path: root/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 392 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..334fcd56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Lucas Hoffmann
+# Copyright © 2017-2018 Dylan Baker
+# This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision.
+# For further details see the COPYING file
+import os
+import shutil
+import signal
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+import gpg
+import mock
+import urwid
+from alot import crypto
+from alot.errors import GPGProblem, GPGCode
+from . import utilities
+MOD_CLEAN = utilities.ModuleCleanup()
+# A useful single fingerprint for tests that only care about one key. This
+# key will not be ambiguous
+FPR = "F74091D4133F87D56B5D343C1974EC55FBC2D660"
+# Some additional keys, these keys may be ambigiuos
+ "DD19862809A7573A74058FF255937AFBB156245D",
+ "2071E9C8DB4EF5466F4D233CF730DF92C4566CE7",
+DEVNULL = open('/dev/null', 'w')
+def setUpModule():
+ home = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ MOD_CLEAN.add_cleanup(shutil.rmtree, home)
+ mock_home = mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {'GNUPGHOME': home})
+ mock_home.start()
+ MOD_CLEAN.add_cleanup(mock_home.stop)
+ with gpg.core.Context(armor=True) as ctx:
+ # Add the public and private keys. They have no password
+ search_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static/gpg-keys')
+ for each in os.listdir(search_dir):
+ if os.path.splitext(each)[1] == '.gpg':
+ with open(os.path.join(search_dir, each)) as f:
+ ctx.op_import(f)
+def tearDownModule():
+ # Kill any gpg-agent's that have been opened
+ lookfor = 'gpg-agent --homedir {}'.format(os.environ['GNUPGHOME'])
+ out = subprocess.check_output(
+ ['ps', 'xo', 'pid,cmd'],
+ stderr=DEVNULL).decode(urwid.util.detected_encoding)
+ for each in out.strip().split('\n'):
+ pid, cmd = each.strip().split(' ', 1)
+ if cmd.startswith(lookfor):
+ os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL)
+def make_key(revoked=False, expired=False, invalid=False, can_encrypt=True,
+ can_sign=True):
+ # This is ugly
+ mock_key = mock.create_autospec(gpg._gpgme._gpgme_key)
+ mock_key.uids = [mock.Mock(uid=u'mocked')]
+ mock_key.revoked = revoked
+ mock_key.expired = expired
+ mock_key.invalid = invalid
+ mock_key.can_encrypt = can_encrypt
+ mock_key.can_sign = can_sign
+ return mock_key
+def make_uid(email, revoked=False, invalid=False,
+ validity=gpg.constants.validity.FULL):
+ uid = mock.Mock()
+ = email
+ uid.revoked = revoked
+ uid.invalid = invalid
+ uid.validity = validity
+ return uid
+class TestHashAlgorithmHelper(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test cases for the helper function RFC3156_canonicalize."""
+ def test_returned_string_starts_with_pgp(self):
+ result = crypto.RFC3156_micalg_from_algo(
+ self.assertTrue(result.startswith('pgp-'))
+ def test_returned_string_is_lower_case(self):
+ result = crypto.RFC3156_micalg_from_algo(
+ self.assertTrue(result.islower())
+ def test_raises_for_unknown_hash_name(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(GPGProblem):
+ crypto.RFC3156_micalg_from_algo(
+class TestDetachedSignatureFor(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_valid_signature_generated(self):
+ to_sign = b"this is some text.\nit is more than nothing.\n"
+ with gpg.core.Context() as ctx:
+ _, detached = crypto.detached_signature_for(
+ to_sign, [ctx.get_key(FPR)])
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f:
+ f.write(detached)
+ sig =
+ self.addCleanup(os.unlink,
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f:
+ f.write(to_sign)
+ text =
+ self.addCleanup(os.unlink,
+ res = subprocess.check_call(['gpg2', '--verify', sig, text],
+ stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL)
+ self.assertEqual(res, 0)
+class TestVerifyDetached(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_verify_signature_good(self):
+ to_sign = b"this is some text.\nIt's something\n."
+ with gpg.core.Context() as ctx:
+ _, detached = crypto.detached_signature_for(
+ to_sign, [ctx.get_key(FPR)])
+ try:
+ crypto.verify_detached(to_sign, detached)
+ except GPGProblem:
+ raise AssertionError
+ def test_verify_signature_bad(self):
+ to_sign = b"this is some text.\nIt's something\n."
+ similar = b"this is some text.\r\n.It's something\r\n."
+ with gpg.core.Context() as ctx:
+ _, detached = crypto.detached_signature_for(
+ to_sign, [ctx.get_key(FPR)])
+ with self.assertRaises(GPGProblem):
+ crypto.verify_detached(similar, detached)
+class TestValidateKey(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_valid(self):
+ try:
+ crypto.validate_key(utilities.make_key())
+ except GPGProblem as e:
+ raise AssertionError(e)
+ def test_revoked(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(GPGProblem) as caught:
+ crypto.validate_key(utilities.make_key(revoked=True))
+ self.assertEqual(caught.exception.code, GPGCode.KEY_REVOKED)
+ def test_expired(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(GPGProblem) as caught:
+ crypto.validate_key(utilities.make_key(expired=True))
+ self.assertEqual(caught.exception.code, GPGCode.KEY_EXPIRED)
+ def test_invalid(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(GPGProblem) as caught:
+ crypto.validate_key(utilities.make_key(invalid=True))
+ self.assertEqual(caught.exception.code, GPGCode.KEY_INVALID)
+ def test_encrypt(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(GPGProblem) as caught:
+ crypto.validate_key(
+ utilities.make_key(can_encrypt=False), encrypt=True)
+ self.assertEqual(caught.exception.code, GPGCode.KEY_CANNOT_ENCRYPT)
+ def test_encrypt_no_check(self):
+ try:
+ crypto.validate_key(utilities.make_key(can_encrypt=False))
+ except GPGProblem as e:
+ raise AssertionError(e)
+ def test_sign(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(GPGProblem) as caught:
+ crypto.validate_key(utilities.make_key(can_sign=False), sign=True)
+ self.assertEqual(caught.exception.code, GPGCode.KEY_CANNOT_SIGN)
+ def test_sign_no_check(self):
+ try:
+ crypto.validate_key(utilities.make_key(can_sign=False))
+ except GPGProblem as e:
+ raise AssertionError(e)
+class TestCheckUIDValidity(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_valid_single(self):
+ key = utilities.make_key()
+ key.uids[0] = utilities.make_uid(mock.sentinel.EMAIL)
+ ret = crypto.check_uid_validity(key, mock.sentinel.EMAIL)
+ self.assertTrue(ret)
+ def test_valid_multiple(self):
+ key = utilities.make_key()
+ key.uids = [
+ utilities.make_uid(mock.sentinel.EMAIL),
+ utilities.make_uid(mock.sentinel.EMAIL1),
+ ]
+ ret = crypto.check_uid_validity(key, mock.sentinel.EMAIL1)
+ self.assertTrue(ret)
+ def test_invalid_email(self):
+ key = utilities.make_key()
+ key.uids[0] = utilities.make_uid(mock.sentinel.EMAIL)
+ ret = crypto.check_uid_validity(key, mock.sentinel.EMAIL1)
+ self.assertFalse(ret)
+ def test_invalid_revoked(self):
+ key = utilities.make_key()
+ key.uids[0] = utilities.make_uid(mock.sentinel.EMAIL, revoked=True)
+ ret = crypto.check_uid_validity(key, mock.sentinel.EMAIL)
+ self.assertFalse(ret)
+ def test_invalid_invalid(self):
+ key = utilities.make_key()
+ key.uids[0] = utilities.make_uid(mock.sentinel.EMAIL, invalid=True)
+ ret = crypto.check_uid_validity(key, mock.sentinel.EMAIL)
+ self.assertFalse(ret)
+ def test_invalid_not_enough_trust(self):
+ key = utilities.make_key()
+ key.uids[0] = utilities.make_uid(
+ mock.sentinel.EMAIL,
+ validity=gpg.constants.validity.UNDEFINED)
+ ret = crypto.check_uid_validity(key, mock.sentinel.EMAIL)
+ self.assertFalse(ret)
+class TestListKeys(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_list_no_hints(self):
+ # This only tests that you get 3 keys back (the number in our test
+ # keyring), it might be worth adding tests to check more about the keys
+ # returned
+ values = crypto.list_keys()
+ self.assertEqual(len(list(values)), 3)
+ def test_list_hint(self):
+ values = crypto.list_keys(hint="ambig")
+ self.assertEqual(len(list(values)), 2)
+ def test_list_keys_pub(self):
+ values = list(crypto.list_keys(hint="ambigu"))[0]
+ self.assertEqual(values.uids[0].email, u'')
+ self.assertFalse(values.secret)
+ def test_list_keys_private(self):
+ values = list(crypto.list_keys(hint="ambigu", private=True))[0]
+ self.assertEqual(values.uids[0].email, u'')
+ self.assertTrue(values.secret)
+class TestGetKey(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_plain(self):
+ # Test the uid of the only identity attached to the key we generated.
+ with gpg.core.Context() as ctx:
+ expected = ctx.get_key(FPR).uids[0].uid
+ actual = crypto.get_key(FPR).uids[0].uid
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+ def test_validate(self):
+ # Since we already test validation we're only going to test validate
+ # once.
+ with gpg.core.Context() as ctx:
+ expected = ctx.get_key(FPR).uids[0].uid
+ actual = crypto.get_key(
+ FPR, validate=True, encrypt=True, sign=True).uids[0].uid
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+ def test_missing_key(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(GPGProblem) as caught:
+ crypto.get_key('')
+ self.assertEqual(caught.exception.code, GPGCode.NOT_FOUND)
+ def test_invalid_key(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(GPGProblem) as caught:
+ crypto.get_key('z')
+ self.assertEqual(caught.exception.code, GPGCode.NOT_FOUND)
+ @mock.patch('alot.crypto.check_uid_validity', mock.Mock(return_value=True))
+ def test_signed_only_true(self):
+ try:
+ crypto.get_key(FPR, signed_only=True)
+ except GPGProblem as e:
+ raise AssertionError(e)
+ @mock.patch(
+ 'alot.crypto.check_uid_validity', mock.Mock(return_value=False))
+ def test_signed_only_false(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(GPGProblem) as e:
+ crypto.get_key(FPR, signed_only=True)
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.code, GPGCode.NOT_FOUND)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _context_mock():
+ class CustomError(gpg.errors.GPGMEError):
+ """A custom GPGMEError class that always has an errors code of
+ """
+ def getcode(self):
+ return gpg.errors.AMBIGUOUS_NAME
+ context_mock = mock.Mock()
+ context_mock.get_key = mock.Mock(side_effect=CustomError)
+ return context_mock
+ def test_ambiguous_one_valid(self):
+ invalid_key = utilities.make_key(invalid=True)
+ valid_key = utilities.make_key()
+ with mock.patch('alot.crypto.gpg.core.Context',
+ mock.Mock(return_value=self._context_mock())), \
+ mock.patch('alot.crypto.list_keys',
+ mock.Mock(return_value=[valid_key, invalid_key])):
+ key = crypto.get_key('placeholder')
+ self.assertIs(key, valid_key)
+ def test_ambiguous_two_valid(self):
+ with mock.patch('alot.crypto.gpg.core.Context',
+ mock.Mock(return_value=self._context_mock())), \
+ mock.patch('alot.crypto.list_keys',
+ mock.Mock(return_value=[utilities.make_key(),
+ utilities.make_key()])):
+ with self.assertRaises(crypto.GPGProblem) as cm:
+ crypto.get_key('placeholder')
+ self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, GPGCode.AMBIGUOUS_NAME)
+ def test_ambiguous_no_valid(self):
+ with mock.patch('alot.crypto.gpg.core.Context',
+ mock.Mock(return_value=self._context_mock())), \
+ mock.patch('alot.crypto.list_keys',
+ mock.Mock(return_value=[
+ utilities.make_key(invalid=True),
+ utilities.make_key(invalid=True)])):
+ with self.assertRaises(crypto.GPGProblem) as cm:
+ crypto.get_key('placeholder')
+ self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, GPGCode.NOT_FOUND)
+class TestEncrypt(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_encrypt(self):
+ to_encrypt = b"this is a string\nof data."
+ encrypted = crypto.encrypt(to_encrypt, keys=[crypto.get_key(FPR)])
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f:
+ f.write(encrypted)
+ enc_file =
+ self.addCleanup(os.unlink, enc_file)
+ dec = subprocess.check_output(
+ ['gpg2', '--decrypt', enc_file], stderr=DEVNULL)
+ self.assertEqual(to_encrypt, dec)
+class TestDecrypt(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_decrypt(self):
+ to_encrypt = b"this is a string\nof data."
+ encrypted = crypto.encrypt(to_encrypt, keys=[crypto.get_key(FPR)])
+ _, dec = crypto.decrypt_verify(encrypted)
+ self.assertEqual(to_encrypt, dec)
+ # TODO: test for "combined" method