path: root/src/qlm_boundary.F90
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/qlm_boundary.F90')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qlm_boundary.F90 b/src/qlm_boundary.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33196bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qlm_boundary.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#include "cctk_Functions.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+module qlm_boundary
+ use cctk
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public set_boundary
+ interface set_boundary
+ module procedure set_boundary_real
+ module procedure set_boundary_complex
+ end interface
+ subroutine set_boundary_real (CCTK_ARGUMENTS, hn, f, parity)
+ integer, intent(in) :: hn
+ CCTK_REAL :: f(:,:)
+ integer, intent(in) :: parity
+ CCTK_REAL, allocatable :: ff(:,:)
+ integer :: ni, nj, gi, gj
+ integer :: i, j, jj
+ if (abs(parity) /= 1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN (0, "Parity must be +1 or -1")
+ end if
+ ni = qlm_ntheta(hn)
+ nj = qlm_nphi(hn)
+ gi = qlm_nghoststheta(hn)
+ gj = qlm_nghostsphi(hn)
+ f( :gi, :nj) = -42
+ f(ni-gi+1:ni, :nj) = -42
+ f(:ni, :gj) = -42
+ f(:ni, nj-gi+1:nj) = -42
+ allocate (ff(gi, nj))
+ ! lower theta
+ ff(:, :nj) = f(1+gi:2*gi, :nj)
+ ! polar boundary condition at north pole
+ do j=1,nj/2
+ do i=1,gi
+ jj = j + (nj-2*gj) / 2
+ f(i,j) = parity * ff(gi-i+1,jj)
+ end do
+ end do
+ do j=nj/2+1,nj
+ do i=1,gi
+ jj = j - (nj-2*gj) / 2
+ f(i,j) = parity * ff(gi-i+1,jj)
+ end do
+ end do
+ ! upper theta
+ ff(:, :nj) = f(ni-2*gi+1:ni-gi, :nj)
+ ! polar boundary condition at south pole
+ do j=1,nj/2
+ do i=1,gi
+ jj = j + (nj-2*gj) / 2
+ f(ni-i+1,j) = parity * ff(i,jj)
+ end do
+ end do
+ do j=nj/2+1,nj
+ do i=1,gi
+ jj = j - (nj-2*gj) / 2
+ f(ni-i+1,j) = parity * ff(i,jj)
+ end do
+ end do
+ deallocate (ff)
+ allocate (ff(ni,gj))
+ ! lower phi
+ ff(:ni, :) = f(:ni, nj-2*gj+1:nj-gj)
+ ! periodic boundary at null meridian
+ do j=1,gj
+ do i=1,ni
+ f(i,j) = ff(i,j)
+ end do
+ end do
+ ! upper phi
+ ff(:ni, :) = f(:ni, gj+1:2*gj)
+ ! periodic boundary at null meridian
+ do j=1,gj
+ do i=1,ni
+ f(i,nj-j+1) = ff(i,gj-j+1)
+ end do
+ end do
+ deallocate (ff)
+ f(ni+1:, :nj) = 0
+ f(:, nj+1:) = 0
+ end subroutine set_boundary_real
+ subroutine set_boundary_complex (CCTK_ARGUMENTS, hn, f, parity)
+ integer, intent(in) :: hn
+ CCTK_COMPLEX :: f(:,:)
+ integer, intent(in) :: parity
+ CCTK_REAL :: fre(size(f,1),size(f,2))
+ CCTK_REAL :: fim(size(f,1),size(f,2))
+ integer :: ni, nj, gi, gj
+ ni = qlm_ntheta(hn)
+ nj = qlm_nphi(hn)
+ gi = qlm_nghoststheta(hn)
+ gj = qlm_nghostsphi(hn)
+ f( :gi, :nj) = 0
+ f(ni-gi+1:ni, :nj) = 0
+ f(:ni, :gj) = 0
+ f(:ni, nj-gj+1:nj) = 0
+ fre = real(f)
+ fim = aimag(f)
+ call set_boundary_real (CCTK_PASS_FTOF, hn, fre, parity)
+ call set_boundary_real (CCTK_PASS_FTOF, hn, fim, parity)
+ f = cmplx(fre, fim, kind(f))
+ end subroutine set_boundary_complex
+end module qlm_boundary