diff options
authorErik Schnetter <schnetter@cct.lsu.edu>2011-06-23 11:04:49 -0400
committerErik Schnetter <schnetter@cct.lsu.edu>2011-06-23 11:04:49 -0400
commit15533a7dfcdb80ad2d4cae0e0cedcb8b217495e5 (patch)
parentd619160df91b262a4f30a00fbdaec06c62c8fc3c (diff)
CarpetRegrid2: Enforce certain grid hierarchy properties
Enforce certain grid structure properites, and ensure that they hold after being enforced. This change may lead to Carpet using a (slightly) different grid structure than before. The differences are not "important"; what potentially changes is the order in which consistency conditions are applied. I expect that, in most cases, there will be no differences. The list of consistency conditions is: - ensure proper nesting (level must be larger than next finer level) - add buffer zones (only once, not really a consistency condition) - combine regions into a single box (if this is efficient) - apply rotating 90/180 symmetry (if requested) - clip at outer boundary (so that boxes that are too large or are outside are cut off) This change also reorganises the code in CarpetRegrid2.
7 files changed, 1401 insertions, 775 deletions
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/interface.ccl b/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/interface.ccl
index 41e235a46..8202f4072 100644
--- a/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/interface.ccl
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/interface.ccl
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ USES INCLUDE HEADER: bboxset.hh
+USES INCLUDE HEADER: mpi_string.hh
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/boundary.cc b/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/boundary.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79e595784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/boundary.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+#include <cctk.h>
+#include <cctk_Parameters.h>
+#include <carpet.hh>
+#include "boundary.hh"
+namespace CarpetRegrid2 {
+ using namespace Carpet;
+ // Convert a coordinate location to an index location. For cell
+ // centring, shift upwards.
+ ivect
+ rpos2ipos (rvect const & rpos,
+ rvect const & origin, rvect const & scale,
+ gh const & hh, int const rl)
+ {
+ ivect const istride = hh.baseextent(0,rl).stride();
+ ivect const bistride = hh.baseextent(0,0).stride();
+ if (hh.refcent == cell_centered) {
+ assert (all (istride % 2 == 0));
+ }
+#if 1
+ ivect const ipos =
+ hh.refcent == vertex_centered
+ ? ivect (floor (((rpos - origin) * scale ) / rvect(istride) + rvect(0.5))) * istride
+ : ivect (floor (((rpos - origin) * scale - rvect(bistride/2)) / rvect(istride) )) * istride + istride/2 + bistride/2;
+ ivect const ipos =
+ hh.refcent == vertex_centered
+ ? ivect (floor (((rpos - origin) * scale ) / rvect(istride) + rvect(0.5))) * istride
+ : ivect (floor (((rpos - origin) * scale - rvect(bistride/2)) / rvect(istride) + rvect(0.5))) * istride + istride/2 + bistride/2;
+ return ipos;
+ }
+ // Convert a coordinate location to an index location, rounding in
+ // the opposite manner as rpos2ipos. For cell centring, shift
+ // downwards instead of upwards.
+ ivect
+ rpos2ipos1 (rvect const & rpos,
+ rvect const & origin, rvect const & scale,
+ gh const & hh, int const rl)
+ {
+ ivect const istride = hh.baseextent(0,rl).stride();
+ ivect const bistride = hh.baseextent(0,0).stride();
+ if (hh.refcent == cell_centered) {
+ assert (all (istride % 2 == 0));
+ }
+#if 1
+ ivect const ipos =
+ hh.refcent == vertex_centered
+ ? ivect (ceil (((rpos - origin) * scale ) / rvect(istride) - rvect(0.5))) * istride
+ : ivect (ceil (((rpos - origin) * scale - rvect(bistride/2)) / rvect(istride) )) * istride - istride/2 + bistride/2;
+ ivect const ipos =
+ hh.refcent == vertex_centered
+ ? ivect (ceil (((rpos - origin) * scale ) / rvect(istride) - rvect(0.5))) * istride
+ : ivect (ceil (((rpos - origin) * scale - rvect(bistride/2)) / rvect(istride) - rvect(0.5))) * istride - istride/2 + bistride/2;
+ return ipos;
+ }
+ // Convert an index location to a coordinate location
+ rvect
+ ipos2rpos (ivect const & ipos,
+ rvect const & origin, rvect const & scale,
+ gh const & hh, int const rl)
+ {
+ return rvect(ipos) / scale + origin;
+ }
+ // Convert an index bbox to a coordinate bbox
+ rbbox
+ ibbox2rbbox (ibbox const & ib,
+ rvect const & origin, rvect const & scale,
+ gh const & hh, int const rl)
+ {
+ rvect const zero (0);
+ return rbbox (ipos2rpos (ib.lower() , origin, scale, hh, rl),
+ ipos2rpos (ib.upper() , origin, scale, hh, rl),
+ ipos2rpos (ib.stride(), zero , scale, hh, rl));
+ }
+ void
+ get_boundary_specification (jjvect & nboundaryzones,
+ jjvect & is_internal,
+ jjvect & is_staggered,
+ jjvect & shiftout)
+ {
+ if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("MultiPatch_GetBoundarySpecification")) {
+ assert (Carpet::map >= 0);
+ CCTK_INT const ierr = MultiPatch_GetBoundarySpecification
+ (Carpet::map, 2*dim,
+ & nboundaryzones[0][0],
+ & is_internal[0][0],
+ & is_staggered[0][0],
+ & shiftout[0][0]);
+ assert (not ierr);
+ } else if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("GetBoundarySpecification")) {
+ CCTK_INT const ierr = GetBoundarySpecification
+ (2*dim,
+ & nboundaryzones[0][0],
+ & is_internal[0][0],
+ & is_staggered[0][0],
+ & shiftout[0][0]);
+ assert (not ierr);
+ } else {
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ get_physical_boundary (rvect & physical_lower,
+ rvect & physical_upper,
+ rvect & spacing)
+ {
+ rvect interior_lower, interior_upper;
+ rvect exterior_lower, exterior_upper;
+ if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("MultiPatch_GetDomainSpecification")) {
+ assert (Carpet::map >= 0);
+ CCTK_INT const ierr = MultiPatch_GetDomainSpecification
+ (Carpet::map, dim,
+ & physical_lower[0], & physical_upper[0],
+ & interior_lower[0], & interior_upper[0],
+ & exterior_lower[0], & exterior_upper[0],
+ & spacing[0]);
+ assert (not ierr);
+ } else if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("GetDomainSpecification")) {
+ CCTK_INT const ierr = GetDomainSpecification
+ (dim,
+ & physical_lower[0], & physical_upper[0],
+ & interior_lower[0], & interior_upper[0],
+ & exterior_lower[0], & exterior_upper[0],
+ & spacing[0]);
+ assert (not ierr);
+ } else {
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ calculate_exterior_boundary (rvect const & physical_lower,
+ rvect const & physical_upper,
+ rvect & exterior_lower,
+ rvect & exterior_upper,
+ rvect const & spacing)
+ {
+ rvect interior_lower, interior_upper;
+ if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("MultiPatch_ConvertFromPhysicalBoundary")) {
+ assert (Carpet::map >= 0);
+ CCTK_INT const ierr = MultiPatch_ConvertFromPhysicalBoundary
+ (Carpet::map, dim,
+ & physical_lower[0], & physical_upper[0],
+ & interior_lower[0], & interior_upper[0],
+ & exterior_lower[0], & exterior_upper[0],
+ & spacing[0]);
+ assert (not ierr);
+ } else if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("ConvertFromPhysicalBoundary")) {
+ CCTK_INT const ierr =
+ ConvertFromPhysicalBoundary
+ (dim,
+ & physical_lower[0], & physical_upper[0],
+ & interior_lower[0], & interior_upper[0],
+ & exterior_lower[0], & exterior_upper[0],
+ & spacing[0]);
+ assert (not ierr);
+ } else {
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Location and description of the outer boundary
+ domain_boundary::
+ domain_boundary (gh const& hh, dh const& dd)
+ {
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Determining domain outer boundary...\n";
+ }
+ get_boundary_specification (nboundaryzones, is_internal,
+ is_staggered, shiftout);
+ boundary_staggering_mismatch =
+ xpose ((hh.refcent == vertex_centered) != (is_staggered == 0));
+#warning "TODO: This is too strict"
+ assert (all (all (not boundary_staggering_mismatch)));
+ get_physical_boundary (physical_lower, physical_upper, spacing);
+ // Adapt spacing for convergence level
+ spacing *= ipow (CCTK_REAL(mgfact), basemglevel);
+ calculate_exterior_boundary (physical_lower, physical_upper,
+ exterior_lower, exterior_upper,
+ spacing);
+ // The physical boundary
+ origin = exterior_lower;
+ scale = rvect (hh.baseextent(0,0).stride()) / spacing;
+ // The location of the outermost grid points. For cell centring,
+ // these are 1/2 grid spacing inside of the boundary.
+ physical_ilower = rpos2ipos (physical_lower, origin, scale, hh, 0);
+ physical_iupper = rpos2ipos1 (physical_upper, origin, scale, hh, 0);
+ }
+ level_boundary::
+ level_boundary (gh const& hh, dh const& dd, int const rl)
+ : domain_boundary (hh, dd)
+ {
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": determining outer boundary...\n";
+ }
+ level_physical_lower = physical_lower;
+ level_physical_upper = physical_upper;
+ level_spacing = spacing / rvect (hh.reffacts.at(rl));
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": physical coordinate boundary is at " << r2vect(level_physical_lower, level_physical_upper) << "\n";
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": spacing is " << level_spacing << "\n";
+ }
+ calculate_exterior_boundary (level_physical_lower, level_physical_upper,
+ level_exterior_lower, level_exterior_upper,
+ level_spacing);
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": exterior coordinate boundary is at " << r2vect(level_exterior_lower, level_exterior_upper) << "\n";
+ }
+ ibbox const& baseextent = hh.baseextent(0,rl);
+ ivect const istride = baseextent.stride();
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": stride is " << istride << "\n";
+ }
+ // This is the location of the outermost grid points. For cell
+ // centring, these are 1/2 grid spacing inside of the boundary.
+ level_physical_ilower = rpos2ipos (physical_lower, origin, scale, hh, rl);
+ level_physical_iupper = rpos2ipos1 (physical_upper, origin, scale, hh, rl);
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": physical boundary is at " << i2vect(level_physical_ilower, level_physical_iupper) << "\n";
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": reconstructed physical coordinate boundary is at "
+ << r2vect(ipos2rpos(level_physical_ilower - (hh.refcent == cell_centered ? istride/2 : 0), origin, scale, hh, rl),
+ ipos2rpos(level_physical_iupper + (hh.refcent == cell_centered ? istride/2 : 0), origin, scale, hh, rl)) << "\n";
+ }
+ level_exterior_ilower =
+ rpos2ipos (level_exterior_lower, origin, scale, hh, rl);
+ level_exterior_iupper =
+ rpos2ipos1 (level_exterior_upper, origin, scale, hh, rl);
+ assert (all (level_exterior_ilower >= baseextent.lower()));
+ assert (all (level_exterior_iupper <= baseextent.upper()));
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": exterior boundary is at " << i2vect(level_exterior_ilower, level_exterior_iupper) << "\n";
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": reconstructed exterior coordinate boundary is at "
+ << r2vect(ipos2rpos(level_exterior_ilower, origin, scale, hh, rl),
+ ipos2rpos(level_exterior_iupper, origin, scale, hh, rl)) << "\n";
+ }
+ // Find the minimum necessary distance away from the outer
+ // boundary due to buffer and ghost zones. This is e.g. the
+ // distance that the lower boundary of a bbox has to have from the
+ // lower boundary. This is in terms of grid points.
+ min_bnd_dist_away = dd.ghost_widths.at(rl);
+ // Find the minimum necessary distance from the outer boundary due
+ // to buffer and ghost zones. This is e.g. the distance that the
+ // upper boundary of a bbox has to have from the lower boundary.
+ // This is in terms of grid points.
+ min_bnd_dist_incl = dd.ghost_widths.at(rl);
+ // TODO: The above is required only near symmetry boundaries.
+ }
+} // namespace CarpetRegrid2
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/boundary.hh b/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/boundary.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ffd958ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/boundary.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#ifndef BOUNDARY_HH
+#define BOUNDARY_HH
+#include <defs.hh>
+#include <gh.hh>
+#include <vect.hh>
+namespace CarpetRegrid2 {
+ // Convert a coordinate location to an index location. For cell
+ // centring, shift upwards.
+ ivect
+ rpos2ipos (rvect const & rpos,
+ rvect const & origin, rvect const & scale,
+ gh const & hh, int const rl);
+ // Convert a coordinate location to an index location, rounding in
+ // the opposite manner as rpos2ipos. For cell centring, shift
+ // downwards instead of upwards.
+ ivect
+ rpos2ipos1 (rvect const & rpos,
+ rvect const & origin, rvect const & scale,
+ gh const & hh, int const rl);
+ // Convert an index location to a coordinate location
+ rvect
+ ipos2rpos (ivect const & ipos,
+ rvect const & origin, rvect const & scale,
+ gh const & hh, int const rl);
+ // Convert an index bbox to a coordinate bbox
+ rbbox
+ ibbox2rbbox (ibbox const & ib,
+ rvect const & origin, rvect const & scale,
+ gh const & hh, int const rl);
+ // Snap (enlarge) a bbox to the next coarser level, if desired
+ ibbox
+ snap_ibbox (ibbox const & ib,
+ gh const & hh, int const rl);
+ void
+ get_boundary_specification (jjvect & nboundaryzones,
+ jjvect & is_internal,
+ jjvect & is_staggered,
+ jjvect & shiftout);
+ void
+ get_physical_boundary (rvect & physical_lower,
+ rvect & physical_upper,
+ rvect & spacing);
+ void
+ calculate_exterior_boundary (rvect const & physical_lower,
+ rvect const & physical_upper,
+ rvect & exterior_lower,
+ rvect & exterior_upper,
+ rvect const & spacing);
+ // Location and description of the outer boundary
+ struct domain_boundary {
+ jjvect nboundaryzones, is_internal;
+ jjvect is_staggered, shiftout;
+ b2vect boundary_staggering_mismatch;
+ rvect physical_lower, physical_upper;
+ rvect spacing;
+ rvect exterior_lower, exterior_upper;
+ // The physical boundary
+ rvect origin;
+ rvect scale;
+ // The location of the outermost grid points. For cell centring,
+ // these are 1/2 grid spacing inside of the boundary.
+ ivect physical_ilower, physical_iupper;
+ domain_boundary (gh const& hh, dh const& dd);
+ };
+ struct level_boundary: public domain_boundary {
+ rvect level_physical_lower;
+ rvect level_physical_upper;
+ rvect level_spacing;
+ rvect level_exterior_lower, level_exterior_upper;
+ // The location of the outermost grid points. For cell centring,
+ // these are 1/2 grid spacing inside of the boundary.
+ ivect level_physical_ilower;
+ ivect level_physical_iupper;
+ ivect level_exterior_ilower;
+ ivect level_exterior_iupper;
+ // The minimum necessary distance away from the outer boundary due
+ // to buffer and ghost zones. This is e.g. the distance that the
+ // lower boundary of a bbox has to have from the lower boundary.
+ // This is in terms of grid points.
+ i2vect min_bnd_dist_away;
+ // The minimum necessary distance from the outer boundary due to
+ // buffer and ghost zones. This is e.g. the distance that the
+ // upper boundary of a bbox has to have from the lower boundary.
+ // This is in terms of grid points.
+ i2vect min_bnd_dist_incl;
+ level_boundary (gh const& hh, dh const& dd, int rl);
+ };
+} // namespace CarpetRegrid2
+#endif // #ifndef BOUNDARY_HH
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/make.code.defn b/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/make.code.defn
index 744fd6a86..e8bd87f0b 100644
--- a/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/make.code.defn
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/make.code.defn
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
# Main make.code.defn file for thorn CarpetRegrid2
# Source files in this directory
-SRCS = indexing.cc initialise.cc paramcheck.cc regrid.cc
+SRCS = boundary.cc \
+ indexing.cc \
+ initialise.cc \
+ paramcheck.cc \
+ property.cc \
+ regrid.cc
# Subdirectories containing source files
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/property.cc b/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/property.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b31896ba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/property.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+#include <cctk.h>
+#include <cctk_Parameters.h>
+#include <carpet.hh>
+#include "boundary.hh"
+#include "property.hh"
+#include <typeinfo>
+// Consistency properties for the grid structure
+namespace CarpetRegrid2 {
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace Carpet;
+ // Each property consists of a test, which returns true or false
+ // depending on whether the property is satisfied, and an action
+ // that enforces the property.
+ bool property::
+ test (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ assert (rl>=0 and rl<int(regions.size()));
+ return test_impl (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl);
+ }
+ void property::
+ enforce (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ enforce_impl (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl);
+ if (not test(hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl)) {
+ cout << "Property " << typeid(*this).name() << "\n";
+ "Property does not hold after being enforced");
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Ensure that this grid contains the next finer grid
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ibset proper_nesting::
+ enlarged_fine_grid (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ assert (rl+1 < int(regions.size()));
+ // The minimum amount of space required between the boundaries of
+ // this and the next finer grid. We need a certain amount of space
+ // on the coarse and a certain amount on the fine grid.
+ i2vect const fdistance = dd.ghost_widths.at(rl+1);
+ i2vect const cdistance =
+ i2vect(min_distance + dd.prolongation_stencil_size(rl));
+ ibset enlarged;
+ // Loop over all bboxes that make up the next finer level
+ for (ibset::const_iterator ibb = regions.at(rl+1).begin();
+ ibb != regions.at(rl+1).end();
+ ++ ibb)
+ {
+ ibbox const& fbb = *ibb;
+ // Find out which faces are on a boundary
+ bvect const lower_is_outer = fbb.lower() <= bnd.level_physical_ilower;
+ bvect const upper_is_outer = fbb.upper() >= bnd.level_physical_iupper;
+ b2vect const ob (lower_is_outer, upper_is_outer);
+ ibbox const domext = hh.baseextent(0,rl);
+ // Enlarge the bbox, first on the fine grid, then transfer it to
+ // the coarse grid, then enlarge it again
+ ibbox const ebb = fbb.expand (i2vect(not ob) * fdistance);
+ ibbox const cbb = ebb.expanded_for (domext);
+ ibbox const ecbb = cbb.expand (i2vect(not ob) * cdistance);
+ // Add it
+ enlarged |= ecbb;
+ }
+ return enlarged;
+ }
+ bool proper_nesting::
+ test_impl (gh const& hh, const dh& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ // This should not be tested because it has to be applied
+ // unconditionally and only once
+ return true;
+ }
+ void proper_nesting::
+ enforce_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ if (not ensure_proper_nesting) return;
+ if (rl == int(regions.size()) - 1) return;
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": ensuring proper nesting...\n";
+ }
+ // Enlarge the level
+ regions.AT(rl) |= enlarged_fine_grid (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl);
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << " New regions are " << regions.at(rl) << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Add buffer zones (do this only once)
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ibset add_buffers::
+ buffered_regions (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ ibset buffered;
+ for (ibset::const_iterator
+ ibb = regions.at(rl).begin(); ibb != regions.at(rl).end(); ++ ibb)
+ {
+ ibbox const& bb = *ibb;
+ buffered |= bb.expand (dd.buffer_widths.at(rl));
+ }
+ return buffered;
+ }
+ bool add_buffers::
+ test_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ // This should not be tested because it has to be applied
+ // unconditionally and only once
+ return true;
+ }
+ void add_buffers::
+ enforce_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": adding buffer zones...\n";
+ }
+ regions.at(rl) = buffered_regions (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl);
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << " New regions are " << regions.at(rl) << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Combine all regions into a single region, if this is worthwhile
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ibbox combine_regions::
+ combined_regions (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ ibbox single;
+ for (ibset::const_iterator
+ ibb = regions.at(rl).begin(); ibb != regions.at(rl).end(); ++ ibb)
+ {
+ ibbox const& bb = *ibb;
+ single = single.expanded_containing (bb);
+ }
+ return single;
+ }
+ bool combine_regions::
+ test_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ // This should not be tested because it has to be applied
+ // unconditionally and only once
+ return true;
+ }
+ void combine_regions::
+ enforce_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": combining regions...\n";
+ }
+ ibbox const combined = combined_regions (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl);
+ CCTK_REAL const regions_size =
+ static_cast <CCTK_REAL> (regions.at(rl).size());
+ CCTK_REAL const combined_size =
+ static_cast <CCTK_REAL> (combined.size());
+ // Would a single bbox be efficient enough?
+ // TODO: Check this also for pairs of regions
+ if (min_fraction * combined_size <= regions_size) {
+ regions.at(rl) = combined;
+ }
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << " New regions are " << regions.at(rl) << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Align the boxes with the next coarser grid
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ibset snap_coarse::
+ snapped_regions (gh const& hh, dh const& dd, level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ assert (rl>0);
+ ibbox const& base = hh.baseextent(0,rl);
+ ibbox const& cbase = hh.baseextent(0,rl-1);
+ assert (all (cbase.stride() % base.stride() == 0));
+ ivect const reffact = cbase.stride() / base.stride();
+ i2vect const& buffers = dd.buffer_widths.at(rl);
+ ibset snapped;
+ for (ibset::const_iterator
+ ibb = regions.at(rl).begin(); ibb != regions.at(rl).end(); ++ ibb)
+ {
+ ibbox const& bb = *ibb;
+ // We want to align the current level (without its buffer zones)
+ // with the next coarser level. Conceptually, we therefore
+ // subtract the buffer zones, align, and add the buffer zones
+ // again.
+ // In detail, we first expand by reffact-1-N points, then expand
+ // to the next coarser grid, then expand back to the current
+ // grid, and expand by N points again. This sequence is correct
+ // for both vertex and cell centred grids, and N is determined
+ // by the number of buffer zones.
+ // N is the number of buffer zones modulo the refinement factor.
+ // We cannot shrink the domain (since we cannot shrink
+ // bboxsets). For alignment, only operations modulo the
+ // refinement factor are relevant.
+ snapped |= bb.
+ expand(reffact-1 - buffers % reffact).
+ contracted_for(cbase).
+ expanded_for(base).
+ expand(buffers % reffact);
+ }
+ return snapped;
+ }
+ bool snap_coarse::
+ test_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ if (not snap_to_coarse) return true;
+ ibset const snapped = snapped_regions (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl);
+ return regions.AT(rl) == snapped;
+ }
+ void snap_coarse::
+ enforce_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ assert (snap_to_coarse);
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": aligning regions with next coarser grid...\n";
+ }
+ regions.AT(rl) = snapped_regions (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl);
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << " New regions are " << regions.at(rl) << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Make the boxes rotating-90 symmetric
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ibset rotsym90::
+ symmetrised_regions (gh const& hh, dh const& dd, level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ ibset symmetrised;
+ for (ibset::const_iterator
+ ibb = regions.at(rl).begin(); ibb != regions.at(rl).end(); ++ ibb)
+ {
+ ibbox const& bb = *ibb;
+ bvect const lower_is_outside_lower =
+ bb.lower() - bnd.min_bnd_dist_away[0] * bb.stride() <=
+ bnd.level_physical_ilower;
+ // Treat both x and y directions
+ for (int dir=0; dir<=1; ++dir) {
+ if (lower_is_outside_lower[dir]) {
+ ivect const ilo = bb.lower();
+ ivect const iup = bb.upper();
+ ivect const istr = bb.stride();
+ // Origin
+ rvect const axis (bnd.physical_lower[0],
+ bnd.physical_lower[1],
+ bnd.physical_lower[2]); // z component is unused
+ ivect const iaxis0 = rpos2ipos (axis, bnd.origin, bnd.scale, hh, rl);
+ assert (all (iaxis0 % istr == 0));
+ ivect const iaxis1 = rpos2ipos1 (axis, bnd.origin, bnd.scale, hh, rl);
+ assert (all (iaxis1 % istr == 0));
+ ivect const offset = iaxis1 - iaxis0;
+ assert (all (offset % istr == 0));
+ assert (all (offset >= 0 and offset < 2*istr));
+ assert (all ((iaxis0 + iaxis1 - offset) % (2*istr) == 0));
+ ivect const iaxis = (iaxis0 + iaxis1 - offset) / 2;
+ // negated (reflected) domain boundaries
+ ivect const neg_ilo = (2*iaxis+offset) - ilo;
+ ivect const neg_iup = (2*iaxis+offset) - iup;
+ // offset to add when permuting directions
+ ivect const permute01 (-iaxis[0]+iaxis[1], -iaxis[1]+iaxis[0], 0);
+ // Rotate 90 degrees about z axis
+ ivect new_ilo, new_iup;
+ if (dir==0) {
+ // rotate clockwise
+ new_ilo = ivect (ilo[1], neg_iup[0], ilo[2]) + permute01;
+ new_iup = ivect (iup[1], neg_ilo[0], iup[2]) + permute01;
+ }
+ if (dir==1) {
+ // rotate counterclockwise
+ new_ilo = ivect (neg_iup[1], ilo[0], ilo[2]) + permute01;
+ new_iup = ivect (neg_ilo[1], iup[0], iup[2]) + permute01;
+ }
+ ivect const new_istr (istr);
+ ibbox const new_bb (new_ilo, new_iup, new_istr);
+ // Will be clipped later
+ // assert (new_bb.is_contained_in (baseextent));
+ symmetrised |= new_bb;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return symmetrised;
+ }
+ bool rotsym90::
+ test_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ if (not symmetry_rotating90) return true;
+ ibset const symmetrised = symmetrised_regions (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl);
+ return regions.AT(rl) == symmetrised;
+ }
+ void rotsym90::
+ enforce_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ assert (symmetry_rotating90);
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": making regions rotating-90 symmetric...\n";
+ }
+ regions.AT(rl) = symmetrised_regions (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl);
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << " New regions are " << regions.at(rl) << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Make the boxes rotating-180 symmetric
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ibset rotsym180::
+ symmetrised_regions (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ ibbox const& baseextent = hh.baseextent(0,rl);
+ ibset symmetrised;
+ for (ibset::const_iterator
+ ibb = regions.at(rl).begin(); ibb != regions.at(rl).end(); ++ ibb)
+ {
+ ibbox const& bb = *ibb;
+ bvect const lower_is_outside_lower =
+ bb.lower() - bnd.min_bnd_dist_away[0] * bb.stride() <=
+ bnd.level_physical_ilower;
+ // Treat x direction
+ int const dir = 0;
+ if (lower_is_outside_lower[dir]) {
+ ivect const ilo = bb.lower();
+ ivect const iup = bb.upper();
+ ivect const istr = bb.stride();
+ assert (istr[0] == istr[1]);
+ // Origin
+ assert (hh.refcent == vertex_centered or all (istr % 2 == 0));
+ rvect const axis (bnd.physical_lower[0],
+ (bnd.physical_lower[1] + bnd.physical_upper[1]) / 2,
+ bnd.physical_lower[2]); // z component is unused
+ ivect const iaxis0 = rpos2ipos (axis, bnd.origin, bnd.scale, hh, rl);
+ assert (all ((iaxis0 - baseextent.lower()) % istr == 0));
+ ivect const iaxis1 = rpos2ipos1 (axis, bnd.origin, bnd.scale, hh, rl);
+ assert (all ((iaxis1 - baseextent.lower()) % istr == 0));
+ ivect const offset = iaxis1 - iaxis0;
+ assert (all (offset % istr == 0));
+ if (hh.refcent == vertex_centered) {
+ assert (all (offset >= 0 and offset < 2*istr));
+ assert (all ((iaxis0 + iaxis1 - offset) % (2*istr) == 0));
+ } else {
+ // The offset may be negative because both boundaries are
+ // shifted inwards by 1/2 grid spacing, and therefore iaxis0
+ // < iaxis1 + istr
+ assert (all (offset >= -istr and offset < istr));
+ assert (all ((iaxis0 + iaxis1 - offset) % (2*istr) == istr));
+ assert (all (istr % 2 == 0));
+ }
+ ivect const iaxis = (iaxis0 + iaxis1 - offset) / 2;
+ ivect const neg_ilo = (2*iaxis+offset) - ilo;
+ ivect const neg_iup = (2*iaxis+offset) - iup;
+ // Rotate 180 degrees about z axis
+ ivect const new_ilo (neg_iup[0], neg_iup[1], ilo[2]);
+ ivect const new_iup (neg_ilo[0], neg_ilo[1], iup[2]);
+ ivect const new_istr (istr);
+ ibbox const new_bb (new_ilo, new_iup, new_istr);
+ // Will be clipped later
+ // assert (new_bb.is_contained_in (baseextent));
+ symmetrised |= new_bb;
+ }
+ }
+ return symmetrised;
+ }
+ bool rotsym180::
+ test_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ if (not symmetry_rotating180) return true;
+ ibset const symmetrised = symmetrised_regions (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl);
+ return regions.AT(rl) == symmetrised;
+ }
+ void rotsym180::
+ enforce_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ assert (symmetry_rotating180);
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": making regions rotating-180 symmetric...\n";
+ }
+ regions.AT(rl) = symmetrised_regions (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl);
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << " New regions are " << regions.at(rl) << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Clip at the outer boundary
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ibset boundary_clip::
+ clipped_regions (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ ibbox const& baseextent = hh.baseextent(0,rl);
+ ibset clipped;
+ for (ibset::const_iterator
+ ibb = regions.at(rl).begin(); ibb != regions.at(rl).end(); ++ ibb)
+ {
+ ibbox const& bb = *ibb;
+ // Clip boxes that extend outside the boundary. Enlarge boxes
+ // that are inside but too close to the outer boundary.
+ bvect const lower_is_outside_lower =
+ bb.lower() - bnd.min_bnd_dist_away[0] * bb.stride() <=
+ bnd.level_physical_ilower;
+ // Remove bboxes that are completely outside.
+ bvect const upper_is_outside_lower =
+ bb.upper() < bnd.level_physical_ilower;
+ // Enlarge bboxes that extend not far enough inwards.
+ bvect const upper_is_almost_outside_lower =
+ bb.upper() <
+ bnd.level_physical_ilower + bnd.min_bnd_dist_incl[0] * bb.stride();
+ // Ditto for the upper boundary.
+ bvect const upper_is_outside_upper =
+ bb.upper() + bnd.min_bnd_dist_away[1] * bb.stride() >=
+ bnd.level_physical_iupper;
+ bvect const lower_is_outside_upper =
+ bb.lower() > bnd.level_physical_iupper;
+ bvect const lower_is_almost_outside_upper =
+ bb.lower() >
+ bnd.level_physical_iupper - bnd.min_bnd_dist_incl[1] * bb.stride();
+ assert (not any (lower_is_almost_outside_upper and
+ lower_is_outside_lower));
+ assert (not any (upper_is_almost_outside_lower and
+ upper_is_outside_upper));
+ if (any (upper_is_outside_lower or lower_is_outside_upper)) {
+ // The box is completely outside. Ignore it.
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (any ((lower_is_outside_lower and
+ bnd.boundary_staggering_mismatch[0]) or
+ (upper_is_outside_upper and
+ bnd.boundary_staggering_mismatch[1])))
+ {
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "Level " << rl << " of the refinement hierarchy has inconsistent bountary staggering."
+ << " The refined region extends up to the boundary, but the staggering of the boundary is different from the staggering of the mesh refinement."
+ << " lower_is_outside_lower=" << lower_is_outside_lower
+ << " upper_is_outside_upper=" << upper_is_outside_upper
+ << " boundary_staggering_mismatch=" << bnd.boundary_staggering_mismatch
+ << " level_physical_ilower=" << bnd.level_physical_ilower
+ << " level_physical_iupper=" << bnd.level_physical_iupper
+ << " baseextent=" << baseextent;
+ CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, msg.str().c_str());
+ }
+ ibbox const clipped_bb
+ (either (lower_is_outside_lower,
+ bnd.level_exterior_ilower,
+ either (lower_is_almost_outside_upper,
+ (bnd.level_physical_iupper -
+ bnd.min_bnd_dist_incl[1] * bb.stride()),
+ bb.lower())),
+ either (upper_is_outside_upper,
+ bnd.level_exterior_iupper,
+ either (upper_is_almost_outside_lower,
+ (bnd.level_physical_ilower +
+ bnd.min_bnd_dist_incl[0] * bb.stride()),
+ bb.upper())),
+ bb.stride());
+ if (not clipped_bb.is_contained_in (baseextent)) {
+ ostringstream msg;
+ msg << "Level " << rl << " of the refinement hierarchy is not contained in the simulation domain."
+ << " (There may be too many ghost or buffer zones.)"
+ << " One bbox is " << clipped_bb << "."
+ << " lower_is_outside_lower=" << lower_is_outside_lower
+ << " upper_is_outside_upper=" << upper_is_outside_upper
+ << " lower_is_almost_outside_upper=" << lower_is_almost_outside_upper
+ << " upper_is_almost_outside_lower=" << upper_is_almost_outside_lower
+ << " level_exterior_ilower=" << bnd.level_exterior_ilower
+ << " level_exterior_iupper=" << bnd.level_exterior_iupper
+ << " level_physical_ilower=" << bnd.level_physical_ilower
+ << " level_physical_iupper=" << bnd.level_physical_iupper
+ << " baseextent=" << baseextent;
+ CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, msg.str().c_str());
+ }
+ assert (clipped_bb.is_contained_in (baseextent));
+ clipped |= clipped_bb;
+ }
+ return clipped;
+ }
+ bool boundary_clip::
+ test_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ ibset const clipped = clipped_regions (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl);
+ return regions.AT(rl) == clipped;
+ }
+ void boundary_clip::
+ enforce_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": clipping at outer boundary...\n";
+ }
+ regions.AT(rl) = clipped_regions (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl);
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << " New regions are " << regions.at(rl) << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Ensure that this grid is contained in the domain
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ bool in_domain::
+ test_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ return regions.at(rl) <= hh.baseextent(0,rl);
+ }
+ void in_domain::
+ enforce_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int const rl)
+ {
+ // There is nothing we can do here, since we can't enlarge the
+ // domain
+ CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, "internal error");
+ }
+} // namespace CarpetRegrid2
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/property.hh b/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/property.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a88aaf32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/property.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+#ifndef PROPERTY_HH
+#define PROPERTY_HH
+// Consistency properties for the grid structure
+#include <vector>
+#include <bboxset.hh>
+#include <defs.hh>
+#include <dh.hh>
+#include <gh.hh>
+namespace CarpetRegrid2 {
+ // Each property consists of a test, which returns true or false
+ // depending on whether the property is satisfied, and an action
+ // that enforces the property.
+ class property {
+ protected:
+ virtual bool test_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int rl) = 0;
+ virtual void enforce_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int rl) = 0;
+ public:
+ bool test (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int rl);
+ void enforce (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int rl);
+ };
+ // Ensure that this grid contains the next finer grid
+ class proper_nesting: public property {
+ ibset enlarged_fine_grid (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int rl);
+ bool test_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int rl);
+ void enforce_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int rl);
+ };
+ // Add buffer zones (do this only once)
+ class add_buffers: public property {
+ ibset buffered_regions (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int rl);
+ bool test_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int rl);
+ void enforce_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int rl);
+ };
+ // Combine all regions into a single region, if this is worthwhile
+ class combine_regions: public property {
+ ibbox combined_regions (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int rl);
+ bool test_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int rl);
+ void enforce_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int rl);
+ };
+ // Align the boxes with the next coarser grid
+ class snap_coarse: public property {
+ ibset snapped_regions (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int rl);
+ bool test_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int rl);
+ void enforce_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int rl);
+ };
+ // Make the boxes rotating-90 symmetric
+ class rotsym90: public property {
+ ibset symmetrised_regions (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int rl);
+ bool test_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int rl);
+ void enforce_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int rl);
+ };
+ // Make the boxes rotating-180 symmetric
+ class rotsym180: public property {
+ ibset symmetrised_regions (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int rl);
+ bool test_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int rl);
+ void enforce_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int rl);
+ };
+ // Clip at the outer boundary
+ class boundary_clip: public property {
+ ibset clipped_regions (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int rl);
+ bool test_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int rl);
+ void enforce_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int rl);
+ };
+ // Ensure that this grid is contained in the domain
+ class in_domain: public property {
+ bool test_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset> const& regions, int rl);
+ void enforce_impl (gh const& hh, dh const& dd,
+ level_boundary const& bnd,
+ vector<ibset>& regions, int rl);
+ };
+} // namespace CarpetRegrid2
+#endif // #ifndef PROPERTY_HH
diff --git a/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/regrid.cc b/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/regrid.cc
index a1989d22b..c5d153d0a 100644
--- a/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/regrid.cc
+++ b/Carpet/CarpetRegrid2/src/regrid.cc
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
+#include <typeinfo>
#include <vector>
#include <cctk.h>
@@ -21,7 +22,9 @@
#include <carpet.hh>
#include <CarpetTimers.hh>
+#include "boundary.hh"
#include "indexing.hh"
+#include "property.hh"
@@ -112,209 +115,6 @@ namespace CarpetRegrid2 {
- // Convert a coordinate location to an index location. For cell
- // centring, shift upwards.
- ivect
- rpos2ipos (rvect const & rpos,
- rvect const & origin, rvect const & scale,
- gh const & hh, int const rl)
- {
- ivect const istride = hh.baseextents.at(0).at(rl).stride();
- ivect const bistride = hh.baseextents.at(0).at(0).stride();
- if (hh.refcent == cell_centered) {
- assert (all (istride % 2 == 0));
- }
-#if 1
- ivect const ipos =
- hh.refcent == vertex_centered
- ? ivect (floor (((rpos - origin) * scale ) / rvect(istride) + rvect(0.5))) * istride
- : ivect (floor (((rpos - origin) * scale - rvect(bistride/2)) / rvect(istride) )) * istride + istride/2 + bistride/2;
- ivect const ipos =
- hh.refcent == vertex_centered
- ? ivect (floor (((rpos - origin) * scale ) / rvect(istride) + rvect(0.5))) * istride
- : ivect (floor (((rpos - origin) * scale - rvect(bistride/2)) / rvect(istride) + rvect(0.5))) * istride + istride/2 + bistride/2;
- return ipos;
- }
- // Convert a coordinate location to an index location, rounding in
- // the opposite manner as rpos2ipos. For cell centring, shift
- // downwards instead of upwards.
- ivect
- rpos2ipos1 (rvect const & rpos,
- rvect const & origin, rvect const & scale,
- gh const & hh, int const rl)
- {
- ivect const istride = hh.baseextents.at(0).at(rl).stride();
- ivect const bistride = hh.baseextents.at(0).at(0).stride();
- if (hh.refcent == cell_centered) {
- assert (all (istride % 2 == 0));
- }
-#if 1
- ivect const ipos =
- hh.refcent == vertex_centered
- ? ivect (ceil (((rpos - origin) * scale ) / rvect(istride) - rvect(0.5))) * istride
- : ivect (ceil (((rpos - origin) * scale - rvect(bistride/2)) / rvect(istride) )) * istride - istride/2 + bistride/2;
- ivect const ipos =
- hh.refcent == vertex_centered
- ? ivect (ceil (((rpos - origin) * scale ) / rvect(istride) - rvect(0.5))) * istride
- : ivect (ceil (((rpos - origin) * scale - rvect(bistride/2)) / rvect(istride) - rvect(0.5))) * istride - istride/2 + bistride/2;
- return ipos;
- }
- // Convert an index location to a coordinate location
- rvect
- ipos2rpos (ivect const & ipos,
- rvect const & origin, rvect const & scale,
- gh const & hh, int const rl)
- {
- return rvect(ipos) / scale + origin;
- }
- // Convert an index bbox to a coordinate bbox
- rbbox
- ibbox2rbbox (ibbox const & ib,
- rvect const & origin, rvect const & scale,
- gh const & hh, int const rl)
- {
- rvect const zero (0);
- return rbbox (ipos2rpos (ib.lower() , origin, scale, hh, rl),
- ipos2rpos (ib.upper() , origin, scale, hh, rl),
- ipos2rpos (ib.stride(), zero , scale, hh, rl));
- }
- // Snap (enlarge) a bbox to the next coarser level, if desired
- ibbox
- snap_ibbox (ibbox const & ib,
- gh const & hh, int const rl)
- {
- assert (not ib.empty());
- assert (rl > 0);
- if (not snap_to_coarse) return ib;
- ibbox const & base = hh.baseextents.at(0).at(rl);
- ibbox const & cbase = hh.baseextents.at(0).at(rl-1);
- assert (all (cbase.stride() % base.stride() == 0));
- ivect const reffact = cbase.stride() / base.stride();
- ivect const lo = ib.lower();
- ivect const up = ib.upper();
- ivect const str = ib.stride();
- assert (all (str == base.stride()));
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Snapping: coarse is " << cbase << ", current is " << base << "\n";
- }
-#warning "TODO: shift/unshift boxes, because we are looking at grid points, not cell boundaries"
- return ib.expand(reffact-1).contracted_for(cbase).expanded_for(base);
- }
- void
- get_boundary_specification (jjvect & nboundaryzones,
- jjvect & is_internal,
- jjvect & is_staggered,
- jjvect & shiftout)
- {
- if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("MultiPatch_GetBoundarySpecification")) {
- assert (Carpet::map >= 0);
- CCTK_INT const ierr = MultiPatch_GetBoundarySpecification
- (Carpet::map, 2*dim,
- & nboundaryzones[0][0],
- & is_internal[0][0],
- & is_staggered[0][0],
- & shiftout[0][0]);
- assert (not ierr);
- } else if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("GetBoundarySpecification")) {
- CCTK_INT const ierr = GetBoundarySpecification
- (2*dim,
- & nboundaryzones[0][0],
- & is_internal[0][0],
- & is_staggered[0][0],
- & shiftout[0][0]);
- assert (not ierr);
- } else {
- assert (0);
- }
- }
- void
- get_physical_boundary (rvect & physical_lower,
- rvect & physical_upper,
- rvect & spacing)
- {
- rvect interior_lower, interior_upper;
- rvect exterior_lower, exterior_upper;
- if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("MultiPatch_GetDomainSpecification")) {
- assert (Carpet::map >= 0);
- CCTK_INT const ierr = MultiPatch_GetDomainSpecification
- (Carpet::map, dim,
- & physical_lower[0], & physical_upper[0],
- & interior_lower[0], & interior_upper[0],
- & exterior_lower[0], & exterior_upper[0],
- & spacing[0]);
- assert (not ierr);
- } else if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("GetDomainSpecification")) {
- CCTK_INT const ierr = GetDomainSpecification
- (dim,
- & physical_lower[0], & physical_upper[0],
- & interior_lower[0], & interior_upper[0],
- & exterior_lower[0], & exterior_upper[0],
- & spacing[0]);
- assert (not ierr);
- } else {
- assert (0);
- }
- }
- void
- calculate_exterior_boundary (rvect const & physical_lower,
- rvect const & physical_upper,
- rvect & exterior_lower,
- rvect & exterior_upper,
- rvect const & spacing)
- {
- rvect interior_lower, interior_upper;
- if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("MultiPatch_ConvertFromPhysicalBoundary")) {
- assert (Carpet::map >= 0);
- CCTK_INT const ierr = MultiPatch_ConvertFromPhysicalBoundary
- (Carpet::map, dim,
- & physical_lower[0], & physical_upper[0],
- & interior_lower[0], & interior_upper[0],
- & exterior_lower[0], & exterior_upper[0],
- & spacing[0]);
- assert (not ierr);
- } else if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("ConvertFromPhysicalBoundary")) {
- CCTK_INT const ierr =
- ConvertFromPhysicalBoundary
- (dim,
- & physical_lower[0], & physical_upper[0],
- & interior_lower[0], & interior_upper[0],
- & exterior_lower[0], & exterior_upper[0],
- & spacing[0]);
- assert (not ierr);
- } else {
- assert (0);
- }
- }
extern "C" {
CarpetRegrid2_Regrid (CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST const cctkGH_,
@@ -418,26 +218,6 @@ namespace CarpetRegrid2 {
// Calculate the union of the bounding boxes for all levels
- // Find out whether the grid staggering corresponds to the
- // boundary staggering. If there is a mismatch, then there cannot
- // be refinement near the corresponding boundary.
- b2vect const boundary_staggering_mismatch =
- xpose ((hh.refcent == vertex_centered) != (is_staggered == 0));
-#warning "TODO: This is too strict"
- assert (all (all (not boundary_staggering_mismatch)));
- // This is the physical boundary
- rvect const origin (exterior_lower);
-#warning "TODO: use hh.baseextents[0] [rl] instead of [0]"
- rvect const scale (rvect (hh.baseextents.at(0).at(0).stride()) / spacing);
- // This is the location of the outermost grid points. For cell
- // centring, these are 1/2 grid spacing inside of the boundary.
- ivect const physical_ilower =
- rpos2ipos (physical_lower, origin, scale, hh, 0);
- ivect const physical_iupper =
- rpos2ipos1 (physical_upper, origin, scale, hh, 0);
// The set of refined regions
vector <ibset> regions (min_rl);
@@ -456,6 +236,7 @@ namespace CarpetRegrid2 {
// Refine only patch 0
if (Carpet::map == 0) {
// Loop over all centres
for (int n = 0; n < num_centres; ++ n) {
centre_description centre (cctkGH, n);
@@ -468,6 +249,8 @@ namespace CarpetRegrid2 {
cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": importing refined region settings..." << endl;
+ level_boundary const bnd (hh, dd, rl);
// Calculate a bbox for this region
rvect const rmin = centre._position - centre._radius.at(rl);
rvect const rmax = centre._position + centre._radius.at(rl);
@@ -477,24 +260,19 @@ namespace CarpetRegrid2 {
// Convert to an integer bbox
- ivect const istride = hh.baseextents.at(0).at(rl).stride();
+ ivect const istride = hh.baseextent(0,rl).stride();
ivect const imin =
- rpos2ipos (rmin, origin, scale, hh, rl)
+ rpos2ipos (rmin, bnd.origin, bnd.scale, hh, rl)
- boundary_shiftout * istride;
ivect const imax =
- rpos2ipos1 (rmax, origin, scale, hh, rl)
+ rpos2ipos1 (rmax, bnd.origin, bnd.scale, hh, rl)
+ boundary_shiftout * istride;
if (veryverbose) {
cout << "Centre " << n+1 << " refinement level " << rl << ": integer region is (" << imin << ":" << imax << ")\n";
- ibbox const region =
- snap_ibbox (ibbox (imin, imax, istride), hh, rl);
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Centre " << n+1 << " refinement level " << rl << ": snapped integer region is " << region << "\n";
- }
+ ibbox const region (imin, imax, istride);
// Add this region to the list of regions
if (static_cast <int> (regions.size()) < rl+1) {
@@ -510,589 +288,152 @@ namespace CarpetRegrid2 {
} // if centre is active
} // for n
- } // if map==0
+ } // if map==0
+ // We need to check and/or enforce certain properties of the grid
+ // structure, such as e.g. proper nesting. Unfortunately,
+ // enforcing one of the properties may invalidate another. We
+ // therefore abstract the concept of a property into a class
+ // "property", and enforce them round-robin until the grid
+ // structure does not change any more. The order in which the
+ // properties are enforced is relevant (i.e. it influence the
+ // final grid structure).
+ // Properties to be applied (without testing), only once, in the
+ // beginning
+ vector<property*> once_properties;
+ once_properties.push_back (new proper_nesting());
+ once_properties.push_back (new add_buffers());
+ once_properties.push_back (new combine_regions());
+ // Properties to be enforce "until all is well"
+ vector<property*> properties;
+ properties.push_back (new snap_coarse());
+ properties.push_back (new rotsym90());
+ properties.push_back (new rotsym180());
+ properties.push_back (new boundary_clip());
+ // Properties to be tested (and not enforced) in the end
+ vector<property*> final_properties;
+ final_properties.push_back (new in_domain());
regss.resize (regions.size());
+ // Loop over all levels from finest to coarsest
assert (regions.size() > 0);
for (int rl = regions.size() - 1; rl >= min_rl; -- rl) {
// Sanity check
assert (not regions.at(rl).empty());
+ // Determine boundary locations of this level
+ level_boundary const bnd (hh, dd, rl);
- //
- // Ensure that this grid contains the next finer grid
- //
- if (ensure_proper_nesting) {
- if (rl < int(regions.size()) - 1) {
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": ensuring proper nesting..." << endl;
- }
- assert (not regions.at(rl).empty());
- ibbox const coarse0 = * regions.at(rl).begin();
- // This is the location of the outermost grid points. For
- // cell centring, these are 1/2 grid spacing inside of the
- // boundary.
- ivect const level_physical_ilower =
- rpos2ipos (physical_lower, origin, scale, hh, rl);
- ivect const level_physical_iupper =
- rpos2ipos1 (physical_upper, origin, scale, hh, rl);
- i2vect const fdistance = dd.ghost_widths.at(rl);
- i2vect const cdistance =
- i2vect (min_distance + dd.prolongation_stencil_size(rl));
- for (ibset::const_iterator ibb = regions.at(rl+1).begin();
- ibb != regions.at(rl+1).end();
- ++ ibb)
- {
- ibbox const & fbb = * ibb;
- bvect const lower_is_outer = fbb.lower() <= level_physical_ilower;
- bvect const upper_is_outer = fbb.upper() >= level_physical_iupper;
- b2vect const ob (lower_is_outer, upper_is_outer);
- ibbox const ebb = fbb.expand (i2vect (not ob) * fdistance);
- ibbox const cbb = ebb.expanded_for (coarse0);
- ibbox const ecbb = cbb.expand (i2vect (not ob) * cdistance);
- // Enlarge this level
- regions.at(rl) |= snap_ibbox (ecbb, hh, rl);
- }
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": enlarged regions to " << regions.at(rl) << endl;
- }
- }
- } // if ensure proper nesting
- //
- // Add buffer zones
- //
- {
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": adding buffer zones..." << endl;
- }
- ibset buffered;
- for (ibset::const_iterator ibb = regions.at(rl).begin();
- ibb != regions.at(rl).end();
- ++ ibb)
- {
- ibbox const & bb = * ibb;
- ibbox const bbb = bb.expand (dd.buffer_widths.at(rl));
- buffered |= bbb;
- }
- regions.at(rl) = buffered;
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": enlarged regions to " << regions.at(rl) << endl;
- }
- }
- //
- // Check whether it would be worthwhile to combine all regions
- // into a single region
- //
- // TODO: Check this also for pairs of regions
- //
- // TODO: Check after clipping
- {
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": checking whether regions should be combined..." << endl;
- }
- ibbox single;
- for (ibset::const_iterator ibb = regions.at(rl).begin();
- ibb != regions.at(rl).end();
- ++ ibb)
- {
- ibbox const & bb = * ibb;
- single = single.expanded_containing (bb);
- }
- CCTK_REAL const regions_size
- = static_cast <CCTK_REAL> (regions.at(rl).size());
- CCTK_REAL const single_size
- = static_cast <CCTK_REAL> (single.size());
- // Would a single bbox be efficient enough?
- if (regions_size >= min_fraction * single_size) {
- // Combine the boxes
- regions.at(rl) = ibset (single);
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": combining regions to " << regions.at(rl) << endl;
- }
- } else {
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": not combining" << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- // Find the location of the outer boundary
if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": determining outer boundary..." << endl;
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ":\n"
+ << " Original regions are " << regions.at(rl) << "\n";
- rvect const level_physical_lower = physical_lower;
- rvect const level_physical_upper = physical_upper;
- rvect const level_spacing = spacing / rvect (hh.reffacts.at(rl));
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": physical coordinate boundary is at " << r2vect(level_physical_lower, level_physical_upper) << endl;
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": spacing is " << level_spacing << endl;
- }
-#if 0
- rvect level_interior_lower, level_interior_upper;
- rvect level_exterior_lower, level_exterior_upper;
+ // Apply "once" properties unconditionally
+ for (vector<property*>::iterator
+ pi = once_properties.begin(); pi != once_properties.end(); ++ pi)
- CCTK_INT const ierr =
- ConvertFromPhysicalBoundary
- (dim,
- & level_physical_lower[0], & level_physical_upper[0],
- & level_interior_lower[0], & level_interior_upper[0],
- & level_exterior_lower[0], & level_exterior_upper[0],
- & level_spacing[0]);
- assert (not ierr);
- }
- rvect level_exterior_lower, level_exterior_upper;
- calculate_exterior_boundary (level_physical_lower, level_physical_upper,
- level_exterior_lower, level_exterior_upper,
- level_spacing);
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": exterior coordinate boundary is at " << r2vect(level_exterior_lower, level_exterior_upper) << endl;
+ (*pi)->enforce (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl);
- ibbox const & baseextent = hh.baseextents.at(0).at(rl);
- ivect const istride = baseextent.stride();
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": stride is " << istride << endl;
- }
- // This is the location of the outermost grid points. For cell
- // centring, these are 1/2 grid spacing inside of the boundary.
- ivect const level_physical_ilower =
- rpos2ipos (physical_lower, origin, scale, hh, rl);
- ivect const level_physical_iupper =
- rpos2ipos1 (physical_upper, origin, scale, hh, rl);
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": physical boundary is at " << i2vect(level_physical_ilower, level_physical_iupper) << endl;
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": reconstructed physical coordinate boundary is at "
- << r2vect(ipos2rpos(level_physical_ilower - (hh.refcent == cell_centered ? istride/2 : 0), origin, scale, hh, rl),
- ipos2rpos(level_physical_iupper + (hh.refcent == cell_centered ? istride/2 : 0), origin, scale, hh, rl)) << endl;
- }
- ivect const level_exterior_ilower =
- rpos2ipos (level_exterior_lower, origin, scale, hh, rl);
- ivect const level_exterior_iupper =
- rpos2ipos1 (level_exterior_upper, origin, scale, hh, rl);
- assert (all (level_exterior_ilower >= baseextent.lower()));
- assert (all (level_exterior_iupper <= baseextent.upper()));
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": exterior boundary is at " << i2vect(level_exterior_ilower, level_exterior_iupper) << endl;
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": reconstructed exterior coordinate boundary is at "
- << r2vect(ipos2rpos(level_exterior_ilower, origin, scale, hh, rl),
- ipos2rpos(level_exterior_iupper, origin, scale, hh, rl)) << endl;
- }
- // Find the minimum necessary distance away from the outer
- // boundary due to buffer and ghost zones. This is e.g. the
- // distance that the lower boundary of a bbox has to have from
- // the lower boundary. This is in terms of grid points.
- i2vect const min_bnd_dist_away = dd.ghost_widths.at(rl);
- // Find the minimum necessary distance from the outer boundary
- // due to buffer and ghost zones. This is e.g. the distance
- // that the upper boundary of a bbox has to have from the lower
- // boundary. This is in terms of grid points.
- i2vect const min_bnd_dist_incl = dd.ghost_widths.at(rl);
- // TODO: The above is required only near symmetry boundaries.
- //
- // Make the boxes rotating-90 symmetric
- //
- if (symmetry_rotating90) {
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": making regions rotating-90 symmetric" << endl;
- }
- ibset added;
- for (ibset::const_iterator ibb = regions.at(rl).begin();
- ibb != regions.at(rl).end();
- ++ ibb)
+ // Enforce properties on this level
+ for (int count=0;; ++count) {
+ bool done_enforcing = true;
+ for (vector<property*>::iterator
+ pi = properties.begin(); pi != properties.end(); ++ pi)
- ibbox const & bb = * ibb;
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << " considering box " << bb << "..." << endl;
- }
- bvect const lower_is_outside_lower =
- bb.lower() - min_bnd_dist_away[0] * bb.stride() <= level_physical_ilower;
- // Treat both x and y directions
- for (int dir=0; dir<=1; ++dir) {
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << " symmetrising in " << "xy"[dir] << " direction..." << endl;
- }
- if (lower_is_outside_lower[dir]) {
- ivect const ilo = bb.lower();
- ivect const iup = bb.upper();
- ivect const istr = bb.stride();
- // Origin
- rvect const axis (physical_lower[0],
- physical_lower[1],
- physical_lower[2]); // z component is unused
- ivect const iaxis0 =
- rpos2ipos (axis, origin, scale, hh, rl);
- assert (all (iaxis0 % istr == 0));
- ivect const iaxis1 =
- rpos2ipos1 (axis, origin, scale, hh, rl);
- assert (all (iaxis1 % istr == 0));
- ivect const offset = iaxis1 - iaxis0;
- assert (all (offset % istr == 0));
- assert (all (offset >= 0 and offset < 2*istr));
- assert (all ((iaxis0 + iaxis1 - offset) % (2*istr) == 0));
- ivect const iaxis = (iaxis0 + iaxis1 - offset) / 2;
- // negated (reflected) domain boundaries
- ivect const neg_ilo = (2*iaxis+offset) - ilo;
- ivect const neg_iup = (2*iaxis+offset) - iup;
- // offset to add when permuting directions
- ivect const permute01 (-iaxis[0]+iaxis[1], -iaxis[1]+iaxis[0], 0);
- // Rotate 90 degrees about z axis
- ivect new_ilo, new_iup;
- if (dir==0) {
- // rotate clockwise
- new_ilo = ivect (ilo[1], neg_iup[0], ilo[2]) + permute01;
- new_iup = ivect (iup[1], neg_ilo[0], iup[2]) + permute01;
- }
- if (dir==1) {
- // rotate counterclockwise
- new_ilo = ivect (neg_iup[1], ilo[0], ilo[2]) + permute01;
- new_iup = ivect (neg_ilo[1], iup[0], iup[2]) + permute01;
- }
- ivect const new_istr (istr);
- ibbox const new_bb (new_ilo, new_iup, new_istr);
- // Will be clipped later
- //assert (new_bb.is_contained_in (baseextent));
- added |= new_bb;
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << " adding box " << new_bb << endl;
- }
- }
+ bool const test_satisfied = (*pi)->test (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl);
+ if (not test_satisfied) {
+ (*pi)->enforce (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl);
+ done_enforcing = done_enforcing and test_satisfied;
- regions.at(rl) |= added;
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": symmetrised regions are " << regions.at(rl) << endl;
- }
- }
- //
- // Make the boxes rotating-180 symmetric
- //
- if (symmetry_rotating180) {
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": making regions rotating-180 symmetric" << endl;
- }
+ if (done_enforcing) break;
- ibset added;
- for (ibset::const_iterator ibb = regions.at(rl).begin();
- ibb != regions.at(rl).end();
- ++ ibb)
- {
- ibbox const & bb = * ibb;
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << " considering box " << bb << "..." << endl;
- }
- bvect const lower_is_outside_lower =
- bb.lower() - min_bnd_dist_away[0] * bb.stride() <= level_physical_ilower;
- // Treat x direction
- int const dir = 0;
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << " symmetrising in " << "x"[dir] << " direction..." << endl;
- }
- if (lower_is_outside_lower[dir]) {
- ivect const ilo = bb.lower();
- ivect const iup = bb.upper();
- ivect const istr = bb.stride();
- assert (istr[0] == istr[1]);
- // Origin
- assert (hh.refcent == vertex_centered or all (istr % 2 == 0));
- rvect const axis (physical_lower[0],
- (physical_lower[1] + physical_upper[1]) / 2,
- physical_lower[2]); // z component is unused
- ivect const iaxis0 =
- rpos2ipos (axis, origin, scale, hh, rl);
- assert (all ((iaxis0 - baseextent.lower()) % istr == 0));
- ivect const iaxis1 =
- rpos2ipos1 (axis, origin, scale, hh, rl);
- assert (all ((iaxis1 - baseextent.lower()) % istr == 0));
- ivect const offset = iaxis1 - iaxis0;
- assert (all (offset % istr == 0));
- if (hh.refcent == vertex_centered) {
- assert (all (offset >= 0 and offset < 2*istr));
- assert (all ((iaxis0 + iaxis1 - offset) % (2*istr) == 0));
- } else {
- // The offset may be negative because both boundaries
- // are shifted inwards by 1/2 grid spacing, and
- // therefore iaxis0 < iaxis1 + istr
- assert (all (offset >= -istr and offset < istr));
- assert (all ((iaxis0 + iaxis1 - offset) % (2*istr) == istr));
- assert (all (istr % 2 == 0));
- }
- ivect const iaxis = (iaxis0 + iaxis1 - offset) / 2;
- ivect const neg_ilo = (2*iaxis+offset) - ilo;
- ivect const neg_iup = (2*iaxis+offset) - iup;
- // Rotate 180 degrees about z axis
- ivect const new_ilo (neg_iup[0], neg_iup[1], ilo[2]);
- ivect const new_iup (neg_ilo[0], neg_ilo[1], iup[2]);
- ivect const new_istr (istr);
- ibbox const new_bb (new_ilo, new_iup, new_istr);
- // Will be clipped later
- //assert (new_bb.is_contained_in (baseextent));
- added |= new_bb;
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << " adding box " << new_bb << endl;
- }
- }
+ if (count == 10) {
+ CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, "Could not enforce grid structure properties; giving up");
- regions.at(rl) |= added;
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": symmetrised regions are " << regions.at(rl) << endl;
+ if (count != 0) {
+ // This may not be true. However, the previous version of
+ // the code assumed this, so we want to know whether this
+ // fails.
+ CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ALERT, "Could not enforce grid structure properties in this round, starting another round");
- } // if symmetry_rotating180
+ }
+ if (veryverbose) {
+ cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ":\n"
+ << " Final regions are " << regions.at(rl) << "\n";
+ }
- //
- // Clip at the outer boundary
- //
+ // Test final properties
+ bool all_is_well = true;
+ for (vector<property*>::const_iterator
+ pi = final_properties.begin(); pi != final_properties.end(); ++ pi)
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": clipping at outer boundary..." << endl;
- }
- ibset clipped;
- for (ibset::const_iterator ibb = regions.at(rl).begin();
- ibb != regions.at(rl).end();
- ++ ibb)
- {
- ibbox const & bb = * ibb;
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << " considering box " << bb << "..." << endl;
- }
- // Clip boxes that extend outside the boundary. Enlarge
- // boxes that are inside but too close to the outer
- // boundary.
- bvect const lower_is_outside_lower =
- bb.lower() - min_bnd_dist_away[0] * bb.stride() <= level_physical_ilower;
- // Remove bboxes that are completely outside.
- bvect const upper_is_outside_lower =
- bb.upper() < level_physical_ilower;
- // Enlarge bboxes that extend not far enough inwards.
- bvect const upper_is_almost_outside_lower =
- bb.upper() < level_physical_ilower + min_bnd_dist_incl[0] * bb.stride();
- // Ditto for the upper boundary.
- bvect const upper_is_outside_upper =
- bb.upper() + min_bnd_dist_away[1] * bb.stride() >= level_physical_iupper;
- bvect const lower_is_outside_upper =
- bb.lower() > level_physical_iupper;
- bvect const lower_is_almost_outside_upper =
- bb.lower() > level_physical_iupper - min_bnd_dist_incl[1] * bb.stride();
- assert (not any (lower_is_almost_outside_upper and
- lower_is_outside_lower));
- assert (not any (upper_is_almost_outside_lower and
- upper_is_outside_upper));
- if (any (upper_is_outside_lower or lower_is_outside_upper)) {
- // The box is completely outside. Ignore it.
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << " box is completely outside; dropping it" << endl;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (any ((lower_is_outside_lower and
- boundary_staggering_mismatch[0]) or
- (upper_is_outside_upper and
- boundary_staggering_mismatch[1])))
- {
- ostringstream msg;
- msg << "Level " << rl << " of the refinement hierarchy has inconsistent bountary staggering."
- << " The refined region extends up to the boundary, but the staggering of the boundary is different from the staggering of the mesh refinement."
- << " lower_is_outside_lower=" << lower_is_outside_lower
- << " upper_is_outside_upper=" << upper_is_outside_upper
- << " boundary_staggering_mismatch=" << boundary_staggering_mismatch
- << " level_physical_ilower=" << level_physical_ilower
- << " level_physical_iupper=" << level_physical_iupper
- << " baseextent=" << baseextent;
- CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, msg.str().c_str());
- }
- ibbox const clipped_bb
- (either (lower_is_outside_lower,
- level_exterior_ilower,
- either (lower_is_almost_outside_upper,
- (level_physical_iupper -
- min_bnd_dist_incl[1] * bb.stride()),
- bb.lower())),
- either (upper_is_outside_upper,
- level_exterior_iupper,
- either (upper_is_almost_outside_lower,
- (level_physical_ilower +
- min_bnd_dist_incl[0] * bb.stride()),
- bb.upper())),
- bb.stride());
- if (not clipped_bb.is_contained_in (baseextent)) {
- ostringstream msg;
- msg << "Level " << rl << " of the refinement hierarchy is not contained in the simulation domain."
- << " (There may be too many ghost or buffer zones.)"
- << " One bbox is " << clipped_bb << "."
- << " lower_is_outside_lower=" << lower_is_outside_lower
- << " upper_is_outside_upper=" << upper_is_outside_upper
- << " lower_is_almost_outside_upper=" << lower_is_almost_outside_upper
- << " upper_is_almost_outside_lower=" << upper_is_almost_outside_lower
- << " level_exterior_ilower=" << level_exterior_ilower
- << " level_exterior_iupper=" << level_exterior_iupper
- << " level_physical_ilower=" << level_physical_ilower
- << " level_physical_iupper=" << level_physical_iupper
- << " baseextent=" << baseextent;
- CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, msg.str().c_str());
- }
- assert (clipped_bb.is_contained_in (baseextent));
- clipped |= clipped_bb;
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << " Clipped box is " << clipped_bb << endl;
- }
- } // for ibb
- regions.at(rl) = clipped;
- if (veryverbose) {
- cout << "Refinement level " << rl << ": clipped regions are " << regions.at(rl) << endl;
+ bool const test_satisfied = (*pi)->test (hh, dd, bnd, regions, rl);
+ if (not test_satisfied) {
+ cout << "Necessary property " << typeid(*pi).name() << " does not hold\n";
+ all_is_well = all_is_well and test_satisfied;
+ }
+ if (not all_is_well) {
+ "Not all necessary grid structure properties are holding");
- //
- // Ensure that this grid is contained in the domain
- //
- assert (regions.at(rl) <= hh.baseextents.at(0).at(rl));
- //
// Create a vector of bboxes for this level
- //
+ gh::cregs regs;
+ for (ibset::const_iterator
+ ibb = regions.AT(rl).begin(); ibb != regions.AT(rl).end(); ++ ibb)
- gh::cregs regs;
- regs.reserve (regions.at(rl).setsize());
- for (ibset::const_iterator ibb = regions.at(rl).begin();
- ibb != regions.at(rl).end();
- ++ ibb)
- {
- ibbox const & bb = * ibb;
- assert (bb.is_contained_in (hh.baseextents.at(0).at(rl)));
- bvect const lower_is_outer = bb.lower() <= level_physical_ilower;
- bvect const upper_is_outer = bb.upper() >= level_physical_iupper;
- b2vect const ob (lower_is_outer, upper_is_outer);
- region_t reg;
- reg.extent = bb;
- reg.map = Carpet::map;
- reg.outer_boundaries = ob;
- regs.push_back (reg);
- }
+ ibbox const &bb = *ibb;
+ assert (bb.is_contained_in (hh.baseextent(0,rl)));
- regss.at(rl) = regs;
- }
- } // for rl
- //
- // Check whether all grids are contained in the next coarser grid
- //
- for (int rl = regions.size() - 1; rl >= min_rl; -- rl) {
- assert (not regions.at(rl-1).empty());
- ibbox const coarse0 = * regions.at(rl-1).begin();
- // This is the location of the outermost grid points. For cell
- // centring, these are 1/2 grid spacing inside of the boundary.
- ivect const level_physical_ilower =
- rpos2ipos (physical_lower, origin, scale, hh, rl);
- ivect const level_physical_iupper =
- rpos2ipos1 (physical_upper, origin, scale, hh, rl);
- i2vect const fdistance = dd.ghost_widths.at(rl);
- i2vect const cdistance =
- i2vect (min_distance + dd.prolongation_stencil_size(rl));
- bool is_properly_nested = true;
- for (ibset::const_iterator ibb = regions.at(rl).begin();
- ibb != regions.at(rl).end();
- ++ ibb)
- {
- ibbox const & fbb = * ibb;
+ bvect const lower_is_outer = bb.lower() <= bnd.level_physical_ilower;
+ bvect const upper_is_outer = bb.upper() >= bnd.level_physical_iupper;
- bvect const lower_is_outer = fbb.lower() <= level_physical_ilower;
- bvect const upper_is_outer = fbb.upper() >= level_physical_iupper;
b2vect const ob (lower_is_outer, upper_is_outer);
- ibbox const cbb = fbb.expanded_for (coarse0);
- is_properly_nested = is_properly_nested and cbb <= regions.at(rl-1);
+ region_t reg;
+ reg.extent = bb;
+ reg.map = Carpet::map;
+ reg.outer_boundaries = ob;
+ regs.push_back (reg);
- if (not is_properly_nested) {
- ostringstream msg;
- msg << "Level " << rl << " of the refinement hierarchy is not properly nested. It is not contained in level " << (rl-1) << ".";
- CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ALERT, msg.str().c_str());
- }
+ regss.AT(rl) = regs;
} // for rl
+ // Delete properties
+ for (vector<property*>::iterator
+ pi = once_properties.begin(); pi != once_properties.end(); ++pi)
+ {
+ delete *pi;
+ }
+ for (vector<property*>::iterator
+ pi = properties.begin(); pi != properties.end(); ++pi)
+ {
+ delete *pi;
+ }
+ for (vector<property*>::iterator
+ pi = final_properties.begin(); pi != final_properties.end(); ++pi)
+ {
+ delete *pi;
+ }