path: root/src
diff options
authorknarf <knarf@f2ea251b-07d6-4a45-8f2c-a162b3fa7596>2010-08-05 03:34:36 +0000
committerknarf <knarf@f2ea251b-07d6-4a45-8f2c-a162b3fa7596>2010-08-05 03:34:36 +0000
commit53958eff2110d1478b1a621f722e00777010ffdc (patch)
tree115a28dda0fe1e16d8965081b7f7235a27c3063b /src
parentad24f5ae91858a17759f91055f6ace4918cbc557 (diff)
Major cleanup and fixes. The current version is able to read in example Meudon data and converges in both hamiltonian and momentum constraint on the Cactus grid until it hits the spectral residuum
git-svn-id: http://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/cactus/EinsteinInitialData/Meudon_Bin_NS/trunk@9 f2ea251b-07d6-4a45-8f2c-a162b3fa7596
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 113 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/src/Bin_NS.cc b/src/Bin_NS.cc
index 66dd9df..64fb2d9 100644
--- a/src/Bin_NS.cc
+++ b/src/Bin_NS.cc
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+/* (c) 2009 Erik Schnetter
+ * (c) 2010 Frank Loeffler */
#include <cstdio>
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
@@ -7,23 +10,23 @@
#include <cctk_Parameters.h>
#include <bin_ns.h>
+#include <unites.h>
using namespace std;
static void set_dt_from_domega (CCTK_ARGUMENTS,
CCTK_REAL const* const var,
CCTK_REAL * const dtvar,
CCTK_REAL const& omega)
int const npoints = cctk_lsh[0] * cctk_lsh[1] * cctk_lsh[2];
vector<CCTK_REAL> dxvar(npoints), dyvar(npoints);
Diff_gv (cctkGH, 0, var, &dxvar[0], -1);
Diff_gv (cctkGH, 1, var, &dyvar[0], -1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i=0; i<npoints; ++i) {
CCTK_REAL const ephix = +y[i];
@@ -33,59 +36,52 @@ static void set_dt_from_domega (CCTK_ARGUMENTS,
extern "C"
-void ID_Bin_NS_initialise (CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+void Meudon_Bin_NS_initialise (CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
CCTK_INFO ("Setting up LORENE Bin_NS initial data");
// Meudon data are distributed in SI units (MKSA). Here are some
// conversion factors.
- // Defined constants
- CCTK_REAL const c_light = 299792458.0; // speed of light [m/s]
- // Constants of nature (IAU, CODATA):
- CCTK_REAL const G_grav = 6.67428e-11; // gravitational constant [m^3/kg/s^2]
- CCTK_REAL const M_sun = 1.98892e+30; // solar mass [kg]
+ // Be aware: these are the constants Lorene uses. They do differ from other
+ // conventions, but they gave the best results in some tests.
+ CCTK_REAL const c_light = Unites::c_si; // speed of light [m/s]
+ CCTK_REAL const nuc_dens = Unites::rhonuc_si; // Nuclear density as used in Lorene units [kg/m^3]
+ CCTK_REAL const G_grav = Unites::g_si; // gravitational constant [m^3/kg/s^2]
+ CCTK_REAL const M_sun = Unites::msol_si; // solar mass [kg]
// Cactus units in terms of SI units:
// (These are derived from M = M_sun, c = G = 1, and using 1/M_sun
// for the magnetic field)
CCTK_REAL const cactusM = M_sun;
CCTK_REAL const cactusL = cactusM * G_grav / pow(c_light,2);
CCTK_REAL const cactusT = cactusL / c_light;
// Other quantities in terms of Cactus units
- CCTK_REAL const coord_unit = cactusL / 1.0e+3; // from km
+ CCTK_REAL const coord_unit = cactusL / 1.0e+3; // from km (~1.477)
CCTK_REAL const rho_unit = cactusM / pow(cactusL,3); // from kg/m^3
- CCTK_REAL const ener_unit = pow(cactusL,2); // from c^2
- CCTK_REAL const vel_unit = cactusL / cactusT / c_light; // from c
CCTK_INFO ("Setting up coordinates");
int const npoints = cctk_lsh[0] * cctk_lsh[1] * cctk_lsh[2];
vector<double> xx(npoints), yy(npoints), zz(npoints);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i=0; i<npoints; ++i) {
xx[i] = x[i] * coord_unit;
yy[i] = y[i] * coord_unit;
zz[i] = z[i] * coord_unit;
CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Reading from file \"%s\"", filename);
Bin_NS bin_ns (npoints, &xx[0], &yy[0], &zz[0], filename);
CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "omega [rad/s]: %g", bin_ns.omega);
CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "dist [km]: %g", bin_ns.dist);
CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "dist_mass [km]: %g", bin_ns.dist_mass);
@@ -101,113 +97,104 @@ void ID_Bin_NS_initialise (CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "rad2_y [km]: %g", bin_ns.rad2_y);
CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "rad2_z [km]: %g", bin_ns.rad2_z);
CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "rad2_x_opp [km]: %g", bin_ns.rad2_x_opp);
+ double K = bin_ns.kappa_poly1 * pow(c_light, 6.0) /
+ ( pow(G_grav, 3.0) * M_sun * M_sun *
+ pow(nuc_dens, bin_ns.gamma_poly1-1.) );
+ CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "K [ET unit]: %.15g", K);
assert (bin_ns.np == npoints);
CCTK_INFO ("Filling in Cactus grid points");
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i=0; i<npoints; ++i) {
- alp[i] = bin_ns.nnn[i];
- betax[i] = -bin_ns.beta_x[i];
- betay[i] = -bin_ns.beta_y[i];
- betaz[i] = -bin_ns.beta_z[i];
- CCTK_REAL g[3][3];
- g[0][0] = bin_ns.g_xx[i];
- g[0][1] = bin_ns.g_xy[i];
- g[0][2] = bin_ns.g_xz[i];
- g[1][1] = bin_ns.g_yy[i];
- g[1][2] = bin_ns.g_yz[i];
- g[2][2] = bin_ns.g_zz[i];
- g[1][0] = g[0][1];
- g[2][0] = g[0][2];
- g[2][1] = g[1][2];
- CCTK_REAL ku[3][3];
- ku[0][0] = bin_ns.k_xx[i];
- ku[0][1] = bin_ns.k_xy[i];
- ku[0][2] = bin_ns.k_xz[i];
- ku[1][1] = bin_ns.k_yy[i];
- ku[1][2] = bin_ns.k_yz[i];
- ku[2][2] = bin_ns.k_zz[i];
- ku[1][0] = ku[0][1];
- ku[2][0] = ku[0][2];
- ku[2][1] = ku[1][2];
- CCTK_REAL k[3][3];
- for (int a=0; a<3; ++a) {
- for (int b=0; b<3; ++b) {
- k[a][b] = 0.0;
- for (int c=0; c<3; ++c) {
- for (int d=0; d<3; ++d) {
- k[a][b] += g[a][c] * g[b][d] * ku[c][d];
- }
- }
- }
+ if (CCTK_EQUALS(initial_lapse, "Meudon_Bin_NS")) {
+ alp[i] = bin_ns.nnn[i];
- gxx[i] = g[0][0];
- gxy[i] = g[0][1];
- gxz[i] = g[0][2];
- gyy[i] = g[1][1];
- gyz[i] = g[1][2];
- gzz[i] = g[2][2];
- kxx[i] = ku[0][0] * coord_unit;
- kxy[i] = ku[0][1] * coord_unit;
- kxz[i] = ku[0][2] * coord_unit;
- kyy[i] = ku[1][1] * coord_unit;
- kyz[i] = ku[1][2] * coord_unit;
- kzz[i] = ku[2][2] * coord_unit;
- rho[i] = bin_ns.nbar[i] / rho_unit;
- eps[i] = rho[i] * bin_ns.ener_spec[i] / ener_unit;
- vel[i ] = bin_ns.u_euler_x[i] / vel_unit;
- vel[i+ npoints] = bin_ns.u_euler_y[i] / vel_unit;
- vel[i+2*npoints] = bin_ns.u_euler_z[i] / vel_unit;
- if (rho[i] < 1.e-20) {
- rho[i ] = 1.e-20;
- vel[i ] = 0.0;
- vel[i+ npoints] = 0.0;
- vel[i+2*npoints] = 0.0;
+ if (CCTK_EQUALS(initial_shift, "Meudon_Bin_NS")) {
+ betax[i] = -bin_ns.beta_x[i];
+ betay[i] = -bin_ns.beta_y[i];
+ betaz[i] = -bin_ns.beta_z[i];
+ }
+ if (CCTK_EQUALS(initial_data, "Meudon_Bin_NS")) {
+ gxx[i] = bin_ns.g_xx[i];
+ gxy[i] = bin_ns.g_xy[i];
+ gxz[i] = bin_ns.g_xz[i];
+ gyy[i] = bin_ns.g_yy[i];
+ gyz[i] = bin_ns.g_yz[i];
+ gzz[i] = bin_ns.g_zz[i];
+ kxx[i] = bin_ns.k_xx[i] * coord_unit;
+ kxy[i] = bin_ns.k_xy[i] * coord_unit;
+ kxz[i] = bin_ns.k_xz[i] * coord_unit;
+ kyy[i] = bin_ns.k_yy[i] * coord_unit;
+ kyz[i] = bin_ns.k_yz[i] * coord_unit;
+ kzz[i] = bin_ns.k_zz[i] * coord_unit;
+ }
+ if (CCTK_EQUALS(initial_data, "Meudon_Bin_NS")) {
+ rho[i] = bin_ns.nbar[i] / rho_unit;
+ eps[i] = bin_ns.ener_spec[i];
+ // The following would recompute eps using the polytopic EOS, but
+ // setting eps directly seems to work as well
+ // eps[i] = K * pow(rho[i], bin_ns.gamma_poly1-1.) / (bin_ns.gamma_poly1-1.);
+ // TODO: we should really use some EOS calls for the pressure, but for the
+ // moment this works with polytropes at least
+ press[i] = K * pow(rho[i], bin_ns.gamma_poly1);
+ vel[i ] = bin_ns.u_euler_x[i];
+ vel[i+ npoints] = bin_ns.u_euler_y[i];
+ vel[i+2*npoints] = bin_ns.u_euler_z[i];
+ // Especially the velocity is set to strange values outside of the
+ // matter region, so take care of this in the following way
+ if (rho[i] < 1.e-20) {
+ rho[i ] = 1.e-20;
+ vel[i ] = 0.0;
+ vel[i+ npoints] = 0.0;
+ vel[i+2*npoints] = 0.0;
+ eps[i ] = K * pow(rho[i], bin_ns.gamma_poly1-1.) / (bin_ns.gamma_poly1-1.);
+ press[i ] = K * pow(rho[i], bin_ns.gamma_poly1);
+ }
} // for i
- CCTK_INFO ("Calculating time derivatives of lapse and shift");
// Angular velocity
CCTK_REAL const omega = bin_ns.omega * cactusT;
// These initial data assume a helical Killing vector field
- if (CCTK_EQUALS (initial_dtlapse, "ID_Bin_NS")) {
- set_dt_from_domega (CCTK_PASS_CTOC, alp, dtalp, omega);
- } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (initial_dtlapse, "none")) {
- // do nothing
- } else {
- CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, "internal error");
+ if (CCTK_EQUALS(initial_lapse, "Meudon_Bin_NS")) {
+ if (CCTK_EQUALS (initial_dtlapse, "Meudon_Bin_NS")) {
+ CCTK_INFO ("Calculating time derivatives of lapse");
+ set_dt_from_domega (CCTK_PASS_CTOC, alp, dtalp, omega);
+ } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (initial_dtlapse, "none")) {
+ // do nothing
+ } else {
+ CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, "internal error");
+ }
- if (CCTK_EQUALS (initial_dtshift, "ID_Bin_NS")) {
- set_dt_from_domega (CCTK_PASS_CTOC, betax, dtbetax, omega);
- set_dt_from_domega (CCTK_PASS_CTOC, betay, dtbetay, omega);
- set_dt_from_domega (CCTK_PASS_CTOC, betaz, dtbetaz, omega);
- } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (initial_dtshift, "none")) {
- // do nothing
- } else {
- CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, "internal error");
+ if (CCTK_EQUALS(initial_shift, "Meudon_Bin_NS")) {
+ if (CCTK_EQUALS (initial_dtshift, "Meudon_Bin_NS")) {
+ CCTK_INFO ("Calculating time derivatives of shift");
+ set_dt_from_domega (CCTK_PASS_CTOC, betax, dtbetax, omega);
+ set_dt_from_domega (CCTK_PASS_CTOC, betay, dtbetay, omega);
+ set_dt_from_domega (CCTK_PASS_CTOC, betaz, dtbetaz, omega);
+ } else if (CCTK_EQUALS (initial_dtshift, "none")) {
+ // do nothing
+ } else {
+ CCTK_WARN (CCTK_WARN_ABORT, "internal error");
+ }
CCTK_INFO ("Done.");
diff --git a/src/check_parameters.cc b/src/check_parameters.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index d96379d..0000000
--- a/src/check_parameters.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#include <cctk.h>
-#include <cctk_Arguments.h>
-#include <cctk_Parameters.h>
-extern "C"
-void ID_Bin_NS_check_parameters (CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
- if (not CCTK_EQUALS (initial_data, "ID_Bin_NS") or
- not CCTK_EQUALS (initial_lapse, "ID_Bin_NS") or
- not CCTK_EQUALS (initial_shift, "ID_Bin_NS") or
- not (CCTK_EQUALS (initial_dtlapse, "ID_Bin_NS") or
- CCTK_EQUALS (initial_dtlapse, "none")) or
- not (CCTK_EQUALS (initial_dtshift, "ID_Bin_NS") or
- CCTK_EQUALS (initial_dtshift, "none")) or
- not CCTK_EQUALS (initial_hydro, "ID_Bin_NS"))
- {
- CCTK_PARAMWARN ("The parameters ADMBase::initial_data, ADMBase::initial_lapse, ADMBase::initial_shift, ADMBase::initial_dtlapse, ADMBase::initial_dtshift, and HydroBase::initial_hydro must all be set to the value \"ID_Bin_NS\" or \"none\"");
- }
diff --git a/src/make.code.defn b/src/make.code.defn
index bc238db..8656099 100644
--- a/src/make.code.defn
+++ b/src/make.code.defn
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# Main make.code.defn file for thorn ID_Bin_NS
+# Main make.code.defn file for thorn Meudon_Bin_NS
# Source files in this directory
-SRCS = Bin_NS.cc check_parameters.cc
+SRCS = Bin_NS.cc
# Subdirectories containing source files