path: root/src/GRHydro_EoSChangeGamma.F90
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1 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/GRHydro_EoSChangeGamma.F90 b/src/GRHydro_EoSChangeGamma.F90
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index 0000000..5c854a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GRHydro_EoSChangeGamma.F90
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+@file GRHydro_EOSResetHydro.F90
+@date Sat Jan 26 01:36:57 2002
+@author Ian Hawke
+ This routine will reset the specific internal energy using the polytropic
+ EOS that will be used at evolution. This is wanted if the EoS changes
+ between setting up the initial data and evolving
+ @enddesc
+ @@*/
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#define velx(i,j,k) vel(i,j,k,1)
+#define vely(i,j,k) vel(i,j,k,2)
+#define velz(i,j,k) vel(i,j,k,3)
+#define sx(i,j,k) scon(i,j,k,1)
+#define sy(i,j,k) scon(i,j,k,2)
+#define sz(i,j,k) scon(i,j,k,3)
+ /*@@
+ @routine GRHydro_EOSResetHydro
+ @date Sat Jan 26 01:38:12 2002
+ @author Ian Hawke
+ @desc
+ see above
+ @enddesc
+ @calls
+ @calledby
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+subroutine GRHydro_EoSChangeGamma(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+ USE EOS_Polytrope_Scalars
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_INT :: i, j, k
+ CCTK_REAL :: det
+ CCTK_REAL :: local_gamma
+#include "EOS_Base.inc"
+!!$ Set up the fluid constants
+ local_Gamma = 1.d0 + EOS_Pressure(GRHydro_polytrope_handle, 1.d0, 1.d0) / &
+ EOS_SpecificIntEnergy(GRHydro_polytrope_handle, 1.d0, 1.d0)
+!!$ Change the pressure and specific internal energy
+ press = p_geom_factor * eos_k_cgs * &
+ (rho * rho_geom_factor_inv)**local_Gamma
+ eps = press / (rho * (local_Gamma - 1.d0))
+!!$ Get the conserved variables. Hardwired polytrope EoS!!!
+!!$ Note that this call also sets pressure and eps
+ do k = 1, cctk_lsh(3)
+ do j = 1, cctk_lsh(2)
+ do i = 1, cctk_lsh(1)
+ call SpatialDeterminant(gxx(i,j,k),gxy(i,j,k),gxz(i,j,k),&
+ gyy(i,j,k),gyz(i,j,k),gzz(i,j,k),det)
+ call prim2conpolytype(GRHydro_polytrope_handle,gxx(i,j,k),gxy(i,j,k),&
+ gxz(i,j,k),gyy(i,j,k),gyz(i,j,k),gzz(i,j,k),&
+ det, dens(i,j,k),sx(i,j,k),sy(i,j,k),sz(i,j,k),&
+ tau(i,j,k),rho(i,j,k),velx(i,j,k),vely(i,j,k),velz(i,j,k),&
+ eps(i,j,k),press(i,j,k),w_lorentz(i,j,k))
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+end subroutine GRHydro_EoSChangeGamma
+ /*@@
+ @routine GRHydro_EoSChangeK
+ @date Mon Oct 20 12:56:14 2003
+ @author Ian Hawke
+ @desc
+ Reset the hydro variables when K is changed.
+ Unlike the routine above, this actually gives a solution to
+ the constraints.
+ Only two cases are given as the general case is transcendental.
+ We find this by holding rho * enthalpy fixed and assuming a
+ polytropic EOS.
+ @enddesc
+ @calls
+ @calledby
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+subroutine GRHydro_EoSChangeK(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+ USE EOS_Polytrope_Scalars
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_INT :: i, j, k
+ CCTK_REAL :: det
+ CCTK_REAL :: local_gamma, local_k
+ CCTK_REAL, dimension(cctk_lsh(1),cctk_lsh(2),cctk_lsh(3)) :: Q
+#include "EOS_Base.inc"
+!!$ Set up the fluid constants
+ local_Gamma = 1.d0 + EOS_Pressure(GRHydro_polytrope_handle, 1.d0, 1.d0) / &
+ EOS_SpecificIntEnergy(GRHydro_polytrope_handle, 1.d0, 1.d0)
+ local_K = EOS_Pressure(GRHydro_polytrope_handle, 1.d0, 1.d0)
+ if (abs(local_Gamma - 2.d0) < 1.d-10) then
+ rho = -0.5d0/local_k+sqrt(0.25d0/local_k**2+(rho+initial_k*rho**2)/local_k)
+ else if (abs(local_Gamma - 3.d0) < 1.d-10) then
+!!$ This code is probably just wrong. We have never used it anyway.
+ Q = -9.d0 * local_k**2 * rho * (2.d0 + 3.d0 * initial_k * rho**2) + &
+ sqrt(local_k**3 * (32.d0 + 81.d0 * local_k * rho**2 * &
+ (2.d0 + 3.d0 * initial_k * rho**2)**2))
+ Q = Q**(1.d0/3.d0)
+ rho = (2**(7.d0/3.d0) * local_k - 2**(2.d0/3.d0) * Q**2) / &
+ (6.d0 * local_k * Q)
+ else
+ call CCTK_WARN(0, "EoSChangeK only knows how to do Gamma=2 or 3!")
+ end if
+ press = local_k * rho**local_gamma
+ eps = (local_gamma - 1.d0) * local_k * rho**local_gamma
+ call Primitive2ConservativePolyCells(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+end subroutine GRHydro_EoSChangeK
+ /*@@
+ @routine GRHydro_EoSChangeGammaK_Shibata
+ @date Jan. 2005
+ @author Christian D. Ott
+ @desc
+ Reset the hydro variables when K and Gamma are changed.
+ This is according to Shibata in astro-ph/0412243 (PRD71 024014) in
+ which he switches K and Gamma after initial data setup,
+ but keeps the internal energy constant.
+ Note: this works only with one refinement level
+ @enddesc
+ @calls
+ @calledby
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+subroutine GRHydro_EoSChangeGammaK_Shibata(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+ USE EOS_Polytrope_Scalars
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_INT :: i, j, k
+ CCTK_REAL :: det
+ CCTK_REAL :: local_Gamma, local_k, eos_k_initial_cgs
+ CCTK_REAL, dimension(cctk_lsh(1),cctk_lsh(2),cctk_lsh(3)) :: Q
+ character(len=100) infoline
+#include "EOS_Base.inc"
+!!$ Set up the fluid constants
+ call CCTK_INFO("Pulling the rug...by changing K and Gamma")
+ local_Gamma = 1.d0 + EOS_Pressure(GRHydro_polytrope_handle, 1.d0, 1.d0) / &
+ EOS_SpecificIntEnergy(GRHydro_polytrope_handle, 1.d0, 1.d0)
+ local_K = EOS_Pressure(GRHydro_polytrope_handle, 1.d0, 1.d0)
+ eos_k_initial_cgs = initial_k * rho_geom_factor**initial_Gamma / p_geom_factor
+ press = (local_Gamma - 1.d0) / (initial_Gamma - 1.0d0 ) * p_geom_factor * eos_k_initial_cgs * &
+ (rho * rho_geom_factor_inv) ** initial_Gamma
+ eps = p_geom_factor * eos_k_initial_cgs * &
+ (rho * rho_geom_factor_inv) ** initial_Gamma / &
+ (rho * (initial_Gamma - 1.0d0))
+ do k = 1, cctk_lsh(3)
+ do j = 1, cctk_lsh(2)
+ do i = 1, cctk_lsh(1)
+ call SpatialDeterminant(gxx(i,j,k),gxy(i,j,k),gxz(i,j,k),&
+ gyy(i,j,k),gyz(i,j,k),gzz(i,j,k),det)
+ call prim2con(GRHydro_eos_handle,gxx(i,j,k),gxy(i,j,k),&
+ gxz(i,j,k),gyy(i,j,k),gyz(i,j,k),gzz(i,j,k),&
+ det, dens(i,j,k),sx(i,j,k),sy(i,j,k),sz(i,j,k),&
+ tau(i,j,k),rho(i,j,k),velx(i,j,k),vely(i,j,k),velz(i,j,k),&
+ eps(i,j,k),press(i,j,k),w_lorentz(i,j,k))
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+end subroutine GRHydro_EoSChangeGammaK_Shibata