path: root/src/qlm_killing_transport.F90
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1 files changed, 130 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qlm_killing_transport.F90 b/src/qlm_killing_transport.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ec4f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qlm_killing_transport.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#include "cctk_Functions.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+subroutine qlm_killing_transport (CCTK_ARGUMENTS, hn)
+ use cctk
+ use constants
+ use qlm_boundary
+ use qlm_killing_transportation
+ use lapack
+ implicit none
+ integer :: hn
+ interface
+ integer function TAT_isnan (x)
+ implicit none
+ end function TAT_isnan
+ end interface
+ CCTK_REAL :: xi(2,3), chi(3)
+ CCTK_REAL :: vec(3,3)
+ CCTK_REAL :: wr(3), wi(3), vl(3,3), vr(3,3)
+ integer :: i0, j0
+ integer :: n
+ integer :: info
+ character :: msg*1000
+ integer, parameter :: lwork = 100
+ CCTK_REAL :: work(lwork)
+ if (veryverbose/=0) then
+ call CCTK_INFO ("Transporting Killing vector field")
+ end if
+ ! latitude of "equator"
+ i0 = (qlm_ntheta(hn)+1)/2
+ ! longitude of zero meridian
+ j0 = 1+qlm_nghostsphi(hn)
+ vec = delta3
+ if (veryverbose/=0) then
+ write (msg, '("Initial vectors (xi^t xi^p chi):")')
+ call CCTK_INFO (msg)
+ do n=1,3
+ write (msg, '(i2,3g18.8)') n, vec(:,n)
+ call CCTK_INFO (msg)
+ end do
+ end if
+ xi(1,:) = vec(1,:)
+ xi(2,:) = vec(2,:)
+ chi(:) = vec(3,:)
+ do n=1,3
+ call transport_along_equator (CCTK_PASS_FTOF, hn, i0, xi(:,n), chi(n))
+ end do
+ vec(1,:) = xi(1,:)
+ vec(2,:) = xi(2,:)
+ vec(3,:) = chi(:)
+ if (veryverbose/=0) then
+ write (msg, '("Final vectors (xi^t xi^p chi):")')
+ call CCTK_INFO (msg)
+ do n=1,3
+ write (msg, '(i2,3g18.8)') n, vec(:,n)
+ call CCTK_INFO (msg)
+ end do
+ end if
+ if (TAT_isnan(sum(vec)) /= 0) then
+ ! qlm_calc_error(hn) = 1
+ qlm_have_killing_vector(hn) = 0
+ call CCTK_WARN (3, "There are nans in the final vectors")
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ call geev ('n', 'v', 3, vec, 3, wr, wi, vl, 3, vr, 3, work, lwork, info)
+ if (info/=0) then
+ ! qlm_calc_error(hn) = 1
+ qlm_have_killing_vector(hn) = 0
+ write (msg, '("Error in call to GEEV, info=",i2)') info
+ call CCTK_WARN (3, msg)
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ if (veryverbose/=0) then
+ write (msg, '("Eigenvectors and eigenvalues:")')
+ call CCTK_INFO (msg)
+ do n=1,3
+ write (msg, '(i2,3g18.8,(" (",g18.8,",",g18.8,")"))') &
+ n, vr(:,n), wr(n), wi(n)
+ call CCTK_INFO (msg)
+ end do
+ end if
+ xi(1,:) = vr(1,:)
+ xi(2,:) = vr(2,:)
+ chi(:) = vr(3,:)
+ ! TODO:
+ ! This transport scheme is not ideal.
+ ! It leads to large fluctuations in the phi direction.
+ n=3
+ qlm_killing_eigenvalue_re(hn) = wr(n)
+ qlm_killing_eigenvalue_im(hn) = wi(n)
+ if (abs(cmplx(wr(n),wi(n),kind(wr)) - (1,0)) > 1.0d-4) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (3, "Did not manage to find an eigenvector with the eigenvalue 1")
+ end if
+ call transport_along_equator (CCTK_PASS_FTOF, hn, i0, xi(:,n), chi(n))
+ call transport_along_meridians (CCTK_PASS_FTOF, hn, i0)
+ call set_boundary (CCTK_PASS_FTOF, hn, qlm_xi_t(:,:,hn), -1)
+ call set_boundary (CCTK_PASS_FTOF, hn, qlm_xi_p(:,:,hn), -1)
+ call set_boundary (CCTK_PASS_FTOF, hn, qlm_chi (:,:,hn), +1)
+9999 continue
+end subroutine qlm_killing_transport