path: root/docs/source
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authorPatrick Totzke <>2012-07-12 22:15:47 +0100
committerPatrick Totzke <>2012-07-12 22:15:47 +0100
commit08ba54db2f825de3e6eb9f5693f57dd1332c1f23 (patch)
treeb203d8fe69a5964cdafc6c7570ccdb467ec6bc16 /docs/source
parent382d5fcb9bed5aec164538a15e320314289b90f6 (diff)
docstrings for new settings methods
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/source')
6 files changed, 675 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/source/configuration/accounts_table b/docs/source/configuration/accounts_table
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aea1956c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/configuration/accounts_table
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ from the inline comments of specfile defaults/alot.rc.spec.
+ If you want to change its content make your changes
+ to that spec to ensure they woun't be overwritten later.
+.. _address:
+.. describe:: address
+ your main email address
+ :type: string
+.. _realname:
+.. describe:: realname
+ used to format the (proposed) From-header in outgoing mails
+ :type: string
+.. _aliases:
+.. describe:: aliases
+ used to clear your addresses/ match account when formatting replies
+ :type: string list
+ :default: ,
+.. _sendmail-command:
+.. describe:: sendmail_command
+ sendmail command. This is the shell command used to send out mails via the sendmail protocol
+ :type: string
+ :default: "sendmail -t"
+.. _sent-box:
+.. describe:: sent_box
+ where to store outgoing mails, e.g. `maildir:///home/you/mail/Sent`.
+ You can use mbox, maildir, mh, babyl and mmdf in the protocol part of the URL.
+ .. note:: If you want to add outgoing mails automatically to the notmuch index
+ you must use maildir in a path within your notmuch database path.
+ :type: mail_container
+ :default: None
+.. _draft-box:
+.. describe:: draft_box
+ where to store draft mails, e.g. `maildir:///home/you/mail/Drafts`.
+ You can use mbox, maildir, mh, babyl and mmdf in the protocol part of the URL.
+ .. note:: You will most likely want drafts indexed by notmuch to be able to
+ later access them within alot. This currently only works for
+ maildir containers in a path below your notmuch database path.
+ :type: mail_container
+ :default: None
+.. _sent-tags:
+.. describe:: sent_tags
+ list of tags to automatically add to outgoing messages
+ :type: string list
+ :default: sent,
+.. _signature:
+.. describe:: signature
+ path to signature file that gets attached to all outgoing mails from this account, optionally
+ renamed to ref:`signature_filename <signature-filename>`.
+ :type: string
+ :default: None
+.. _signature-as-attachment:
+.. describe:: signature_as_attachment
+ attach signature file if set to True, append its content (mimetype text)
+ to the body text if set to False.
+ :type: boolean
+ :default: False
+.. _signature-filename:
+.. describe:: signature_filename
+ signature file's name as it appears in outgoing mails if
+ :ref:`signature_as_attachment <signature-as-attachment>` is set to True
+ :type: string
+ :default: None
+.. _sign-by-default:
+.. describe:: sign_by_default
+ Outgoing messages will be GPG signed by default if this is set to True.
+ :type: boolean
+ :default: False
+.. _gpg-key:
+.. describe:: gpg_key
+ The GPG key ID you want to use with this account. If unset, alot will
+ use your default key.
+ :type: string
+ :default: None
diff --git a/docs/source/configuration/alotrc_table b/docs/source/configuration/alotrc_table
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b4e2092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/configuration/alotrc_table
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+ from the inline comments of specfile defaults/alot.rc.spec.
+ If you want to change its content make your changes
+ to that spec to ensure they woun't be overwritten later.
+.. _ask-subject:
+.. describe:: ask_subject
+ :type: boolean
+ :default: True
+.. _attachment-prefix:
+.. describe:: attachment_prefix
+ directory prefix for downloading attachments
+ :type: string
+ :default: "~"
+.. _authors-maxlength:
+.. describe:: authors_maxlength
+ maximal length of authors string in search mode before it gets truncated
+ :type: integer
+ :default: 30
+.. _bufferclose-focus-offset:
+.. describe:: bufferclose_focus_offset
+ offset of next focused buffer if the current one gets closed
+ :type: integer
+ :default: -1
+.. _bufferlist-statusbar:
+.. describe:: bufferlist_statusbar
+ Format of the status-bar in bufferlist mode.
+ This is a pair of strings to be left and right aligned in the status-bar that may contain variables:
+ * `{buffer_no}`: index of this buffer in the global buffer list
+ * `{total_messages}`: total numer of messages indexed by notmuch
+ * `{pending_writes}`: number of pending write operations to the index
+ :type: mixed_list
+ :default: [{buffer_no}: bufferlist], total messages: {total_messages}
+.. _bug-on-exit:
+.. describe:: bug_on_exit
+ confirm exit
+ :type: boolean
+ :default: False
+.. _colourmode:
+.. describe:: colourmode
+ number of colours to use
+ :type: option, one of ['1', '16', '256']
+ :default: 256
+.. _complete-matching-abook-only:
+.. describe:: complete_matching_abook_only
+ in case more than one account has an address book:
+ Set this to True to make tab completion for recipients during compose only
+ look in the abook of the account matching the sender address
+ :type: boolean
+ :default: False
+.. _display-content-in-threadline:
+.. describe:: display_content_in_threadline
+ fill threadline with message content
+ :type: boolean
+ :default: False
+.. _displayed-headers:
+.. describe:: displayed_headers
+ headers that get displayed by default
+ :type: string list
+ :default: From, To, Cc, Bcc, Subject
+.. _edit-headers-blacklist:
+.. describe:: edit_headers_blacklist
+ see :ref:`edit_headers_whitelist <edit-headers-whitelist>`
+ :type: string list
+ :default: Content-Type, MIME-Version, References, In-Reply-To
+.. _edit-headers-whitelist:
+.. describe:: edit_headers_whitelist
+ Which header fields should be editable in your editor
+ used are those that match the whitelist and don't match the blacklist.
+ in both cases '*' may be used to indicate all fields.
+ :type: string list
+ :default: \*,
+.. _editor-cmd:
+.. describe:: editor_cmd
+ editor command
+ if unset, alot will first try the :envvar:`EDITOR` env variable, then :file:`/usr/bin/editor`
+ :type: string
+ :default: None
+.. _editor-in-thread:
+.. describe:: editor_in_thread
+ call editor in separate thread.
+ In case your editor doesn't run in the same window as alot, setting true here
+ will make alot non-blocking during edits
+ :type: boolean
+ :default: False
+.. _editor-spawn:
+.. describe:: editor_spawn
+ use terminal_command to spawn a new terminal for the editor?
+ equivalent to always providing the `--spawn=yes` parameter to compose/edit commands
+ :type: boolean
+ :default: False
+.. _editor-writes-encoding:
+.. describe:: editor_writes_encoding
+ file encoding used by your editor
+ :type: string
+ :default: "UTF-8"
+.. _envelope-headers-blacklist:
+.. describe:: envelope_headers_blacklist
+ headers that are hidden in envelope buffers by default
+ :type: string list
+ :default: In-Reply-To, References
+.. _envelope-statusbar:
+.. describe:: envelope_statusbar
+ Format of the status-bar in envelope mode.
+ This is a pair of strings to be left and right aligned in the status-bar.
+ Apart from the global variables listed at :ref:`bufferlist_statusbar <bufferlist-statusbar>`
+ these strings may contain variables:
+ * `{to}`: To-header of the envelope
+ :type: mixed_list
+ :default: [{buffer_no}: envelope], total messages: {total_messages}
+.. _flush-retry-timeout:
+.. describe:: flush_retry_timeout
+ timeout in seconds after a failed attempt to writeout the database is repeated
+ :type: integer
+ :default: 5
+.. _forward-subject-prefix:
+.. describe:: forward_subject_prefix
+ String prepended to subject header on forward
+ only if original subject doesn't start with 'Fwd:' or this prefix
+ :type: string
+ :default: "Fwd: "
+.. _hooksfile:
+.. describe:: hooksfile
+ where to look up hooks
+ :type: string
+ :default: "~/.config/alot/"
+.. _initial-command:
+.. describe:: initial_command
+ initial command when none is given as argument:
+ :type: string
+ :default: "search tag:inbox AND NOT tag:killed"
+.. _notify-timeout:
+.. describe:: notify_timeout
+ time in secs to display status messages
+ :type: integer
+ :default: 2
+.. _print-cmd:
+.. describe:: print_cmd
+ how to print messages:
+ this specifies a shell command used for printing.
+ threads/messages are piped to this command as plain text.
+ muttprint/a2ps works nicely
+ :type: string
+ :default: None
+.. _prompt-suffix:
+.. describe:: prompt_suffix
+ Suffix of the prompt used when waiting for user input
+ :type: string
+ :default: ":"
+.. _quit-on-last-bclose:
+.. describe:: quit_on_last_bclose
+ shut down when the last buffer gets closed
+ :type: boolean
+ :default: False
+.. _quote-prefix:
+.. describe:: quote_prefix
+ String prepended to line when quoting
+ :type: string
+ :default: "> "
+.. _reply-subject-prefix:
+.. describe:: reply_subject_prefix
+ String prepended to subject header on reply
+ only if original subject doesn't start with 'Re:' or this prefix
+ :type: string
+ :default: "Re: "
+.. _search-statusbar:
+.. describe:: search_statusbar
+ Format of the status-bar in search mode.
+ This is a pair of strings to be left and right aligned in the status-bar.
+ Apart from the global variables listed at :ref:`bufferlist_statusbar <bufferlist-statusbar>`
+ these strings may contain variables:
+ * `{querystring}`: search string
+ * `{result_count}`: number of matching messages
+ * `{result_count_positive}`: 's' if result count is greater than 0.
+ :type: mixed_list
+ :default: [{buffer_no}: search] for "{querystring}", {result_count} of {total_messages} messages
+.. _search-threads-sort-order:
+.. describe:: search_threads_sort_order
+ default sort order of results in a search
+ :type: option, one of ['oldest_first', 'newest_first', 'message_id', 'unsorted']
+ :default: newest_first
+.. _show-statusbar:
+.. describe:: show_statusbar
+ display status-bar at the bottom of the screen?
+ :type: boolean
+ :default: True
+.. _tabwidth:
+.. describe:: tabwidth
+ number of spaces used to replace tab characters
+ :type: integer
+ :default: 8
+.. _taglist-statusbar:
+.. describe:: taglist_statusbar
+ Format of the status-bar in taglist mode.
+ This is a pair of strings to be left and right aligned in the status-bar.
+ These strings may contain variables listed at :ref:`bufferlist_statusbar <bufferlist-statusbar>`
+ that will be substituted accordingly.
+ :type: mixed_list
+ :default: [{buffer_no}: taglist], total messages: {total_messages}
+.. _template-dir:
+.. describe:: template_dir
+ templates directory that contains your message templates.
+ It will be used if you give `compose --template` a filename without a path prefix.
+ :type: string
+ :default: "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/alot/templates"
+.. _terminal-cmd:
+.. describe:: terminal_cmd
+ set terminal command used for spawning shell commands
+ :type: string
+ :default: "x-terminal-emulator -e"
+.. _theme:
+.. describe:: theme
+ name of the theme to use
+ :type: string
+ :default: None
+.. _themes-dir:
+.. describe:: themes_dir
+ directory containing theme files
+ :type: string
+ :default: None
+.. _thread-authors-me:
+.. describe:: thread_authors_me
+ Word to replace own addresses with. Works in combination with
+ :ref:`thread_authors_replace_me <thread-authors-replace-me>`
+ :type: string
+ :default: "Me"
+.. _thread-authors-replace-me:
+.. describe:: thread_authors_replace_me
+ Replace own email addresses with "me" in author lists
+ Uses own addresses and aliases in all configured accounts.
+ :type: boolean
+ :default: True
+.. _thread-statusbar:
+.. describe:: thread_statusbar
+ Format of the status-bar in thread mode.
+ This is a pair of strings to be left and right aligned in the status-bar.
+ Apart from the global variables listed at :ref:`bufferlist_statusbar <bufferlist-statusbar>`
+ these strings may contain variables:
+ * `{tid}`: thread id
+ * `{subject}`: subject line of the thread
+ * `{authors}`: abbreviated authors string for this thread
+ * `{message_count}`: number of contained messages
+ :type: mixed_list
+ :default: [{buffer_no}: thread] {subject}, total messages: {total_messages}
+.. _timestamp-format:
+.. describe:: timestamp_format
+ timestamp format in `strftime format syntax <>`_
+ :type: string
+ :default: None
+.. _user-agent:
+.. describe:: user_agent
+ value of the User-Agent header used for outgoing mails.
+ setting this to the empty string will cause alot to omit the header all together.
+ The string '{version}' will be replaced by the version string of the running instance.
+ :type: string
+ :default: "alot/{version}"
diff --git a/docs/source/description b/docs/source/description
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index 00000000..9dea9693
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+++ b/docs/source/description
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Alot is a terminal-based mail user agent for the notmuch mail system.
+It features a modular and command prompt driven interface
+to provide a full MUA experience as an alternative to the Emacs mode shipped
+with notmuch.
diff --git a/docs/source/usage/commands b/docs/source/usage/commands
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec0be2eb
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+++ b/docs/source/usage/commands
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+.. _commands:
+ globally available commands
+ shows a result list of threads for a query
+ displays a thread as a tree of messages
+ message composition mode
+ lists all active buffers
+ lists all tagstrings present in the notmuch database
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ :hidden:
+ modes/global
+ modes/search
+ modes/thread
+ modes/envelope
+ modes/bufferlist
+ modes/taglist
diff --git a/docs/source/usage/first_steps b/docs/source/usage/first_steps
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e99c44ce
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+The arrow keys, `page-up/down`, `j`, `k` and `Space` can be used to move the focus.
+`Escape` cancels prompts and `Enter` selects. Hit `:` at any time and type in commands
+to the prompt.
+The interface shows one buffer at a time, you can use `tab` and `Shift-Tab` to switch
+between them, close the current buffer with `d` and list them all with `;`.
+The buffer type or *mode* (displayed at the bottom left) determines which prompt commands
+are available. Usage information on any command can be listed by typing `help YOURCOMMAND`
+to the prompt; The key bindings for the current mode are listed upon pressing `?`.
diff --git a/docs/source/usage/synopsis b/docs/source/usage/synopsis
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5bfb8e88
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+.. code-block:: none
+ alot [-r] [-c CONFIGFILE] [-n NOTMUCHCONFIGFILE] [-C {1,16,256}] [-p DB_PATH]
+ [-d {debug,info,warning,error}] [-l LOGFILE] [--version] [--help]
+ [command]
+ -r, --read-only open db in read only mode
+ -c, --config=FILENAME config file (default: ~/.config/alot/config)
+ -n, --notmuch-config=FILENAME notmuch config (default: $NOTMUCH_CONFIG or ~/.notmuch-config)
+ -C, --colour-mode=COLOUR terminal colour mode (default: 256). Must be 1, 16 or 256
+ -p, --mailindex-path=PATH path to notmuch index
+ -d, --debug-level=LEVEL debug log (default: info). Must be one of debug,info,warning or error
+ -l, --logfile=FILENAME logfile (default: /dev/null)
+ --version Display version string and exit
+ --help Display help and exit
+ search
+ start in a search buffer using the querystring provided as
+ parameter. See the SEARCH SYNTAX section of notmuch(1).
+ compose
+ compose a new message