diff options
authorallen <allen@5c0f84ea-6048-4d6e-bfa4-55cd5f2e0dd7>1999-11-06 14:07:19 +0000
committerallen <allen@5c0f84ea-6048-4d6e-bfa4-55cd5f2e0dd7>1999-11-06 14:07:19 +0000
commit2cf8480555c8e7e89e2405ef3cf0ee7c0e19a600 (patch)
parentb7923f428fd0ca7d64f788f292c71820f74985eb (diff)
Demo files for evolving teukolsky waves, with and without the
isosurfacer git-svn-id: http://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/cactus/EinsteinInitialData/IDLinearWaves/trunk@39 5c0f84ea-6048-4d6e-bfa4-55cd5f2e0dd7
2 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/par/WaveDemo-Iso.par b/par/WaveDemo-Iso.par
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9052a5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/par/WaveDemo-Iso.par
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Parameter file for evolutions of gravitational waves (Teukolsky Waves)
+# For use with Cactus 4.0 (Beta 4)
+# For help on running Cactus, either run the Cactus exectuable with the
+# command line option -help, or consult the documentation at
+# www.cactuscode.org
+# Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany, 1999
+!DESC "Evolution of Gravitation Waves: Demo"
+# These thorns must be compiled
+ActiveThorns = "einstein time adm iobasic ioutil ioascii pugh cartgrid3d boundary idlinearwaves IsoSurfacer NetGeometry http"
+# Number of grid points in each direction
+driver::global_nsize = 100
+# How many iterations
+cactus::cctk_final_time = 4.0
+# IsoSurfacer
+# IsoSurfacer parameters:
+# - the variable to compute the isosurface from
+# - the isosurface level
+# - the output format
+# - frequency , first iteration, resolution of output, uniq_vertices flag
+IsoSurfacer::isosurfacer = "{(einstein::grr) (0.9,0.8,0.7,0.5) (SOCK) (1, 1, 1, 1)}"
+IsoSurfacer::allow_empty_sends = "yes"
+http::port = 7050
+NetGeometry::port = 7051
+NetGeometry::tcpwindowsize = 1048576
+# A list of hosts to which announce the remote viz when it starts up.
+NetGeometry::amira_announce = ""
+# Evolution and initial data
+grid::type = "byrange"
+grid::domain = "full"
+grid::xyzmin = -3.0
+grid::xyzmax = 3.0
+time::dtfac = 0.25
+einstein::evolution_system = "ADM"
+adm::method = "stagleap"
+adm::bound = "radiative"
+einstein::slicing = "1+log"
+einstein::initial_data = "teukwaves"
+idlinearwaves::mvalue = 2
+idlinearwaves::parity = "even"
+idlinearwaves::packet = "eppley"
+idlinearwaves::wavesgoing = "in"
+idlinearwaves::wavecenter = 0.
+idlinearwaves::wavelength = 2.
+io::outdir = "WaveDemo"
+iobasic::outinfo_every = 10
+iobasic::outinfo_vars = "einstein::grr"
+ioascii::out1d_every = 10
+ioascii::out1d_vars = "einstein::grr einstein::alp"
diff --git a/par/WaveDemo.par b/par/WaveDemo.par
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7a17de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/par/WaveDemo.par
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Parameter file for evolutions of gravitational waves (Teukolsky Waves)
+# For use with Cactus 4.0 (Beta 4)
+# For help on running Cactus, either run the Cactus exectuable with the
+# command line option -help, or consult the documentation at
+# www.cactuscode.org
+# Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany, 1999
+!DESC "Evolution of Gravitation Waves: Demo"
+# These thorns must be compiled
+ActiveThorns = "einstein time adm iobasic ioutil ioascii pugh cartgrid3d boundary idlinearwaves"
+# Number of grid points in each direction
+driver::global_nsize = 100
+# How many iterations
+cactus::cctk_final_time = 4.0
+# Evolution and initial data
+grid::type = "byrange"
+grid::domain = "full"
+grid::xyzmin = -3.0
+grid::xyzmax = 3.0
+time::dtfac = 0.25
+einstein::evolution_system = "ADM"
+adm::method = "stagleap"
+adm::bound = "radiative"
+einstein::slicing = "1+log"
+einstein::initial_data = "teukwaves"
+idlinearwaves::mvalue = 2
+idlinearwaves::parity = "even"
+idlinearwaves::packet = "eppley"
+idlinearwaves::wavesgoing = "in"
+idlinearwaves::wavecenter = 0.
+idlinearwaves::wavelength = 2.
+io::outdir = "WaveDemo"
+iobasic::outinfo_every = 10
+iobasic::outinfo_vars = "einstein::grr"
+ioascii::out1d_every = 10
+ioascii::out1d_vars = "einstein::grr einstein::alp"