diff options
authortradke <tradke@ebee0441-1374-4afa-a3b5-247f3ba15b9a>1999-06-25 11:40:06 +0000
committertradke <tradke@ebee0441-1374-4afa-a3b5-247f3ba15b9a>1999-06-25 11:40:06 +0000
commitde89a5c6b08b5ad9eb7044dc8b2c04a965b19982 (patch)
parentf9c5c1bc939250652e057dcd06f5ce9701b8a0bb (diff)
The hopefully final renaming of the FlexIO thorn.
git-svn-id: http://svn.cactuscode.org/arrangements/CactusPUGHIO/IOFlexIO/trunk@2 ebee0441-1374-4afa-a3b5-247f3ba15b9a
25 files changed, 7075 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b79a05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Cactus Code Thorn IOFlexIO
+Authors : John Shalf
+Managed by : Thomas Radke <tradke@aei-potsdam.mpg.de>
+Version : ...
+CVS info : $Header$
+1. Purpose of the thorn
+This thorn provides John Shalf's IEEEIO (FlexIO) library as a thorn to Cactus.
+2. Dependencies of the thorn
+no dependencies
+3. Thorn distribution
+This thorn is available to ...
+4. Additional information
diff --git a/interface.ccl b/interface.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b552ebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Interface definition for thorn IOFlexIO
+implements: IOFlexIO
diff --git a/param.ccl b/param.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9f6d66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/param.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# Parameter definitions for thorn IOFlexIO
+### declare IOFlexIO parameters
+# What variables to output
+STRING output2D "Variables to output in 2D FlexIO file format"
+ :: "default is to output nothing"
+} ""
+STRING output3D "Variables to output in 3D FlexIO file format"
+ :: "default is to output nothing"
+} ""
+# Various things
+LOGICAL checkpoint_FlexIO "Do checkpointing with IOFlexIO"
+} "no"
+LOGICAL reuse_fh "Reuse file handles by closing files after each write operation."
+} "no"
+### import IOUtil parameters
+friend: IO
+# Output directories
+EXTEND STRING IO_outdir "Name of IO output directory"
+} "."
+EXTEND STRING IO_outdir2D "Name of IO 2D output directory, overrides IO_outdir"
+} "IO_outdir"
+EXTEND STRING IO_outdir3D "Name of IO 3D output directory, overrides IO_outdir"
+} "IO_outdir"
+# How often to do output
+EXTEND INTEGER IO_every "How often to do IO output"
+ -1:* ::
+} -1
+EXTEND INTEGER IO_2Devery "How often to do 2D output, overrides IO_every"
+ -1:* ::
+} -1
+EXTEND INTEGER IO_3Devery "How often to do 3D output, overrides IO_every"
+ -1:* ::
+} -1
+# various things
+EXTEND LOGICAL IO_verbose "Give extended screen output in IO?"
+} "no"
+EXTEND LOGICAL IO_datestamp "Write date as attribute to IO 3D output file?"
+} "yes"
+EXTEND LOGICAL IO_parameters "Write parameters to IO 3D output file?"
+} "yes"
+EXTEND LOGICAL IO_structures "Write structures to IO 3D output file?"
+} "yes"
+# Specific to 3D output
+EXTEND KEYWORD iomode "Which mode for 3D IO"
+ "proc" :: "every processor writes its share of data into a separate file"
+ "np" :: "data is collected and written by every N'th processor into a separate file, where N is specified by the parameter ioproc_every"
+ "onefile" :: "all output is written into a single file by processor 0"
+} "proc"
+EXTEND INTEGER ioproc_every "Do IO on every N processors."
+ 1:* :: "Must be a positive integer"
+} 8
+EXTEND LOGICAL onefileperslice "Write one file per time slice, as opposed to all data in one file"
+} "no"
+EXTEND LOGICAL unchunked "Don't write data in chunks."
+} "no"
+# Downsampling parameters (only for 3D output)
+EXTEND INTEGER downsample_x "Factor by which to downsample output in x direction. Point (0,0,0) is always included."
+ 1:* :: "Must be a positive integer"
+} 1
+EXTEND INTEGER downsample_y "Factor by which to downsample output in y direction. Point (0,0,0) is always included."
+ 1:* :: "Must be a positive integer"
+} 1
+EXTEND INTEGER downsample_z "Factor by which to downsample output in z direction. Point (0,0,0) is always included."
+ 1:* :: "Must be a positive integer"
+} 1
+EXTEND LOGICAL out_single "Output 3D data in single precision ? This parameter is ignored for Cactus compiled with SINGLE_PRECISION."
+} "no"
+# Checkpointing/recovery parameters
+EXTEND LOGICAL checkpoint_ID "Checkpoint initial data ?"
+} "no"
+EXTEND LOGICAL checkpoint_keep_all "Keep all checkpoint files ?"
+} "no"
+EXTEND LOGICAL recover "Recover from a checkpoint file ?"
+} "no"
+EXTEND INTEGER checkpoint_every "Checkpoint every x iterations"
+ -1:* :: "negative values disable checkpointing"
+} -1
+EXTEND INTEGER checkpoint_keep "How many checkpoint files to keep"
+ 1:* :: "1 overwrites the latest checkpoint file"
+} 1
+EXTEND STRING checkpoint_file "File name for regular checkpoint"
+} "checkpoint"
+EXTEND STRING checkpoint_ID_file "File name for initial data checkpoint"
+} "checkpointID"
+EXTEND STRING recover_file "File name of recovery file"
+} "checkpoint"
+EXTEND STRING checkpoint_dir "Output directory for checkpoint files"
+} "."
+EXTEND STRING recovery_dir "Directory to look for the recovery file"
+} "."
diff --git a/schedule.ccl b/schedule.ccl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddf2d19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/schedule.ccl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Schedule definitions for thorn IOFlexIO
+### register IOFlexIO routines
+schedule IOFlexIO_Startup at STARTUP
+} "IOFlexIO startup routine"
+### register checkpointing routines
+if (checkpoint_FlexIO && checkpoint_ID) {
+ schedule IOFlexIO_InitialDataDumpGH at CCTK_CPINITIAL {
+ } "Initial data checkpoint routine"
+if (checkpoint_FlexIO && checkpoint_every > 0) {
+ schedule IOFlexIO_ConditionallyDumpGH at CCTK_CHECKPOINT {
+ } "Regular checkpoint routine"
+if (checkpoint_FlexIO) {
+ schedule IOFlexIO_TerminationDumpGH at CCTK_TERMINATE {
+ } "Termination checkpoint routine"
diff --git a/src/DumpGH.c b/src/DumpGH.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd366ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/DumpGH.c
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+ /*@@
+ @file DumpGH.c
+ @date Wed Jun 10 14:13:35 1998
+ @author Paul Walker
+ @desc
+ DumpGH dumps an entire grid hierarchy (except for 1D arrays) to a
+ checkpoint file. This file also contains the different wrappers for
+ DumpGH: in case of initial data, termination or regular checkpointing
+ @enddesc
+ @version $Id$
+ @@*/
+static char *rcsid = "$Id$";
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "flesh.h"
+#include "declare_parameters.h"
+#include "Groups.h"
+#include "Comm.h"
+#include "GHExtensions.h"
+#include "CactusBase/IOUtil/src/ioGH.h"
+#include "ioFlexGH.h"
+/* we define the values for cp_type; cp_type will be set by the
+ the wrappers indicating what type of checkpointiung is going to happen;
+ That way we allow for more flex. treatment, eg. directory/filenames
+ If you put more than 5 CP_*s here, enlarge the made_cpdir array. */
+#define CP_RECOVER_DATA 0
+#define CP_INITIAL_DATA 2
+/* these have to be consistent with the defaults in param.ccl */
+#define CP_DEFAULT_FNAME "checkpoint"
+#define CP_DEFAULT_IDFNAME "checkpointID"
+/* cp_type indicates the type of checkpoint (cp); default: recovering data
+ The reason why RECOVER is default is, that RecoverGH doesn't share the scope
+ of the cp_type variable the way the routines in this file do. Fix for this ? */
+static int cp_type=CP_RECOVER_DATA;
+void IOFlexIO_DumpGH (cGH *GH, int called_from);
+ /*@@
+ @routine IOFlexIO_ConditionallyDumpGH
+ @date Fri Aug 21 14:38:25 1998
+ @author Gabrielle Allen
+ @desc
+ registered as CCTK_CHECKPOINT, checks if it's time for
+ checkpointing, sets the checkpoint type and calls DumpGH
+ @enddesc
+ @calls IOFlexIO_DumpGH
+ @calledby rfrTraverse
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+void IOFlexIO_ConditionallyDumpGH (cGH *GH)
+ if (checkpoint_every > 0 &&
+ GH->iteration % checkpoint_every == 0) {
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+ printf ("------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ printf ("Dumping periodic checkpoint file at iteration %d\n",
+ GH->iteration);
+ }
+ }
+ /*@@
+ @routine IOFlexIO_TerminationDumpGH
+ @date Fri Aug 21 14:40:21 1998
+ @author Gabrielle Allen
+ @desc
+ This routine is registered as CCTK_TERMINATE, it checks if a
+ termination signal is raised (that is: global var cactus_terminate
+ set to TERMINATION_RAISED_BRDCAST by ./steppers/TerminationStepper.c)
+ and checkpoints all available grid hierarchies.
+ @enddesc
+ @calls IOFlexIO_DumpGH
+ @calledby rfrTraverse
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+void IOFlexIO_TerminationDumpGH (cGH *GH)
+/*** FIXME: no cactus_terminate flag anymore ? ***/
+#if 0
+ if (cactus_terminate == TERMINATION_RAISED_BRDCAST) {
+ }
+#endif /* CACTUSBASE_PUGH */
+ CCTK_WARN (1, "TerminationDumpGH() not yet implemented !");
+ /*@@
+ @routine IOFlexIO_InitialDataDumpGH
+ @date Fri Aug 21 14:46:28 1998
+ @author Gerd Lanfermann
+ @desc
+ This routine dumps the initial data of the GHs, registered
+ as CCTK_CPINITIAL; sets cp_type to CP_INITIAL_DATA and calls
+ DumpGH; BoxInBox needs special treatment since for now.
+ @enddesc
+ @calls IOFlexIO_DumpGH
+ @calledby rfrTraverse
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+void IOFlexIO_InitialDataDumpGH (cGH *GH)
+ cGH *helperGH;
+ static int maxlev = 0;
+ int l;
+/*** FIXME ***/
+#if 0
+ /* This will go once we reorganize the CINitial calling structure! */
+ /* or have a function to deregister a rfr routine */
+ /* BoxinBox does its own: get maxlevel (once!) and do dumpGH for all GH*/
+ /* when this is called by the highest box */
+ if (Contains("boxinbox","yes")) {
+ if (maxlev==0) while (GetGHbyLevel(0,maxlev+1,0)) maxlev++;
+ if (maxlev==0) return;
+ if (GH->level==maxlev)
+ for (l=0;l<=maxlev;l++) {
+ printf("Dumping BoxinBox level %d of %d \n",l,maxlev);
+ IOFlexIO_DumpGH(GetGHbyLevel(0,l,0), CP_INITIAL_DATA);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+void IOFlexIO_IEEEIOStructDump (cGH *GH, IOFile iof)
+ CCTK_INT4 i_temp;
+ CCTK_REAL d_temp;
+ ioGH *ioUtilGH;
+ /* Get the handle for IOUtil extensions */
+ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IO")];
+ i_temp = GH->iteration;
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "GH$iteration", FLEXIO_INT4,
+ 1, &i_temp));
+ i_temp = ioUtilGH->ioproc_every;
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "GH$ioproc_every", FLEXIO_INT4,
+ 1, &i_temp));
+ i_temp = CCTK_GetnProcs (GH);
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "GH$nprocs", FLEXIO_INT4,
+ 1, &i_temp));
+ d_temp = GH->time;
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "GH$time", FLEXIO_REAL,
+ 1, &d_temp));
+ /*@@
+ @routine IOFlexIO_DumpGH
+ @date Fri Aug 21 15:13:13 1998
+ @author Paul Walker
+ @desc
+ The heart of checkpointing. Called by the different wrappers, this
+ routines get the appropriate filename by IOUtil_PrepareFilename() and
+ then dumps away using the dump routines from IO ...
+ @enddesc
+ @calls IO_DumpGF IO_DumpArray IO_DumpScalar
+ @history
+ @hdate Oct 4 1998 @hauthor Gabrielle Allen
+ @hdesc Removed code which checked and reset unchunked, assume that this
+ is done when the variable is first set.
+ @hdate Nov 4 1998 @hauthor Gabrielle Allen
+ @hdesc Do a forced synchronization before checkpointing
+ @hdate Apr 16 1999 @hauthor Thomas Radke
+ @hdesc Removed forced sync before checkpointing (just do a normal sync)
+ Introduced a ring buffer for keeping last <checkpoint_keep> files
+ @endhistory
+void IOFlexIO_DumpGH (cGH *GH, int called_from)
+ char dumpfname [1024], tmpfname [1024];
+ IOFile iof;
+ int index, wrotech;
+ int timelevel, current_timelevel;
+ int forceSync;
+ int old_downsample_x, old_downsample_y, old_downsample_z;
+ int old_out_single;
+ ioGH *ioUtilGH;
+ cTimer total_time, write_time;
+ static char **dumpfnames = NULL; /* dump filename ring buffer */
+ static int findex = 0; /* index into ring buffer */
+ /* allocate the ring buffer for filenames */
+ if (! dumpfnames)
+ dumpfnames = (char **) calloc (checkpoint_keep, sizeof (char *));
+ /* initialize timers */
+ CactusResetTimer (&total_time);
+ CactusResetTimer (&write_time);
+ CactusStartTimer (&total_time);
+ /* Get the handle for IOUtil xtensions */
+ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IO")];
+ /* disable downsampling after saving original downsampling params */
+ old_downsample_x = ioUtilGH->downsample_x;
+ old_downsample_y = ioUtilGH->downsample_y;
+ old_downsample_z = ioUtilGH->downsample_z;
+ ioUtilGH->downsample_x = ioUtilGH->downsample_y = ioUtilGH->downsample_z = 1;
+ /* disable output in single precision */
+ old_out_single = ioUtilGH->out_single;
+ ioUtilGH->out_single = 0;
+ /* sync all groups */
+ for (index = 0; index < CCTK_GetNumGroups (); index++) {
+ char *gname = CCTK_GetGroupName (index);
+ CCTK_SyncGroup (GH, gname);
+ free (gname);
+ }
+ /* get the base filename ... */
+ IOUtil_PrepareFilename (GH, NULL, dumpfname, called_from,
+ CCTK_GetMyProc (GH) / ioUtilGH->ioproc_every,
+ ioUtilGH->unchunked);
+ /* ... and append the extension */
+ sprintf (tmpfname, "%s.chkpt_tmp.ieee", dumpfname);
+ sprintf (dumpfname, "%s.chkpt.ieee", dumpfname);
+ /* Now open the file */
+ if (CCTK_GetMyProc (GH) == ioUtilGH->ioproc) {
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Creating file %s\n", tmpfname);
+ iof = IEEEopen (tmpfname, "w");
+ if (! IOisValid (iof)) {
+ CCTK_WARN (1, "Can't open checkpoint file. Checkpointing is skipped");
+ return;
+ }
+ } else
+ iof = (IOFile) NULL;
+ /* Great; Now start dumping away! */
+ CactusResetTimer (&write_time);
+ CactusStartTimer (&write_time);
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Dumping Params ...\n -- ");
+ /* first the parameters ... */
+ if (iof) {
+/*** FIXME ***/
+#if 0
+ if (IO_parameters)
+ IOFlexIO_IEEEIOparamDump (iof);
+ if (IO_structures)
+ IOFlexIO_IEEEIOStructDump (GH, iof);
+ }
+ wrotech = 0;
+ /* ... now the variables */
+ for (index = 0; index < CCTK_GetNumVars (); index++) {
+ /* let only variables pass which have storage assigned */
+ if (! CCTK_QueryGroupStorage_ByIndex (GH,
+ CCTK_GetGroupIndexFromVar_ByIndex (index)))
+ continue;
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+ char *varname = CCTK_GetVarName (index);
+ printf (" %s", varname);
+ wrotech += strlen (varname) + 1;
+ if (wrotech > 65) {
+ printf ("\n ");
+ wrotech = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* get the current timelevel */
+ current_timelevel = CCTK_GetNumTimeLevels (index) - 1;
+ if (current_timelevel > 0)
+ current_timelevel--;
+ /* now dump all timelevels up to the current */
+ for (timelevel = 0; timelevel <= current_timelevel; timelevel++)
+ IOFlexIO_DumpVar (GH, index, timelevel, iof);
+ } /* end of loop over all variables */
+ CactusStopTimer (&write_time);
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOclose (iof));
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("\nTime to write: %lf sec (%lf sec per Grid Func)\n",
+/*** FIXME: choose right component of basic[] ***/
+ write_time.total.basic [0],
+ write_time.total.basic [0] / CCTK_GetNumVars ());
+#ifndef WIN32
+ /* PW: This should work on WIN32 also, since it
+ is in stdio.h. Someone should check this
+ if/when we go into WIN32 production.
+ */
+ if (CCTK_GetMyProc (GH) == ioUtilGH->ioproc) {
+ if (rename (tmpfname, dumpfname)) {
+ char msg [512];
+ sprintf (msg, "Could not rename temporary checkpoint file %s to %s", tmpfname, dumpfname);
+ CCTK_WARN (0, msg);
+ /* should not return here */
+ }
+ }
+ /* delete the oldest dumpfile if checkpoint_keep_all isn't set
+ and put the new filename into the ring buffer */
+ if (dumpfnames [findex]) {
+ if (! checkpoint_keep_all)
+ remove (dumpfnames [findex]);
+ free (dumpfnames [findex]);
+ }
+ dumpfnames [findex] = strdup (dumpfname);
+ findex = (findex + 1) % checkpoint_keep;
+ /* restore output precision flag */
+ ioUtilGH->out_single = old_out_single;
+ /* restore original downsampling params */
+ ioUtilGH->downsample_x = old_downsample_x;
+ ioUtilGH->downsample_y = old_downsample_y;
+ ioUtilGH->downsample_z = old_downsample_z;
+ CactusStopTimer (&total_time);
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+/*** FIXME: choose right component of basic[] ***/
+ printf ("Time to checkpoint: %lf sec\n", total_time.total.basic [0]);
+ printf ("------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ }
diff --git a/src/DumpVar.c b/src/DumpVar.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77325b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/DumpVar.c
@@ -0,0 +1,941 @@
+ @file DumpVar.c
+ @desc
+ Do the actual writing of a 3D grid function, for output or for checkpointing
+ @enddesc
+ @history
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen @hdate Oct 17 1998
+ @hdesc Split into subroutines and tidied.
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen @hdate 19 Oct 1998
+ @hdesc Changed names ready for thorn_IO
+ @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdate 16 Mar 1999
+ @hdesc Converted to Cactus 4.0
+ introduced separate downsample values for each dimension
+ @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdate 17 Mar 1999
+ @hdesc Changed naming: IEEEIO -> IOFlexIO
+ @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdate 17 Mar 1999
+ @hdesc fixed errors for MPI
+ @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdate 12 Apr 1999
+ @hdesc Store full variable name in IOFlexIO_AddCommonAttributes()
+ @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdate 16 Apr 1999
+ @hdesc Added groupname, grouptype, ntimelevels, and current timelevel
+ as common attributes
+ @hendhistory
+ @version $Id$
+ @@*/
+static char *rcsid = "$Id$";
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef SGI
+#include <time.h>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "flesh.h"
+#include "Groups.h"
+#include "GroupsOnGH.h"
+#include "Comm.h"
+#include "WarnLevel.h"
+#include "GHExtensions.h"
+#include "declare_parameters.h"
+#include "CactusBase/pugh/src/include/pugh.h"
+#include "CactusBase/IOUtil/src/ioGH.h"
+#include "ioFlexGH.h"
+#define IOTAGBASE 20000 /* This may break on more than 2000 processors */
+static char *char_time_date = NULL;
+/* local function prototypes */
+void IOFlexIO_DumpScalar (cGH *GH, int index, int timelevel, IOFile iof,
+ int ioflex_type);
+void IOFlexIO_DumpGF (cGH *GH, int index, int timelevel, IOFile iof,
+ int ioflex_type, int mpi_type, int element_size);
+void IOFlexIO_DumpArray (cGH *GH, int index, int timelevel, IOFile iof,
+ int ioflex_type, int mpi_type, int element_size);
+void IOFlexIO_getDumpData (cGH *GH, int index, int timelevel, void **outme,
+ int *free_outme, CCTK_INT4 bnd [9], int element_size);
+void IOFlexIO_eachProcDump (cGH *GH, int index, int timelevel, void *outme,
+ CCTK_INT4 bnd [9], IOFile iof, int ioflex_type);
+void IOFlexIO_procDump (IOFile iof, cGH *GH, int index, void *outme,
+ CCTK_INT4 bnd [9], int ioflex_type);
+void IOFlexIO_AddChunkAttributes (cGH *GH, int index, CCTK_INT4 chunk_origin [3],
+ IOFile iof);
+void IOFlexIO_AddCommonAttributes (cGH *GH, int index, int timelevel,
+ CCTK_INT4 gsz [3], IOFile iof);
+ @routine IOFlexIO_DumpVar
+ @date 16 Apr 1999
+ @author Thomas Radke
+ @desc
+ Generic dump routine, just calls the appropriate dump routine
+ @enddesc
+ @calls
+ @calledby IOFlexIO_DumpGH IOFlexIO_Write3D
+ @var GH
+ @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy
+ @vtype cGH
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var index
+ @vdesc global index of the variable to be dumped
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var timelevel
+ @vdesc the timelevel to store
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var iof
+ @vdesc the IEEEIO file to dump to
+ @vtype IOFile
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+void IOFlexIO_DumpVar (cGH *GH, int index, int timelevel, IOFile iof)
+ char msg [80];
+ ioGH *ioUtilGH;
+ int variable_type;
+ int ioflex_type, mpi_type = 0, element_size;
+ /* Get the handle for IOUtil extensions */
+ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IO")];
+ variable_type = CCTK_GetVarVType (index);
+ switch (variable_type) {
+ ioflex_type = ioUtilGH->out_single ? FLEXIO_REAL4 : FLEXIO_REAL;
+ element_size = ioUtilGH->out_single ?
+ sizeof (CCTK_REAL4) : sizeof (CCTK_REAL);
+#ifdef MPI
+ mpi_type = ioUtilGH->out_single ? PUGH_MPI_REAL4 : PUGH_MPI_REAL;
+ break;
+ ioflex_type = FLEXIO_INT;
+ element_size = sizeof (CCTK_INT);
+#ifdef MPI
+ mpi_type = PUGH_MPI_INT;
+ break;
+ ioflex_type = FLEXIO_CHAR;
+ element_size = sizeof (CCTK_CHAR);
+#ifdef MPI
+ mpi_type = PUGH_MPI_CHAR;
+ break;
+ "Don't know how to dump complex datatype in IOFlexIO_DumpScalar");
+ return;
+ default:
+ sprintf (msg, "Unknown variable type %d in IOFlexIO_DumpVar", variable_type);
+ CCTK_WARN (1, msg);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (CCTK_GetVarGType (index)) {
+ IOFlexIO_DumpScalar (GH, index, timelevel, iof, ioflex_type);
+ break;
+ IOFlexIO_DumpArray (GH, index, timelevel, iof, ioflex_type, mpi_type,
+ element_size);
+ break;
+ case GROUP_GF:
+ IOFlexIO_DumpGF (GH, index, timelevel, iof, ioflex_type, mpi_type,
+ element_size);
+ break;
+ default:
+ sprintf (msg, "Invalid group type %d in IOFlexIO_DumpVar",
+ CCTK_GetVarGType (index));
+ CCTK_WARN (1, msg);
+ return;
+ }
+ @routine IOFlexIO_DumpScalar
+ @date 16 Apr 1999
+ @author Thomas Radke
+ @desc
+ Dumps a SCALAR type variable into a IEEEIO file
+ @enddesc
+ @calls
+ @calledby IOFlexIO_DumpVar
+ @var GH
+ @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy
+ @vtype cGH
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var index
+ @vdesc global index of the variable to be dumped
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var timelevel
+ @vdesc the timelevel to store
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var iof
+ @vdesc the IEEEIO file to dump to
+ @vtype IOFile
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var ioflex_type
+ @vdesc the IOFlexIO datatype to store
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+void IOFlexIO_DumpScalar (cGH *GH, int index, int timelevel, IOFile iof,
+ int ioflex_type)
+ ioGH *ioUtilGH;
+ CCTK_INT gsz [] = {0, 0, 0}; /* not needed here ? */
+ int dim [] = {1}; /* size of dimensions for scalar */
+ /* Get the handle for IOUtil extensions */
+ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IO")];
+ if (CCTK_GetMyProc (GH) != ioUtilGH->ioproc)
+ return;
+ /* first dump the data then add the attributes */
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwrite (iof, ioflex_type, 1, dim,
+ CCTK_GetVarDataPtr_ByIndex (GH, timelevel, index)));
+ IOFlexIO_AddCommonAttributes (GH, index, timelevel, gsz, iof);
+ @routine IOFlexIO_DumpArray
+ @date 16 Apr 1999
+ @author Thomas Radke
+ @desc
+ Dumps a SCALAR type variable into a IEEEIO file
+ @enddesc
+ @calls
+ @calledby IOFlexIO_DumpVar
+ @var GH
+ @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy
+ @vtype cGH
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var index
+ @vdesc global index of the variable to be dumped
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var timelevel
+ @vdesc the timelevel to store
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var iof
+ @vdesc the IEEEIO file to dump to
+ @vtype IOFile
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var ioflex_type
+ @vdesc the IOFlexIO datatype to store
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var mpi_type
+ @vdesc the MPI datatype to communicate
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var element_size
+ @vdesc the size of an element of variable
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+void IOFlexIO_DumpArray (cGH *GH, int index, int timelevel, IOFile iof,
+ int hdf5io_type, int mpi_type, int element_size)
+ CCTK_WARN (1, "Dumping of arrays not yet supported");
+ @routine IOFlexIO_DumpGF
+ @date July 1998
+ @author Paul Walker
+ @desc
+ @enddesc
+ @calls
+ @calledby IOFlexIO_DumpVar
+ @var GH
+ @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy
+ @vtype cGH
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var index
+ @vdesc global index of the variable to be dumped
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var timelevel
+ @vdesc the timelevel to store
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var iof
+ @vdesc the IEEEIO file to dump to
+ @vtype IOFile
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var ioflex_type
+ @vdesc the IOFlexIO datatype to store
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var mpi_type
+ @vdesc the MPI datatype to communicate
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @var element_size
+ @vdesc the size of an element of variable
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @history
+ @hdate Wed Sep 2 10:14:17 1998 @hauthor Tom Goodale
+ @hdesc Merged in Szu-Wen's Panda changes
+ @hdate 26 Sep 1998
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen
+ @hdesc Moved into separate file, tidied up, changed parameter names.
+ Removed zoom_active flag
+ @hauthor Thomas Radke
+ @hdesc New parameter timelevel specifies the timelevel to dump
+ @endhistory
+void IOFlexIO_DumpGF (cGH *GH, int index, int timelevel, IOFile iof,
+ int ioflex_type, int mpi_type, int element_size)
+ ioGH *ioUtilGH;
+ pGH *pughGH;
+ int myproc;
+ int nprocs;
+ CCTK_INT4 bnd [9]; /* Lower bounds, size and global size of data we send */
+ void *outme; /* pointer to the data to be dumped */
+ int free_outme; /* indicates whether data buffer needs freeing */
+#ifdef SGI
+ /* Get the date if we can */
+ time_t t = time (NULL);
+ char_time_date = asctime (localtime (&t));
+#ifdef MPI
+ int i;
+ MPI_Status ms;
+ /* Get the handles for pugh and IO extensions */
+ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IO")];
+ pughGH = (pGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("PUGH")];
+ myproc = CCTK_GetMyProc (GH);
+ nprocs = CCTK_GetnProcs (GH);
+ /* If I'm not vertex centered, bail (for now) */
+ if (pughGH->stagger != PUGH_VERTEXCTR) {
+ CCTK_WARN (1, "3D Output for staggered variables not available");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Get the pointer to the data we want to output (includes downsampling) */
+ IOFlexIO_getDumpData (GH, index, timelevel, &outme, &free_outme, bnd,
+ element_size);
+ if (ioUtilGH->ioproc_every == 1) {
+ /*
+ */
+ IOFlexIO_eachProcDump (GH, index, timelevel, outme, bnd, iof, ioflex_type);
+ }
+#ifdef MPI
+ else if (myproc != ioUtilGH->ioproc) {
+ int outgoing;
+ outgoing = bnd [3] * bnd [4] * bnd [5];
+ /*
+ */
+ /* Send the geometry and data from the processors which aren't
+ * outputing to the ones that are
+ */
+ CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Send (bnd, 6, PUGH_MPI_INT4, ioUtilGH->ioproc,
+ 2*myproc+IOTAGBASE+1, pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD));
+ /* DATA SEND */
+ CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Send (outme, outgoing, mpi_type, ioUtilGH->ioproc,
+ 2*myproc+IOTAGBASE, pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD));
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+ printf ("Sent %d data points\n", outgoing);
+ fflush (stdout);
+ }
+ } else if (myproc == ioUtilGH->ioproc) {
+ int lsz [3];
+ /* First calculate the local size and reserve the chunk */
+ if (ioUtilGH->ioproc_every >= nprocs) {
+ /* One output file ... the local chunk size is the global size */
+ lsz [0] = bnd [6]; lsz [1] = bnd [7]; lsz [2] = bnd [8];
+ }
+ /* Dump data held on output processor */
+ if (ioUtilGH->unchunked)
+ IOreserveChunk (iof, ioflex_type, 3, lsz);
+ /* first the data then the attributes */
+ IOFlexIO_procDump (iof, GH, index, outme, bnd, ioflex_type);
+ IOFlexIO_AddCommonAttributes (GH, index, timelevel, &bnd [6], iof);
+ /* Dump data from all other processors */
+ for (i = myproc+1; i < myproc+ioUtilGH->ioproc_every && i < nprocs; i++) {
+ /* Allocate temp to the right size (based on GH->ub [i] et..) */
+ void *tmpd;
+ int incoming;
+ /* Receive bounds information */
+ pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD, &ms));
+ incoming = bnd [3] * bnd [4] * bnd [5];
+ tmpd = malloc (incoming * element_size);
+ CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Recv (tmpd, incoming, mpi_type, i,
+ 2*i+IOTAGBASE, pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD, &ms));
+ IOFlexIO_procDump (iof, GH, index, tmpd, bnd, ioflex_type);
+ free (tmpd);
+ } /* End loop over processors */
+ } /* End myproc = 0 */
+#endif /* MPI */
+ if (free_outme)
+ free (outme);
+ /*@@
+ @routine IOFlexIO_AddCommonAttributes
+ @date July 1998
+ @author Paul Walker
+ @desc
+ Add "Common" attributes, these are the GF name, the current date,
+ simulation time, origin, bounding box, gridspacings (both downsampled
+ and evolution), global grid size, number of processors and iteration
+ number. Note that the datestamp should be turned of if you are byte
+ comparing two output files.
+ @enddesc
+ @calls
+ @calledby
+ @history
+ @hdate Wed Sep 2 10:15:22 1998 @hauthor Tom Goodale
+ @hdesc Abstracted WRITE_ATTRIBUTE to merge in Szu-Wen's Panda changes.
+ @hdate Apr 16 1999 @hauthor Thomas Radke
+ @hdesc Added attributes groupname, grouptype, ntimelevels,
+ and current timelevel to be stored
+ @hdate May 02 1999 @hauthor Thomas Radke
+ @hdesc Made chunked attribute nioprocs common so that it can be found by
+ the recombiner even for unchunked datasets (eg. SCALARs)
+ @hdate May 05 1999 @hauthor Thomas Radke
+ @hdesc Added "unchunked" attribute to distinguish between chunked/unchunked
+ output files
+ @endhistory
+void IOFlexIO_AddCommonAttributes (cGH *GH, int index, int timelevel,
+ CCTK_INT4 gsz [3], IOFile iof)
+ CCTK_REAL d3_to_IO [3]; /* buffer for writing doubles to IEEEIO */
+ CCTK_INT4 i_to_IO; /* buffer for writing an int to IEEEIO */
+ char *name, *gname;
+ pGH *pughGH;
+ ioGH *ioUtilGH;
+ /* Get the handles for pugh and IO extensions */
+ pughGH = (pGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("PUGH")];
+ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IO")];
+ name = CCTK_GetFullName (index);
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "name", BYTE,
+ strlen (name) + 1, name));
+ free (name);
+ gname = CCTK_GetGroupNameFromVar_ByIndex (index);
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "groupname", BYTE,
+ strlen (gname) + 1, gname));
+ i_to_IO = CCTK_GetVarGType (index);
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "grouptype", FLEXIO_INT4,
+ 1, &i_to_IO));
+ i_to_IO = CCTK_GetNumTimeLevels (index);
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "ntimelevels", FLEXIO_INT4,
+ 1, &i_to_IO));
+ i_to_IO = timelevel;
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "timelevel", FLEXIO_INT4,
+ 1, &i_to_IO));
+ if (char_time_date && IO_datestamp)
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "date", BYTE,
+ strlen (char_time_date) + 1, char_time_date));
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "time", FLEXIO_REAL, 1,&GH->time));
+ /* FIXME : Origin (d3_to_IO) */
+ d3_to_IO [0] = 0.0;
+ d3_to_IO [1] = 0.0;
+ d3_to_IO [2] = 0.0;
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "origin", FLEXIO_REAL,3,d3_to_IO));
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "min_ext",FLEXIO_REAL,3,d3_to_IO));
+ d3_to_IO [0] = GH->delta_space [0] * ioUtilGH->downsample_x;
+ d3_to_IO [1] = GH->delta_space [1] * ioUtilGH->downsample_y;
+ d3_to_IO [2] = GH->delta_space [2] * ioUtilGH->downsample_z;
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "delta", FLEXIO_REAL, 3,d3_to_IO));
+ if (ioUtilGH->downsample_x > 1 ||
+ ioUtilGH->downsample_y > 1 ||
+ ioUtilGH->downsample_z > 1) {
+ d3_to_IO [0] = GH->delta_space [0];
+ d3_to_IO [1] = GH->delta_space [1];
+ d3_to_IO [2] = GH->delta_space [2];
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "evolution_delta", FLEXIO_REAL,
+ 3, d3_to_IO));
+ }
+ /* FIXME : Origin (d3_to_IO) */
+ d3_to_IO [0] = 0.0 + gsz [0] * GH->delta_space [0] * ioUtilGH->downsample_x;
+ d3_to_IO [1] = 0.0 + gsz [1] * GH->delta_space [1] * ioUtilGH->downsample_y;
+ d3_to_IO [2] = 0.0 + gsz [2] * GH->delta_space [2] * ioUtilGH->downsample_z;
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "max_ext",FLEXIO_REAL,3,d3_to_IO));
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "global_size", FLEXIO_INT4,
+ 3, gsz));
+ i_to_IO = CCTK_GetnProcs (GH);
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "nprocs", FLEXIO_INT4,
+ 1, &i_to_IO));
+ i_to_IO = ioUtilGH->ioproc_every;
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "ioproc_every", FLEXIO_INT4,
+ 1, &i_to_IO));
+ i_to_IO = ioUtilGH->unchunked;
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "unchunked", FLEXIO_INT4,
+ 1, &i_to_IO));
+ i_to_IO = GH->iteration;
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "iteration", FLEXIO_INT4,
+ 1, &i_to_IO));
+ @routine IOFlexIO_AddChunkAttributes
+ @author Paul Walker
+ @date Feb 1997
+ @desc
+ This routine adds chunk attributes to a data set. That is,
+ is adds attributes to the chunks of data passed to the
+ io processors.
+ @enddesc
+ @history
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen
+ @hdate Jul 10 1998
+ @hdesc Added the name of the grid function
+ @hdate Wed Sep 2 10:08:31 1998 @hauthor Tom Goodale
+ @hdesc Abstracted WRITE_ATTRIBUTE to merge in Szu-Wen's Panda calls.
+ @endhistory
+ @@*/
+void IOFlexIO_AddChunkAttributes (cGH *GH, int index, CCTK_INT4 chunk_origin [3],
+ IOFile iof)
+ char *name;
+ CCTK_INT4 i_to_IO;
+ /* there is nothing to do for a serial run */
+ if (CCTK_GetnProcs (GH) == 1)
+ return;
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "chunk_origin", FLEXIO_INT4,
+ 3, chunk_origin));
+ i_to_IO = GH->iteration;
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "chunk_dataset", FLEXIO_INT4,
+ 1, &i_to_IO));
+ name = CCTK_GetFullName (index);
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "name", BYTE,
+ strlen (name)+1, name));
+ @routine IOFlexIO_getDumpData
+ @author Paul Walker
+ @date Feb 1997
+ @desc
+ Bounds and data to be output, takes into account downsampling
+ @enddesc
+ @history
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen @hdate Oct 5 1998
+ @hdesc Made into subroutine
+ @endhistory
+ @var GH
+ @vdesc Identifies grid hierachy
+ @vtype pGH *
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+ @var GF
+ @vdesc Identifies grid function
+ @vtype pGF *
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+ @var outme
+ @vdesc data segment to output
+ @vtype void **
+ @vio out
+ @vcomment This is just GF->data if there is no downsampling
+ @endvar
+ @var free_outme
+ @vdesc Specifies whether or not to free the storage associated with outme
+ @vtype int *
+ @vio out
+ @vcomment 1: free storage; 0: don't free storage
+ @endvar
+ @var bnd
+ @vdesc bounds, local size and global shape of the output
+ @vtype CCTK_INT4 [9]
+ @vio out
+ @vcomment bnd [0..2] lower bounds and bnd[3],bnd[4],bnd[5]
+ bnd [3..5] local size of data to send
+ bnd [6..8] global shape
+ @endvar
+ @var element_size
+ @vdesc the size of an element of variable
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @endvar
+ @@*/
+void IOFlexIO_getDumpData (cGH *GH, int index, int timelevel, void **outme,
+ int *free_outme, CCTK_INT4 bnd [9], int element_size)
+ int i;
+ int myproc;
+ ioGH *ioUtilGH;
+ pGH *pughGH;
+ CCTK_REAL4 *single_ptr;
+ CCTK_REAL *real_ptr;
+ CCTK_CHAR *char_ptr;
+ CCTK_INT *int_ptr;
+ void *data = CCTK_GetVarDataPtr_ByIndex (GH, timelevel, index);
+ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IO")];
+ pughGH = (pGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("PUGH")];
+ myproc = CCTK_GetMyProc (GH);
+ if (ioUtilGH->downsample_x == 1 &&
+ ioUtilGH->downsample_y == 1 &&
+ ioUtilGH->downsample_z == 1) {
+ if (ioUtilGH->out_single) {
+ single_ptr = (CCTK_REAL4 *) malloc (pughGH->npoints*sizeof (CCTK_REAL4));
+ for (i = 0; i < pughGH->npoints; i++)
+ single_ptr [i] = (CCTK_REAL4) ((CCTK_REAL *) data) [i];
+ *outme = single_ptr;
+ *free_outme = 1;
+ } else {
+ *outme = data;
+ *free_outme = 0;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ bnd [i] = GH->lower_bound[i]; /* the bounds */
+ bnd [i+3] = GH->local_shape[i]; /* the sizes */
+ bnd [i+6] = GH->global_shape[i]; /* the global space */
+ }
+ } else {
+ int start [3], end [3];
+ int i, j, k, l;
+ /* Downsampling code ... */
+ bnd [6] = GH->global_shape[0] / ioUtilGH->downsample_x;
+ if (GH->global_shape[0] % ioUtilGH->downsample_x)
+ bnd [6]++;
+ bnd [7] = GH->global_shape[1] / ioUtilGH->downsample_y;
+ if (GH->global_shape[1] % ioUtilGH->downsample_y)
+ bnd [7]++;
+ bnd [8] = GH->global_shape[2] / ioUtilGH->downsample_z;
+ if (GH->global_shape[2] % ioUtilGH->downsample_z)
+ bnd [8]++;
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Downsampled sizes (%d, %d, %d) -> (%d, %d, %d)\n",
+ GH->global_shape[0], GH->global_shape[1], GH->global_shape[2],
+ (int) bnd [6], (int) bnd [7], (int) bnd [8]);
+ /* Now figure out the local downsampling */
+ /* The local starts are the lb modded into the downsample */
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ int downsample;
+ if (i == 0)
+ downsample = ioUtilGH->downsample_x;
+ else if (i == 1)
+ downsample = ioUtilGH->downsample_y;
+ else
+ downsample = ioUtilGH->downsample_z;
+ bnd [i] = GH->lower_bound[i] / downsample;
+ start [i] = bnd [i] * downsample;
+ if (start [i] <
+ GH->lower_bound[i] + pughGH->ownership [PUGH_VERTEXCTR][i][0]) {
+ start [i] += downsample;
+ bnd [i] ++;
+ }
+ end [i] = ((GH->lower_bound [i] +
+ pughGH->ownership [PUGH_VERTEXCTR][i][1] - 1) / downsample)
+ * downsample;
+ bnd [i+3] = (end [i] - start [i]) / downsample + 1;
+ }
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+ printf ("Downsample ranges (%d, %d, %d) -> (%d, %d, %d)\n",
+ start [0], start [1], start [2],
+ end [0], end [1], end [2]);
+ printf ("Local size/bound (%d, %d, %d) (%d, %d, %d)\n",
+ (int) bnd [3], (int) bnd [4], (int) bnd [5],
+ (int) bnd [0], (int) bnd [1], (int) bnd [2]);
+ }
+ /* compute local ranges */
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ start [i] -= GH->lower_bound [i];
+ end [i] -= GH->lower_bound [i];
+ }
+ *outme = malloc (bnd [3] * bnd [4] * bnd [5] * element_size);
+ *free_outme = 1;
+ /* I hate it to repeat the loops for each case label
+ but that way produces much more efficient code */
+ l = 0;
+ switch (CCTK_GetVarVType (index)) {
+ char_ptr = (CCTK_CHAR *) *outme;
+ for (k = start [2]; k <= end [2]; k += ioUtilGH->downsample_z)
+ for (j = start [1]; j <= end [1]; j += ioUtilGH->downsample_y)
+ for (i = start [0]; i <= end [0]; i += ioUtilGH->downsample_x)
+ char_ptr [l++] = ((CCTK_CHAR *) data) [DI (pughGH, i, j, k)];
+ break;
+ int_ptr = (CCTK_INT *) *outme;
+ for (k = start [2]; k <= end [2]; k += ioUtilGH->downsample_z)
+ for (j = start [1]; j <= end [1]; j += ioUtilGH->downsample_y)
+ for (i = start [0]; i <= end [0]; i += ioUtilGH->downsample_x)
+ int_ptr [l++] = ((CCTK_INT *) data) [DI (pughGH, i, j, k)];
+ break;
+ if (ioUtilGH->out_single)
+ single_ptr = (CCTK_REAL4 *) *outme;
+ else
+ real_ptr = (CCTK_REAL *) *outme;
+ for (k = start [2]; k <= end [2]; k += ioUtilGH->downsample_z)
+ for (j = start [1]; j <= end [1]; j += ioUtilGH->downsample_y)
+ for (i = start [0]; i <= end [0]; i += ioUtilGH->downsample_x)
+ if (ioUtilGH->out_single)
+ single_ptr [l++] = (CCTK_REAL4)
+ (((CCTK_REAL *) data) [DI (pughGH, i, j, k)]);
+ else
+ real_ptr [l++] = ((CCTK_REAL *) data) [DI (pughGH, i, j, k)];
+ break;
+ default:
+ CCTK_WARN (1, "Unsupported variable type in IOFlexIO_getDumpData");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+ printf ("Global size: %d %d %d\n",
+ (int) bnd [6], (int) bnd [7], (int) bnd [8]);
+ printf ("Lower bound: %d %d %d\n",
+ (int) bnd [0], (int) bnd [1], (int) bnd [2]);
+ printf ("Chunk size : %d %d %d\n",
+ (int) bnd [3], (int) bnd [4], (int) bnd [5]);
+ }
+ @routine IOFlexIO_eachProcDump
+ @author Paul Walker
+ @date Feb 1997
+ @desc
+ Dump data from each processor
+ @enddesc
+ @history
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen @hdate Oct 5 1998
+ @hdesc Made into subroutine
+ @endhistory
+ @@*/
+void IOFlexIO_eachProcDump (cGH *GH, int index, int timelevel, void *outme,
+ CCTK_INT4 bnd [9], IOFile iof, int ioflex_type)
+ int chunk_dims [3];
+ ioGH *ioUtilGH;
+ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IO")];
+ /* So set up the local shape. */
+ chunk_dims [0] = bnd [3];
+ chunk_dims [1] = bnd [4];
+ chunk_dims [2] = bnd [5];
+ /* Dump the data */
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwrite (iof, ioflex_type, 3, chunk_dims, outme));
+ /* Add attributes for global space */
+ IOFlexIO_AddCommonAttributes (GH, index, timelevel, &bnd [6], iof);
+ /* Add chunk attributes ... lower bound of this chunk and
+ * number of processors participating.
+ */
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "subchunk_lb", FLEXIO_INT4,
+ 3, &bnd [0]));
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "global_size", FLEXIO_INT4,
+ 3, &bnd [6]));
+ IOFlexIO_AddChunkAttributes (GH, index, bnd, iof);
+ @routine IOFlexIO_procDump
+ @author Paul Walker
+ @date Feb 1997
+ @desc
+ Dump data
+ @enddesc
+ @history
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen @hdate Oct 5 1998
+ @hdesc Made into subroutine
+ @endhistory
+ @@*/
+void IOFlexIO_procDump (IOFile iof, cGH *GH, int index, void *outme,
+ CCTK_INT4 bnd [9], int ioflex_type)
+ int chunk_dims [3], chunk_origin [3]; /* Chunk dim and origin */
+ ioGH *ioUtilGH;
+ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IO")];
+ chunk_origin [0] = bnd [0];
+ chunk_origin [1] = bnd [1];
+ chunk_origin [2] = bnd [2];
+ chunk_dims [0] = bnd [3];
+ chunk_dims [1] = bnd [4];
+ chunk_dims [2] = bnd [5];
+ if (ioUtilGH->unchunked) {
+ /* Unchunked data */
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteChunk (iof, chunk_dims, chunk_origin, outme));
+ } else {
+ /* Chunked data */
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwrite (iof, ioflex_type, 3, chunk_dims, outme));
+ /* Write chunk attributes */
+ IOFlexIO_AddChunkAttributes (GH, index, bnd, iof);
+ /* Add chunk attributes ... lower bound of this chunk and
+ * number of processors participating.
+ */
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "subchunk_lb", FLEXIO_INT4,
+ 3, &bnd [0]));
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (iof, "global_size", FLEXIO_INT4,
+ 3, &bnd [6]));
+ }
diff --git a/src/GHExtension.c b/src/GHExtension.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..824a7a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GHExtension.c
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ /*@@
+ @file GHExtension.c
+ @date Fri May 21 1999
+ @author Thomas Radke
+ @desc
+ IOFlexIO GH extension stuff.
+ @enddesc
+ @history
+ @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdate May 21 1999
+ @hdesc Just copied from thorn IO.
+ @endhistory
+ @@*/
+/*#define DEBUG_IO*/
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "flesh.h"
+#include "Groups.h"
+#include "Comm.h"
+#include "Misc.h"
+#include "GHExtensions.h"
+#include "declare_parameters.h"
+#include "CactusBase/pugh/src/include/pugh.h"
+#include "CactusBase/IOUtil/src/ioGH.h"
+#include "ioFlexGH.h"
+void *IOFlexIO_SetupGH (tFleshConfig *config, int convergence_level, cGH *GH)
+ int i, numvars;
+ flexioGH *newGH;
+ numvars = CCTK_GetNumVars ();
+ newGH = (flexioGH *) malloc (sizeof (flexioGH));
+ newGH->IO_2Dnum = (int *) malloc (numvars * sizeof (int));
+ newGH->IO_3Dnum = (int *) malloc (numvars * sizeof (int));
+ newGH->IO_2Dlast = (int *) malloc (numvars * sizeof (int));
+ newGH->IO_3Dlast = (int *) malloc (numvars * sizeof (int));
+ newGH->IEEEfile_2D = (IOFile **) malloc (numvars * sizeof (IOFile *));
+ for (i = 0; i < numvars; i++)
+ newGH->IEEEfile_2D [i] = (IOFile *) malloc (3 * sizeof (IOFile));
+ newGH->IEEEfname_3D = (char **) malloc (numvars * sizeof (char **));
+ for (i = 0; i < numvars; i++)
+ newGH->IEEEfname_3D [i] = (char *) malloc (512 * sizeof (char));
+ newGH->IEEEfile_3D = (IOFile *) malloc (numvars * sizeof (IOFile));
+ return (newGH);
+int IOFlexIO_InitGH (cGH *GH)
+ int i;
+ ioGH *ioUtilGH;
+ flexioGH *myGH;
+ /* get the handles for IOUtil and IOFlexIO extensions */
+ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IO")];
+ myGH = (flexioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IOFlexIO")];
+ InitIONum (myGH->IO_2Dnum, output2D);
+ InitIONum (myGH->IO_3Dnum, output3D);
+ for (i=0; i<CCTK_GetNumVars(); i++)
+ myGH->IO_2Dlast [i] = myGH->IO_3Dlast [i] = -1;
+ myGH->reuse_fh = reuse_fh;
+ /* Only have reuse for chunked data */
+ if (myGH->reuse_fh && ! ioUtilGH->unchunked) {
+ CCTK_Warn (2, "Cannot reuse handles with unchunked data. "
+ "Ignoring parameter 'reuse_fh'");
+ myGH->reuse_fh = 0;
+ }
+ return (0);
+int IOFlexIO_rfrTraverseGH (cGH *GH, int rfrpoint)
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/IEEEIO/Arch.h b/src/IEEEIO/Arch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e96147c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/IEEEIO/Arch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#ifndef _MACHDEFS_H_
+#define _MACHDEFS_H_
+#ifdef ANSI
+#define PROTO(x) x
+#define PROTO(x) ()
+#if defined(SGI) || defined(CM5) || defined (DEC)
+#define F77NAME(a,b,c) a
+#ifdef HP
+#define F77NAME(a,b,c) b
+#ifdef CRAY
+#define F77NAME(a,b,c) c
+#ifndef F77NAME
+#define F77NAME(a,b,c) a
+#ifndef SGI
+typedef long Long8;
+#else /* default SGI behavior. long longs=8 bytes long=4 bytes*/
+typedef long long Long8;
+#ifdef _CONFIG_H_
+/* config.h gives us INTEGER4 */
+typedef CCTK_INT4 Long; /* for now Long *MUST* be 32bit integer for PC compatability */
+#ifdef T3E
+typedef short Int; /* T3E uses 8-byte integers as default */
+typedef short Long; /* this is wierd, but its a T3E... */
+typedef int Int; /* every other sane design uses 4-byte ints */
+typedef int Long; /* for now Long *MUST* be 32bit integer for PC compatability */
+/* if we run into problems later we'll just need have a separate rev of the file format for PC's */
+#ifdef WIN32 /* this aint a happenin thang yet... */
+/* #include <sys/types.h> ... bahh!!! Win32 doesn't have this! */
+typedef unsigned int IOFile; /* cast to integer for pointers :( */
+union Integer8 {
+ long l;
+ int i[2];
+ char c[8];
+}; /* what can be said about the byte order though? */
+#else /* its a Mac or Unix box probably */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+typedef caddr_t IOFile; /* use caddr_t to store pointers */
+#ifdef HP
+#define CONST const
+#ifdef CONST
+#undef CONST
diff --git a/src/IEEEIO/FlexArrayTmpl.H b/src/IEEEIO/FlexArrayTmpl.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b965e19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/IEEEIO/FlexArrayTmpl.H
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+// FlexArrayTmpl.hh
+#ifdef SGI
+#include <new.h>
+#include "Arch.h"
+//#define DOUBLEWORD 8 // sgi doubleword == -align64 at a minimum
+#define DOUBLEWORD 1
+ Template: FlexArray
+ Purpose: Simplifies dynamically allocated array management since it contains
+ array size information and manages array resizing. However, since speed-critical
+ operations like indexing (the [] operator) are inlined, it adds no speed
+ penalty for the most common speed-critical operations.
+ Method Summary:
+ constructor: The initial "size" is 0 (the size of the array that is accessible
+ using the indexing operator []. However, the internally allocated size is
+ a minimum of 8 elements.
+ [] : Indexing operator. Acts just like [] would for a generic array. Since
+ it is inlined, there is actually no penalty in performance compared to
+ using a generic array.
+ append : Add an element to the end of the array, resizing the array if necessary.
+ The arrays are allocated in blocks so it doesn't need to realloc on every append.
+ For arrays < 1024 elements long, it doubles the array size on each realloc. When
+ larger than 1024 elements, it adds 1024 elements to the array on every realloc.
+ setSize(): Sets the internal and externally availible array sizes to the
+ specified size; shrinking a larger internal array if necessary.
+ getSize(): Return the current externally availible array size. The internal
+ size may be larger.
+template<class T>
+class FlexArray {
+ int size,maxsize;
+ T *data;
+ // Internal reallocation procedure.
+ void grow(int targetSize=1);
+ // constructor
+ FlexArray(int sz=0);
+ // copy constructor
+ FlexArray(FlexArray &src);
+ FlexArray &operator=(FlexArray<T> &src);
+ // destructor
+ ~FlexArray();
+ inline int getSize(){return size;}
+ int setSize(int s);
+ int append(T value);
+ int append(T *values,int nvals);
+ T &operator[](int index){
+ if(index>=size || index<0) { // range check
+ printf("FlexArray:: Bad index. Arraysize=%u Index=%u\n",
+ size,index);
+ index=0;
+ }
+ return (data[index]);
+ }
+ inline T &operator[](int index){ return (data[index]); }
+ // purge? which forces array delete
+ inline void purge(){ delete[] data; data=0; maxsize=size=0; }
+ //inline operator T*() { return data; } // typecasting operator
+ inline T *getData() { return data; } // sometimes you need direct access to the contained array.
+template<class T>
+FlexArray<T>::FlexArray(int sz):size(sz){
+ /*
+ if(sz>DOUBLEWORD) maxsize=sz;
+ else maxsize=DOUBLEWORD; always allocate in doubleword chunks
+ data = new T[maxsize];
+ */
+ maxsize=sz; // problem here is that virtually guarauntees reallocation
+ if(maxsize>0) data = new T[maxsize];
+ else data = 0;
+template<class T>
+ if(maxsize>0 && data)
+ delete[] data;
+ size=maxsize=0;
+ data=0;
+template<class T>
+void FlexArray<T>::grow(int targetSize){
+ do{
+ if(!maxsize) maxsize=1;
+ //if(maxsize<1024)
+ maxsize<<=1; // double in size
+ //else
+ // maxsize+=1024; // increase by 1k element block
+ }while(maxsize<targetSize);
+ //printf("FlexArray::grow(%u)->%u\n",targetSize,maxsize);
+ T *newdata=new T[maxsize];
+ // has to do its own copy because realloc is not always compatible with
+ // new/delete on all machines
+ if(data){
+ for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
+ newdata[i]=data[i];
+ delete[] data;
+ }
+ data=newdata;
+template<class T>
+FlexArray<T>::FlexArray(FlexArray<T> &src):data(0),size(0),maxsize(0){
+ setSize(src.getSize());
+ //puts("\tFlexArray<T>copy constructor***********");
+ for(int i=0;i<src.getSize();i++)
+ data[i]=src.data[i];
+ //this->data[i]=src->data[i];
+ // (*this)[i]=src[i]; // a full stupid copy!!
+template<class T>
+FlexArray<T> &FlexArray<T>::operator=(FlexArray<T> &src){
+ if(this == &src) return *this;
+ setSize(src.getSize());
+ //puts("\t\tFlexArray<T>copy operator");
+ for(int i=0;i<src.getSize();i++)
+ data[i]=src[i]; // a full stupid copy!!
+ return *this;
+template<class T>
+int FlexArray<T>::setSize(int s){
+ if(s<size){
+ size=s;
+ return size; // can't allow shrinkage below current size
+ }
+ if(s==maxsize){
+ size=maxsize;
+ return size;
+ }
+ // otherwise if maxsize>s>size>
+ maxsize=s;
+ T *newdata=new T[maxsize];
+ if(data){
+ for(int i=0;i<size && i<maxsize;i++)
+ newdata[i]=data[i];
+ delete[] data;
+ }
+ data=newdata;
+ size=maxsize;
+ return size;
+template<class T>
+int FlexArray<T>::append(T value){
+ if(size>=maxsize) // failsafe check
+ grow(size+1); // this array only increases in size
+ data[size++]=value;
+ return size;
+template<class T>
+int FlexArray<T>::append(T *values,int nvals){
+ if(size+nvals >= maxsize)
+ grow(size+nvals);//this array only increases in size
+ for(int i=0;i<nvals;i++)
+ data[size++]=values[i];
+ return size;
+ 1) Refcount must be fixed
+ 2) Need to have more flexibility in how the block allocation
+ is defined (eg. memory allocation blocksize) Use obstacks?
+ This would require a more global memory pool
+#endif // __FLEXARRAY_TMPL_HH_
diff --git a/src/IEEEIO/IEEEIO.cc b/src/IEEEIO/IEEEIO.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bcbbbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/IEEEIO/IEEEIO.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1363 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "IEEEIO.hh"
+#ifdef WIN32
+// Are we Microsoft VC++ 5.0 or 6.0?
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && ( (_MSC_VER == 1100) || (_MSC_VER == 1200) ) // yes we are
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#else // not an MSC compiler (use the old defines)
+#define O_RDWR _O_RDWR
+#define O_CREAT _O_CREAT
+#define O_TRUNC _O_TRUNC
+#endif // not an MSC compiler
+#endif // WIN32
+#ifdef FFIO
+#include <ffio.h>
+#define open(x,y,z) ffopens(x,y,z, 0, 0, NULL, "bufa.bufsize=256.num_buffers=4")
+#define close(x) ffclose(x)
+#ifdef T3E
+int IEEEIO::ffioIsTrue(){
+#ifdef FFIO
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+// int IEEEIO::nextRecord() (stores state in current_record)
+// also garauntees integrity of datasetnumber and
+// the current_rec and current_dat
+IEEEIO::AttribRef::AttribRef(IEEEIO::AttribRef &src){
+ //puts("AttribRef::copy constructor");
+ rec=src.rec;
+ offset=src.offset;
+ strcpy(name,src.name);
+ //puts("empty attribref constructor");
+ //puts("delete an attrib ref");
+ //puts("delete a recref");
+IEEEIO::AttribRef &IEEEIO::AttribRef::operator=(IEEEIO::AttribRef &src){
+ if(this != &src) {
+ //puts("\tAttribRef::copy operator");
+ rec=src.rec;
+ offset=src.offset;
+ //name=src.name; // uses the flexarray copy constructor
+ strcpy(name,src.name);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ //puts("Empty DataRef Constructor!!");
+IEEEIO::DataRef::DataRef(IEEEIO::DataRef &src){
+ //puts("DataRef:: copy constructor");
+ rec=src.rec;
+ offset=src.offset;
+ end_offset=src.end_offset;
+ annotations = src.annotations;
+ attributes = src.attributes;
+ //puts("DataRef:: copy constructor DONE");
+ // puts("dataref destructor");
+IEEEIO::DataRef &IEEEIO::DataRef::operator=(IEEEIO::DataRef &src){
+ if(this != &src){
+ rec=src.rec;
+ offset=src.offset;
+ end_offset=src.end_offset;
+ annotations = src.annotations;
+ attributes = src.attributes;
+ }
+ return *this;
+void IEEEIO::initPosition(){
+ // init
+#ifdef FFIO
+ actual_position = ::ffseek(fid,0,L_INCR);
+ actual_position = ::lseek(fid,0,L_INCR);
+ virtual_position = actual_position + writebuffercount;
+ // get actual filesize
+#ifdef FFIO
+ file_length = ::ffseek(fid,0,L_XTND);
+ ::ffseek(fid,actual_position,L_SET); // seek back to original pos
+ file_length = ::lseek(fid,0,L_XTND);
+ ::lseek(fid,actual_position,L_SET); // seek back to original pos
+ if(virtual_position > file_length)
+ file_length = virtual_position;
+ // printf("Init position: a=%ld v=%ld f=%ld\n",
+ // actual_position,virtual_position,file_length);
+//long IEEEIO::getPosition(int immediate) {
+//#ifdef FFIO
+// if(!writebuffer || immediate)
+// return ::ffseek(fid,0,L_INCR);
+// else
+// return ::ffseek(fid,0,L_INCR)+writebuffercount;
+// if(!writebuffer || immediate)
+// return ::lseek(fid,0,L_INCR);
+// else
+// return ::lseek(fid,0,L_INCR)+writebuffercount;
+void IEEEIO::restart(){
+ // this->initPosition();
+ //puts("restart seek");
+ IEEEIO::lseek(FileHdrSize,L_SET); // T3E Kludge
+ //puts("restart");
+ current_rec_offset=current_dat_offset=FileHdrSize; // T3E Kludge
+ current_rec.recordsize=0;
+ current_dat.datasize=0;
+ current_dat.rank=0;
+ datasetnumber=0; // initial
+ hasread=0; // and it hasn't been read yet...
+int IEEEIO::nextRecord(){
+ RecordHdr rec;
+ // should have it check the datasetnumber before seeking
+ // this will require consistancy checks for the datasetnumber
+ // elsewhere in the code
+ long src=current_rec_offset;
+ long dst=src+current_rec.recordsize;
+ current_rec_offset=IEEEIO::lseek(dst,L_SET); // seek from start
+ // or use rec.read(rec,fid)
+ // or IEEEIO::RecordHdr::read(rec,fid)
+ if(RecordHdr::read(this,rec) <= 0)
+ return 0;
+ current_rec_offset=dst+RecordHdrSize;
+ current_rec=rec;
+ return 1;
+int IEEEIO::nextDataRecord(){
+ hasread=0; // reset the hasread field
+ if(current_rec.recordtype==DataRecord &&
+ datasetnumber!=current_rec.sequenceID){
+ IEEEIO::lseek(current_rec_offset,L_SET); // seek to record start
+ }
+ else {
+ do { // scan through records for the next DataRecord
+ if(!nextRecord())
+ return 0; // reached end of file
+ } while(current_rec.recordtype!=DataRecord);
+ }
+ // dat_offset is same as current_rec_offset for the data record
+ // so nextRecord() can be used for scanning for annotations
+ current_dat_offset=current_rec_offset;
+ DataRecordHdr::read(this,current_dat);
+ datasetnumber=current_rec.sequenceID;
+ return 1;
+//long IEEEIO::getLength(int immediate){
+//#ifdef FFIO
+// long currentpos=::ffseek(fid,0,L_INCR); // find currentposition
+// long auspos = ::ffseek(fid,0,L_XTND); // seek to end to find length
+// long currentpos=::lseek(fid,0,L_INCR); // find currentposition
+// long auspos = ::lseek(fid,0,L_XTND); // seek to end to find length
+// if(writebuffer && writebuffercount && !immediate){
+// // must compute real end of file
+// register long pos1=currentpos+writebuffercount;
+// if(pos1>auspos) auspos=pos1;
+// }
+//#ifdef FFIO
+// ::ffseek(fid,currentpos,L_SET); // seek back to original position
+// ::lseek(fid,currentpos,L_SET); // seek back to original position
+// return auspos; // return end position
+void IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(void *buf,long nelements,int elementsize){
+ char *buffer=(char *)buf; // treat as a character buffer
+ if(elementsize<=1) return;
+ for(long i=0;i<nelements;i++,buffer+=elementsize){
+ register int s,d;
+ register char c;
+ // do the swap thang on each element
+ for(s=0,d=elementsize-1;s<d;s++,d--){
+ c=buffer[s];
+ buffer[s]=buffer[d];
+ buffer[d]=c;
+ }
+ }
+void IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(void *source,void *dest,long nelements,int elementsize){
+ if(elementsize<=1) return;
+ // Lets optimize for integers
+ switch(elementsize){
+ case 4:
+ {
+ Int *src=(Int*)source;
+ Int *dst=(Int*)dest;
+ for(long i=0;i<nelements;i++){
+ union IntChar {
+ int i;
+ char a[4];
+ };
+ register IntChar ts,td;
+ // do the swap thang on each element
+ td.i=ts.i=src[i];
+ td.a[0]=ts.a[3];
+ td.a[1]=ts.a[2];
+ td.a[2]=ts.a[1];
+ td.a[3]=ts.a[0];
+ dst[i]=td.i;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+#ifndef WIN32 // Win32 can't have 8byte integers
+ case 8:
+ {
+ Long *src=(Long*)source;
+ Long *dst=(Long*)dest;
+ for(long i=0;i<nelements;i++){
+ union LongChar {
+ Long l;
+ char a[8];
+ };
+ register LongChar ts,td;
+ // do the swap thang on each element
+ td.l=ts.l=src[i];
+ td.a[0]=ts.a[7];
+ td.a[1]=ts.a[6];
+ td.a[2]=ts.a[5];
+ td.a[3]=ts.a[4];
+ td.a[4]=ts.a[3];
+ td.a[5]=ts.a[2];
+ td.a[6]=ts.a[1];
+ td.a[7]=ts.a[0];
+ dst[i]=td.l;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ char *src=(char *)source; // treat as a character buffer
+ char *dst=(char *)dest;
+ for(long i=0;i<nelements;i++,src+=elementsize,dst+=elementsize){
+ register int s,d;
+ // do the swap thang on each element
+ for(s=0,d=elementsize-1;s<d;s++,d--){
+ dst[d]=src[s];
+ dst[s]=src[d];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+int IEEEIO::writeFileHeader(){
+ // long pos=getPosition(); // use virtual_position
+ // this->flush();
+ //puts("WriteHeader");
+ for(char c=0;c<4;c++) // make sure magic is correct
+ file_header.magic.c[c]=c+1;
+ if(swapbytes)
+ file_header.byteorder.i=IEEE_REVERSE_MAGIC;
+ else
+ file_header.byteorder.i=IEEE_NATIVE_MAGIC;
+ file_header.majorversion = IEEE_MAJORVERSION;
+ file_header.minorversion = IEEE_MINORVERSION;
+ IEEEIO::lseek(0,L_SET); // will force a flush (if needed)
+ //puts("done writeheader seek");
+ if(swapbytes) file_header.byteswap();
+ // T3E Kludge
+ int sz=FileHdr::write(this,file_header);
+ if(swapbytes) file_header.byteswap();
+ // if(pos>=FileHdrSize) // T3E Kludge
+ // IEEEIO::lseek(pos,L_SET);
+ return sz;
+// reads the start of the file (including the magic number)
+// and determines if this is
+// 1) A valid IEEEIO file
+// 2) what the byte order is
+// 3) How many datasets are contained
+int IEEEIO::readFileHeader(){
+ long pos=getPosition(); // use virtual_position
+ IEEEIO::lseek(0,L_SET);
+ // T3E Kludge
+ int sz=FileHdr::read(this,file_header);
+ IEEEIO::lseek(pos,L_SET); // return to original position
+ for(char c=0;c<4;c++){
+ if((c+1)!=file_header.magic.c[c]){
+ file_header.ndatasets=0;
+ fprintf(stderr,"IEEEIO: File %s has the wrong magic number\n",filename);
+ return -1; // bad magic
+ }
+ }
+ // now compare byte order
+ if(file_header.byteorder.i==IEEE_NATIVE_MAGIC)
+ swapbytes=0;
+ else{
+ swapbytes=1;
+ //puts("byteswapping is On !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
+ }
+ if(swapbytes) file_header.byteswap();
+ ndatasets=file_header.ndatasets;
+ return 1;
+void IEEEIO::rebuildFileHeader(){
+ int lndatasets;
+ long pos=getPosition(); // save file position (use virtual position
+ restart();
+ // steal seek loop from the nextDataRecord()
+ for(lndatasets=0;
+ nextDataRecord()>0;
+ lndatasets++){
+ // now check the length of the record
+ // for each record.
+ }
+ file_header.ndatasets=lndatasets;
+ writeFileHeader();
+ IEEEIO::lseek(pos,L_SET);
+void IEEEIO::appendRecordTable(){
+ //printf("appending records==================\n");
+ while(nextRecord()>0){
+ //printf("appending record\n");
+ switch(current_rec.recordtype){
+ case DataRecord:
+ //fprintf(stderr,"DataRecord");
+ (rec_table[current_rec.sequenceID]).rec=current_rec;
+ // use virtual_position
+ (rec_table[current_rec.sequenceID]).offset=getPosition()-RecordHdrSize;
+ break;
+ case AnnotationRecord:{
+ //fprintf(stderr,"\tAnnotationRecord\n");
+ RecRef ref;
+ ref.rec=current_rec;
+ ref.offset=getPosition()- RecordHdrSize; // T3E Kludge
+ (rec_table[current_rec.sequenceID]).annotations.append(ref);
+ }
+ break;
+ case AttributeRecord:{
+ //fprintf(stderr,"\tAttributeRecord\n");
+ AttribRef ref,*refp;
+ AttributeRecordHdr attribhdr;
+ ref.rec=current_rec;
+ ref.offset=getPosition()- RecordHdrSize; // T3E Kludge
+ (rec_table[current_rec.sequenceID]).attributes.append(ref);
+ int idx=(rec_table[current_rec.sequenceID]).attributes.getSize()-1;
+ refp = &((rec_table[current_rec.sequenceID]).attributes[idx]);
+ AttributeRecordHdr::read(this,attribhdr);
+ IEEEIO::read(refp->name,attribhdr.namesize);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"\tIEEEIO::Error UNKNOWN RECORD TYPE [%d]... recovering.",
+ (int)(current_rec.recordtype));
+ return;
+ }
+ (rec_table[current_rec.sequenceID]).end_offset =
+ current_rec_offset + current_rec.recordsize;
+ }
+void IEEEIO::buildRecordTable(){
+ if(file_header.ndatasets<0)
+ return; // failure
+ restart();
+ rec_table.setSize(file_header.ndatasets);
+ appendRecordTable();
+void IEEEIO::openFile(CONST char *fname,IObase::AccessMode access,int swbytes){
+ switch(access){
+ case IObase::Read:
+ fid=open(fname,O_RDONLY,0644);
+ if(fid<0){
+ fprintf(stderr,"IEEEIO: Failed to open %s for reading\n",fname);
+ return;
+ }
+ initPosition();
+ if(readFileHeader()<=0){
+ close(fid);
+ fprintf(stderr,"IEEEIO: File %s is empty (opened for reading)\n",fname);
+ fid=-1; // invalid file
+ return;
+ }
+ if(file_header.ndatasets<0){
+ // must recover from crash
+ close(fid);
+ fid=open(fname,O_RDWR,0644);
+ rebuildFileHeader();
+ close(fid);
+ fid=open(fname,O_RDONLY,0644);
+ readFileHeader(); // reread..
+ }
+ buildRecordTable();
+ restart(); // go to start of file
+ ndatasets = file_header.ndatasets;
+ nextRecord(); // prime the recordnumber
+ break;
+ case IObase::Write: // truncates
+ fid=open(fname,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,0644);
+ if(fid<0){
+ fprintf(stderr,"IEEEIO: Failed to create %s for writing\n",fname);
+ return;
+ }
+ initPosition();
+ file_header.ndatasets=-1;
+ ndatasets=0;
+ writeFileHeader();
+ restart();
+ break;
+ case IObase::Append:
+ default:
+ fid=open(fname,O_RDWR,0644); // PW: We *don't* want O_APPEND here.
+ // O_Append moves the file ptr to end
+ // of file before a write; this means
+ // when we do the writeHeader() below
+ // this is stuck at the end of this file
+ // which makes it puke.
+ if(fid<0){
+ fprintf(stderr,"IEEEIO: Failed to open %s for append\n",fname);
+ return;
+ }
+ initPosition();
+ if(readFileHeader()<=0){
+ close(fid);
+ fprintf(stderr,"IEEEIO: File %s is empty (opened for append)\n",fname);
+ fid=-1; // invalid file
+ return;
+ }
+ if(file_header.ndatasets<0){
+ // must recover from crash
+ close(fid);
+ fid=open(fname,O_RDWR,0644);
+ initPosition();
+ rebuildFileHeader();
+ close(fid);
+ fid=open(fname,O_RDWR,0644); // PW: We want to open RDWR again
+ initPosition();
+ readFileHeader(); // reread..
+ }
+ buildRecordTable();
+ restart(); // go to start of file
+ ndatasets = file_header.ndatasets;
+ // now we sync up in the way we would for a write
+ file_header.ndatasets=-1;
+ writeFileHeader(); // write header with -1 to indicate we are writing
+ // could refcount by increasing the - of numbers in header
+ // (needs extra flag for synced)
+ restart();
+ nextRecord(); // prime the recordnumber
+ //seek(ndatasets);
+ break;
+ }
+IEEEIO::IEEEIO(IEEEIO *file): // read only dup
+ IObase(file->filename,IObase::Read),fid(dup(file->fid)),
+ swapbytes(file->swapbytes),datasetnumber(0),
+ ndatasets(file->ndatasets),hasread(0),writebuffer(0),
+ writebuffersize(0),writebuffercount(0),savedposition(-1),
+ file_length(-1),actual_position(-1),virtual_position(-1)
+ if(file->masterfile) masterfile=file->masterfile;
+ else masterfile=file;
+ initPosition(); // initial positional pointers
+ ndatasets = file_header.ndatasets = file->ndatasets;
+ buildRecordTable();
+ restart(); // go to start of file
+ nextRecord(); // prime the recordnumber
+// IEEEIO::AccesMode has scope commented out to satisfy Microsoft compiler
+IEEEIO::IEEEIO(CONST char *fname,/*IEEEIO::*/AccessMode access,int swbytes):
+ IObase(fname,mode(access)),fid(-1),swapbytes(swbytes),datasetnumber(0),
+ ndatasets(0),hasread(0),masterfile(0),writebuffer(0),
+ writebuffersize(0),writebuffercount(0),savedposition(-1),
+ file_length(-1),actual_position(-1),virtual_position(-1)
+ if(access==IEEEIO::SharedRead){
+ masterfile=this; // we are multi-reading
+ fid=open(fname,O_RDONLY,0644);
+ if(fid<0){
+ fprintf(stderr,"IEEEIO: Failed to open %s for reading\n",fname);
+ return;
+ }
+ this->initPosition();
+ if(readFileHeader()<=0){
+ close(fid);
+ fprintf(stderr,"IEEEIO: File %s is empty (opened for reading)\n",fname);
+ fid=-1; // invalid file
+ return;
+ }
+ buildRecordTable();
+ restart(); // go to start of file
+ ndatasets = file_header.ndatasets;
+ nextRecord(); // prime the recordnumber
+ }
+ else
+ openFile(fname,mode(access),swbytes);
+IEEEIO::IEEEIO(CONST char *fname,IObase::AccessMode access,int swbytes):
+ IObase(fname,access),fid(-1),swapbytes(swbytes),datasetnumber(0),
+ ndatasets(0),hasread(0),masterfile(0),writebuffer(0),
+ writebuffersize(0),writebuffercount(0),savedposition(-1)
+ // long fpos;
+ openFile(fname,access,swbytes);
+ if(fid<0 && savedposition>=0) resume();
+ // resume IO only if it is paused so that
+ // we can do the final writes to the file before
+ // closing
+ //puts("do bufferoff");
+ if(writebuffer) bufferOff(); // automatically flushes buffer
+ //puts("now rewrite header");
+ if(fid>=0){
+ if(accessmode!=IObase::Read){
+ file_header.ndatasets=ndatasets;
+ writeFileHeader();
+ }
+ close(fid);
+ }
+ fid=-1;
+int IEEEIO::isValid(){
+ if(fid>=0) return 1;
+ else return 0;
+int IEEEIO::write(IObase::DataType typeID,int rank,CONST int *dims,void *data){
+ int i;
+ RecordHdr rec;
+ DataRecordHdr hdr;
+ // make sure its the EOF
+ if(accessmode==IObase::Read) return 0;
+ hasread=0; // reset hasread; (JMS: changed from local Thu Mar 12 13:53:13 CST 1998)
+ if(rec_table.getSize()>0){
+ long endpos = rec_table[rec_table.getSize()-1].end_offset;
+ IEEEIO::lseek(endpos,L_SET); // don't know if this is costly
+ }
+ else
+ IEEEIO::lseek(0,L_XTND); // seek to end of file
+ // if 0-length seeks are costly, then alternative
+ // logic can be constructed to ensure writes to end of file
+ for(i=0,hdr.datasize=1;i<rank;i++)
+ hdr.datasize*=dims[i];
+ if(chunkdims.getSize()<rank)
+ chunkdims.setSize(rank);
+ for(i=0;i<rank;i++) chunkdims[i]=dims[i];
+ hdr.datasize*=sizeOf(typeID);
+ hdr.numbertype=typeID;
+ hdr.rank=rank;
+ // if last annotation slot is filled, it is a pointer
+ // to another block of 8 annotation pointers.
+ rec.recordtype = DataRecord;
+ rec.recordsize = hdr.datasize +
+ DataRecordHdrSize +
+ sizeof(Int) * rank;
+ rec.sequenceID = datasetnumber = ndatasets++;
+ // need to byteswap the header and records if swapbytes==True
+ current_dat=hdr; // first copy native info to current
+ current_rec=rec;
+ RecordHdr::write(this,rec);
+ current_dat_offset=current_rec_offset=getPosition();
+ DataRecordHdr::write(this,hdr);
+ // write the dims.... (byteswap if necessary)
+ if(swapbytes) byteswapBuffer(chunkdims.getData(),rank,sizeof(Int));
+ IEEEIO::write(chunkdims.getData(),sizeof(Int)*rank);
+ if(swapbytes) byteswapBuffer(chunkdims.getData(),rank,sizeof(Int)); // swap back
+ if(swapbytes) byteswapBuffer(data,hdr.datasize/sizeOf(typeID),sizeOf(typeID));
+ int sz = IEEEIO::write(data,hdr.datasize);
+ // yeah! double bytswap seem stupid, but consider the alternatives
+ // write one byte at a time (swapping as we go) == systemcall overhead
+ // copy to a temporary buffer and swap bytes == malloc, copy, and free!
+ // strangely its faster to swap twice
+ if(swapbytes) byteswapBuffer(data,hdr.datasize/sizeOf(typeID),sizeOf(typeID));
+ DataRef dref;
+ dref.rec=current_rec;
+ // Must find exact size!!!
+ dref.offset = current_rec_offset - RecordHdrSize;
+ dref.end_offset = current_rec_offset + current_rec.recordsize;
+ if(accessmode!=IObase::Write) // do not store if in write-only mode
+ rec_table.append(dref);
+ return sz;
+// storing in 8*1024 byte blocks (always aligned to chunk boundaries)
+// will result in more efficient seeking behavior due to
+// disk block size... thus file is always aligned to unix
+// filesystem blocks. (for now, we'll use die method maximo-stupido...
+int IEEEIO::readInfo(IObase::DataType &typeID,int &rank,int *dims,int maxdims){
+ if(accessmode!=IObase::Read && accessmode!=IObase::Append)
+ return 0;
+ //int sz;
+ if(hasread) datasetnumber++; // increment to the next one if this has been read
+ if(datasetnumber>=rec_table.getSize()) return 0; // end of file
+ // read the record + header
+ hasread=1; // we've read this, so next time we hit it, we'll increment again
+ IEEEIO::lseek(rec_table[datasetnumber].offset,L_SET);
+ // T3E Kludge
+ RecordHdr::read(this,current_rec);
+ DataRecordHdr::read(this,current_dat);
+ rank=current_dat.rank;
+ if(chunkdims.getSize()<rank) chunkdims.setSize(rank);
+ typeID=Int2DataType(current_dat.numbertype);
+ IEEEIO::read(chunkdims.getData(),sizeof(Int)*rank);
+ if(swapbytes) byteswapBuffer(chunkdims.getData(),(rank>maxdims)?maxdims:rank,sizeof(Int));
+ for(int i=0;i<maxdims && i<rank;i++) dims[i]=chunkdims[i];
+ streaming=0;
+ return 1;
+ It does not appear that the bytswapping is really configured here...
+ */
+int IEEEIO::read(void *data){
+ if(accessmode!=IObase::Read && accessmode!=IObase::Append)
+ return 0; // can't readif write only
+ if(datasetnumber>=rec_table.getSize()) return 0; // seek past end.
+ long datapos=rec_table[datasetnumber].offset+RecordHdrSize+DataRecordHdrSize+
+ sizeof(Int)*current_dat.rank;
+ // should make certain current file position is correct
+ // if(getPosition() != datapos) (redundant call to lseek())
+ IEEEIO::lseek(datapos,L_SET); // seek to position
+ int sz=IEEEIO::read(data,current_dat.datasize); // read nbytes
+ int typelen = sizeOf(Int2DataType(current_dat.numbertype));// compute elem sz
+ if(swapbytes) byteswapBuffer(data,current_dat.datasize/typelen,typelen);
+ return sz;
+int IEEEIO::seek(int idx){
+ if(accessmode!=IObase::Read &&
+ accessmode!=IObase::Append) // can't seek unless readable
+ return -1; // failed to seek
+ if (idx >= ndatasets || idx < 0) {
+ return -1; // do a bounds check (probably should just clip)
+ }
+ // bound the index
+ if((1+idx)>rec_table.getSize()) idx=rec_table.getSize();
+ if(idx<0) idx=0;
+ index = idx;
+ IEEEIO::lseek(rec_table[index].offset,L_SET);
+ // T3E Kludge
+ RecordHdr::read(this,current_rec);
+ current_rec_offset=getPosition();
+ datasetnumber=current_rec.sequenceID; // Changed: had -1
+ hasread=0; // new file position
+ return current_rec.sequenceID;
+int IEEEIO::nDatasets() {
+ // can work across threads or across processes since
+ // it gathers information directly from the file.
+ // it does not need to share info with masterfile
+ // in fact you can delete the masterfile
+ if(masterfile){ // we are passive read-only. update nDatasets
+ // seek-scan to find datasets?
+ int oldlength = (rec_table.getSize())?(rec_table[rec_table.getSize()-1].end_offset):0;
+ //printf("oldlength=%u newlength=%u\n",oldlength,(unsigned int)(getLength()));
+ if(getLength()>oldlength){
+ // lets scan to find the end
+ int lndatasets;
+ puts("We should clearly not be here!!!");
+ restart(); // go to beginning
+ // steal seek loop from the nextDataRecord()
+ for(lndatasets=0;
+ nextDataRecord()>0;
+ lndatasets++){
+ //printf("scan dataset[%u]\n",lndatasets);
+ }
+ file_header.ndatasets = lndatasets;
+ rec_table.setSize(lndatasets);
+ // printf("counted %u datasets. old was %u datasets\n",lndatasets,ndatasets);
+ seek(ndatasets); // seek to current last
+ ndatasets = lndatasets; // then reset the last
+ appendRecordTable(); // append new stuff to record table
+ }
+ }
+ return ndatasets;
+int IEEEIO::writeAnnotation(CONST char *annotation){
+ int stringlen;
+ RecRef aref;
+ RecordHdr rec;
+ if(accessmode==IObase::Read || !annotation) return 0;
+ stringlen=strlen(annotation)+1;
+ if(rec_table.getSize()>0){
+ long endpos = rec_table[rec_table.getSize()-1].end_offset;
+ IEEEIO::lseek(endpos,L_SET); // don't know if this is costly
+ }
+ else
+ IEEEIO::lseek(0,L_XTND); // seek to end of file
+ rec.recordtype=AnnotationRecord;
+ rec.recordsize=stringlen;
+ if(datasetnumber>=0) rec.sequenceID=datasetnumber;
+ else rec.sequenceID=current_rec.sequenceID; // a kludge for error immunity
+ current_rec = rec;
+ // T3E Kludge
+ current_rec_offset = getPosition() + RecordHdrSize;
+ // T3E Kludge
+ RecordHdr::write(this,rec);
+ // if(swapbytes) byteswap(rec);
+ int sz=IEEEIO::write(annotation,stringlen);
+ aref.rec=current_rec;
+ // T3E Kludge
+ aref.offset=current_rec_offset-RecordHdrSize;
+ if(accessmode!=IObase::Write){ // don't write to index cache if in write-only mode
+ rec_table[datasetnumber].annotations.append(aref);
+ rec_table[datasetnumber].end_offset=getPosition();
+ }
+ return sz;
+ If objects could have all attributes implicitly availible for querying
+ when passed to subroutines. Basic object methods for data movement like
+ linearize() or object.linearized[index] object.linearized.size.
+ Then for objects that a receiver can't deal with either
+ 1: have compiletime "gatekeepers" that restrict allowable types
+ that it can receive
+ 2: Do a treesearch through object space to find a convertor sequence
+ that can convert the current type into the one that the object
+ accepts. If no such object can be found, indicate runtime
+ object adaptor failure.
+int IEEEIO::readAnnotationInfo(int number,int &length){
+ if(datasetnumber<0 ||
+ number>=rec_table[datasetnumber].annotations.getSize()){
+ length=0;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ length=rec_table[datasetnumber].annotations[number].rec.recordsize;
+ return length;
+int IEEEIO::readAnnotation(int number,char *annotation,int maxsize){
+ // returns actual size of annotation or -1 if error
+ if(datasetnumber<0 || accessmode==IObase::Write ||
+ number>=rec_table[datasetnumber].annotations.getSize()){
+ return -1;
+ }
+ IEEEIO::lseek(rec_table[datasetnumber].annotations[number].offset,L_SET);
+ // T3E Kludge
+ RecordHdr::read(this,current_rec);
+ IEEEIO::read(annotation,(maxsize<rec_table[datasetnumber].annotations[number].rec.recordsize)?
+ maxsize:(rec_table[datasetnumber].annotations[number].rec.recordsize));
+ annotation[maxsize-1]='\0';
+ return rec_table[datasetnumber].annotations[number].rec.recordsize;
+int IEEEIO::nAnnotations(){
+ if(datasetnumber<0 || accessmode==IObase::Write)
+ return -1;
+ return rec_table[datasetnumber].annotations.getSize();
+// for attributes
+int IEEEIO::writeAttribute(CONST char *name,IObase::DataType typeID,Long length,void *data){
+ int stringlen;
+ AttribRef aref;
+ RecordHdr rec;
+ AttributeRecordHdr attrib;
+ if(datasetnumber<0){
+ fprintf(stderr,"IEEEIO::writeAttribute(): Error, cannot write attribute before any datasets have been written!\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(accessmode==IObase::Read) return 0;
+ stringlen=strlen(name)+1;
+ if(rec_table.getSize()>0){
+ long endpos = rec_table[rec_table.getSize()-1].end_offset;
+ IEEEIO::lseek(endpos,L_SET); // don't know if this is costly
+ }
+ else
+ IEEEIO::lseek(0,L_XTND); // seek to end of file
+ attrib.datasize=length*sizeOf(typeID);
+ attrib.namesize=stringlen;
+ attrib.numbertype=typeID;
+ rec.recordtype=AttributeRecord;
+ rec.recordsize=attrib.datasize+attrib.namesize+AttributeRecordHdrSize;
+ if(datasetnumber>=0) rec.sequenceID=datasetnumber;
+ else rec.sequenceID=current_rec.sequenceID; // a kludge for error immunity
+ current_rec=rec;
+ current_rec_offset=getPosition() + RecordHdrSize;
+ aref.rec=current_rec;
+ aref.offset=current_rec_offset-RecordHdrSize;
+ // no copy constructor for aref, so must do manually
+ if(accessmode != IObase::Write){
+ int lastindex;
+ rec_table[datasetnumber].attributes.append(aref);
+ lastindex=rec_table[datasetnumber].attributes.getSize()-1;
+ strcpy(rec_table[datasetnumber].attributes[lastindex].name,name);
+ }
+ // T3E Kludge
+ RecordHdr::write(this,rec);
+ AttributeRecordHdr::write(this,attrib);
+ //printf("\tnow write the string\n");
+ IEEEIO::write(name,stringlen);
+ //printf("\tdone IEEEIO::stringlen=%u typeid=%u\n",attrib.namesize,attrib.numbertype);
+ // data is not byte-reversed...
+ int sz=0;
+ if(swapbytes) byteswapBuffer(data,length,sizeOf(typeID));
+ IEEEIO::write(data,length*sizeOf(typeID));
+ if(swapbytes) byteswapBuffer(data,length,sizeOf(typeID)); // swap back
+ if(accessmode != IObase::Write)
+ rec_table[datasetnumber].end_offset=getPosition();
+ // doesn't appear to store attributes properly
+ return sz;
+int IEEEIO::readAttributeInfo(int number,char *name,IObase::DataType &typeID,
+ Long &nelem,int maxnamelen){
+ if(accessmode==IObase::Write) return -1;
+ FlexArray<AttribRef> *attribs= &(rec_table[datasetnumber].attributes);
+ if(number>=(*attribs).getSize()) return -1; // > number of attributes
+ AttribRef *attrib=&((*attribs)[number]);
+ if(strlen(attrib->name)>maxnamelen){
+ strncpy(name,attrib->name,maxnamelen); // don't we want to copy the other way?
+ name[maxnamelen-1]='\0';
+ }
+ else strcpy(name,attrib->name);
+ name[maxnamelen-1]='\0'; // make certain it is null capped
+ AttributeRecordHdr attribhdr;
+ IEEEIO::lseek((*attribs)[number].offset,L_SET);
+ RecordHdr::read(this,current_rec);
+ AttributeRecordHdr::read(this,attribhdr);
+//printf("IEEEIO:attribrechdr = ds,nt,ns %d,%d,%d\n",
+// attribhdr.datasize,
+// attribhdr.numbertype,
+// attribhdr.namesize);
+ typeID = Int2DataType(attribhdr.numbertype);
+ nelem = attribhdr.datasize/sizeOf(typeID);
+ return -1;
+int IEEEIO::readAttributeInfo(CONST char *name,IObase::DataType &typeID,Long &nelem){
+ // by name
+ if(accessmode==IObase::Write) return -1;
+ FlexArray<AttribRef> *attribs= &(rec_table[datasetnumber].attributes);
+ for(int i=0;i<attribs->getSize();i++){
+ if(!strcmp(name,(*attribs)[i].name)){
+ // must read the record to get this info
+ AttributeRecordHdr attribhdr;
+ IEEEIO::lseek((*attribs)[i].offset,L_SET);
+ RecordHdr::read(this,current_rec);
+ AttributeRecordHdr::read(this,attribhdr);
+ typeID = Int2DataType(attribhdr.numbertype);
+ nelem = attribhdr.datasize/sizeOf(typeID);
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1; // Attribute not found
+int IEEEIO::readAttribute(int number,void *data){
+ if(accessmode==IObase::Write) return -1;
+ FlexArray<AttribRef> *attribs= &(rec_table[datasetnumber].attributes);
+ if(number>=(*attribs).getSize()) return -1; // > number of attributes
+ AttributeRecordHdr attribhdr;
+ IEEEIO::lseek((*attribs)[number].offset,L_SET);
+ RecordHdr::read(this,current_rec);
+ AttributeRecordHdr::read(this,attribhdr);
+ IObase::DataType typeID = Int2DataType(attribhdr.numbertype);
+ if(typeID==IObase::Error) return -1; // read failed due to bad datatype
+ long nelem = attribhdr.datasize/sizeOf(typeID);
+ IEEEIO::lseek(attribhdr.namesize,L_INCR);
+ int sz=IEEEIO::read(data,attribhdr.datasize)/sizeOf(typeID);
+ if(swapbytes) byteswapBuffer(data,sz,sizeOf(typeID));
+ if(typeID==IObase::String){
+ char *cdata=(char *)data;
+ cdata[sz]='\0'; /* Null Terminate String data */
+ }
+ return sz; // returns number of elements read
+int IEEEIO::nAttributes(){
+ if(datasetnumber<0 || accessmode == IObase::Write) return -1;
+ return rec_table[datasetnumber].attributes.getSize();
+//================Chunking Interface-----------------------
+void IEEEIO::clearChunk(int nbytes){
+#ifdef T3E
+#define DISKBLOCKSIZE 128*1024
+#define DISKBLOCKSIZE 8192
+// This is a wasteful feature that will be eliminated in later releases
+// This is currently done because I needed the disk space to be zero'ed
+// prior to writing for debugging purposes... Could have a writeStream
+// class.
+ int nwritten;
+ char dummy[DISKBLOCKSIZE];
+ for(int i=0;i<DISKBLOCKSIZE;i++)
+ dummy[i]=0; // bzero it (reserve space with zero'ed data)
+ while(nbytes>DISKBLOCKSIZE){
+ nwritten=IEEEIO::write(dummy,DISKBLOCKSIZE);
+ if(nwritten<=0) return; // this aint working
+ nbytes-=nwritten;
+ }
+ if(nbytes>0) IEEEIO::write(dummy,nbytes); // write the remaining bytes
+int IEEEIO::reserveChunk(IObase::DataType typeID,int rank,CONST int *dims){
+ reserveStream(typeID,rank,dims); // sets up the chunking state machine
+ // clearing does not appear to be needed... just need header
+ //clearChunk(IObase::nBytes(typeID,rank,dims)); // this pre-clears the reserved area to 0. (inefficient)
+ return 1;
+// Chunking should probably include striding....
+// But thats a pain since you'll need to read + write to
+// Accomplish that (yuck!). Lots of seeking.
+// Lets leave striding out for now.
+// should also check for contiguous data (eg. slicing) and optimize for that layout
+// for now, the streaming interface best serves contiguous data.
+int IEEEIO::writeChunk(CONST int *dims,CONST int *origin,void *data){
+ int i,sz;
+ // make sure its the EOF
+ if(accessmode==IObase::Read) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"IEEEIO::writeChunk(): Error! Access is ReadOnly\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // should have a "chunk reserved" flag set.
+ if(current_reserved_chunk!=datasetnumber){
+ fprintf(stderr,"IEEEIO::writeChunk(): Error! You forgot to reserve space for the chunk using IO::reserveChunk()\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // now we need to seek to the position of the data
+ int rank = current_dat.rank;
+ IObase::DataType typeID = IObase::Int2DataType(current_dat.numbertype);
+ int typesize=sizeOf(typeID);
+ // long basefileoffset = rec_table[datasetnumber].offset+
+ long basefileoffset = stream_offset +
+ RecordHdrSize+DataRecordHdrSize+sizeof(Int)*current_dat.rank; // T3E Kludge
+ long chunkcolumnsize=dims[0]*typesize; // stride between columns in chunk
+ long filecolumnsize=chunkdims[0]*typesize; // stride between columns on disk (full array size)
+ long originoffset;
+ long accumdims;
+ for(originoffset=0,accumdims=typesize,i=0;i<rank;i++){
+ originoffset += (origin[i]*accumdims);
+ accumdims *= chunkdims[i];
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<rank;i++){
+ if((origin[i]+dims[i])>chunkdims[i]){
+ fprintf(stderr,"IEEEIO::writeChunk(): ERROR!! specified dims and origin exceed reserved block size\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"\tfor dimension %u origin=%u and dims=%u\n",i,origin[i],
+ dims[i]);
+ fprintf(stderr,"\torigin+dims=%u whereas the maximum must be less than %u\n",origin[i]+dims[i],chunkdims[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ originoffset+=basefileoffset; // for absolute seeking
+ long maxindex,minindex;
+ minindex=basefileoffset;
+ maxindex=basefileoffset+current_dat.datasize;
+ int ncolumns; // computed in loop below
+ for(ncolumns=1,i=1;i<rank;i++) ncolumns*=dims[i];
+ if(swapbytes)
+ byteswapBuffer(data,IObase::nElements(rank,dims),typesize);
+ for(i=0;i<ncolumns;i++){ // read the columns
+ if(originoffset<minindex){
+ fprintf(stderr,"WriteChunk() inconsistency. Writing less than min index\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"\tCol[%u]: Requested %u, but minidex= %u\n",
+ i,(unsigned int)originoffset,(unsigned int)minindex);
+ }
+ if(originoffset>maxindex){
+ fprintf(stderr,"WriteChunk() inconsistency. Writing greater than maximum index\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"\tCol[%u]: Requested %u, but maxindex= %u\n",
+ i,(unsigned int)originoffset,(unsigned int)maxindex);
+ }
+ if((originoffset+chunkcolumnsize)>maxindex){
+ fprintf(stderr,"WriteChunk() inconsistency. This write will overrun the reserved data\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"\tCol[%u]: Requested %u, maxindex %u, and the write of %u will run to %u\n",
+ i,(unsigned int)originoffset,(unsigned int)maxindex,(unsigned int)chunkcolumnsize,(unsigned int)(originoffset+chunkcolumnsize));
+ }
+ IEEEIO::lseek(originoffset,L_SET);
+ sz=IEEEIO::write(((char*)data)+i*chunkcolumnsize,(int)chunkcolumnsize);
+ originoffset+=filecolumnsize;
+ for(long j=1,idx=dims[1],planesize=filecolumnsize;
+ j<(rank-1) && !((i+1)%idx);
+ idx*=dims[++j]){
+ long extraoffset=planesize*(chunkdims.getData()[j]-dims[j]);
+ originoffset+=extraoffset;
+ planesize*=dims[j];
+ }
+ }
+ // now swap the data back to native order...
+ if(swapbytes)
+ byteswapBuffer(data,IObase::nElements(rank,dims),typesize);
+ return sz;
+int IEEEIO::readChunk(CONST int *dims,CONST int *origin,void *data){
+ int sz,i;
+ if(accessmode!=IObase::Read && accessmode!=IObase::Append)
+ return 0;
+ // gonna have to stride through this sucker... (yuck)
+ // use the same chunkdims for this. Must set during readinfo...
+ // now we need to seek to the position of the data
+ int rank = current_dat.rank;
+ IObase::DataType typeID = IObase::Int2DataType(current_dat.numbertype);
+ int typesize=sizeOf(typeID);
+ long basefileoffset = rec_table[datasetnumber].offset+
+ // sizeof(RecordHdr)+sizeof(DataRecordHdr)+sizeof(Int)*current_dat.rank;
+ RecordHdrSize+DataRecordHdrSize+sizeof(Int)*current_dat.rank; // T3E Kludge
+ long chunkcolumnsize=dims[0]*typesize; // stride between columns in chunk
+ long filecolumnsize=chunkdims[0]*typesize; // stride between columns on disk (full array size)
+ long originoffset;
+ long accumdims;
+ // compute the offset into the data on disk required by the chunk origin (initial offset)
+ for(originoffset=0,accumdims=typesize,i=0;i<rank;i++){
+ originoffset += (origin[i]*accumdims);
+ accumdims *= chunkdims[i];
+ }
+ originoffset+=basefileoffset; // for absolute seeking
+ long ncolumns; // computed in loop below
+ for(ncolumns=1,i=1;i<rank;i++) ncolumns*=dims[i];
+ for(i=0;i<ncolumns;i++){ // read the columns
+ IEEEIO::lseek(originoffset,L_SET);
+ sz=IEEEIO::read(((char*)data)+i*chunkcolumnsize,(int)chunkcolumnsize);
+ originoffset+=filecolumnsize;
+ for(long j=1,idx=dims[1],planesize=filecolumnsize;
+ j<(rank-1) && !((i+1)%idx);
+ idx*=dims[++j]){
+ long extraoffset=planesize*(chunkdims.getData()[j]-dims[j]);
+ originoffset+=extraoffset;
+ planesize*=dims[j];
+ }
+ }
+ // now swap the data back to native order...
+ if(swapbytes)
+ byteswapBuffer(data,IObase::nElements(rank,dims),typesize);
+ return sz;
+// Nearly identical to reserveChunk except that we don't need to pre-clear
+// the space to 0 for streamed data.
+int IEEEIO::reserveStream(IObase::DataType typeID,int rank,CONST int *dims){
+ int i;
+ RecordHdr rec;
+ DataRecordHdr hdr;
+ // make sure its the EOF
+ if(accessmode==IObase::Read) return 0;
+ if(rec_table.getSize()>0){
+ long endpos = rec_table[rec_table.getSize()-1].end_offset;
+ IEEEIO::lseek(endpos,L_SET); // don't know if this is costly
+ }
+ else {
+ IEEEIO::lseek(0,L_XTND); // seek to end of file
+ }
+ // if 0-length seeks are costly, then alternative
+ // logic can be constructed to ensure writes to end of file
+ if(chunkdims.getSize() != rank)
+ chunkdims.setSize(rank); // KLUDGE!
+ for(i=0,hdr.datasize=1;i<rank;i++) {
+ hdr.datasize*=dims[i];
+ chunkdims[i]=dims[i];
+ }
+ cur_type_size=sizeOf(typeID); // KLUDGE: for writeStream()
+ hdr.datasize*=sizeOf(typeID);
+ hdr.numbertype=typeID;
+ hdr.rank=rank;
+ // if last annotation slot is filled, it is a pointer
+ // to another block of 8 annotation pointers.
+ rec.recordtype = DataRecord;
+ rec.recordsize = hdr.datasize +
+ DataRecordHdrSize + // T3E Kludge
+ sizeof(Int) * rank;
+ rec.sequenceID = datasetnumber = ndatasets++;
+ // need to byteswap the header and records if swapbytes==True
+ current_dat=hdr; // first copy native info to current
+ current_rec=rec;
+ RecordHdr::write(this,rec);
+ current_dat_offset=current_rec_offset=getPosition();
+ DataRecordHdr::write(this,hdr);
+ if(swapbytes) byteswapBuffer(chunkdims.getData(),rank,sizeof(Int));
+ IEEEIO::write(chunkdims.getData(),sizeof(Int)*rank); // for better for worse...
+ if(swapbytes) byteswapBuffer(chunkdims.getData(),rank,sizeof(Int)); // swap back
+ // OK, now writing 8k at a time, reserve the space with 0's
+ current_reserved_chunk=datasetnumber;
+ DataRef dref;
+ dref.rec=current_rec;
+ dref.offset=current_rec_offset-RecordHdrSize;
+ dref.end_offset=current_rec_offset+current_rec.recordsize;
+ if(accessmode!=IObase::Write)
+ rec_table.append(dref);
+ // else (JMS debugging change 5/12/98)
+ stream_offset = current_rec_offset-RecordHdrSize;
+ streaming=0;
+ return 1;
+int IEEEIO::writeStream(void *data,int length){
+ int len;
+ if(!streaming){// seek to starting offset
+ long basefileoffset = stream_offset +
+ RecordHdrSize+DataRecordHdrSize+sizeof(Int)*current_dat.rank;
+ IEEEIO::lseek(basefileoffset,L_SET);
+ streaming=1;
+ }
+ // need to do a bounds check on the stream... for now it'll play dumb...
+ long nbytes=cur_type_size * length;
+ len = IEEEIO::write((char *)data,nbytes); // record file position??
+ if(len<0)
+ return -1; // write failure
+ return len;
+int IEEEIO::readStream(void *data,int length){
+ int len;
+ if(!streaming){// seek to starting offset
+ long basefileoffset = rec_table[datasetnumber].offset+
+ RecordHdrSize+DataRecordHdrSize+sizeof(Int)*current_dat.rank;
+ IEEEIO::lseek(basefileoffset,L_SET);
+ streaming=1;
+ }
+ // need to do a bounds check on the stream... for now it'll play dumb...
+ int typesize= sizeOf(Int2DataType(current_dat.numbertype));
+ long nbytes = typesize * length;
+ len = IEEEIO::read((char *)data,nbytes);
+ if(len<0)
+ return -1; // read failure
+ else
+ if(swapbytes) byteswapBuffer(data,length,typesize);
+ return len;
+void IEEEIO::bufferOn(long size){
+ if(writebuffer) {
+ if(size==0)
+ bufferOff();
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(T3E)// if not Windows, use fstat() to choose optimal blocksiz
+ if(size<0){
+ struct stat mystat;
+ fstat(fid,&mystat);
+ size=mystat.st_blksize;
+ }
+ // if windows then take a wild guess
+#ifdef T3E
+ size=(size<=64)?8*1024*1024:size; // 8Meg is a good guess for T3E
+ size=(size<=64)?8*1024:size; //(8k is a good guess for workstations/WinTel)
+ writebuffer = new char[size];
+ }
+ writebuffersize=size;
+ writebuffercount=0;
+void IEEEIO::bufferOff(){
+ if(!writebuffer) return;
+ if(fid<0 && writebuffercount>0){
+ fprintf(stderr,"IEEEIO::bufferOff() ERROR!!!!");
+ fprintf(stderr,"\tFile %s is either paused or invalid, so I can't deallocate the write buffer safely\n",filename);
+ return;
+ }
+ //printf("bufferoff on a=%ld v=%ld f=%ld b=%d\n",
+ // actual_position,virtual_position,file_length,writebuffercount);
+ this->flush();
+ delete writebuffer;
+ writebuffer=0;
+int IEEEIO::pause(){
+ if(fid<0) return 0; // fail
+ this->flush(); // flush the buffer to pause
+ savedposition=getPosition();
+ close(fid);
+ fid=-1;
+ return 1; // success
+int IEEEIO::resume(){
+ if(fid>=0 || savedposition<0) return 0; // fail
+ switch(IObase::accessmode){
+ case IObase::Read:
+ fid=open(filename,O_RDONLY,0644);
+ break;
+ case IObase::Write:
+ fid=open(filename,O_WRONLY,0644);
+ break;
+ case IObase::Append:
+ fid=open(filename,O_RDWR,0644);
+ break;
+ }
+ if(fid<0){
+ printf("IEEEIO::resume failed for file %s\n",filename);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ::lseek(fid,savedposition,L_SET); // this is OK..
+ savedposition=-1;
+ return 1; // success
+//*********************Fortran Interface**********************
+Long8 f_ieee_open (char *file,char *accessname,int flen,int alen){
+ // would have used tolower(), but it doesn't exist everywhere.... :(
+ IObase::AccessMode mode;
+ if(*accessname=='R' || *accessname=='r')
+ mode=IObase::Read;
+ else if(*accessname=='W' || *accessname=='w' ||
+ *accessname=='C' || *accessname=='c')
+ mode=IObase::Write;
+ else if(*accessname=='A' || *accessname=='a')
+ mode=IObase::Append;
+ else {
+ fprintf(stderr,"IEEEopen(): Error unknown option [%s] to open file %s\n",
+ accessname,file);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ IObase *fid=new IEEEIO(file,mode);
+ if(fid->isValid())
+ return (Long8)fid;
+ else
+ delete fid; // file open failed
+ return 0;
+Long8 f_ieee_openr(char *filename,int namelen){
+ filename[namelen]='\0';
+ return (Long8)(new IEEEIO(filename,IObase::Read));
+Long8 f_ieee_openw(char *filename,int namelen){
+ filename[namelen]='\0';
+ return (Long8)(new IEEEIO(filename,IObase::Write));
+Long8 f_ieee_opena(char *filename,int namelen){
+ filename[namelen]='\0';
+ return (Long8)(new IEEEIO(filename,IObase::Append));
+void ieee_bufon(Long8 *fileID,int bufsize){
+ IEEEIO *f=(IEEEIO*)(*fileID);
+ if(bufsize<0) f->bufferOn(); // use default size
+ else f->bufferOn(bufsize); // or specify
+void ieee_bufoff(Long8 *fileID){
+ IEEEIO *f=(IEEEIO*)(*fileID);
+ f->bufferOff();
+IOFile IEEEopen(char *filename,char *accessname){
+ // Parse all of the ansi stdio access option strings
+ IObase::AccessMode mode;
+ if(!strcmp(accessname,"read") ||
+ !strcmp(accessname,"r") ||
+ !strcmp(accessname,"rb"))
+ mode=IObase::Read;
+ else if(*accessname=='a')
+ mode=IObase::Append;
+ else if(!strcmp(accessname,"write") ||
+ !strcmp(accessname,"create") ||
+ !strcmp(accessname,"w") ||
+ !strcmp(accessname,"wb") ||
+ !strcmp(accessname,"w+") ||
+ !strcmp(accessname,"w+b") ||
+ !strcmp(accessname,"wb+"))
+ mode=IObase::Write;
+ else{
+ fprintf(stderr,"IEEEopen(): Error unknown option [%s] to open file %s\n",
+ accessname,filename);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ IObase *fid=new IEEEIO(filename,mode);
+ if(fid->isValid())
+ return (IOFile)fid;
+ else
+ delete fid; // file open failed
+ return 0; // unknown option
+IOFile IEEEopenRead(char *filename){
+ return (IOFile)(new IEEEIO(filename,IObase::Read));
+IOFile IEEEopenWrite(char *filename){
+ return (IOFile)(new IEEEIO(filename,IObase::Create));
+IOFile IEEEopenAppend(char *filename){
+ return (IOFile)(new IEEEIO(filename,IObase::Append));
+void IEEEbufferOn(IOFile fileID,int bufsize){
+ IEEEIO *f=(IEEEIO*)fileID;
+ if(bufsize<0) f->bufferOn(); // use default size
+ else f->bufferOn(bufsize); // or specify
+void IEEEbufferOff(IOFile fileID){
+ IEEEIO *f=(IEEEIO*)fileID;
+ f->bufferOff();
diff --git a/src/IEEEIO/IEEEIO.h b/src/IEEEIO/IEEEIO.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e17da17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/IEEEIO/IEEEIO.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#ifndef __IEEEIO_H_
+#define __IEEEIO_H_
+#include "IO.h"
+#include "Arch.h"
+IOFile IEEEopen PROTO((char *filename,char *accessname));
+IOFile IEEEopenRead PROTO((char *filename));
+IOFile IEEEopenWrite PROTO((char *filename));
+IOFile IEEEopenAppend PROTO((char *filename));
+void IEEEbufferOn PROTO((IOFile fileID,int bufsize));
+void IEEEbufferOff PROTO((IOFile fileID));
diff --git a/src/IEEEIO/IEEEIO.hh b/src/IEEEIO/IEEEIO.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e79647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/IEEEIO/IEEEIO.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+#ifndef __IEEEIO_HH_
+#define __IEEEIO_HH_
+#ifndef WIN32
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#include "IO.hh"
+#include "FlexArrayTmpl.H"
+#include "Arch.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#if defined(WIN32) || defined(SOLARIS)
+// I'm a WIN32 box and I ignore standards
+// or I'm a Sun box and I hate BSD.
+#define bcopy(src,dest,len) memcpy(dest,src,len)
+#include <strings.h> // available non-ANSI/Posix compliant
+#ifdef FFIO
+#include <ffio.h>
+// Win32/Solaris lseek crap...
+#if defined(WIN32) || defined(SOLARIS)
+#define L_INCR SEEK_CUR
+#ifndef L_SET // for that wanky Solaris compiler
+#define L_SET SEEK_SET
+#define L_XTND SEEK_END
+// T3E lseek crap...
+#ifdef T3E // I'm a T3E and I ignore ANSI/Posix standards
+#define L_INCR SEEK_CUR
+#define L_SET SEEK_SET
+#define L_XTND SEEK_END
+#define IEEE_NATIVE_MAGIC 0x01020304
+#define IEEE_REVERSE_MAGIC 0x04030201
+#define IEEE_ALTERNATING_MAGIC 0x02010403
+class IEEEIO : public IObase {
+ enum RecordType {DataRecord=1,AnnotationRecord,AttributeRecord};
+ union btorder {
+ char c[4]; // write as Int, read as Int
+ Int i;
+ };
+#define FileHdrSize (4+4+4+2+2) // T3E Kludge
+ struct FileHdr {
+ // do magic twice so we can figure out which byte-order
+ // the current machine is in addition (without hardcoding) in
+ // addition to which byte order the file is in
+ btorder magic;
+ btorder byteorder;
+ Long ndatasets;
+ // T3E will be stupid for this, but thats OK
+ short majorversion;
+ short minorversion;
+ // ** Inline these because they are
+ // ** actually kludges for the T3E
+ static int write(IEEEIO *ieeeio,FileHdr &rec){
+ int r=0;
+#ifdef T3E // data structures are not packed contiguously in memory
+ r+=ieeeio->write((rec.magic.c),4);
+ r+=ieeeio->write((rec.byteorder.c),4);
+ r+=ieeeio->write(&(rec.ndatasets),4);
+ // this may be incorrect, but it will work for now
+ // It assumes the low order bytes will be first to
+ // be written.
+ r+=ieeeio->write(&(rec.majorversion),2);
+ r+=ieeeio->write(&(rec.minorversion),2);
+ // problem if this includes pointers to static methods
+ // will require an extra degree of inheritance. (inherit
+ // from a base structure.
+ r=ieeeio->write(&rec,FileHdrSize);
+ return r;
+ }
+ static int read(IEEEIO *ieeeio,FileHdr &rec){
+ int r=0;
+#ifdef T3E // data structures are not packed contiguously in memory
+ char buffer[FileHdrSize];
+ r=ieeeio->read(buffer,FileHdrSize); // read full buffer in and then copy to struct
+ ::bcopy(buffer,(rec.magic.c),4);
+ ::bcopy(buffer+4,(rec.byteorder.c),4);
+ ::bcopy(buffer+8,&(rec.ndatasets),4);
+ // May be invalid if low order bytes are not the
+ // proper ones to load. (eg. may fail on big-endian systems)
+ ::bcopy(buffer+12,&(rec.majorversion),2);
+ ::bcopy(buffer+14,&(rec.minorversion),2);
+ r=ieeeio->read(&rec,FileHdrSize);
+ return r;
+ }
+ static void byteswap(FileHdr &hdr){
+ IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(&(hdr.ndatasets),1,sizeof(hdr.ndatasets));
+ // because the t3e doesn't have a 2-byte datatype, must do this manually
+ IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(&(hdr.majorversion),1,2);
+ IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(&(hdr.minorversion),1,2);
+ }
+ // May be a problem to have a nonstatic class member here because
+ // this will create a vtable entry.
+ void byteswap(){
+ IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(&ndatasets,1,sizeof(ndatasets));
+ // because the t3e doesn't have a 2-byte datatype, must do this manually
+ IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(&majorversion,1,2);
+ IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(&minorversion,1,2);
+ }
+ };
+#define RecordHdrSize (4+4+4) // T3E Kludge
+ struct RecordHdr {
+ Int recordtype;
+ Long recordsize;
+ Int sequenceID;
+ // ** Inline these because they are
+ // ** actually kludges for the T3E
+ static int write(IEEEIO *ieeeio,RecordHdr &rec){
+ int r=0;
+ // copy into buffer
+ if(ieeeio->swapbytes){
+ char buffer[RecordHdrSize];
+ IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(&(rec.recordtype),buffer,1,4);
+ IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(&(rec.recordsize),buffer+4,1,4);
+ IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(&(rec.sequenceID),buffer+8,1,4);
+ r=ieeeio->write(buffer,RecordHdrSize);
+ }
+ else {
+#ifdef T3E // data structures are not packed contiguously in memory
+ r+=ieeeio->write(&(rec.recordtype),4);
+ r+=ieeeio->write(&(rec.recordsize),4);
+ r+=ieeeio->write(&(rec.sequenceID),4);
+ r=ieeeio->write(&rec,RecordHdrSize);
+ //printf("Wrote rechdr %u,%u,%u\n",rec.recordtype,rec.recordsize,rec.sequenceID);
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ static int read(IEEEIO *ieeeio,RecordHdr &rec){
+ char buffer[RecordHdrSize];
+ int r=ieeeio->read(buffer,RecordHdrSize);
+ if(ieeeio->swapbytes)
+ IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(buffer,3,4);//3 elements of 4 bytes
+#ifdef T3E // data structures are not packed contiguously in memory
+ // do it the stupid way first
+ // would be smarter to pack buffers really
+ ::bcopy(buffer,&(rec.recordtype),4);
+ ::bcopy(buffer+4,&(rec.recordsize),4);
+ ::bcopy(buffer+8,&(rec.sequenceID),4);
+ ::bcopy(buffer,(char*)&rec,RecordHdrSize);
+ return r;
+ }
+ };
+#define DataRecordHdrSize (4+4+4) // T3E Kludge
+ struct DataRecordHdr {
+ Long datasize;
+ Int numbertype;
+ Int rank;
+ // ** Inline these because they are
+ // ** actually kludges for the T3E
+ static int write(IEEEIO *ieeeio,DataRecordHdr &rec){
+ int r=0;
+ // copy into buffer
+ if(ieeeio->swapbytes){
+ char buffer[DataRecordHdrSize];
+ IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(&(rec.datasize),buffer,1,4);
+ IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(&(rec.numbertype),buffer+4,1,4);
+ IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(&(rec.rank),buffer+8,1,4);
+ r=ieeeio->write(buffer,DataRecordHdrSize);
+ }
+ else {
+#ifdef T3E
+ r+=ieeeio->write(&(rec.datasize),4);
+ r+=ieeeio->write(&(rec.numbertype),4);
+ r+=ieeeio->write(&(rec.rank),4);
+ r=ieeeio->write(&rec,DataRecordHdrSize);
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ static int read(IEEEIO *ieeeio,DataRecordHdr &rec){
+ char buffer[DataRecordHdrSize];
+ int r=ieeeio->read(buffer,DataRecordHdrSize);
+ if(ieeeio->swapbytes)
+ IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(buffer,3,4);//3 elements of 4 bytes
+#ifdef T3E
+ // do it the stupid way first
+ // would be smarter to pack buffers really
+ ::bcopy(buffer,&(rec.datasize),4);
+ ::bcopy(buffer+4,&(rec.numbertype),4);
+ ::bcopy(buffer+8,&(rec.rank),4);
+ ::bcopy(buffer,(char*)&rec,DataRecordHdrSize);
+ return r;
+ }
+ };
+#define AttributeRecordHdrSize (4+4+4) // T3E Kludge
+ struct AttributeRecordHdr {
+ Long datasize;
+ Int numbertype;
+ Int namesize; // attributes are named
+ // ** Inline these because they are
+ // ** actually kludges for the T3E
+ static int write(IEEEIO *ieeeio,AttributeRecordHdr &rec){
+ int r=0;
+ // copy into buffer
+ if(ieeeio->swapbytes){ // pack a buffer
+ char buffer[AttributeRecordHdrSize];
+ IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(&(rec.datasize),buffer,1,4);
+ IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(&(rec.numbertype),buffer+4,1,4);
+ IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(&(rec.namesize),buffer+8,1,4);
+ r=ieeeio->write(buffer,RecordHdrSize);
+ }
+ else {
+#ifdef T3E
+ r+=ieeeio->write(&(rec.datasize),4);
+ r+=ieeeio->write(&(rec.numbertype),4);
+ r+=ieeeio->write(&(rec.namesize),4);
+ //printf("AttribRec::writing ds,nt,ns %d,%d,%d\n",rec.datasize,rec.numbertype,rec.namesize);
+ r = ieeeio->write(&rec,AttributeRecordHdrSize);
+ //printf("Wrote attribhdr %d,%d,%d\n",rec.datasize,rec.numbertype,rec.namesize);
+ //printf("\tr=%u\n",r);
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ static int read(IEEEIO *ieeeio,AttributeRecordHdr &rec){
+ int r=0;
+ char buffer[AttributeRecordHdrSize];
+ r=ieeeio->read(buffer,AttributeRecordHdrSize);
+ if(ieeeio->swapbytes)
+ IEEEIO::byteswapBuffer(buffer,3,4);
+#ifdef T3E
+ ::bcopy(buffer,&(rec.datasize),4);
+ ::bcopy(buffer+4,&(rec.numbertype),4);
+ ::bcopy(buffer+8,&(rec.namesize),4);
+ ::bcopy(buffer,(char*)&rec,AttributeRecordHdrSize);
+ //printf("AttribRec::reading ds,nt,ns %d,%d,%d\n",rec.datasize,rec.numbertype,rec.namesize);
+ return r;
+ }
+ };
+ struct RecRef {
+ RecordHdr rec;
+ long offset;
+ //virtual ~RecRef();
+ // ** Inline these because they are
+ // ** actually kludges for the T3E
+ };
+ struct AttribRef : public RecRef {
+ //FlexArray<char> name;
+ char name[64];
+ AttribRef();
+ AttribRef(AttribRef &src);
+ //virtual ~AttribRef();
+ AttribRef &operator=(AttribRef &src);
+ // ** Inline these because they are
+ // ** actually kludges for the T3E
+ };
+ struct DataRef : public RecRef {
+ FlexArray<RecRef> annotations;
+ FlexArray<AttribRef> attributes;
+ long end_offset;
+ DataRef();
+ //virtual ~DataRef();
+ DataRef(DataRef &src);
+ DataRef &operator=(DataRef &src);
+ };
+ friend class AttribRef;
+ friend class DataRef;
+ friend class FileHdr;
+ friend class RecordHdr;
+ friend class DataRecordHdr;
+ friend class AttributeRecordHdr;
+ // convenience utilities
+#ifdef T3E
+ int ffioIsTrue();
+ void initPosition();
+ inline long getPosition(){return this->lseek(0,L_INCR);}
+ void restart();
+ int nextRecord();
+ int nextDataRecord();
+ inline long getLength(){ return file_length; }
+ static void byteswapBuffer(void *buf,long nelements,int elementsize);
+ static void byteswapBuffer(void *source,void *dest,long nelements,int elementsize);
+ int writeFileHeader();
+ int readFileHeader();
+ void rebuildFileHeader();
+ void appendRecordTable();
+ void buildRecordTable();
+ void clearChunk(int nbytes);
+ void openFile(CONST char *fname,IObase::AccessMode access,int swbytes);
+ // annotations don't need a header
+ // for c, size includes null terminator.
+ // must decrement size for f77
+ //inline int write(int fid,void *data,int size);
+ FlexArray<DataRef> rec_table;
+ FlexArray<Int> chunkdims;
+ FileHdr file_header;
+ RecordHdr current_rec,current_data_rec;
+ DataRecordHdr current_dat;
+ long current_rec_offset; // offset past the record header
+ long stream_offset; // kludge to allow index cache to be turned off
+ long current_dat_offset; // to datarec
+ int fid,datasetnumber,ndatasets,swapbytes,current_reserved_chunk;
+ int hasread,streaming,cur_type_size;
+ IEEEIO *masterfile;
+ int writebuffersize,writebuffercount;
+ char *writebuffer;
+ long savedposition;
+ long virtual_position,actual_position;
+ long file_length;
+ inline int write(const void *data,size_t size);
+ inline void flush();
+ inline int lseek(long len, int direction);
+ inline int read(void *data,size_t size);
+ //------------------------core stuff.....................
+ enum AccessMode {Read=0,Write=1,Create=1,Append=2,SharedRead=4};
+ IObase::AccessMode mode(IEEEIO::AccessMode amode){
+ switch(amode){
+ case Read:
+ return IObase::Read;
+ case Write:
+ return IObase::Write;
+ case Append:
+ return IObase::Append;
+ default:
+ return IObase::Read;
+ }
+ }
+ // the IEEEIO:: commented out to satisfy Microsoft Compiler
+ IEEEIO(CONST char *fname, /*IEEEIO::*/AccessMode access,int swbytes=0);
+ IEEEIO(CONST char *fname,IObase::AccessMode access,int swbytes=0);
+ IEEEIO(IEEEIO *file); // read-only dup an existing open file
+ virtual ~IEEEIO();
+ virtual int isValid();
+ // could use overloading to differentiate type here... (but I'm going simple)
+ virtual int write(IObase::DataType typeID,int rank,CONST int *dims,void *data);
+ virtual int readInfo(IObase::DataType &typeID,int &rank,int *dims,int maxdims=3);
+ virtual int read(void *data);
+ //virtual int readChunk(int dims,int origin,int stride,void *data)=0;
+ virtual int seek(int dataset_index);
+ virtual int nDatasets();
+ virtual int writeAnnotation(CONST char *annotation);
+ virtual int readAnnotationInfo(int number,int &length); // returns length (-1 if none left)
+ virtual int readAnnotation(int number,char *annotation,int maxsize=128);
+ virtual int nAnnotations();
+ virtual int writeAttribute(CONST char *name,IObase::DataType typeID,Long length,void *data);
+ // returns number
+ virtual int readAttributeInfo(int number,char *name,IObase::DataType &typeID,Long &nelem,int maxnamelen=128);
+ virtual int readAttributeInfo(CONST char *name,IObase::DataType &typeID,Long &nelem); // returns number
+ virtual int readAttribute(int number,void *data);
+ // virtual Long readAttribute(CONST char *name,void *data);
+ virtual int nAttributes();
+ //-----------------Chunking Utilities..................
+ virtual int reserveChunk(IObase::DataType typeID,int rank,CONST int *dims);
+ virtual int writeChunk(CONST int *chunkdims,CONST int *chunkorigin,void *data);
+ virtual int readChunk(CONST int *chunkdims,CONST int *chunkorigin,void *data);
+ // Streaming interface is for support of PANDA, Sockets etc..
+ virtual int reserveStream(IObase::DataType typeID,int rank,CONST int *dims);
+ virtual int writeStream(void *data,int length);
+ virtual int readStream(void *data,int length);
+ virtual int pause();
+ virtual int resume();
+ void bufferOn(long size=-1);
+ void bufferOff();
+int bcopy(char *src,char *dst,int len){
+ // copying bytes on the DEC Alpha processor can be costly due
+ // to the penalty of non-aligned memory accesses. This tries
+ // to align the copys.
+ You can use the program copyperf to see how bcopy() improves performance
+ You must build copyperf separately using
+ gmake copyperf
+ The following will test copy a 64meg buffer 1 time.
+ copyperf 64m
+ The following will test copy a 32k buffer 1000 times
+ copyperf 32k 1000
+ The performance differences are 4-to-1 or greater in favor of bcopy().
+int IEEEIO::write(const void *data,size_t size){
+ //puts("***********write()");
+#ifdef T3E
+ static int ffio_inline_true=0;
+ if(ffio_inline_true >= 0){
+ // do this test only once on first write
+ // this just gives someone a clue that they've done the
+ // wrong thing when they compiled
+#ifdef FFIO
+ if(!ffioIsTrue()){
+ fprintf(stderr,"Error!!! Inconsistent FFIO flags on a T3E!\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"Your libraries have been compiled without -DFFIO, but your executable has been compled and linked with them with -DFFIO.\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"\t*****Please either rebuild the IEEEIO library with -DFFIO or *remove* -DFFIO from your own build.******\n");
+ }
+ if(ffioIsTrue()){
+ fprintf(stderr,"Error!!! Inconsistent FFIO flags on a T3E!\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"Your libraries have been compiled with -DFFIO, but your executable has been compled and linked with them without -DFFIO\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"\t*****Please recompile with -DFFIO******\n");
+ }
+ ffio_inline_true = -1;
+ }
+ if(!writebuffer){
+ register long r=0;
+#ifdef FFIO
+ r = ::ffwrite(fid,data,size);
+ r = ::write(fid,data,size);
+ if(r>0) actual_position += r;
+ virtual_position = actual_position;
+ // if(r>0) virtual_position = actual_position = (actual_position+r);
+ if(virtual_position>file_length) file_length = virtual_position;
+ return r;
+ }
+ // otherwise, do a buffered write
+ int retval=0;
+ char *datap = (char *)data;
+ if(writebuffercount>0){
+ // copy as much as you can to the writebuffer
+ // should use bcopy... its a whole lot faster!!!
+ long copysize = (size>(writebuffersize-writebuffercount))?(writebuffersize-writebuffercount):size;
+ bcopy(datap,writebuffer+writebuffercount,copysize);
+ writebuffercount += copysize;
+ virtual_position += copysize;
+ retval += copysize;
+ if(writebuffercount>=writebuffersize)
+ this->flush(); // dump immediately (updates both virtual and actual pos)
+ size-=copysize; datap+=copysize;
+ if(size<=0) {
+ // virtual_position = actual_position + writebuffercount;
+ if(virtual_position>file_length) file_length=virtual_position;
+ return retval;
+ }
+ }
+ // at this point size>0 and writebuffercount=0
+ if(size<=0 || writebuffercount!=0){
+ printf("***Write Failed: size=%u writebuffercount=%u\n",
+ (unsigned int)size,writebuffercount);
+ }
+ if(size<writebuffersize){// store to buffer (size>0 is implicit in loop)
+ bcopy(datap,writebuffer+writebuffercount,size);
+ writebuffercount += size;
+ virtual_position += size;
+ retval += size;
+ }
+ else {
+ register long r=0;
+ // its larger than buffer, so bypass it and
+ // write it directly to the disk.
+#ifdef FFIO
+ r = ::ffwrite(fid,datap,size);
+ r = ::write(fid,datap,size);
+ actual_position += r;
+ virtual_position = actual_position; // essentially equiv to flush
+ if(r>0) retval+=r;
+ }
+ // double-check virtual position
+ // virtual_position = actual_position + writebuffercount;
+ if(virtual_position>file_length) file_length = virtual_position;
+ return retval;
+void IEEEIO::flush(){
+ register long r=0;
+ if(writebuffercount){
+#ifdef FFIO
+ r = ::ffwrite(fid,writebuffer,writebuffercount);
+ r = ::write(fid,writebuffer,writebuffercount);
+ }
+ writebuffercount=0;
+ if((r+actual_position)!=virtual_position){
+ fprintf(stderr,"IEEEIO::flush() : inconsistent file positions! r=%ld v=%ld a=%ld\n",
+ r,virtual_position,actual_position);
+ }
+ actual_position = virtual_position;
+ if(virtual_position>file_length) file_length=virtual_position;
+int IEEEIO::lseek(long len, int direction){
+ // compute new pos
+ register long npos=0;
+ // can seek beyond end of file
+ switch(direction){
+ case L_XTND: /* should do special case for 0 len */
+ npos = file_length + len;
+ break;
+ case L_SET:
+ npos = len;
+ break;
+ case L_INCR:;
+ npos = virtual_position + len;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(npos>file_length)
+ file_length = npos;
+ if(virtual_position != npos) {
+ if(writebuffer)
+ this->flush(); // must flush current buffer contents
+ // printf("Actually seeking from %ld to %ld\n",virtual_position,npos);
+ virtual_position = actual_position = npos;
+#ifdef FFIO
+ // if(!writebuffer)
+ return ::ffseek(fid,npos,L_SET);
+ // if(!writebuffer)
+ return ::lseek(fid,npos,L_SET);
+ }
+ return npos; // otherwise no change required
+/* Will eventually want to buffer the reads as well... */
+int IEEEIO::read(void *data,size_t size){
+ register int r=0;
+ if(writebuffercount>0)
+ flush();
+#ifdef FFIO
+ r = ::ffread(fid,data,size);
+ r = ::read(fid,data,size);
+ if(r>0) virtual_position += r;
+ actual_position=virtual_position;
+ // can't read past end of file of course so no need to update file_length;
+ return r;
+//==========F77 Interface=============
+#define f_ieee_open F77NAME(ieee_open_,ieee_open,IEEE_OPEN)
+#define f_ieee_openr F77NAME(ieee_openr_,ieee_openr,IEEE_OPENR)
+#define f_ieee_openw F77NAME(ieee_openw_,ieee_openw,IEEE_OPENW)
+#define f_ieee_opena F77NAME(ieee_opena_,ieee_opena,IEEE_OPENA)
+#define f_ieee_bufon F77NAME(ieee_bufon_,ieee_bufon,IEEE_BUFON)
+#define f_ieee_bufoff F77NAME(ieee_bufoff_,ieee_bufoff,IEEE_BUFOFF)
+extern "C"{
+#ifdef CRAY // Note: This isn't really implemented yet...
+#include <fortran.h>
+ Long8 f_ieee_open (_fcd fcfilename,_fcd fcaccessmode);
+ Long8 f_ieee_openr (_fcd fcfilename);
+ Long8 f_ieee_openw (_fcd fcfilename);
+ Long8 f_ieee_opena (_fcd fcfilename);
+ Long8 f_ieee_open (char *filename,char *accessmode,int namelen,int accesslength);
+ Long8 f_ieee_openr (char *filename,int namelen);
+ Long8 f_ieee_openw (char *filename,int namelen); // actually IObase::Create
+ Long8 f_ieee_opena (char *filename,int namelen);
+ void f_ieee_bufon (Long8 *fileID,int *bufsize);
+ void f_ieee_bufoff (Long8 *fileID);
+ //=====================ANSI C interface
+#include "IEEEIO.h" // ANSI C interface
+ }
diff --git a/src/IEEEIO/IO.cc b/src/IEEEIO/IO.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e347f2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/IEEEIO/IO.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include "IO.hh"
+IObase::IObase(CONST char *fname,AccessMode access):index(0),nitems(0),accessmode(access){
+ strcpy(filename,fname);
+IObase::DataType IObase::Int2DataType(int dt){
+ if(dt==Byte)
+ return Byte;
+ else if(dt==Int16)
+ return Int16;
+ else if(dt==Int32)
+ return Int32;
+ else if(dt==Int64)
+ return Int64;
+ else if(dt==Float32)
+ return Float32;
+ else if(dt==Float64)
+ return Float64;
+ else if(dt==uInt8)
+ return uInt8;
+ else if(dt==uInt16)
+ return uInt16;
+ else if(dt==uInt32)
+ return uInt32;
+ else if(dt==uInt64)
+ return uInt64;
+ else if(dt==Char8)
+ return Char8;
+ else if(dt==Char16)
+ return Char16;
+ else return Error;
+int IObase::sizeOf(IObase::DataType dt){
+ switch(dt){
+ case Int8:
+ case uInt8:
+ case Char8:
+ return 1;
+ case Int16:
+ case uInt16:
+ case Char16:
+ return 2;
+ case Int32:
+ case uInt32:
+ case Float32:
+ return 4;
+ case Int64:
+ case uInt64:
+ case Float64:
+ return 8;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+int IObase::nElements(int rank,CONST int *dims){
+ int nelem,i;
+ for(i=0,nelem=1;i<rank;i++) nelem*=dims[i];
+ return nelem;
+int IObase::nBytes(IObase::DataType dt, int rank,CONST int *dims){
+ return nElements(rank,dims)*sizeOf(dt);
+int f_io_close(Long8 *deviceID){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ delete dev;
+ *deviceID=0;
+ return 1;
+int f_io_isvalid(Long8 *deviceID){
+ if(!deviceID || !*deviceID) return 0;
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ return dev->isValid();
+int f_io_sizeof(int *type){
+ return IObase::sizeOf(IObase::Int2DataType(*type));
+int f_io_nelements(int *rank,int *dims){
+ return IObase::nElements(*rank,dims);
+int f_io_nbytes(int *type,int *rank,int *dims){
+ return IObase::nBytes(IObase::Int2DataType(*type),*rank,dims);
+int f_io_write(Long8 *deviceID,int *typeID,int *rank,int *dims,void *data){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ dev->write(dev->Int2DataType(*typeID),*rank,dims,data);
+ return 1;
+int f_io_readinfo(Long8 *deviceID,int *typeID,int *rank,int *dims,int *maxdims){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ IObase::DataType tid;
+ if(*maxdims<0) *maxdims=0;
+ int r=dev->readInfo(tid,*rank,dims,*maxdims);
+ //int r=dev->readInfo(tid,*rank,dims);
+ *typeID=tid;
+ return r;
+int f_io_numdata(Long8 *deviceID){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ return dev->nDatasets();
+int f_io_read(Long8 *deviceID,void *data){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ return dev->read(data);
+int f_io_seek(Long8 *deviceID,int *dataset_index){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ return dev->seek(*dataset_index);
+int f_io_writenote(Long8 *deviceID,char *annotation,int size){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ annotation[size]='\0'; // Yeah! its unsafe I know..!! (but it works!)
+ return dev->writeAnnotation(annotation);
+int f_io_readnote(Long8 *deviceID,int *index,char *annotation,int maxsize){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ return dev->readAnnotation(*index,annotation,maxsize);
+int f_io_noteinfo(Long8 *deviceID,int *index,int *length){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ return dev->readAnnotationInfo(*index,*length);
+int f_io_numnote(Long8 *deviceID){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ return dev->nAnnotations();
+int f_io_writeatt(Long8 *deviceID,char *name,
+ int *datatype,Long *nelements,void *data,int namesize){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ name[namesize]='\0'; // cap name (to be certain).. unsafe but it works
+ // should copy into a flexarray which will be destroyed on return
+ IObase::DataType typeID = IObase::Int2DataType(*datatype);
+ return dev->writeAttribute(name,typeID,*nelements,data);
+int f_io_attinfo(Long8 *deviceID,char *name,
+ int *datatype,Long *nelements,int namesize){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ IObase::DataType typeID;
+ if(namesize>0)
+ name[namesize]='\0';
+ int i=dev->readAttributeInfo(name,typeID,*nelements);
+ *datatype=typeID;
+ return i;
+int f_io_iattinfo(Long8 *deviceID,int *index,char *name,
+ int *datatype,Long *nelements,int namesize){
+ int i;
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ IObase::DataType typeID;
+ for(i=0;i<namesize;i++) name[i]='\0';
+ //printf("io_iattinfo(): Namesize=%u Name=[%s]\n",namesize,name);
+ i=dev->readAttributeInfo(*index,name,typeID,*nelements,namesize);
+ // need to zero the array
+ //printf("io_iattinfo(): Newname=[%s]\n",name);
+ *datatype=typeID;
+ //printf("io_iattinfo(): attribs are index=%u type=%u nelements=%u namesize=%u\n",
+ // *index,*datatype,*nelements,namesize);
+ return i;
+int f_io_readatt(Long8 *deviceID,int *number,void *data){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ return dev->readAttribute(*number,data);
+int f_io_numatt(Long8 *deviceID){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ return dev->nAttributes();
+//==========F77 Chunking interface--------------------
+int f_io_reserveck(Long8 *deviceID,int *typeID,int *rank,int *dims){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ return dev->reserveChunk(dev->Int2DataType(*typeID),*rank,dims);
+int f_io_writeck(Long8 *deviceID,int *chunkdims,int *chunkorigin,void *data){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ return dev->writeChunk(chunkdims,chunkorigin,data);
+int f_io_readck(Long8 *deviceID,int *chunkdims,int *chunkorigin,void *data){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(*deviceID);
+ return dev->readChunk(chunkdims,chunkorigin,data);
+int f_io_writestrm(IOFile deviceID,void *data,int *length){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->writeStream(data,*length);
+int f_io_readstrm(IOFile deviceID,void *data,int *length){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->readStream(data,*length);
+int f_io_pause(Long8 *deviceID){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->pause();
+int f_io_resume(Long8 *deviceID){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->resume();
+//====================C Interface========================
+int IOclose(IOFile deviceID){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ delete dev;
+ deviceID=0;
+ return 1;
+int IOisValid(IOFile deviceID){
+ if(!deviceID) return 0;
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->isValid();
+int IOsizeOf(int type){
+ return IObase::sizeOf(IObase::Int2DataType(type));
+int IOnElements(int rank,int *dims){
+ return IObase::nElements(rank,dims);
+int IOnBytes(int type,int rank,int *dims){
+ return IObase::nBytes(IObase::Int2DataType(type),rank,dims);
+int IOwrite(IOFile deviceID,int typeID,int rank,int *dims,void *data){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->write(dev->Int2DataType(typeID),rank,dims,data);
+int IOreadInfo(IOFile deviceID,int *typeID,int *rank,int *dims,int maxdims){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ IObase::DataType tid;
+ int r=dev->readInfo(tid,*rank,dims,maxdims);
+ *typeID=tid;
+ return r;
+int IOread(IOFile deviceID,void *data){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->read(data);
+int IOseek(IOFile deviceID,int dataset_index){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->seek(dataset_index);
+int IOnDatasets(IOFile deviceID){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->nDatasets();
+int IOwriteAnnotation(IOFile deviceID,char *annotation){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ //annotation[size]='\0'; // Yeah! its unsafe I know..!! (but it works!)
+ return dev->writeAnnotation(annotation);
+int IOreadAnnotation(IOFile deviceID,int index,char *annotation,int maxsize){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->readAnnotation(index,annotation,maxsize);
+int IOreadAnnotationInfo(IOFile deviceID,int index,int *size){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->readAnnotationInfo(index,*size);
+int IOnAnnotations(IOFile deviceID){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->nAnnotations();
+int IOwriteAttribute(IOFile deviceID,char *name,int type,Long length,void *data){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ IObase::DataType typeID = IObase::Int2DataType(type);
+ return dev->writeAttribute(name,typeID,length,data);
+int IOreadIndexedAttributeInfo(IOFile deviceID,int number,char *name,
+ int *type,Long *nelem,int maxnamelen){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ IObase::DataType typeID;
+ int i=dev->readAttributeInfo(number,name,typeID,*nelem,maxnamelen);
+ *type=typeID; // convert from enum
+ return i;
+int IOreadAttributeInfo(IOFile deviceID,char *name,int *type,Long *nelem){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ IObase::DataType typeID;
+ int i=dev->readAttributeInfo(name,typeID,*nelem);
+ *type=typeID; // convert from enum
+ return i;
+int IOreadAttribute(IOFile deviceID,int number,void *data){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->readAttribute(number,data);
+int IOnAttributes(IOFile deviceID){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->nAttributes();
+//=============C Chunking interface---------------
+int IOreserveChunk(IOFile deviceID,int typeID,int rank,int *dims){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->reserveChunk(dev->Int2DataType(typeID),rank,dims);
+int IOwriteChunk(IOFile deviceID,int *chunkdims,int *chunkorigin,void *data){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->writeChunk(chunkdims,chunkorigin,data);
+int IOreadChunk(IOFile deviceID,int *chunkdims,int *chunkorigin,void *data){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->readChunk(chunkdims,chunkorigin,data);
+int IOwriteStream(IOFile deviceID,void *data,int length){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->writeStream(data,length);
+int IOreadStream(IOFile deviceID,void *data,int length){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->readStream(data,length);
+int IOpause(IOFile deviceID){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->pause();
+int IOresume(IOFile deviceID){
+ IObase *dev=(IObase*)(deviceID);
+ return dev->resume();
diff --git a/src/IEEEIO/IO.h b/src/IEEEIO/IO.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a17cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/IEEEIO/IO.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+/* IO.h C header */
+#ifndef __IO_H_
+#define __IO_H_
+#ifndef UNITYPE
+#define UNITYPE
+#define BYTE 0
+#define INT8 0
+#define INT16 1
+#define INT32 2
+#define INT64 3
+#define FLOAT32 4
+#define FLOAT64 5
+#define UCHAR 6
+#define UINT8 6
+#define UINT16 7
+#define UINT32 8
+#define UINT64 9
+/* special string types */
+#define CHAR 10
+#define CHAR8 10
+#define STRING 10
+#define UNICODE 11
+#define CHAR16 11
+/* error */
+#define TYPEERROR -1
+#define IOREAD 0
+#define IOWRITE 1
+#define IOAPPEND 2
+#define IOCREATE 1 /* Same as IOWRITE */
+#include "Arch.h"
+int IOclose PROTO((IOFile deviceID));
+int IOisValid PROTO((IOFile deviceID));
+int IOsizeOf PROTO((int datatype));
+int IOnElements PROTO((int rank,int *dims));
+int IOnBytes PROTO((int datatype,int rank,int *dims));
+int IOwrite PROTO((IOFile deviceID,int typeID,int rank,int *dims,void *data));
+int IOreadInfo PROTO((IOFile deviceID,int *typeID,int *rank,int *dims,int maxdims));
+int IOread PROTO((IOFile deviceID,void *data));
+int IOseek PROTO((IOFile deviceID,int dataset_index));
+int IOnDatasets PROTO((IOFile deviceID));
+int IOwriteAnnotation PROTO((IOFile deviceID,char *annotation));
+int IOreadAnnotation PROTO((IOFile deviceID,int index,char *annotation,int maxsize));
+int IOreadAnnotationInfo PROTO((IOFile deviceID,int index,int *size));
+int IOnAnnotations PROTO((IOFile deviceID));
+int IOwriteAttribute PROTO((IOFile deviceID,char *name,int type,Long length,void *data));
+int IOreadIndexedAttributeInfo PROTO((IOFile deviceID,int number,
+ char *name,int *type,Long *nelem,int maxnamelen));
+int IOreadAttributeInfo PROTO((IOFile deviceID,char *name,int *type,Long *nelem));
+int IOreadAttribute PROTO((IOFile deviceID,int number,void *data));
+int IOnAttributes PROTO((IOFile deviceID));
+int IOreserveChunk PROTO((IOFile deviceID,int typeID,int rank,int *dims));
+int IOwriteChunk PROTO((IOFile deviceID,int *chunkdims,int *chunkorigin,void *data));
+int IOreadChunk PROTO((IOFile deviceID,int *chunkdims,int *chunkorigin,void *data));
+int IOwriteStream PROTO((IOFile deviceID,void *data,int length));
+int IOreadStream PROTO((IOFile deviceID,void *data,int length));
+int IOpause PROTO((IOFile deviceID));
+int IOresume PROTO((IOFile deviceID));
diff --git a/src/IEEEIO/IO.hh b/src/IEEEIO/IO.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..443f2c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/IEEEIO/IO.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#ifndef __IO_HH_
+#define __IO_HH_
+#include "Arch.h"
+class IObase {
+ //-----------------------Public Enums....................
+ enum AccessMode {Read=0,Write=1,Create=1,Append=2};
+ enum DataType {Byte=0,Int8=0,Int16=1,Int32=2,Int64=3,
+ Float32=4,Float64=5,
+ uInt8=6,uChar=6,uInt16=7,uInt32=8,uInt64=9,
+ Char=10,Char8=10,String=10,Unicode=11,Char16=11, // special string types
+ Error=-1};
+ //-----------------------State variables.................
+ int index,nitems;
+ AccessMode accessmode;
+ char filename[128];
+ //------------------------core stuff.....................
+ IObase(CONST char *fname,AccessMode access);
+ virtual ~IObase() {}
+ virtual int isValid() { return 0; }
+ // could use overloading to differentiate type here... (but I'm going simple)
+ virtual int write(DataType typeID,int rank,CONST int *dims,void *data)=0;
+ virtual int readInfo(DataType &typeID,int &rank,int *dims,int maxdims=3)=0;
+ virtual int read(void *data)=0;
+ virtual int seek(int dataset_index)=0;
+ virtual int nDatasets()=0;
+ virtual int writeAnnotation(CONST char *annotation)=0;
+ virtual int readAnnotationInfo(int number,int &length)=0; // returns length (-1 if none left)
+ virtual int readAnnotation(int number,char *annotation,int maxsize=128)=0;
+ virtual int nAnnotations()=0;
+ virtual int writeAttribute(CONST char *name,IObase::DataType typeID,Long length,void *data)=0;
+ // returns number
+ virtual int readAttributeInfo(int number,char *name,IObase::DataType &typeID,Long &nelem,int maxnamelen=128)=0;
+ virtual int readAttributeInfo(CONST char *name,IObase::DataType &typeID,Long &nelem)=0; // returns number
+ virtual int readAttribute(int number,void *data)=0;
+ // virtual Long readAttribute(char *name,void *data);
+ virtual int nAttributes()=0;
+ //-----------------Chunking Features (for MPI/HPF)................
+ virtual int reserveChunk(IObase::DataType typeID,int rank,CONST int *dims)=0;
+ virtual int writeChunk(CONST int *chunkdims,CONST int *chunkorigin,void *data)=0;
+ // virtual int writeStridedChunk()=0;
+ // virtual int writeHPF(int processorID,int *proclayout,IObase::HPFlayout *arraylayout,void *data)=0;
+ virtual int readChunk(CONST int *chunkdims,CONST int *chunkorigin,void *data)=0;
+ // virtual int readStrided()=0;
+ // virtual int readHPF(int processorID,int *proclayout,IObase::HPFlayout *arraylayout,void *data)=0;
+ //-----------------Streaming interface (for PANDA, Sockets & MPIO).........
+ virtual int reserveStream(IObase::DataType typeID,int rank,CONST int *dims)=0;
+ virtual int writeStream(void *data,int length)=0;
+ virtual int readStream(void *data,int length)=0;
+ //-----------------------Utilities........................
+ // unfortunately you can cast enums to int but not the reverse
+ static DataType Int2DataType(int dt);
+ static int sizeOf(DataType dt);
+ static int nElements(int rank,CONST int *dims); // returns number of elements in dataset
+ static int nBytes(DataType dt,int rank,CONST int *dims); // returns number of bytes (good for malloc)
+ CONST char *name() { return filename; }
+ virtual int pause() { return 0; }
+ virtual int resume() { return 0; }
+//===================Fortran77 Interface
+#define f_io_close F77NAME(io_close_,io_close,IO_CLOSE)
+#define f_io_isvalid F77NAME(io_isvalid_,io_isvalid,IO_ISVALID)
+#define f_io_sizeof F77NAME(io_sizeof_,io_sizeof,IO_SIZEOF)
+#define f_io_nbytes F77NAME(io_nbytes_,io_nbytes,IO_NBYTES)
+#define f_io_nelements F77NAME(io_nelements_,io_nelements,IO_NELEMENTS)
+#define f_io_write F77NAME(io_write_,io_write,IO_WRITE)
+#define f_io_readinfo F77NAME(io_readinfo_,io_readinfo,IO_READINFO)
+#define f_io_read F77NAME(io_read_,io_read,IO_READ)
+#define f_io_seek F77NAME(io_seek_,io_seek,IO_SEEK)
+#define f_io_numdata F77NAME(io_numdata_,io_numdata,IO_NUMDATA)
+#define f_io_writenote F77NAME(io_writenote_,io_writenote,IO_WRITENOTE)
+#define f_io_readnote F77NAME(io_readnote_,io_readnote,IO_READNOTE)
+#define f_io_numnote F77NAME(io_numnote_,io_numnote,IO_NUMNOTE)
+#define f_io_writeatt F77NAME(io_writeatt_,io_writeatt,IO_WRITEATT)
+#define f_io_attinfo F77NAME(io_attinfo_,io_attinfo,IO_ATTINFO)
+#define f_io_iattinfo F77NAME(io_iattinfo_,io_iattinfo,IO_IATTINFO)
+#define f_io_readatt F77NAME(io_readatt_,io_readatt,IO_READATT)
+#define f_io_numatt F77NAME(io_numatt_,io_numatt,IO_NUMATT)
+#define f_io_reserveck F77NAME(io_reserveck_,io_reserveck,IO_RESERVECK)
+#define f_io_writeck F77NAME(io_writeck_,io_writeck,IO_WRITECK)
+#define f_io_readck F77NAME(io_readck_,io_readck,IO_READCK)
+#define f_io_writestrm F77NAME(io_writestrm_,io_writestrm,IO_WRITESTRM)
+#define f_io_readstrm F77NAME(io_readstrm_,io_readstrm,IO_READSTRM)
+#define f_io_pause F77NAME(io_pause_,io_pause,IO_PAUSE)
+#define f_io_resume F77NAME(io_resume_,io_resume,IO_RESUME)
+extern "C"{
+//================Ansi C interface
+#include "IO.h"
+//==== f77 interface
+#ifdef CRAY
+ // Cray fortran uses an _fcd data structure to pass strings. This is in preparation
+ // for using this on Crays, but since nobody is using them yet, I've left the code for
+ // these versions of the routines blank. It'll be filled in later if the need arises
+#include <fortran.h>
+ int f_io_close (Long8 *deviceID);
+ int f_io_isvalid (Long8 *deviceID);
+ int f_io_sizeof (int *datatype);
+ int f_io_nelements (int *rank,int *dims);
+ int f_io_nbytes (int *datatype,int *rank,int *dims);
+ int f_io_write (Long8 *deviceID,int *typeID,int *rank,int *dims,void *data);
+ int f_io_readinfo (Long8 *deviceID,int *typeID,int *rank,int *dims,int *maxdims);
+ int f_io_read (Long8 *deviceID,void *data);
+ int f_io_seek (Long8 *deviceID,int *dataset_index);
+ int f_io_numdata (Long8 *deviceID);
+ int f_io_writenote (Long8 *deviceID,_fcd fcannotation);
+ int f_io_noteinfo (Long8 *deviceID,int *number,int *length);
+ int f_io_readnote (Long8 *deviceID,int *number,_fcd fcannotation);
+ int f_io_numnote (Long8 *deviceID);
+ int f_io_writeatt (Long8 *deviceID,_fcd fcname,
+ int *datatype,Long *nelements,void *data);
+ int f_io_attinfo (Long8 *deviceID,_fcd fcname,
+ int *datatype,Long *nelements);
+ int f_io_iattinfo (Long8 *deviceID,int *index,_fcd fcname,
+ int *datatype,Long *nelements);
+ int f_io_readatt (Long8 *deviceID,int *number,void *data);
+ int f_io_numatt (Long8 *deviceID);
+ int f_io_reserveck(Long8 *deviceID,int *typeID,int *rank,int *dims);
+ int f_io_writeck(Long8 *deviceID,int *chunkdims,int *chunkorigin,void *data);
+ int f_io_readck(Long8 *deviceID,int *chunkdims,int *chunkorigin,void *data);
+ int f_io_pause(Long8 *deviceID);
+ int f_io_resume(Long8 *deviceID);
+ int f_io_close (Long8 *deviceID);
+ int f_io_isvalid (Long8 *deviceID);
+ int f_io_sizeof (int *datatype);
+ int f_io_nelements (int *rank,int *dims);
+ int f_io_nbytes (int *datatype,int *rank,int *dims);
+ int f_io_write (Long8 *deviceID,int *typeID,int *rank,int *dims,void *data);
+ int f_io_readinfo (Long8 *deviceID,int *typeID,int *rank,int *dims,int *maxdims);
+ int f_io_read (Long8 *deviceID,void *data);
+ int f_io_seek (Long8 *deviceID,int *dataset_index);
+ int f_io_numdata (Long8 *deviceID);
+ int f_io_writenote (Long8 *deviceID,char *annotation,int size);
+ int f_io_noteinfo (Long8 *deviceID,int *number,int length);
+ int f_io_readnote (Long8 *deviceID,int *number,char *annotation,int maxsize);
+ int f_io_numnote (Long8 *deviceID);
+ int f_io_writeatt (Long8 *deviceID,char *name,
+ int *datatype,Long *nelements,void *data,int namesize);
+ int f_io_attinfo (Long8 *deviceID,char *name,
+ int *datatype,Long *nelements,int namesize);
+ int f_io_iattinfo (Long8 *deviceID,int *index,char *name,
+ int *datatype,Long *nelements,int namesize);
+ int f_io_readatt (Long8 *deviceID,int *number,void *data);
+ int f_io_numatt (Long8 *deviceID);
+ int f_io_reserveck(Long8 *deviceID,int *typeID,int *rank,int *dims);
+ int f_io_writeck(Long8 *deviceID,int *chunkdims,int *chunkorigin,void *data);
+ int f_io_readck(Long8 *deviceID,int *chunkdims,int *chunkorigin,void *data);
+ int f_io_writestrm(Long8 *deviceID,void *data,int *length);
+ int f_io_readstrm(Long8 *deviceID,void *data,int *length);
+ int f_io_pause(Long8 *deviceID);
+ int f_io_resume(Long8 *deviceID);
diff --git a/src/IEEEIO/make.code.defn b/src/IEEEIO/make.code.defn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c945b9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/IEEEIO/make.code.defn
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Main make.code.defn file for thorn FlexIO
+# $Header$
+# Source files in this directory
+# Subdirectories containing source files
+# Work out some thorn specific compilation flags
+# These are stripped down lines from the original IEEEIO makefile
+# The 9000 names of the cygwin tools and T3E...
+TMPUN := $(shell uname)
+ifeq ($(TMPUN), CYGWIN32_95)
+ifeq ($(TMPUN), CYGWIN32_NT)
+ifeq ($(TMPUN), CYGWIN_NT-4.0)
+UNAME := $(shell uname | perl -pe 's/(sn\d\d\d\d|jsimpson)/UNICOS\/mk/')
+# 64 Bit Irix
+ifeq ($(UNAME), IRIX64)
+CXXFLAGS += -DANSI -ptused
+# 32 Bit Irix
+ifeq ($(UNAME), IRIX)
+CXXFLAGS += -DANSI -ptused
+# HP
+ifeq ($(UNAME), HP-UX)
+# Alpha
+ifeq ($(UNAME), OSF1)
+# Linux
+ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux)
+# Macintosh /PowerMach-MachTen
+ifeq ($(UNAME), machten)
+# Cygwin / Win32
+ifeq ($(UNAME), CYGWIN)
+# T3E
+ifeq ($(UNAME), UNICOS/mk)
+CXXFLAGS += -DANSI -DT3E -hinstantiate=used
diff --git a/src/Output2D.c b/src/Output2D.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23b1298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Output2D.c
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+ /*@@
+ @file Output2D.c
+ @date Tue Jan 9 1999
+ @author Gabrielle Allen
+ @desc
+ Functions to deal 2D output of GFs
+ @enddesc
+ @history
+ @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdate 16 Mar 1999
+ @hdesc Converted to Cactus 4.0
+ @hendhistory
+ @@*/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "flesh.h"
+#include "Groups.h"
+#include "declare_parameters.h"
+#include "CactusBase/IOUtil/src/ioGH.h"
+#include "ioFlexGH.h"
+int IOFlexIO_Output2DVarAs (cGH *GH, const char *var, const char *alias);
+int IOFlexIO_TimeFor2D (cGH *GH, int index);
+ @routine IOFlexIO_Output2DGH
+ @date Sat March 6 1999
+ @author Gabrielle Allen
+ @desc
+ Loops over all variables and outputs them if necessary
+ @enddesc
+ @calls CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle
+ CCTK_GetNumVars
+ CCTK_GetImplementationFromVar
+ CCTK_GetVarName
+ IOFlexIO_TimeFor2D
+ IOFlexIO_Output2DVarAs
+ @calledby
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+ @var GH
+ @vdesc Pointer to CCTK GH
+ @vtype cGH
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+int IOFlexIO_Output2DGH (cGH *GH)
+ int i;
+ flexioGH *myGH;
+ char *name, *fullname;
+ /* Get the GH extension for IOFlexIO */
+ myGH = (flexioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IOFlexIO")];
+ /* Loop over all variables */
+ for (i = 0; i < CCTK_GetNumVars (); i++) {
+ if (IOFlexIO_TimeFor2D (GH, i)) {
+ name = CCTK_GetVarName (i);
+ fullname = CCTK_GetFullName (i);
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+ printf("IOFlexIO Output2DGH : \n");
+ printf(" fullname/name = %s/%s\n", fullname, name);
+ }
+ IOFlexIO_Output2DVarAs (GH, fullname, name);
+ free (fullname);
+ /* Register another 2D output for this GF */
+ myGH->IO_2Dnum[i]++;
+ /* Register GF as having 2D output this iteration */
+ myGH->IO_2Dlast[i] = GH->iteration;
+ }
+ }
+ return (0);
+ @routine IOFlexIO_Output2DVarAs
+ @date Sat March 6 1999
+ @author Gabrielle Allen
+ @desc
+ unconditional output of a variable using the IO 2D output method
+ @enddesc
+ @calls CCTK_DecomposeName
+ CCTK_GetVarIndex
+ CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle
+ IOFlexIO_Write2D
+ @calledby IOFlexIO_Output2DGH
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+ @var GH
+ @vdesc Pointer to CCTK GH
+ @vtype cGH
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+ @var fullname
+ @vdesc complete name of variable to output
+ @vtype const char *
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+ @var alias
+ @vdesc alias name of variable to output (used to generate output filename)
+ @vtype const char *
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+int IOFlexIO_Output2DVarAs (cGH *GH, const char *fullname, const char *alias)
+ int index, first;
+ flexioGH *myGH;
+ index = CCTK_GetVarIndex (fullname);
+ /* get the handle for IOFlexIO extensions */
+ myGH = (flexioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IOFlexIO")];
+ /* Output with correct file opening behaviour */
+ first = (myGH->IO_2Dnum [index] == 1);
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+ printf ("\nIn IOFlexIO Output2DVarAs\n-------------------\n");
+ printf (" Fullname = -%s-\n", fullname);
+ printf (" Alias = -%s-\n", alias);
+ printf (" Index = %d\n", index);
+ }
+ /* Do the 2D output */
+ IOFlexIO_Write2D (GH, index, alias, first);
+ return (0);
+ /*@@
+ @routine IOFlexIO_TimeFor2D
+ @date Sat March 6 1999
+ @author Gabrielle Allen
+ @desc
+ Decides if it is time to output a variable using the IO 2D output
+ method
+ @enddesc
+ @calls CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle
+ CCTK_GetVarGType
+ CCTK_QueryGroupStorage_ByIndex
+ CCTK_GetGroupNameFromVar_ByIndex
+ @calledby IOFlexIO_Output2DGH
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+ @var GH
+ @vdesc Pointer to CCTK GH
+ @vtype cGH
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+ @var index
+ @vdesc index of variable
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+int IOFlexIO_TimeFor2D (cGH *GH, int index)
+ ioGH *ioUtilGH;
+ flexioGH *myGH;
+ /* Get the GH extension for IOUtil and IOFlexIO */
+ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IO")];
+ myGH = (flexioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IOFlexIO")];
+ /* Check this GF should be output */
+ if (! (CCTK_GetVarGType (index) == GROUP_GF && myGH->IO_2Dnum [index] != 0
+ && GH->iteration % ioUtilGH->IO_2Devery == 0))
+ return (0);
+ /* Check GF not already output this iteration */
+ if (myGH->IO_2Dlast [index] == GH->iteration) {
+ CCTK_WARN (2, "Already done 2D output in IOFlexIO");
+ return (0);
+ }
+ /* Check GF has storage */
+ if (! CCTK_QueryGroupStorage_ByIndex (GH,
+ CCTK_GetGroupIndexFromVar_ByIndex(index))) {
+ char *fullname = CCTK_GetFullName (index);
+ char *msg = (char *) malloc (80 + strlen (fullname));
+ sprintf (msg, "No IOFlexIO 2D output for '%s' (no storage)", fullname);
+ CCTK_WARN (2, msg);
+ free (fullname);
+ free (msg);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ return (1);
+ @routine IOFlexIO_TriggerOutput2D
+ @date Sat March 6 1999
+ @author Gabrielle Allen
+ @desc
+ Triggers the output a variable using the IO 2D output
+ method
+ @enddesc
+ @calls CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle
+ CCTK_GetVarName
+ IOFlexIO_Write2D
+ @calledby
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+ @var GH
+ @vdesc Pointer to CCTK GH
+ @vtype cGH
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+ @var index
+ @vdesc index of variable to output
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+int IOFlexIO_TriggerOutput2D (cGH *GH, int index)
+ int first;
+ flexioGH *myGH;
+ char *varname;
+ varname = CCTK_GetVarName (index);
+ /* get the handle for IOFlexIO extensions */
+ myGH = (flexioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IOFlexIO")];
+ /* Output with correct file opening behaviour */
+ first = (myGH->IO_2Dnum [index] == 1);
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+ printf("\nIn IOFlexIO TriggerOutput2D\n---------------------\n");
+ printf(" Index = %d\n", index);
+ printf(" Variable = -%s-\n", varname);
+ }
+ /* Do the 2D output */
+ IOFlexIO_Write2D (GH, index, varname, first);
+ /* Register another 2D output for this GF */
+ myGH->IO_2Dnum [index]++;
+ /* Register GF as having 2D output this iteration */
+ myGH->IO_2Dlast [index] = GH->iteration;
+ return (0);
diff --git a/src/Output3D.c b/src/Output3D.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64f0b1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Output3D.c
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+ /*@@
+ @file Output3D.c
+ @date Tue Jan 9 1999
+ @author Gabrielle Allen
+ @desc
+ Functions to deal 3D output of GFs
+ @enddesc
+ @history
+ @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdate 16 Mar 1999
+ @hdesc Converted to Cactus 4.0
+ @hendhistory
+ @@*/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "flesh.h"
+#include "Groups.h"
+#include "declare_parameters.h"
+#include "CactusBase/IOUtil/src/ioGH.h"
+#include "ioFlexGH.h"
+int IOFlexIO_Output3DVarAs (cGH *GH, const char *var, const char *alias);
+int IOFlexIO_TimeFor3D (cGH *GH, int index);
+ @routine IOFlexIO_Output3DGH
+ @date Sat March 6 1999
+ @author Gabrielle Allen
+ @desc
+ Loops over all variables and outputs them if necessary
+ @enddesc
+ @calls CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle
+ CCTK_GetNumVars
+ CCTK_GetImplementationFromVar
+ CCTK_GetVarName
+ IOFlexIO_TimeFor3D
+ IOFlexIO_Output3DVarAs
+ @calledby
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+ @var GH
+ @vdesc Pointer to CCTK GH
+ @vtype cGH
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+int IOFlexIO_Output3DGH (cGH *GH)
+ int i;
+ flexioGH *myGH;
+ char *implementation;
+ char *name;
+ char *fullname;
+ /* Get the GH extension for IOFlexIO */
+ myGH = (flexioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IOFlexIO")];
+ /* Loop over all variables */
+ for (i = 0; i < CCTK_GetNumVars (); i++) {
+ if (IOFlexIO_TimeFor3D (GH, i)) {
+ implementation = CCTK_GetImplementationFromVar (i);
+ name = CCTK_GetVarName (i);
+ fullname = (char *) malloc (strlen (implementation) +
+ strlen (name) + 3);
+ assert (fullname);
+ sprintf (fullname, "%s::%s", implementation, name);
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+ printf ("IOFlexIO Output3DGH : \n");
+ printf (" fullname/name = %s/%s\n", fullname, name);
+ }
+ IOFlexIO_Output3DVarAs (GH, fullname, name);
+ free (fullname);
+ /* Register another 3D output for this GF */
+ myGH->IO_3Dnum [i]++;
+ /* Register GF as having 3D output this iteration */
+ myGH->IO_3Dlast [i] = GH->iteration;
+ }
+ }
+ return (0);
+ @routine IOFlexIO_Output3DVarAs
+ @date Sat March 6 1999
+ @author Gabrielle Allen
+ @desc
+ unconditional output of a variable using the IOFlexIO 3D output method
+ @enddesc
+ @calls CCTK_DecomposeName
+ CCTK_GetVarIndex
+ CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle
+ IOFlexIO_Write3D
+ @calledby IOFlexIO_Output3DGH
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+ @var GH
+ @vdesc Pointer to CCTK GH
+ @vtype cGH
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+ @var fullname
+ @vdesc complete name of variable to output
+ @vtype const char *
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+ @var alias
+ @vdesc alias name of variable to output (used to generate output filename)
+ @vtype const char *
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+int IOFlexIO_Output3DVarAs (cGH *GH, const char *fullname, const char *alias)
+ int index, first;
+ flexioGH *myGH;
+ index = CCTK_GetVarIndex(fullname);
+ /* Get the GH extension for IOFlexIO */
+ myGH = (flexioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IOFlexIO")];
+ /* Output with correct file opening behaviour */
+ first = (myGH->IO_3Dnum [index] == 1);
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+ printf ("\nIn IOFlexIO Output3DVarAs\n-------------------\n");
+ printf (" Fullname = -%s-\n", fullname);
+ printf (" Alias = -%s-\n", alias);
+ printf (" Index = %d\n", index);
+ }
+ /* Do the 3D output */
+ IOFlexIO_Write3D (GH, index, alias, first);
+ return (0);
+ @routine IOFlexIO_TimeFor3D
+ @date Sat March 6 1999
+ @author Gabrielle Allen
+ @desc
+ Decides if it is time to output a variable using the IOFlexIO 3D output
+ method
+ @enddesc
+ @calls CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle
+ CCTK_GetVarGType
+ CCTK_QueryGroupStorage_ByIndex
+ CCTK_GetGroupNameFromVar_ByIndex
+ @calledby IOFlexIO_Output3DGH
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+ @var GH
+ @vdesc Pointer to CCTK GH
+ @vtype cGH
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+ @var index
+ @vdesc index of variable
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+int IOFlexIO_TimeFor3D (cGH *GH, int index)
+ ioGH *ioUtilGH;
+ flexioGH *myGH;
+ /* Get the GH extension for IOUtil and IOFlexIO */
+ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IO")];
+ myGH = (flexioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IOFlexIO")];
+ /* Check this GF should be output */
+ if (! (myGH->IO_3Dnum [index] != 0 &&
+ GH->iteration % ioUtilGH->IO_3Devery == 0))
+ return (0);
+ /* Check GF not already output this iteration */
+ if (myGH->IO_3Dlast [index] == GH->iteration) {
+ CCTK_WARN (2, "Already done 3D output in IOFlexIO");
+ return (0);
+ }
+ /* Check GF has storage */
+ if (! CCTK_QueryGroupStorage_ByIndex (GH,
+ CCTK_GetGroupIndexFromVar_ByIndex(index))) {
+ char *fullname = CCTK_GetFullName (index);
+ char *msg = (char *) malloc (80 + strlen (fullname));
+ sprintf (msg, "No IOFlexIO 3D output for '%s' (no storage)", fullname);
+ CCTK_WARN (2, msg);
+ free (fullname);
+ free (msg);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ return (1);
+ @routine IOFlexIO_TriggerOutput3D
+ @date Sat March 6 1999
+ @author Gabrielle Allen
+ @desc
+ Triggers the output a variable using the IOFlexIO 3D output
+ method
+ @enddesc
+ @calls CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle
+ CCTK_GetVarName
+ IOFlexIO_Write3D
+ @calledby
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+ @var GH
+ @vdesc Pointer to CCTK GH
+ @vtype cGH
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+ @var index
+ @vdesc index of variable to output
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+int IOFlexIO_TriggerOutput3D (cGH *GH, int index)
+ int first;
+ flexioGH *myGH;
+ char *varname;
+ varname = CCTK_GetVarName (index);
+ /* Get the GH extension for IOFlexIO */
+ myGH = (flexioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IOFlexIO")];
+ /* Output with correct file opening behaviour */
+ first = (myGH->IO_3Dnum [index] == 1);
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+ printf("\nIn IOFlexIO TriggerOutput3D\n---------------------\n");
+ printf(" Index = %d\n", index);
+ printf(" Variable = -%s-\n", varname);
+ }
+ /* Do the 3D output */
+ IOFlexIO_Write3D (GH, index, varname, first);
+ /* Register another 3D output for this GF */
+ myGH->IO_3Dnum [index]++;
+ /* Register GF as having 3D output this iteration */
+ myGH->IO_3Dlast [index] = GH->iteration;
+ return (0);
diff --git a/src/RecoverGH.c b/src/RecoverGH.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0391b30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/RecoverGH.c
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+ /*@@
+ @file RecoverGH.c
+ @date Fri Jun 19 09:14:22 1998
+ @author Tom Goodale
+ @desc
+ Contains the routines to do the internal checkpoint recovery.
+ Currently can recover from:
+ (1) One file containing recombined data
+ (2) Multiple unrecombined files, where the current
+ number of processors and outputing processors
+ match those used to write the data.
+ @enddesc
+ @history
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen @hdate 19 Oct 1998
+ @hdesc Changed names ready for thorn_IO
+ @endhistory
+ @version $Id$
+ @@*/
+static char *rcsid = "$Id$";
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "flesh.h"
+#include "declare_parameters.h"
+#include "GHExtensions.h"
+#include "WarnLevel.h"
+#include "Comm.h"
+#include "CactusBase/pugh/src/include/pugh.h"
+#include "CactusBase/IOUtil/src/ioGH.h"
+#include "ioFlexGH.h"
+/* this one comes from RestoreFile.c */
+int IOFlexIO_RestoreIEEEIOfile (cGH *GH, IOFile ifp,
+ int IOrecover_ioproc,
+ int IOrecover_ioproc_every,
+ int IOrecover_unchunked);
+ /*@@
+ @routine IOFlexIO_RecoverGH
+ @date Fri Jun 19 09:22:52 1998
+ @author Tom Goodale
+ @desc
+ Recovers a GH.
+ @enddesc
+ @calls IOUtil_PrepareFilename IOFlexIO_RestoreIEEEIOfile
+ @calledby
+ @history
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen
+ @hdate Thu Jul 2 18:17:59 1998
+ @hdesc Restore the physical time and iteration count, pass myproc to
+ IEEEIOparamRestore
+ Derives the filename from IOUtil_PrepareFilename (in thorn IOUtil)
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen @hdate Oct 17 1998
+ @hdesc Added input of (some) GH structure variables
+ @endhistory
+int IOFlexIO_RecoverGH (cGH *GH, const char *basename, int called_from)
+ IOFile ifp;
+ char ftmp [1024], fname [1024];
+ int proc, nprocs, myproc;
+ int index;
+ int is_IEEEIO_file;
+ Long nels_stored;
+ int nt_stored;
+ int iteration_stored;
+ int file_ioproc, file_ioproc_every;
+ int file_nprocs, file_unchunked;
+ CCTK_INT4 tmpInt;
+ char msg [512];
+ pGH *pughGH;
+ ioGH *ioUtilGH;
+ cTimer total_time, dataset_time, param_time;
+#ifdef MPI
+ CCTK_INT info [3];
+ /* Get the handles for PUGH and IOUtil extensions */
+ pughGH = (pGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("PUGH")];
+ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IO")];
+ /* identify myself */
+ nprocs = CCTK_GetnProcs (GH);
+ myproc = CCTK_GetMyProc (GH);
+ /* initialize timers */
+ CactusResetTimer (&total_time);
+ CactusResetTimer (&dataset_time);
+ CactusResetTimer (&param_time);
+ CactusStartTimer (&total_time);
+ /* Examine base file to find whether recovering from
+ * one (recombined) file or from multiple files
+ */
+ if (myproc == 0) {
+ /* Determine name of base file
+ NOTE: As we don't know whether the file is chunked or not
+ we need to try both file names. */
+ /* at first try with current chunking mode */
+ file_unchunked = ioUtilGH->unchunked;
+ IOUtil_PrepareFilename(GH, basename, fname, called_from, 0, file_unchunked);
+ if (called_from == CP_RECOVER_DATA)
+ strcat (fname, ".chkpt");
+ strcat (fname, ".ieee");
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Opening file %s\n", fname);
+ /* Open file, make sure the file is valid */
+ ifp = IEEEopen (fname, "r");
+ if (IOisValid (ifp))
+ is_IEEEIO_file = 1;
+ else {
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Cannot open file '%s'\n", fname);
+ /* now try with the other chunking mode */
+ file_unchunked = ! ioUtilGH->unchunked;
+ IOUtil_PrepareFilename (GH, basename, fname, called_from,
+ 0, file_unchunked);
+ if (called_from == CP_RECOVER_DATA)
+ strcat (fname, ".chkpt");
+ strcat (fname, ".ieee");
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Trying now file '%s'...\n", fname);
+ /* Open file, make sure the file is valid */
+ ifp = IEEEopen (fname, "r");
+ is_IEEEIO_file = IOisValid (ifp);
+ }
+ }
+ if (myproc == 0 && is_IEEEIO_file) {
+ /* Now determine how the data was written */
+ /* Read nioprocs used to write data */
+ index = IOreadAttributeInfo (ifp, "GH$ioproc_every", &nt_stored, &nels_stored);
+ if (index >= 0 && nt_stored == FLEXIO_INT4 && nels_stored == 1) {
+ IOreadAttribute (ifp, index, &tmpInt);
+ file_ioproc_every = tmpInt;
+ } else {
+ CCTK_WARN (1, "Unable to restore GH$ioproc_every. "
+ "Assuming it is nprocs and continuing");
+ file_ioproc_every = nprocs;
+ }
+ /* Read nprocs used to write data */
+ index = IOreadAttributeInfo (ifp, "GH$nprocs", &nt_stored, &nels_stored);
+ if (index >= 0 && nt_stored == FLEXIO_INT4 && nels_stored == 1) {
+ IOreadAttribute (ifp, index, &tmpInt);
+ file_nprocs = tmpInt;
+ } else {
+ CCTK_WARN (1, "Unable to restore GH$nprocs. "
+ "Assuming it is 1 and continuing");
+ file_nprocs = 1;
+ }
+ /* Determine whether data is chunked or unchunked
+ We could derive this from the filename itself but just to be sure ... */
+ index = IOreadAttributeInfo (ifp, "unchunked", &nt_stored, &nels_stored);
+ if (index >= 0 && nt_stored == FLEXIO_INT4 && nels_stored == 1) {
+ IOreadAttribute (ifp, index, &tmpInt);
+ file_unchunked = tmpInt;
+ } else {
+ sprintf (msg, "Unable to restore 'unchunked' attribute. "
+ "Assuming it is %s and continuing",
+ file_unchunked ? "true" : "false");
+ CCTK_WARN (1, msg);
+ }
+ /* If we restore from multiple files
+ * the number of processors must match.
+ */
+ if (file_ioproc_every == nprocs || file_unchunked) {
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Recovering from one %s file\n",
+ file_unchunked ? "unchunked" : "chunked");
+ } else {
+ if (file_nprocs != nprocs) {
+ sprintf (msg, "Must restart on %d processors with multiple files "
+ "or recombine them", file_nprocs);
+ CCTK_WARN (0, msg);
+ }
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Recovering from %d chunked files\n",
+ nprocs / file_ioproc_every + (nprocs % file_ioproc_every?1:0));
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef MPI
+ /* Broadcast chunking mode to all processors from processor zero */
+ info [0] = is_IEEEIO_file;
+ info [1] = unchunked;
+ info [2] = file_ioproc_every;
+ CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Bcast (info, 3, PUGH_MPI_INT, 0,
+ is_IEEEIO_file = info [0];
+ unchunked = info [1];
+ file_ioproc_every = info [2];
+ /* return here to IOUtil if no valid file could be found */
+ if (! is_IEEEIO_file) {
+ if (myproc == 0) {
+ sprintf (msg, "No valid IEEEIO file '%s' found !", fname);
+ CCTK_WARN (2, msg);
+ }
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ /* Determine the IO processors for each node and the corresponding
+ checkpoint file */
+ file_ioproc = myproc - (myproc % file_ioproc_every);
+ IOUtil_PrepareFilename (GH, basename, fname, called_from,
+ file_ioproc/file_ioproc_every, file_unchunked);
+ if (called_from == CP_RECOVER_DATA)
+ strcat (fname, ".chkpt");
+ strcat (fname, ".ieee");
+ /* Open chunked files on other IO processors */
+ if (myproc != 0 && myproc == file_ioproc) {
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Opening chunked file '%s' on processor %d.\n",
+ fname, myproc);
+ /* Open file, make sure the file is valid */
+ ifp = IEEEopen (fname, "r");
+ if (! IOisValid (ifp)) {
+ sprintf (msg, "Cannot open file '%s' on processor %d",
+ fname, myproc);
+ CCTK_WARN (0, msg);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Restore the data */
+ if (IO_verbose && myproc == 0)
+ printf ("Recovering %schunked data with ioproc %d, ioproc_every %d.\n",
+ file_unchunked ? "un" : "", file_ioproc, file_ioproc_every);
+ CactusStartTimer (&dataset_time);
+ IOFlexIO_RestoreIEEEIOfile (GH, ifp, file_ioproc, file_ioproc_every,
+ file_unchunked);
+ CactusStopTimer (&dataset_time);
+ /* Close the file. */
+ if (myproc == file_ioproc) {
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Closing file '%s' after recovery.\n", fname);
+ IOclose (ifp);
+ }
+ if (called_from == CP_RECOVER_DATA) {
+ /* Must read in parameters and scalars on all processors. */
+ CactusStartTimer (&param_time);
+ for (proc = file_ioproc;
+ proc < file_ioproc+file_ioproc_every && proc < nprocs;
+ proc++) {
+ /* Only have the file open by one proc at any time. */
+ if (proc == myproc) {
+ /* Open file, make sure the file is valid */
+ ifp = IEEEopen (fname, "r");
+ if (! IOisValid (ifp)) {
+ sprintf (msg, "Cannot open checkpoint file '%s' on processor %d",
+ fname, myproc);
+ CCTK_WARN (0, msg);
+ }
+ /* Restore the parameters. */
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Recovering parameters on processor %d.\n", myproc);
+/*** FIXME ***/
+#if 0
+ IO_IEEEIOparamRestore (ifp, myproc);
+ /* Restore the structure variables. */
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Recovering GH variables.\n");
+ IO_IEEEIOStructRestore (GH, ifp);
+ /* Restore global variables */
+ /* Get the iteration number. */
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Recovering iteration number.\n");
+ index = IOreadAttributeInfo (ifp, "iteration", &nt_stored, &nels_stored);
+ if (index >= 0 && nt_stored == FLEXIO_INT4 && nels_stored == 1) {
+ IOreadAttribute (ifp, index, &iteration_stored);
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Iteration number is %d\n", (int) iteration_stored);
+ GH->iteration = iteration_stored;
+ } else
+ printf ("*Warning* Unable to restore iteration number\n");
+ /* Close the file. */
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Closing '%s' after recovery.\n", fname);
+ IOclose (ifp);
+ }
+ /* Synchronise all processors */
+ CCTK_Barrier (GH);
+ }
+ CactusStopTimer (&param_time);
+ }
+ /* print timing output */
+ if (IO_verbose && called_from == CP_RECOVER_DATA && myproc == 0) {
+ printf (
+ "----------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+/*** FIXME: choose right component of basic[] ***/
+ printf ("Time to restore data: %10.3lf sec\n",
+ dataset_time.total.basic [0]);
+ printf ("Time to restore parameters: %10.3lf sec\n",
+ param_time.total.basic [0]);
+ printf ("Time to recover from checkpoint: %10.3lf sec\n",
+ total_time.total.basic [0]);
+ }
+ return (0);
+#endif /* CACTUSBASE_PUGH */
diff --git a/src/RestoreFile.c b/src/RestoreFile.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60fb56a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/RestoreFile.c
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+ /*@@
+ @file RestoreFile.c
+ @date Thu Jun 18 16:34:59 1998
+ @author Tom Goodale
+ @desc
+ Routines to restore GFs from a given file
+ @enddesc
+ @history
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen @hdate 19 Oct 1998
+ @hdesc Changed names ready for thorn_IO
+ @endhistory
+ @version $Id$
+ @@*/
+static char *rcsid = "$Id$";
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "flesh.h"
+#include "Groups.h"
+#include "Misc.h"
+#include "Comm.h"
+#include "GHExtensions.h"
+#include "WarnLevel.h"
+#include "declare_parameters.h"
+#include "CactusBase/pugh/src/include/pugh.h"
+#include "CactusBase/IOUtil/src/ioGH.h"
+#include "ioFlexGH.h"
+/* MPI tag base */
+#define STARTUPBASE 1001
+/* the maximum number of dimensions we can deal with (up to now :-) */
+#define MAXDIM 3
+/* local routine getDatasetAttributes() reads in the next dataset's attributes
+ and verifies them:
+ * checks if there is a variable with the name given by the name attribute
+ * verifies that this variable still belongs to the same group
+ * checks the group data info:
+ - group type
+ - variable type
+ - ntimelevels
+ - sizes (rank, dimensions) according to chunking mode
+ If there is a mismatch a warning (warning level 2) is printed and value of 1
+ is returned to indicate that this dataset should be ignored.
+ If successful, the global variable index, the group type and the timelevel
+ to restore are stored in {*index, *gtype, *timelevel}, and 0 is returned.
+ Currently only restoring of CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL variables is supported.
+int GetCommonAttributes (cGH *GH, IOFile ifp, int unchunked, int *index,
+ int *gtype, int *timelevel)
+ int i, flag;
+ int atype;
+ Long asize;
+ int vtype_stored, rank_stored, dims_stored [MAXDIM];
+ CCTK_INT4 gtype_stored, ntimelevels_stored, timelevel_stored;
+ int vtype, rank, ntimelevels;
+ int result;
+ char fullname [512], groupname [512];
+ char msg [160];
+ /* read the next dataset's info from the file */
+ result = IOreadInfo (ifp, &vtype_stored, &rank_stored, dims_stored, MAXDIM);
+ if (result == 0) {
+ CCTK_WARN (1, "Can't read dataset info");
+ return (1);
+ }
+ /* retrieve the name attribute */
+ i = IOreadAttributeInfo (ifp, "name", &atype, &asize);
+ if (i < 0 || (atype != BYTE && atype != CHAR) || asize >= sizeof (fullname)) {
+ CCTK_WARN (2, "Can't read name attribute");
+ return (1);
+ }
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOreadAttribute (ifp, i, fullname));
+ /* check if there is a matching variable */
+ *index = CCTK_GetVarIndex (fullname);
+ if (*index < 0) {
+ sprintf (msg, "No matching variable found for '%s'", fullname);
+ CCTK_WARN (2, msg);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ /* read and verify the group name */
+ i = IOreadAttributeInfo (ifp, "groupname", &atype, &asize);
+ if (i < 0 || (atype != BYTE && atype != CHAR) || asize >= sizeof (groupname)) {
+ sprintf (msg, "Can't read groupname attribute of '%s'", fullname);
+ CCTK_WARN (2, msg);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOreadAttribute (ifp, i, groupname));
+ if (! CCTK_Equals (groupname, CCTK_GetGroupNameFromVar_ByIndex (*index))) {
+ sprintf (msg, "Groupnames don't match for '%s'", fullname);
+ CCTK_WARN (2, msg);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ /* read the group type */
+ i = IOreadAttributeInfo (ifp, "grouptype", &atype, &asize);
+ if (i < 0 || atype != FLEXIO_INT4 || asize != 1) {
+ sprintf (msg, "Can't read grouptype attribute for '%s'", fullname);
+ CCTK_WARN (2, msg);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOreadAttribute (ifp, i, &gtype_stored));
+ /* read the number of timelevels */
+ i = IOreadAttributeInfo (ifp, "ntimelevels", &atype, &asize);
+ if (i < 0 || atype != FLEXIO_INT4 || asize != 1) {
+ sprintf (msg, "Can't read ntimelevels attribute for '%s'", fullname);
+ CCTK_WARN (2, msg);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOreadAttribute (ifp, i, &ntimelevels_stored));
+ /* read the timelevel to restore */
+ i = IOreadAttributeInfo (ifp, "timelevel", &atype, &asize);
+ if (i < 0 || atype != FLEXIO_INT4 || asize != 1) {
+ sprintf (msg, "Can't read timelevel attribute for '%s'", fullname);
+ CCTK_WARN (2, msg);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOreadAttribute (ifp, i, &timelevel_stored));
+ *timelevel = timelevel_stored;
+ /* verify group type, variable type, dims, sizes and ntimelevels */
+ CCTK_GetGroupData (CCTK_GetGroupIndex (groupname), gtype, &vtype, &rank,
+ &i, &ntimelevels);
+ if (*gtype != gtype_stored) {
+ sprintf (msg, "Group types don't match for '%s'", fullname);
+ CCTK_WARN (2, msg);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ if (ntimelevels != ntimelevels_stored) {
+ sprintf (msg, "Number of timelevels don't match for '%s'", fullname);
+ CCTK_WARN (2, msg);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ /* The CCTK variable type defines do not correlate with the IEEEIO defines
+ so compare them explicitely here.
+ Up to now CCTK knows only REALs, but COMPLEX types aren't supported
+ anyway by IOFlexIO. */
+ if ((vtype_stored == FLEXIO_REAL && vtype == CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL) ||
+ (vtype_stored == FLEXIO_INT && vtype == CCTK_VARIABLE_INTEGER) ||
+ (vtype_stored == FLEXIO_CHAR && vtype == CCTK_VARIABLE_CHAR)) {
+#if 0
+ || (vtype_stored == FLEXIO_COMPLEX && vtype == CCTK_VARIABLE_COMPLEX)) {
+ /* everything is okay */
+ } else {
+ sprintf (msg, "Variable types don't match for '%s'", fullname);
+ CCTK_WARN (2, msg);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ /* verify the dims and sizes */
+ flag = 0;
+ if (rank != rank_stored)
+ flag = 1;
+ switch (*gtype) {
+ if (dims_stored [0] != 1)
+ flag = 1;
+ break;
+ /*** FIXME: what's the local size of the array ?? ***/
+ /* for (i = 0; i < rank; i++)
+ if (*(int *) CCTK_ArrayGroupSize (GH, groupname, i) != dims_stored [i])
+ flag = 1;
+ */
+ break;
+ case GROUP_GF:
+ if (unchunked) {
+ for (i = 0; i < rank; i++)
+ if (GH->global_shape [i] != dims_stored [i])
+ flag = 1;
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < rank; i++)
+ if (GH->local_shape [i] != dims_stored [i])
+ flag = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (flag) {
+ sprintf (msg, "Variable sizes don't match for '%s'", fullname);
+ CCTK_WARN (2, msg);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ if (! CCTK_QueryGroupStorage_ByIndex (GH,
+ CCTK_GetGroupIndexFromVar_ByIndex (*index))) {
+ CCTK_WARN (2, "Can't read into variable with no storage");
+ return (1);
+ }
+ return (0);
+/* local routine GetChunkAttributes() reads in the info of the next dataset
+ that should be a chunk.
+ It verifies via the name attribute that this chunk belongs to the
+ current variable given by its index. */
+int GetChunkAttributes (cGH *GH, IOFile ifp, int index)
+ int i;
+ int atype;
+ Long asize;
+ int result;
+ int vtype_stored, rank_stored, dims_stored [MAXDIM];
+ char fullname [512];
+ char msg [160];
+ pGH *pughGH; /* PUGH extension handle */
+ /* Get the handle for PUGH extensions */
+ pughGH = (pGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("PUGH")];
+ /* read the next dataset's info from the file */
+ result = IOreadInfo (ifp, &vtype_stored, &rank_stored, dims_stored, MAXDIM);
+ if (result == 0) {
+ CCTK_WARN (1, "Can't read dataset info");
+ return (1);
+ }
+ /* retrieve the name attribute */
+ i = IOreadAttributeInfo (ifp, "name", &atype, &asize);
+ if (i < 0 || (atype != BYTE && atype != CHAR) || asize >= sizeof (fullname)) {
+ CCTK_WARN (2, "Can't read name attribute");
+ return (1);
+ }
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOreadAttribute (ifp, i, fullname));
+ /* check if there is a matching variable */
+ if (index != CCTK_GetVarIndex (fullname)) {
+ sprintf (msg, "No matching variable found for '%s'", fullname);
+ CCTK_WARN (2, msg);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ return (0);
+ /*@@
+ @routine IOFlexIO_RestoreIEEEIOfile
+ @date Fri Jun 19 09:19:48 1998
+ @author Tom Goodale
+ @desc
+ Reads in data from an open IEEEIO file.
+ Code was originally in StartupReader.
+ @enddesc
+ @calls
+ @calledby
+ @history
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen @hdate Oct 17 1998
+ @hdesc Changed logic so that cactus stops if any of the dimensions of the
+ input file and the current cactus run differ.
+ @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdate May 05 1999
+ @hdesc Added parameter unchunked
+ @endhistory
+int IOFlexIO_RestoreIEEEIOfile (cGH *GH, IOFile ifp, int file_ioproc,
+ int file_ioproc_every, int file_unchunked)
+ int index, gtype;
+ int myproc, nprocs;
+ int nDatasets, currentDataset;
+ int timelevel; /* current timelevel to be restored */
+ pGH *pughGH; /* PUGH extension handle */
+ char msg [512]; /* just a message buffer */
+#ifdef MPI
+ int proc;
+ CCTK_INT info [2]; /* communication buffer for MPI */
+ /* Get the handles for PUGH and IO extensions */
+ pughGH = (pGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("PUGH")];
+ myproc = CCTK_GetMyProc (GH);
+ nprocs = CCTK_GetnProcs (GH);
+ /* all IO procs determine the number of datasets in their checkpoint files */
+ if (myproc == file_ioproc) {
+ /* Get the number of sets */
+ nDatasets = IOnDatasets (ifp);
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf (" Input file has %d datasets\n", nDatasets);
+ }
+ /* In Cactus 3.x we had only datasets containing grid function data.
+ This distributed data was stored as one dataset per processor within
+ the group belonging to one IO processor. So there should be
+ nGF*ioproc_every datasets within each checkpoint file.
+ This consistency condition is no longer true
+ because now there might be datasets containing a SCALAR grouptype.
+ These datasets are stored only from the IO processors,
+ and they are just distributed to the non-IO processors again
+ during recovery.
+ if (nDatasets % file_ioproc_every != 0)
+ CCTK_WARN (0, "Number of datasets isn't a multiple of nioprocs");
+ */
+ /* Now process the datasets.
+ All IO processors read the datasets from their checkpoint file
+ verify their contents and communicate them to the non-IO processors. */
+ /* At first the code for the IO processors ... */
+ if (myproc == file_ioproc) {
+ /* Seek here once to the beginning of the file, the file pointer
+ is advanced then implicitely by subsequent calls to IOreadInfo() */
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOseek (ifp, 0));
+ /* Each IO processor loops over all available datasets, checks their
+ consistency and broadcasts them to the non-IO processors. */
+ for (currentDataset = 0; currentDataset < nDatasets; currentDataset++) {
+ /* read in the next dataset's attributes and verify them */
+ if (GetCommonAttributes (GH, ifp, file_unchunked, &index, &gtype, &timelevel)) {
+ sprintf (msg, "Ignoring dataset %d", currentDataset);
+ CCTK_WARN (1, msg);
+ }
+ /*** FIXME: process all group types ! ***/
+ else if (gtype != GROUP_GF && gtype != GROUP_SCALAR) {
+ CCTK_WARN (1, "Currently only restoring of GF and SCALAR datasets is supported");
+ }
+ /* Read in the data */
+ else {
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+ char *varname = CCTK_GetFullName (index);
+ printf (" dataset %d: %s (timelevel %d)\n", currentDataset,
+ varname, timelevel);
+ free (varname);
+ }
+ if (file_ioproc_every == 1)
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOread (ifp, GH->data [index][timelevel]));
+#ifdef MPI
+ else {
+ int npoints;
+ void *buffer;
+ int chunkdims [3], *chunkorigin;
+ int element_size, mpi_type;
+ switch (CCTK_GetVarVType (index)) {
+ element_size = sizeof (CCTK_CHAR); mpi_type = PUGH_MPI_CHAR;
+ break;
+ element_size = sizeof (CCTK_INT); mpi_type = PUGH_MPI_INT;
+ break;
+ element_size = sizeof (CCTK_REAL); mpi_type = PUGH_MPI_REAL;
+ break;
+ CCTK_WARN (1, "Restoring of complex datatypes not yet supported");
+ continue;
+ default:
+ CCTK_WARN (1, "Unknown datatype in IOFlexIO_RestoreIEEEIOfile");
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* read my own data directly into data,
+ read others data into buffer and communicate it */
+ if (! file_unchunked || gtype == GROUP_SCALAR)
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOread (ifp, GH->data [index][timelevel]));
+ else {
+ chunkdims [0] = pughGH->rnx [file_ioproc];
+ chunkdims [1] = pughGH->rny [file_ioproc];
+ chunkdims [2] = pughGH->rnz [file_ioproc];
+ chunkorigin = pughGH->lb [file_ioproc];
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOreadChunk (ifp, chunkdims, chunkorigin,
+ GH->data [index][timelevel]));
+ }
+ /* read data for non-IO processors */
+ if (gtype == GROUP_SCALAR) {
+ npoints = 1;
+ buffer = GH->data [index][timelevel];
+ } else {
+ /* allocate memory for the biggest chunk */
+ npoints = pughGH->rnpoints [file_ioproc + 1];
+ for (proc = 2; proc < file_ioproc_every; proc++)
+ if (npoints < pughGH->rnpoints [file_ioproc + proc])
+ npoints = pughGH->rnpoints [file_ioproc + proc];
+ buffer = malloc (npoints * element_size);
+ }
+ for (proc = file_ioproc + 1;
+ proc < file_ioproc + file_ioproc_every && proc < nprocs;
+ proc++) {
+ if (gtype != GROUP_SCALAR) {
+ if (! unchunked) {
+ /* Also increment dataset counter here !!! */
+ currentDataset++;
+ if (GetChunkAttributes (GH, ifp, index)) {
+ sprintf (msg, "Ignoring chunk in dataset %d",
+ currentDataset+1);
+ CCTK_WARN (1, msg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOread (ifp, buffer));
+ } else {
+ chunkdims [0] = pughGH->rnx [proc];
+ chunkdims [1] = pughGH->rny [proc];
+ chunkdims [2] = pughGH->rnz [proc];
+ chunkorigin = pughGH->lb [proc];
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOreadChunk (ifp, chunkdims, chunkorigin,
+ buffer));
+ }
+ npoints = pughGH->rnpoints [proc];
+ }
+ /* and finally send the index and the data */
+ info [0] = index; info [1] = timelevel;
+ CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Send (info, 2, PUGH_MPI_INT, proc,
+ CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Send (buffer, npoints, mpi_type, proc,
+ }
+ if (gtype != GROUP_GF)
+ free (buffer);
+ }
+ } /* reading data for file_ioproc_every processors */
+ } /* end of loop over all datasets */
+#ifdef MPI
+ /* Finally an invalid variable index is communicated
+ to indicate completion to the non-IO processors. */
+ info [0] = -1;
+ for (proc = 1; proc < file_ioproc_every; proc++)
+ CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Send (info, 2, PUGH_MPI_INT, proc + file_ioproc,
+ } else {
+ /* And here the code for non-IO processors: */
+#ifdef MPI
+ int mpi_type;
+ MPI_Status ms;
+ /* They don't know how many datasets there are, because the IO processors
+ could skip some on the fly during their consistency checks.
+ The IO Processor sends the index of the variable to be processed next.
+ So, all non-IO processors execute a loop where the termination condition
+ is when an invalid index was received.
+ */
+ while (1) {
+ /* receive the next variable index from the IO processor */
+ CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Recv (info, 2, PUGH_MPI_INT, file_ioproc,
+ index = info [0]; timelevel = info [1];
+ /* check for termination condition */
+ if (index < 0)
+ break;
+ switch (CCTK_GetVarVType (index)) {
+ case CCTK_VARIABLE_CHAR: mpi_type = PUGH_MPI_CHAR; break;
+ case CCTK_VARIABLE_INTEGER: mpi_type = PUGH_MPI_INT; break;
+ case CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL: mpi_type = PUGH_MPI_REAL; break;
+ CCTK_WARN (1, "Restoring of complex datatypes not yet supported");
+ continue;
+ default:
+ CCTK_WARN (1, "Unknown datatype in IOFlexIO_RestoreIEEEIOfile");
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* receive following data from my IO processor */
+ CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Recv (GH->data [index][timelevel], pughGH->npoints,
+ mpi_type, file_ioproc,
+ }
+ }
+ return (0);
+#endif /* CACTUSBASE_PUGH */
diff --git a/src/Startup.c b/src/Startup.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9d5113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Startup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ /*@@
+ @file Startup.c
+ @date Fri May 21 1999
+ @author Thomas Radke
+ @desc
+ Startup routines for IOFlexIO.
+ @enddesc
+ @history
+ @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdate May 21 1999
+ @hdesc Just copied from thorn IOFlexIO.
+ @endhistory
+ @@*/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "flesh.h"
+#include "GHExtensions.h"
+#include "declare_parameters.h"
+/* prototypes of functions to be registered */
+int IOFlexIO_Output2DGH (cGH *GH);
+int IOFlexIO_TriggerOutput2D (cGH *GH, int);
+int IOFlexIO_TimeFor2D (cGH *GH, int);
+int IOFlexIO_Output2DVarAs (cGH *GH, const char *var, const char *alias);
+int IOFlexIO_Output3DGH (cGH *GH);
+int IOFlexIO_TriggerOutput3D (cGH *GH, int);
+int IOFlexIO_TimeFor3D (cGH *GH, int);
+int IOFlexIO_Output3DVarAs (cGH *GH, const char *var, const char *alias);
+void *IOFlexIO_SetupGH (tFleshConfig *config, int convergence_level, cGH *GH);
+int IOFlexIO_InitGH (cGH *GH);
+int IOFlexIO_rfrTraverseGH (cGH *GH, int rfrpoint);
+ /*@@
+ @routine IOFlexIO_Startup
+ @date Fri May 21 1999
+ @author Thomas Radke
+ @desc
+ The startup registration routine for IOFlexIO.
+ Registers the GH extensions needed for IOFlexIO and
+ the registerable routines used for each method of IOFlexIO.
+ IOFlexIO does not overload any functions.
+ @enddesc
+ @calls
+ @calledby
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+void IOFlexIO_Startup (void)
+ int IO_GHExtension;
+ int IOMethod;
+ IO_GHExtension = CCTK_RegisterGHExtension ("IOFlexIO");
+ CCTK_RegisterGHExtensionSetupGH (IO_GHExtension, IOFlexIO_SetupGH);
+ CCTK_RegisterGHExtensionInitGH (IO_GHExtension, IOFlexIO_InitGH);
+ CCTK_RegisterGHExtensionrfrTraverseGH (IO_GHExtension, IOFlexIO_rfrTraverseGH);
+ /* Register the 2D and 3D IOFlexIO routines as output methods */
+ if (strlen (output2D) > 0) {
+ IOMethod = CCTK_RegisterIOMethod ("IOFlexIO_2D");
+ CCTK_RegisterIOMethodOutputGH (IOMethod, IOFlexIO_Output2DGH);
+ CCTK_RegisterIOMethodOutputVarAs (IOMethod, IOFlexIO_Output2DVarAs);
+ CCTK_RegisterIOMethodTimeToOutput (IOMethod, IOFlexIO_TimeFor2D);
+ CCTK_RegisterIOMethodTriggerOutput (IOMethod, IOFlexIO_TriggerOutput2D);
+ }
+ if (strlen (output3D) > 0) {
+ IOMethod = CCTK_RegisterIOMethod ("IOFlexIO_3D");
+ CCTK_RegisterIOMethodOutputGH (IOMethod, IOFlexIO_Output3DGH);
+ CCTK_RegisterIOMethodOutputVarAs (IOMethod, IOFlexIO_Output3DVarAs);
+ CCTK_RegisterIOMethodTimeToOutput (IOMethod, IOFlexIO_TimeFor3D);
+ CCTK_RegisterIOMethodTriggerOutput (IOMethod, IOFlexIO_TriggerOutput3D);
+ }
diff --git a/src/Write2D.c b/src/Write2D.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c708440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Write2D.c
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+ @file Write2D.c
+ @date Tue Feb 3 19:06:12 1998
+ @author Paul Walker
+ @desc
+ Two dimensional slices into IEEEIO files on MPI distributed cactus data.
+ @enddesc
+ @history
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen @hdate 26 Sep 1998
+ @hdesc Changed subroutine name (SliceTwoD -> Write2D), renamed IO parameters
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen @hdate Oct 17 1998
+ @hdesc Added the IO_verbose parameter instead of an ifdef
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen @hdate 19 Oct 1998
+ @hdesc Changed names ready for thorn_IO
+ @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdate 16 Mar 1999
+ @hdesc Converted to Cactus 4.0
+ @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdate 17 Mar 1999
+ @hdesc Changed naming: IEEEIO -> IOFlexIO
+ @hendhistory
+ @version $Id$
+ @@*/
+static char *rcsid = "$Id$";
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "flesh.h"
+#include "Comm.h"
+#include "declare_parameters.h"
+#include "GroupsOnGH.h"
+#include "CactusBase/pugh/src/include/pugh.h"
+#include "CactusBase/IOUtil/src/ioGH.h"
+#include "ioFlexGH.h"
+/* MPI message tag */
+#define BASE 1234
+ @routine IOFlexIO_Write2D
+ @date Sat March 6 1999
+ @author Gabrielle Allen
+ @desc Writes the 2D data of a variable into separate IEEEIO files
+ @enddesc
+ @calls CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle
+ CCTK_GetMyProc
+ CCTK_GetnProcs
+ @calledby IOFlexIO_Output2DVarAs
+ IOFlexIO_TriggerOutput2D
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+ @var GH
+ @vdesc Pointer to CCTK GH
+ @vtype cGH
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+ @var index
+ @vdesc index of variable to output
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+ @var alias
+ @vdesc alias name of variable to output
+ @vtype const char *
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+ @var first
+ @vdesc flag to indicate whether file should be opened in "w" or "a" mode
+ @vtype int (boolean)
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+void IOFlexIO_Write2D (cGH *GH, int index, const char *alias, int first)
+ int i, j, k, l;
+ int myproc, nprocs;
+ pGH *pughGH;
+ ioGH *ioUtilGH;
+ flexioGH *myGH;
+ int dir, ngpoints;
+ CCTK_INT npoints, *nrempoints, bnd [4];
+ void *data;
+ int ni, nj; /* "x" and "y" direction ns */
+ /* Attributes */
+ CCTK_REAL origin [2], delta [2];
+ int maxrempt;
+ int dims [2];
+ void *locdat, *alldat, *recd;
+ int hi, lo;
+ int locbnd [4];
+ int timelevel, variable_type, element_size, ioflex_type;
+#ifdef MPI
+ MPI_Status ms;
+ int mpi_type;
+ /* Get the handles for pugh, IOFlexIO and IOUtil extensions */
+ pughGH = (pGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("PUGH")];
+ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IO")];
+ myGH = (flexioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IOFlexIO")];
+ /* What processor are we on? */
+ myproc = CCTK_GetMyProc (GH);
+ nprocs = CCTK_GetnProcs (GH);
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+ printf ("<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>\n");
+ printf ("2D Slice for [%s]\n", alias);
+#if 0
+ cactus_memtrace ();
+ }
+ /* Open the files on the first trip through if we are proc. 0 */
+ if (myproc == 0) {
+ if (first) {
+ int len;
+ char *fname;
+ char *msg;
+ len = strlen (ioUtilGH->outpfx_2D) + strlen (alias);
+ fname = (char *) malloc (len + 20);
+ msg = (char *) malloc (len + 20 + 40);
+ assert (fname && msg);
+ /* Create files (open mode "w") */
+ sprintf (fname, "%s/%s_2d_yz.ieee", ioUtilGH->outpfx_2D, alias);
+ myGH->IEEEfile_2D [index][0] = IEEEopen (fname, "w");
+ if (! IOisValid (myGH->IEEEfile_2D [index][0])) {
+ sprintf (msg, "Cannot open output file %s", fname);
+ CCTK_WARN (1, msg);
+ return;
+ }
+ sprintf (fname, "%s/%s_2d_xz.ieee", ioUtilGH->outpfx_2D, alias);
+ myGH->IEEEfile_2D [index][1] = IEEEopen (fname, "w");
+ if (! IOisValid (myGH->IEEEfile_2D [index][1])) {
+ sprintf (msg, "Cannot open output file %s", fname);
+ CCTK_WARN (1, msg);
+ return;
+ }
+ sprintf (fname, "%s/%s_2d_xy.ieee", ioUtilGH->outpfx_2D, alias);
+ myGH->IEEEfile_2D [index][2] = IEEEopen (fname, "w");
+ if (! IOisValid (myGH->IEEEfile_2D [index][2])) {
+ sprintf (msg, "Cannot open output file %s", fname);
+ CCTK_WARN (1, msg);
+ return;
+ }
+ free (msg);
+ free (fname);
+ }
+ }
+ nrempoints = (CCTK_INT *) malloc (nprocs * sizeof (CCTK_INT));
+ assert (nrempoints);
+ timelevel = CCTK_GetNumTimeLevels (index) - 1;
+ if (timelevel > 0)
+ timelevel--;
+ data = CCTK_GetVarDataPtr_ByIndex (GH, timelevel, index);
+ variable_type = CCTK_GetVarVType (index);
+ switch (variable_type) {
+ ioflex_type = FLEXIO_CHAR;
+ element_size = sizeof (CCTK_CHAR);
+#ifdef MPI
+ mpi_type = PUGH_MPI_CHAR;
+ break;
+ ioflex_type = FLEXIO_INT;
+ element_size = sizeof (CCTK_INT);
+#ifdef MPI
+ mpi_type = PUGH_MPI_INT;
+ break;
+ ioflex_type = FLEXIO_REAL;
+ element_size = ioUtilGH->out_single ?
+ sizeof (CCTK_REAL4) : sizeof (CCTK_REAL);
+#ifdef MPI
+ mpi_type = ioUtilGH->out_single ? PUGH_MPI_REAL4 : PUGH_MPI_REAL;
+ break;
+ default:
+ CCTK_WARN (1, "Unsupported variable type in IOFlexIO_Write2D");
+ return;
+ }
+ for (dir = 0; dir < 3; dir++) {
+ npoints = 0;
+ /* Figure out the number of points */
+ if ((pughGH->ownership[pughGH->stagger][dir][0] <= pughGH->sp2dxyz[dir]) &&
+ (pughGH->sp2dxyz[dir] < pughGH->ownership[pughGH->stagger][dir][1]))
+ npoints = (pughGH->ownership[pughGH->stagger][(dir+1)%3][1] -
+ pughGH->ownership[pughGH->stagger][(dir+1)%3][0]) *
+ (pughGH->ownership[pughGH->stagger][(dir+2)%3][1] -
+ pughGH->ownership[pughGH->stagger][(dir+2)%3][0]);
+ /* Set up the number of global points and the points in the "i"
+ and "j" directions */
+ if (dir == 0) {
+ ngpoints = GH->global_shape[1] * GH->global_shape[2];
+ /* FIXME : origin */
+ ni = GH->global_shape[1]; origin[0] = 0.0; delta[0] = pughGH->dy0;
+ nj = GH->global_shape[2]; origin[1] = 0.0; delta[1] = pughGH->dz0;
+ } else if (dir == 1) {
+ ngpoints = GH->global_shape[0] * GH->global_shape[2];
+ /* FIXME : Origin */
+ ni = GH->global_shape[0]; origin[0] = 0.0; delta[0] = pughGH->dx0;
+ nj = GH->global_shape[2]; origin[1] = 0.0; delta[1] = pughGH->dz0;
+ } else {
+ ngpoints = GH->global_shape[0] * GH->global_shape[1];
+ /* FIXME : Origin */
+ ni = GH->global_shape[0]; origin[0] = 0.0; delta[0] = pughGH->dx0;
+ nj = GH->global_shape[1]; origin[1] = 0.0; delta[1] = pughGH->dy0;
+ }
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+ printf ("Npoints in dir %d is %d -> ",dir,npoints);
+ printf ("Global npoints is %d\n",ngpoints);
+ }
+#ifdef MPI
+ /* Send the number of points */
+ CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Gather (&npoints, 1, PUGH_MPI_INT,
+ nrempoints, 1, PUGH_MPI_INT, 0, pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD));
+ if (IO_verbose && myproc == 0)
+ for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
+ printf ("From proc %d: %d\n", i, (int) nrempoints [i]);
+ nrempoints [0] = npoints;
+ maxrempt = 0;
+ if (myproc == 0)
+ for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
+ maxrempt = (nrempoints [i] > maxrempt ? nrempoints [i] : maxrempt);
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Maximum remote points: %d\n", maxrempt);
+ /* OK so we want the ordering in bnd to be yz xz or xy but the
+ mod naturally gives is yz zx xy so we need to flip the order.
+ thus put the dir+1 % 3 in at lo, the dir+2 % 3 in at hi, and
+ set lo and hi directionally as follows ... */
+ if (dir == 0) {lo = 0; hi = 2;}
+ if (dir == 1) {lo = 2; hi = 0;}
+ if (dir == 2) {lo = 0; hi = 2;}
+ if (npoints > 0) {
+ /* See above comment ... */
+ bnd [lo] = GH->lower_bound[(dir+1)%3] +
+ pughGH->ownership[pughGH->stagger][(dir+1)%3][0];
+ bnd [lo+1] = GH->lower_bound[(dir+1)%3] +
+ pughGH->ownership[pughGH->stagger][(dir+1)%3][1];
+ bnd [hi] = GH->lower_bound[(dir+2)%3] +
+ pughGH->ownership[pughGH->stagger][(dir+2)%3][0];
+ bnd [hi+1] = GH->lower_bound[(dir+2)%3] +
+ pughGH->ownership[pughGH->stagger][(dir+2)%3][1];
+ locbnd [lo] = pughGH->ownership[pughGH->stagger][(dir+1)%3][0];
+ locbnd [lo+1] = pughGH->ownership[pughGH->stagger][(dir+1)%3][1];
+ locbnd [hi] = pughGH->ownership[pughGH->stagger][(dir+2)%3][0];
+ locbnd [hi+1] = pughGH->ownership[pughGH->stagger][(dir+2)%3][1];
+ } else {
+ bnd [lo] = 0;
+ bnd [lo+1] = 0;
+ bnd [hi] = 0;
+ bnd [hi+1] = 0;
+ }
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Local bounds %d: j -> %d %d k -> %d %d\n",
+ dir, locbnd [0], locbnd [1], locbnd [2], locbnd [3]);
+ /* Subsample the data */
+ if (npoints > 0) {
+ locdat = malloc (npoints * element_size);
+ assert (locdat);
+ l = 0;
+ if (variable_type == CCTK_VARIABLE_CHAR) {
+ CCTK_CHAR *char_locdat = (CCTK_CHAR *) locdat;
+ for (k = locbnd [2]; k < locbnd [3]; k++)
+ for (j = locbnd [0]; j < locbnd [1]; j++) {
+ int pt;
+ if (dir==0) pt = DI (pughGH, pughGH->sp2dxyz [dir], j, k);
+ if (dir==1) pt = DI (pughGH, j, pughGH->sp2dxyz [dir], k);
+ if (dir==2) pt = DI (pughGH, j, k, pughGH->sp2dxyz [dir]);
+ assert (l <= npoints && pt <= pughGH->npoints);
+ char_locdat [l++] = ((CCTK_CHAR *) data) [pt];
+ }
+ } else if (variable_type == CCTK_VARIABLE_INTEGER) {
+ CCTK_INT *int_locdat = (CCTK_INT *) locdat;
+ for (k = locbnd [2]; k < locbnd [3]; k++)
+ for (j = locbnd [0]; j < locbnd [1]; j++) {
+ int pt;
+ if (dir==0) pt = DI (pughGH, pughGH->sp2dxyz [dir], j, k);
+ if (dir==1) pt = DI (pughGH, j, pughGH->sp2dxyz [dir], k);
+ if (dir==2) pt = DI (pughGH, j, k, pughGH->sp2dxyz [dir]);
+ assert (l <= npoints && pt <= pughGH->npoints);
+ int_locdat [l++] = ((CCTK_INT *) data) [pt];
+ }
+ } else if (variable_type == CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL) {
+ CCTK_REAL4 *real4_locdat = (CCTK_REAL4 *) locdat;
+ CCTK_REAL *real_locdat = (CCTK_REAL *) locdat;
+ for (k = locbnd [2]; k < locbnd [3]; k++)
+ for (j = locbnd [0]; j < locbnd [1]; j++) {
+ int pt;
+ if (dir==0) pt = DI (pughGH, pughGH->sp2dxyz [dir], j, k);
+ if (dir==1) pt = DI (pughGH, j, pughGH->sp2dxyz [dir], k);
+ if (dir==2) pt = DI (pughGH, j, k, pughGH->sp2dxyz [dir]);
+ assert (l <= npoints && pt <= pughGH->npoints);
+ if (ioUtilGH->out_single)
+ real4_locdat [l++] = (CCTK_REAL4) (((CCTK_REAL *) data) [pt]);
+ else
+ real_locdat [l++] = ((CCTK_REAL *) data) [pt];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Send the data */
+#ifdef MPI
+ /* Only send if we have points and we are not on proc 0 */
+ if (npoints > 0 && myproc != 0) {
+ CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Send (bnd, 4, PUGH_MPI_INT, 0, 2*myproc+1+BASE,
+ CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Send (locdat, (int) npoints, mpi_type, 0,
+ 2*myproc+BASE, pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD));
+ }
+ /* Receive the data on processor 0 */
+ if (myproc == 0) {
+ alldat = malloc (ngpoints * element_size);
+ recd = malloc (maxrempt * element_size);
+ assert (alldat && recd);
+ for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
+ void *ud;
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Proceesing proc %d\n",i);fflush(stdout);
+ if (nrempoints [i] > 0) {
+ if (i == 0)
+ ud = locdat;
+ else {
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+ printf ("Receiving %d from %d\n", nrempoints [i], i);
+ fflush (stdout);
+ }
+ i, 2*i+1+BASE, pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD, &ms));
+ CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Recv (recd, (int) nrempoints [i], mpi_type,
+ i, 2*i+BASE, pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD, &ms));
+ ud = recd;
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+ printf (" Received %d points from %d\n",
+ (int) nrempoints [i], i);
+ printf (" Data lives at [%d %d] -> [%d %d]\n",
+ (int) bnd [0], (int) bnd [2], (int) bnd [1], (int)bnd[3]);
+ }
+ } /* End proc != 0 */
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Remote Bounds %d: j -> %d %d k -> %d %d\n",
+ dir, (int) bnd [0], (int) bnd[1], (int)bnd[2], (int)bnd[3]);
+ l = 0;
+ if (variable_type == CCTK_VARIABLE_CHAR)
+ for (k = bnd [2]; k < bnd [3]; k++)
+ for (j = bnd [0]; j < bnd [1]; j++)
+ ((CCTK_CHAR *) alldat) [j + k*ni] = ((CCTK_CHAR *) ud) [l++];
+ else if (variable_type == CCTK_VARIABLE_INTEGER)
+ for (k = bnd [2]; k < bnd [3]; k++)
+ for (j = bnd [0]; j < bnd [1]; j++)
+ ((CCTK_INT *) alldat) [j + k*ni] = ((CCTK_INT *) ud) [l++];
+ else if (variable_type == CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL && ioUtilGH->out_single)
+ for (k = bnd [2]; k < bnd [3]; k++)
+ for (j = bnd [0]; j < bnd [1]; j++)
+ ((CCTK_REAL4 *) alldat) [j + k*ni] = ((CCTK_REAL4 *) ud) [l++];
+ else if (variable_type == CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL && !ioUtilGH->out_single)
+ for (k = bnd [2]; k < bnd [3]; k++)
+ for (j = bnd [0]; j < bnd [1]; j++)
+ ((CCTK_REAL *) alldat) [j + k*ni] = ((CCTK_REAL *) ud) [l++];
+ } /* End if > 0 */
+ } /* End processor loop */
+ free (recd);
+ }
+ alldat = locdat;
+ /* Proc 0 writes */
+ if (myproc == 0) {
+ dims [0] = ni;
+ dims [1] = nj;
+ /*** FIXME: since slice center is not yet set up, npoints might be 0 ***/
+ if (npoints <= 0)
+ CCTK_WARN (1, "2D output doesn't work since slice center is not set up");
+ else {
+ /* the data itself */
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwrite (myGH->IEEEfile_2D [index][dir],
+ ioflex_type, 2, dims, alldat));
+ /* Time and space attributes */
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (myGH->IEEEfile_2D [index][dir],
+ "time", FLEXIO_REAL, 1, &GH->time));
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (myGH->IEEEfile_2D [index][dir],
+ "origin", FLEXIO_REAL, 2, origin));
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOwriteAttribute (myGH->IEEEfile_2D [index][dir],
+ "delta", FLEXIO_REAL, 2, delta));
+ }
+ }
+ /* Free memory for this time through */
+ if (npoints > 0)
+ free (locdat);
+#ifdef MPI
+ if (myproc == 0)
+ free (alldat);
+#endif /* If not MPI then alldat and locdat are not distinct */
+ }
+ free (nrempoints);
+#if 0
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ cactus_memtrace();
+#if 0
+void FMODIFIER FORTRAN_NAME(io_write2d_,
+ io_write2d)
+ (CCTK_REAL *x)
+ pGF *GF;
+ GF = locateGFbyDataPtr(x);
+ IO_Write2D(GF->parentGH,GF);
diff --git a/src/Write3D.c b/src/Write3D.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d72a93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Write3D.c
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+ @file Write3D.c
+ @date Fri Feb 21 15:27:03 1997
+ @author
+ @desc
+ A horrible blocking write and not-quite-so-horrible
+ slicer for xgraph output. Basically MPI based IO
+ bites the big one, and this is MPI based IO written
+ quickly and in the obvious inefficient fashion.
+ <p>
+ Oh, not it also contains zero-d I/O and a closer also.
+ <p>
+ This routine can write DFSD style HDF (not the default)
+ or Johns IEEEIO 3D files (the default). For 0 and 1D
+ I/O it writes xgraph files.
+ @enddesc
+ @history
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen @hdate 26 Sep 1998
+ @hdesc Changed routine name (WriteGF->Write3D), Lots of tidying up and
+ renaming of parameters
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen @hdate 17 Oct 1998
+ @hdesc Implemented new parameters IO_verbose,IO_parameter,IO_structures,IO_scalars
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen @hdate 19 Oct 1998
+ @hdesc Changed names ready for thorn_IO
+ @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdate 16 Mar 1999
+ @hdesc Converted to Cactus 4.0
+ @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdate 17 Mar 1999
+ @hdesc Changed naming: IEEEIO -> IOFlexIO
+ @hendhistory
+ @version $Id$
+ @@*/
+static char *rcsid = "$Id$";
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "flesh.h"
+#include "Comm.h"
+#include "Groups.h"
+#include "GHExtensions.h"
+#include "WarnLevel.h"
+#include "declare_parameters.h"
+#include "CactusBase/pugh/src/include/pugh.h"
+#include "CactusBase/IOUtil/src/ioGH.h"
+#include "ioFlexGH.h"
+/* local function prototypes */
+void IOFlexIO_Write3D_filename (cGH *GH, char *filename, const char *name);
+void IOFlexIO_Write3D_openFile (cGH *GH, const char *filename, IOFile *iofile, int first);
+void IOFlexIO_Write3D_closeFile (cGH *GH, const char *filename, IOFile *iofile);
+/* external function prototypes */
+void IOFlexIO_DumpVar (cGH *GH, int index, int timelevel, IOFile iof);
+ @routine IOFlexIO_Write3D
+ @author Paul Walker
+ @date Feb 1997
+ @desc
+ This routine does 3D IO for a grid function which has been
+ distributed with MPI.
+ <p>
+ 3D MPI IO! Wow, you may say, that sounds pretty clever. Well it isn't
+ because <b><i>The method I use sucks rocks</i></b>. That is.
+ I spam the data from all processors onto processor 0. Luckily
+ it doesn't just put it all in one memory chunk, but recieves it
+ bit by bit and writes it out chunkwise, using IEEEIO. Alas,
+ while this happens the other processors <i>sit in a barrier
+ with their metaphoric thumbs up their asses</i>.
+ <p>
+ <b>Even Worse</b> it is a blocking send which must come in order
+ from the other processors.
+ <p>
+ This is inefficient to say the least. I/O costs can go up to 70-80%
+ using this technique on the T3E. So there are also a couple of ways to
+ get around it.
+ <p>
+ The easiest option is one-file-per-processor which is
+ good on some machines, (eg T3E) and bad on others (eg O2K, I think).
+ So you can activate this mode (or de-activate it on the T3E)
+ by setting the parameter onefileperproc to "yes" or "no".
+ This will create a bunch of files in their own subdirectory,
+ and they can be smooshed together using cactus/lib/etc/Recombiner.C
+ <p>
+ Also, you can downsample output. You can also output one file per
+ slice. Various combinations of these work or don't, depending.
+ <p>
+ Finally notice that @seeroutine main guarantees that this is never
+ called on a 1- or 2-D grid.
+ @enddesc
+ @calls CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle
+ CCTK_GetMyProc
+ CCTK_GetnProcs
+ @calledby IOFlexIO_Output3DVarAs
+ IOFlexIO_TriggerOutput3D
+ @history
+ @hdate Wed Sep 2 10:11:41 1998 @hauthor Tom Goodale
+ @hdesc Merged in Szu-Wen's Panda calls.
+ @hdate Sep 25 1998 1998 @hauthor Gabrielle Allen
+ @hdesc Split into subroutines
+ @endhistory
+ @var GH
+ @vdesc Pointer to CCTK GH
+ @vtype cGH
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+ @var index
+ @vdesc index of variable to output
+ @vtype int
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+ @var alias
+ @vdesc alias name of variable to output
+ @vtype const char *
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+ @var first
+ @vdesc flag to indicate whether file should be opened in "w" or "a" mode
+ @vtype int (boolean)
+ @vio in
+ @vcomment
+ @endvar
+ @@*/
+void IOFlexIO_Write3D (cGH *GH, int index, const char *alias, int first)
+ int myproc, nprocs;
+ int timelevel;
+ ioGH *ioUtilGH;
+ flexioGH *myGH;
+ IOFile *iofile;
+ char *filename;
+ /* Get the handle for IOUtil and IOFlexIO extensions */
+ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IO")];
+ myGH = (flexioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IOFlexIO")];
+ /* Get filename and reference to file handle */
+ filename = myGH->IEEEfname_3D [index];
+ iofile = &myGH->IEEEfile_3D [index];
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+ printf ("-------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ printf ("3D I/O on Grid Function %s\n", alias);
+ printf (" downsample (x,y,z): (%d,%d,%d) ioproc : %d\n",
+ ioUtilGH->downsample_x, ioUtilGH->downsample_y,
+ ioUtilGH->downsample_z, ioUtilGH->ioproc);
+ fflush (stdout);
+ }
+ /* What processor are we on? */
+ myproc = CCTK_GetMyProc (GH);
+ nprocs = CCTK_GetnProcs (GH);
+ /* build the filename for output */
+ /* This code is semi-repeated in DumpGH.c */
+ /* The output directory is also created. */
+ if (first || onefileperslice)
+ IOFlexIO_Write3D_filename (GH, filename, alias);
+ /* Close the file if it is already open (if IEEEfile_3D is set).
+ * This shouldn't be needed, since we do it below,
+ * but better safe than sorry.
+ * Also I have some vague recollection of needing it in some
+ * very strange case ... So leave it here for now (PW 11.5.98)
+ */
+ if (*iofile && onefileperslice) {
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Closing IEEEfile from previous iteration.\n");
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOclose (*iofile));
+ *iofile = NULL; /* prevent attempts to close it twice! */
+ }
+ /* open the output file (only if we are an output processor) */
+ if (myproc == ioUtilGH->ioproc)
+ IOFlexIO_Write3D_openFile (GH, filename, iofile, first);
+ /* get the current timelevel */
+ timelevel = CCTK_GetNumTimeLevels (index) - 1;
+ if (timelevel > 0)
+ timelevel--;
+ /* output the data */
+ IOFlexIO_DumpVar (GH, index, timelevel, *iofile);
+ /* output the scalars and parameters */
+ /* Don't do this if the output is being byte compared, as the
+ * thorn lists might be different.
+ */
+ if (myproc == ioUtilGH->ioproc) {
+ /* output parameters necessary for filereader datafiles */
+ if (first)
+ IOFlexIO_IEEEIOStructDump (GH, *iofile);
+#if 0
+ if (ioUtilGH->parameters)
+ IOFlexIO_IEEEIOparamDump (*iofile);
+ /* close the file */
+ IOFlexIO_Write3D_closeFile (GH, filename, iofile);
+ }
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("-------------------\n");
+ @routine IOFlexIO_Write3D_closeFile
+ @author Paul Walker
+ @date Feb 1997
+ @desc
+ Closes or pauses the IEEEIO output file.
+ @enddesc
+ @history
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen
+ @hdate Sep 1998
+ @hdesc Split into subroutine
+ @endhistory
+ @@*/
+void IOFlexIO_Write3D_closeFile (cGH *GH, const char *filename, IOFile *iofile)
+ ioGH *ioUtilGH;
+ flexioGH *myGH;
+ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IO")];
+ myGH = (flexioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IOFlexIO")];
+ if (*iofile == NULL)
+ return;
+ if (onefileperslice) {
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Closing IEEEfile from this iteration\n");
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOclose (*iofile));
+ *iofile = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (myGH->reuse_fh) {
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Pausing file %s\n", filename);
+ IEEEbufferOff (*iofile);
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOpause (*iofile));
+ } else {
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Closing file %s\n", filename);
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOclose (*iofile));
+ *iofile = NULL;
+ }
+ @routine IOFlexIO_Write3D_openFile
+ @author Paul Walker
+ @date Feb 1997
+ @desc
+ Opens or resumes the IEEEIO output file
+ @enddesc
+ @history
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen
+ @hdate Sep 1998
+ @hdesc Split into subroutine
+ @endhistory
+ @@*/
+void IOFlexIO_Write3D_openFile (cGH *GH, const char *filename, IOFile *iofile, int first)
+ ioGH *ioUtilGH;
+ flexioGH *myGH;
+ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IO")];
+ myGH = (flexioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IOFlexIO")];
+ /* If we are the first time through, or writing one file per slice, we need
+ to open a file in write mode. Or, if we are reusing file handles we will
+ need to resume the file */
+ if (first || onefileperslice) {
+ /* First time through or one file per slice; open anew */
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Opening file %s\n", filename);
+ *iofile = IEEEopen (filename, "w");
+ if (! IOisValid (*iofile)) {
+ char *msg = (char *) malloc (strlen (filename) + 80);
+ sprintf (msg, "The file %s could not be opened for writing.", filename);
+ CCTK_WARN (1, msg);
+ free (msg);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (myGH->reuse_fh) {
+ /* resume the file (reopen descriptor)
+ This allows descriptor reuse without requiring expensive destruction
+ and reallocation of the associated datastructures */
+ if (*iofile) {
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Resuming file %s\n", filename);
+ CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR (IOresume (*iofile));
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* File is closed, not onefileperslice and not first time.
+ Therefore we must be conserving file handles and failed
+ to use the pause()/resume methods(), So append.
+ */
+ if (IO_verbose)
+ printf ("Re-opening file %s in append mode\n", filename);
+ *iofile = IEEEopen (filename, "a");
+ if (! IOisValid (*iofile)) {
+ char *msg = (char *) malloc (strlen (filename) + 80);
+ sprintf (msg, "The file %s could not be opened for appending.\n",
+ filename);
+ CCTK_WARN (1, msg);
+ free (msg);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Turn on buffer cache (with default size chosen by IEEEIO lib) */
+ IEEEbufferOn (*iofile, 0);
+ @routine IOFlexIO_Write3D_filename
+ @author Paul Walker
+ @date Feb 1997
+ @desc
+ Generates the filename for output
+ @enddesc
+ @history
+ @hauthor Gabrielle Allen
+ @hdate Sep 1998
+ @hdesc Split into subroutine
+ @endhistory
+ @@*/
+void IOFlexIO_Write3D_filename (cGH *GH, char *filename, const char *name)
+ ioGH *ioUtilGH; /* handle for IOUtil extensions */
+ pGH *pughGH; /* handle for PUGH extensions */
+ int nprocs;
+ int myproc;
+ char extra [256]; /* Extra stuff in fname based on mode */
+ char extradir [256]; /* Extra stuff for an output dir */
+ char createdir [256]; /* Text for system call to create output directory */
+ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("IO")];
+ pughGH = (pGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GetGHExtensionHandle ("PUGH")];
+ extra [0] = '\0';
+ extradir [0] = '\0';
+ nprocs = CCTK_GetnProcs (GH);
+ myproc = CCTK_GetMyProc (GH);
+#if 0
+ /* Say if we have a chunked data in the output file(s) */
+ if (! ioUtilGH->unchunked && nprocs > 1)
+ sprintf (extra, "%s_chunked", extra);
+ if (onefileperslice)
+ sprintf (extra, "%s.time_%7.3f", extra, GH->time);
+ * -------------------------------------
+ *
+ * If only one output file, the single file for each GF is written
+ * in the normal output dir (that is extradir = ""). Otherwise
+ * a directory is created for each output GF to hold the multiple
+ * file
+ */
+ if (ioUtilGH->ioproc_every < nprocs) {
+ /* Add the output processor number to the extra string */
+ sprintf (extra, "%s.file_%d", extra, myproc / ioUtilGH->ioproc_every);
+ /* If necessary create the output directory */
+ if (myproc == 0) {
+ sprintf (createdir, "mkdir -p %s/%s_3d", ioUtilGH->outpfx_3D, name);
+ if (IO_verbose) {
+ printf ("Creating output directory with command\n %s\n", createdir);
+ fflush (stdout);
+ }
+ if (system (createdir) != 0)
+ printf ("Could not create directory\n");
+ }
+#ifdef MPI
+ /* Wait for all processors to catch up */
+ /* extradir is the relative output directory */
+ sprintf (extradir, "%s_3d/", name);
+ }
+ ----------------------------------- */
+ sprintf (filename, "%s/%s%s_3d%s.ieee", ioUtilGH->outpfx_3D,
+ extradir, name, extra);
+ /* And be sure to replace any spaces in the filename with an _ */
+ do
+ if (*filename == ' ')
+ *filename = '_';
+ while (*++filename);
+#if 0
+void FMODIFIER FORTRAN_NAME(io_write3d_,
+ io_write3d)
+ (Double *x)
+ pGF *GF;
+ GF = locateGFbyDataPtr(x);
+ IO_Write3D(GF->parentGH,GF);
diff --git a/src/ioFlexGH.h b/src/ioFlexGH.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..573acbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ioFlexGH.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ /*@@
+ @header IOFlexIOGH.h
+ @date Tue 9th Jan 1999
+ @author Gabrielle Allen
+ @desc
+ The extensions to the GH structure from IO.
+ @history
+ @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdate 16 Mar 1999
+ @hdesc Added parameters for 2D and 3D output
+ @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdate 17 Mar 1999
+ @hdesc Changed naming: IEEEIO -> IOFlexIO
+ @hauthor Thomas Radke @hdate 30 Mar 1999
+ @hdesc Undefined DI macro
+ @endhistory
+ @version $Header$
+ @@*/
+#include <string.h>
+#include "IEEEIO/IO.h"
+#include "IEEEIO/IEEEIO.h"
+/* define the IOFlexIO datatypes according to CCTK_??? datatypes */
+#error "128-bit precision floating point types are not supported by IOFlexIO !"
+#define FLEXIO_INT INT64
+#define FLEXIO_INT INT32
+#define FLEXIO_INT INT16
+#define FLEXIO_INT4 INT32
+/* Check error flags from IOFlexIO */
+#define CACTUS_IEEEIO_ERROR(fn_call) \
+ do { \
+ \
+ int error_code = fn_call; \
+ \
+ if (error_code < 0) { \
+ char *msg = (char*) malloc(strlen(__FILE__) + strlen(#fn_call) + 160);\
+ \
+ sprintf (msg, \
+ "IEEEIO call %s returned error code %d, file %s, line %d\n", \
+ #fn_call, error_code, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
+ CCTK_WARN (1, msg); \
+ free (msg); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+typedef struct IOFlexIOGH {
+ /* The number of times output */
+ int *IO_2Dnum;
+ int *IO_3Dnum;
+ /* The last iteration output */
+ int *IO_2Dlast;
+ int *IO_3Dlast;
+ /* IEEEIO file pointers for 2D output (3 for each variable) */
+ IOFile **IEEEfile_2D;
+ /* IEEEIO file name and pointer for 3D output */
+ char **IEEEfname_3D;
+ IOFile *IEEEfile_3D;
+ /* reuse filehandles during IEEEIO */
+ int reuse_fh;
+} flexioGH;
diff --git a/src/make.code.defn b/src/make.code.defn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bbe405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/make.code.defn
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+SRCS = Startup.c GHExtension.c Output2D.c Write2D.c Output3D.c Write3D.c DumpVar.c DumpGH.c RecoverGH.c RestoreFile.c