Cactus Code Thorn zlib
Author(s)    : Erik Schnetter
Maintainer(s): Cactus team
Licence      : ?

1. Purpose

Distribute the zlib library; see <http://www.zlib.net/>

From the web site:

A Massively Spiffy Yet Delicately Unobtrusive Compression Library
(Also Free, Not to Mention Unencumbered by Patents)

zlib is designed to be a free, general-purpose, legally unencumbered
-- that is, not covered by any patents -- lossless data-compression
library for use on virtually any computer hardware and operating
system. The zlib data format is itself portable across platforms.
Unlike the LZW compression method used in Unix compress(1) and in the
GIF image format, the compression method currently used in zlib
essentially never expands the data. (LZW can double or triple the file
size in extreme cases.) zlib's memory footprint is also independent of
the input data and can be reduced, if necessary, at some cost in
compression. A more precise, technical discussion of both points is
available on another page.