path: root/src/tov_lsoda.F
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authorknarf <knarf@ac85fae7-cede-4708-beff-ae01c7fa1c26>2009-11-18 16:36:37 +0000
committerknarf <knarf@ac85fae7-cede-4708-beff-ae01c7fa1c26>2009-11-18 16:36:37 +0000
commit7c7511d577c233d97a5edf7f4403768935bf696b (patch)
tree61396f20a2174bbc708734fabf72e101001c4a53 /src/tov_lsoda.F
This is a _temporary_ repository to be able to start to work on the
code right now. I have put in the public version of Whisky to start from. Everybody with commit rights should get commit messages (and the other way around). It should not be a problem to add people to that list, just ask. I don't want to get into political problems because someone feels excluded, but I also don't want to give everyone access per se. Frank git-svn-id: http://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/cactus/EinsteinInitialData/GRHydro_InitData/trunk@3 ac85fae7-cede-4708-beff-ae01c7fa1c26
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tov_lsoda.F')
1 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tov_lsoda.F b/src/tov_lsoda.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7a1e9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tov_lsoda.F
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+c History: sode.f
+c Driver routine which integrates ODEs defining
+c TOV star
+c Based on bstar.f by Matthew Choptuik
+ subroutine tov_lsoda ( rho, p, m, alf,
+ & r, nr, tol , n_succ, ssrc)
+ implicit none
+ integer vsrc, vsxynt
+ real*8 rho2p, p2rho
+ integer nr
+ real*8 rho(nr),p(nr), m(nr), alf(nr)
+ real*8 r(nr)
+ real*8 tol
+ integer n_succ, ssrc
+ character*12 codenm
+ parameter ( codenm = 'tov_lsoda' )
+ integer iargc, indlnb, i4arg
+ real*8 r8arg
+ real*8 r8_never
+ parameter ( r8_never = -1.0d-60 )
+c Order of system.
+ integer neq
+ parameter ( neq = 3 )
+c Storage for solution at requested output radii.
+ integer maxout
+ parameter ( maxout = 10 000 )
+ real*8 y0(neq)
+ real*8 vxout(maxout), vyout(maxout,neq),
+ & work(maxout)
+ integer nxout, ixout, nxout_succ
+ integer ieq
+ logical ltrace
+ parameter ( ltrace = .false. )
+ integer maxdump
+ parameter ( maxdump = 50 )
+ logical lsodatrace
+ parameter ( lsodatrace = .false. )
+c LSODA Variables.
+ external tov_fcn, tov_jac
+ real*8 y(neq)
+ real*8 tbgn, tend
+ integer itol
+ real*8 rtol, atol
+ integer itask, istate, iopt
+ integer lrw
+c parameter ( lrw = 22 + neq * max(16 ,neq + 9) )
+ parameter ( lrw = 22 + neq * (16) )
+ real*8 rwork(lrw)
+ integer liw
+ parameter ( liw = 20 + neq )
+ integer iwork(liw)
+ integer jt
+ integer i
+c Common communication with routine 'tov_fcn' in 'tov_fcn.f' ...
+c rho0: Value of rho at r=0
+ real*8 rho0
+ common / com_tov / rho0
+c Parse arguments.
+ rho0 = rho(1)
+ nxout = nr
+ do ixout = 1, nxout
+ vxout(ixout) = r(ixout)
+ enddo
+c Initialize those "boundary" conditions which are
+c fixed by regularity, or which are arbitrary.
+ y0(1) = rho2p(rho0)
+ y0(2) = 0.0d0
+ y0(3) = 1.0
+c Echo command line arguments if "local tracing"
+c enabled ...
+ if( ltrace ) then
+ write(0,*) 'rho0: ', rho0
+ write(0,*) 'p(1): ', y0(1)
+ write(0,*) 'm(1): ', y0(2)
+ write(0,*) 'alf(1): ', y0(3)
+ end if
+c Get output radii
+ if( ltrace ) then
+ if( nxout .le. maxdump ) then
+ call dvdump(vxout,nxout,codenm//': output radii',0)
+ else
+ call dvdmp1(vxout,work,
+ & int(1.0d0 * nxout / maxdump + 0.5d0),
+ & nxout,codenm//': selected output radii',0)
+ end if
+ write(0,*)
+ write(0,*) codenm//': Initial time: ', vxout(1)
+ write(0,*)
+ end if
+c Set LSODA parameters ...
+ itol = 1
+ rtol = tol
+ atol = tol
+ itask = 1
+ iopt = 0
+ jt = 2
+c Initialize the solution ...
+ do ieq = 1 , neq
+ y(ieq) = y0(ieq)
+ vyout(1,ieq) = y0(ieq)
+ end do
+c Do the integration ...
+ ssrc = 0
+ do ixout = 2 , nxout
+ istate = 1
+c Need these temporaries since lsoda overwrites
+c tend ...
+100 continue
+ tbgn = vxout(ixout-1)
+ tend = vxout(ixout)
+ call lsoda(tov_fcn,neq,y,tbgn,tend,
+ & itol,rtol,atol,itask,
+ & istate,iopt,rwork,lrw,iwork,liw,tov_jac,jt)
+ if( lsodatrace ) then
+ write(0,1000) codenm, ixout, vxout(ixout),
+ & vxout(ixout+1)
+1000 format(' ',a,': Step ',i4,' t = ',1pe10.3,
+ & ' .. ',1pe10.3)
+ write(0,*) codenm//': lsoda reurns ', istate
+ end if
+c if (istate .eq. -2) then
+c write(0,*) 'istate = -2, trying again...'
+c itol = 1
+c rtol = tol
+c atol = tol
+c itask = 1
+c iopt = 0
+c jt = 2
+c istate = 3
+c goto 100
+c endif
+ if( istate .lt. -1 ) then
+ write(0,1500) codenm, istate, ixout, nxout,
+ & vxout(ixout-1), vxout(ixout)
+1500 format(/' ',a,': Error return ',i2,
+ & ' from integrator LSODA.'/
+ & ' At output time ',i5,' of ',i5/
+ & ' Interval ',1pe11.3,' .. ',
+ & 1pe11.3/)
+ nxout_succ = ixout - 1
+ ssrc = 1
+ go to 500
+ end if
+ do ieq = 1 , neq
+ vyout(ixout,ieq) = y(ieq)
+ end do
+ end do
+ nxout_succ = nxout
+500 continue
+ do ixout = 1 , nxout_succ
+ p(ixout) = vyout(ixout, 1)
+ m(ixout) = vyout(ixout, 2)
+ alf(ixout) = vyout(ixout, 3)
+ rho(ixout) = p2rho(p(ixout))
+ end do
+ n_succ = nxout_succ
+ return
+ end
+c Some double precision vector utility routines.
+c Originally from ~matt/vutil/dveclib.f
+c Dumps vector labelled with LABEL on UNIT.
+ subroutine dvdump(v,n,label,unit)
+ implicit none
+ real*8 v(*)
+ character*(*) label
+ integer i, n, st, unit
+ if( n .lt. 1 ) go to 130
+ write(unit,100) label
+ 100 format(/' <<< ',A,' >>>'/)
+ st = 1
+ 110 continue
+ write(unit,120) ( v(i) , i = st , min(st+3,n))
+ 120 FORMAT(' ',4(1PE19.10))
+ st = st + 4
+ if( st .le. n ) go to 110
+ 130 continue
+ return
+ end
+c Extension of dvdump which dumps every 'inc'th element.
+ subroutine dvdmp1(v,w,inc,n,label,unit)
+ implicit none
+ real*8 v(*), w(*)
+ character*(*) label
+ integer inc, n, unit
+ call dvinj(v,w,inc,n)
+ call dvdump(w,1+(n-1)/inc,label,unit)
+ return
+ end
+c Injects every incth element of v1 into v2
+ subroutine dvinj(v1,v2,inc,n)
+ implicit none
+ real*8 v1(*), v2(*)
+ integer i, inc, j, n
+ j = 1
+ do i = 1 , n , inc
+ v2(j) = v1(i)
+ j = j + 1
+ end do
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine tov_lsoda()
+ return
+ end