path: root/Tools/CodeGen/Differencing.m
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authorianhin <ianhin>2004-07-07 17:14:24 +0000
committerianhin <ianhin>2004-07-07 17:14:24 +0000
commit287e11b52d0e06fab13184032d60a23e6aaf7882 (patch)
tree3bbbdc46b46f31e0fe8a0157ed7cdff56bf900f6 /Tools/CodeGen/Differencing.m
parentd9e0eb816bc66e88ea599e3980765090a5e254c6 (diff)
Second try at custom differencing operators. Much more general now.
Can have derivative operators which take any number of indices (including 0). Much easier to specify derivative operators than before.
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/CodeGen/Differencing.m')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/Differencing.m b/Tools/CodeGen/Differencing.m
index d4152e8..ba9e684 100644
--- a/Tools/CodeGen/Differencing.m
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/Differencing.m
@@ -1,64 +1,133 @@
-Differencing in Kranc
+Second generation of custom differencing
-The user works in terms of "partial derivatives". For example,
-expressions of the form PD[phi,1,2] for the mixed partial derivative
-of the function phi in the 1 and 2 directions.
+The user supplies a list of "derivative operators". These are
+expressions in shift operators shift[1], shift[2] and shift[3]. The
+derivative operators can take an arbitrary number of numeric
+arguments. For example, the standard differencing would be performed
+by a list of operators of the form:
-Each of these partial derivatives (i.e. "PD") is defined in terms of
-an expression involving "difference operators", e.g. dzero[i_], where
-i is the direction. So whenever the user enters PD[phi,1,2], what
-gets calculated is dzero[1] dzero[2] phi.
+ PD[i_] -> dzero[i],
+ PD[i_] -> dzero[i],
+ PD[i_, i_] -> dplus[i] dminus[i],
+ PD[i_, j_] -> dzero[i] dzero[j]
-These difference operators are defined in terms of the elementary
-"shift" operators: dplus[i_] := (shift[i] - 1)/spacing[i], and can be
-composed with each other as a result: dzero[i_] := (dplus[i] +
-dminus[i]) / 2.
+You can include derivative operators which have no arguments. If you
+wanted the Laplacian, you would use
-The definition of a partial derivative in terms of difference
-operators is given in the form:
+ Lap[] -> Sum[dplus[i] dminus[i], {i,1,3}]
-partialDerivative =
-{Name -> PD,
- Macro -> FD_C2,
- Rules ->
- {PD[i_] -> dzero[i],
- PD[i_, i_] -> dplus[i] dminus[i],
- PD[i_, j_] -> dzero[i] dzero[j]}};
+We would like these definitions to be optionally conditional on the
+definition of some preprocessor macro, so we can support the old
+behaviour by default. We can add this behaviour later. This means we
+need to supply examples for the fourth order differencing operators
+for people to use easily.
-The source code generated contains the definitions of these difference
-operators as macros. E.g.
+In a calculation, the user uses expressions like PD[phi,1,2]. Kranc
+generates macro definitions for each derivative; i.e. in this case it
+would create a macro definition for PD12(u,i,j,k). At the start of a
+calculation loop, variables are created to store the results of
+precomputing each of the derivatives needed in that loop.
+e.g. PD12phi = PD12(phi,i,j,k). Kranc then replaces PD[phi,1,2] with
+PD12phi in the calculation.
-#define PD1(u,i,j,k) (u[i+1,j,k] - u[i-1,j,k]) hdxi
+Types and data structures
+A DerivativeOperator (derivOp) is an expression of the form
+ name_[patterns__] -> expr_
+where expr is a sum of products of shift operators, spacings, and
+numerical factors. It represents how an arbitrary grid function
+should be differenced as a result of this derivative operator. Note
+that the grid function itself is omitted from the definition. For
+ PD[i_] -> 1/2(shift[i_] + 1/shift[i])
+A DerivativeOperator (derivOp) is an expression of the form
+ name_[indices__] -> expr_
+which is the same as a DerivativeOperator but with the indices
+ PD[2] -> 1/2(shift[2] + 1/shift[2])
-Then, at the start of each loop, all necessary derivatives are
-PD1phi = PD1(phi,i,j,k);
+A GridFunctionDerivative (GFD) is an expression of the form
-Then, in the calculation itself, the variable PD1phi is used.
+ name_[gf_,index___]
+for example
+ PD[phi,1,2]
+It is in the form of an expression the user would enter in a
+User API
+Given a list of DerivativeOperators, return a CodeGen block consisting
+of the header file which needs to be included before any calculations.
+PrecomputeDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_]
+Return a CodeGen block which precomputes all the derivatives needed in
+DeclareDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_]
+Return a CodeGen block which precomputes all the derivatives needed in
+ReplaceDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_]
+Replace all the GridFunctionDerivatives in expr with their variable
-{Name, Definitions, dxi, dyi, dzi, i, j, k, shift, spacing};
+{Name, Definitions, shift, spacing};
BeginPackage["Differencing`", {"CodeGen`", "sym`", "MapLookup`"}];
-ConvertPartialDerivativeToMacros::usage = "";
-GFDsInExpression::usage = "";
-DeclareDerivative::usage = "";
-AllGFDRules::usage = "";
-PrecomputeDerivative::usage = "";
+CreateDifferencingHeader::usage = "";
+PrecomputeDerivatives::usage = "";
+DeclareDerivatives::usage = "";
+ReplaceDerivatives::usage = "";
DPlus::usage = "";
DMinus::usage = "";
DZero::usage = "";
+shift::usage = "";
+spacing::usage = "";
@@ -66,6 +135,154 @@ DPlus[n_] := (shift[n] - 1)/spacing[n];
DMinus[n_] := (1 - 1/shift[n])/spacing[n];
DZero[n_] := (DPlus[n] + DMinus[n])/2;
+(* User API *)
+CreateDifferencingHeader[derivOps_] :=
+ Module[{componentDerivOps, dupsRemoved, expressions},
+ componentDerivOps = Flatten[Map[DerivativeOperatorToComponents, derivOps]];
+ dupsRemoved = RemoveDuplicateRules[componentDerivOps];
+ expressions = Flatten[Map[ComponentDerivativeOperatorMacroDefinition, dupsRemoved]];
+ Map[{#, "\n"} &, expressions]];
+PrecomputeDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_] :=
+ Module[{componentDerivOps, gfds},
+ componentDerivOps = Flatten[Map[DerivativeOperatorToComponents, derivOps]];
+ gfds = GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[derivOps, expr];
+ Map[PrecomputeDerivative, gfds]];
+DeclareDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_] :=
+ Module[{componentDerivOps, gfds},
+ componentDerivOps = Flatten[Map[DerivativeOperatorToComponents, derivOps]];
+ gfds = GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[derivOps, expr];
+ Map[DeclareDerivative, gfds]];
+ReplaceDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_] :=
+ Module[{componentDerivOps, gfds},
+ componentDerivOps = Flatten[Map[DerivativeOperatorToComponents, derivOps]];
+ gfds = GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[derivOps, expr];
+ rules = Map[# :> GridFunctionDerivativeName[#] &, gfds];
+ expr /. rules];
+(* Misc *)
+PrecomputeDerivative[d:pd_[gf_, inds___]] :=
+ Module[{},
+ macroName = ComponentDerivativeOperatorMacroName[pd[inds] -> expr];
+ AssignVariable[GridFunctionDerivativeName[d], {macroName, "(", gf,", i, j, k)"}]];
+DeclareDerivative[d:pd_[gf_, inds___]] :=
+ DeclareVariable[GridFunctionDerivativeName[d], "CCTK_REAL"];
+(* GridFunctionDerivative *)
+GridFunctionDerivativeName[pd_[gf_, inds___]] :=
+ Module[{},
+ stringName = StringJoin[Map[ToString, Join[{pd}, {inds}, {gf}]]];
+ Symbol["Global`" <> stringName]];
+GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[derivOps_, expr_] :=
+ Module[{componentDerivOps, derivs},
+ componentDerivOps = Flatten[Map[DerivativeOperatorToComponents, derivOps]];
+ derivs = Map[First, componentDerivOps];
+ patterns = Map[# /. x_[inds___] -> x[y_, inds] &, derivs];
+ Flatten[Map[Union[Cases[{expr}, #, Infinity]] &, patterns]]];
+(* DerivativeOperator *)
+ComponentDerivativeOperatorMacroDefinition[componentDerivOp:(name_[inds___] -> expr_)] :=
+ Module[{macroName, rhs, rhs2, i = "i", j = "j", k = "k", spacings},
+ macroName = ComponentDerivativeOperatorMacroName[componentDerivOp];
+ rhs = DifferenceGF[expr, i, j, k];
+ spacings = {spacing[1] -> 1/"dxi", spacing[2] -> 1/"dyi", spacing[3] -> 1/"dzi"};
+ rhs2 = CFormHideStrings[ReplacePowers[rhs /. spacings]];
+ FlattenBlock[{"#define ", macroName, "(u,i,j,k) ", rhs2}]];
+ComponentDerivativeOperatorMacroName[componentDerivOp:(name_[inds___] -> expr_)] :=
+ Module[{stringName},
+ stringName = StringJoin[Map[ToString, Join[{name}, {inds}]]];
+ stringName];
+(* Farm out each term of a difference operator *)
+DifferenceGF[op_, i_, j_, k_] :=
+ Module[{expanded},
+ expanded = Expand[op];
+ If[Head[expanded] === Plus,
+ Apply[Plus, Map[DifferenceGFTerm[#, i, j, k] &, expanded]],
+ DifferenceGFTerm[expanded, i, j, k]]];
+(* Return the fragment of a macro definition for defining a derivative
+ operator *)
+DifferenceGFTerm[op_, i_, j_, k_] :=
+ Module[{nx, ny, nz, remaining},
+ If[Head[op] != Times,
+ Throw["Expecting Times in " <> FullForm[op]]];
+ nx = Exponent[op, shift[1]];
+ ny = Exponent[op, shift[2]];
+ nz = Exponent[op, shift[3]];
+ remaining = op / (shift[1]^nx) / (shift[2]^ny) / (shift[3]^nz);
+ remaining "u[CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH," <> ToString[i+nx] <> "," <>
+ ToString[j+ny] <> "," <> ToString[k+nz] <> ")]"];
+DerivativeOperatorToComponents[name_[indPatterns___] -> expr_] :=
+ Module[{ips, symbols, symbolRanges, symbolLHS, table},
+ ips = {indPatterns};
+ symbols = Map[First, ips];
+ symbolRanges = Map[{#, 1, 3} &, Union[symbols]];
+ symbolLHS = name[Apply[Sequence, symbols]];
+ table = Apply[Table, Join[{symbolLHS -> expr}, symbolRanges]];
+ Flatten[table]];
+RemoveDuplicates[l_] :=
+ Module[{this,next,rest,positions},
+ If[l === {},
+ Return[{}]];
+ this = First[l];
+ rest = Rest[l];
+ If[FreeQ[rest, this],
+ Prepend[RemoveDuplicates[rest],this],
+ positions = Position[rest, this];
+ next = Delete[rest, positions];
+ Prepend[RemoveDuplicates[next], this]]];
+RemoveDuplicateRules[l_] :=
+ Module[{lhs,lhs2,rhs2,result},
+ Print["Removing duplicates in ", l];
+ lhs = Map[First, l];
+ lhs2 = RemoveDuplicates[lhs];
+ rhs2 = lhs2 /. l;
+ result = Thread[Rule[lhs2,rhs2]];
+ Print["Result is: ", result];
+ result];
(* Given a grid function derivative, return the C variable name that
we will use to precompute its value. *)
GFDerivativeName[pd_[gf_, i_]] :=
@@ -153,34 +370,7 @@ ConstructDifferenceMacro[name_, op_] :=
rhs2 = CFormHideStrings[ReplacePowers[rhs]];
FlattenBlock[{"#define ", name, "(u,i,j,k) ", rhs2}]];
-(* Convert an expression to CForm, but remove the quotes from any
- strings present *)
-CFormHideStrings[x_] := StringReplace[ToString[CForm[x]], "\"" -> ""];
-(* Farm out each term of a difference operator *)
-DifferenceGF[op_, i_, j_, k_] :=
- Module[{expanded},
- expanded = Expand[op];
- If[Head[expanded] != Plus,
- Throw["Expecting Plus as head of " <> op]];
- Apply[Plus, Map[DifferenceGFTerm[#, i, j, k] &, expanded]]];
-(* Return the fragment of a macro definition for defining a derivative
- operator *)
-DifferenceGFTerm[op_, i_, j_, k_] :=
- Module[{nx, ny, nz, remaining},
- If[Head[op] != Times,
- Throw["Expecting Times in " <> FullForm[op]]];
- nx = Exponent[op, shift[1]];
- ny = Exponent[op, shift[2]];
- nz = Exponent[op, shift[3]];
- remaining = op / (shift[1]^nx) / (shift[2]^ny) / (shift[3]^nz);
- remaining "u[CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH," <> ToString[i+nx] <> "," <>
- ToString[j+ny] <> "," <> ToString[k+nz] <> ")]"];