path: root/doc/documentation.tex
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authorknarf <knarf@57fe0bb3-ccba-405f-9b23-de0201f165b7>2009-08-21 13:28:21 +0000
committerknarf <knarf@57fe0bb3-ccba-405f-9b23-de0201f165b7>2009-08-21 13:28:21 +0000
commite021ca94536ba9e1674d9fbd82a5f7cd398a2498 (patch)
treeb21bc401c39faf6fd94ab2ecee2f4bd241872dda /doc/documentation.tex
parent75d526ed024b4093e39c5a70b73a2b76a372aa62 (diff)
first version of HydroBase
git-svn-id: http://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/cactus/EinsteinBase/HydroBase/trunk@2 57fe0bb3-ccba-405f-9b23-de0201f165b7
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/documentation.tex')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/documentation.tex b/doc/documentation.tex
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+++ b/doc/documentation.tex
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+% *======================================================================*
+% Thorn documentation in the latex file doc/documentation.tex
+% will be included in ThornGuides built with the Cactus make system.
+% The scripts employed by the make system automatically include
+% pages about variables, parameters and scheduling parsed from the
+% relevant thorn CCL files.
+% This template contains guidelines which help to assure that your
+% documentation will be correctly added to ThornGuides. More
+% information is available in the Cactus UsersGuide.
+% Guidelines:
+% - Do not change anything before the line
+% except for filling in the title, author, date etc. fields.
+% - Each of these fields should only be on ONE line.
+% - Author names should be separated with a \\ or a comma
+% - You can define your own macros are OK, but they must appear after
+% the START CACTUS THORNGUIDE line, and do not redefine standard
+% latex commands.
+% - To avoid name clashes with other thorns, 'labels', 'citations',
+% 'references', and 'image' names should conform to the following
+% convention:
+% For example, an image wave.eps in the arrangement CactusWave and
+% thorn WaveToyC should be renamed to CactusWave_WaveToyC_wave.eps
+% - Graphics should only be included using the graphix package.
+% More specifically, with the "includegraphics" command. Do
+% not specify any graphic file extensions in your .tex file. This
+% will allow us (later) to create a PDF version of the ThornGuide
+% via pdflatex. |
+% - References should be included with the latex "bibitem" command.
+% - use \begin{abstract}...\end{abstract} instead of \abstract{...}
+% - For the benefit of our Perl scripts, and for future extensions,
+% please use simple latex.
+% *======================================================================*
+% Example of including a graphic image:
+% \begin{figure}[ht]
+% \begin{center}
+% \includegraphics[width=6cm]{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyFigure}
+% \end{center}
+% \caption{Illustration of this and that}
+% \label{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyLabel}
+% \end{figure}
+% Example of using a label:
+% \label{MyArrangement_MyThorn_MyLabel}
+% Example of a citation:
+% \cite{MyArrangement_MyThorn_Author99}
+% Example of including a reference
+% \bibitem{MyArrangement_MyThorn_Author99}
+% {J. Author, {\em The Title of the Book, Journal, or periodical}, 1 (1999),
+% 1--16. {\tt http://www.nowhere.com/}}
+% *======================================================================*
+% Use the Cactus ThornGuide style file
+% (Automatically used from Cactus distribution, if you have a
+% thorn without the Cactus Flesh download this from the Cactus
+% homepage at www.cactuscode.org)
+% The author of the documentation
+\author{Tanja Bode \textless tbode@gravity.psu.edu\textgreater\\
+ Frank Löffler \textless knarf@cct.lsu.edu\textgreater}
+% The title of the document (not necessarily the name of the Thorn)
+% the date your document was last changed, if your document is in CVS,
+% please use:
+\date{February 13, 2009}
+% Do not delete next line
+% Add all definitions used in this documentation here
+% \def\mydef etc
+% Add an abstract for this thorn's documentation
+HydroBase extends the CactusEinstein framework to include an interface for hydrodynamics to
+work within. HydroBase's main function is to store the primitive variables, common among
+hydrodynamic simulations, commonly needed parameters, and schedule groups for the main
+functions of a hydrodynamics code. This has been done with an eye on Whisky, but can be used
+to implement any hydrodynamics formulation.
+% The following sections are suggestive only.
+% Remove them or add your own.
+The idea behind this thorn is to create a slim, common set of variables, parameters and
+scheduling groups which can then be used by different hydrodynamics codes. It should contain
+the common concepts of different hydrodynamics codes, but at the same time it should be
+as slim as possible to remain as general as possible. HydroBase should not contain the
+actual source code of typical routines of hydrodynamics codes, it should merely provide
+a common setup in which hydrodynamics codes can put their routines.
+Because there exist different formulations of the hydrodynamics equations and not all of
+them involve concepts like conserved variabled or treat them
+differently, which is the reason why these variables are not defined in HydroBase but this
+is left to the hydrodynamics codes.
+One of the advantages of such a common base is that modules of hydrodynamics codes only
+working with entities defined in HydroBase could be used interchangeably. Prime examples
+for this are initial data solvers or importers and analysis modules.
+Another advantage is that the format of output generated by different hydrodynamics
+codes in Cactus would be the same, including variable names and unit conventions, which
+would improve the ability to compare results of different codes directly a lot.
+\section{Using This Thorn}
+HydroBase is to be used as a central part of hydrodynamics fields just as ADMBase is used as a
+central part of spacetime evolution and analysis codes. HydroBase only stores variables which
+are common to most if not all hydrodynamics codes solving the Euler
+equations, the so called primitive variables. These are also the variables which are needed
+to couple to a spacetime solver and which are usually needed by analysis thorns. The usage of
+a common set of variables by different hydrodynamics codes creates the possibility to share
+parts of the code, e.g. initial data solvers or analysis routines.
+Currently the defined primitive variables are (see~\cite{livrevgrfd} for
+ \item group \verb|hydrobase_prim_scalar_var|: scalar variables
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \verb|rho|: rest mass density $\varrho$
+ \item \verb|press|: pressure $p$
+ \item \verb|eps|: internal energy $\epsilon$
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item group \verb|hydrobase_prim_vector_var|: vector variables
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \verb|velx|, \verb|vely|, \verb|velz|: velocity $v^i$ defined as
+ \begin{equation}
+ v^i = \frac{u^i}{\alpha u^0} + \frac{\beta^i}{\alpha}
+ \end{equation}
+ in terms of the four-velocity $u^\mu$, lapse $\alpha$, and shift vector
+ $\beta^i$.
+ \end{itemize}
+HydroBase also sets up scheduling blocks that organize the main functions which modules of a
+hydrodynamics code may need. All of those scheduling blocks are optional, however if used,
+they might simplify existing codes and make them more interoperable. HydroBase itself does
+not schedule something inside most of the groups which it provides.
+Currently the scheduling blocks are:
+ \item Initializing the primitive variables
+ \item Converting primitive variables to conservative variables
+ \item Calculating the right hand side (RHS) in the method of lines (MoL)
+ \item Setting and updating an atmosphere mask
+ \item Applying boundary conditions
+In this way the initiation of the primitive variables, methods to recover the conservative
+variables, and basic atmosphere handling can be implemented in different thorns while allowing
+a central access point for analysis thorns.
+This thorn was produced by Tanja Bode, Roland Haas, Frank Löffler and Erik Schnetter.
+ J.~A. Font.
+ \newblock Numerical hydrodynamics in {G}eneral {R}elativity.
+ \newblock {\em Living Rev. Relativity}, {\bf 3}, 2000.
+ \newblock [Article in on-line journal], cited on 31/07/01,
+ http://www.livingreviews.org/ Articles/Volume3/2000-2font/index.html.
+% Do not delete next line