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2 files changed, 289 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/doc/CreateIOFlexIOdatafile.c b/doc/CreateIOFlexIOdatafile.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7ae1e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/CreateIOFlexIOdatafile.c
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+ /*@@
+ @file CreateIOFlexIOdatafile.c
+ @date Mon 12 Mar 2001
+ @author Thomas Radke
+ @desc
+ Example program to create an unchunked IOFlexIO datafile
+ with a single dataset which can be read as input data
+ into Cactus.
+ @enddesc
+ @version $Id$
+ @@*/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+/* FlexIO includes */
+#include "IOProtos.h"
+#include "IEEEIO.h"
+/* the name of our sample data file */
+#define DATAFILENAME "x_3d.ieee"
+/* the number of dimensions of our sample data array and its size */
+#define NDIM 3
+#define NSIZE 20
+/* the type of Cactus variable for the sample dataset (a grid function)
+ This definition was taken from Cactus header files - for ease of use
+ we didn't include these here. */
+#define CCTK_GF 2
+/* a simple macro to do a FlexIO call with return code checking
+ in case of an error it will issue an error message and exit */
+#define CHECK_ERROR(flexio_call) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ int _error_code = flexio_call; \
+ \
+ \
+ if (_error_code < 0) \
+ { \
+ fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: line %d: FlexIO call '%s' returned " \
+ "error code %d\n", \
+ __LINE__, #flexio_call, _error_code); \
+ return (-1); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+ /*@@
+ @routine main
+ @date Mon 12 Mar 2001
+ @author Thomas Radke
+ @desc
+ Main routine creating a sample FlexIO datafile
+ @enddesc
+ @returntype int
+ @returndesc
+ 0 for success, negative return values indicate an error
+ @endreturndesc
+int main (void)
+ void *data;
+ int i, elements, dims[NDIM];
+ Int timelevel, ntimelevels, grouptype;
+ Int nprocs, ioproc_every, unchunked;
+ Int dimsI[NDIM];
+ char *varname, *groupname;
+ IOFile datafile;
+ /* create a datafile */
+ datafile = IEEEopen (DATAFILENAME, "w");
+ if (! IOisValid (datafile))
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "Could not create output file '%s'\n", DATAFILENAME);
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ /* set the dimensions of our sample data array
+ count the number of elements */
+ elements = 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)
+ {
+ dims[i] = NSIZE;
+ dimsI[i] = NSIZE;
+ elements *= NSIZE;
+ }
+ /* allocate the data array
+ we are lazy here and only initialize it to zero */
+ data = calloc (elements, sizeof (double));
+ /**************************************************************************/
+ /* write your data as a dataset into the file */
+ /**************************************************************************/
+ /* write the data */
+ CHECK_ERROR (IOwrite (datafile, FLOAT64, NDIM, dims, data));
+ /**************************************************************************/
+ /* add the necessary attributes describing the dataset */
+ /* as a Cactus grid variable */
+ /**************************************************************************/
+ /* the variable's name (as specified in the interface.ccl file) */
+ varname = "grid::x";
+ CHECK_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (datafile, "name", CHAR,
+ strlen (varname) + 1, varname));
+ /* the variable's group name (as specified in the interface.ccl file) */
+ groupname = "grid::coordinates";
+ CHECK_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (datafile, "groupname", CHAR,
+ strlen (groupname) + 1, groupname));
+ /* the variable's group type (as specified in the interface.ccl file) */
+ grouptype = CCTK_GF;
+ CHECK_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (datafile, "grouptype", INT32, 1, &grouptype));
+ /* the number of timelevels of the variable (as specified in the
+ interface.ccl file) */
+ ntimelevels = 1;
+ CHECK_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (datafile, "ntimelevels", INT32, 1,
+ &ntimelevels));
+ /* the timelevel of the variable */
+ timelevel = 1;
+ CHECK_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (datafile, "timelevel", INT32, 1, &timelevel));
+ /* the dimensions of the variable (must correspond with the grid size
+ in your parameter file) */
+ CHECK_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (datafile, "global_size", INT32, NDIM, dimsI));
+ /**************************************************************************/
+ /* add the attributes describing how the data in this file was written */
+ /* these attributes must be attached to the first dataset in the file */
+ /**************************************************************************/
+ /* we are writing unchunked data */
+ unchunked = 1;
+ CHECK_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (datafile, "unchunked", INT32, 1, &unchunked));
+ /* the number of processors isn't really needed here
+ (only for chunked data) */
+ nprocs = 1;
+ CHECK_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (datafile, "GH$nprocs", INT32, 1, &nprocs));
+ /* the number of I/O processors isn't really needed here
+ (only for chunked data) */
+ ioproc_every = 1;
+ CHECK_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (datafile, "GH$ioproc_every", INT32, 1,
+ &ioproc_every));
+ /* close the file and free allocated resources */
+ CHECK_ERROR (IOclose (datafile));
+ free (data);
+ return (0);
diff --git a/doc/documentation.tex b/doc/documentation.tex
index b639c9b..f85cdc6 100644
--- a/doc/documentation.tex
+++ b/doc/documentation.tex
@@ -7,70 +7,141 @@
-\abstract{Thorn IOFlexIO provides IO methods for 2D and 3D output of variables
-using John Shalf's FlexIO library ({\tt http://bach.ncsa.uiuc.edu/FlexIO/}).\\
-It also implements checkpointing/recovery functionality.}
+\abstract{Thorn IOFlexIO provides I/O methods to output variables in IEEEIO
+file format. It also implements checkpointing/recovery functionality.}
-Thorn IOFlexIO registers 2 IO methods with the IO interface in the flesh:
- \item {\tt IOFlexIO\_2D} creates two-dimensional output of grid functions
- extracting the xy, xz, yz planes by slicing through the edge (in the octant
- case) or center (in all origin centered cases).
- \item {\tt IOFlexIO\_3D} creates three-dimensional output of grid functions
- as well as plain output of scalar variables.
-Data for both methods is written in IEEEIO binary file format
-({\tt http://bach.ncsa.uiuc.edu/IEEEIO/}) and goes into files named
-{\tt "<varname>\_2D.ieee"} and {\tt "<varname>\_3D.ieee"} respectively.\\
-Further processing of these data can be done with visualization tools like
-Amira, AVS, and IDL.\\
-You obtain output by an IO method by either
+Thorn IOFlexIO uses John Shalf's FlexIO library (see {\tt
+http://bach.ncsa.uiuc.edu/FlexIO/} for details) to output any type of grid
+variables (grid scalars, grid functions, and arrays of arbitrary dimension)
+in the IEEEIO file format.\\
+The thorn registers two I/O methods with the flesh's I/O interface at startup:
- \item setting the appropriate IO parameters
- \item calling one the routines of the IO function interface provided by the flesh
+ \item method {\tt IOFlexIO\_3D} outputs all types of grid variables with
+ arbitrary dimensions
+ \item method {\tt IOFlexIO\_2D} outputs two-dimensional slices (xy-, xz-,
+ and yz-slice) of three-dimensional grid functions and arrays
-IOFlexIO also provides checkpointing/recovery functionality by registering
+Data is written into files named {\tt "<varname>.ieee"} (for method {\tt IOFlexIO\_3D}) and {\tt "<varname>\_2d\_<plane>.ieee"} (for method {\tt IOFlexIO\_2D}).
+Such datafiles can be used for further postprocessing (eg. visualization)
+or fed back into Cactus via the filereader capabilities of thorn IOUtil.\\[3ex]
+{\bf Parallel File I/O}\\
+According to the ouptput mode parameter settings ({\tt IO::out3D\_mode,
+IO::out3D\_unchunked, IO::out3D\_procs}) of thorn IOUtil, thorn IOFlexIO
+will output distributed data either
- \item a checkpoint method with the Runtime Function Repository in the flesh
- if checkpointing was requested for this thorn.
- This method is then scheduled at {\em CCTK\_CPINITIAL} and/or
- {\em CCTK\_CHECKPOINT} (to checkpoint initial and/or evolution data).\\
- Controled via checkpoint parameters, it decides when to save the current
- state of simulation by dumping the contents of all Cactus variables and
- parameters into a checkpoint file which is in IEEEIO file format.\\
- To write this file the thorn's IO method {\tt IOFlexIO\_3D} is used.
- \item a recovery method with the generic recovery function interface of thorn IOUtil.\\
- At recovery time this method is called by IOUtil's generic recovery
- routine. It gets passed a filename which is tested to identify a checkpoint
- file in IEEEIO format. If successful the method will then restore the
- contents of all Cactus variables and parameters from the given checkpoint
- file.
+ \item in serial into a single unchunked file
+ IO::out3D_mode = "onefile"
+ IO::out3D_unchunked = "yes"
+ \item in parallel, that is, into separate files containing chunks of the
+ individual processors' patches of the distributed array
+ IO::out3D_mode = "proc | np"
-For a description of IO and checkpoint/recovery parameters and the generic
-recovery function interface please see also the documentation of thorn IOUtil.\\
-For a description of IO function interface to invoke IO methods by application
-thorns please see the flesh documentation.
+The default is to output data in parallel, in order to get maximum I/O
+performance. If needed, you can recombine the resulting chunked datafiles
+into a single unchunked file using the recombiner utility program provided
+in {\tt IOFlexIO/src/util/}.\\
+To build the recombiner just do a
+ make <configuration>-utils
+in the Cactus toplevel directory. The recombiner executable {\tt
+ieee\_recombiner} will be placed in the {\tt exe/<configuration>/}
+{\bf Checkpointing \& Recovery}\\
+Thorn IOFlexIO can also be used for creating IEEEIO checkpoint files and
+recovering from such files later on.\\
+Checkpoint routines are scheduled at several timebins so that you can save
+the current state of your simulation atfer the initial data phase,
+during evolution, or at termination.
+A recovery routine is registered with thorn IOUtil in order to restart
+a new simulation from a given IOFlexIO checkpoint.
+The very same recovery mechanism is used to implement a filereader
+functionality to feed back data into Cactus.\\
+Checkpointing and recovery are controlled by corresponding checkpoint/recovery
+parameters of thorn IOUtil (for a description of these parameters please refer
+to this thorn's documentation).
-Since IOFlexIO uses parameters and the recovery function interface from IOUtil
-it also needs this I/O skeleton thorn compiled into Cactus and activated.\\
+{\bf Importing external data into Cactus with IOFlexIO}\\
+In order to import external data into Cactus (eg. to initialize some variable)
+you first need to convert this data into an IEEEIO datafile which then can be
+processed by the registered recovery routine of thorn IOFlexIO.\\
+The following description explains the IEEEIO file layout of an unchunked
+datafile which thorn IOFlexIO expects in order to restore Cactus variables
+from it properly. There is also a well-documented example C program provided
+({\tt IOFlexIO/doc/CreateIOFlexIOdatafile.c}) which illustrates how to create
+a datafile with IEEEIO file layout. This working example can be used as a
+template for building your own data converter program.\\
+ \item Actual data is stored as multidimensional datasets in an IEEEIO file.
+ \item The type of your data as well as its dimensions are already
+ inherited by a dataset itself as metainformation. But this is not
+ enough for IOFlexIO to savely match it against a specific Cactus
+ variable.
+ For that reason, the variable's name, its groupname, its grouptype, the
+ timelevel to restore, and the
+ total number of timelevels must be attached to every dataset
+ as attribute information.
+ \item Finally, the recovery routine needs to know how the datafile to
+ recover from was created:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Does the file contain chunked or unchunked data ?
+ \item How many processors were used to produce the data ?
+ \item How many I/O processors were used to write the data ?
+ \end{itemize}
+ Such information is attached as attributes to the very first dataset
+ in the file. Since we assume unchunked data here
+ the processor information isn't relevant -- unchunked data can
+ be fed back into a Cactus simulation running on an arbitrary
+ number of processors.
+The example C program goes through all of these steps and creates a datafile
+{\tt x\_3d.ieee} in IEEEIO file layout which contains a single dataset named
+{\tt "grid::x"}, with groupname {\tt "grid::coordinates"}, grouptype {\tt
+CCTK\_GF} (thus identifying the variable as a grid function), the timelevel
+to restore set to 0, and the total number of timelevels set to 1.\\
+The global attributes are set to
+{\tt "unchunked" $=$ "yes", nprocs $=$ 1,} and {\tt ioproc\_every $=$ 1}.\\
+Once you've built and ran the program you can easily verify if it worked
+properly with
+ ioinfo -showattrdata x_3d.ieee
+which lists all objects in the datafile along with their values.
+Since the single dataset in it only contains zeros
+it would probably not make much sense to feed this datafile into Cactus for
+initializing your x coordinate grid function :-)
-% Automatically created from the ccl files
+% Automatically created from the ccl files
% Do not worry for now.