path: root/src/sor_flat.F
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diff --git a/src/sor_flat.F b/src/sor_flat.F
deleted file mode 100644
index 904f66d..0000000
--- a/src/sor_flat.F
+++ /dev/null
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- /*@@
- @file sor.F
- @date Thu Mar 13 07:46:55 1997
- @author Joan Masso + Paul Walker
- @desc
- The SOR solver
- @enddesc
- @version $Header$
- @@*/
-#include "cctk.h"
-#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
-#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
-#include "EllBase.h"
- /*@@
- @routine sor
- @date Thu Apr 24 13:29:52 1997
- @author Joan Masso
- @desc
- This is a standalone sor solver which does all the MPI itself.
- It is a pretty good example of doing pugh-based communications
- @enddesc
- subroutine sor_flat_core3d(
- $ Mlinear_lsh,Mlinear,
- $ Nsource_lsh,Nsource,
- $ var,var_idx,
- $ abstol,reltol)
- implicit none
- integer ierr
- INTEGER Mlinear_lsh(3)
- CCTK_REAL Mlinear(Mlinear_lsh(1),Mlinear_lsh(2),Mlinear_lsh(3))
- INTEGER Nsource_lsh(3)
- CCTK_REAL Nsource(Nsource_lsh(1),Nsource_lsh(2),Nsource_lsh(3))
- CCTK_REAL var(cctk_lsh(1),cctk_lsh(2),cctk_lsh(3))
- INTEGER var_idx
- CCTK_REAL abstol(3),reltol(3)
- INTEGER toltype
- CCTK_REAL dx,dy,dz
-c Temporaries
- INTEGER sor_iteration
-c Numbers...
- CCTK_REAL two, four
-c Total residual
- CCTK_REAL resnorm, residual
-c Stencil
- CCTK_REAL a(-1:1,-1:1,-1:1)
-c Loopers
- INTEGER i,j,k
-c Acceleration factor
- CCTK_REAL omega, rjacobian
-c conformal test
- logical conformal
- logical octant
-c Loop bounds. Starts, Ends, and deltas (steps)
- INTEGER is, js, ks, ie, je, ke, di, dj, dk, kstep
-c Coeeficients for the solver: 19 point stencil...
- CCTK_REAL ac,ac_orig,aw,ae,an,as,at,ab
- CCTK_REAL ane,anw,ase,asw,ate,atw
- CCTK_REAL abe,abw,atn,ats,abn,asb
- CCTK_REAL finf
- CCTK_INT npow
- logical cheb, const, none, verb
- integer Mlinear_storage,Nsource_storage
- INTEGER sum_handle
-c stencil size
- INTEGER sw(3)
- ierr = ELL_SUCCESS
- tol = AbsTol(1)
-c Get the reduction handel for the sum operation
- call CCTK_ReductionArrayHandle(sum_handle,"sum");
- if (sum_handle.lt.0) then
- call CCTK_WARN(1,"Cannot get reduction handle.")
- endif
-c Set boundary related variables
- if (CCTK_EQUALS(sor_bound,"robin")) then
- sw(1)=1
- sw(2)=1
- sw(3)=1
- call Ell_GetRealKey(ierr, finf, "EllLinFlat::Bnd::Robin::inf")
- call Ell_GetIntKey (ierr, npow, "EllLinFlat::Bnd::Robin::falloff")
- end if
-c We have no storage for M/N if they are of size one in each direction
- if ((Mlinear_lsh(1).eq.1).and.(Mlinear_lsh(2).eq.1).and.(Mlinear_lsh(3).eq.1)) then
- Mlinear_storage=0
- else
- Mlinear_storage=1
- endif
- if ((Nsource_lsh(1).eq.1).and.(Nsource_lsh(2).eq.1).and.(Nsource_lsh(3).eq.1)) then
- Nsource_storage=0
- else
- Nsource_storage=1
- endif
-c Set up shorthand for the grid spacings
- dx=cctk_delta_space(1)
- dy=cctk_delta_space(2)
- dz=cctk_delta_space(3)
- verb = CCTK_Equals(elliptic_verbose,"yes").eq.1
- octant = CCTK_Equals(domain,"octant").eq.1
-c cheb = contains("sor_accel","cheb").ne.0
-c const = contains("sor_accel","const").ne.0
-c none = contains("sor_accel","none").ne.0
- verb = .true.
- cheb = .false.
- none = .false.
- const = .false.
- if (verb .and. cheb)
- $ print *,"Chebyshev Acceleration with radius of 1"
- if (verb .and. const)
- $ print *,"SOR with omega = 1.8"
- if (verb .and. none)
- $ print *,"Un-accelearted relaxation (omega = 1)"
- two = 2.0D0
- four = 4.0D0
- resnorm = 0
- ae = 1.0d0/dx**2.
- aw = 1.0d0/dx**2.
- an = 1.0d0/dy**2.
- as = 1.0d0/dy**2.
- at = 1.0d0/dz**2.
- ab = 1.0d0/dz**2.
- ac_orig = -2.0d0/dx**2. - 2.0d0/dy**2. - 2.0d0/dz**2.
- do sor_iteration=1,maxit
-c We do not know the spectral radius of the Jacobi iteration,
-c so we will take it to be one which empirically seems to be pretty good
- rjacobian = 1.0D0
-c Set up the omega factor
- omega = 1.0D0
- if (cheb) then
- do i=2,sor_iteration
- omega = 1.0D0/(1.0D0 - .25D0*rjacobian**2*omega)
- enddo
- endif
- if (const) then
- omega = 1.8
- endif
-c Total norm of the residual zero
- resnorm = 0.
-c Start loop with Red Black
- ks = mod(sor_iteration,2)+2
- if (cctk_lsh(3) .eq. 3) then
- ks = 2
- endif
- kstep = 2
- do k=ks,cctk_lsh(3)-1,kstep
- do j=2,cctk_lsh(2)-1
- do i=2,cctk_lsh(1)-1
- ac = ac_orig
- if (Mlinear_storage.eq.1) then
- ac = ac + Mlinear(i,j,k)
- endif
- residual = ac*var(i,j,k)
- & + ae*var(i+1,j,k) + aw*var(i-1,j,k)
- & + an*var(i,j+1,k) + as*var(i,j-1,k)
- & + at*var(i,j,k+1) + ab*var(i,j,k-1)
- if (Nsource_storage.eq.1) then
- residual = residual + Nsource(i,j,k)
- endif
-c Accumulate to the total Norm of the residual
- resnorm = resnorm + abs(residual)
-c Update
- var(i,j,k) = var(i,j,k) - omega*residual/ac
- end do
- end do
- end do
-c Reduce the norm
- call CCTK_ReduceLocalScalar(ierr, cctkGH, -1, sum_handle,
- $ resnorm, residual, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL)
- if (ierr.ne.0) then
- call CCTK_WARN(1,"Reduction of norm failed!");
- endif
- residual = residual / (cctk_gsh(1)*cctk_gsh(2)*cctk_gsh(3))
-c write (*,*) "Iteration/Norm",sor_iteration,residual
-c Synchronize the variables
- call CCTK_SyncGroupWithVarI(cctkGH, var_idx)
- if (residual .lt. tol) then
- goto 123
- endif
-c Apply boundary conditions
-c call Ell_GetStringKey(nchar, mybound,"EllLinFlat::Bnd")
- if (CCTK_EQUALS(sor_bound,"robin")) then
- call RobinBCVarI(ierr, cctkGH, finf, npow, sw, var_idx);
- if (ierr.ne.0) then
- call CCTK_WARN(1,"Could not apply Robin BC !")
- endif
- endif
-c Apply octant Symmetries
- call CartSymVI(ierr, cctkGH, var_idx)
- enddo
- call CCTK_INFO("SOR solver did not converge")
- 123 continue
- if (verb) write (*,*) "Iteration/Norm",sor_iteration,residual
- return
- end