path: root/src/AMRPlus/flexarrays.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/AMRPlus/flexarrays.h')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/AMRPlus/flexarrays.h b/src/AMRPlus/flexarrays.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e713e98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AMRPlus/flexarrays.h
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+#ifndef ARRAYS_HDR
+#define ARRAYS_HDR
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+//For Shared Objects:
+//#include "SafeList.h"
+//#define TAG :public shObj
+//#define GetMem CAVEMalloc
+//#define FreeMem CAVEFree
+//For Non-shared Objects:
+#define TAG
+/* An flexarray is a dynamic flexarray of objecs. No upper limit,
+ * the ability to add and remove objects on the fly, etc.
+ *
+ * Rundown of routines:
+ * Constructor - initializes an empty flexarray with increment 10
+ * Destructor - Deletes the flexarray. Does NOT delete objects in the flexarray
+ * copy constructor/ = :deep copy (override X::operator= if you need
+ * deep copies of the elements)
+ *
+ * Information:
+ * int getLength()/getSize() - returns #objects
+ * int getActualSize() - returns #slots allocated
+ * int getIncrement() - returns #slots allocated at a time
+ * int empty() - true if no elts
+ *
+ * Access:
+ * X& [idx] - return indexed reference, unsafe
+ * X* getData(idx) - Ptr to indexed elt.
+ * X* getDataConst - same as above, but everything is const qualified
+ *
+ * Manip:
+ * setIncrement(int) -
+ * clear() - empties the array
+ * fill(X&, N) - sets the array to N copies of the X
+ * setData(X&, idx) - change entry at index
+ * insertElement(X&, idx) - insert element BEFORE index
+ * (if index=-1, append element);
+ * append(X&) - duh.
+ * InsertElements(start, X*, N) - insert #elements before
+ * start... read values from X*.
+ * removeElements(start, N) - remove N elements starting with start
+ */
+template <class X>
+class flexarray TAG {
+ int Length, Size, Increment;
+ X* data;
+ public:
+ flexarray(){Length=Size=0; Increment=10;data=NULL;}
+ flexarray(const flexarray<X> &src){
+ Length=src.Length;Size=src.Size;Increment=src.Increment;
+ if (Size==0) data=NULL;
+ else {
+ data=getNewArray(Size);
+ memcpy(this->data, src.data, this->Length*sizeof(X));
+ }
+ }
+ ~flexarray(){if (data) delete[] data;}
+ flexarray<X> &operator=(const flexarray<X> &src){
+ if (data!=NULL) delete[] data;
+ Length=src.Length;Size=src.Size;Increment=src.Increment;
+ if (Size==0) data=NULL;
+ else {
+ data=getNewArray(Size);
+ memcpy(this->data, src.data, this->Length*sizeof(X));
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ int getActualSize() const{return Size;}
+ int getSize() const{return Length;}
+ int getLength() const{return Length;}
+ int getIncrement() const{return Increment;}
+ int empty() const{return (Size==0);}
+ const X & operator()(int idx) const{return data[idx];}
+ X & operator[](int idx) const{return data[idx];}
+ X* getData(int idx)const{
+ if (idx==-1) idx=Length-1;
+ if (idx>=0 && idx<Length)
+ return data+idx;
+ else return NULL;
+ }
+ X* getDataConst(int idx) const{
+ if (idx==-1) idx=Length-1;
+ if (idx>=0 && idx<Length)
+ return data+idx;
+ else return NULL;
+ }
+ void setIncrement(int ninc){Increment=ninc;}
+ void clear(){Length=Size=0; if(data) delete[] data;data=NULL;}
+ void fill(const X &elt, int howmany){
+ clear();
+ Length=howmany;
+ Size=Increment * ((Length+howmany)/Increment +1);
+ data=getNewArray(Size);
+ for (int ii=0;ii<howmany;ii++)
+ data[ii]=elt;
+ }
+ void setData(int idx, const X &ndata){
+ if (idx>=0 && idx<Length)
+ data[idx]=ndata;
+ }
+ void insertElement( const X &elt, int atidx=-1){
+ insertElements(atidx, &elt, 1);
+ }
+ void append( const X &elt){
+ insertElements(-1, &elt, 1);
+ }
+ void insertElements(int startidx, const X* elts, int howmany){
+ if (howmany<=0) return;
+ if (startidx<-1 || startidx>Length) return;
+ if (startidx==-1) startidx=Length;
+ if (this->data==NULL) data=getNewArray(Increment);
+ if (Size<Length+howmany){
+ Size=Increment * ((Length+howmany)/Increment +1);
+ X* tflexarray=getNewArray(Size);
+ if (startidx>0)
+ memcpy(tflexarray, data, startidx*sizeof(X));
+ if (startidx<Length)
+ memcpy(tflexarray+startidx+howmany, data+startidx, \
+ ((Length-startidx)*sizeof(X)));
+ delete[] data;
+ data=tflexarray;
+ }
+ else
+ if (startidx<Length)
+ memcpy(data+startidx+howmany, data+startidx, \
+ (Length-startidx)*sizeof(X));
+ memcpy(data+startidx, elts, howmany*sizeof(X));
+ Length+=howmany;
+ }
+ void removeElements(int startidx, int howmany){
+ if (howmany<=0 || startidx<-1 || startidx>=Length) return;
+ if (startidx==-1) startidx=Length-1;
+ if (startidx+howmany>=Length) howmany=Length-startidx;
+ memcpy(data+startidx, data+startidx+howmany,
+ (Length-(startidx+howmany))*sizeof(X));
+ Length-=howmany;
+ }
+ private:
+ X* getNewArray(int newSize){
+ return new X [newSize];
+ }
+ void resizeArray(int startidx, int numelts){
+ int NSize=Length+numelts;
+ if (NSize>Size){
+ Size=Increment * (NSize/Increment +1);
+ X* tflexarray=getNewArray(Size);
+ if (startidx>0)
+ memcpy(tflexarray, data, startidx*sizeof(X));
+ if (startidx<Length)
+ memcpy(tflexarray+startidx+numelts, data+startidx, \
+ ((Length-startidx)*sizeof(X)));
+ delete[] data;
+ data=tflexarray;
+ }
+ }