = minus1(comm, owned); });
+ xtime(time2, [&]() { boundaries2 = minus2(comm, owned); });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("boundaries", boundaries1, boundaries2); });
+ xtime(time1a, [&]() { assert(boundaries1 <= domain_active); });
+ xtime(time2a, [&]() { assert(boundaries2 <= domain_active); });
+ } // for c
+ cout << " Region:\n"
+ << " time1: " << time1 << " s\n"
+ << " time2: " << time2 << " s\n"
+ << " time1_assert: " << time1a << " s\n"
+ << " time2_assert: " << time2a << " s\n"
+ << " time_check: " << time_check << " s\n";
+ // Buffer zones
+ time1 = time2 = time1a = time2a = time_check = 0.0;
+ // All owned regions
+ ibset1 allowned1;
+ ibset2 allowned2;
+ xtime(time1, [&]() {
+ allowned1 = ibset1(full_boxes, &full_boxes_t<D>::owned); });
+ xtime(time2, [&]() {
+ allowned2 = ibset2(full_boxes, &full_boxes_t<D>::owned); });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("allowned", allowned1, allowned2); });
+ xtime(time1a, [&]() { assert(allowned1 <= domain_active); });
+ xtime(time2a, [&]() { assert(allowned2 <= domain_active); });
+ // All not-owned regions
+ ibset1 notowned1;
+ ibset2 notowned2;
+ xtime(time1, [&]() { notowned1 = domain_active - allowned1; });
+ xtime(time2, [&]() { notowned2 = domain_active - allowned2; });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("notowned", notowned1, notowned2); });
+ // All not-active points
+ ibset1 notactive1;
+ ibset2 notactive2;
+ xtime(time1, [&]() {
+ notactive1 = notowned1.expand(buffer_width + overlap_width); });
+ xtime(time2, [&]() {
+ notactive2 = notowned2.expand(buffer_width + overlap_width); });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("notactive", notactive1, notactive2); });
+ // All not-active points, in stages
+ int const num_substeps =
+ any(any(ghost_width == 0)) ?
+ 0 :
+ minval(minval(buffer_width / ghost_width));
+ assert(all(all(buffer_width == num_substeps * ghost_width)));
+ vector<ibset1> notactive_stepped1(num_substeps+1);
+ vector<ibset2> notactive_stepped2(num_substeps+1);
+ notactive_stepped1.AT(0) = notowned1;
+ notactive_stepped2.AT(0) = notowned2;
+ for (int substep=1; substep<=num_substeps; ++substep) {
+ xtime(time1, [&]() {
+ notactive_stepped1.AT(substep) =
+ notactive_stepped1.AT(substep-1).expand(ghost_width); });
+ xtime(time2, [&]() {
+ notactive_stepped2.AT(substep) =
+ notactive_stepped2.AT(substep-1).expand(ghost_width); });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("notactive_stepped[" + to_str(substep) + "]",
+ notactive_stepped1.AT(substep),
+ notactive_stepped2.AT(substep)); });
+ }
+ ibset1 notactive_overlaps1;
+ ibset2 notactive_overlaps2;
+ xtime(time1a, [&]() {
+ notactive_overlaps1 =
+ notactive_stepped1.AT(num_substeps).expand(overlap_width); });
+ xtime(time2a, [&]() {
+ notactive_overlaps2 =
+ notactive_stepped2.AT(num_substeps).expand(overlap_width); });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("notactive_overlaps",
+ notactive_overlaps1, notactive_overlaps2); });
+ if (all(all(buffer_width == num_substeps * ghost_width))) {
+ xtime(time1a, [&]() { assert(notactive_overlaps1 == notactive1); });
+ xtime(time2a, [&]() { assert(notactive_overlaps2 == notactive2); });
+ }
+ // All buffer zones
+ ibset1& allbuffers1 = level_boxes.buffers1;
+ ibset2& allbuffers2 = level_boxes.buffers2;
+ xtime(time1, [&]() {
+ allbuffers1 = allowned1 & notowned1.expand(buffer_width); });
+ xtime(time2, [&]() {
+ allbuffers2 = allowned2 & notowned2.expand(buffer_width); });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("allbuffers", allbuffers1, allbuffers2); });
+ // All overlap zones
+ ibset1 alloverlaps1;
+ ibset2 alloverlaps2;
+ xtime(time1, [&]() {
+ alloverlaps1 = (allowned1 & notactive1) - allbuffers1; });
+ xtime(time2, [&]() {
+ alloverlaps2 = (allowned2 & notactive2) - allbuffers2; });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("alloverlaps", alloverlaps1, alloverlaps2); });
+ // All active points
+ ibset1& allactive1 = level_boxes.active1;
+ ibset2& allactive2 = level_boxes.active2;
+ xtime(time1, [&]() { allactive1 = allowned1 - notactive1; });
+ xtime(time2, [&]() { allactive2 = allowned2 - notactive2; });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("allactive", allactive1, allactive2); });
+ // All stepped buffer zones
+ vector<ibset1> allbuffers_stepped1(num_substeps);
+ vector<ibset2> allbuffers_stepped2(num_substeps);
+ ibset1 allbuffers_stepped_combined1;
+ ibset2 allbuffers_stepped_combined2;
+ for (int substep=0; substep<num_substeps; ++substep) {
+ xtime(time1, [&]() {
+ allbuffers_stepped1.AT(substep) =
+ allowned1 &
+ (notactive_stepped1.AT(substep+1) -
+ notactive_stepped1.AT(substep));
+ });
+ xtime(time2, [&]() {
+ allbuffers_stepped2.AT(substep) =
+ allowned2 &
+ (notactive_stepped2.AT(substep+1) -
+ notactive_stepped2.AT(substep));
+ });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("notactive_stepped[" + to_str(substep) + "]",
+ notactive_stepped1.AT(substep),
+ notactive_stepped2.AT(substep)); });
+ xtime(time1a, [&]() {
+ allbuffers_stepped_combined1 += allbuffers_stepped1.AT(substep); });
+ xtime(time2a, [&]() {
+ allbuffers_stepped_combined2 += allbuffers_stepped2.AT(substep); });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("allbuffers_stepped_combined",
+ allbuffers_stepped_combined1,
+ allbuffers_stepped_combined2); });
+ }
+ if (all(all(buffer_width == num_substeps * ghost_width))) {
+ xtime(time1a, [&]() {
+ assert(allbuffers_stepped_combined1 == allbuffers1); });
+ xtime(time2a, [&]() {
+ assert(allbuffers_stepped_combined2 == allbuffers2); });
+ }
+ // Overlap zones and buffer zones must be in the active part of
+ // the domain
+ xtime(time1a, [&]() { assert(allactive1 <= domain_active); });
+ xtime(time2a, [&]() { assert(allactive2 <= domain_active); });
+ xtime(time1a, [&]() { assert(alloverlaps1 <= domain_active); });
+ xtime(time2a, [&]() { assert(alloverlaps2 <= domain_active); });
+ xtime(time1a, [&]() { assert(allbuffers1 <= domain_active); });
+ xtime(time2a, [&]() { assert(allbuffers2 <= domain_active); });
+ xtime(time1a, [&]() { assert((allactive1 & alloverlaps1).empty()); });
+ xtime(time2a, [&]() { assert((allactive2 & alloverlaps2).empty()); });
+ xtime(time1a, [&]() { assert((allactive1 & allbuffers1).empty()); });
+ xtime(time2a, [&]() { assert((allactive2 & allbuffers2).empty()); });
+ xtime(time1a, [&]() { assert((alloverlaps1 & allbuffers1).empty()); });
+ xtime(time2a, [&]() { assert((alloverlaps2 & allbuffers2).empty()); });
+ xtime(time1a, [&]() {
+ assert(allactive1 + alloverlaps1 + allbuffers1 == allowned1); });
+ xtime(time2a, [&]() {
+ assert(allactive2 + alloverlaps2 + allbuffers2 == allowned2); });
+ for (int c=0; c<components; ++c) {
+ auto& box = full_boxes.AT(c);
+ // Buffer zones:
+ xtime(time1, [&]() { box.buffers1 = box.owned & allbuffers1; });
+ xtime(time2, [&]() { box.buffers2 = box.owned & allbuffers2; });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("buffers", box.buffers1, box.buffers2); });
+ // Overlap zones:
+ xtime(time1, [&]() { box.overlaps1 = box.owned & alloverlaps1; });
+ xtime(time2, [&]() { box.overlaps2 = box.owned & alloverlaps2; });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("overlaps", box.overlaps1, box.overlaps2); });
+ // Active region:
+ xtime(time1, [&]() { box.active1 = box.owned & allactive1; });
+ xtime(time2, [&]() { box.active2 = box.owned & allactive2; });
+ xtime(time_check, [&]() {
+ check_equal("active", box.active1, box.active2); });
+ xtime(time1a, [&]() {
+ assert(box.active1 ==
+ box.owned - (box.buffers1 + box.overlaps1)); });
+ xtime(time2a, [&]() {
+ assert(box.active2 ==
+ box.owned - (box.buffers2 + box.overlaps2)); });
+ } // for c
+#if 0
+ for (int lc = 0; lc < h.local_components(rl); ++ lc) {
+ int const c = h.get_component (rl, lc);
+ local_dboxes & local_box = local_level.AT(lc);
+ full_dboxes const& box = full_boxes.AT(c);
+ local_box.buffers = box.buffers;
+ local_box.overlaps = box.overlaps;
+ local_box.active = box.active;
+ } // for lc
+ // The conjunction of all buffer zones must equal allbuffers
+ ibset const allbuffers1 (full_boxes, & full_dboxes::buffers);
+ ASSERT_rl (allbuffers1 == allbuffers,
+ "Buffer zone consistency check");
+ cout << " Buffer zones:\n"
+ << " time1: " << time1 << " s\n"
+ << " time2: " << time2 << " s\n"
+ << " time1_assert: " << time1a << " s\n"
+ << " time2_assert: " << time2a << " s\n"
+ << " time_check: " << time_check << " s\n";
+ }
+ CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Done testing bboxset2<%d>.", D);
+ }
+} // namespace
+extern "C"
+void TestBBoxSet2_test(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+ test<1>();
+ test<2>();
+ test<3>();
diff --git a/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/test/bboxset2.par b/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/test/bboxset2.par
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb54ea8ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CarpetExtra/TestBBoxSet2/test/bboxset2.par
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ActiveThorns = "Carpet CarpetLib CoordBase IOUtil TestBBoxSet2"
+IOUtil::out_dir = $parfile
+TestBBoxSet2::verbose = no
+TestBBoxSet2::components_goal = 20000