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diff --git a/Tools/CodeGen/Differencing.m b/Tools/CodeGen/Differencing.m
index d4152e8..ba9e684 100644
--- a/Tools/CodeGen/Differencing.m
+++ b/Tools/CodeGen/Differencing.m
@@ -1,64 +1,133 @@
-Differencing in Kranc
+Second generation of custom differencing
-The user works in terms of "partial derivatives". For example,
-expressions of the form PD[phi,1,2] for the mixed partial derivative
-of the function phi in the 1 and 2 directions.
+The user supplies a list of "derivative operators". These are
+expressions in shift operators shift[1], shift[2] and shift[3]. The
+derivative operators can take an arbitrary number of numeric
+arguments. For example, the standard differencing would be performed
+by a list of operators of the form:
-Each of these partial derivatives (i.e. "PD") is defined in terms of
-an expression involving "difference operators", e.g. dzero[i_], where
-i is the direction. So whenever the user enters PD[phi,1,2], what
-gets calculated is dzero[1] dzero[2] phi.
+ PD[i_] -> dzero[i],
+ PD[i_] -> dzero[i],
+ PD[i_, i_] -> dplus[i] dminus[i],
+ PD[i_, j_] -> dzero[i] dzero[j]
-These difference operators are defined in terms of the elementary
-"shift" operators: dplus[i_] := (shift[i] - 1)/spacing[i], and can be
-composed with each other as a result: dzero[i_] := (dplus[i] +
-dminus[i]) / 2.
+You can include derivative operators which have no arguments. If you
+wanted the Laplacian, you would use
-The definition of a partial derivative in terms of difference
-operators is given in the form:
+ Lap[] -> Sum[dplus[i] dminus[i], {i,1,3}]
-partialDerivative =
-{Name -> PD,
- Macro -> FD_C2,
- Rules ->
- {PD[i_] -> dzero[i],
- PD[i_, i_] -> dplus[i] dminus[i],
- PD[i_, j_] -> dzero[i] dzero[j]}};
+We would like these definitions to be optionally conditional on the
+definition of some preprocessor macro, so we can support the old
+behaviour by default. We can add this behaviour later. This means we
+need to supply examples for the fourth order differencing operators
+for people to use easily.
-The source code generated contains the definitions of these difference
-operators as macros. E.g.
+In a calculation, the user uses expressions like PD[phi,1,2]. Kranc
+generates macro definitions for each derivative; i.e. in this case it
+would create a macro definition for PD12(u,i,j,k). At the start of a
+calculation loop, variables are created to store the results of
+precomputing each of the derivatives needed in that loop.
+e.g. PD12phi = PD12(phi,i,j,k). Kranc then replaces PD[phi,1,2] with
+PD12phi in the calculation.
-#define PD1(u,i,j,k) (u[i+1,j,k] - u[i-1,j,k]) hdxi
+Types and data structures
+A DerivativeOperator (derivOp) is an expression of the form
+ name_[patterns__] -> expr_
+where expr is a sum of products of shift operators, spacings, and
+numerical factors. It represents how an arbitrary grid function
+should be differenced as a result of this derivative operator. Note
+that the grid function itself is omitted from the definition. For
+ PD[i_] -> 1/2(shift[i_] + 1/shift[i])
+A DerivativeOperator (derivOp) is an expression of the form
+ name_[indices__] -> expr_
+which is the same as a DerivativeOperator but with the indices
+ PD[2] -> 1/2(shift[2] + 1/shift[2])
-Then, at the start of each loop, all necessary derivatives are
-PD1phi = PD1(phi,i,j,k);
+A GridFunctionDerivative (GFD) is an expression of the form
-Then, in the calculation itself, the variable PD1phi is used.
+ name_[gf_,index___]
+for example
+ PD[phi,1,2]
+It is in the form of an expression the user would enter in a
+User API
+Given a list of DerivativeOperators, return a CodeGen block consisting
+of the header file which needs to be included before any calculations.
+PrecomputeDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_]
+Return a CodeGen block which precomputes all the derivatives needed in
+DeclareDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_]
+Return a CodeGen block which precomputes all the derivatives needed in
+ReplaceDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_]
+Replace all the GridFunctionDerivatives in expr with their variable
-{Name, Definitions, dxi, dyi, dzi, i, j, k, shift, spacing};
+{Name, Definitions, shift, spacing};
BeginPackage["Differencing`", {"CodeGen`", "sym`", "MapLookup`"}];
-ConvertPartialDerivativeToMacros::usage = "";
-GFDsInExpression::usage = "";
-DeclareDerivative::usage = "";
-AllGFDRules::usage = "";
-PrecomputeDerivative::usage = "";
+CreateDifferencingHeader::usage = "";
+PrecomputeDerivatives::usage = "";
+DeclareDerivatives::usage = "";
+ReplaceDerivatives::usage = "";
DPlus::usage = "";
DMinus::usage = "";
DZero::usage = "";
+shift::usage = "";
+spacing::usage = "";
@@ -66,6 +135,154 @@ DPlus[n_] := (shift[n] - 1)/spacing[n];
DMinus[n_] := (1 - 1/shift[n])/spacing[n];
DZero[n_] := (DPlus[n] + DMinus[n])/2;
+(* User API *)
+CreateDifferencingHeader[derivOps_] :=
+ Module[{componentDerivOps, dupsRemoved, expressions},
+ componentDerivOps = Flatten[Map[DerivativeOperatorToComponents, derivOps]];
+ dupsRemoved = RemoveDuplicateRules[componentDerivOps];
+ expressions = Flatten[Map[ComponentDerivativeOperatorMacroDefinition, dupsRemoved]];
+ Map[{#, "\n"} &, expressions]];
+PrecomputeDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_] :=
+ Module[{componentDerivOps, gfds},
+ componentDerivOps = Flatten[Map[DerivativeOperatorToComponents, derivOps]];
+ gfds = GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[derivOps, expr];
+ Map[PrecomputeDerivative, gfds]];
+DeclareDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_] :=
+ Module[{componentDerivOps, gfds},
+ componentDerivOps = Flatten[Map[DerivativeOperatorToComponents, derivOps]];
+ gfds = GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[derivOps, expr];
+ Map[DeclareDerivative, gfds]];
+ReplaceDerivatives[derivOps_, expr_] :=
+ Module[{componentDerivOps, gfds},
+ componentDerivOps = Flatten[Map[DerivativeOperatorToComponents, derivOps]];
+ gfds = GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[derivOps, expr];
+ rules = Map[# :> GridFunctionDerivativeName[#] &, gfds];
+ expr /. rules];
+(* Misc *)
+PrecomputeDerivative[d:pd_[gf_, inds___]] :=
+ Module[{},
+ macroName = ComponentDerivativeOperatorMacroName[pd[inds] -> expr];
+ AssignVariable[GridFunctionDerivativeName[d], {macroName, "(", gf,", i, j, k)"}]];
+DeclareDerivative[d:pd_[gf_, inds___]] :=
+ DeclareVariable[GridFunctionDerivativeName[d], "CCTK_REAL"];
+(* GridFunctionDerivative *)
+GridFunctionDerivativeName[pd_[gf_, inds___]] :=
+ Module[{},
+ stringName = StringJoin[Map[ToString, Join[{pd}, {inds}, {gf}]]];
+ Symbol["Global`" <> stringName]];
+GridFunctionDerivativesInExpression[derivOps_, expr_] :=
+ Module[{componentDerivOps, derivs},
+ componentDerivOps = Flatten[Map[DerivativeOperatorToComponents, derivOps]];
+ derivs = Map[First, componentDerivOps];
+ patterns = Map[# /. x_[inds___] -> x[y_, inds] &, derivs];
+ Flatten[Map[Union[Cases[{expr}, #, Infinity]] &, patterns]]];
+(* DerivativeOperator *)
+ComponentDerivativeOperatorMacroDefinition[componentDerivOp:(name_[inds___] -> expr_)] :=
+ Module[{macroName, rhs, rhs2, i = "i", j = "j", k = "k", spacings},
+ macroName = ComponentDerivativeOperatorMacroName[componentDerivOp];
+ rhs = DifferenceGF[expr, i, j, k];
+ spacings = {spacing[1] -> 1/"dxi", spacing[2] -> 1/"dyi", spacing[3] -> 1/"dzi"};
+ rhs2 = CFormHideStrings[ReplacePowers[rhs /. spacings]];
+ FlattenBlock[{"#define ", macroName, "(u,i,j,k) ", rhs2}]];
+ComponentDerivativeOperatorMacroName[componentDerivOp:(name_[inds___] -> expr_)] :=
+ Module[{stringName},
+ stringName = StringJoin[Map[ToString, Join[{name}, {inds}]]];
+ stringName];
+(* Farm out each term of a difference operator *)
+DifferenceGF[op_, i_, j_, k_] :=
+ Module[{expanded},
+ expanded = Expand[op];
+ If[Head[expanded] === Plus,
+ Apply[Plus, Map[DifferenceGFTerm[#, i, j, k] &, expanded]],
+ DifferenceGFTerm[expanded, i, j, k]]];
+(* Return the fragment of a macro definition for defining a derivative
+ operator *)
+DifferenceGFTerm[op_, i_, j_, k_] :=
+ Module[{nx, ny, nz, remaining},
+ If[Head[op] != Times,
+ Throw["Expecting Times in " <> FullForm[op]]];
+ nx = Exponent[op, shift[1]];
+ ny = Exponent[op, shift[2]];
+ nz = Exponent[op, shift[3]];
+ remaining = op / (shift[1]^nx) / (shift[2]^ny) / (shift[3]^nz);
+ remaining "u[CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH," <> ToString[i+nx] <> "," <>
+ ToString[j+ny] <> "," <> ToString[k+nz] <> ")]"];
+DerivativeOperatorToComponents[name_[indPatterns___] -> expr_] :=
+ Module[{ips, symbols, symbolRanges, symbolLHS, table},
+ ips = {indPatterns};
+ symbols = Map[First, ips];
+ symbolRanges = Map[{#, 1, 3} &, Union[symbols]];
+ symbolLHS = name[Apply[Sequence, symbols]];
+ table = Apply[Table, Join[{symbolLHS -> expr}, symbolRanges]];
+ Flatten[table]];
+RemoveDuplicates[l_] :=
+ Module[{this,next,rest,positions},
+ If[l === {},
+ Return[{}]];
+ this = First[l];
+ rest = Rest[l];
+ If[FreeQ[rest, this],
+ Prepend[RemoveDuplicates[rest],this],
+ positions = Position[rest, this];
+ next = Delete[rest, positions];
+ Prepend[RemoveDuplicates[next], this]]];
+RemoveDuplicateRules[l_] :=
+ Module[{lhs,lhs2,rhs2,result},
+ Print["Removing duplicates in ", l];
+ lhs = Map[First, l];
+ lhs2 = RemoveDuplicates[lhs];
+ rhs2 = lhs2 /. l;
+ result = Thread[Rule[lhs2,rhs2]];
+ Print["Result is: ", result];
+ result];
(* Given a grid function derivative, return the C variable name that
we will use to precompute its value. *)
GFDerivativeName[pd_[gf_, i_]] :=
@@ -153,34 +370,7 @@ ConstructDifferenceMacro[name_, op_] :=
rhs2 = CFormHideStrings[ReplacePowers[rhs]];
FlattenBlock[{"#define ", name, "(u,i,j,k) ", rhs2}]];
-(* Convert an expression to CForm, but remove the quotes from any
- strings present *)
-CFormHideStrings[x_] := StringReplace[ToString[CForm[x]], "\"" -> ""];
-(* Farm out each term of a difference operator *)
-DifferenceGF[op_, i_, j_, k_] :=
- Module[{expanded},
- expanded = Expand[op];
- If[Head[expanded] != Plus,
- Throw["Expecting Plus as head of " <> op]];
- Apply[Plus, Map[DifferenceGFTerm[#, i, j, k] &, expanded]]];
-(* Return the fragment of a macro definition for defining a derivative
- operator *)
-DifferenceGFTerm[op_, i_, j_, k_] :=
- Module[{nx, ny, nz, remaining},
- If[Head[op] != Times,
- Throw["Expecting Times in " <> FullForm[op]]];
- nx = Exponent[op, shift[1]];
- ny = Exponent[op, shift[2]];
- nz = Exponent[op, shift[3]];
- remaining = op / (shift[1]^nx) / (shift[2]^ny) / (shift[3]^nz);
- remaining "u[CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH," <> ToString[i+nx] <> "," <>
- ToString[j+ny] <> "," <> ToString[k+nz] <> ")]"];