path: root/src/qlm_paramcheck.F90
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/qlm_paramcheck.F90')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qlm_paramcheck.F90 b/src/qlm_paramcheck.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8a8b8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qlm_paramcheck.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#include "cctk_Functions.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+subroutine qlm_paramcheck (CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+ use cctk
+ implicit none
+ integer :: hn
+ integer :: sn
+ integer :: eq_theta, new_ntheta, int_nphi, new_nphi
+ character :: msg*1000
+ if (veryverbose/=0) then
+ call CCTK_INFO ("Checking parameters")
+ end if
+ do hn = 1, num_surfaces
+ if (surface_index(hn) == -1) then
+ ! no surface selected; everything is fine
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ if (surface_index(hn) < 0 .or. surface_index(hn) >= nsurfaces) then
+ write (msg, '("Illegal surface index specified for surface ",i4," (index is ",i4,", must be less than ",i4,")")') hn-1, surface_index(hn), nsurfaces
+ call CCTK_PARAMWARN (msg)
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ sn = surface_index(hn) + 1
+ ! Import surface description
+ qlm_nghoststheta(hn) = nghoststheta(sn)
+ qlm_nghostsphi (hn) = nghostsphi(sn)
+ qlm_ntheta (hn) = ntheta(sn)
+ qlm_nphi (hn) = nphi(sn)
+ ! Symmetries
+ if (symmetric_x(sn) /= 0 .or. &
+ symmetric_y(sn) /= 0 .or. &
+ symmetric_z(sn) /= 0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, "SphericalSurface symmetries are not supported")
+ end if
+ if (auto_res(sn) /= 1 .and. (qlm_ntheta(hn) > maxntheta .or. qlm_nphi(hn) > maxnphi)) then
+ write (msg, '("Surface ",i4," is too large: shape is (",2i6,"), maximum is (",2i6,")")') hn-1, qlm_ntheta(hn), qlm_nphi(hn), maxntheta, maxnphi
+ call CCTK_PARAMWARN (msg)
+ end if
+ if (qlm_nghoststheta(hn)<1 .or. qlm_nghostsphi(hn)<1) then
+ write (msg, '("Not enough ghost zones for surface ",i4,": nghosts=",2i4,", minimum is ",2i4)') hn-1, qlm_nghoststheta(hn), qlm_nghostsphi(hn), 1, 1
+ call CCTK_PARAMWARN (msg)
+ end if
+ if (auto_res(sn) /= 1 .and. (mod(int(qlm_ntheta(hn) - 2*qlm_nghoststheta(hn)),2) /= 1)) then
+ ! We need a grid point on the equator
+ write (msg, '("The number of interior grid points in the theta direction of surface ",i4," must be odd after the symmetries have been removed, but it is ",i6)') hn-1, qlm_ntheta(hn) - 2*qlm_nghoststheta(hn)
+ call CCTK_PARAMWARN (msg)
+ end if
+ if (auto_res(sn) /= 1 .and. (mod(int(qlm_nphi(hn) - 2*qlm_nghostsphi(hn)),4) /= 0)) then
+ ! We need grid points on the four major meridians
+ write (msg, '("The number of interior grid points in the phi direction of surface ",i4," must be a multiple of four after the symmetries have been removed, but it is ",i6)') hn-1, qlm_nphi(hn) - 2*qlm_nghostsphi(hn)
+ call CCTK_PARAMWARN (msg)
+ end if
+9999 continue
+ end do
+end subroutine qlm_paramcheck