path: root/doc
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+% *======================================================================*
+% Cactus Thorn template for ThornGuide documentation
+% Author: Ian Kelley
+% Date: Sun Jun 02, 2002
+% Thorn documentation in the latex file doc/documentation.tex
+% will be included in ThornGuides built with the Cactus make system.
+% The scripts employed by the make system automatically include
+% pages about variables, parameters and scheduling parsed from the
+% relevant thorn CCL files.
+% This template contains guidelines which help to assure that your
+% documentation will be correctly added to ThornGuides. More
+% information is available in the Cactus UsersGuide.
+% Guidelines:
+% - Do not change anything before the line
+% except for filling in the title, author, date, etc. fields.
+% - Each of these fields should only be on ONE line.
+% - Author names should be separated with a \\ or a comma.
+% - You can define your own macros, but they must appear after
+% the START CACTUS THORNGUIDE line, and must not redefine standard
+% latex commands.
+% - To avoid name clashes with other thorns, 'labels', 'citations',
+% 'references', and 'image' names should conform to the following
+% convention:
+% For example, an image wave.eps in the arrangement CactusWave and
+% thorn WaveToyC should be renamed to CactusWave_WaveToyC_wave.eps
+% - Graphics should only be included using the graphicx package.
+% More specifically, with the "\includegraphics" command. Do
+% not specify any graphic file extensions in your .tex file. This
+% will allow us to create a PDF version of the ThornGuide
+% via pdflatex.
+% - References should be included with the latex "\bibitem" command.
+% - Use \begin{abstract}...\end{abstract} instead of \abstract{...}
+% - Do not use \appendix, instead include any appendices you need as
+% standard sections.
+% - For the benefit of our Perl scripts, and for future extensions,
+% please use simple latex.
+% *======================================================================*
+% Example of including a graphic image:
+% \begin{figure}[ht]
+% \begin{center}
+% \includegraphics[width=6cm]{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyFigure}
+% \end{center}
+% \caption{Illustration of this and that}
+% \label{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyLabel}
+% \end{figure}
+% Example of using a label:
+% \label{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyLabel}
+% Example of a citation:
+% \cite{MyArrangement_MyThorn_Author99}
+% Example of including a reference
+% \bibitem{MyArrangement_MyThorn_Author99}
+% {J. Author, {\em The Title of the Book, Journal, or periodical}, 1 (1999),
+% 1--16. {\tt http://www.nowhere.com/}}
+% *======================================================================*
+% Use the Cactus ThornGuide style file
+% (Automatically used from Cactus distribution, if you have a
+% thorn without the Cactus Flesh download this from the Cactus
+% homepage at www.cactuscode.org)
+% The author of the documentation
+\author{Erik Schnetter \textless schnetter@cct.lsu.edu\textgreater}
+% The title of the document (not necessarily the name of the Thorn)
+% the date your document was last changed
+% Do not delete next line
+% Add all definitions used in this documentation here
+% \def\mydef etc
+% Add an abstract for this thorn's documentation
+ Calculate quasi-local measures such as masses, momenta, or angular
+ momenta and related quantities on closed two-dimentional surfaces,
+ including on horizons.
+% The following sections are suggestive only.
+% Remove them or add your own.
+\section{A note on evaluating 3D integrals on the horizon world tube}
+[NOTE: Ignore the stuff below. You can do that much easier.]
+\subsection{Integral transformation}
+The papers about dynamical horizons contain integrals over the 3D
+horizon world tube, expressed e.g.\ as
+ \int X\; d^3V
+where $X$ is some quantity that lives on the horizon. These integrals
+have to be transformed into a $2+1$ form so that they can be
+conveniently evaluated, e.g.\ as
+ \int X\; A\, d^2S\, dt
+where $d^2S$ is the area element on the horizon cross section
+contained in $\Sigma$, and $dt$ is the coordinate time differential.
+The factor $A$ should contain the extra terms due to this coordinate
+Starting from the $3$-volume element $d^3V$, let us first decompose
+it into the $2$-volume element $d^2S$ and a ``time'' coordinate on the
+horizon, which we call $\sigma$. Note that $\sigma$ will generally be
+a spacelike coordinate for dynamical horizons. Let $\mathbf{Q}$ be
+the induced $3$-metric on the horizon, and $\mathbf{q}$ be the induced
+$2$-metric on the cross section.
+Then it is
+ d^3V & = & \sqrt{\det Q}\; d\theta\, d\phi\, d\sigma
+ & = & \frac{\sqrt{\det Q}}{\sqrt{\det q}}\; d^2S\, d\sigma
+because $d^2S = \sqrt{\det q}\, d\theta\, d\phi$.
+The coordinate time differential $dt$ and the differential $d\sigma$
+will in general not be aligned because the horizon world tube will in
+general not have a static coordinate shape. It is
+ d\tau & = & (\cosh \alpha)\, dt + (\sinh \alpha)\, ds
+ d\sigma & = & (\cosh \alpha)\, ds + (\sinh \alpha)\, dt
+where $s$ is a radial coordinate perpendicular to the horizon and also
+perpendicular to $t$, and $\tau$ is perpendicular to $\sigma$ and lies
+in the plan spanned by $t$ and $s$. $\tau$ and $\sigma$ are depend on
+$t$ and $s$ via a Lorentz boost. Thus we have
+ \frac{d\sigma}{dt} & = & (\cosh \alpha)\, \frac{ds}{dt} + (\sinh
+ \alpha)\, \frac{dt}{dt}
+ & = & \sinh \alpha \quad\textrm{.}
+Putting everything together we arrive at
+ \int X\; \frac{\sqrt{\det Q}}{\sqrt{\det q}}\; (\sinh \alpha)\,
+ d^2S\, dt \quad\textrm{.}
+\subsection{The ``lapse'' function $N_R$}
+Starting from
+ N_R & = & | \partial R |
+we find, since the radius $R$ changes only in the $\sigma$ direction,
+ N_R^2 & = & g^{\sigma\sigma}\, (\partial_\sigma R)\,
+ (\partial_\sigma R) \quad\textrm{.}
+If we assume $\partial_\tau R = 0$ and write $\partial_t R = \dot R$,
+and use the relations between $\sigma$ and $t$ from above, we get
+ \dot R & = & \partial_t R
+ & = & \frac{\partial \tau}{\partial t} \partial_\tau R +
+ \frac{\partial \sigma}{\partial t} \partial_\sigma R
+ & = & \sinh \alpha\, \partial_\sigma R
+[NOTE: but $\partial_t \alpha \ne 0$.]
+and therefore
+ \partial_\sigma R & = & \frac{1}{\sinh \alpha}\; \dot R
+ \quad\textrm{.}
+Additionally we have $g^{\sigma\sigma} = g^{ab} \sigma_a \sigma_b =
+g_{ab} \sigma^a \sigma^b$ where $\sigma^a$ is the unit vector in the
+$\sigma$ direction, i.e.\
+ \tau^a & = & (\cosh \alpha)\, t^a + (\sinh \alpha)\, s^a
+ \sigma^a & = & (\cosh \alpha)\, s^a + (\sinh \alpha)\, t^a
+\subsection{Special Behaviour}
+In order to use the IsolatedHorizon thorn on existing data
+(postprocessing), the following procedure is necessary.
+Computing time-independent quantities.\\
+The 3-metric and the extrinsic curvature must be available in HDF5
+\item Set up a parameter file for a grid structure that contains the
+ region around the horizon. The refinement level structure and grid
+ spacing etc. needs to be the same as in the HDF5 files, but the
+ grids can be much smaller. You can also leave out some finer grids,
+ i.e., reduce the number of levels. However, the coarse grid spacing
+ must remain the same. The symmetries must also be the same.
+\item Use the file reader and thorn AEIThorns/IDFileADM to read in the
+ ADM variables from the files. The parameter file does not need to
+ activate BSSN\_MoL or any time evolution mechanism. IDFileADM acts
+ as provider for initial data, so you don't need any other initial
+ data either.
+\item Set up your parameter file so that the AH finder runs, stores
+ the horizon shape in SphericalSurface,
+ and IsolatedHorizon accesses these data.\\
+This gives you the time-independent variables on the horizon, i.e.,
+mostly the spin. It also allows you to look for apparent horizons if
+you don't know where they are.
+ Computing time-independent quantities, e.g.\ 3-determinant of the horizon\\
+\item Performing some time steps is necessary. Either read in lapse
+ and shift from files, or set them arbitrarily (e.g.\ lapse one,
+ shift zero).
+\item Activate a time evolution thorn, i.e., BSSN\_MoL, MoL, Time,
+ etc. In order to fill the past time levels, just choose
+ MoL::initial\_data\_is\_crap. If you have hydrodynamics, read in
+ the hydro variables as well.
+\item Only two time steps are required. Remember that the output of
+ IsolatedHorizon for iteration 0 and 1 are incorrect or very
+ inaccurate, since the past time levels are not correct, and hence
+ the time derivatives that IsolatedHorizon calculates are wrong.
+ However, iteration 2 should be good. (One could also perform 5
+ iterations and cross-check.)
+ If data for the extrinsic curvature is not available, but those for
+ the 3-metric, lapse, and shift for consecutive time steps are (that
+ is, if you have data suitable for finding event horizons), then one
+ needs to reconstruct the extrinsic curvature first. There is a
+ thorn AEIThorns/CalcK that helps with that. It reads the data for
+ the 4-metric timestep after timestep, calculates the time derivative
+ of the 3-metric through finite differencing in time, and then
+ determines the extrinsic curvature from that, and writes it to a
+ file. Once you have it, you can go on as above. CalcK has a small
+ shell script that tells you what to do.
+ In general, things become more interesting if a static conformal
+ factor is involved (since more variables are present), especially if
+ it is output only once (since it is static), which means that one
+ has to mix variables from different time steps.
+The thorns involved in this procedure have some examples. In general,
+this is NOT a ``just do it'' action; you have to know what you are
+doing, since you have to put the pieces together in your parameter
+file and make sure that everything is consistent. We may have a
+vision that you just call a script in a directory that contains output
+files and the script figures out everything else, but we're not there
+yet. All the ingredients are there, but you'll have to put them
+together in the right way. Think Lego.
+\section{Interpreting 2D output}
+2D output is given on a rectangular grid. This grid has coordinates
+which are regular and have a constant spacing in the $\theta$ and
+$\phi$ directions. Cactus output has only grid point indices, but
+does not contain the coordinates $\theta$ and $\phi$ themselves.
+In gnuplot, one can define functions to convert indices to
+ \theta(i) & = & (i - g\theta + 0.5) * \pi / n\theta
+ \\
+ \phi(j) & = & (j - g\phi ) * 2*\pi / n\phi
+where $g\theta$ and $g\phi$ is the number of ghost points in the
+corresponding direction, and $n\theta$ and $n\phi$ the number of
+interior points. Here are the same equations in gnuplot syntax:
+theta(i) = (i - nghosts + 0.5) * pi / ntheta
+phi(j) = (j - nghosts) * 2*pi / nphi
+Usually, \verb|nghosts=2|, \verb|ntheta=35|, and \verb|nphi=72|.
+\verb|i| and \verb|j| are is the integer grid point indices. Note
+that \verb|ntheta| and \verb|nphi| in the parameter file include ghost
+zones, while their definitions here do not include them. In general,
+\verb|nphi| is even and \verb|ntheta| is odd, because the points are
+staggered about the poles.
+A test plot shows whether the plot is symmetric about $\pi/2$ in the
+$\theta$ and $\pi$ in the $\phi$ direction. Also, plotting something
+axisymmetric with bitant symmetry vs.\ $\theta$ and vs.\ $\pi-\theta$,
+and vs.\ $\phi$ and $2\pi-\phi$, should lie exactly on top of each
+There are also scalars \verb|origin/delta_theta/phi| which one can use
+in the above equations. Then the equations read
+theta(i) = (i + origin_theta) * delta_theta
+phi(j) = (j + origin_phi) * delta_phi
+but, of course, these four quantities are all irrational and don't
+look nice.
+% Do not delete next line