path: root/src
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4 files changed, 69 insertions, 344 deletions
diff --git a/src/AxiBrillBHIVP.F b/src/AxiBrillBHIVP.F
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e35d1b..0000000
--- a/src/AxiBrillBHIVP.F
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-c @file AxiBrillBHIVP.F
-c @date
-c @author
-c @desc
-c @enddesc
-#include "cctk.h"
-#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
-#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
-c @routine AxiBrillBHIVP
-c @date
-c @author
-c @desc
-c @enddesc
-c @calls
-c @calledby
-c @history
-c @endhistory
-c Need include file from Einstein
-#include "CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/Einstein.h"
- subroutine AxiBrillBHIVP(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
- implicit none
-c Perhaps this and others should go into cctk.h
- integer CCTK_Equals
- real*8 axibheps, rmax, dq, deta
- integer levels,id5,id9,idi,idg,ier
- real*8, allocatable :: cc(:,:),ce(:,:),cw(:,:),cn(:,:),cs(:,:),
- $ rhs(:,:),psi2d(:,:),detapsi2d(:,:),dqpsi2d(:,:),
- $ detaetapsi2d(:,:),detaqpsi2d(:,:),dqqpsi2d(:,:)
- real*8, allocatable :: etagrd(:),qgrd(:)
- real*8, allocatable :: eta(:,:,:),abseta(:,:,:),sign_eta(:,:,:),
- $ q(:,:,:),phi(:,:,:)
- real*8, allocatable :: psi2dv(:,:,:),detapsi2dv(:,:,:),
- $ dqpsi2dv(:,:,:),detaetapsi2dv(:,:,:),detaqpsi2dv(:,:,:),
- $ dqqpsi2dv(:,:,:)
- parameter(axibheps = 1.0d-12)
- real*8 ep1,ep2
- real*8 o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6,o7,o8,o9
- real*8 o10,o11,o12,o13,o14,o15,o16,o17,o18,o19
- real*8 o20,o21,o22,o23,o24,o25,o26,o27,o28,o29
- real*8 o30,o31,o32,o33,o34,o35,o36,o37,o38,o39
- real*8 o40,o41,o42,o43,o44,o45,o46,o47,o48,o49
- real*8 o50,o51,o52,o53,o54,o55,o56,o57,o58,o59
- real*8 o60,o61,o62,o63,o64,o65,o66,o67,o68,o69
- real*8 o70,o71,o72,o73,o74,o75,o76,o77,o78,o79
- real*8 o80,o81,o82,o83,o84,o85,o86,o87,o88,o89
- real*8 o90,o91,o92,o93,o94,o95,o96,o97,o98,o99
- real*8 pi
- real*8 adm
- integer :: nx,ny,nz
- integer i,j,k,nquads
- integer npoints,handle,ierror
- pi = 4.0d0*atan(1.0d0)
-c Set up the grid spacings
- nx = cctk_lsh(1)
- ny = cctk_lsh(2)
- nz = cctk_lsh(3)
-c Brill wave parameters
- print *,"Brill wave + BH Axisymmetric solve"
- write (*,123)amp,eta0,sigma,n
- print *,'etamax=',etamax
- 123 format(1x,'Pars : Amp',f8.5,' eta0',f8.5,' sigma',f8.5,' n ',i3)
-c Solve on this sized cartesian grid
-c 2D grid size NE x NQ
-c Add 2 zones for boundaries...
- ne = ne+2
- nq = nq+2
- ! do I need to call free?
- allocate(cc(ne,nq),ce(ne,nq),cw(ne,nq),cn(ne,nq),cs(ne,nq),
- $ rhs(ne,nq),psi2d(ne,nq),detapsi2d(ne,nq),dqpsi2d(ne,nq),
- $ detaetapsi2d(ne,nq),detaqpsi2d(ne,nq),dqqpsi2d(ne,nq),
- $ etagrd(ne),qgrd(nq))
- allocate(eta(nx,ny,nz),abseta(nx,ny,nz),sign_eta(nx,ny,nz),
- $ q(nx,ny,nz),phi(nx,ny,nz),
- $ psi2dv(nx,ny,nz),detapsi2dv(nx,ny,nz),dqpsi2dv(nx,ny,nz),
- $ detaetapsi2dv(nx,ny,nz),detaqpsi2dv(nx,ny,nz),
- $ dqqpsi2dv(nx,ny,nz))
-c Initialize some arrays
- psi2d = 1.0d0
- detapsi2d = 0.0d0
- nquads = 2
- dq = nquads*0.5*pi/(nq-2)
- deta = etamax/(ne-3)
- do j=1,nq
- qgrd(j) = (j-1.5)*dq
- do i=1,ne
- etagrd(i) = (i-2)*deta
-#include "Development/IDAxiBrillBH/src/bhbrill.x"
- enddo
- enddo
-c Boundary conditions
- do j=1,nq
- ce(2,j)=ce(2,j)+cw(2,j)
- cw(2,j)=0.0
- cw(ne-1,j)=cw(ne-1,j)+ce(ne-1,j)
- cc(ne-1,j)=cc(ne-1,j)-deta*ce(ne-1,j)
- ce(ne-1,j)=0.0
- enddo
- do i=1,ne
- cc(i,2)=cc(i,2)+cs(i,2)
- cs(i,2)=0.0
- cc(i,nq-1)=cc(i,nq-1)+cn(i,nq-1)
- cn(i,nq-1)=0.0
- enddo
-c Do the solve
- print *, " Calling axisymmetric solver"
- call mgparm (levels,5,id5,id9,idi,idg,ne,nq)
- call mg5 (ne,2,ne-1,nq,2,nq-1,
- $ cc,cn,cs,cw,ce,psi2d,rhs,
- $ id5,id9,idi,idg,1,axibheps,rmax,ier)
- print *, " Solve complete"
-c The solution is now available.
-c Debugging is needed, a stop statement should
-c be called if the IVP solve is not successful
- if(ier .ne. 0) stop 'bad solution to brill wave problem'
- print *,'rmax = ',rmax
- print *,'axibheps = ',axibheps
- print *,'psi2d = ',maxval(psi2d),' ',minval(psi2d)
- ep2 = 0.0
- do j=2,nq-1
- do i=2,ne-1
- ep1 = rhs(i,j)-psi2d(i,j)*cc(i,j)-psi2d(i,j+1)*cn(i,j)-psi2d(i,j-1)*cs(i,j)-
- & psi2d(i+1,j)*ce(i,j)-psi2d(i-1,j)*cw(i,j)
- ep2 = max(abs(ep1),ep2)
- enddo
- enddo
- print *,'Resulting eps =',ep2
- ! what a pain all this is....
- do j=1,nq
- psi2d(1,j)=psi2d(3,j)
- psi2d(ne,j)=-deta*psi2d(ne-1,j)+psi2d(ne-2,j)
- enddo
- do i=1,ne
- psi2d(i,1)=psi2d(i,2)
- psi2d(i,nq)=psi2d(i,nq-1)
- enddo
-c goto 111
- do j=2,nq-1
- do i=2,ne-1
- dqpsi2d(i,j)=0.5*(psi2d(i,j+1)-psi2d(i,j-1))/dq
- dqqpsi2d(i,j)=(psi2d(i,j+1)+psi2d(i,j-1)-2.*psi2d(i,j))/dq**2
- detapsi2d(i,j)=sinh(0.5*etagrd(i))+0.5*(psi2d(i+1,j)-psi2d(i-1,j))/deta
- detaetapsi2d(i,j)=0.5*cosh(0.5*etagrd(i))+
- $ (psi2d(i+1,j)+psi2d(i-1,j)-2.*psi2d(i,j))/deta**2
- enddo
- enddo
- do j=1,nq
- detapsi2d(1,j)=-detapsi2d(3,j)
- detapsi2d(ne,j)=detapsi2d(ne-2,j) ! simplified
- detaetapsi2d(1,j)=detaetapsi2d(3,j)
- detaetapsi2d(ne,j)=detaetapsi2d(ne-2,j) ! simplified...
- dqqpsi2d(1,j)=dqqpsi2d(3,j)
- dqqpsi2d(ne,j)=dqqpsi2d(ne-2,j) ! simplified
- dqpsi2d(1,j)=dqpsi2d(3,j)
- dqpsi2d(ne,j)=-dq*dqpsi2d(ne-1,j)+dqpsi2d(ne-2,j)
- enddo
- do i=1,ne
- detapsi2d(i,1)=detapsi2d(i,2)
- detapsi2d(i,nq)=detapsi2d(i,nq-1)
- detaetapsi2d(i,1)=detaetapsi2d(i,2)
- detaetapsi2d(i,nq)=detaetapsi2d(i,nq-1)
- dqqpsi2d(i,1)=dqqpsi2d(i,2)
- dqqpsi2d(i,nq)=dqqpsi2d(i,nq-1)
- dqpsi2d(i,1)=-dqpsi2d(i,2)
- dqpsi2d(i,nq)=-dqpsi2d(i,nq-1)
- enddo
- do j=2,nq-1
- do i=2,ne-1
- detaqpsi2d(i,j)=0.5*(detapsi2d(i,j+1)-detapsi2d(i,j-1))/dq
- enddo
- enddo
- do j=1,nq
- detaqpsi2d(1,j)=-detaqpsi2d(3,j)
- detaqpsi2d(ne,j)=detaqpsi2d(ne-2,j) ! simplified
- enddo
- do i=1,ne
- detaqpsi2d(i,1)=-detaqpsi2d(i,2)
- detaqpsi2d(i,nq)=-detaqpsi2d(i,nq-1)
- enddo
- do j=1,nq
- psi2d(:,j)=psi2d(:,j)+2.*cosh(0.5*etagrd)
- enddo
-c Now evaluate each of the following at x(i,j,k), y(i,j,k) and
-c z(i,j,k) where i,j,k go from 1 to nx,ny,nz
-c Conformal factor
- eta = 0.5d0 * dlog (x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
- abseta = abs (eta)
- q = datan2 (sqrt (x**2 + y**2), z)
- phi = datan2 (y, x)
- do k=1,nz
- do j=1,ny
- do i=1,nx
-c eta(i,j,k) = 0.5d0*dlog(x(i,j,k)**2+y(i,j,k)**2+z(i,j,k)**2)
-c abseta(i,j,k) = abs(eta(i,j,k))
- if(eta(i,j,k) .lt. 0)then
- sign_eta(i,j,k) = -1
- else
- sign_eta(i,j,k) = 1
- endif
-c q(i,j,k) = datan2(sqrt(x(i,j,k)**2+y(i,j,k)**2),z(i,j,k))
-c TYPO HERE ???????????
-c |
-c |
-c phi(i,j,k)= datan2(y(i,j,k),x(i,j,k))
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
- call CCTK_InterpHandle (handle, "simple_local")
- npoints = nx*ny*nz
- call CCTK_Interp (ierror,cctkGH,handle,npoints,2,6,6,
- $ ne,nq,abseta,q,
- $ etagrd(1),qgrd(1),deta,dq,
- $ psi2d,detapsi2d,dqpsi2d,detaetapsi2d,detaqpsi2d,dqqpsi2d,
- $ psi2dv,detapsi2dv,dqpsi2dv,detaetapsi2dv,detaqpsi2dv,
- $ dqqpsi2dv,
- psi = psi2dv * exp (-0.5 * eta)
- detapsi2dv = sign_eta * detapsi2dv
- detaqpsi2dv = sign_eta * detaqpsi2dv
- do k=1,nz
- do j=1,ny
- do i=1,nx
-c psi(i,j,k) = psi2dv(i,j,k)*exp(-0.5*eta(i,j,k))
-c detapsi2dv(i,j,k) = sign_eta(i,j,k)*detapsi2dv(i,j,k)
-c psix = \partial psi / \partial x / psi
-#include "Development/IDAxiBrillBH/src/psi_1st_deriv.x"
-c detaqpsi2dv(i,j,k) = sign_eta(i,j,k)*detaqpsi2dv(i,j,k)
-c psixx = \partial^2\psi / \partial x^2 / psi
-#include "Development/IDAxiBrillBH/src/psi_2nd_deriv.x"
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
-c Conformal metric
-c gxx = ...
-c Derivatives of the metric
-c dxgxx = 1/2 \partial gxx / \partial x
- do k=1,nz
- do j=1,ny
- do i=1,nx
-c eta(i,j,k) = 0.5d0*dlog(x(i,j,k)**2+y(i,j,k)**2+z(i,j,k)**2)
-c q(i,j,k) = datan2(sqrt(x(i,j,k)**2+y(i,j,k)**2),z(i,j,k))
-c phi(i,j,k) = datan2(y(i,j,k),x(i,j,k))
-#include "Development/IDAxiBrillBH/src/gij.x"
- enddo
- enddo
- enddo
-c Curvature
- kxx = 0.0D0
- kxy = 0.0D0
- kxz = 0.0D0
- kyy = 0.0D0
- kyz = 0.0D0
- kzz = 0.0D0
- 111 continue
-c Set ADM mass
- i = ne-15
- adm = 0.0
- do j=2,nq-1
- adm=adm+(psi2d(i,j)-(psi2d(i+1,j)-psi2d(i-1,j))/deta)*exp(0.5*
- $ etagrd(i))
- enddo
- adm=adm/(nq-2)
- print *,'ADM mass: ',adm
- if (CCTK_Equals(initial_lapse,"schwarz")==1) then
- write (*,*)"Initial with schwarzschild-like lapse"
- write (*,*)"using alp = (2.*r - adm)/(2.*r+adm)."
- alp = (2.*r - adm)/(2.*r+adm)
- endif
- conformal_state = CONFORMAL_METRIC
- deallocate(cc,ce,cw,cn,cs,rhs,psi2d,detapsi2d,dqpsi2d,
- $ detaetapsi2d,detaqpsi2d,dqqpsi2d,
- $ etagrd,qgrd,
- $ eta,abseta,sign_eta,q,phi,psi2dv,detapsi2dv,dqpsi2dv,
- $ detaetapsi2dv,detaqpsi2dv,dqqpsi2dv)
- return
- end
diff --git a/src/IDAxiBrillBH.F b/src/IDAxiBrillBH.F
index 84f510d..2a72bd7 100644
--- a/src/IDAxiBrillBH.F
+++ b/src/IDAxiBrillBH.F
@@ -350,7 +350,9 @@ c Set ADM mass
alp = (2.*r - adm)/(2.*r+adm)
- conformal_state = CONFORMAL_METRIC
+c conformal_state = CONFORMAL_METRIC (What is CONFORMAL_METRIC?)
+ conformal_state = 3
+c 3 ==> 'all' derivatives were calculated
$ detaetapsi2d,detaqpsi2d,dqqpsi2d,
@@ -360,4 +362,3 @@ c Set ADM mass
diff --git a/src/ParamCheck.c b/src/ParamCheck.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2259c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ParamCheck.c
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ /*@@
+ @file ParamCheck.c
+ @date Thu May 2 19:23:47 CEST 2002
+ @author David Rideout
+ @desc
+ Check the parameters for IDAxiBrillBH
+ @enddesc
+ @version $Header$
+ @@*/
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+static const char *rcsid = "$Header$";
+ ********************* Local Data Types ***********************
+ ********************************************************************/
+ ********************* Local Routine Prototypes *********************
+ ********************************************************************/
+ ***************** Scheduled Routine Prototypes *********************
+ ********************************************************************/
+void IDAxiBrillBH_ParamChecker(CCTK_ARGUMENTS);
+ ********************* Other Routine Prototypes *********************
+ ********************************************************************/
+ ********************* Local Data *****************************
+ ********************************************************************/
+ ********************* External Routines **********************
+ ********************************************************************/
+void IDAxiBrillBH_ParamChecker(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+ /* Do we know how to deal with this type of metric ? */
+ if( ! CCTK_EQUALS(metric_type, "static conformal"))
+ if (CCTK_EQUALS(metric_type, "physical"))
+ {
+ CCTK_PARAMWARN("\n\tPlease add code into IDAxiBrillBH.F to compute\n\tthe physical metric from the conformal metric.");
+ } else
+ {
+ CCTK_PARAMWARN("Unknown ADMBase::metric_type - known types are \"physical\" and \"static conformal\"");
+ }
+ ********************* Local Routines *************************
+ ********************************************************************/
diff --git a/src/make.code.defn b/src/make.code.defn
index 7bd9c1e..6671b79 100644
--- a/src/make.code.defn
+++ b/src/make.code.defn
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-# Main make.code.defn file for thorn AxiBrillBHIVP
+# Main make.code.defn file for thorn IDAxiBrillBH
# $Header$
# Source files in this directory
-SRCS = IDAxiBrillBH.F mg59p.F shmgp.F77
+SRCS = IDAxiBrillBH.F mg59p.F shmgp.F77 ParamCheck.c
# Subdirectories containing source files