path: root/src
diff options
authorjthorn <jthorn@0a4070d5-58f5-498f-b6c0-2693e757fa0f>2005-05-20 13:25:38 +0000
committerjthorn <jthorn@0a4070d5-58f5-498f-b6c0-2693e757fa0f>2005-05-20 13:25:38 +0000
commite20c593a8ea763e2d6c1b24ca56e9cfe4fc07e07 (patch)
tree75ca7ecfca0d0b61dedc2dce188628d9cdd8ff4d /src
parent2f9378fe1f03a73153bbc82d5efb2f5d282d15c4 (diff)
This is a general code cleanup, and also adds some new features to
this thorn. [Unforunately, for the reasons explained in today's E-mail discussion on the developers@cactuscode.org mailing list, it's not practical for me to break this up into multiple smaller single-purposed commits.] param.ccl * add comments * add additional interpolator parameters (described in detail below) * add "output psi on 2D grid" parameters (described in detail below) * add debugging parameters doc/documentation.tex * add "IDAxiBrillBH/" prefix to make LaTeX labels unique across thorns * correct a few typos * clarify explanation of how we solve on a 2-D grid and then interpolate to the Cactus 3-D grid * explain the new interpolator and output-psi-on-2D-grid parameters * add some comments on choosing the 2-D grid resolution parameters * mention debug parameters doc/TODO * new file noting some problems with this thorn which I found, but didn't fix src/IDAxiBrillBH.F * use new CCTK_WARN(CCTK_WARN_ABORT, ...) instead of old CCTK_WARN(0, ...) * more flexible interpolator parameters: This thorn first solves the Brill-wave equation on an internal (axisymmetric) 2D grid, then uses uses the standard Cactus CCTK_InterpLocalUniform() local-interpolator API to interpolate this to the 3D grid points. Before this patch, this thorn hard-wired the interpolation operator to "uniform cartesian", only allowed orders 1, 2, and 3, and didn't allow any other interpolator parameters to be set. This patch adds two new parameters to allow any interpolation operator and parameters to be specified. Either the old or the new parameters can be used (see doc/documentation.tex for details of how this works); the defaults leave the behavior of this thorn unchanged. * add option to output psi on 2D grid When using this thorn, I found it hard to choose the parameters defining the resolution and extent of the internal 2D grid. To help with this, I added an option to output the solution on that grid to an ASCII data file, so it can be examined and plotted. * add debugging code I've added debug options which, if enabled, print the values of various internal quantities at specified 2D and/or 3D grid points. I've left these in the final "production" code as possibly being useful for future debugging. * add many comments * correct or remove some old comments which were out of date * adjust whitespace to make the code a bit more readable: I've changed code like allocate(cc(neb,nqb),ce(neb,nqb),cw(neb,nqb),cn(neb,nqb),cs(neb,nqb), $ rhs(neb,nqb),psi2d(neb,nqb),detapsi2d(neb,nqb),dqpsi2d(neb,nqb), $ detaetapsi2d(neb,nqb),detaqpsi2d(neb,nqb),dqqpsi2d(neb,nqb), $ etagrd(neb),qgrd(nqb)) to make it clearer which arrays have the same size: allocate( cc(neb,nqb)) allocate( ce(neb,nqb)) allocate( cw(neb,nqb)) allocate( cn(neb,nqb)) allocate( cs(neb,nqb)) allocate( rhs(neb,nqb)) allocate( psi2d(neb,nqb)) allocate( detapsi2d(neb,nqb)) allocate( dqpsi2d(neb,nqb)) allocate(detaetapsi2d(neb,nqb)) allocate( detaqpsi2d(neb,nqb)) allocate( dqqpsi2d(neb,nqb)) allocate(etagrd(neb)) allocate( qgrd(nqb)) * change some Fortran write statements to CCTK_INFO [so they're properly synchronized with output from C routines, even when stdout+stderr are redirected to a log file] * include more information about what went wrong, in various error messages [eg if the interpolator returns an error code, the code now includes that error code in the error message] * rename a few variables to make their purpose clearer: ep1 --> error_at_this_grid_point ep2 --> max_error_in_grid git-svn-id: http://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/cactus/EinsteinInitialData/IDAxiBrillBH/trunk@69 0a4070d5-58f5-498f-b6c0-2693e757fa0f
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 291 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/src/IDAxiBrillBH.F b/src/IDAxiBrillBH.F
index 52dfe3d..7637776 100644
--- a/src/IDAxiBrillBH.F
+++ b/src/IDAxiBrillBH.F
@@ -45,8 +45,7 @@ c@@*/
real*8, allocatable :: psi2dv(:,:,:),detapsi2dv(:,:,:),
$ dqpsi2dv(:,:,:),detaetapsi2dv(:,:,:),detaqpsi2dv(:,:,:),
$ dqqpsi2dv(:,:,:)
- parameter(axibheps = 1.0d-12)
- real*8 ep1,ep2
+ real*8 error_at_this_grid_point,max_error_in_grid
real*8 o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6,o7,o8,o9
real*8 o10,o11,o12,o13,o14,o15,o16,o17,o18,o19
real*8 o20,o21,o22,o23,o24,o25,o26,o27,o28,o29
@@ -60,13 +59,24 @@ c@@*/
integer i22
real*8 pi
real*8 adm
+ real*8 exp_mhalf_eta, psi3d
integer :: nx,ny,nz
integer i,j,k,nquads
integer npoints,ierror
integer neb, nqb
+ integer posn
+ integer io_status
+ integer, parameter :: max_string_length = 500
+ integer param_table_handle, interp_handle
+ character*max_string_length :: message_buffer
+ integer fstring_length
+ character*max_string_length :: interpolator_name_fstring
+ character*max_string_length :: interpolator_pars_fstring
+ character*max_string_length :: output_psi2D_file_name_fstring
- integer param_table_handle, interp_handle
- character(30) options_string
CCTK_REAL, dimension(2) :: coord_origin, coord_delta
CCTK_POINTER, dimension(2) :: interp_coords
CCTK_POINTER, dimension(6) :: in_arrays, out_arrays
@@ -81,31 +91,104 @@ c Set up the grid spacings
ny = cctk_lsh(2)
nz = cctk_lsh(3)
-c Solve on this sized cartesian grid
-c 2D grid size NE x NQ
-c Add 2 zones for boundaries...
+c ***** set up interpolator handle and parameter table *****
+c ... we do this now, rather than waiting till we need them,
+c so any errors (eg user forgot to activate a suitable interpolator thorn)
+c get printed right away, rather than making the user wait for them
+c ... n.b. we must first convert our C-style string parameters
+c to Fortran strings
+ call CCTK_FortranString(fstring_length,
+ $ interpolator_name,
+ $ interpolator_name_fstring)
+ call CCTK_InterpHandle(interp_handle,
+ $ interpolator_name_fstring(1:fstring_length))
+ if (interp_handle .lt. 0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN(CCTK_WARN_ABORT, "Cannot get interpolator handle! Did you forgot to activate a suitable local-interpolator thorn?")
+ endif
+c build the interpolator parameter table from a suitable string:
+c if interpolator_pars is a nonempty string, use that, otherwise
+c use "order=n" where n is given by the interpolation_order
+c parameter
+ call CCTK_FortranString(fstring_length,
+ $ interpolator_pars,
+ $ interpolator_pars_fstring)
+ if (fstring_length .eq. 0) then
+ interpolator_pars_fstring
+ $ = "order=" // char(ichar('0') + interpolation_order)
+ endif
+ call Util_TableCreateFromString
+ $ (param_table_handle,
+ $ interpolator_pars_fstring(1:fstring_length))
+ if (param_table_handle .lt. 0) then
+ write(message_buffer, '(A,I)')
+ $ 'failed to create interpolator param table: error code ',
+ $ param_table_handle
+ call CCTK_WARN(CCTK_WARN_ABORT, message_buffer)
+ endif
+c ***** solve Brill-wave equation on 2D (eta,theta) grid *****
+c The code uses the abbreviation 'q' for theta. This is a bit confusing,
+c because this is *not* the same quantity as $q(\eta,\theta)$ described
+c in the thorn guide (which is is stored in the 3-D array q(nx,ny,nz)).
+c The (eta,theta) grid spans the range
+c eta in [0,etamax] + ghost zones (neb points, spacing deta)
+c theta in [0,pi ] + ghost zones (nqb points, spacing dq )
+c 2D grid size NE x NQ, plus 2 zones for boundaries
c 21/11/00 TR: dont change parameters in place
c but keep a copy in local variables
c Otherwise the changed parameters cause trouble
c after recovery.
neb = ne+2
nqb = nq+2
- ! do I need to call free?
- allocate(cc(neb,nqb),ce(neb,nqb),cw(neb,nqb),cn(neb,nqb),cs(neb,nqb),
- $ rhs(neb,nqb),psi2d(neb,nqb),detapsi2d(neb,nqb),dqpsi2d(neb,nqb),
- $ detaetapsi2d(neb,nqb),detaqpsi2d(neb,nqb),dqqpsi2d(neb,nqb),
- $ etagrd(neb),qgrd(nqb))
- allocate(eta(nx,ny,nz),abseta(nx,ny,nz),sign_eta(nx,ny,nz),
- $ q(nx,ny,nz),phi(nx,ny,nz),
- $ psi2dv(nx,ny,nz),detapsi2dv(nx,ny,nz),dqpsi2dv(nx,ny,nz),
- $ detaetapsi2dv(nx,ny,nz),detaqpsi2dv(nx,ny,nz),
- $ dqqpsi2dv(nx,ny,nz))
+ allocate( cc(neb,nqb))
+ allocate( ce(neb,nqb))
+ allocate( cw(neb,nqb))
+ allocate( cn(neb,nqb))
+ allocate( cs(neb,nqb))
+ allocate( rhs(neb,nqb))
+ allocate( psi2d(neb,nqb))
+ allocate( detapsi2d(neb,nqb))
+ allocate( dqpsi2d(neb,nqb))
+ allocate(detaetapsi2d(neb,nqb))
+ allocate( detaqpsi2d(neb,nqb))
+ allocate( dqqpsi2d(neb,nqb))
+ allocate(etagrd(neb))
+ allocate( qgrd(nqb))
+ allocate( eta(nx,ny,nz))
+ allocate( abseta(nx,ny,nz))
+ allocate( sign_eta(nx,ny,nz))
+ allocate( q(nx,ny,nz))
+ allocate( phi(nx,ny,nz))
+ allocate( psi2dv(nx,ny,nz))
+ allocate( detapsi2dv(nx,ny,nz))
+ allocate( dqpsi2dv(nx,ny,nz))
+ allocate(detaetapsi2dv(nx,ny,nz))
+ allocate( detaqpsi2dv(nx,ny,nz))
+ allocate( dqqpsi2dv(nx,ny,nz))
c Initialize some arrays
psi2d = 1.0d0
detapsi2d = 0.0d0
nquads = 2
- dq = nquads*0.5*pi/(nqb-2)
+ dq = nquads*0.5d0*pi/(nqb-2)
deta = etamax/(neb-3)
do j=1,nqb
@@ -115,7 +198,7 @@ c Initialize some arrays
#include "CactusEinstein/IDAxiBrillBH/src/bhbrill.x"
-c Boundary conditions
+c Boundary conditions
do j=1,nqb
@@ -132,7 +215,8 @@ c Boundary conditions
-c Do the solve
+c Do the solve
+ axibheps = error_tolerance
call CCTK_INFO("Calling axisymmetric solver")
call mgparm (levels,5,id5,id9,idi,idg,neb,nqb)
@@ -142,45 +226,55 @@ c Do the solve
call CCTK_INFO("Solve complete")
-c The solution is now available.
-c Debugging is needed, a stop statement should
-c be called if the IVP solve is not successful
+c The solution is (hopefully) now available.
if(ier .ne. 0) then
- call CCTK_WARN(0,"Solution to BH+Brill Wave not found")
+ write(message_buffer, '(A,I)')
+ $ 'failed to solve elliptic equation: ier=', ier
+ call CCTK_WARN(CCTK_WARN_ABORT, message_buffer)
end if
print *,'rmax = ',rmax
print *,'axibheps = ',axibheps
print *,'psi2d = ',maxval(psi2d),' ',minval(psi2d)
- ep2 = 0.0
+ max_error_in_grid = 0.0d0
do j=2,nqb-1
do i=2,neb-1
- ep1 = rhs(i,j)-psi2d(i,j)*cc(i,j)-psi2d(i,j+1)*cn(i,j)-psi2d(i,j-1)*cs(i,j)-
- & psi2d(i+1,j)*ce(i,j)-psi2d(i-1,j)*cw(i,j)
- ep2 = max(abs(ep1),ep2)
+ error_at_this_grid_point = rhs(i,j)
+ $ - psi2d(i,j )*cc(i,j)
+ $ - psi2d(i,j+1)*cn(i,j)
+ $ - psi2d(i,j-1)*cs(i,j)
+ $ - psi2d(i+1,j)*ce(i,j)
+ $ - psi2d(i-1,j)*cw(i,j)
+ max_error_in_grid = max(max_error_in_grid,
+ $ abs(error_at_this_grid_point))
- print *,'Resulting eps =',ep2
+ print *,'Resulting eps =',max_error_in_grid
+c Boundary conditions
do j=1,nqb
- psi2d(1,j)=psi2d(3,j)
- psi2d(neb,j)=-deta*psi2d(neb-1,j)+psi2d(neb-2,j)
+ psi2d(1 ,j) = psi2d(3,j)
+ psi2d(neb,j) = - deta*psi2d(neb-1,j) + psi2d(neb-2,j)
do i=1,neb
- psi2d(i,1)=psi2d(i,2)
- psi2d(i,nqb)=psi2d(i,nqb-1)
+ psi2d(i,1 ) = psi2d(i,2)
+ psi2d(i,nqb) = psi2d(i,nqb-1)
+c derivatives of psi
do j=2,nqb-1
do i=2,neb-1
- dqpsi2d(i,j)=0.5*(psi2d(i,j+1)-psi2d(i,j-1))/dq
- dqqpsi2d(i,j)=(psi2d(i,j+1)+psi2d(i,j-1)-2.*psi2d(i,j))/dq**2
- detapsi2d(i,j)=sinh(0.5*etagrd(i))+0.5*(psi2d(i+1,j)-psi2d(i-1,j))/deta
- detaetapsi2d(i,j)=0.5*cosh(0.5*etagrd(i))+
- $ (psi2d(i+1,j)+psi2d(i-1,j)-2.*psi2d(i,j))/deta**2
+ dqpsi2d (i,j) = 0.5d0*(psi2d(i,j+1)-psi2d(i,j-1))/dq
+ dqqpsi2d (i,j) = (psi2d(i,j+1)+psi2d(i,j-1)-2.0d0*psi2d(i,j))/dq**2
+ detapsi2d(i,j) = sinh(0.5d0*etagrd(i))
+ $ + 0.5d0*(psi2d(i+1,j)-psi2d(i-1,j))/deta
+ detaetapsi2d(i,j)
+ $ = 0.5d0*cosh(0.5d0*etagrd(i))
+ $ + (psi2d(i+1,j)+psi2d(i-1,j)-2.0d0*psi2d(i,j))/deta**2
@@ -214,7 +308,7 @@ c be called if the IVP solve is not successful
do j=2,nqb-1
do i=2,neb-1
- detaqpsi2d(i,j)=0.5*(detapsi2d(i,j+1)-detapsi2d(i,j-1))/dq
+ detaqpsi2d(i,j)=0.5d0*(detapsi2d(i,j+1)-detapsi2d(i,j-1))/dq
@@ -229,13 +323,84 @@ c be called if the IVP solve is not successful
do j=1,nqb
- psi2d(:,j)=psi2d(:,j)+2.*cosh(0.5*etagrd)
+ psi2d(:,j)=psi2d(:,j)+2.0d0*cosh(0.5d0*etagrd)
-c Now evaluate each of the following at x(i,j,k), y(i,j,k) and
-c z(i,j,k) where i,j,k go from 1 to nx,ny,nz
+ if (debug .ge. 6) then
+ print *, '### 2-D grid results (= inputs to interpolation) ###'
+ print *, 'effective 2-D grid size: neb,nqb =', neb,nqb
+ print *, 'debug_{ii,jj} =', debug_ii,debug_jj
+ print *, 'at this 2-D grid point...'
+ print *, ' eta =', etagrd(debug_ii)
+ print *, ' theta [q] =', qgrd(debug_jj)
+ print *, ' psi2d =', psi2d(debug_ii,debug_jj)
+ print *, ' detapsi2d =', detapsi2d(debug_ii,debug_jj)
+ print *, ' dqpsi2d =', dqpsi2d(debug_ii,debug_jj)
+ print *, ' detaetapsi2d =', detaetapsi2d(debug_ii,debug_jj)
+ print *, ' detaqpsi2d =', detaqpsi2d(debug_ii,debug_jj)
+ print *, ' dqqpsi2d =', dqqpsi2d(debug_ii,debug_jj)
+ endif
+c write conformal factor psi on 2D grid to output file if requested
+ if (output_psi2D .ne. 0) then
+ write (message_buffer, '(A,A,A)')
+ $ 'writing 2D psi to "',
+ $ output_psi2D_file_name_fstring(1:fstring_length),
+ $ '"'
+ call CCTK_INFO(message_buffer)
+ call CCTK_FortranString(fstring_length,
+ $ output_psi2D_file_name,
+ $ output_psi2D_file_name_fstring)
+ open (9, iostat=io_status, status='replace',
+ $ file=output_psi2D_file_name_fstring)
+ if (io_status .ne. 0) then
+ write (message_buffer, '(A,A,A,I)')
+ $ 'error opening psi2D output file "',
+ $ output_psi2D_file_name_fstring(1:fstring_length),
+ $ '": io_status=', io_status
+ call CCTK_WARN(CCTK_WARN_ABORT, message_buffer)
+ endif
+ write (9, '(a)')
+ $ '# eta theta (=q) psi (2D) psi (3D)'
+ do i = 1,neb
+ exp_mhalf_eta = exp(-0.5d0 * etagrd(i))
+ do j = 1,nqb
+ psi3d = psi2d(i,j) * exp_mhalf_eta
+ write (9, '(f12.8,a, f12.8,a, g20.10e3,a, g20.10e3)')
+ $ etagrd(i), ' ', qgrd(j), ' ',
+ $ psi2d(i,j), ' ', psi3d
+ end do
+ write (9, '(a)') ''
+ end do
+ close (9, iostat=io_status)
+ if (io_status .ne. 0) then
+ write(message_buffer, '(A,I)')
+ $ 'error closing psi2D output file: io_status=', io_status
+ call CCTK_WARN(CCTK_WARN_ABORT, message_buffer)
+ endif
+ endif
-c Conformal factor
+c ***** interpolate psi and its derivatives to the xyz grid positions *****
+c ***** and compute the ADM variables there *****
+c More precisely, at this point we have q, psi, and psi's derivatives
+c on the (eta,theta) grid. We want to interpolate these values to the
+c (eta,theta) locations of each of the (x,y,z) grid points.
+c The (eta,theta) grid only spans the range eta >= 0, so we actually
+c interpolate using the (x,y,z) grid points' |eta| values, and fix
+c things up afterwords.
+ call CCTK_INFO("interpolating solution to xyz grid points")
eta = 0.5d0 * dlog (x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
abseta = abs (eta)
@@ -245,60 +410,66 @@ c Conformal factor
do k=1,nz
do j=1,ny
do i=1,nx
-c eta(i,j,k) = 0.5d0*dlog(x(i,j,k)**2+y(i,j,k)**2+z(i,j,k)**2)
-c abseta(i,j,k) = abs(eta(i,j,k))
if(eta(i,j,k) .lt. 0)then
sign_eta(i,j,k) = -1
sign_eta(i,j,k) = 1
-c q(i,j,k) = datan2(sqrt(x(i,j,k)**2+y(i,j,k)**2),z(i,j,k))
-c TYPO HERE ???????????
-c |
-c |
-c phi(i,j,k)= datan2(y(i,j,k),x(i,j,k))
- npoints = nx*ny*nz
-! Parameter table and interpolator handles.
- options_string = "order = " // char(ichar('0') + interpolation_order)
- call Util_TableCreateFromString (param_table_handle, options_string)
- if (param_table_handle .lt. 0) then
- call CCTK_WARN(0,"Cannot create parameter table for interpolator")
+ if (debug .ge. 6) then
+c posn = (0-origin) 1-D positionn of this point in interpolator arrays
+c (this is useful because interpolator error messages refer to it)
+ posn = (debug_i-1) + nx*(debug_j-1) + nx*ny*(debug_k-1)
+ print *, '### 3-D interpolation coordinates and inputs ###'
+ print *, '3-D grid size: n[xyz] =', nx,ny,nz
+ print *, 'debug_[ijk] =', debug_i,debug_j,debug_k, '==> posn =', posn
+ print *, 'at this 3-D grid point, ...'
+ print *, ' x =', x(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k)
+ print *, ' y =', y(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k)
+ print *, ' z =', z(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k)
+ print *, ' eta =', eta(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k)
+ print *, ' abseta =', abseta(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k)
+ print *, 'theta [q] =', q(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k)
+ print *, ' phi =', phi(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k)
- call CCTK_InterpHandle (interp_handle, "uniform cartesian")
- if (interp_handle .lt. 0) then
- call CCTK_WARN(0,"Cannot get handle for interpolation ! Forgot to activate an implementation providing interpolation operators ??")
- endif
+c set up the interpolator array pointers
+ npoints = nx*ny*nz
-! fill in the input/output arrays for the interpolator
coord_origin(1) = etagrd(1)
- coord_origin(2) = qgrd(1)
+ coord_origin(2) = qgrd(1)
coord_delta(1) = etagrd(2) - etagrd(1)
- coord_delta(2) = qgrd(2) - qgrd(1)
+ coord_delta(2) = qgrd(2) - qgrd(1)
+ if (debug .ge. 6) then
+ print *, '### 2-D grid origin: eta=', coord_origin(1)
+ print *, ' theta=', coord_origin(2)
+ print *, ' delta: eta=', coord_delta(1)
+ print *, ' theta=', coord_delta(2)
+ end if
interp_coords(1) = CCTK_PointerTo(abseta)
interp_coords(2) = CCTK_PointerTo(q)
- in_array_dims(1) = neb; in_array_dims(2) = nqb
+ in_array_dims(1) = neb
+ in_array_dims(2) = nqb
- in_arrays(1) = CCTK_PointerTo(psi2d)
- in_arrays(2) = CCTK_PointerTo(detapsi2d)
- in_arrays(3) = CCTK_PointerTo(dqpsi2d)
+ in_arrays(1) = CCTK_PointerTo( psi2d)
+ in_arrays(2) = CCTK_PointerTo( detapsi2d)
+ in_arrays(3) = CCTK_PointerTo( dqpsi2d)
in_arrays(4) = CCTK_PointerTo(detaetapsi2d)
- in_arrays(5) = CCTK_PointerTo(detaqpsi2d)
- in_arrays(6) = CCTK_PointerTo(dqqpsi2d)
+ in_arrays(5) = CCTK_PointerTo( detaqpsi2d)
+ in_arrays(6) = CCTK_PointerTo( dqqpsi2d)
- out_arrays(1) = CCTK_PointerTo(psi2dv)
- out_arrays(2) = CCTK_PointerTo(detapsi2dv)
- out_arrays(3) = CCTK_PointerTo(dqpsi2dv)
+ out_arrays(1) = CCTK_PointerTo( psi2dv)
+ out_arrays(2) = CCTK_PointerTo( detapsi2dv)
+ out_arrays(3) = CCTK_PointerTo( dqpsi2dv)
out_arrays(4) = CCTK_PointerTo(detaetapsi2dv)
- out_arrays(5) = CCTK_PointerTo(detaqpsi2dv)
- out_arrays(6) = CCTK_PointerTo(dqqpsi2dv)
+ out_arrays(5) = CCTK_PointerTo( detaqpsi2dv)
+ out_arrays(6) = CCTK_PointerTo( dqqpsi2dv)
call CCTK_InterpLocalUniform (ierror, 2,
$ interp_handle, param_table_handle,
@@ -306,50 +477,51 @@ c phi(i,j,k)= datan2(y(i,j,k),x(i,j,k))
$ npoints, type_codes(1), interp_coords,
$ 6, in_array_dims, type_codes, in_arrays,
$ 6, type_codes, out_arrays)
+ if (ierror < 0) then
+ write(message_buffer, '(A,I)')
+ $ 'error in interpolator: ierror=', ierror
+ call CCTK_WARN(CCTK_WARN_ABORT, message_buffer)
+ endif
call Util_TableDestroy (ierror, param_table_handle)
- psi = psi2dv * exp (-0.5 * eta)
+ if (debug .ge. 6) then
+ print *, '### interpolation results (at this 3-D grid point) ###'
+ print *, ' psi2dv =', psi2dv(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k)
+ end if
+c ***** compute the ADMBase conformal factor, its derivatives, *****
+c ***** metric, and extrinsic curvature from the interpolation output *****
+ psi = psi2dv * exp (-0.5d0 * eta)
detapsi2dv = sign_eta * detapsi2dv
detaqpsi2dv = sign_eta * detaqpsi2dv
do k=1,nz
do j=1,ny
do i=1,nx
-c psi(i,j,k) = psi2dv(i,j,k)*exp(-0.5*eta(i,j,k))
-c detapsi2dv(i,j,k) = sign_eta(i,j,k)*detapsi2dv(i,j,k)
c psix = \partial psi / \partial x / psi
#include "CactusEinstein/IDAxiBrillBH/src/psi_1st_deriv.x"
-c detaqpsi2dv(i,j,k) = sign_eta(i,j,k)*detaqpsi2dv(i,j,k)
c psixx = \partial^2\psi / \partial x^2 / psi
#include "CactusEinstein/IDAxiBrillBH/src/psi_2nd_deriv.x"
-c Conformal metric
-c gxx = ...
-c Derivatives of the metric
-c dxgxx = 1/2 \partial gxx / \partial x
do k=1,nz
do j=1,ny
do i=1,nx
-c eta(i,j,k) = 0.5d0*dlog(x(i,j,k)**2+y(i,j,k)**2+z(i,j,k)**2)
-c q(i,j,k) = datan2(sqrt(x(i,j,k)**2+y(i,j,k)**2),z(i,j,k))
-c phi(i,j,k) = datan2(y(i,j,k),x(i,j,k))
+c Conformal metric
+c gxx = ...
+c Derivatives of the metric (currently commented-out)
+c dxgxx = 1/2 \partial gxx / \partial x
#include "CactusEinstein/IDAxiBrillBH/src/gij.x"
-c Curvature
+c Extrinsic Curvature is identically zero
kxx = 0.0D0
kxy = 0.0D0
kxz = 0.0D0
@@ -357,25 +529,41 @@ c Curvature
kyz = 0.0D0
kzz = 0.0D0
- 111 continue
-c Set ADM mass
+ if (debug .ge. 6) then
+ print *, '### final results (again at this 3-D grid point) ###'
+ print *, ' psi =', psi(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k)
+ print *, ' gxx =', gxx(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k)
+ print *, ' gxy =', gxy(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k)
+ print *, ' gxz =', gxz(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k)
+ print *, ' gyy =', gyy(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k)
+ print *, ' gyz =', gyz(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k)
+ print *, ' gzz =', gzz(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k)
+ endif
+c ***** diagnostics and final cleanup
+c ADM mass
+ call CCTK_INFO("computing ADM mass")
i = neb-15
- adm = 0.0
+ adm = 0.0d0
do j=2,nqb-1
- adm=adm+(psi2d(i,j)-(psi2d(i+1,j)-psi2d(i-1,j))/deta)*exp(0.5*
- $ etagrd(i))
+ adm = adm
+ $ + (psi2d(i,j)-(psi2d(i+1,j)-psi2d(i-1,j))/deta)
+ $ *exp(0.5d0*etagrd(i))
print *,'ADM mass: ',adm
if (CCTK_EQUALS(initial_lapse,"schwarz")) then
write (*,*)"Initial with schwarzschild-like lapse"
- write (*,*)"using alp = (2.*r - adm)/(2.*r+adm)."
- alp = (2.*r - adm)/(2.*r+adm)
+ write (*,*)"using alp = (2r - adm)/(2r+adm)"
+ alp = (2.0d0*r - adm)/(2.0d0*r+adm)
-c conformal_state = CONFORMAL_METRIC (What is CONFORMAL_METRIC?)
+c conformal_state = 'all' derivatives were calculated
conformal_state = 3
-c 3 ==> 'all' derivatives were calculated
$ detaetapsi2d,detaqpsi2d,dqqpsi2d,