path: root/src
diff options
authorschnetter <schnetter@b716e942-a2de-43ad-8f52-f3dfe468e4e7>2002-07-15 17:15:29 +0000
committerschnetter <schnetter@b716e942-a2de-43ad-8f52-f3dfe468e4e7>2002-07-15 17:15:29 +0000
commit42a98ca518377949e8cfc902343a4b2d97a25564 (patch)
tree362e565c054f600cb11a4497593fd2e03d6fd328 /src
parentae7e90702b85ebba7ab33b40c161815cec69ed5a (diff)
Added thorn TGRtensor. This is a utility thorn from the TGR code. It
contains generic tensor operations, some useful constants, code for numeric derivatives, interfaces to Lapack and BLAS, and interfaces for Cactus routines. git-svn-id: http://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/cactus/EinsteinUtils/TGRtensor/trunk@2 b716e942-a2de-43ad-8f52-f3dfe468e4e7
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
20 files changed, 2074 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cactus.F90 b/src/cactus.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d0c278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cactus.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+! $Header$
+#include "cctk.h"
+module cactus
+ implicit none
+ public
+ interface
+ ! from Cactus:
+ subroutine cctk_barrier (ierr, cctkgh)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ end subroutine cctk_barrier
+ subroutine cctk_coordrange (ierr, cctkgh, lower, upper, dir, name, &
+ & systemname)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ CCTK_REAL lower
+ CCTK_REAL upper
+ integer dir
+ character*(*) name
+ character*(*) systemname
+ end subroutine cctk_coordrange
+ subroutine cctk_coordsystemhandle (handle, coordsystem)
+ implicit none
+ integer handle
+ character*(*) coordsystem
+ end subroutine cctk_coordsystemhandle
+ function cctk_equals (arg1, arg2)
+ implicit none
+ integer cctk_equals
+ character*(*) arg2
+ end function cctk_equals
+ subroutine cctk_fortranstring (clength, cstring, fortstring)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_INT clength ! intent(out)
+ CCTK_POINTER cstring
+ character*(*) fortstring
+ end subroutine cctk_fortranstring
+ subroutine cctk_groupbboxgn (ierr, cctkgh, nbbox, bbox, groupname)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer nbbox
+ integer bbox(nbbox)
+ character*(*) groupname
+ end subroutine cctk_groupbboxgn
+ subroutine cctk_groupgshgn (ierr, cctkgh, ngsh, gsh, groupname)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer ngsh
+ integer gsh(ngsh)
+ character*(*) groupname
+ end subroutine cctk_groupgshgn
+ subroutine cctk_grouplbndgn (ierr, cctkgh, nlbnd, lbnd, groupname)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer nlbnd
+ integer lbnd(nlbnd)
+ character*(*) groupname
+ end subroutine cctk_grouplbndgn
+ subroutine cctk_grouplshgn (ierr, cctkgh, nlsh, lsh, groupname)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer nlsh
+ integer lsh(nlsh)
+ character*(*) groupname
+ end subroutine cctk_grouplshgn
+ subroutine cctk_groupnghostzonesgn &
+ (ierr, cctkgh, nnghostzones, nghostzones, groupname)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer nnghostzones
+ integer nghostzones(nnghostzones)
+ character*(*) groupname
+ end subroutine cctk_groupnghostzonesgn
+ subroutine cctk_groupubndgn (ierr, cctkgh, nubnd, ubnd, groupname)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer nubnd
+ integer ubnd(nubnd)
+ character*(*) groupname
+ end subroutine cctk_groupubndgn
+ subroutine cctk_info (thorn, message)
+ implicit none
+ character*(*) thorn
+ character*(*) message
+ end subroutine cctk_info
+ subroutine cctk_interphandle (handle, interp)
+ implicit none
+ integer handle
+ character*(*) interp
+ end subroutine cctk_interphandle
+ function cctk_isthornactive (name)
+ implicit none
+ integer cctk_isthornactive
+ character*(*) name
+ end function cctk_isthornactive
+ function cctk_myproc (cctkgh)
+ implicit none
+ integer cctk_myproc
+ end function cctk_myproc
+ function cctk_nprocs (cctkgh)
+ implicit none
+ integer cctk_nprocs
+ end function cctk_nprocs
+ subroutine cctk_paramwarn (thorn, message)
+ implicit none
+ character*(*) thorn
+ character*(*) message
+ end subroutine cctk_paramwarn
+ subroutine cctk_reductionarrayhandle (handle, reduction)
+ implicit none
+ integer handle
+ character*(*) reduction
+ end subroutine cctk_reductionarrayhandle
+ subroutine cctk_registerbanner (ierr, banner)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ character*(*) banner
+ end subroutine cctk_registerbanner
+ subroutine cctk_syncgroup (ierr, cctkgh, groupname)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ character*(*) groupname
+ end subroutine cctk_syncgroup
+ subroutine cctk_syncgroupi (ierr, cctkgh, group)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer group
+ end subroutine cctk_syncgroupi
+ subroutine cctk_syncgroupwithvar (ierr, cctkgh, varname)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ character*(*) varname
+ end subroutine cctk_syncgroupwithvar
+ subroutine cctk_syncgroupwithvari (ierr, cctkgh, var)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer var
+ end subroutine cctk_syncgroupwithvari
+ subroutine cctk_varindex (vi, vname)
+ implicit none
+ integer vi
+ character*(*) vname
+ end subroutine cctk_varindex
+ subroutine cctk_vartypei (vartype, varindex)
+ implicit none
+ integer vartype
+ integer varindex
+ end subroutine cctk_vartypei
+ subroutine cctk_warn (level, line, file, thorn, message)
+ implicit none
+ integer level
+ integer line
+ character*(*) file
+ character*(*) thorn
+ character*(*) message
+ end subroutine cctk_warn
+ ! from thorn CactusBase/Boundary:
+ subroutine bndcopygn (ierr, cctkgh, sw, togroupname, fromgroupname)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer sw(3)
+ character*(*) togroupname
+ character*(*) fromgroupname
+ end subroutine bndcopygn
+ subroutine bndflatgn (ierr, cctkgh, sw, groupname)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer sw(3)
+ character*(*) groupname
+ end subroutine bndflatgn
+ subroutine bndradiativegn (ierr, cctkgh, sw, var0, v0, &
+ & togroupname, fromgroupname)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer sw(3)
+ CCTK_REAL var0
+ character*(*) togroupname
+ character*(*) fromgroupname
+ end subroutine bndradiativegn
+ subroutine bndradiativevn (ierr, cctkgh, sw, var0, v0, &
+ & tovarname, fromvarname)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer sw(3)
+ CCTK_REAL var0
+ character*(*) tovarname
+ character*(*) fromvarname
+ end subroutine bndradiativevn
+ subroutine bndrobinvn (ierr, cctkgh, sw, finf, npow, varname)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer sw(3)
+ CCTK_REAL finf
+ integer npow
+ character*(*) varname
+ end subroutine bndrobinvn
+ subroutine bndscalargn (ierr, cctkgh, sw, var0, groupname)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer sw(3)
+ CCTK_REAL var0
+ character*(*) groupname
+ end subroutine bndscalargn
+ subroutine bndscalarvn (ierr, cctkgh, sw, var0, varname)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer sw(3)
+ CCTK_REAL var0
+ character*(*) varname
+ end subroutine bndscalarvn
+ ! from thorn CactusBase/CartGrid3D:
+ subroutine cartsymgn (ierr, cctkgh, groupname)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ character*(*) groupname
+ end subroutine cartsymgn
+ subroutine setcartsymvn (ierr, cctkgh, sw, varname)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer sw(3)
+ character*(*) varname
+ end subroutine setcartsymvn
+ ! from thorn AlphaThorns/Cart3D:
+ subroutine cart3dsymvi (ierr, cctkgh, vi)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer vi
+ end subroutine cart3dsymvi
+ subroutine cart3dsymvn (ierr, cctkgh, vn)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ character*(*) vn
+ end subroutine cart3dsymvn
+ subroutine cart3dsymgi (ierr, cctkgh, gi)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer gi
+ end subroutine cart3dsymgi
+ subroutine cart3dsymgn (ierr, cctkgh, gn)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ character*(*) gn
+ end subroutine cart3dsymgn
+ subroutine cart3dsettensortypevi (ierr, cctkgh, nvars, vi, typename)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer nvars
+ integer vi(nvars)
+ character*(*) typename
+ end subroutine cart3dsettensortypevi
+ subroutine cart3dsettensortypevn (ierr, cctkgh, vn, typename)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ character*(*) vn
+ character*(*) typename
+ end subroutine cart3dsettensortypevn
+ subroutine cart3dgetsymmetriesvi (ierr, cctkgh, sym, vi)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer sym(6)
+ integer vi
+ end subroutine cart3dgetsymmetriesvi
+ subroutine cart3dgetsymmetriesvn (ierr, cctkgh, sym, vn)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer sym(6)
+ character*(*) vn
+ end subroutine cart3dgetsymmetriesvn
+ subroutine cart3dgetsymmetryboundaries (ierr, cctkgh, symbnd)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer symbnd(6)
+ end subroutine cart3dgetsymmetryboundaries
+ subroutine cart3dgetsymmetric (ierr, cctkgh, symmetric)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer symmetric(6)
+ end subroutine cart3dgetsymmetric
+ subroutine cart3dgetstaggered (ierr, cctkgh, staggered)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer staggered(6)
+ end subroutine cart3dgetstaggered
+ subroutine cart3dgetperiodic (ierr, cctkgh, periodic)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer periodic(6)
+ end subroutine cart3dgetperiodic
+end interface
+end module cactus
diff --git a/src/constants.F90 b/src/constants.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9b948d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/constants.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+! $Header$
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+module constants
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public delta2, delta3, delta4
+ public eta4
+ public epsilon2, epsilon3
+ public pi
+ CCTK_REAL, parameter :: zero = 0
+ integer, parameter :: rk = kind(zero)
+ CCTK_REAL, parameter :: delta2(2,2) &
+ = reshape((/ 1,0, 0,1 /), (/2,2/))
+ CCTK_REAL, parameter :: delta3(3,3) &
+ = reshape((/ 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1 /), (/3,3/))
+ CCTK_REAL, parameter :: delta4(0:3,0:3) &
+ = reshape((/ 1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1 /), (/4,4/))
+ CCTK_REAL, parameter :: eta4(0:3,0:3) &
+ = reshape((/ -1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1 /), (/4,4/))
+ CCTK_REAL, parameter :: epsilon2(2,2) &
+ = reshape ((/ 0,+1, -1,0 /), (/2,2/))
+ CCTK_REAL, parameter :: epsilon3(3,3,3) &
+ = reshape ((/ 0,0,0, 0,0,+1, 0,-1,0, &
+ & 0,0,-1, 0,0,0, +1,0,0, &
+ & 0,+1,0, -1,0,0, 0,0,0 /), (/3,3,3/))
+ CCTK_REAL, parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117068_rk
+end module constants
diff --git a/src/conversion.F90 b/src/conversion.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6e30e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/conversion.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+! $Header$
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+module conversion
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public make_cylindrical2cartesian
+ public make_spherical2cartesian
+ public make_cartesian2spherical
+ subroutine make_cylindrical2cartesian (xx, tt)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: xx(3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: tt(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, parameter :: eps = 1.0d-20
+ CCTK_REAL :: x,y,z
+ CCTK_REAL :: rho
+ ! cylindrical coordinates: rho phi z
+ ! Cartesian coordinates: x y z
+ ! rho^2 = x^2 + y^2
+ ! tan(phi) = y/x
+ ! A[cart](p)_i = TT(p)_i^j A[cyl](p)_j
+ ! where p = p[cart]
+ ! Transformation:
+ ! x = rho cos(phi)
+ ! y = rho sin(phi)
+ ! z = z
+ ! rho = sqrt(x^2+y^2)
+ ! phi = atan(y/x)
+ ! z = z
+ ! Jacobian:
+ ! drho/dx = x/rho
+ ! drho/dy = y/rho
+ ! drho/dz = 0
+ ! dphi/dx = -y/rho^2
+ ! dphi/dy = x/rho^2
+ ! dphi/dz = 0
+ ! dz /dx = 0
+ ! dz /dy = 0
+ ! dz /dz = 1
+ x = xx(1)
+ y = xx(2)
+ z = xx(3)
+ rho = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
+ tt(1,1) = x/(rho+eps)
+ tt(2,1) = y/(rho+eps)
+ tt(3,1) = 0
+ tt(1,2) = -y/(rho**2+eps)
+ tt(2,2) = x/(rho**2+eps)
+ tt(3,2) = 0
+ tt(1,3) = 0
+ tt(2,3) = 0
+ tt(3,3) = 1
+ end subroutine make_cylindrical2cartesian
+ subroutine make_spherical2cartesian (xx, tt)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: xx(3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: tt(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, parameter :: eps = 1.0d-20
+ CCTK_REAL :: x,y,z
+ CCTK_REAL :: rho,r
+ ! Cartesian coordinates: x y z
+ ! spherical coordinates: r theta phi
+ ! r^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2
+ ! cos(theta) = z/r
+ ! tan(phi) = y/x
+ ! A[cart](p)_i = TT(p)_i^j A[spher](p)_j
+ ! where p = p[cart]
+ ! Definition:
+ ! rho = r sin(theta)
+ ! z/rho = cos(theta) / sin(theta)
+ ! Transformation:
+ ! x = r sin(theta) cos(phi)
+ ! y = r sin(theta) sin(phi)
+ ! z = r cos(theta)
+ ! r = sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)
+ ! theta = acos(z/r)
+ ! phi = atan(y/x)
+ ! Jacobian:
+ ! dr /dx = x/r
+ ! dr /dy = y/r
+ ! dr /dz = z/r
+ ! dtheta/dx = xz/r^2rho ! 0
+ ! dtheta/dy = yz/r^2rho ! 0
+ ! dtheta/dz = -rho/r^2 ! 1/rho
+ ! dphi /dx = -y/rho^2
+ ! dphi /dy = x/rho^2
+ ! dphi /dz = 0
+ x = xx(1)
+ y = xx(2)
+ z = xx(3)
+ rho = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
+ r = sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)
+ tt(1,1) = x/(r+eps)
+ tt(2,1) = y/(r+eps)
+ tt(3,1) = z/(r+eps)
+ tt(1,2) = x*z/(r**2*rho+eps)
+ tt(2,2) = y*z/(r**2*rho+eps)
+ tt(3,2) = -rho**2/(r**2*rho+eps)
+ tt(1,3) = -y/(rho**2+eps)
+ tt(2,3) = x/(rho**2+eps)
+ tt(3,3) = 0
+ end subroutine make_spherical2cartesian
+ subroutine make_cartesian2spherical (xx, tt)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: xx(3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: tt(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, parameter :: eps = 1.0d-20
+ CCTK_REAL :: x,y,z
+ CCTK_REAL :: rho,r
+ ! Cartesian coordinates: x y z
+ ! spherical coordinates: r theta phi
+ ! r^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2
+ ! cos(theta) = z/r
+ ! tan(phi) = y/x
+ ! A[spher](p)_i = TT(p)_i^j A[cart](p)_j
+ ! where p = p[cart]
+ ! Definition:
+ ! rho = r sin(theta)
+ ! z/rho = cos(theta) / sin(theta)
+ ! Transformation:
+ ! x = r sin(theta) cos(phi)
+ ! y = r sin(theta) sin(phi)
+ ! z = r cos(theta)
+ ! r = sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)
+ ! theta = acos(z/r)
+ ! phi = atan(y/x)
+ ! Jacobian:
+ ! dx/dr = sin(theta) cos(phi) = x/r
+ ! dx/dtheta = r cos(theta) cos(phi) = x z/rho
+ ! dx/dphi = - r sin(theta) sin(phi) = -y
+ ! dy/dr = sin(theta) sin(phi) = y/r
+ ! dy/dtheta = r cos(theta) sin(phi) = y z/rho
+ ! dy/dphi = r sin(theta) cos(phi) = x
+ ! dz/dr = cos(theta) = z/r
+ ! dz/dtheta = - r sin(theta) = -rho
+ ! dz/dphi = 0 = 0
+ x = xx(1)
+ y = xx(2)
+ z = xx(3)
+ rho = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
+ r = sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)
+ tt(1,1) = x/(r+eps)
+ tt(2,1) = x * z/(rho+eps)
+ tt(3,1) = -y
+ tt(1,2) = y/(r+eps)
+ tt(2,2) = y * z/(rho+eps)
+ tt(3,2) = x
+ tt(1,3) = z/(r+eps)
+ tt(2,3) = -rho
+ tt(3,3) = 0
+ end subroutine make_cartesian2spherical
+end module conversion
diff --git a/src/covderivs.F90 b/src/covderivs.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50e3624
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/covderivs.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+! $Header$
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+module covderivs
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public calc_scalargrad
+ public calc_covectorgrad
+ public calc_vectorgrad
+ public calc_tensorgrad
+ public calc_scalargradgrad
+ public calc_covectorgradgrad
+ public calc_longitudinal
+ public calc_gradlongitudinal
+ subroutine calc_scalargrad (f, df, gamma, gf)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: df(3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gamma(3,3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: gf(3)
+ integer :: i
+ ! f;i = f,i
+ do i=1,3
+ gf(i) = df(i)
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_scalargrad
+ subroutine calc_covectorgrad (f, df, gamma, gf)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f(3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: df(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gamma(3,3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: gf(3,3)
+ integer :: i,j,k
+ ! f_i;j = f_i,j - Gamma^k_ij f_k
+ do i=1,3
+ do j=1,3
+ gf(i,j) = df(i,j)
+ do k=1,3
+ gf(i,j) = gf(i,j) - gamma(k,i,j) * f(k)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_covectorgrad
+ subroutine calc_vectorgrad (f, df, gamma, gf)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f(3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: df(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gamma(3,3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: gf(3,3)
+ integer :: i,j,k
+ ! f^i;j = f^i,j + Gamma^i_kj f^k
+ do i=1,3
+ do j=1,3
+ gf(i,j) = df(i,j)
+ do k=1,3
+ gf(i,j) = gf(i,j) + gamma(i,k,j) * f(k)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_vectorgrad
+ subroutine calc_tensorgrad (f, df, gamma, gf)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: df(3,3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gamma(3,3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: gf(3,3,3)
+ integer :: i,j,k,l
+ ! f_ij;k = f_ij,k - Gamma^l_ik f_lj - Gamma^l_jk f_il
+ do i=1,3
+ do j=1,3
+ do k=1,3
+ gf(i,j,k) = df(i,j,k)
+ do l=1,3
+ gf(i,j,k) = gf(i,j,k) - gamma(l,i,k) * f(l,j) &
+ & - gamma(l,j,k) * f(i,l)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_tensorgrad
+ subroutine calc_scalargradgrad (f, df, ddf, gamma, ggf)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: df(3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: ddf(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gamma(3,3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: ggf(3,3)
+ integer :: i,j,k
+ ! f;ij = f,ij - Gamma^k_ij f,k
+ do i=1,3
+ do j=1,3
+ ggf(i,j) = ddf(i,j)
+ do k=1,3
+ ggf(i,j) = ggf(i,j) - gamma(k,i,j) * df(k)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_scalargradgrad
+ subroutine calc_covectorgradgrad (f, df, ddf, gamma, dgamma, ggf)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f(3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: df(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: ddf(3,3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gamma(3,3,3), dgamma(3,3,3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: ggf(3,3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL :: gf(3,3)
+ integer :: i,j,k,l
+ ! f_i;j = f_i,j - Gamma^l_ij f_l
+ ! f_i;jk = f_i,jk - Gamma^l_ij,k f_l - Gamma^l_ij f_l,k
+ ! - Gamma^l_ik f_l;j - Gamma^l_jk f_i;l
+ call calc_covectorgrad (f, df, gamma, gf)
+ do i=1,3
+ do j=1,3
+ do k=1,3
+ ggf(i,j,k) = ddf(i,j,k)
+ do l=1,3
+ ggf(i,j,k) = ggf(i,j,k) &
+ - dgamma(l,i,j,k) * f(l) - gamma(l,i,j) * df(l,k) &
+ - gamma(l,i,k) * gf(l,j) - gamma(l,j,k) * gf(i,l)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_covectorgradgrad
+ subroutine calc_vectorgradgrad (f, df, ddf, gamma, dgamma, ggf)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f(3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: df(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: ddf(3,3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gamma(3,3,3), dgamma(3,3,3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: ggf(3,3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL :: gf(3,3)
+ integer :: i,j,k,l
+ ! f^i;j = f^i,j + Gamma^i_lj f^l
+ ! f^i;jk = f^i,jk + Gamma^i_lj,k f^l + Gamma^i_lj f^l,k
+ ! - Gamma^i_lk f^l;j - Gamma^l_jk f^i;l
+ call calc_vectorgrad (f, df, gamma, gf)
+ do i=1,3
+ do j=1,3
+ do k=1,3
+ ggf(i,j,k) = ddf(i,j,k)
+ do l=1,3
+ ggf(i,j,k) = ggf(i,j,k) &
+ + dgamma(i,l,j,k) * f(l) + gamma(i,l,j) * df(l,k) &
+ - gamma(i,l,k) * gf(l,j) - gamma(l,j,k) * gf(i,l)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_vectorgradgrad
+ subroutine calc_longitudinal (gf, gg, gu, lf)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gf(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gg(3,3), gu(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: lf(3,3)
+ integer :: i,j,k,l
+ ! (Lf)_ij = D_i f_j + D_j f_i - 2/3 g_ij D^l f_l
+ do i=1,3
+ do j=1,3
+ lf(i,j) = gf(i,j) + gf(j,i)
+ do k=1,3
+ do l=1,3
+ lf(i,j) = lf(i,j) - (2.d0/3.d0) * gg(i,j) * gu(k,l) * gf(k,l)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_longitudinal
+ subroutine calc_gradlongitudinal (ggf, gg, gu, glf)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: ggf(3,3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gg(3,3), gu(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: glf(3,3,3)
+ integer :: i,j,k,l,m
+ ! D_k (Lf)_ij = D_k (D_i f_j + D_j f_i - 2/3 g_ij D^l f_l)
+ do i=1,3
+ do j=1,3
+ do k=1,3
+ glf(i,j,k) = ggf(j,i,k) + ggf(i,j,k)
+ do l=1,3
+ do m=1,3
+ glf(i,j,k) = glf(i,j,k) &
+ - (2.d0/3.d0) * gg(i,j) * gu(l,m) * ggf(l,m,k)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_gradlongitudinal
+end module covderivs
diff --git a/src/covderivs2.F90 b/src/covderivs2.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15e0143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/covderivs2.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+! $Header$
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+module covderivs2
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public calc_2scalargrad
+ public calc_2covectorgrad
+ public calc_2vectorgrad
+ public calc_2tensorgrad
+ public calc_2scalargradgrad
+ public calc_2covectorgradgrad
+ public calc_2vectorgradgrad
+ public calc_2longitudinal
+ public calc_2gradlongitudinal
+ subroutine calc_2scalargrad (f, df, gamma, gf)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: df(2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gamma(2,2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: gf(2)
+ integer :: i
+ ! f;i = f,i
+ do i=1,2
+ gf(i) = df(i)
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_2scalargrad
+ subroutine calc_2covectorgrad (f, df, gamma, gf)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f(2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: df(2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gamma(2,2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: gf(2,2)
+ integer :: i,j,k
+ ! f_i;j = f_i,j - Gamma^k_ij f_k
+ do i=1,2
+ do j=1,2
+ gf(i,j) = df(i,j)
+ do k=1,2
+ gf(i,j) = gf(i,j) - gamma(k,i,j) * f(k)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_2covectorgrad
+ subroutine calc_2vectorgrad (f, df, gamma, gf)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f(2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: df(2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gamma(2,2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: gf(2,2)
+ integer :: i,j,k
+ ! f^i;j = f^i,j + Gamma^i_kj f^k
+ do i=1,2
+ do j=1,2
+ gf(i,j) = df(i,j)
+ do k=1,2
+ gf(i,j) = gf(i,j) + gamma(i,k,j) * f(k)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_2vectorgrad
+ subroutine calc_2tensorgrad (f, df, gamma, gf)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f(2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: df(2,2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gamma(2,2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: gf(2,2,2)
+ integer :: i,j,k,l
+ ! f_ij;k = f_ij,k - Gamma^l_ik f_lj - Gamma^l_jk f_il
+ do i=1,2
+ do j=1,2
+ do k=1,2
+ gf(i,j,k) = df(i,j,k)
+ do l=1,2
+ gf(i,j,k) = gf(i,j,k) - gamma(l,i,k) * f(l,j) &
+ & - gamma(l,j,k) * f(i,l)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_2tensorgrad
+ subroutine calc_2scalargradgrad (f, df, ddf, gamma, ggf)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: df(2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: ddf(2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gamma(2,2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: ggf(2,2)
+ integer :: i,j,k
+ ! f;ij = f,ij - Gamma^k_ij f,k
+ do i=1,2
+ do j=1,2
+ ggf(i,j) = ddf(i,j)
+ do k=1,2
+ ggf(i,j) = ggf(i,j) - gamma(k,i,j) * df(k)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_2scalargradgrad
+ subroutine calc_2covectorgradgrad (f, df, ddf, gamma, dgamma, ggf)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f(2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: df(2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: ddf(2,2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gamma(2,2,2), dgamma(2,2,2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: ggf(2,2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL :: gf(2,2)
+ integer :: i,j,k,l
+ ! f_i;j = f_i,j - Gamma^l_ij f_l
+ ! f_i;jk = f_i,jk - Gamma^l_ij,k f_l - Gamma^l_ij f_l,k
+ ! - Gamma^l_ik f_l;j - Gamma^l_jk f_i;l
+ call calc_2covectorgrad (f, df, gamma, gf)
+ do i=1,2
+ do j=1,2
+ do k=1,2
+ ggf(i,j,k) = ddf(i,j,k)
+ do l=1,2
+ ggf(i,j,k) = ggf(i,j,k) &
+ - dgamma(l,i,j,k) * f(l) - gamma(l,i,j) * df(l,k) &
+ - gamma(l,i,k) * gf(l,j) - gamma(l,j,k) * gf(i,l)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_2covectorgradgrad
+ subroutine calc_2vectorgradgrad (f, df, ddf, gamma, dgamma, ggf)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f(2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: df(2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: ddf(2,2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gamma(2,2,2), dgamma(2,2,2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: ggf(2,2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL :: gf(2,2)
+ integer :: i,j,k,l
+ ! f^i;j = f^i,j + Gamma^i_lj f^l
+ ! f^i;jk = f^i,jk + Gamma^i_lj,k f^l + Gamma^i_lj f^l,k
+ ! - Gamma^i_lk f^l;j - Gamma^l_jk f^i;l
+ call calc_2vectorgrad (f, df, gamma, gf)
+ do i=1,2
+ do j=1,2
+ do k=1,2
+ ggf(i,j,k) = ddf(i,j,k)
+ do l=1,2
+ ggf(i,j,k) = ggf(i,j,k) &
+ + dgamma(i,l,j,k) * f(l) + gamma(i,l,j) * df(l,k) &
+ - gamma(i,l,k) * gf(l,j) - gamma(l,j,k) * gf(i,l)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_2vectorgradgrad
+ subroutine calc_2longitudinal (gf, gg, gu, lf)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gf(2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gg(2,2), gu(2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: lf(2,2)
+ integer :: i,j,k,l
+ ! (Lf)_ij = D_i f_j + D_j f_i - 2/3 g_ij D^l f_l
+ do i=1,2
+ do j=1,2
+ lf(i,j) = gf(i,j) + gf(j,i)
+ do k=1,2
+ do l=1,2
+ lf(i,j) = lf(i,j) - (2.d0/3.d0) * gg(i,j) * gu(k,l) * gf(k,l)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_2longitudinal
+ subroutine calc_2gradlongitudinal (ggf, gg, gu, glf)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: ggf(2,2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gg(2,2), gu(2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: glf(2,2,2)
+ integer :: i,j,k,l,m
+ ! D_k (Lf)_ij = D_k (D_i f_j + D_j f_i - 2/3 g_ij D^l f_l)
+ do i=1,2
+ do j=1,2
+ do k=1,2
+ glf(i,j,k) = ggf(j,i,k) + ggf(i,j,k)
+ do l=1,2
+ do m=1,2
+ glf(i,j,k) = glf(i,j,k) &
+ - (2.d0/3.d0) * gg(i,j) * gu(l,m) * ggf(l,m,k)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_2gradlongitudinal
+end module covderivs2
diff --git a/src/depend.pl b/src/depend.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b41b8f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/depend.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Header$
+# Create dependencies for Fortran 90 "use" and "include" statements
+$src = $ARGV[0];
+$srcfile = $ARGV[1];
+$dest = $ARGV[2];
+$srcdir = $ARGV[3];
+$moddir = $ARGV[4];
+$srcsuffix = $ARGV[5];
+$modsuffix = $ARGV[6];
+@otherdirs = @ARGV[7..$#ARGV];
+print "# $src\n";
+print "$dest:";
+open (FILE, $src);
+while (<FILE>) {
+ if (/^\s*include\s*['"]([^'"]+)['"]/i) {
+ print " $srcdir$1";
+ } elsif (/^\s*use\s+(\w+)/i) {
+ $found = 0;
+ if (! $found) {
+ if (-e "$srcdir$1$srcsuffix") {
+ $found = 1;
+ print " $moddir$1$modsuffix";
+ }
+ }
+ if (! $found) {
+ foreach $dir (@otherdirs) {
+ if (-e "$dir$1$modsuffix") {
+ $found = 1;
+ print " $dir$1$modsuffix";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (! $found) {
+ die "\nWhile tracing depencencies:\nFortran module $1 (referenced in file $srcfile) not found.\nAborting.\n\n";
+ }
+ }
+close (FILE);
+print "\n";
diff --git a/src/derivs.F90 b/src/derivs.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d425c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/derivs.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+! $Header$
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+module derivs
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public get_derivs
+ public get_derivs2
+ subroutine get_derivs (a, f, pos, off, dx)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: a(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(3)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos, off(3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: dx(3)
+ integer :: i
+ do i=1,3
+ f(i) = (a(pos+off(i)) - a(pos-off(i))) / (2*dx(i))
+ end do
+ end subroutine get_derivs
+ subroutine get_derivs2 (a, f, pos, off, dx)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: a(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(3,3)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos, off(3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: dx(3)
+ integer :: i
+ do i=1,3
+ f(i,i) = (a(pos+off(i)) - 2*a(pos) + a(pos-off(i))) / dx(i)**2
+ end do
+ f(1,2) = ( a(pos-off(1)-off(2)) - a(pos+off(1)-off(2)) &
+ & - a(pos-off(1)+off(2)) + a(pos+off(1)+off(2))) / (4*dx(1)*dx(2))
+ f(2,1) = f(1,2)
+ f(1,3) = ( a(pos-off(1)-off(3)) - a(pos+off(1)-off(3)) &
+ & - a(pos-off(1)+off(3)) + a(pos+off(1)+off(3))) / (4*dx(1)*dx(3))
+ f(3,1) = f(1,3)
+ f(2,3) = ( a(pos-off(2)-off(3)) - a(pos+off(2)-off(3)) &
+ & - a(pos-off(2)+off(3)) + a(pos+off(2)+off(3))) / (4*dx(2)*dx(3))
+ f(3,2) = f(2,3)
+ end subroutine get_derivs2
+end module derivs
diff --git a/src/derivs2.F90 b/src/derivs2.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ca51bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/derivs2.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+! $Header$
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+module derivs2
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public get_2derivs
+ public get_2derivs2
+ subroutine get_2derivs (a, f, pos, off, dx)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: a(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(2)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos, off(2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: dx(2)
+ integer :: i
+ do i=1,2
+ f(i) = (a(pos+off(i)) - a(pos-off(i))) / (2*dx(i))
+ end do
+ end subroutine get_2derivs
+ subroutine get_2derivs2 (a, f, pos, off, dx)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: a(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(2,2)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos, off(2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: dx(2)
+ integer :: i
+ do i=1,2
+ f(i,i) = (a(pos+off(i)) - 2*a(pos) + a(pos-off(i))) / dx(i)**2
+ end do
+ f(1,2) = ( a(pos-off(1)-off(2)) - a(pos+off(1)-off(2)) &
+ & - a(pos-off(1)+off(2)) + a(pos+off(1)+off(2))) / (4*dx(1)*dx(2))
+ f(2,1) = f(1,2)
+ end subroutine get_2derivs2
+end module derivs2
diff --git a/src/hyperslab.F90 b/src/hyperslab.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e540cb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hyperslab.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+! $Header$
+#include "cctk.h"
+module hyperslab
+ implicit none
+ public
+ interface
+ subroutine hyperslab_fillhyperslab (ierr, cctkgh, target_proc, &
+ vindex, vtimelevel, &
+ hdim, global_startpoint, directions, lengths, downsample, &
+ nhdata, hdata, hsize)
+ implicit none
+ integer ierr
+ integer target_proc
+ integer vindex
+ integer vtimelevel
+ integer hdim
+ integer global_startpoint(*) ! vdim
+ integer directions(*) ! vdim
+ integer lengths(hdim)
+ integer downsample(hdim)
+ integer nhdata
+ CCTK_REAL hdata(*)
+ integer hsize(hdim)
+ end subroutine hyperslab_fillhyperslab
+ end interface
+end module hyperslab
diff --git a/src/lapack.F90 b/src/lapack.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bcd70b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lapack.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+! $Header$
+#include "cctk.h"
+module lapack
+ implicit none
+ public
+ interface geev
+ subroutine sgeev (jobvl, jobvr, n, a, lda, wr, wi, vl, ldvl, vr, &
+ & ldvr, work, lwork, info)
+ character jobvl, jobvr
+ integer info, lda, ldvl, ldvr, lwork, n
+ real a(lda,n), vl(ldvl,n), vr(ldvr,n), &
+ & wi(n), work(lwork), wr(n)
+ end subroutine sgeev
+ subroutine dgeev (jobvl, jobvr, n, a, lda, wr, wi, vl, ldvl, vr, &
+ & ldvr, work, lwork, info)
+ character jobvl, jobvr
+ integer info, lda, ldvl, ldvr, lwork, n
+ double precision a(lda,n), vl(ldvl,n), vr(ldvr,n), &
+ & wi(n), work(lwork), wr(n)
+ end subroutine dgeev
+ end interface
+ interface gesv
+ subroutine sgesv (n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info)
+ implicit none
+ integer n
+ integer nrhs
+ integer lda
+ real a(lda,n)
+ integer ipiv(n)
+ integer ldb
+ real b(ldb,nrhs)
+ integer info
+ end subroutine sgesv
+ subroutine dgesv (n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info)
+ implicit none
+ integer n
+ integer nrhs
+ integer lda
+ double precision a(lda,n)
+ integer ipiv(n)
+ integer ldb
+ double precision b(ldb,nrhs)
+ integer info
+ end subroutine dgesv
+ end interface
+end module lapack
diff --git a/src/make.code.defn b/src/make.code.defn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b157e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/make.code.defn
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Main make.code.defn file for thorn TGRtensor -*-Makefile-*-
+# $Header$
+# Source files in this directory
+SRCS = cactus.F90 \
+ constants.F90 \
+ conversion.F90 \
+ covderivs.F90 \
+ covderivs2.F90 \
+ derivs.F90 \
+ derivs2.F90 \
+ hyperslab.F90 \
+ hyperslab.c \
+ lapack.F90 \
+ matexp.F90 \
+ matinv.F90 \
+ rotation.F90 \
+ tensor.F90 \
+ tensor2.F90 \
+ pointwise.F90 \
+ pointwise2.F90
+# Subdirectories containing source files
diff --git a/src/make.code.deps b/src/make.code.deps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8ea1b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/make.code.deps
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Main make.code.deps file for thorn TGRtensor -*-Makefile-*-
+# $Header$
+# Automatically create dependencies for Fortran modules and Fortran includes
+dir=`pwd`; $(CPP) $(INC_DIRS:%=-I%) $(EXTRA_DEFINES:%=-D%) -DFCODE $< | $(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/depend.pl - $< $(basename $(notdir $<)).F90.o $(SRCDIR)/ ./ .F90 .F90.o $(USESTHORNS:%=$$dir/../%/) >> $@ || { rm $@; exit 1; }
diff --git a/src/make.configuration.deps b/src/make.configuration.deps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a85f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/make.configuration.deps
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Main make.configuration.deps file for thorn TGRtensor -*-Makefile-*-
+# $Header$
diff --git a/src/matexp.F90 b/src/matexp.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2ecc77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/matexp.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+! $Header$
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+module matexp
+ use constants
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public calc_exp3
+ subroutine calc_exp3 (h3, g3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: h3(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: g3(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL :: nfact
+ CCTK_REAL :: tmp(3,3)
+ integer :: n
+ integer :: i, j
+ g3 = delta3
+ nfact = 1
+ tmp = delta3
+ do n = 1, 18
+ nfact = nfact * n
+ tmp = matmul (h3, tmp)
+ ! exp(x) = sum_n x^n / n!
+ g3 = g3 + tmp / nfact
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_exp3
+end module matexp
diff --git a/src/matinv.F90 b/src/matinv.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab6c515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/matinv.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+! $Header$
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+module matinv
+ use constants
+ use lapack
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public calc_inv3
+ public calc_inv4
+ subroutine calc_inv3 (g3, gu3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: g3(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: gu3(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL :: tmp(3,3)
+ integer :: ipiv(3)
+ integer :: info
+ character :: msg*1000
+ tmp = g3
+ gu3 = delta3
+ call gesv (3, 3, tmp, 3, ipiv, gu3, 3, info)
+ if (info /= 0) then
+ write (msg, '("Error in call to GESV, info=",i2)') info
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, trim(msg))
+ end if
+ end subroutine calc_inv3
+ subroutine calc_inv4 (g4, gu4)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: g4(0:3,0:3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: gu4(0:3,0:3)
+ CCTK_REAL :: tmp(0:3,0:3)
+ integer :: ipiv(0:3)
+ integer :: info
+ character :: msg*1000
+ tmp = g4
+ gu4 = delta4
+ call gesv (4, 4, tmp, 4, ipiv, gu4, 4, info)
+ if (info /= 0) then
+ write (msg, '("Error in call to GESV, info=",i2)') info
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, trim(msg))
+ end if
+ end subroutine calc_inv4
+end module matinv
diff --git a/src/pointwise.F90 b/src/pointwise.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..827ad6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pointwise.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+! $Header$
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+module pointwise
+!!$ use derivs
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public calc_position
+ public calc_offsets
+ public get_scalar
+ public get_vector
+ public get_tensor
+ public get_connections
+ public set_scalar
+ public set_vector
+ public set_tensor
+ public set_connections
+ public get_scalarderivs
+ public get_vectorderivs
+ public get_tensorderivs
+ public get_scalarderivs2
+ public get_vectorderivs2
+ public get_tensorderivs2
+#include "derivs.F90"
+ subroutine calc_position (shape, i,j,k, pos)
+ integer, intent(in) :: shape(3)
+ integer, intent(in) :: i,j,k
+ integer, intent(out) :: pos
+ pos = 1 + i-1 + shape(1) * (j-1 + shape(2) * (k-1))
+ end subroutine calc_position
+ subroutine calc_offsets (shape, off)
+ integer, intent(in) :: shape(3)
+ integer, intent(out) :: off(3)
+ off(1) = 1
+ off(2) = shape(1)
+ off(3) = shape(1) * shape(2)
+ end subroutine calc_offsets
+ subroutine get_scalar (a, f, pos)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: a(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos
+ f = a(pos)
+ end subroutine get_scalar
+ subroutine get_vector (ax,ay,az, f, pos)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: ax(*),ay(*),az(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(3)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos
+ f(1) = ax(pos)
+ f(2) = ay(pos)
+ f(3) = az(pos)
+ end subroutine get_vector
+ subroutine get_tensor (axx,axy,axz,ayy,ayz,azz, f, pos)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: axx(*),axy(*),axz(*),ayy(*),ayz(*),azz(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(3,3)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos
+ f(1,1) = axx(pos)
+ f(1,2) = axy(pos)
+ f(1,3) = axz(pos)
+ f(2,1) = axy(pos)
+ f(2,2) = ayy(pos)
+ f(2,3) = ayz(pos)
+ f(3,1) = axz(pos)
+ f(3,2) = ayz(pos)
+ f(3,3) = azz(pos)
+ end subroutine get_tensor
+ subroutine get_connections (&
+ gammaxxx,gammaxxy,gammaxxz,gammaxyy,gammaxyz,gammaxzz, &
+ gammayxx,gammayxy,gammayxz,gammayyy,gammayyz,gammayzz, &
+ gammazxx,gammazxy,gammazxz,gammazyy,gammazyz,gammazzz, gamma, pos)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gammaxxx(*),gammaxxy(*),gammaxxz(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gammaxyy(*),gammaxyz(*),gammaxzz(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gammayxx(*),gammayxy(*),gammayxz(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gammayyy(*),gammayyz(*),gammayzz(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gammazxx(*),gammazxy(*),gammazxz(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gammazyy(*),gammazyz(*),gammazzz(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: gamma(3,3,3)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos
+ gamma(1,1,1) = gammaxxx(pos)
+ gamma(1,1,2) = gammaxxy(pos)
+ gamma(1,1,3) = gammaxxz(pos)
+ gamma(1,2,1) = gammaxxy(pos)
+ gamma(1,2,2) = gammaxyy(pos)
+ gamma(1,2,3) = gammaxyz(pos)
+ gamma(1,3,1) = gammaxxz(pos)
+ gamma(1,3,2) = gammaxyz(pos)
+ gamma(1,3,3) = gammaxzz(pos)
+ gamma(2,1,1) = gammayxx(pos)
+ gamma(2,1,2) = gammayxy(pos)
+ gamma(2,1,3) = gammayxz(pos)
+ gamma(2,2,1) = gammayxy(pos)
+ gamma(2,2,2) = gammayyy(pos)
+ gamma(2,2,3) = gammayyz(pos)
+ gamma(2,3,1) = gammayxz(pos)
+ gamma(2,3,2) = gammayyz(pos)
+ gamma(2,3,3) = gammayzz(pos)
+ gamma(3,1,1) = gammazxx(pos)
+ gamma(3,1,2) = gammazxy(pos)
+ gamma(3,1,3) = gammazxz(pos)
+ gamma(3,2,1) = gammazxy(pos)
+ gamma(3,2,2) = gammazyy(pos)
+ gamma(3,2,3) = gammazyz(pos)
+ gamma(3,3,1) = gammazxz(pos)
+ gamma(3,3,2) = gammazyz(pos)
+ gamma(3,3,3) = gammazzz(pos)
+ end subroutine get_connections
+ subroutine set_scalar (f, a, pos)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f
+ CCTK_REAL :: a(*)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos
+ a(pos) = f
+ end subroutine set_scalar
+ subroutine set_vector (f, ax,ay,az, pos)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f(3)
+ CCTK_REAL :: ax(*),ay(*),az(*)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos
+ ax(pos) = f(1)
+ ay(pos) = f(2)
+ az(pos) = f(3)
+ end subroutine set_vector
+ subroutine set_tensor (f, axx,axy,axz,ayy,ayz,azz, pos)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL :: axx(*),axy(*),axz(*),ayy(*),ayz(*),azz(*)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos
+ axx(pos) = f(1,1)
+ axy(pos) = f(1,2)
+ axz(pos) = f(1,3)
+ ayy(pos) = f(2,2)
+ ayz(pos) = f(2,3)
+ azz(pos) = f(3,3)
+ end subroutine set_tensor
+ subroutine set_connections (gamma, &
+ gammaxxx,gammaxxy,gammaxxz,gammaxyy,gammaxyz,gammaxzz, &
+ gammayxx,gammayxy,gammayxz,gammayyy,gammayyz,gammayzz, &
+ gammazxx,gammazxy,gammazxz,gammazyy,gammazyz,gammazzz, pos)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gamma(3,3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL :: gammaxxx(*),gammaxxy(*),gammaxxz(*)
+ CCTK_REAL :: gammaxyy(*),gammaxyz(*),gammaxzz(*)
+ CCTK_REAL :: gammayxx(*),gammayxy(*),gammayxz(*)
+ CCTK_REAL :: gammayyy(*),gammayyz(*),gammayzz(*)
+ CCTK_REAL :: gammazxx(*),gammazxy(*),gammazxz(*)
+ CCTK_REAL :: gammazyy(*),gammazyz(*),gammazzz(*)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos
+ gammaxxx(pos) = gamma(1,1,1)
+ gammaxxy(pos) = gamma(1,1,2)
+ gammaxxz(pos) = gamma(1,1,3)
+ gammaxyy(pos) = gamma(1,2,2)
+ gammaxyz(pos) = gamma(1,2,3)
+ gammaxzz(pos) = gamma(1,3,3)
+ gammayxx(pos) = gamma(2,1,1)
+ gammayxy(pos) = gamma(2,1,2)
+ gammayxz(pos) = gamma(2,1,3)
+ gammayyy(pos) = gamma(2,2,2)
+ gammayyz(pos) = gamma(2,2,3)
+ gammayzz(pos) = gamma(2,3,3)
+ gammazxx(pos) = gamma(3,1,1)
+ gammazxy(pos) = gamma(3,1,2)
+ gammazxz(pos) = gamma(3,1,3)
+ gammazyy(pos) = gamma(3,2,2)
+ gammazyz(pos) = gamma(3,2,3)
+ gammazzz(pos) = gamma(3,3,3)
+ end subroutine set_connections
+ subroutine get_scalarderivs (a, f, pos, off, dx)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: a(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(3)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos, off(3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: dx(3)
+ call get_derivs (a, f, pos, off, dx)
+ end subroutine get_scalarderivs
+ subroutine get_vectorderivs (ax,ay,az, f, pos, off, dx)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: ax(*),ay(*),az(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(3,3)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos, off(3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: dx(3)
+ CCTK_REAL :: fx(3),fy(3),fz(3)
+ call get_derivs (ax, fx, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_derivs (ay, fy, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_derivs (az, fz, pos, off, dx)
+ f(1,:) = fx
+ f(2,:) = fy
+ f(3,:) = fz
+ end subroutine get_vectorderivs
+ subroutine get_tensorderivs (axx,axy,axz,ayy,ayz,azz, f, pos, off, dx)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: axx(*),axy(*),axz(*),ayy(*),ayz(*),azz(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(3,3,3)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos, off(3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: dx(3)
+ CCTK_REAL :: fxx(3),fxy(3),fxz(3),fyy(3),fyz(3),fzz(3)
+ call get_derivs (axx, fxx, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_derivs (axy, fxy, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_derivs (axz, fxz, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_derivs (ayy, fyy, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_derivs (ayz, fyz, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_derivs (azz, fzz, pos, off, dx)
+ f(1,1,:) = fxx
+ f(1,2,:) = fxy
+ f(1,3,:) = fxz
+ f(2,1,:) = fxy
+ f(2,2,:) = fyy
+ f(2,3,:) = fyz
+ f(3,1,:) = fxz
+ f(3,2,:) = fyz
+ f(3,3,:) = fzz
+ end subroutine get_tensorderivs
+ subroutine get_scalarderivs2 (a, f, pos, off, dx)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: a(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(3,3)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos, off(3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: dx(3)
+ call get_derivs2 (a, f, pos, off, dx)
+ end subroutine get_scalarderivs2
+ subroutine get_vectorderivs2 (ax,ay,az, f, pos, off, dx)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: ax(*),ay(*),az(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(3,3,3)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos, off(3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: dx(3)
+ CCTK_REAL :: fx(3,3),fy(3,3),fz(3,3)
+ call get_derivs2 (ax, fx, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_derivs2 (ay, fy, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_derivs2 (az, fz, pos, off, dx)
+ f(1,:,:) = fx
+ f(2,:,:) = fy
+ f(3,:,:) = fz
+ end subroutine get_vectorderivs2
+ subroutine get_tensorderivs2 (axx,axy,axz,ayy,ayz,azz, f, pos, off, dx)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: axx(*),axy(*),axz(*),ayy(*),ayz(*),azz(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(3,3,3,3)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos, off(3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: dx(3)
+ CCTK_REAL :: fxx(3,3),fxy(3,3),fxz(3,3),fyy(3,3),fyz(3,3),fzz(3,3)
+ call get_derivs2 (axx, fxx, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_derivs2 (axy, fxy, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_derivs2 (axz, fxz, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_derivs2 (ayy, fyy, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_derivs2 (ayz, fyz, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_derivs2 (azz, fzz, pos, off, dx)
+ f(1,1,:,:) = fxx
+ f(1,2,:,:) = fxy
+ f(1,3,:,:) = fxz
+ f(2,1,:,:) = fxy
+ f(2,2,:,:) = fyy
+ f(2,3,:,:) = fyz
+ f(3,1,:,:) = fxz
+ f(3,2,:,:) = fyz
+ f(3,3,:,:) = fzz
+ end subroutine get_tensorderivs2
+end module pointwise
diff --git a/src/pointwise2.F90 b/src/pointwise2.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1759b28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pointwise2.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+! $Header$
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+module pointwise2
+!!$ use derivs2
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public calc_2position
+ public calc_2offsets
+ public get_2scalar
+ public get_2vector
+ public get_2tensor
+ public set_2scalar
+ public set_2vector
+ public set_2tensor
+ public get_2scalarderivs
+ public get_2vectorderivs
+ public get_2tensorderivs
+ public get_2scalarderivs2
+ public get_2vectorderivs2
+ public get_2tensorderivs2
+#include "derivs2.F90"
+ subroutine calc_2position (shape, i,j, pos)
+ integer, intent(in) :: shape(2)
+ integer, intent(in) :: i,j
+ integer, intent(out) :: pos
+ pos = 1 + i-1 + shape(1) * (j-1)
+ end subroutine calc_2position
+ subroutine calc_2offsets (shape, off)
+ integer, intent(in) :: shape(2)
+ integer, intent(out) :: off(2)
+ off(1) = 1
+ off(2) = shape(1)
+ end subroutine calc_2offsets
+ subroutine get_2scalar (a, f, pos)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: a(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos
+ f = a(pos)
+ end subroutine get_2scalar
+ subroutine get_2vector (ax,ay, f, pos)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: ax(*),ay(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(2)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos
+ f(1) = ax(pos)
+ f(2) = ay(pos)
+ end subroutine get_2vector
+ subroutine get_2tensor (axx,axy,ayy, f, pos)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: axx(*),axy(*),ayy(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(2,2)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos
+ f(1,1) = axx(pos)
+ f(1,2) = axy(pos)
+ f(2,1) = axy(pos)
+ f(2,2) = ayy(pos)
+ end subroutine get_2tensor
+ subroutine set_2scalar (f, a, pos)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f
+ CCTK_REAL :: a(*)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos
+ a(pos) = f
+ end subroutine set_2scalar
+ subroutine set_2vector (f, ax,ay, pos)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f(2)
+ CCTK_REAL :: ax(*),ay(*)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos
+ ax(pos) = f(1)
+ ay(pos) = f(2)
+ end subroutine set_2vector
+ subroutine set_2tensor (f, axx,axy,ayy, pos)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: f(2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL :: axx(*),axy(*),ayy(*)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos
+ axx(pos) = f(1,1)
+ axy(pos) = f(1,2)
+ ayy(pos) = f(2,2)
+ end subroutine set_2tensor
+ subroutine get_2scalarderivs (a, f, pos, off, dx)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: a(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(2)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos, off(2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: dx(2)
+ call get_2derivs (a, f, pos, off, dx)
+ end subroutine get_2scalarderivs
+ subroutine get_2vectorderivs (ax,ay, f, pos, off, dx)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: ax(*),ay(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(2,2)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos, off(2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: dx(2)
+ CCTK_REAL :: fx(2),fy(2)
+ call get_2derivs (ax, fx, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_2derivs (ay, fy, pos, off, dx)
+ f(1,:) = fx
+ f(2,:) = fy
+ end subroutine get_2vectorderivs
+ subroutine get_2tensorderivs (axx,axy,ayy, f, pos, off, dx)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: axx(*),axy(*),ayy(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(2,2,2)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos, off(2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: dx(2)
+ CCTK_REAL :: fxx(2),fxy(2),fyy(2)
+ call get_2derivs (axx, fxx, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_2derivs (axy, fxy, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_2derivs (ayy, fyy, pos, off, dx)
+ f(1,1,:) = fxx
+ f(1,2,:) = fxy
+ f(2,1,:) = fxy
+ f(2,2,:) = fyy
+ end subroutine get_2tensorderivs
+ subroutine get_2scalarderivs2 (a, f, pos, off, dx)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: a(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(2,2)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos, off(2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: dx(2)
+ call get_2derivs2 (a, f, pos, off, dx)
+ end subroutine get_2scalarderivs2
+ subroutine get_2vectorderivs2 (ax,ay, f, pos, off, dx)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: ax(*),ay(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(2,2,2)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos, off(2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: dx(2)
+ CCTK_REAL :: fx(2,2),fy(2,2)
+ call get_2derivs2 (ax, fx, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_2derivs2 (ay, fy, pos, off, dx)
+ f(1,:,:) = fx
+ f(2,:,:) = fy
+ end subroutine get_2vectorderivs2
+ subroutine get_2tensorderivs2 (axx,axy,ayy, f, pos, off, dx)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: axx(*),axy(*),ayy(*)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: f(2,2,2,2)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pos, off(2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: dx(2)
+ CCTK_REAL :: fxx(2,2),fxy(2,2),fyy(2,2)
+ call get_2derivs2 (axx, fxx, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_2derivs2 (axy, fxy, pos, off, dx)
+ call get_2derivs2 (ayy, fyy, pos, off, dx)
+ f(1,1,:,:) = fxx
+ f(1,2,:,:) = fxy
+ f(2,1,:,:) = fxy
+ f(2,2,:,:) = fyy
+ end subroutine get_2tensorderivs2
+end module pointwise2
diff --git a/src/rotation.F90 b/src/rotation.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d76973e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rotation.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+! $Header$
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+module rotation
+ use constants
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public make_euler
+ subroutine make_euler1 (phi, tt)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: phi
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: tt(0:3,0:3)
+ ! y^a = T^a_b x^b
+ tt = delta4
+ tt(1,1) = cos(phi)
+ tt(1,2) = -sin(phi)
+ tt(2,1) = sin(phi)
+ tt(2,2) = cos(phi)
+ end subroutine make_euler1
+ subroutine make_euler2 (theta, tt)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: theta
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: tt(0:3,0:3)
+ ! y^a = T^a_b x^b
+ tt = delta4
+ tt(2,2) = cos(theta)
+ tt(2,3) = -sin(theta)
+ tt(3,2) = sin(theta)
+ tt(3,3) = cos(theta)
+ end subroutine make_euler2
+ subroutine make_euler3 (psi, tt)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: psi
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: tt(0:3,0:3)
+ ! y^a = T^a_b x^b
+ tt = delta4
+ tt(1,1) = cos(psi)
+ tt(1,2) = -sin(psi)
+ tt(2,1) = sin(psi)
+ tt(2,2) = cos(psi)
+ end subroutine make_euler3
+ subroutine make_euler (phi, theta, psi, tt)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: phi, theta, psi
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: tt(0:3,0:3)
+ CCTK_REAL :: tt1(0:3,0:3), tt2(0:3,0:3), tt3(0:3,0:3)
+ call make_euler1 (phi, tt1)
+ call make_euler2 (theta, tt2)
+ call make_euler3 (psi, tt3)
+ tt = matmul(tt3, matmul(tt2, tt1))
+ end subroutine make_euler
+end module rotation
diff --git a/src/tensor.F90 b/src/tensor.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fef831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tensor.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+! $Header$
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+module tensor
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public calc_trace
+ public calc_det
+ public calc_detderiv
+ public calc_detdot
+ public calc_inv
+ public calc_invderiv
+ public calc_invdot
+ subroutine calc_trace (kk, gu, trk)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: kk(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gu(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: trk
+ integer :: i,j
+ trk = 0
+ do i=1,3
+ do j=1,3
+ trk = trk + gu(i,j) * kk(i,j)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_trace
+ subroutine calc_det (gg, dtg)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gg(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: dtg
+ dtg = gg(1,1) * gg(2,2) * gg(3,3) &
+ & + 2*gg(1,2) * gg(1,3) * gg(2,3) &
+ & - gg(1,1) * gg(2,3)**2 &
+ & - gg(2,2) * gg(1,3)**2 &
+ & - gg(3,3) * gg(1,2)**2
+ end subroutine calc_det
+ subroutine calc_pdet (gg, pgg, pdtg)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gg(3,3), pgg(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: pdtg
+ pdtg = pgg(1,1) * gg(2,2) * gg(3,3) &
+ & + gg(1,1) * pgg(2,2) * gg(3,3) &
+ & + gg(1,1) * gg(2,2) * pgg(3,3) &
+ & + 2*pgg(1,2) * gg(1,3) * gg(2,3) &
+ & + 2* gg(1,2) * pgg(1,3) * gg(2,3) &
+ & + 2* gg(1,2) * gg(1,3) * pgg(2,3) &
+ & - pgg(1,1) * gg(2,3)**2 &
+ & - gg(1,1) * 2*gg(2,3) * pgg(2,3) &
+ & - pgg(2,2) * gg(1,3)**2 &
+ & - gg(2,2) * 2*gg(1,3) * pgg(1,3) &
+ & - pgg(3,3) * gg(1,2)**2 &
+ & - gg(3,3) * 2*gg(1,2) * pgg(1,2)
+ end subroutine calc_pdet
+ subroutine calc_detderiv (gg, dgg, ddtg)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gg(3,3), dgg(3,3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: ddtg(3)
+ integer :: i
+ do i=1,3
+ call calc_pdet (gg, dgg(:,:,i), ddtg(i))
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_detderiv
+ subroutine calc_detdot (gg, gg_dot, dtg_dot)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gg(3,3), gg_dot(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: dtg_dot
+ call calc_pdet (gg, gg_dot, dtg_dot)
+ end subroutine calc_detdot
+ subroutine calc_inv (gg, dtg, gu)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gg(3,3), dtg
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: gu(3,3)
+ gu(1,1) = (gg(2,2) * gg(3,3) - gg(2,3) ** 2 ) / dtg
+ gu(2,2) = (gg(1,1) * gg(3,3) - gg(1,3) ** 2 ) / dtg
+ gu(3,3) = (gg(1,1) * gg(2,2) - gg(1,2) ** 2 ) / dtg
+ gu(1,2) = (gg(1,3) * gg(2,3) - gg(1,2) * gg(3,3)) / dtg
+ gu(1,3) = (gg(1,2) * gg(2,3) - gg(1,3) * gg(2,2)) / dtg
+ gu(2,3) = (gg(1,3) * gg(1,2) - gg(2,3) * gg(1,1)) / dtg
+ gu(2,1) = gu(1,2)
+ gu(3,1) = gu(1,3)
+ gu(3,2) = gu(2,3)
+ end subroutine calc_inv
+ subroutine calc_pinv (gu, pgg, pgu)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gu(3,3), pgg(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: pgu(3,3)
+ integer :: i,j,k,l
+ do i=1,3
+ do j=1,3
+ pgu(i,j) = 0
+ do k=1,3
+ do l=1,3
+ pgu(i,j) = pgu(i,j) - gu(i,k) * gu(j,l) * pgg(k,l)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_pinv
+ subroutine calc_invderiv (gu, dgg, dgu)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gu(3,3), dgg(3,3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: dgu(3,3,3)
+ integer :: i
+ do i=1,3
+ call calc_pinv (gu, dgg(:,:,i), dgu(:,:,i))
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_invderiv
+ subroutine calc_invdot (gu, gg_dot, gu_dot)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gu(3,3), gg_dot(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: gu_dot(3,3)
+ call calc_pinv (gu, gg_dot, gu_dot)
+ end subroutine calc_invdot
+end module tensor
diff --git a/src/tensor2.F90 b/src/tensor2.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b02cd06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tensor2.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+! $Header$
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+module tensor2
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public calc_2trace
+ public calc_2det
+ public calc_2detderiv
+ public calc_2detdot
+ public calc_2inv
+ public calc_2invderiv
+ public calc_2invdot
+ subroutine calc_2trace (kk, gu, trk)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: kk(2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gu(2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: trk
+ integer :: i,j
+ trk = 0
+ do i=1,2
+ do j=1,2
+ trk = trk + gu(i,j) * kk(i,j)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_2trace
+ subroutine calc_2det (gg, dtg)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gg(2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: dtg
+ dtg = gg(1,1) * gg(2,2) - gg(1,2)**2
+ end subroutine calc_2det
+ subroutine calc_2pdet (gg, pgg, pdtg)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gg(2,2), pgg(2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: pdtg
+ pdtg = pgg(1,1) * gg(2,2) + gg(1,1) * pgg(2,2) - 2 * gg(1,2) * pgg(1,2)
+ end subroutine calc_2pdet
+ subroutine calc_2detderiv (gg, dgg, ddtg)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gg(2,2), dgg(2,2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: ddtg(2)
+ integer :: i
+ do i=1,2
+ call calc_2pdet (gg, dgg(:,:,i), ddtg(i))
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_2detderiv
+ subroutine calc_2detdot (gg, gg_dot, dtg_dot)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gg(2,2), gg_dot(2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: dtg_dot
+ call calc_2pdet (gg, gg_dot, dtg_dot)
+ end subroutine calc_2detdot
+ subroutine calc_2inv (gg, dtg, gu)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gg(2,2), dtg
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: gu(2,2)
+ gu(1,1) = gg(2,2) / dtg
+ gu(2,2) = gg(1,1) / dtg
+ gu(1,2) = gg(1,2) / dtg
+ gu(2,1) = gu(1,2)
+ end subroutine calc_2inv
+ subroutine calc_2pinv (gu, pgg, pgu)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gu(2,2), pgg(2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: pgu(2,2)
+ integer :: i,j,k,l
+ do i=1,2
+ do j=1,2
+ pgu(i,j) = 0
+ do k=1,2
+ do l=1,2
+ pgu(i,j) = pgu(i,j) - gu(i,k) * gu(j,l) * pgg(k,l)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_2pinv
+ subroutine calc_2invderiv (gu, dgg, dgu)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gu(2,2), dgg(2,2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: dgu(2,2,2)
+ integer :: i
+ do i=1,2
+ call calc_2pinv (gu, dgg(:,:,i), dgu(:,:,i))
+ end do
+ end subroutine calc_2invderiv
+ subroutine calc_2invdot (gu, gg_dot, gu_dot)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: gu(2,2), gg_dot(2,2)
+ CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: gu_dot(2,2)
+ call calc_2pinv (gu, gg_dot, gu_dot)
+ end subroutine calc_2invdot
+end module tensor2