path: root/src
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authorrhaas <rhaas@c83d129a-5a75-4d5a-9c4d-ed3a5855bf45>2013-03-06 00:13:29 +0000
committerrhaas <rhaas@c83d129a-5a75-4d5a-9c4d-ed3a5855bf45>2013-03-06 00:13:29 +0000
commit2416d73f4209635f4cbf7849566268f6e73e3abf (patch)
tree0145d87a4710fd66de870e9807346b2a119deb21 /src
parent04b230f0831053faf2f6a1e798613f39ea378a37 (diff)
GRHydro: Added MP5 reconstruction method. Tested with TOV and shocktube.
From: Christian Reisswig <reisswig@scriwalker.(none)> git-svn-id: http://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/cactus/EinsteinEvolve/GRHydro/trunk@487 c83d129a-5a75-4d5a-9c4d-ed3a5855bf45
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 721 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct.F90 b/src/GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be42731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ /*@@
+ @file GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct.F90
+ @date Fri Jan 3 2013
+ @author Ian Hawke, Christian Reisswig
+ @desc
+ Routines to set up the coefficient array and to perform one dimensional
+ M5 reconstruction of arbitrary order.
+ @enddesc
+ @@*/
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+ /*@@
+ @routine GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d
+ @date Fri Jan 3 2013
+ @author Christian Reisswig
+ @desc
+ Perform a one dimensional reconstruction of a given array using M5.
+ @enddesc
+ @calls
+ @calledby
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+#define SpaceMask_CheckStateBitsF90_1D(mask,i,type_bits,state_bits) \
+ (iand(mask((i)),(type_bits)).eq.(state_bits))
+subroutine GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(nx, v, vminus, vplus, trivial_rp, &
+ hydro_excision_mask)
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_INT :: nx, i, j, k, r
+ CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: v, vplus, vminus
+ CCTK_INT, dimension(nx) :: hydro_excision_mask
+ logical, dimension(nx) :: trivial_rp
+ logical, dimension(nx) :: excise
+ logical :: normal_m5
+ CCTK_REAL :: vl, vmp, djm1, dj, djp1, dm4jph, dm4jmh, vul, vav, vmd, vlc, vmin, vmax
+ ! sign requires its arguments to be of identical KIND
+ CCTK_REAL, parameter :: one = 1d0
+ vminus = 0.d0
+ vplus = 0.d0
+ excise = .false.
+ trivial_rp = .false.
+!!$ Initialize excision
+ do i = 1, nx
+ if (GRHydro_enable_internal_excision /= 0 .and. (hydro_excision_mask(i) .ne. 0)) then
+ trivial_rp(i) = .true.
+ excise(i) = .true.
+ if (i > 1) then
+ trivial_rp(i-1) = .true.
+ end if
+ end if
+ end do
+ do i = 3, nx-2
+!!$ Handle excision
+ normal_m5 = .true.
+ if (i < nx) then
+ if (excise(i+1)) then
+ vminus(i) = v(i)
+ vplus(i) = v(i)
+ normal_m5 = .false.
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (i > 1) then
+ if (excise(i-1)) then
+ vminus(i) = v(i)
+ vplus(i) = v(i)
+ normal_m5 = .false.
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (normal_m5) then
+#define MINMOD(x,y) \
+ 0.5d0*(sign(one,x) + sign(one,y)) * min(abs(x), abs(y))
+#define MINMOD4(w,x,y,z) \
+ 0.125d0*( sign(one,w)+sign(one,x) )*abs( (sign(one,w)+sign(one,y)) * (sign(one,w)+sign(one,z)) )*min(abs(w), abs(x), abs(y), abs(z))
+#define MP5(am2, am1, a, ap1, ap2, arecon) \
+ vl = (2.0d0*am2 - 13.0d0*am1 + 47.0d0*a + 27.0d0*ap1 - 3.0d0*ap2)/60.0d0 &&\
+ vmp = a + MINMOD( ap1-a, mp5_alpha*(a-am1) ) &&\
+ if ((vl-a)*(vl-vmp) .le. mp5_eps) then &&\
+ arecon = vl &&\
+ else &&\
+ djm1 = am2 -2.0d0*am1 + a &&\
+ dj = am1 -2.0d0*a + ap1 &&\
+ djp1 = a -2.d0*ap1 + ap2 &&\
+ dm4jph = MINMOD4(4.0d0*dj-djp1, 4.0d0*djp1-dj, dj, djp1) &&\
+ dm4jmh = MINMOD4(4.0d0*dj-djm1, 4.0d0*djm1-dj, dj, djm1) &&\
+ vul = a + mp5_alpha*(a-am1) &&\
+ vav = 0.5d0*(a+ap1) &&\
+ vmd = vav - 0.5d0*dm4jph &&\
+ vlc = a + 0.5d0*(a-am1) + 4.0d0/3.0d0*dm4jmh &&\
+ vmin = max(min(a,ap1,vmd), min(a,vul,vlc)) &&\
+ vmax = min(max(a,ap1,vmd), max(a,vul,vlc)) &&\
+ arecon = vl + MINMOD(vmin-vl, vmax-vl) &&\
+ endif
+ MP5(v(i-2), v(i-1), v(i), v(i+1), v(i+2), vplus(i))
+ MP5(v(i+2), v(i+1), v(i), v(i-1), v(i-2), vminus(i))
+ end if
+ end do
+ do i = 1, nx
+ if (excise(i)) then
+ if (i > 1) then
+ if (.not. excise(i-1)) then
+ vminus(i) = vplus(i-1)
+ end if
+ end if
+ vplus(i) = vminus(i)
+ end if
+ end do
+ do i = nx, 1, -1
+ if (excise(i)) then
+ if (i < nx) then
+ if (.not. excise(i+1)) then
+ vplus(i) = vminus(i+1)
+ end if
+ end if
+ vminus(i) = vplus(i)
+ end if
+ end do
+end subroutine GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d
diff --git a/src/GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct_drv.F90 b/src/GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct_drv.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc839c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct_drv.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+ /*@@
+ @file GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct_drv.F90
+ @date Fri Jan 3 2013
+ @author Christian Reisswig, Bruno C. Mundim, Joshua Faber, Christian D. Ott
+ @desc
+ Driver routine to perform the MP5 reconstruction.
+ @enddesc
+ @@*/
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_Functions.h"
+#include "SpaceMask.h"
+#define velx(i,j,k) vup(i,j,k,1)
+#define vely(i,j,k) vup(i,j,k,2)
+#define velz(i,j,k) vup(i,j,k,3)
+#define sx(i,j,k) scon(i,j,k,1)
+#define sy(i,j,k) scon(i,j,k,2)
+#define sz(i,j,k) scon(i,j,k,3)
+#define Bvecx(i,j,k) Bprim(i,j,k,1)
+#define Bvecy(i,j,k) Bprim(i,j,k,2)
+#define Bvecz(i,j,k) Bprim(i,j,k,3)
+#define Bconsx(i,j,k) Bcons(i,j,k,1)
+#define Bconsy(i,j,k) Bcons(i,j,k,2)
+#define Bconsz(i,j,k) Bcons(i,j,k,3)
+ /*@@
+ @routine GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct_drv
+ @date Fri Jan 3 2013
+ @author Christian Reisswig, Luca Baiotti, Ian Hawke, Bruno C. Mundim, Joshua Faber, Christian D. Ott
+ @desc
+ A driver routine to do MP5 reconstruction.
+ @enddesc
+ @calls
+ @calledby
+ @history
+ @endhistory
+subroutine GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct_drv(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+ implicit none
+ ! save memory when MP is not used
+ ! TARGET as to be before DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS for gcc 4.1
+ TARGET gaa, gab, gac, gbb, gbc, gcc
+ TARGET gxx, gxy, gxz, gyy, gyz, gzz
+ TARGET vel, lvel
+ TARGET Bvec, lBvec
+ integer :: nx, ny, nz, i, j, k, itracer
+ logical, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: trivial_rp
+ CCTK_INT :: type_bitsx, trivialx, not_trivialx, &
+ &type_bitsy, trivialy, not_trivialy, &
+ &type_bitsz, trivialz, not_trivialz
+ CCTK_REAL, dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: &
+ &dum, dump, dumm
+ CCTK_INT :: ierr
+ ! save memory when MP is not used
+ CCTK_INT :: GRHydro_UseGeneralCoordinates
+ CCTK_REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: g11, g12, g13, g22, g23, g33
+ CCTK_REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), POINTER :: vup, Bprim
+ if (GRHydro_UseGeneralCoordinates(cctkGH).ne.0) then
+ g11 => gaa
+ g12 => gab
+ g13 => gac
+ g22 => gbb
+ g23 => gbc
+ g33 => gcc
+ vup => lvel
+ Bprim => lBvec
+ else
+ g11 => gxx
+ g12 => gxy
+ g13 => gxz
+ g22 => gyy
+ g23 => gyz
+ g33 => gzz
+ vup => vel
+ Bprim => Bvec
+ end if
+ allocate(trivial_rp(cctk_lsh(1),cctk_lsh(2),cctk_lsh(3)),STAT=ierr)
+ if (ierr .ne. 0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN(0, "Allocation problems with trivial_rp")
+ end if
+!!$ The dum variables are used as dummies if MHD on but divergence cleaning off
+ allocate(dum(cctk_lsh(1),cctk_lsh(2),cctk_lsh(3)),&
+ dump(cctk_lsh(1),cctk_lsh(2),cctk_lsh(3)),&
+ dumm(cctk_lsh(1),cctk_lsh(2),cctk_lsh(3)),STAT=ierr)
+ if (ierr .ne. 0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN(0, "Allocation problems with dum dump dumm")
+ end if
+ call SpaceMask_GetTypeBits(type_bitsx, "Hydro_RiemannProblemX")
+ call SpaceMask_GetStateBits(trivialx, "Hydro_RiemannProblemX", &
+ &"trivial")
+ call SpaceMask_GetStateBits(not_trivialx, "Hydro_RiemannProblemX", &
+ &"not_trivial")
+ call SpaceMask_GetTypeBits(type_bitsy, "Hydro_RiemannProblemY")
+ call SpaceMask_GetStateBits(trivialy, "Hydro_RiemannProblemY", &
+ &"trivial")
+ call SpaceMask_GetStateBits(not_trivialy, "Hydro_RiemannProblemY", &
+ &"not_trivial")
+ call SpaceMask_GetTypeBits(type_bitsz, "Hydro_RiemannProblemZ")
+ call SpaceMask_GetStateBits(trivialz, "Hydro_RiemannProblemZ", &
+ &"trivial")
+ call SpaceMask_GetStateBits(not_trivialz, "Hydro_RiemannProblemZ", &
+ &"not_trivial")
+ nx = cctk_lsh(1)
+ ny = cctk_lsh(2)
+ nz = cctk_lsh(3)
+!!$ Initialize variables that store reconstructed quantities:
+ do k=1,cctk_lsh(3)
+ do j=1,cctk_lsh(2)
+ do i=1,cctk_lsh(1)
+ trivial_rp(i,j,k) = .false.
+ rhoplus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ rhominus(i,j,k)= 0.0d0
+ epsplus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ epsminus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ velxplus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ velxminus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ velyplus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ velyminus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ velzplus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ velzminus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ if(evolve_mhd.ne.0) then
+ Bvecxplus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ Bvecxminus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ Bvecyplus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ Bvecyminus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ Bveczplus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ Bveczminus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ if(clean_divergence.ne.0) then
+ psidcplus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ psidcminus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ endif
+ endif
+ if (evolve_entropy .ne. 0) then
+ entropyplus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ entropyminus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ endif
+ if (evolve_tracer .ne. 0) then
+ tracerplus(i,j,k,:) = 0.0d0
+ tracerminus(i,j,k,:) = 0.0d0
+ endif
+ if (evolve_Y_e .ne. 0) then
+ Y_e_plus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ Y_e_minus(i,j,k) = 0.0d0
+ endif
+ if (evolve_temper .ne. 0) then
+ ! set this to cell center value to have
+ ! good initial guesses at interfaces
+ ! in case we don't reconstruct temp
+ tempplus(i,j,k) = temperature(i,j,k)
+ tempminus(i,j,k) = temperature(i,j,k)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+!!$ MP5 starts:
+ if (evolve_tracer .ne. 0) then
+ do itracer=1,number_of_tracers
+ call tvdreconstruct(nx, ny, nz, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, &
+ tracer(:,:,:,itracer), tracerplus(:,:,:,itracer), &
+ tracerminus(:,:,:,itracer), trivial_rp, &
+ hydro_excision_mask)
+ enddo
+ end if
+ if (flux_direction == 1) then
+ ! constraint transport needs to be able to average fluxes in the directions
+ ! other that flux_direction, which in turn need the primitives on interfaces
+ do k = GRHydro_stencil, cctk_lsh(3) - GRHydro_stencil + 1 + transport_constraints
+ do j = GRHydro_stencil, cctk_lsh(2) - GRHydro_stencil + 1 + transport_constraints
+ if (CCTK_EQUALS(recon_vars,"primitive")) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ rho(:,j,k),rhominus(:,j,k),rhoplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ if (reconstruct_Wv.eq.0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ velx(:,j,k),velxminus(:,j,k),velxplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ vely(:,j,k),velyminus(:,j,k),velyplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ velz(:,j,k),velzminus(:,j,k),velzplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ else
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ w_lorentz(:,j,k)*velx(:,j,k),velxminus(:,j,k),velxplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ w_lorentz(:,j,k)*vely(:,j,k),velyminus(:,j,k),velyplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ w_lorentz(:,j,k)*velz(:,j,k),velzminus(:,j,k),velzplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ call undo_Wv(nx, velxminus(:,j,k), velyminus(:,j,k), velzminus(:,j,k),&
+ velxplus(:,j,k),velyplus(:,j,k),velzplus(:,j,k),&
+ g11(:,j,k),g12(:,j,k),g13(:,j,k),g22(:,j,k),g23(:,j,k),g33(:,j,k))
+ endif
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ eps(:,j,k),epsminus(:,j,k),epsplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ if(evolve_Y_e.ne.0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ Y_e(:,j,k),Y_e_minus(:,j,k),Y_e_plus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ endif
+ if(evolve_temper.ne.0.and.reconstruct_temper.ne.0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ temperature(:,j,k),tempminus(:,j,k),tempplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ endif
+ if(evolve_mhd.ne.0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ Bvecx(:,j,k),Bvecxminus(:,j,k),Bvecxplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ Bvecy(:,j,k),Bvecyminus(:,j,k),Bvecyplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ Bvecz(:,j,k),Bveczminus(:,j,k),Bveczplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ endif
+ if (evolve_entropy .ne. 0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ entropy(:,j,k),entropyminus(:,j,k),entropyplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ endif
+ else if (CCTK_EQUALS(recon_vars,"conservative")) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ dens(:,j,k),densminus(:,j,k),densplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ sx(:,j,k),sxminus(:,j,k),sxplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ sy(:,j,k),syminus(:,j,k),syplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ sz(:,j,k),szminus(:,j,k),szplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ tau(:,j,k),tauminus(:,j,k),tauplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ if(evolve_mhd.ne.0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ Bconsx(:,j,k),Bconsxminus(:,j,k),Bconsxplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ Bconsy(:,j,k),Bconsyminus(:,j,k),Bconsyplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ Bconsz(:,j,k),Bconszminus(:,j,k),Bconszplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ endif
+ if (evolve_entropy .ne. 0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ entropycons(:,j,k),entropyconsminus(:,j,k),entropyconsplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ endif
+ else
+ call CCTK_WARN(0, "Variable type to reconstruct not recognized.")
+ end if
+ if(evolve_mhd.ne.0.and.clean_divergence.ne.0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(1),&
+ psidc(:,j,k),psidcminus(:,j,k),psidcplus(:,j,k),&
+ trivial_rp(:,j,k), hydro_excision_mask(:,j,k))
+ endif
+ do i = 1, cctk_lsh(1)
+ if (trivial_rp(i,j,k)) then
+ SpaceMask_SetStateBitsF90(space_mask, i, j, k, type_bitsx, trivialx)
+ else
+ SpaceMask_SetStateBitsF90(space_mask, i, j, k, type_bitsx, not_trivialx)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ else if (flux_direction == 2) then
+ ! constraint transport needs to be able to average fluxes in the directions
+ ! other that flux_direction, which in turn need the primitives on interfaces
+ do k = GRHydro_stencil, cctk_lsh(3) - GRHydro_stencil + 1 + transport_constraints
+ do j = GRHydro_stencil, cctk_lsh(1) - GRHydro_stencil + 1 + transport_constraints
+ if (CCTK_EQUALS(recon_vars,"primitive")) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ rho(j,:,k),rhominus(j,:,k),rhoplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ if (reconstruct_Wv.eq.0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ velx(j,:,k),velxminus(j,:,k),velxplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ vely(j,:,k),velyminus(j,:,k),velyplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ velz(j,:,k),velzminus(j,:,k),velzplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ else
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ w_lorentz(j,:,k)*velx(j,:,k),velxminus(j,:,k),velxplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ w_lorentz(j,:,k)*vely(j,:,k),velyminus(j,:,k),velyplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ w_lorentz(j,:,k)*velz(j,:,k),velzminus(j,:,k),velzplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ call undo_Wv(ny, velyminus(j,:,k), velzminus(j,:,k), velxminus(j,:,k),&
+ velyplus(j,:,k),velzplus(j,:,k),velxplus(j,:,k),&
+ g22(j,:,k), g23(j,:,k), g12(j,:,k), g33(j,:,k), g13(j,:,k), g11(j,:,k))
+ endif
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ eps(j,:,k),epsminus(j,:,k),epsplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ if(evolve_Y_e.ne.0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ Y_e(j,:,k),Y_e_minus(j,:,k),Y_e_plus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ endif
+ if(evolve_temper.ne.0.and.reconstruct_temper.ne.0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ temperature(j,:,k),tempminus(j,:,k),tempplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ endif
+ if(evolve_mhd.ne.0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ Bvecx(j,:,k),Bvecxminus(j,:,k),Bvecxplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ Bvecy(j,:,k),Bvecyminus(j,:,k),Bvecyplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ Bvecz(j,:,k),Bveczminus(j,:,k),Bveczplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ endif
+ if (evolve_entropy .ne. 0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ entropy(j,:,k),entropyminus(j,:,k),entropyplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ endif
+ else if (CCTK_EQUALS(recon_vars,"conservative")) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ dens(j,:,k),densminus(j,:,k),densplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ sx(j,:,k),sxminus(j,:,k),sxplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ sy(j,:,k),syminus(j,:,k),syplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ sz(j,:,k),szminus(j,:,k),szplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ tau(j,:,k),tauminus(j,:,k),tauplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ if(evolve_mhd.ne.0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ Bconsx(j,:,k),Bconsxminus(j,:,k),Bconsxplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ Bconsy(j,:,k),Bconsyminus(j,:,k),Bconsyplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ Bconsz(j,:,k),Bconszminus(j,:,k),Bconszplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ endif
+ if (evolve_entropy .ne. 0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ entropycons(j,:,k),entropyconsminus(j,:,k),entropyconsplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ endif
+ else
+ call CCTK_WARN(0, "Variable type to reconstruct not recognized.")
+ end if
+ if(evolve_mhd.ne.0.and.clean_divergence.ne.0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ psidc(j,:,k),psidcminus(j,:,k),psidcplus(j,:,k),&
+ trivial_rp(j,:,k), hydro_excision_mask(j,:,k))
+ endif
+ do i = 1, cctk_lsh(2)
+ if (trivial_rp(j,i,k)) then
+ SpaceMask_SetStateBitsF90(space_mask, j, i, k, type_bitsy, trivialy)
+ else
+ SpaceMask_SetStateBitsF90(space_mask, j, i, k, type_bitsy, not_trivialy)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ else if (flux_direction == 3) then
+ ! constraint transport needs to be able to average fluxes in the directions
+ ! other that flux_direction, which in turn need the primitives on interfaces
+ do k = GRHydro_stencil, cctk_lsh(2) - GRHydro_stencil + 1 + transport_constraints
+ do j = GRHydro_stencil, cctk_lsh(1) - GRHydro_stencil + 1 + transport_constraints
+ if (CCTK_EQUALS(recon_vars,"primitive")) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ rho(j,k,:),rhominus(j,k,:),rhoplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ if (reconstruct_Wv.eq.0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ velx(j,k,:),velxminus(j,k,:),velxplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ vely(j,k,:),velyminus(j,k,:),velyplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ velz(j,k,:),velzminus(j,k,:),velzplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ else
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ w_lorentz(j,k,:)*velx(j,k,:),velxminus(j,k,:),velxplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ w_lorentz(j,k,:)*vely(j,k,:),velyminus(j,k,:),velyplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ w_lorentz(j,k,:)*velz(j,k,:),velzminus(j,k,:),velzplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ call undo_Wv(nz, velzminus(j,k,:), velxminus(j,k,:), velyminus(j,k,:),&
+ velzplus(j,k,:),velxplus(j,k,:),velyplus(j,k,:),&
+ g33(j,k,:), g13(j,k,:), g23(j,k,:), g11(j,k,:), g12(j,k,:),g22(j,k,:))
+ endif
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ eps(j,k,:),epsminus(j,k,:),epsplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ if(evolve_Y_e.ne.0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ Y_e(j,k,:),Y_e_minus(j,k,:),Y_e_plus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ endif
+ if(evolve_temper.ne.0.and.reconstruct_temper.ne.0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ temperature(j,k,:),tempminus(j,k,:),tempplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ endif
+ if(evolve_mhd.ne.0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ Bvecx(j,k,:),Bvecxminus(j,k,:),Bvecxplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ Bvecy(j,k,:),Bvecyminus(j,k,:),Bvecyplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ Bvecz(j,k,:),Bveczminus(j,k,:),Bveczplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ endif
+ if (evolve_entropy .ne. 0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(2),&
+ entropy(j,k,:),entropyminus(j,k,:),entropyplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ endif
+ else if (CCTK_EQUALS(recon_vars,"conservative")) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ dens(j,k,:),densminus(j,k,:),densplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ sx(j,k,:),sxminus(j,k,:),sxplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ sy(j,k,:),syminus(j,k,:),syplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ sz(j,k,:),szminus(j,k,:),szplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ tau(j,k,:),tauminus(j,k,:),tauplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ if(evolve_mhd.ne.0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ Bconsx(j,k,:),Bconsxminus(j,k,:),Bconsxplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ Bconsy(j,k,:),Bconsyminus(j,k,:),Bconsyplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ Bconsz(j,k,:),Bconszminus(j,k,:),Bconszplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ endif
+ if (evolve_entropy .ne. 0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ entropycons(j,k,:),entropyconsminus(j,k,:),entropyconsplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ endif
+ else
+ call CCTK_WARN(0, "Variable type to reconstruct not recognized.")
+ end if
+ if(evolve_mhd.ne.0.and.clean_divergence.ne.0) then
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct1d(cctk_lsh(3),&
+ psidc(j,k,:),psidcminus(j,k,:),psidcplus(j,k,:),&
+ trivial_rp(j,k,:), hydro_excision_mask(j,k,:))
+ endif
+ do i = 1, cctk_lsh(3)
+ if (trivial_rp(j,k,i)) then
+ SpaceMask_SetStateBitsF90(space_mask, j, k, i, type_bitsz, trivialz)
+ else
+ SpaceMask_SetStateBitsF90(space_mask, j, k, i, type_bitsz, not_trivialz)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ else
+ call CCTK_WARN(0, "Flux direction not x,y,z")
+ end if
+!!$ MP5 ends.
+ deallocate(trivial_rp)
+ deallocate(dum,dump,dumm)
+end subroutine GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct_drv
diff --git a/src/GRHydro_Reconstruct.F90 b/src/GRHydro_Reconstruct.F90
index 6c59629..04290ab 100644
--- a/src/GRHydro_Reconstruct.F90
+++ b/src/GRHydro_Reconstruct.F90
@@ -94,6 +94,10 @@ subroutine Reconstruction(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
! this handles MHD and non-MHD
call GRHydro_WENOReconstruct_drv(CCTK_PASS_FTOF)
+ else if (CCTK_EQUALS(recon_method,"mp5")) then
+ ! this handles MHD and non-MHD
+ call GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct_drv(CCTK_PASS_FTOF)
call CCTK_WARN(0, "Reconstruction method not recognized!")
diff --git a/src/make.code.defn b/src/make.code.defn
index 7244b0d..e4bd737 100644
--- a/src/make.code.defn
+++ b/src/make.code.defn
@@ -69,11 +69,15 @@ SRCS = Utils.F90 \
+ GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct_drv.F90\
- GRHydro_WENOScalars.F90
+ GRHydro_WENOScalars.F90 \
+ GRHydro_MP5Reconstruct.F90
# Subdirectories containing source files