path: root/src/qlm_broadcast.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/qlm_broadcast.c')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qlm_broadcast.c b/src/qlm_broadcast.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a491fb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qlm_broadcast.c
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <cctk.h>
+#include <cctk_Arguments.h>
+#include <cctk_Parameters.h>
+#ifdef CCTK_MPI
+# include <mpi.h>
+/* Broadcast a vector element of a grid group */
+static void
+bcast (cGH const * restrict const cctkGH,
+ char const * restrict const group,
+ int const vecind,
+ int const root)
+#ifdef CCTK_MPI
+ int ierr;
+ assert (group);
+ MPI_Comm comm;
+ if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("GetMPICommWorld"))
+ {
+ comm = * (MPI_Comm const *) GetMPICommWorld (cctkGH);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
+ }
+ int num_procs;
+ MPI_Comm_size (comm, & num_procs);
+ assert (root >= 0 && root < num_procs);
+ int const gi = CCTK_GroupIndex (group);
+ assert (gi >= 0);
+ cGroup data;
+ ierr = CCTK_GroupData (gi, & data);
+ assert (! ierr);
+ assert (vecind >= 0 && vecind < data.vectorlength);
+ if (data.numvars == 0) return;
+ MPI_Datatype mpitype;
+ int items;
+ switch (data.vartype)
+ {
+ assert (sizeof (CCTK_INT) == sizeof (int));
+ mpitype = MPI_INT;
+ items = 1;
+ break;
+ assert (sizeof (CCTK_REAL) == sizeof (double));
+ mpitype = MPI_DOUBLE;
+ items = 1;
+ break;
+ assert (sizeof (CCTK_COMPLEX) == 2 * sizeof (double));
+ mpitype = MPI_DOUBLE;
+ items = 2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ assert (items > 0);
+ cGroupDynamicData dyndata;
+ ierr = CCTK_GroupDynamicData (cctkGH, gi, & dyndata);
+ assert (! ierr);
+ int elems = 1;
+ {
+ int d;
+ for (d = 0; d < dyndata.dim; ++ d)
+ {
+ elems *= dyndata.lsh[d];
+ }
+ }
+ assert (elems >= 0);
+ int const v0 = CCTK_FirstVarIndexI (gi);
+ assert (v0 >= 0);
+ int size;
+ MPI_Type_size (mpitype, & size);
+ assert (items * size == CCTK_VarTypeSize (data.vartype));
+ int const numvectors = data.numvars / data.vectorlength;
+ {
+ int vec;
+ for (vec = 0; vec < numvectors; ++ vec)
+ {
+ int const vi = v0 + vecind + data.vectorlength * vec;
+ void * restrict const ptr = CCTK_VarDataPtrI (cctkGH, 0, vi);
+ assert (ptr);
+ MPI_Bcast (ptr, elems * items, mpitype, root, comm);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* ifdef CCTK_MPI */
+CCTK_FNAME(qlm_broadcast) (CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST * restrict cctkGH_);
+CCTK_FNAME(qlm_broadcast) (CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST * restrict const cctkGH_)
+ cGH const * restrict const cctkGH = * (cGH const * const *) cctkGH_;
+ if (veryverbose)
+ {
+ CCTK_INFO ("Broadcasting quasi-local measures");
+ }
+ int const num_procs = CCTK_nProcs (cctkGH);
+ int hn;
+ for (hn = 0; hn < num_surfaces; ++ hn)
+ {
+ int const root = hn % num_procs;
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_state" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_state_p" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_grid_int" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_grid_real" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_grid_real_p", hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_shapes" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_shapes_p" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_coordinates" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_tetrad_l" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_tetrad_n" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_tetrad_m" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_tetrad_l_p" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_tetrad_n_p" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_tetrad_m_p" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_newman_penrose" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_weyl_scalars" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_ricci_scalars" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_twometric" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_killing_vector" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_killed_twometric" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_invariant_coordinates", hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_multipole_moments", hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_3determinant", hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_scalars" , hn, root);
+ bcast (cctkGH, "QuasiLocalMeasures::qlm_scalars_p", hn, root);
+ } /* for hn */