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diff --git a/doc/documentation.tex b/doc/documentation.tex
index ac6fd64..fa1b0b2 100644
--- a/doc/documentation.tex
+++ b/doc/documentation.tex
@@ -265,6 +265,19 @@ surfaces \texttt{lsh} instead.) The surface array shape includes
ghost or boundary zones at the array edges. These ghost zones have
the same size for all surfaces.
+Note that because the radius arrays are stored with larger size
+$\texttt{maxntheta} \times \texttt{maxnphi}$, the actual radius data
+(of size
+$\texttt{ntheta[surface\_number]} \times \texttt{nphi[surface\_number]}$
+elements) is in general {\em not contiguous in memory.\/}
+If you want to interpolate a SphericalSurface surface radius,
+you need to either copy the radius data to a contiguous 2-D array of size
+$\texttt{ntheta[surface\_number]} \times \texttt{nphi[surface\_number]}$,
+or use an interpolator which supports such non-contiguous input arrays.
+The AEIThorns/AEILocalInterp local interpolation thorn supports these
+via the \texttt{input\_array\_strides} parameter-table option.
+See the AEILocalInterp thorn guide for details.
\section{Surface Symmetries}